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The Topic of Great Randomness

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    Oh, wow, I've never actually typed that....

    ANYWAYS, for all those who like Franz Ferdinand and OK Go, I have another band, actually recommended by ;my brother (that's a good thing....he isn't normally nice to me). And O M FRIKIN G!!

    The band's name is called Convoj. We're not actually sure how to say that, but...w/e.

    Ok, here's a link to this awesome song. They sound just like Franz, I swear!!


    Yay for the discovery of new bands!!
    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


    • HELP! I have so mutch work to do. I have four projects due next week.

      part of a science paper
      a science lab
      an english propaganda report
      and a presintation on bollywood

      Im bieng flooded with work
      <makes drowning noises> help
      (\__/) "Be amazing"


      • I was downloading linux to fix a virus, and I overwrote windows I think. Now I'm freaking out. I didnt' mean to do that. I don't know where our CDs are to install windows. I don't want my dad to find out about this because he'll blame me.

        I hope they're downstairs in the desk..if not...
        We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


        • My sister was having computer problems too... Apparently she doesn't know how to...well, do anything. She hadn't deleted cookies in over a year, had never defragged, probably hadn't run an antivirus program for a while either. She thinks my mom installed some fake antivirus program that actually welcomes viruses in because her comp is slow... "It must be viruses! What else causes a computer to be slow?"
          (Sigh.) And because I am the technowhiz of the family (read: lucky and vaguely aware of computer stuff) I get to fix her up.
          Forgive my self-indulgent whining, please...
          On a happier note, as of this week I am a second-semester senior (in HS), which means it's almost over!


          • Wow...Gryphon, that's perhaps the best music anyone's recommended to me in awhile. As soon as iTunes starts up, I'm buying one of them. Or all of them. Or some of them. XD

            Aw, Monkey, that was cute. I love getting those things at random times from my friends and family, they just make me happy-or they make me crack up from the stupidity of some of them that I've gotten.

            My foot's better now...or as better as it's going to get, anyway. But I can play in the basketball game this weekend. Which is good. But the game's during the pre-Superbowl show. Which is bad. And my youth group? During the Superbowl. I don't really care about the Superbowl...but watching the commercials is like MY only tradition, and this is the first year I can't do that...I know, I'm crazy.

            Wow...there's something stuck in my braces right now. It's either part of the braces that broke off...or a nut from a cookie. I hope it's just a nut. Yep, just a nut.

            We're learning about sonnets in English right now-mainly English sonnets, but a few Italian ones too. I like sonnets; I like to read them. But my teacher has assigned us an impossible assignment: write a love sonnet by Valentines Day. We're 10th graders: I really don't think we know anything about love yet. How can I write 14 lines with 10 syllables in each line using iambic pentameter to write a poem about something I know nothing about? I read a book during study hall last Wednesday (yes, an entire 140 page book in 40 minutes. I know I'm crazy.) and the teacher had some advice for his students (who were studying Shakespeare): "If you want to know what love is, go out and fall in love!" Wish it was that easy to understand what it is. Okay, I'm done ranting about love and sonnets. I just don't like Valentine's Day or love or stuff right now because I'm still single. I'll get over it...but I still don't want to write the sonnet.

            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


            • That band doesn't sound like Franz very much.

              Wow, I haven't posted on this in a long time.

              It's just another day at work. I have some things to do for homework, but as usual I am going to procrastinate. Some of the work is going to be fun, and I'll try to work on that part a bit. But the bad part is I have a Medieval History test on Monday...that's really gonna suck. I kept falling asleep in class, and so I missed a lot of the lecture...and the teacher said that the lecture is going to be important on the test. He was talking about stuff that wasn't in the yeah.

              I FINALLY BEAT KOTOR!!!! It was SOOO awesome I finally beat it after a whole YEAR. And I found out I'm getting KoToR 2 for my b-day next month. WHEEE that's gonna be so funfun!


              • Hey, Emilie, I'm one too. lol. I can't wait to graduate. ^_^
                "People...stop being mean to each other. Especially for the sake of laughs. IT SPEEDS UP ENTROPY." -Diane Duane


                • I'm not a pokemon.

                  2: I just got a Fantasy Dictionary, and I just realized that Gryphon is another word for Griffin. Duh!
                  You silly. :P That's why my name's Gryphon (kinda). It's a long story; I joined YW under a different username and also joined an rp someone on here linked. It was a YW roleplay called Abroad, and, cuz I couldn't think of a name for my character, I applied as a cat, but with my username as Gryphon ('cuz that's the cooler spelling of griffin (I think it's the older spelling, too)). Somehow my username stuck to the previously unnamed cat character, and people were trying to get me to post in the Topic of Great Randomness here, which, at the time, was probably in the 100s or 200s. They also called me Gryphon (instead of that other usrename), and said they thought of me as my cat-charrie.

                  :P Sorry if I confused anyone with my above story. The cat featured in my avatar is Gryphon, and I had Lee change my username. Also, the fish in my avatar is really a shark -- The Sharky.

                  I can imagine extremely long hair would be hair to manage. Some people have hair thin enough so that, when it's long, it'll only turn stringy. When my hair is too long, it loses its wavy/curly-ness because of all that weight. And it tangles, blah blah blah. So I stick with more or less than shoulder-length.

                  I had replies to alot of you...I know Gryph for one...but I don't remember them and that would take effort to remember, and I'm tpying this while having conversations with someone else too. Hehe.
                  :P I don't really know what I wrote above that you're talking about, so I'm gonna go off on a tangent here. Tuttle's so cool. I don't know that much about robots and engineering, but I bet Tut'll go off and do something amazing, be world famous, and then make enough money from being world famous to go off and do something else great and be the genius-god of geniuses.

                  Don't you ever have a few people who you think are amazing for whatever reasons? Like on this site, there's Z, M, Sharky, Tut, and WF. :P Offline, I've got a bigger list, but it'd be pointless to share them all 'cuz I'm betting you don't know any of them. My bro and BW are great. My brother is an athletic sort of person, and he's great at almost all sports. In baseball alone, he's an amibdextrous pitcher and batter, and he's the guy all of the coaches beg for.

                  If anyone has an amazing picture that I can use, could you link it or something? I'm gonna start painting sometime, but I have no idea what to do. And, from experience, it helps if you have a picture to model off of. I had animals in mind in for this one, like lions or wolves or pets. Most of my photos are of landscapes -- like from my bike ride in the poconos.

                  I put them up here because I don't like to pass them on to other people, because I don't think most of them like getting letters like the ones that I have gotten.
                  Your friends don't want chain letters, so you give 'em to the YW-ers. Nnnn, we're your trashcan. Naw, I'm just joking. Kinda. :P Some of them are actually great, if you ignore the "now emale this 2 29357 of yer frendz witin teh next 5 minz n yer wish wil com tru!" part.

                  :P Sometimes it sucks to be a girl. Sometimes it's great. W/e. But yeah, if you forget about your friends -- not just your girl-friends, but your guy-friends too (both as in the not-dating right at the moment, sort), that kinda sucks.

                  MMike, I could help you with some of your work, advice-wise. As for Bollywood, I don't know much about it 'cept it's the Bangladesh or India (not sure which) version of hollywood.

                  I go to my dad for computer help. I know some of the terminology, and I can figure out stuff by wandering through Control Panel or using the search thing, but yeah... that's my computer limit. I can do a little bit more via web -- I know HTML and CSS, but what I work out myself is all logic. I don't actually *know* anything.

                  Ahhh, english teachers are idiots, poor Hungry. Go shakespeare and be like, "you're all so great... NOT! HAHAHAHA" Okay, maybe Shakespearian sonnets aren't really like that, but they're certainly not the traditional emo-bloating flattery of that time period. Or... you could write about things like boxes of chocolates and cute guys and green eyes and lingering stares and staying up all night, waiting for that goddamn phone call or throwing popcorn at movies. Or, y'know what, you could go completely emo in your love poem. "I love you so much that my wrists wouldn't bleed enough blood, and I'd tear out my heart and eyes and give them to you!" Or maybe not.

                  Mel: The song you listed reminds me of The Cure... but then, I thought BYOB by System of a Down sounded like Queen. :P I'll check out that band.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • I just drove for the first time today... I was in the car with my stepfather and 11yo stepsister, and we were in a parking lot, and I was making "beautiful turns"--my stepsister said that--when all of a sudden this guy cut through the parking lot really fast, and I couldn't find the break But I found it in the end...
                    Yeah. So even though nobody's hurt, I'm...a little leery. That was scary!


                    • Gryphon: lol, I should go write an emo sonnet, and then do something with it...but no, actually, people in chat last night gave me a good idea: what if I wrote it about not being old enough to love, sort of like what Nita was talking about in DW. I had an idea of how it'd go at around midnight last night, so it should get written soon.

                      Gryph is a Pokemon. 'Nough said.

                      I can' wait until I can drive. Dad says that if I wreck the minivan while I'm learning we'll get a more fun car, so...I have a bit of incentive to kill the car. OK, so I won't kill it on purpose...but it would be nice to have a different car than the minivan to drive.

                      I had something I wanted to post...Me gusta el queso, the tv just told me. Too bad I don't have any queso on me, Mr. TV. You think I have cheese up in the attic? No...the TV's crazy.

                      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                      • you know, this topic really rocks. i could write about nothing and some person will still be reading this...ahm. sorry, spazzing out a little.
                        as for sugar rushes, i OWN them baby!
                        who needs drugs? sure, i'll crack a thousand million jokes bout being on them, but who ever actually DOES them...will end up more screwed up than micheal jackson. YAHHHH!!!! what a creepy thought!


                        • I just got wireless internet in my room yesterday, and i put the cement truck from the saslsa escape episode of mythbusters as my desktop background.

                          I'm taking an A+ certification class which means basicly it's a class that teaches you to be a computer technogeek *rubs hands together* MUAHAHAHA

                          anyway, i have the whole internet at my fingertips and i'm bored as elves. how horrible.

                          i've just finished High Wizardry for the...6th time...i think. Maybe i'm going crazy...i dunno

                          wow this is my longest post ever so far lets see how far i can go before i run out of things to say...

                          SUPERBOWL today. a while a go I wrote a program for my calculator to simulate a magic 8 ball, and it predicted the seahawks will win the superbowl.

                          well that's 'bout it for me...right now anyway...

                          later all

                          YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                          "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                          • Gryph IS a Pokemon! I dunno which one tho. Probably a Gryphon.



                            • Yeah, you know the friend who was "not flirting" with my ex? Well, now they're going out. Makes ever so much sense, doesn't it?

                              I love my socks. They're purple with little black dogs on 'em. They make me happy. *twirls* I wore them to church, even though they don't match anything I'm wearing. Oh well.

                              Hm...I need to find out if there's quick recall tomorrow. Drat, Dani's not on. If she was, I could ask her. I really don't feel like asking either of them, but it looks like I have to. *mutters*

                              I must be unAmerican, not giving a care about the Superbowl. Oh well. *shrug*

                              I have to write an essay on Bush's State of the Union Address. How insanely fun. *sarcasm* It's so boring. I've written very little of it so far, and it's due tomorrow...I should probably get working on that. However, I'm not really caring about anything right now. Well, I guess I'll go practice my flute for a bit, then finish the essay.

                              Man, the guys at my school are all a bunch of idiots, I've decided. Wait, I have to take out a few...but besides them, they're mostly idiots who can't think for themselves and have to have someone else tell them what to do and possibly lead them in the completely wrong direction.

                              Whoops! I rambled. I better scurry off now, so toodles!
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • I'm not much of a football person either. The most significant football game in my life was the "Wardrobe Malfunction." I didn't watch it, but we spent all math class getting a lecture instead of having to work that day.

                                Nnn... Bush. His solution to a slowing economy? Tax cuts! His solution to poverty? More education! His solution to the government deficit? Cut scholarships and make tax cuts permanent!

                                I didn't watch or hear much about the State of the Union Address, but last year's was a waste of air. Almost everything he had hoped for kinda... flunked, and everyone's like, "I don't want to hear any more failure ideas." He wanted to hack off Social Security and other things like that.
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

