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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I really don't do much athletic activity to bring me much pain...hehe. I'm a lazy bum. Dancing usually _killed_, but I quit that...and I don't go horseback riding often or long enough for that to really affect me either.

    *huggles hungry*

    Ack. I hate this cough. I sound like a seal.

    Wheee for procrastination! *twirls* I really don't feel like doing my homework. However, I really need to study. We have a test over the first 29 chapters of Great Expectations in English. My teacher is definitely one of the most disorganized people ever. I love her to death, but she just can't teach honors english 1. She thinks that she's given us information that she hasn't, then tests us over that stuff... I mean, it's not like it's a lot of it; I still manage to get an A, but I'm not learning anything. It's mostly stuff that we wouldn't get out of the reading on our own either. *sigh* Ah well. I'll get over it, if this stupid headache will go away!

    I have a Rascal Flatts song stuck in my head. When you say that I'm one of a kind/ Baby, I don't see it/ but you believe that I'm so strong and true/ I promise you/ I try to be that kind of man/ because you love me like I am

    It needs to go away. Meh, yeah, definitely need to do my homework now. Toodles!
    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


    • KIT-KATS ARE GOOD. But I don't have Kit-Kats... I have a Kit-Kat. Singular. Somewhere. From Hallowe'en. But I'm not eating a Kit-Kat, nooo... MINI REESES PEANUT-BUTTER CUPS ARE GOOD! Mmm. squeee. XD Sugar high.

      I'm on page 113 of togr! I still can't get over the DIFFERENT-ness. The [general membership of the] forum was so much more... gah, I dunno. But after flipping from page 113 to page 476 (wowww...), it's like it's not even the same forum, let alone the same topic.

      MUAHAHAHA. And now I have to listen to Ok Go. It's ALL GRYPHON'S FAULT. Ahahaha.

      OH! KARATE. Yes, I am going to ramble about karate again. But it's MONDAY. Karate-rambling is OBLIGATORY. Sort of. But. The new kata? I can go through ALL OF IT. *dances* And and and. The orange belts were doing the kata AFTER my new kata, and I went through that with them. It's AWESOME. It's incredibly complicated and weird and the stances are NOT NORMAL even though I know cat-stance, there's this other one and it's WEIRD and all the blocks are in *different places* and aaaaahhhhh. *spazz*

      Aaand in an attempt to make this post slightly less pointless...

      Um. YR. One-word post = really bad. Not sure if anyone mentioned this when we were telling you about Karma in chat, but if you post just to get to a higher count (or to show people your signature, or whatever), you could have your total zeroed out. So um... if you want to get to Possibly Posts Too Much, please, please make the posts *count*. </endshortrant>

      I loaded mom's Proclaimers CD onto iTunes last night. Some of the songs are really good, but others... meh. I'm going to load her Nirvana CD, too, once I finally get around to it.

      is wf's VGDawn-muse. I SWEAR. She's looking over my shoulder and laughing at me now, sure, but you just watch, I'll switch tabs over to VGDawn and she'll run and hide. Grr. And I think my typo demon's become vaguely personified, too. GO AWAY, RICO. *insane laughter*


      • OMG! I have so much school! It just isnt fun and i have to do like 3 days each day!! Thats like 16 subjects!!
        I need the dragon website YR! I need it to do a resreach project and it i has to be on soemmthing "Fasinating"...I like Dragons! So if you read this i need it ASAP! Thank you!

        Also why is the chat getting smaller on weekdays ...I mean when i was in befor eitused to be more on the mid or early week now it is like no one else till around 8 or 9 ish or right in the "just out of school " time.. I am mad about school i hate it i have to much!

        Yes i dont care if im complaining bu this is the Random area and this will be very random for me! How long can i make this subject?

        My dad and sister are werid very StrangE as well! They are pelling off thew sticker on a grill box?!> Dont ask me why but i think it is just very strange to watch 'em do it...

        I had Italian for the first time in like a year from a Itlian food resteraunte! It was soooo god all homemade with bursheta and all thart yummyness! I like Brusheta it is good! And they had free internet at the place so i would stop in and out...FUNFUNFUN!!
        Any one want to give me their I-pod for free?
        If you want to sell it to me for under 5O bucks i will take it! If you dont want your Mini anymore and want a Nano.(i hate nanos)..I want an I-pod if you havent already noticed!..Lol
        Okay im random-ed out so i wil go..Yaya i know "yea Tori will shut up!" Gigo also i think you are imature and rude and dont know a thing about fish! FISH Are cool! MAHI-MAHI is not the Hawiian name and if it is , it is used manliy every where! So ha! I know more about fish than you!!! yayayayayaya! I know more than GiGO IN ONE SUBJECT! googogogogogog me!!!
        Okay bye!
        Dai All
        Tori! -Blazie
        Love and be loved


        • Let's see...I woke up this morning, and I thought it was Wednesday, until I sat up and realized "Wait, I had a lunch period yesterday-it can't be Wednesday, because I don't have lunch on Tuesdays." Damn it.

          Last Saturday, I overflowed 2 toilets (no, not because of what I put in them.) I just flushed the upstairs one at home, and 2 seconds later it overflowed-and my dad had just got done cleaning that bathroom. He was angry. Then, Saturday night I was at a party and I flushed the toilet and it overflowed to-also for no reason. I felt really bad about it all...but it's not my fault!

          I have to get my haircut tonight. Fun. I don't like getting my hair cut because it always looks the same afterward. I've had the same haircut since...well, forever. I always wish I had the courage to do something new, but then I'd have to put work into making it look good, and I just don't have the time to do it, so...same old same old.

          My foot still hurts. And it's sort of was sleeting today, but nothing stuck to the ground, so it's all wet and cold, but there's no pretty snow to look at. This winter is so mild compared to last year, it's strange.

          Okay, homework. I need to go concentrate on it, and...zzz...concentration.

          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry (who's foot still hurts, and who's cold)


          • *huggles Angels* :P You should do karate. That's my life blood, and it'll do wonders for how you feel about yourself.

            Hungry: Try Okay Go (the band I linked up above)'s album Oh No. Maybe look into Interpol's Antics or Franz Ferdinand's You Could Have it So Much Better. Orrr... go into somewhat heavy stuff and check out Rammstein.

            Emmm.. cont'd later
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • today, for no real reason, and the rest of the week, is scottish for me, accent acting and all the good bits. I have three really good friends in my Boy Scout troop who all have scottish blood, im the only one who doesnt know if he does, but anyways, some weeks we just do the best we can to be scottish, and its loads of fun. Something about the scots is fun, and im not sure what it is.

              gryph: as you can see i finally changed my sig, so there
              "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, being serious
              Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him alight and he's warm for the rest of his life ~ Jingo, by Terry Pratchett


              • AAAAHHHH, I had sutch a bad day. Ran out of ceral. Lost my homework. Had 2 pop quizes, took one test, ripped oper my knee, droped a glass an the floor which broke and cut my foot. Some of my songs on itunes got deleted, and my sister stole the last twinke.

                Oh well i just need to say that. On a beter note i did get Lireal today.

                Oh yeah, i think i finaly lost my mind and gone to a funny place
                (\__/) "Be amazing"


                • We're doing our swimming unit in school for two months. And i have it 9th period (last,) and it's WINTER. It takes like forever for my long hair to dry, so I have to walk home in the snow (and I refuse to wear winter-coats, only sweater and jackets), so I free my butt off. It sucks. >_< But swimming itself is fun, though changing before and after and being wet isn't. But now I'll act like a stereotypical girl and complain that my hair is always ruined, *grrr* and that that's the worst part....

                  Next year they're having Chinese at my school. I might ditch French and take that instead. But it'd be even cooler if they tought Japanese *imagines watching animes without subs and reading raw manga without translations...(>_> as if that'd ever happen...)*

                  Lisa: You looked at fanfictions at your party? that's fun! But... it's not really "party"-like, you know? *imagines party with music and dancing* But looking at fanfictions can be really great, 'specially YGO ones, of course! I did that with my friends recently, but they only looked at James/Lily HP fanfictions, whic bored the yaoi-extremist-fangirl that I am to tears. (I'd rather look at DracoXHarry, or at least something more interesting and orginal...) But anyway, it's cool that you had so much fun. "Good" Bakura that your friend likes is cool, but he doesn't have a big part, Ryou-kun doesn't. But isn't Thief King Bakura-sama awesome? In the orginal (or the manga) he was a homicidal insane masss-murderer! He is the evilest villian in all of yuugiou. The hottest one, too. ^_~ But in the dub... he's simply...lame. -_-; But whatever...

                  *sniffle* I have a I loathe colds.
                  Yes, I hate colds too. Destest and loathe them with all my heart. I seriously think that a cold can be more annoying and icky then the flew can be, or even other diseases to sicknessess, like rabies (and trust me, I'd know -_-... And when I get I cold, I can't sing. And then in chorus I have to stand there. And standing there is not fun. therefore getting a cold is not fun.

                  I have to get my haircut tonight. Fun. I don't like getting my hair cut because it always looks the same afterward.
                  Same here. I have long hair, and when they snip off the ends, it looks absolutely the same. Then I think "what was the point of wasting all that money on nothing?" But now I'm thinking of donating some inches to "locks of love," and then I'd have shorter hair. I dunno If I'd be ready for the change, but shorter hair would be cute and different.

                  *wanders off to download music from Furi Kuri (aka FLCL or Fooly Cooly)* The Pillows are awesomeness! Buwahahaha!!
                  These lyrics are samples of insanity:
                  "Ride on Shooting Star!
                  Grunge hamster, be grown up...
                  Lobster of revenge, bring it along..."
                  Except it's not orginally in English.

                  But insanity is good...


                  • I haven't posted in ages.

                    "This is a Quantum Mechanic. With his tools, he manipulates the universe at a subatomic and probabilistic level. With his vorpal sword, he attempts to decapitate you."
                    This is what I am battling right now. And using Dirty Hobo Gloves and a crowbarrr, I defeated it with +2 stench damage from the gloves.

                    That is...the game I am playing right now, and that is just so pathetically sad that I think I'm going to cry.

                    ROFLcopters, LOLlerskaters, OMFGplanes, and WTFbombs, Oh my!

                    O.o This commercial just played on the TV. This person from a bank had his hand in the back pocket of several people, ex. a tennis player, a jogger, a person in his underwear deciding which pair of pants to wear.
                    Then this woman appeared out of nowhere and held up this credit card and talked about banks keeping their hand in your pocket.

                    That was mildly disturbing.
                    I think this is all I have to say.

                    [play theme song of Hawaiian Five-O for no reason]



                    • WF:
                      Sugar high.
                      S'way to go. Ditch the drugs, the alcohol, the self mutilation -- it's all about getting sugar, music, and life fixes. :P Speaking of highs, we got our school newspaper today, and someone wrote an artcile about "the choking game." You get someone to squeeze your chest or throat so you can't breathe, and when you finally get oxygen, it's like a rush. Yeah, well, it's also really easy to die that way, too. Personally, just thinking about it makes me feel sick. :/

                      :P In my second kata, we had a stance that wasn't one of the basics: the hour-glass stance -- it's kinda like front stance, if you do that, but twisted. In my fourth kata, we've got a dragon stance. That one I've had practice before because we do stretches like this. There're also a few other things mixed in with my katas that aren't any stances at all, and plenty of movements that aren't the basic set of 16.

                      Oohh, if anyone's looking for good music, Coldplay's album A Rush of Blood to the Head is great. It's not fast, but it's nice.

                      Okay im random-ed out so i wil go..Yaya i know "yea Tori will shut up!" Gigo also i think you are imature and rude and dont know a thing about fish! FISH Are cool! MAHI-MAHI is not the Hawiian name and if it is , it is used manliy every where! So ha! I know more about fish than you!!! yayayayayaya! I know more than GiGO IN ONE SUBJECT! googogogogogog me!!!
                      Nnnn... *headache* It's sad enough to argue about the name of a fish. It's even worse if you have to continue it in Togr.

                      Wow, awesome luck overflowing two toilets on the same day. :P

                      WHY THE HELL AM I A POKEMON!?

                      I love getting a haircut. Afterwards, it's all silky, soft, and tangle-free. Last time, I had it layered, and it looked beautiful because it helped it curl naturally.

                      Alito was accepted. ... ... ... ...

                      Y'know what? When it comes down to pad presidents, we can just say, "Oh, at least pretty soon his term'll end." If it does and he gets elected again, we can say, "so what. At least after this, he can't be president again." But when we've got some of that god-awful president's people landing judge seats, that's permanent. I wish said person was up in his 100s already so he'd kick the bucket.



                      It probably won't be that bad, but whatever.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • School school school...oy. Essay test today in A.P. U.S. History...not too bad. Think I did well...I hope I did well. My friend gave me a donut this morning, which was nice. And random. See, there IS randomness in my real life! I'm not just random here! lol.

                        Sugar rushes are fun. I had a really bad one last year during English teacher must have thought I was really high on something since normally I'm so quiet, and that day I...the loudest person in the room. Wow...that whole thing about not having enough oxygen is scary. If they really want to feel like that, they should join cross country. At the end of a race, you'll feel the same way-but it'll be because you're so tired...XD

                        Well. hair looks ok? She layered it, and put some gunk in it and dried it, and of course it looks really good, and tomorrow it'll look bad again...but it looked good today for school! Man, I sound really shallow right now...but to tell you the truth, I'm a little sugar high right now. People kept giving me sugar all day, and pop...w0ot! Sugar is good. Oh yeah...has anyone ever had their eyebrows waxed? It's a strange experience-my mom made me get it done last night...I think she's going crazy. Anyway...yeah. Sugar!

                        Gryph is a Pokemon? I thought she was a cat! Anyway...random. Stupid president...yeah. Guys, I HIGHLY don't recommend overflowing toilets when your dad's just cleaned the bathroom. Lol, but it was funny to see him so angry....

                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • Hmm...I have a headache...

                          Gryph: 1: My brother downloaded a song by OK Go on his iPod. They rock!!
                          2: I just got a Fantasy Dictionary, and I just realized that Gryphon is another word for Griffin. Duh!

                          Hungry: *huggles about foot* ... *and for that matter the whole situation*

                          Kaiba: Too bad about the snow thing, and wet hair. Well, at least it snowed this winter for you. It. Has. Snowed. TWICE!

                          Also: Go for thte Locks of Love. I did, and I like my new hair style. Its much easier to work with than my previous butt-length hair. Now I look like Nita!! Yay!!

                          oh, right, I said I'd describe the party, right? Not that anyone really cares, but w/e.

                          Ok, it was really cool, kind of. It was a surprise party for my friend. The owner of the house (another friend) said that she was going to show her her "new computer" in the basement. She walked down the steps, and,

                          "SURPRISE!!!" she was sooo surprised. and it was really sweet, too.
                          Except that the boys ruined it. Actually, only a few, but thats enough. One ripped up one of the pillows. Two were battling with them. One threw one, and knocked a lamp over, popping the bulb. Ouch.
                          And we were allowed out the back yard, if we were quiet. The boys weren't (and a few stupid girls, too), and so everyone had to go inside. But a few were allowed out if we were quite. I was one of them (yay!!)

                          Alrite, I gotta go, dinner.


                          EDIT: I can't wait, I'm going to see When A Stranger Calls this Friday with my friends! I will be soooo freaked out!! If anyone saw the first one, tell me if it's any good.
                          just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                          • the play room rocks! i wish i could say that, but i'm still waitng to get accepted in. I can't believe how long this thing takes! ugh...
                            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                            • Randomrandom.

                              I had replies to alot of you...I know Gryph for one...but I don't remember them and that would take effort to remember, and I'm tpying this while having conversations with someone else too. Hehe.

                              First off, calc, yeah. I can't do the right work, its so annoying. I keep doing wrong problems. Though I do them correctly. Still have an 85% though if you calculate out grade.
                              Midterm is next tuesday 7-9 PM. Hopefully it'll be easy. don't like the Taylor series versions of writing stuff though. Luckily I only need to know (memorize) e^x, sin(x), cos(x),... those one's aren't too bad.

                              Robotics has been awesome. Busy too. Heh, obviously. We finished a design on saturday and are working on building now. AND YESTERDAY WE GOT A MINI CNC MILL!! As everyone normally in chat knows, I'm rather....hyper about that . Probably too much, but its wicked cool.
                              Rules testing ends tomorrow and by 6 PM yesterday nobody had passed...thats rediculous. Probbly everyone will be passing tomorrow at like 7 PM, 'cause its due for 10 PM. I may have passed last night though, at like 6:15 or whenever, not sure. I want to find out, mainly so I could figure out what i still got wrong. Its a you need 100% to pass test, so yeah...

                              Reminds me, I think monday's technical test. heh, those are easy. Though I still must laugh at Liz...last year she had the most amazing mistake. She picked up the air compressor and said, "this is the fisher price.. its realitively small and high power" for the description. And the air compressor is huge in comparision to everything else. Laughlaugh.

                              Tuttle is half hyper now if you havent' told...noticed, yeah that.

                              She may write an essay about a turtle tomorrow.

                              Grapes of Wrath has a really weird ending btw.

                              yeah, blah.

                              Kay, anyways, what I was going to say now was going to be...I don't remember. I actually had a reason to be writing this though.

                              I had do you wanna stuck in my head earlier today. It was funny. And annoy,ng and then I listened to Franz Ferdinand with a classmate for a while. And then I was going to show her Ok go, but had to leave.

                              Oh, yeah, thanks gryph for that. That dance is the most hilarious thing ever. I <3 it.

                              Anything else to say? I've only been off and on typing for a half hour. Have another half hour to fortyfive minutes before robotics.

                              Ha yesterday we had team picture. It was hilarious. Most people didn't have team shirts, so we all took extras, but they were all large or greater. And it was sooo huge on me. XD

                              Hmm..I had something else to say still.

                              Probably getting bio test back tomorrow. Hopefully I did good on that, but I don't know exactly. Parts were really hard but it wasn't that bad.... but its scary waiting for it still. I mean, I'm only 3 years younger than my classmates. And it matters more for me than any of them.

                              Hm, calc's fun. I <3 Caitlin saying Calc _is_ happiness. Was awesome.

                              Umm...I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull off any more rambling. This week I so may be able to get like crazy number of hours. Already have 5 signed off. Did 5 yesterday but not signed off yet, though I was planning on only getting 4 signed off. Today I'll get 4 hours. Tomorrow I'll probably get 6 hours. Saturday I don't know if I'll be allowed to come in, but if I can then I'll get at least 8 hours. only almost 30 hours in a week...when you get maximum credit for 10. Who cares.

                              Sunday is try outs. I think there are currently 9 of us signed up to go try out. They have 7 spaces on travel team. Though only 6 comes through this. But I dunno if all the juniors even will be able to get all the hours. Or other requirements. If I guess right, then at maximum 7 of the people will really have no problem getting hours. Hah.
                              Of those, some have almost none in comparision to others. They don't know if they'll be able to make it even. so yeah, I think as a senior I have a good enough chance . Seeing as we
                              a) have had a year more of driving
                              b) have free time to help this year
                              c) have done alot more with the team in general
                              d) have done alot more with the team for this year's robot.

                              Seniors always end up on the travel team. Not all, but more of them than juniors usually. But there are only 3 of us seniors this year. I know we're going to try out with 2k3 though, and that one's the one I've driven most of all of our robots, and the juniors didn't drive it beofre their first of 2 demos. So yeah. Heh.

                              And most of my rambling is on robots yep. lots of rambling too. Well not too much. But its almost 3:50, and I need to be at the lab by randomly switch to 24 hour clock.
                              We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                              • Okay, this is like my fifth or sixth e-mail post. I put them up here because I don't like to pass them on to other people, because I don't think most of them like getting letters like the ones that I have gotten. This one I got from my mother I love her to death and I am glad that she sent me this e-mail. So, lets get to the e-mail...

                                Don't forget your sisters

                                A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clicked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter.

                                "Don't forget your Sisters," she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. "They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you may have, you are still going to need Sisters. Remember to go places with them now and then; do things with them.

                                Remember that 'Sisters' means ALL the women... your girlfriends, your daughters, and all your other women relatives too. "You'll need other women. Women always do."

                                'What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman thought. 'Haven't I just gotten married? Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a married woman, for goodness sake! A grownup! Surely my husband and the family we may start will be all I need to make my life worthwhile!'

                                But she listened to her Mother. She kept contact with her Sisters and made more women friends each year. As the years tumbled by, one after another, she gradually came to understand that her Mom really knew what she was talking about. As time and nature work their changes and their mysteries upon a woman, Sisters are the mainstays of her life.

                                After many years of living in this world, here is what I've learned:

                                THIS SAYS IT ALL:

                                Time passes.

                                Life happens.

                                Distance separates.

                                Children grow up.

                                Jobs come and go.

                                Love waxes and wanes.

                                Men don't do what they're supposed to do.

                                Hearts break.

                                Parents die.

                                Colleagues forget favors.

                                Careers end.


                                Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you.

                                A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

                                When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

                                Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you.

                                Or come in and carry you out.

                                Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers, Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended family, all bless our life!

                                The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would I.

                                When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead.

                                Nor did we know how much we would need each other.

                                Every day, we need each other still.

                                Pass this on to all the women who help make your life meaningful.

                                I just did.

