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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I'm sick and tired of people making fun of me for my weight in health class. The stupid.....keep making comments about how I'm a tiny bit underweight, and it's making me mad...I don't know, for some reason I just can't gain weight, and I'm tired of being teased for something I can't control. gr.

    Had a good weekend, I guess. Went ice skating and hurt my ankle so I can't go running. I miss running so much, but since Christmas, so much stuff has happened so I just don't have time to run. It's a really nice day outside, and I can't go running, and it's bugging me.

    I'm just kind of frusterated with life right now, you know? I can't go running, and I'm being made fun of for stuff I can't control, and the guy I like (who I thought liked me back) is sort of ignoring me, and my teachers are being annoying, and...I just want it to be summer break.

    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


    • Hungry: *huggles* I'm somewhat overweight. Well, over what I'd like to be. I'm healthy, I guess, but I'd like to get rid of that pooch on my's obnoxious. Summer break...that would be awesome. I wouldn't have to see either of them, and I could have my life back, though I'd probably spend a lot of time thinking about last summer, which was made wonderful because of him. Boys are stupid and they cause more pain than they're worth.

      Whee! I got a 96 point something on my biology test!! I'm soooo happy! After getting a B on the first one, this is amazing! I mean, biology is my lowest grade, but when a 96 is the lowest grade, that's not too bad. Thank goodness for extra credit. We still don't have any grades in for band, and it's almost the end of the quarter.
      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


      • Okay, I am realy annoyed at <STRIKE>four</STRIKE> three people: Me, myself and I. I`m going to beg forgiveness of one person: Dee. I`m sure pathetic... *wry grin* Plus, I hardly got ANY sleep yesterday or the day before. I`m nuts/insane/crazy/off my rocker/bonkers/batty.... Oh, and I`ve lost my marbles. Though that`s not surprising, right? Right. I wonder when my last post in here was? *decides not to bother looking for it now, as it`ll drive me even more insane/crazy/nuts/batty/off my rocker/bonkers than I already am* I know a song that-OI! *hits otherself* I know a song that gets-BAD PERSON! *wrings robot`s neck* I am sooooooooooo insane... Byebye now!

        "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
        Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


        • Bo shodan is awesome, but I wish they'd at least teach the gold belts more of it. *grumbles* The only times we ever do bo kata, we do the same beginning moves and get to pretend it's the first time we're learning them. (Plus we only do bo shodan about once a MONTH, so... it's almost like it IS the first time we're learning it. I don't know why they even bother.)

          Like you're the first person who's ever lied to us about their age in chat. [grins at Gigo.] What I can't understand is why everybody always lies that they're older than they are. The hyperactivity alone gives the game away.
          Well, not everyone. Gryph tells everyone she's five, after all.

          Grr. Firefox has decided that I can't copy anything now, so all the quotes are going to be- you guessed it- typed out by hand. Gah. So if I make a typo that you didn't (or correct your spelling XD), blame Firefox.

          omg this topic is 480 pages how cool! i'm so incredibly bored pm suggested i post so now i'm posting on lots of them i mean yeah. ok...
          Err. It's great that you're posting and all, but on the forums we really really try to capitalize and spellcheck. I'm not yelling at you, but the forum rules for capitalization are different than the ones in chat. Chatspeak and everything is annoying, but okay in chat; not so okay on the forums. Please make an effort to write properly in forum posts, at least.

          Also, try to make the posts have content. Posts just to say "oh, hi, I'm bored so I'm posting! Yeah so okay, bye now" are pretty pointless. Even though the title says "The Topic of Great Randomness" and I believe it's been referred to as the topic where "anything goes", the general rules still apply: no short and/or pointless posts, capitalization and punctuation are greatly appreciated, etc.

          'kay. Done ranting. Just so you know, I'm not mad- and this is to all newbies, not just you.

          I lost The Game

          Enter Sandman on cello is one of the coolest things ever. XD Apocalyptica's great.

          My legs still don't want to work properly, and I got back from karate hours ago. All the blocks in horse stance, and then several different kicks immediately afterwards, and then bo warm-ups, also in horse stance. x_X;; Ow.

          I remember when we'd welcome all the newbies individually... they'd post to togr, and we'd give out advice, injoke explanations, and shameless roleplay plugs (XD). I don't think I joined during a wave of newbies, and I'm glad for that.


          • Poor Wildflower... the black belts at my karate place like doing "torture stances". In case your teachers are nice and don't make you do them, torture stances are where you get in a horse stance (or front or back stance, for that matter) and bend your knees so your thighs are parallel to the ground. Then they make you reach down with your fingertips on either side of you and touch the ground. Then hold it for 20 minutes. Okay, it's probably closer to 20 seconds, but it feels like 20 minutes. Then we switch our hands to the other side and do it again... then we do it in backstance... and so on. EVIL black belt teacher people.

            And another thing they love is to go up and down the floor... usually with round kicks... we line up at one wall and start doing round kicks across the floor, and if you put your leg down you go back to the beginning.

            Okay, help me here. I have no idea how to do a quote with the pretty line things, so I'll just... put it in quotation marks. Be patient with the newbie.

            Wildflower: "Bo shodan is awesome, but I wish they'd at least teach the gold belts more of it. *grumbles* The only times we ever do bo kata, we do the same beginning moves and get to pretend it's the first time we're learning them. (Plus we only do bo shodan about once a MONTH, so... it's almost like it IS the first time we're learning it. I don't know why they even bother.)"

            Yeah, they do the same thing with bo staffs and kali eskrima here. They teach it about once a month and it's always the same basic moves. BOR-ring!

            Wizgal: "I`m going to beg forgiveness of one person: Dee"

            Why beg forgiveness? Is it the food thing? I don't care. I need to quit preaching to people. I feel like I'm evangelizing sometimes, and then I feel bad about it afterwards... "VEGGIES are the WAY! All who do NOT eat veggies will be struck down by the HAND of BROCCOLI!" Besides, I'm way used to it, and most people are way worse than that, if I even say one word about that I'm vegan. When I was in public school, and when I got the school lunch, the lunch ladies would hold me up for five minutes going, "Where's your milk? You need your milk for strong bones" and I'd tell them you don't and they would get all mad and I'd be like, "Look, buying milk isn't required, can I just eat my food now?"

            The fact that my family is vegancame up in conversation once when I was in the car with my friend and her mom, and she was so indignant. She was saying, "You mean you don't eat ANY meat or milk? You're going to get osteoporosis, you know." And I told her that there was TONS of research done that shows that the milk companies are full of it and they just say that stuff for advertising purposes, and she just laughed, and she said, "Oh, those people are all the crazy vegan hippy people who drink wheatgrass juice and go to 'save the dolphins' protests. They're crazy, they don't know anything." And I said, "Okay, we just finished talking about how I'M vegan and my mom and I drink wheatgrass juice, (it's really good for you) and I don't go to those protests, and if I'm crazy, it's in ways that don't concern you, so quit insulting me for no reason."

            Seabiscuit1009: "I'm sick and tired of people making fun of me for my weight in health class. The stupid.....keep making comments about how I'm a tiny bit underweight, and it's making me mad...I don't know, for some reason I just can't gain weight, and I'm tired of being teased for something I can't control."

            I have the exact same problem. Everybody makes fun of me and asks how I'm so skinny, and I just tell them I eat lots of fruit and veggies, and I can't seem to put weight on... at all. And my friend (who is actually fine, not overweight at all, she's just very pretty and nicely curvy) always makes a huge deal about "oh, I'm so fat" and I'm just kind of thinking, well, if you would quit eating eighteen chocolate bars every time you get sad about something, maybe you'd be happy with your weight. Not that I have anything wrong with overweight people... I just wish that people who are a normal weight would quit obsessing. Did I just stick my foot in my mouth? I think I did. I have a tendency to do that... a lot. Better get used to it. XD

            Okay, there's my rant for the day. Done ranting.

            Learning the Rohan theme from LOTR on the violin... I LOVE that song! So pretty...


            • Woowwww Dee, long post! Y'know, I was joking when I said posts had to be longer than mine and Gibby's. XD Awesome newbies .

              Ohhh! I think I know a bo kata. Or maybe it's drill; I'm not entirely sure. When I got home, I practiced it with a broom, but I don't know if I still remember it. I could probably repeat some.

              Well, not everyone. Wink Gryph tells everyone she's five, after all.
              :P Damn straight! (Or wouldn't I be 6 or something by now? I've been 5 since I joined) But that's a five year old highschooler.

              What's the game? Ehh... Uncyclopedia?

              Ohhh, I've found the Rules. :P

              For people who don't know karate, horse stance, as previously mentioned by wf looks weird. It's also insane to stay in that position for an extended period of time... as in... five minutes or fewer. XD Seriously, it doesn't take very long until my muscles are shaking visibly. The advantage is that if a sibling charges you from the side, s/he will not be able to knock you over.

              Horse stance is called kiba dachi or something like that. The other killer is nekoakidachi (sp!!!), which slowly destroys your sanity a leg at a time (and I certainly hope you only have two, but I won't comment).

              How can you do back stance so that it hurts? Ours are deep, but I've never felt much doing mine.

              Some days, usually Saturdays, we'll do core work outs, such as holding plank position and so on. Or when we do 1,000 punches... There's this one kata... the infamous moo kata (I don't know it's real name). If you want pain, try this ten times. Step into dragon stance, then back stance (I think), and do all of the kicks from a position as low as is physically possible, without dropping a foot. Shift into dragon stance in a different direction, repeat. Repeat, repeat, repeat. End of kata. You don't need to do do the kata many more times before the agony has pushed you over the edge. :P It got to the point where I couldn't feel anything anymore, I was so resolute that I was doomed to my fate. I wonder what all of the acids in my muscles were doing.

              We do line drills too. My fave is doing front, round; front, round; front, round; or with back fists (urikan).

              Dee: At the top of the post window are little square buttons. One has quotation marks. Ya just click it and fill it in.

              Dee: do you do any akki jitsu? & Wow about your friend's mom. I know that there are many alternatives to much in what's in a normal diet; you can go through your life without touching meat and be better off for it. Some people do end up going to hospitals, but all you need to do is know how to supplement. :P I'm betting you've got all that.

              I've gotten comments about my weight, but I never take offense. I mean, there are people who are obese and can't lose their weight. Being thin isn't all that bad.
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • Yeah, I know... long post. I was really bored. but I did have something to say, so you can't get annoyed at me. Ha HA!

                Ooh, I hate line drills. Legs so weak...

                Okay, let's see if I can get the hang of the quote thing...

                At the top of the post window are little square buttons. One has quotation marks. Ya just click it and fill it in.
                Did it work? I guess I'll find out.

                Wow, I feel outclassed. My instructors don't make us learn the pretty names. So I feel silly that I don't know this stuff. I guess my karate school is a little unorthodox, the head instructor is a little nutty. But he's cool.


                • *sings* THis is your soooonnnggg! It may be quiet and simple that it's doooonnneee...hope you don't miiinnnddd, I hope yooouuu doonn'ttt miiinnnddd, that I put down in wooorrddss...hooowww wonderful life is, now you're in the wooorrrlllddd...

                  Moulin Rouge rocks my socks off. XD Don't you love my lovely singing? It sounds much better when I sing it than when I type it out with all the outrageous stresses on syllables and that stuff.

                  I don't think I was going to rant today! Yeah me! It was an average day-nothing bad, nothing good. We're watching Supersize Me in Health. It almost made me puke. Ew. Never watching that movie again. Or eating anything from McDonald's except for their vanilla milkshakes.

                  *huggles people* I'm just in a huggle-ing mood right now...probably something to do with chocolate and Moulin Rouge. I'd start singing, but the typing it'd take up would be a waste of time and money to type out.

                  I'm attempting to write a parody of the canto The Inferno from Dante's The Divine Comedy. It's not going that well...but then again, I should have started it last weekend. I'll finish it sometime...I have English 8th period, and there are 9 periods in the school'll get done.

                  I've lost The Game. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">'cause I just thought about The Game.</span>

                  I think I need more socks. And underwear. It's a good thing we're getting a new washer and dryer, since the old one is eating my underwear and socks, and it's annoying. Has anyone else ever had to wear their sister who's 3 years younger than you's underwear? NOT FUN. At least it was clean though.

                  Ok. Going to shut up now and go back to Moulin Rouge, which is my inspiration for this poem.

                  -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                  • Just found this, via a friend of mine in e-mail. If you were a Buffy fan, and you've ever dreamed about writing for television, Jane Espenson is blogging her advice on how to write for tv. Fun shtuff. Good advice from someone who knows.
                    New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                    • I'm going to rant now. Ugh! Someone just said they don't like Eragon! I Can't believe it! Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with people having different tastes then mine, I just have a problem with WHY they don't like it. They actually think it's a ripoff of lord of the rings and starwars! It is in no way like them! they don't have lightsabers, there's no rings! they're not a like! Ugh! Though on the bright side i now know why they didn't like eragon forums Ok, ranting done. Sorry about that.
                      I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                      For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                      • Hey, Peoples! I was surfing the web and somehow stumbled across this... tbs- Funniest Commercials of the Year really really funny! i loved it! sry that its short!
                        Today I saw cancer, cigarettes and shortness of breath. This is why I walk to the ocean. Swim with sharks and jellyfish. I may never get this chance again. This is why if you want to


                        • I'm sick. Meh. I woke up this morning, feeling really sick to my stomach, but still managed to eat a little bit and get to school. I went through the day until around 6th period, then I started to feel sick again. When I got home, I could barely eat any of my KFC. Emily came home with me 'cause we had Pep Band. Well, even though I wasn't feeling too good, I still went to Pep Band. I was doing okay until a little over halfway through, then I had to ask Mr. W if I could just sit out. He said okay, and I sat down with Carissa, who's not in band, for about fifteen minutes. Then he told me to just call my mom and go home. So, yeah. I got home, still feeling rather, I hate being sick. I've got no fever or anything, but I feel absolutely horrid. I've felt worse before, but this is lasting for a while. I haven't felt decent for a whole day in weeks.

                          Beyond that, I've had a pretty good day. Oh, I got an 18/20 on my Spanish quiz...that wasn't too great. I should have studied, but whatever.

                          Well, I'm gonna go get some sleep and see if that helps. I really hope it does. I wish all of you a most magnificent day today, tomorrow, and forever. *bows out*
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • Yesterday... the day was as boring as days get. The highlight of my entire day was karate, where I left the building in agony (Sensei decided today was a great day to work out core) and convinced my mom to get Chinese food. Before class, I was like, "Can we get Chinese food after?" And she's like, "No," but everyone else in the room was like, "oohh, that sounds good. Y'know the place over blah blah blah? It has the best food. Their crab rangoon is sealed in little triangles, not like the hard kind. It's soft and creamy and...." So we got Chinese food.

                            I also had help smoothing over the rough edges of my kata that I didn't know. And... I ended up doing my kata 10-20 times because I was so bored. It's now my favorite.

                            Caitlin recommended The Strokes. Thannnkkk youu so much. Here's a music video from their website, for people who might be interested:
                            Heart in a Cage
                            The Strokes Webpage

                            In the news:
                            Marine Mammals Suffer Human Diseases :/
                            Poor swimming animals...

                            I'm the 28552 or something person to finish JDATE! That story is great. XD
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • Day after Day they baombard us with assesments and HW. They say that they won't have assesments on the same days but that was a lie. I have so much crap to do but everything keeps going badly. My last jazz band concert of 8th grade was on thursday. It was really fun and I will miss it . My friends and I finally did our ensemble at the solo and ensemble festival. I hope we get a 1 or 2 cause then we don't have to do scales test. I finished the first of the Bartimaues triolgy and I highly recomend it. I also recently finished Amazonia by James Rollins, I loved it. I would recomend any of his books, he is such a good writer. I'm hoping to get the first of the Door series on amazon, but I am broke this moment. I realized Drumming Darine is in the same state and is friends with MOnkey, *shivers*. Now she has an accomplis if she comes after me. " IM GONNA KILL YOU!" by Monkey on Skype. Wish me luck.
                              In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

                              Douglas Adams


                              • Hey, guess what everybody? Being sick can actually be fun! At least it can when it means you get to skip play rehearsal and watch Buffy all day instead. The rest of the time, it's just not cool, cause your throat hurts and you haven't slept in a couple days, and well, food just isn't appetizing.
                                In other news, I just got Season 3 of Buffy on DVD. Guess what that means? I now have EVERY single season of Buffy on DVD. MWAHAHAHAHA!
                                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                                I promise not to funfun anymore
                                Be happy cause life is good

