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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I was just reading another topic, and I saw one of these guys: And I thought... The poor thing, it's been up there for nearly a year, bounging away, with no rest... Poor, poor smily.

    And then, of course, I thought how silly I was being. But I still think I have a point... So, bounce away! Hahahahahaaaa..... I'm going to put a smily through unnecessary bouncing right now! <--see it? It's bouncing. And bouncing. And bouncing.


    Uh, yes, the State of the Union. My favorite part was where he said human-animal hybrids are anathema. (Damn! So much for the cat-lady sister I was cooking up...) And then when I mentioned it in my history class, my teacher said, "Yeah, he also mentioned hybrid cars..." So you know what? I think if hybrid cars are allowed, so should hybrid people. It's prejudice against cat-people, that's what it is! I call on all Americans to protect the rights of animal-human hybrids!

    Okay, I'll shut up now.


    • Hey guys, no long winded post from me today...but I have to ask you guys something. For those of you guys who pray, could you say a little one for my dad? He just was hospitalized today, and no one will tell me what for, but I don't think it's that good since he's going to be there for a few days, and he's been going to the doctor a lot lately...and I'm scared. I won't admit it out loud, but you guys won't see me at school tomorrow or anything, so it's ok. I'm used to seeing Dad as the one constant in life-Mom'll get angry and do random stuff, like bake a souffle or something, but Dad is always predictable and stuff...and I'm just really really scared.

      -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


      • [hugs!] Seabiscuit, I'd be really scared, too, in that situtation. Will think get-better thoughts your Dad-wards, and keep my fingers crossed for him and you.
        New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


        • *huggles Hungry* I'll keep him in my prayers.

          Dad: Just remember: there are plenty of fish in the sea.
          Mom: And not just trout.
          Dad: or blowfish
          Brother: or sharks. And...whales are mammals.

          A very atypical dinner conversation. See where I get my insanity? Goodness, it's inherited!

          I really don't wanna do my English homework. I hate reading stuff in chapters...I've lost interest in Great Expectations, and I don't want to answer stupid questions about it.

          My fingers are cold. *shivers* It's getting hard to type. Well, I'm gonna meander away now...

          Guys aren't worth it, and neither are friends who don't care about you. Stick with the ones that do care, and don't let the ones that don't ruin your life.
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          • i'm not much of a football person either, but hey...STEELERS WON!!!!
            and bush? *snort* pleeeeeeeze. someone get the deer-hunting rifle! FYI, he graduated at the BOTTOM of his class.

            I have to be imagining this. I've known this guy for the exactly two minutes. It's much too soon to belive that he's a complete turkey.
            -Dairine (i get a kick out of her every time.)


            • Hungry I'll keep your dad in my prayers.

              I need to vent about school.I have a 5 page research report due on the 17th of february and my teacher wants the draft of the 5 pages by Wednesday. I have 3 and 3/4 pages done so I think im doing well. After that she wants us to do a powerpoint that's due on the 24th. When will she stop giving us work. Also I have an art project. My partner and I have to dress up a small mannequin (sp?) in the French Rococo style and she hasn't even given us the mannequin (again sp?) yet so I dont know when I going to get all this done. Well I'm done now.
              "Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance!" I would rather be hated for who i am than be loved for who i pretend to be!
              "People...stop being mean to each other.
              Especially for the sake of laughs. IT SPEEDS UP ENTROPY." -Diane Duane in chat.


              • Rysade:
                Gryph IS a Pokemon! I dunno which one tho. Probably a Gryphon.
                Is there a Gryphon? I have no idea, but either way, I always figured her for more of a... Skitty. *ducks & runs*

                Today mom was like "this is the funniest strawberry I've ever seen! It has five legs." I started laughing, and she showed it to me, and well... dammit, I wish I could find the cord thing to get my digital camera's photos onto the laptop, because I took pictures. She was like "you should post it on your blog!" and I was like *dies* but the funny thing is, if I could upload the pictures I would. XD

                She also called the dog a creepy weirdo because he was stalking my brother's slippers. My mom is weird.

                Grarr. Things of wf's that have been stolen by Poot and buried in Iowa:
                -her embroidery floss in a million different colors & 10+ half-finished bracelets
                -the glow-in-the-dark stars that fell off her ceiling
                -the digital camera memory card - to - computer cord link thing
                -her green penguin socks!
                -assorted jewellery
                -a load of other junk I can't remember

                I'm currently reading John Dies At The End, and kind of laughing, because it's the sort of thing where if I don't laugh I'll wind up terrified or something. It's awesome though. I'm on... Chapter 2, Page 4. It's very odd. I probably shouldn't be reading this at 2:55 AM... someone say something normal, please, I think I need that right now.

                I'm listening to the song Mel linked (again). I wouldn't say it reminds me of Franz, but it's good. ^^'

                I think my insanity is inherited too, Angel.

                Hungry: *huggles!* I hope everything's okay. :/

                Oh cool, I just noticed that I can read all of the characters in Gryph's siggy (the Japanese part that says "senpai"). Except I got the character for 'n' confused with the character for 'so' because I haven't technically learned the character for n yet, but it's really cool anyway.

                <span class="ev_code_white">Used to be that when I was feeling like I do now, I'd go "*huggles the whole forum* you're all awesome." Only... with all the newbie/n00bs? I'm not sure I wouldn't be lying to myself if I said that now.</span>

                Emilie's post made me laugh. XD But at the same time, it made me start thinking (either that or it's just John Dies At The End), and now I feel sorry for it.

                I don't know what would happen to my hair if I cut it. It's around waist-length now, and mostly wavy, but when I cut it to shoulder-length in 2004 it was straight, so... I have no idea. It keeps getting lighter, too. Not that I *want* to cut it; I love it long, and it's not as hard to manage as you'd think.


                • I've been spending a bunch of time ressurecting topics from deep within the chatter 2

                  the count is now up to 4...i think.

                  anyways...i dunno...elephants

                  i'm bored right now i'm in bio class and i don't have to do this activity since i already did it first term and the teacher doesn't want me giving away all answers

                  Huggles seabiscut i hope your dad is alright!
                  YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                  "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                  • I wish my hair was longer... *wistful* It's a bit longer than shoulder length. (The same way it's been for an eternity.) Seriously, I can't grow it out...this is the longest it's ever been.

                    PEP BAND! Yay! I've got pep band tonight! We'll lose, but there's pep band!! *dances* Well, that means I have to get everything done rather quickly, 'cause I have to be at school at 5:30 and won't get home until much later.

                    It's fine and all that they like each other, but do they have to be by my locker? Goodness.

                    You know, I finally see why people say the looks he gives are "sickeningly sweet". Take off the sweet, and that's my sentiment right now. Yes, bitterness is overcoming my rational thinking. Meh. I'll get over it in time. I have this notebook that I got at Target that's all prettyful with flowers on the front, and I use it to vent out my frustrations. Emma wanted to read it...after warning her that she'd hate me after she read it, I let her. She just said that she "still thinks I'm a writer". So yeah, I use a bunch of metaphors. Carissa was like, "It's like poetry...except...not." Which really makes a lot of sense, but that's Carissa for ya.

                    I got an 89% on my first biology test with my new (insane, crazy, mentally ill, COLLEGE LEVEL) teacher. That was with the curve...without it, I got an 81%. I guess it's not that bad, but I don't like doing worse than people, and there are three people I know who got A's on it. *mutters* There are probably lots more, but whatever. Next time, I'll study longer and maybe I'll actually understand what I'm trying to learn.

                    Did I let my dog in? I can't remember. Oh, I did. *sigh* Goodness, I'm losing what little mind I have left.

                    I fear I must leave now, on the account that my homework is not yet complete. But...before I end this, I would like to ask a question: Is it wrong of me to no longer want to be friends with one who wounded me so deeply on more than one occasion, and showed no regard for my feelings? Am I wrong to dislike her (while still having Christian love for her soul, but not her actions)? Should I just forgive and forget? My nature tells me that I should, because I generally don't like conflict. But deep in my heart, I don't want to.
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • me alike food


                      • Thanks everybody. *huggles* Dad's...well, I don't really know how Dad is, but he has to stay in the hospital a few more days, so I hope he's ok...I'm trying not to think about it right now, because then I start worrying and stuff, so...I guess I'll post random stuff right now. Random.

                        Wf: a strawberry with feet? *is confused* It sounds funny, but I have no clue what it is. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">*sort of agrees on the whole newbie/n00b thing, even though technically, I could be classified as a n00b.</span>
                        I never thought about the whole bouncing forever thing like Emilie said...that's so awesome, it's funny. I love it. That just totally made my day.

                        Love sonnet is not working out. I'm attempting it still, but...I just can't do it! It all sounds stupid, or it makes no sense, or it is just all messed up. Gr.

                        Today I pored water in a guy's backpack in Bio. By accident. We were doing a lab where we were classifying our shoes into kingdoms and phyllas and classes and genus and species...I think that was all, but I don't know. Anyway, we had to take off our shoes and put them in the front of the class. I'd just been drinking some water, and I left the bottle open on my desk when I went up to put my shoe there, and I sat down and moved my arm and it pored right into his backpack. I felt so bad, and my friends don't believe that I did that, but it was so funny, but really sad since I got his Spanish book wet. At least his papers were all in plastic folders, so they didn't get wet.

                        I'm trying to take my mind off Dad, so I guess after this post I'll go blog about random stuff (yes, I have a blog. No, you won't be able to find it. )

                        I still don't understand the strawberry with legs thing, lol. This is so weird...Don't think there's a Gryphon Pokemon, but we could make one. It could look like the cat in Gryph's avie, and it could be nicknamed Skitty *quickly runs away*

                        DAD! He just called! Adios, I have more important things to do than this! *grabs phone*

                        I mean, I had been going to post more about Gryph being a Pokemon, but she'd hurt me then. Besides, I don't know that much about Pokemon.

                        -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                        • I didn't take one thing into my consideration of the joyfulness of pep band. Pep band means her. She means Zach. Put together, it's one bad night for me. But, whatever. I just feel bad for Dani, 'cause she kept trying to get me to cheer up, and it just wasn't working.

                          We sounded really good, though.

                          I need to take my contacts out...they're starting to burn.

                          I actually don't have anything else to mind has totally left me. I really hope I get over this soon. Not the speechlessness, the heartache-yness. It's eating into my very soul... Seriously. I know it sounds stupid, but it's affecting me in not a good way. I'm not eating as much. It's not because I don't want to, I'm just not hungry. And I come home every day and cry. It's so stupid. I think my pride's been damaged as much as anything else, with him getting over me so quickly... I just want it to be over with...but that won't happen. *sigh*

                          Man, I'm such an idiot. He's not worth it.

                          I have pep band music stuck in my head. It's definitely not going away any time soon.

                          I really need something insanely happy to talk about, but I can't come up with anything. So, yeah. I guess I'll just go now, considering it's almost ten and I don't have all my homework done yet. Toodles!
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • Originally posted by Countryfan1394:
                            me alike food
                            Well, thats nice, but, although this is the Topic of Great Randomness, its not the right place for you to post that. Infact, I would say that there is nowhere on the boards that it is right, because it is a SHORT POST! Can you honestly say that you have read the FAQs? I'm sure... In fact, I know that somewhere in there the RULES ask you not to post short one liner, I would put a stronger word in here, but I'm sure its unsuitable for the younger members of the boards, suffice it to say, pointless posts.

                            Ah look I am right. Please refer to the FAQs and read the third one in particular. These were posted by kli6, one of our 'Seniors on Duty' - or moderators.

                            Of course, I'm refferrng all newbies here, not just countryfan. As much as it shames me to think this, I think I'm actually becoming newbieist and newbiephobic - I'm afraid of wandering into the boards (and sometimes the chat) as there is so much going on that we have, well, tried to weed out. Such things as chatspeak, using all those annoying abbreviations and so on, when you only have to type two - sometimes even only one more letter to make yourself better understood. On top of this, I know that I am not the only, more seasoned, member that is feeling this way.

                            Please, those of you who are new to the boards, and finding the older members, abrasive sometimes, please read the FAQs, so that you know the rules that we abide by.

                            Please note, I am not telling you to go away, I am merely expressing my views on this matter. I have no say at all about who leaves and stays, and I love welcoming new members. I am however, emploring you to read the rule of the forums. Thank you for reading this.

                            Note to the mods: I apoligise if I stepped out of line here. I tried to keep this entire post as amicable as I could, it is just the recent spate of oneliners and short posts is really starting to get to me, and I know that some of the newer members have not actually read the FAQs.



                            • OKAY...I dont believe i have anything to write bout i guess i can find something out. Umm what happend today. NOTHING in freaking labd of my boat. Nothing ever happens... Well my dad got his new pump for the water maker. Nw we can make like 1700 gpd ! (galons per day). So now i am happy and can take long showers.

                              Umm next thing to ramble about...Lets see how about me making a prettyful scaf/belt thing ma-bob. It is rrally pretty i am half way done. Im crochefing it . I have never done it before but this is the frist time and im pretty good at it if i do say so myslef.

                              Next. Lets see. Umm im a very boring girl. Nothing ever happens to me. But we will be moving to out next port tomorow and we can go swimming and be with manatees as well as our other crusing friends of ours that we have met along the way. I cant wait till we get out of PR and get to go snorkling and swimming like in the Bahamas. It was fun when we were going snorkling and all that stuff. Im deathly afraid of the sea. So if someone else isnt in the water before me i will freak and like swim urgently back to the ladder and get out ASAP. I mean if there was a evil mind eating 4ft. barracuda in the water or under the boat i think i would really just faint or run on water to get away from it. They have these huge massive shrap teeth that are always glaring at you. ANd since they have to keep their mouth open for bodily porpuses it is scray, I will just say that.

                              I like what Alla is saying. I dont remeber if i did some short posts when i just got here but i think it is annoying to most of us. Yes im still a newbie my slef but i try not to do short one liners. I hsve a rule for myself that i have to make at least four lines of text. I also try not to do a line of smileys like what my sister will do..

                              Ummm what else can i write about? Or rant or ramble. Me is weRid and i knwo that is not how "weird" is spelt but it is my form of weird and i created that type of weRidness. Yea im Im so weRid. I just cnat shut up can I ? Im sorry i will try to find something else to ramble about.

                              My mom is cutting ginger root right now and it really smells weird. I dont like it. EEwww no come on mom stop it or take it out side. At least it is yummy chicken that the ginger will go on, Oh thats right she is amking stir fry so she has to have the ginger. I still hate ginger root. I want oreos btw yea. Thats a random thought.. Im just typing what im thinking for some reason..No im not even thinking im just moving my fingers over many other buttons and forming words.

                              Ugh. I just remeberd that my momis taking the Lappy and go to a libary and work on the internet all day. Wait what the freak am i saying? We are travling tomorow. God im so clueless to this boating thing. Actully i know more than my mom about this boat but she is trying. HeHe... Me is EVIL and weRid and crazy and losing more and more of my sanity each day.

                              Okay im done ranting. I hope this is long of enough. I think it is long hopefully it is. Okay beybye.
                              Dai All.
                              Love and be loved


                              • There, there, alla. [pat] I know the feeling, I really do. I mean, remember I've been an internet oldbie from the late-'80s: before the days of the Web.

                                You just get one group of newbies sorted out, when another one comes along. It does grate and cause you to *headclutch*. Believe me, I know. Still, that FAQ is huge. It's gonna take a while for some folks to read it, let alone absorb what's in it. And y'know, we have been pretty lucky on icon sizes from the newbies this wave!

                                Short lectures are sometimes required. The thing is, however, that this just isn't gonna stop with a lecture. There will always be more newbies. (This is a good thing, btw--if there weren't, DD's sales on YW would be bad, and then they'd go the way of the feline wizard novels.) You can nag people all you want, threathen them with being banned, but folks have free will, and they're gonna do what they're gonna do.

                                If someone's completely outta line, we can always get Lee or DD to ban them. But on the other hand, we can also teach by example: by our words and what we write--that's far more effective than any FAQ or lecture. You don't even need the Speech for this stuff. (As I mentioned when I took this mod gig, I aim for the Granny Aching style of magic --teach folks to do for themselves.)

                                A spell is never easy, but it always works. And in the end, we might get some of the best board members around.
                                New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.

