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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Me and my big mouth got me in trouble again-I'm not going to say why, but it involves an $80 bikini that I just bought last night, and a few other things...oy. Big trouble. Mom's very mad at me right now.

    Yesterday we went to the toboggan chute thingie, and it was so much fun. I'm terrified of heights, and moving at fast speeds down a hill (which is why I hate rollar coasters) but it was still fun, once I got over the fact that this is a good way to get killed (no, it's not, but I was all like "WE'RE GOING TO DIE! WHY ARE WE DOING THIS!!!" the entire time.)

    *huggles Angel and Cress because they're sick and need huggles. oh yeah, and azen too, since homework <span class="ev_code_WHITE">sucks</span>*

    Along with being in trouble, I all of the sudden don't feel well...too bad, I have to go do homework...I guess I can sleep during my brother's birthday party tonight...there's nothing better to do...dai all.

    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry, who is in deep trouble with her parents right now


    • Woah, it's weird. Like everybody (meaning Cress, Andgel, and I) is sick! I missed school WEdnesday and Thursday, and I think I went through a box of tissues...but it's not that bad. I think I just got Strep Throat and a cold at the same time. It's weird, my throat doesn't hurt anymore, but that happened before and I still had it. Meh. a turn of event.....*pauses dramatically* ..

      I GOT WICKED!!!!!

      and readit too! It was pretty good, but there are reasons its under Teen (or more usually) Adult Fiction. But once you get past certain parts....its vedry very very very, etc. good. I really like Elphaba. Is it normal to have a supposed 'villian' as your hero?

      Also: I AM going to see the Broadway, which I can presume to be much different from the book. Actually, I can already tell. There's a lot of difference, and the Broadway makes Fiyero out to be much more a jerk than he really is.

      Young Reader: Me and my brother read that series. Books are the only thing we can really talk about, and we both love this story. It's what got us actuing like siblings!! Oh, and (you probably know this): Eragon is becoming a movie! So many things are coming out on release in '07. Better save up your money!!

      Welll, I think I'll mull around the Alice website. Maybe they finally updated!

      Dai, y'all!
      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


      • I'm going to rant. ugh...Horrible day starts again today, which combines with the eragon forums database being destroyed and everybody getting kicked off to creat overall agitation! Sorry to anyone i annoyed yesterday by the way. Ok, ranting done.

        mel said: Young Reader: Me and my brother read that series. Books are the only thing we can really talk about, and we both love this story. It's what got us actuing like siblings!! Oh, and (you probably know this): Eragon is becoming a movie! So many things are coming out on release in '07. Better save up your money!!
        Yeah, I know about the movie. I can't wait. I LOVE that book. Thhough i guess that's obvious from how often i go on about the eragon
        -dragon writer
        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
        For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


        • Wow, i have like not posted in ever..well, more like only 3weeks, but like a ton of stuff has happened in those 3weeks, 3 of the nights i was kicked off cause of me and my mum fighting and killing each other. and the other half of the time, i was just obessed with YIM and MYSPACE..weird, things can just come up and get you and you end up forgetting what you have to be doing. Well, yesterday was wicked awesome.
          I SWAM WITH A MANATEE!! THAT WAS OVER 10FT LONG!!! ITS WAS WICKED AWESOME!! at first it was just my dad in the water cleanign the hull bottom and this thing comes up and nudges him in the back and he is like "WTF {thinking is that a shark!!!?!?!?}" and then he turns and its this huge manatee playing with him. so, like i was on the lappy {usuall me} and he was knocking on the bottom of the hull, and i was not paying attention to it cause like, i thought it was just a scarper scarpping the stuff off the hull. so after a couple more times of him knocking i went out and there was this huge manatee 1ft off our side. it was amazing, i was just sitting on the back for a while watching it and my dad play , then i was like "Mum, can i go swimming too.??" {of course i could, but i was like scared of the water} and she was like "i dunno Tori, is that to big??" and we cracked up so i came back out and jumped in. thank god the water wasnt cold. and the manatee swims over to me and like i look at it and watch it swim, i couldnt pet it cause it is like some how illeagal in the in US, so it was sad not to get to touch her/him. But what was fun, was like i would dive down and the manatee would follow me down, they like walk on the bottom of the sea, its really kewl. we swam and played for a while {20-30mins} and my mum came in after getting pics, it was just really, really, cool. so, that made my day awesome.

          Then i tanned and guys whistled at me, and i got sooo frusterated at one, i gave him the finger., they just yelled more at that ...not helping here. ugggh, men. {hahah my mum always says that}-- so yea.

          Ugh, today i had school, it was quiet fine actully, we didnt have any yelling or tearing each others hair out, {me and my mum}. Tho, the manatee didnt come back today, we are hoping to see her again. My sister made cookies today, sugar cookies, quiet tasty, very fatting, tho, i had milk with them so i couldnt have killed myself that much. lol.

          OOHHHH00HH! I got my hair cut, trimmed, bleached, ect., its like short and layered and angled and ect. go to my myspace to see it. =--
          Its cool, its different from normal, i guess its okay, i have to get used it it, i can like make it go over one of my eyes, so like it looks cool, when you gel it down and put on a ton if black eye liner, yea, lol, havent pictured myself with it yet,,....umm. -shifty eyes-
          Not much else to say, well, yea there is but like you know, cant ramble on and on, well, actully i could, but it would be like non sense, not that anything i say is ever senseful.
          Love and be loved


          • Today? I'm hating homework, and I'm hating school too. Summer is taking too lonnggg. Today, the administration even had the nerve to pull a fire drill when it was freezing today; some of my friends said it was even snowing earlier.

            YR, I have to remind you about this, but your signature is too long. It's a forum rule that it cannot be more than four lines, including blank lines.

            Manatees are awesome. Awww, I wish I were there with you.

            I'm missing Florida, too.
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • Ben's Wizpod, please read the Board FAQ!!!

              One-liners, posting simply to push karma points, and sigs over six lines are all bad things to do here. Remember that DD is paying for this board out of her own pocket! Try not to waste her money!
              New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


              • I hate school...I was crazy to sign up for 3 AP classess...What was I thinking?
                Just my luck, they ran out of cookies again!

                I have a demon cat that was spawned from Satan.


                • Ah, AP classes... that takes me back a ways. I remember one year I ended up taking so many AP classes I ended up with a GPA of 4.3. And I took something like four APs that semester. I passed all of them, but I never got a 5.

                  Then, I get to UC Berkeley, and I discover that the AP credits are only good for passing me out of all the classes I wanted to take. (sigh).
                  New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                  • TOMMARO IS MY BIRTHDAY YEA!!! IM TURNING 14 YEA!!!! ITS THE 28TH YEA!!! ... sry for the spaz ariel

                    ok so i dont get the mods mad im gonna continue this post by saying.... TODAY IS MY B DAY YEA!!!

                    that will be all
                    life sucks then u die


                    • Gr. Stupid computer deleted my post and my second love sonnet while I had them typed up in here and Microsoft Word. Oh well...

                      I don't know. I've been very busy's going to stay like that, because track's starting next week! Yes! I should be happier about this. But I don't know...lately it seems like something's missing in life. And I have no clue what it is. Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) is going perfectly fine in my life right now-I'm busy, but I'm still finding time to hang out with my friends and get homework done. I'm having fun in life-which is what high school is sort of about. Only...I don't know, something's missing. Don't know what. My friend thinks it's because I don't have a boyfriend...but why would that be what's missing? I've never had one before, so why would it seem like one's missing? Exactly, it shouldn't. So what in the world is missing!? *is driven mad because she can't figure herself out*

                      -(confused) seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                      • I dont belive it. The day were doing the pull up the truck contest(a contest by our sciece teacher who gives a prize to whoever jack his truck the highest of the ground with only a few limited materials and our knowlage of simple machenes) it gets moved 2 weeks later because we had to take a national latin exam

                        And now i have a Latin test to study for. When will the latin end.

                        Oh Ariel Happy Birthbay
                        (\__/) "Be amazing"


                        • ahhhhhhhhhhh evil english papers. i have a 9 page report due on the 11th. i only have 5 pages done. it is making me want to rip out my hair. the topic i have is running out of information for me to use, our school doesn't have any books on it, and we must have at least 5 book sources. very funny to the teacher i'm sure.
                          Lover of Most Books...
                          Finder of Lost Things...
                          Eater of all Sweet Stuff...
                          Wonder of the West...


                          • $1.5 Million Gum
                            Oh snap.

                            History. Today, our teacher had us try to write down all five parts of the first ammendment (if you could remember them) and then answer some questions regarding what you beleive is allowed under the first ammendment. I got all five: freedom of press, speech, religion, to peacably assemble, and petition (but I wrote protest instead of petition -- same thing). The following questions were situations like "The KKK parading next weekend," and you had to decide if you thought it was legal.

                            We spent all of the period because the arguements got so heated. Mr. K was like, "The other classes didn't take as long on all of the questions as you guys are on this one..." I think the first was about flag burning, which is legal. I think it's neither wrong nor unpatriotic, but I could completely understand what other people said (except for, as an alternative, you should write a letter to the president or move to a different country).

                            Another was if the Ten Commandments could be hung in a classroom. To me, I think it would depend upon a context. If you were teaching parts of Christianity because it was related to the subject in language arts or if you were going over religions in social science, yeah, go for it. Teaching about religions promotes tolerance, that sort of thing; people just get more confrontational about Christianity. If it's taught to put down other beleifs or one religion is supported above the others, that's wrong, and teachers can't preach in school (but my old math teacher always did). You can't do that because of seperation of church and state.

                            Cassadra, I don't know if this'll help you any, but... when I was doing my paper for science fair, I didn't have enough sources, so I looked up some books related to my topic online and wrote them down. I never read the books or used the info; most of my facts came from web research. If you do need more solid facts and information, peer review journals are the most reliable, not a single person's website.

                            Also, Cassandra, could you use capitals and grammar? We have an FAQ for more rules, so I'm not gonna go through the whole thing.
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • I havn't been posting in a while. it's grown like maybe 2 pages or so since I last posted on here...

                              I AM SOOO EXCITED TO GET HOME FROM SCHOOL TODAY!!!!

                              yesterday I used the 3 target gift cards i got from my birthday plus 20 of my own dollars to buy a bluetooth headset for my phone.
                              I love getting new bits of technology to mess with.

                              WHOO BIO TEST TOMMOROW!!!!
                              I can't wait! I like my bio class it's fun.

                              This weekend I'm prolly going over to my friend's house and then I'm helping this other friend build himself a website.

                              Whoo more technology stuff!

                              I think IPods should get wireless headphones that'd be cool
                              I'd like to get an Ipod.

                              Last weekend i went to a movie with a person i havn't seen in 3 years since i moved to minnesota.

                              [will finish editing this later]
                              YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                              "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                              • I think IPods should get wireless headphones that'd be cool
                                I'd like to get an Ipod.
                                You do know that you can put any headphones into an iPod? Including the various wireless ones. They are expensive though. Although, that being said, I would be sorely tempted at the thought of proper wireless headphones with the Apple on either ear

                                For those fans of Geology out there (Gryph, for example) if you are pondering studying it at uni, I suggest it. I've only been at it for a week, and I'm enjoying it immensely Now that the first year subjects are all out of the way, and we are actually starting to be taught things that are relevant to what we will be doing in the field and so on, it starts to get really interesting. One of my lecturers is even from California Its such a relief to have someone who's first language was English teaching you. Its so much easier to learn. I have nothing against the others of course, but having your lecturer having to think of what the word is every second word makes for a bit of a boring lecture.

                                But yeah, its good fun Highly recommended, even if you are just generally interested in science. Its a great discipline to bring together knowledge of Physics, Maths and Chemistry (Even Biol to some extent if you are looking for coal in the field), and actually have something to do with all that knowledge

                                Oh, and my friends and I are planning on getting "Geology Rocks" t-shirts . If/when this happens, I will wear mine to uni . If you can't tell, I'm actually really excited about this year

                                Ah, a (belated) Happy Birthday to you, Ariel

                                Tori: That's cool It'd be awesome to swim with something like that. The closest I've been to sea wildlife is suddenly discovering oneself in amongst a pod of dolphins while fishing, or chasing massive (I'm talking at least 2m wingspan) stingrays in a canoe.

                                Well, I'd better head off and get some study done, mainly watching German TV shows to get back into the swing of things. I've found myself a little rusty with it...

