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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Very hungry right now-need to go get some food. Oh well...later. Last night was CRAZY. I had to go to indoor track, and then my family volunteered at the local foodbank, and then I did some Adv Algebra 2 homework, and then I went to basketball, and then I came home and fixed my English paper, and then I took a shower, and then I went to bed around 1. Run on sentence, anyone? XD But I'm exhausted, and can't wait for the weekend. Today...we actually ran indoor in indoor track. We ran around the school, which was funny. We got in a whole bunch of trouble for interrupting a meeting the principal was having...oh well, he's kind of an evil principal; after all, he supports our stupid dress code.

    You know, high school is so confusing...Very confusing. And to think I still have junior and senior year left!

    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


    • Storm, you have just been thoroughly devoured by Poot. Although this is the Topic of Great Randomness... and I must say that your post is very random, here we try and avoid posting one liners, as it costs DD more money. Anyway, that being said, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here.

      hehe Disney. That reminds me, I now have a complete set of Disney's 'The Little Mermaid' Videos - all of the TV ep videos, and the movie. Ok, so I'm missing 'The little Mermaid II', but I don't like it anyway, so I'm not including it.


      • Busy freakin' week. First there was ice skating then i have this place then tuesday i went to an opera, then i had my friends over then i did something else. Sometimes i wish i could STOP!!

        time itself.
        Yes its just me. heheheh.


        • Firstly: Hey, Storm! I'm Mel!! Umm...hi, i guess. *shys away*

          Secondly: You went to an OPERA???!! Musical, I could see. But there aren't any operas around where I live...nosiree..

          Thirdly: Speaking of Operas, I was just getting back into a certain craze that swept the forums like 4 1/2 months ago (have I been on this site that long?!)

          My brother got sheet music for piano for a certain music... *me playing in the bkrd: DUHN!! DUHN DUHN DUHN DUHN DUHN!!!* *It sleep he sang to me/in dreams he came/that voice which calls to me/ and speaks my name/and do I dream again/for now I find/ the PHAAAAAAANTOM of the OPERA is ther *duhn duhn*/ in side my mind*

          weee!!! I can sort of play the Phantom of the Opera (slowly!!), and Angel of Music. Angel of Music is really fun to play and pretty. I can also play..Prima Donna (sorta), think of me (awfully pretty song), and Wishing you were somehow here again ( really pretty toooo)

          Ok, so it takes me like a 1/2-1 hour to play each of these....but I'm just reading through them...AND it changes key like 6 times. EACH SONG!!!

          *ties on black cape and swishes it around*

          haha, I was the Phantom of the Opera for Halloween. It was the bebut of my chopped of hair (10") and I had the mask, lace up books, a billowy shirt, a sword, the mask, jelled my bangs back, and could stand stock still scaring the crap outta people 'cause they thought I was a statue. That was FUNNY!!

          ok, I'm almost done my rant for all of you.

          Also: Well, to begin with, we've been working really hard this week because it was Catholic Schools Week, and we have to display all this stuff, so, ,the 8th graders thought up something: we deserve some rest. So, we're gonna have a half day schedule, except it won't be a half day. After lunch, we're gonna watch a movie!! We're (each class) is gonna make some stoff, sell it (for like a dollar) bring in a dollar for charity to watch the movie (the money we get from selling goes to charity also).

 get to the point, my friends are going to come over this weekend and we're gonna make Smunchies ( a quarter of a grahm cracker with peanutbutter, a slice of banana, more peanutbutter, and a nother 1/4 of a grahm cracker slightly frozen) and have a movie marathon: The Phantom of the Opera, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Kung Fu Hustle (funnyfunny), and mabye the Sound of Music (lurf it!!)

          Yay for the Phantom and friends and charity and cool 8th graders and SMUNCHIES!!


          woah. sorry for the weirdness that has just occured here. *puuls out a MIB memory eraser* You all like books. You did not hear anything that would weird you out, such as a "Smunchie Society". Oh damn, I did it again!
          just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


          • Mel: I LOVED playing Phantom of the Opera on the piano! It has such nice music, and...yeah. Just so catchy! Too bad my piano teacher has taken back her book with the songs in it.

            Oh yeah...MY NEW BASKETBALL SHOES ARE HERE! *goes crazy* They're so pretty! White and light blue...they're the same as my old shoes, except for the color. But I've had my old shoes since 2003, and they're sort of losing all traction and they smell like...feet. They're my only shoes that have ever smelled, and it's weird. I still can't believe my shoes are here!

            Tonight is my school's rock orchestra's big concert at a really big concert place downtown (if I said the name, you'd know where I live, so...yeah) and it's going to be so cool! We're all going to party and stuff, and dance in front of the stage and...yeah. VERY exciting, I love going to their concerts. I'm thinking of calling the guy I like and inviting him, since we now have an extra ticket...I don't know. Maybe not.

            Guess I need to either go find my cord for my laptop, or get off the computer, since I'm almost out of batteries...adios all! Have a good weekend!

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • It all starten on a gloomy day at the public library(today) and as I looked outside i saw it was a gloomy day.

              end of story

              Yup today was a very gloomy day, and the second day in my three day weekend.

              i'm at the public library, more bored than a barrel of elves and wishing for the excitement of a barrel of monkeys instead all i got is a barrel of elves and boredom.

              i can't wait for next wednsday NEW EPISODE OF MYTHBUSTERS!!!!! i can't wait.

              the moon was cool a few days ago it kinda looked like a curved blade, what with it's incredibly cool crescant shape and all.

              about halfway through this post i fell asleep! some kid accidentaly bumped my chair and i woke up.

              that was interesting i've never fallen asleep in a library before
              YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
              "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


              • Firstly:

                Go for it, Hungry! Cummon, here's your chance to have fun with a guy you like...that's a good thing you shouldn't pass up!!

                Secondly: My first experience with HS was not good. I took the SATs today. Fun, no?

                First, I went to my room, right? It was full of high-schoolers snickering at me. Not a good sign. Then the guy overseeing it said I needed Photo I.D. and to check with the office down 3 flights. I ran down, talked to them, andthey said I didn't need it cause I was in 7th grade.

                So I ran back up 3 flights and told the guy. Then, he was seating everyone and my name wasn't on the list. Crap.

                So he told me to run back down to the office and tell I did, down 3 flights of

                So I talked to the lady at the office, and she said I was on the wrong floor. I was supposed to be in N202, not N302. Figgers, rite?

                Then the rest is just having a total of 12 minutes of break in five hourse....but that's normal.

                But now I laugh at my day. I was sooo embarrased!! Ah, well...

                Now, I am for the first time, going to curl my hair. (okay, first time with short hair). An epic event!

                Yay for surprise birthday parties! They're fun!
                The girl whose birthday it is's house burned down like 2 months ago during one of our b-ball games. So I'm glad she'll have this. She's just such a great person, and deserves it.

                Man, I just hope I don't fall asleep!!
                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • Mwah. The concert was great, so much fun, and dancing in the mosh pit area (no, there wasn't drugs or anything in the mosh pit) I enjoyed it all greatly.

                  Mel: I went for it, but he was busy. He actually was going to a basketball game, and invited me to come with him, but...those tickets were $10, and I don't really have $10 to waste on a ticket that I wouldn't use, so I just went to the concert. But today, he showed up randomly at my basketball game-that has to mean something! I don't know what...but it has to mean something.

                  Ahem. Hungry's boycraziness is done for this post.

                  Was just at a party-not like a party party with dancing and stuff. I don't get invited to those, since I'm "socially inept." It was sort of a party where we all just got together, ate some food, and played Taboo and Apples to Apples for 5 hours. Great fun, we were laughing all through Apples to Apples, which we played for 4 hours straight. I have such a big stomach ache, since I went straight to the party from my basketball game (which we won, and I tackled some girl on the other team during...but that's a long story.)

                  I'm sorry about your SATs Mel. High schoolers can be jerks. (I should know, I'm surrounded by them ALL THE TIME, since I'm in high school, lol.) Good luck with your hair! I don't like hot things, since last year I closed a straightening iron on my ear (big ow.) Actually, I really don't care about my hair anymore. It always looks bad-typical jock/geek thing, I guess.

                  I want to go to sleep, but can't sleep because of my killer stomach ache, so...I'll go find something to do.

                  -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                  • I had fun! I went to my friend's house for the first time for a sleepover! One of my friends brought this giant thing of Starbursts - There were like 200 of them, and we ate every single one. Between four of us. *ick* I was wondering why I had a stomachache. But! But! I had an awesome time. I saw Peter Pan (again), for the second time in two weeks, and it was just as heart-wrenching.

                    Let's see... I had Friday off, but mom didn't so I stayed home all day and my brother bought me stuff online. I got a bunch of books, the High School Musical soundtrack, and Newsies. Now that I think back, I should've gotten the Newsies soundtrack instead of the movie, but oh well. Did you know that High School Musical and Newsies were choreographed by the same person? Kenny Ortega, who also directed HSM.

                    Yes, I have too much free time.

                    Back to the party. We went online and we read each others' fanfiction. One of my friends has an absolute obsession with the good Bakura. Another friend loves YGO in general, so we watched Duel Academy on Friday night, then Millenium World when I woke up (at 11:30 am). All in all, it was a spectacular time!

                    I'm entering an essay contest; Young Warriors. I'm supposed to describe how I'm a Young Warrior in 250 words or less. If I win, my essay will be put in the back of the paperback edition of the book Young Warriors, and my picture will be on front. Here's the site.
                    Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                    "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                    "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                    • Oh yeah, in my own world... music news:
                      Ok Go - Yahahaha, I completely discovered them by chance. My grandma was telling me about this thing she got free from comcast -- it was as good as iTunes with its library, music store, and mess of radios, only so much hotter. It was called Rhapsody, and it was god, but a little later I realized that all of my songs that I was playing were using up free plays. :P Annnyyywayyy, it had this Alternative Hits station that rocks socks, and at first, I was flipping through songs until I found something familiar, but then I kicked myself for it. The point is to discover new music! And that's when I heard this song called A Million Ways. It was... wooh. Hear it for yourself; I found the Ok Go website:
                      It comes with a dance. My bro and I burst out laughing watching that video. This is music that I'd recommend for Franz Ferdinand fans, and it's even pumped out by the same producer -- you can tell how it sounds similar, but in drastically different ways. I love.

                      So when my mom took me shoe shopping -- I'm not much of a shoe person, but just taking a look at my poor, pathetic, worn-down shoe-wannabes told me that I needed something -- I got a couple of pairs that I liked, and then I pleaded to go to Best Buy. Just to check out the prices on music, I added. Yeah, Borders is great for books and all, but they've got a terrible selection of music and it's over priced. The only thing I can give them is that they've got these little things where you just pop in a CD case, and you can listen to some of the tracks on it. Last time I was there, though, it had a hissy fit and wouldn't play Rammstein. So I had two bands in mind that I was looking for: The Killers and Ok Go. Turned out that they didn't have anything in stock by The Killers. In their place, however, was a CD titled, "Tribute to The Killers." Blech. Once I heard a "Tribute to Linkin Park" song doing In The End. Scarred for life. Certainly staying away from "Tribute to ___"s. When I found Ok Go's CD "Oh No" I had a spaz moment, and mom ended up getting it for me anyway. :P I found Rammstein CDs too, but I had no idea what to get by them, and I'll probably end up getting some from friends anyway.

                      And wow, the shuffle feature on my iPod? I swear it's AI. The next song in the lineup usually ends up fitting in perfectly 99%, even when jumping from Evanescence's My Immortal to some song by Foo Fighters.

                      I haven't been reading Togr at all lately, but I'll at least browse this page. Now's a time for an "everyone posts in togr" movement. All of the newbies come to chat and could go all their life without realizing there's a whole forum out there. Yeah, and the part about some of the n00bs taking their attention away from chat is a plus too.

                      I love karate. It's now my goal to keep at it until I'm amazing. I've got a few sly kicks to be proud of, my katas aren't looking too poor, and block/counter feels natural now, even if I can't get past the hesitation of punching anyone in kumite (actual fighting).

                      That tv show called Lost has gone all Christian on the viewers.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • long as Poot don't kill me:

                        Did you guys check out CafePress lately? That have Transcendant Pig Tees!!

                        I want one. Seriously.

                        Haha, well, atlesat there are new shirts. I think I shall ask for one for me b-day (I've still got a ways to go, tho)

                        (oy, that rhymed!!)

                        Well, off to my b-ball game now.

                        I'll write all about the party later....after advil.

                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • weird...
                          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                          • Searching for a particular quote by Charles F. Kettering--about 32 words long and it ends in the word "think." If you find this quote or happen to know it off the top of your head (yeah, right) please PM or e-mail me with both the quote and where you found it.
                            I lurk. It's what I do.
                            "Always put off until tomorrow what you can do today."


                            • *sniffle* I have a I loathe colds.

                              I've already given the break up sob story. *sigh* And the drama continues. So, basically, one of my friends gave the appearance of flirting with my ex before we broke up. So, yeah, I talked to other people about it. I was hurt, and I wanted to vent. Well, after we broke up, it continued. I said some things about her that I shouldn't have, but it's not like they were complete and total lies. Basically, what I said was that she was a flirt and she wanted attention. The attention thing came from a day where she wore all this pink junk for "yenta points". Long story there. But anyways, she started cussing at me (very little, but enough to get me a little upset) and telling me to stop spreading lies or it would "look bad for me". So, I apologized and said I would stop. But she didn't let the thing drop. She kept going on and saying how horrible I've been to her. I'm so used to her hating me though, it doesn't bother me. I'll get over it. The only thing is, I can't be her friend. She hasn't been a good friend to me. I mean, even if they weren't flirting, it was the appearance of it that hurt me. If she really cared about me, she would've stopped. Of course, I'm just trying to make myself feel better, so if you want to totally shoot my fancies down, go on ahead. She's done so many things to hurt me, and never once apologized. The only semblance of an apology has been "I'm pmsing."


                              I'm sorry about that. Meh, I really need to stop with the ranting about stuff. If I can't be more cheerful, ya'll are gonna think I'm some angry, messed up person without a happy bone in her body. I'm usually much more cheerful than this (and I definitely almost spelled "more" "moor"). This week hasn't been very happy for me.

                              At church though, I had a fairly good time except for the cold. I couldn't sing, which is depressing, and I kept sneezing and coughing, not fun at all. In class, we talked about what makes a leader and the qualities a great leader should have. Personally, I don't think I'd make a good leader. Like my mom told me, I'm pretty much a doormat. Lack of confidence also hinders that, as does lack of experience in anything that isn't academic. Yeah, I'm fairly intelligent, but that's about all I have. In big church, Arnis talked about how we need to witness to the world, how we need to go out, not "send Jesus". He had a good point. Nothing beats face to face conversation about Jesus.

                              Yes, I know, church stuff that most of you could probably care less about.

                              I'm supposed to be doing my homework. I have to go to bed at a somewhat decent hour. I slept for like two hours in the middle of the day...not a good sign. I've been doing that a lot lately, sleeping randomly, wasting daylight. I'm gonna go do that now. *meanders away*
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • Die, you stupid foot!!! Argh. I was out running today for track, and about 3 miles into a 6 mile run the arch of my right foot started throbbing-it felt like someone stuck a knife in it. So, I had to go 3 miles back to school, and it hurts really bad, and I have basketball tonight, which I'm apparently going to skip. Oh yeah, and the guy I like pulled up beside me in his car (he just got his license) and said "What's wrong?" I replied "Pain. Yes, [name of boy] I do experience pain every once in awhile!" I was mad, it hurt so bad...I would have asked him for a ride, but by then I was half a block away from school, so there was no point.

                                Poor Angel *huggles* That sort of thing...stinks...

                                I have enough money on iTunes to buy two albums right now. I don't normally buy on iTunes (I like having the option to play the cds in the car) but it was a Christmas gift, and it's more than a month after Christmas, and I still haven't spent it. Anybody have any ideas? I'm looking for new music too, so...just give me ideas if you feel like it. Actually, I'd been thinking of getting The Killers CD, but...I don't know, some of their songs just don't do it for me...but I like most of them.

                                Okay, homework. Must concentrate on my list of things to do. It's very short: 1.Do homework and 2.Find my foot brace so hopefully I can go to basketball tonight...dai all.

                                Edit: this is one of my friend's blog (she's an online friend, lol.) would be really nice if people left her comments, because...well, it'd just be nice. Haha, she posted the story about me and that She's crazy, so here's her blog: skinny girl's blog

                                -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry

