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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I think I know the book you're talking about. There are three books in the series so far: Bloody Jack, The Curse of the Blue Tattoo, and (the brand new one) Under the Jolly Roger. They're by L.A. Meyer. Those are good, I'm checking out the third one from the library next time I go...


    • AHAHA!!!!! I'm back! Except probably like half of you have no idea who I am. Nevermind. I FINALLY read WAW. I haven't read any YW in forever, and then one of my friends lent me WH, and let's just say I'm hooked again. Have recently rediscovered the joys of reading. I've been on the compy and watching TV way too much lately, but I just picked up Pride and Prejudice and I'm loving it.
      Is it just me, or is Bingley one of the most awesome names in the history of the universe?
      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
      I promise not to funfun anymore
      Be happy cause life is good


      • Oh god, Bingly rules! But I like Mr. Collins. He's such a comical character. It's like he's so obviously scoping out their house, but he's really not doing a good job of hiding it. And his fawning over Lady Catherine... and then like five minutes after Lizzy rejects him, he goes and asks Charlotte.

        But by far my favorite part was the bit where Lady Catherine confronts Lizzy... BEST. PART. OF. THE. BOOK.

        I didn't like the movie with Kiera Knightly, tho. They made Bingly seem too dumb. And Lady Catherine wasn't quite as loud and annoying as she should have been, and Mr. Collins wasn't funny enough. But it was still fun.


        • Yeah. I don't really remember the other version very well. I saw it a long time ago, and the better part of it was seen very late at night. I stayed up till about 2 in the morning watching it.
          Personally I like when Lizzy just gives Darcy a piece of her mind when she proposes. I love to see the ladies really sticking up for themselves.
          The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
          I promise not to funfun anymore
          Be happy cause life is good


          • Ugh, It's not fair.

            (Isn't that always a good way to start a post? hah)

            Ok, it's not that dramatic, but it's really annoying because when I get on a binge, I'm really, really hooked. For instance, take Wicked (which I'm listening to now). I've never read the book or seen the broadway (though I really want to do both), but I'm listening to the soundtrack which my friend let me borrow (along with the 4th Charlie Bone) in exchange for SYWTBAW (good exchange) and I got hooked. And the library doesn't have Wicked (they're all taken out), and I don't have the money to buy it from B&N...and there are holes in the songs so that you don't know what happens!!

            Urg, and is it just me, or do the girls look stupid for falling for Fiyero? He just seems so stupid. "Life's more painless/ for the brainless." Uck, gimme a break!

            And even though she's kind of evil, I can't help but love and pity Elphaba. She's seems like she would be my kind of friend (if she wasn't evil).

            *groans as she puts her head on her hand on her desk* I guess I'll just have to wait (which is not very easy for me when it comes to books. I have no patience for waiting for books!)

            Well, I guess I should end this rant.

            Clone: RoFL

            *huggles Angel* well, at least you're getting over him. that's good.

            Ooh, evil Tinman! "For Once I'm so glad I'm heartless/ I'll be heartless killing her." Oooph, I don't wanna meet him. Dorothy was in bad hands!!

            ok, I'm done. Now. Seriously. Goodness, go AWAY!!
            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • Originally posted by Mel:
              *huggles Angel* well, at least you're getting over him. that's good.
              Thankees. *huggles back* He's not worth me getting upset over anyways.

              I think I know the book you're talking about. There are three books in the series so far: Bloody Jack, The Curse of the Blue Tattoo, and (the brand new one) Under the Jolly Roger. They're by L.A. Meyer.
              Yes, yes, that's it! Thank you sooo much.

              That song on Carrie Underwood's CD, Before He Cheats, is insanely amusing. "I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seat/ I took a Louisvill slugger to both head lights, slashed a hole in all four tires/ and maybe next time he'll think before he cheats." But anyways...yeah, I adore this CD.

              The only thing I don't like about not having school on a Monday is that I don't get to go to Quick Recall. Even with them being there, it's really fun because of the other awesome people who are also there. It's fun to just hang out with people without being called a "stupid freshman" or having people not understand your sense of humor or the way you are. These people are like me, and they actually care about me. It's kind of weird... I only know them through Nerd Herd, but they are some of the most awesome people I've ever met.

              I loved Pride and Prejudice. I never saw the movie, but the book was magnificent. I fell in love with Mr. Darcy...

              *sigh* We have playing tests starting Thursday in band, and I can't play the music. Well, I can play the notes and most of the rhythms (although it gets hard in six, I hate anything outside of four four time), but I can't play it up to speed. I was going to practice over this weekend, but it slipped to the back of my mind. I only got about ten minutes of practice actually in. I'm going to have to work my tail off to get this figured out before Thursday. It'd be really stupid to get a B in band just because I decided to waste my time with things besides practicing. It's too late to practice now though, because my brother's in bed, and any noise echoes throughout the house.

              Wow. I've posted a lot recently. I guess I'm subconsciously trying to make up for all my lurking days (weeks, months...) or something. I need to be in bed in less than ten minutes, so I better scurry away now...
              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


              • Machinae Supremacy, people. XD Yup. Through The Looking Glass, by the way, is like... the reason I posted on VGDawn the other day. It's awesome. Oh, and re genre: it's like metal/video game music. Is video game music even a genre? Oh well, it's like that sometimes. XD Through the Looking Glass is still my favorite song, but I love Masquerade, Nemesis, Rise, and Soundtrack to the Rebellion too. 'Course, they're all great. ^^'

                But we are an intelligent group and should not persecute these troubled individuals. Nay, we can reform them! These people are our friends! They are NOT a lost cause. We can and will help them.
                Oh my GOD you are AWESOME. XD That in the quotes is about when I started laughing... it's great. XD

                "Do you find that you miss the lean, tender flesh of your young victims?"
                And this is where I lost it completely! XD Yeah, I couldn't stop laughing for a while.

                "(It's okay to eat newbies, though.)"
                Damn straight. XD

                --REACH OUT AND TOUCH FAITH!! Taking a break from Machinae Supremacy 'cause Andrew sent me Marylin Manson. *grin* PERSONAL JESUS! I love this song.

                Whatever. :P Now I'm just high off creative power -- that feeling when you've drawn something good, and you love it, and you _know_ it's good.
                I get that from VGDawn. Not drawing, yeah, but the same sort of feeling. Maybe not necessarily the knowing it's good part, because I'm really critical of everything I write (short version: I think it all sucks), but... y'know, screw that, I love (or at least like) most of what I write.

                Angel [Brains]:
                *stares* I refuse to comment.
                Hehehehe. Tastes like chicken. Sorry, I had to.

                Hope everything's okay. :/ I really don't have any advice to give, and I can't exactly think of anything to say, but *hugges*.

                AHAHA!!!!! I'm back! Except probably like half of you have no idea who I am.
                *tacklehuggles* HI! At least some people remember you. Newbies are depressing, especially when they ask "r u new??" when someone who's been around for years comes in... *sigh*

                Oh, remember the stuff of wf's that Poot ate? Wf was cleaning the other day and found her embroidery floss and bracelets, plus one penguin sock. Only one, unfortunately. Incidentally, wf's closet is now cleaner than the rest of her room.


                • Originally posted by wildflower:
                  ...iTunes is weird. It says pop as the genre for one of their songs. That's, um... well, they're definitely not pop. If anything, it's like... metal/electronica, sort of? Sometimes, anyway. I LOVE THIS.
                  Actually, that's not iTunes. That's the CDDB (now Gracenote), which is where iTunes and every other piece of MP3 jukebox software is getting their track data from. A lot of people entered data into the CDDB incorrectly, and their error-checking is the pits (unlike, say the IMDb). You'll notice typos, too. The biggest mess is in the Classical music area, when data was being entered BEFORE the "Composer" field became part of the ID3 standard, so the performer and composer had to duke it out for the Artist field...

                  The fun part with iTunes is that you can edit/correct the information yourself, to work with how you think about your music. In iTunes, select a track (or multiple tracks) in the library, then right/control-click and select "Get Info." From there, you can edit any off the ID3 information for the track. The grouping field is also a lot of fun to use to do the same thing. For example, you could enter if a track is instrumental or vocal, or if the artist is male or female, and then use smart playlists to filter on those fields.

                  Right now on the Mac, however, there's apparently a huge bug about using the star-ratings to make smart playlists. (sigh). Hope they fix it soon.

                  Originally posted by tori:
                  Okay...*breaths* i am sorry to all who know me as 14..i am not 14, but 12.
                  Like you're the first person who's ever lied to us about their age in chat. [grins at Gigo.] What I can't understand is why everybody always lies that they're older then they are. The hyperactivity alone gives the game away.

                  And yes, I really am 39. I just have to figure out if I'm going to stay 39 for the rest of my life. ...

                  Oh, and as a mod, I feel I should say: Cannibalism: just say no.
                  New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                  • I GOT A 98 ON MY TEST IN HISTORY! WOOH!!! (68 out of 69)

                    And y'know what... I only studied for a half hour to 45 minutes the day before. XD

                    Angel, I bet you really are amazing at singing. You should try to join the Chamber Choir and maybe even take voice lessons. You've got something to take pride in!

                    but I just picked up Pride and Prejudice and I'm loving it
                    Wow, you're serious? I actually read it, but I zoned out the entire time. The copy my mom leant me was the hard cover with gold-edged pages. It had several other stories by Jane Austen in it, but all I remember is the shiny gold edges and how light reflects off them.

                    On Marylin Manson's CD (Lest We Forget), I only like four of the songs. Some of the other ones are okay, but some... aren't that great. Like Tourniquet. BW loves Tourniquet, though I don't understand how.
                    -Personal Jesus
                    -This is the New *Hit
                    -Beautiful People

                    Kli! Do you, by any chance, know how to make a book tape come up under the right category on your iPod? My mom put her Janet Evanovich on her iPod, and it's all coming up in her music (and when she shuffles songs XD), but not under book tape (I think).
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • I think it's hilarious. Mr. Collins is such a blustering, pompous idiot. I love him. I would like to marry Darcy, my mental image of him is extremely hot, even if he does seem rather annoying at times. The book really helps you understand his POV.
                      WF-yeah, I'm sure there will be a bunch of people I don't know, who think I'm a newb. I keep going away and having to meet everyone over again. It's rather annoying.
                      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                      I promise not to funfun anymore
                      Be happy cause life is good


                      • Augh, we had a science test today and ourteacher made it insanly hard. I got a 91. my first B in science this year.I cant belive it i lost five points because i used the wrong variatoin of the formula. Sorry for ranting.

                        Now im working on MORE science. My stupid SRP(science reserch paper). I can not find enough information to fill four whole pages for my intro. Ive already gone over Ohms law and the history of filiments in lighbulbs. That leaves me one and a half pages short.

                        Okay now i think im off the topic of science.

                        Yay, The school play is on thursday.
                        that means no homework

                        And I also fixed my Laptop. The battery wouldent charge so it had to be plgged in or else it wouldent work.

                        Oh well now i gotta go and do my math homework.
                        (\__/) "Be amazing"


                        • Kathy said:
                          From there, you can edit any off the ID3 information for the track.
                          True. Got a collection of music from cassettes recreating Viking or Norman music, etc? Invent a "History" category. Or a "GoshWow" category for your favourite groups. Then you can make a smart playlist that only has that category, if you want.

                          Oh, and I have a similar question to Gryphon's. Suppose I downloaded a wizcast, and had to download it a second time manually, how do I get the right version into the #@*!!# podcasts list ? Just moving it to the right folder in Finder wasn't enough.
                          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                          • omg this topic is 480 pages how cool! im so incredibly board pm sugested i post so now im posting on lots of them i mean yea. ok...
                            life sucks then u die


                            • ok, i don't usually post in togr, soo i'm jusg going to rant. You can read it if you want to, it's kind of interesting. Or not, your choice. YES! I'm a mod in the eragon forums! true, i'm in charge of the harry potter section, but It's still pretty cool. Ok. I'm done. I can't believe i ranted before i even started ranting...weird. i'm doing it again. bye.
                              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                              • DAI ALL!!! long time since i have been in here. my computer having taken the plunge for the worst and died, i had to get a new computer. well my address would not let me into it. i was wondering how i change my profile so when i put on a notification, it will send it to my new address and not the old one. someone please help me. anyway, i have been doing lots of things to get ready for college. FAFSA forms, grant forms and other such long things. very tired of doing them, but i want to be a teacher, so i have to do them.
                                Lover of Most Books...
                                Finder of Lost Things...
                                Eater of all Sweet Stuff...
                                Wonder of the West...

