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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • how long has this... thing... existed? The fourm, i mean
    Ben, the Perkigoth
    Tall, dark, and drop dead handsome (jk)


    • This forum has been around since 2002 or 2003 I believe (at least judging from the oldest posts around), but someone who's been around longer could give a better answer.

      Anyway, I'm off for a week on spring break, so will be around for a short while, but I'm still a bit busy. Also a bit stressed from not having been accepted to any graduate program yet, and may have to deal with the prospect of looking for a job.

      In any case, since this is the topic of randomness, here's somthing random:
      They are taking the hobbits to Isengard!!
      "The law of entropy is just a complicated way of explaining why some things don't happen very often."
      -Norman Christ, Professor of Physics, Columbia University (Does the Lone One know this? :P)


      • Im so happy! Im an Aid instead of going to PE. *dances around* And Im in my prefered class for my last class. YEa! My mom and sister are at a rabbit show. So its just me and my pop. I got a picture of Jaws today. It looks so sweet. Unfortunetly, I got lots of HW to do. See ya,
        In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

        Douglas Adams


        • This thing is getting huge, what now its 484 pages, gods. Wow, its strange it seems that the bigger the chat, the less interesting conversation you have. Im now getting bored in the chat. -gasp-, yes. Its weird.

          Wow, me feels much loved. Im in CF's siggy. LuCkY me. Achk, ppl dont mind me. I just am trying to find something to rant about. Well, i have plenty to rant about, butttttttt, i cant, for sake of me losing my mind and making a new page just with one post. So, i wont cause any of that. For then people (Gryph and Wf) will be trying to beat me lenght.. hhehe.

          I have the boat to myself right now. Amazingly quiet, which hasnt been on this boat for quite a while. And to make it better, my sister isnt here watching my every move i make or key i press. Which gets annoying, i mean, i cant even type a e-mail with out her reading the whole darn thing! How annoying she can be.

          I painted my nails today!!1 PRETTY BLACK!!! yes, so now i have nice painted ones, rather than before when they were pink and all chiped. I should do my toes thinking of it.I wonder why i forgot too...umph. Oh, and like, listening to Rammstein and painting your nails black rocks. I blasted it and my mom came down to my room and like threw the clicker at me and was like "turn the damn volume down! NOW THIS INSTANCE", I think i embrassed her, she had her friends over..Lol, ahh well.

          Trying to make your digi camera into a webcam is really hard, and it eats all the batteries. So, im not trying that again, sadly. Ah well. Pooey. -glances at her cmaera with snooty look-.

          OMG, last night there was 22people in the chat!! It was AweSomE!!! I still remember that night...{its only been 1 night you idiot), Hey stop annoying me! It was a very special night!! how often do you see 22 people in that chat?! eh eh eh,

          Darn its raining!!! ahhhhhhhhh go away you spooty rain drops! ah that made it rain harder, i hate the rain, well i love it but hate it. Im alone so like, i dont like it. God, its keeps blowing like heck out here. Its crazy, we go outside the cockpit and its blowing 25-30 kts!! Its horrid. Ah, its stoped thank god.

          Achk, i cant find anything else to talk about..Well, i can. here..-- SCHOOL SCHOOL, i have to be done with all my school before May 30. this year, darn, and i have like 69 lessons left. That includes like 3 days for testing periods. Bt like, come on mom! I dont have to have it all done by May 30 do I? She just says that to make her sound more teacher-ish..-snicker-, shes not good at teaching, now, my daddy is good at teachng, he goes like this "do this, then that, then make sure your answears are correct, and then do what ever else you have to do, with your math, just finish then bring out to me and I'll check it, and that poetry you have, skip it, i hate poetry as much as you." now my mom would say "Tori!! Did you start your school yet!?!?!, you need to start now cause i know how long it takes you to do it!! (it takes me about 3-3 1/2 hours), and all those dicussions questions need to be checked and answear ever thoroughly in nice complete long sentenses, not just in your manual, i want then out on paper!! now, do it! With your math, work ALL the problems, even the mixed reviews (which you arent suppose to do), and make sure you dont cheat, i want every singal factorail writen out and all those percentages made perfect, here lets just try one now, 12.9 over 162.7 = Y over 172 do that now! you only have so long, go go , do it now. hey stop doing that and start on history... poetry has to be done nice and neatly, if you dont, i'll make you read 3 extras." yes, you see howannoying, and like now she is enforcing ALL that and makeing my school much more difficult than needed. Blah, im ranting, sorry.

          Bye all, im bored beyond possible, well, not really ahhh stop typing you spooty fingers!!

          T00dl3ys, Tori
          Love and be loved


          • Standardized testing this I hate my homeroom. It smells like my teacher, who smells funny...I don't like my homeroom teacher anyway. But then again, I could rant about how I hate my homeroom teacher for pages, so I'll just stop right now.

            I'm getting my braces off March 30! *dances* freedom! Gum, and popcorn, and caramel, and apples, and other weird things that I can't eat right now!

            Got my temps today too. XD I hope I don't kill the car...but then again, killing the minivan would be a good parents would get me a car then...hehe...I swear I will not intentionally wreck the minivan. I swear it. It'd be bad.

            I think I shall go get some pie. Hopefully my family did not eat it all, as that would be bad for their health.


            • Whee Robots.

              Hehe, that was excepted from me *rolls eyes*

              Anyways, beginning of break for me was me missing the last day of finals to go to Manchester since GSR was starting that day (Thursday before last). We went up there, and on Thursday fixed the robot alot, fixing mechanical, programming, all of those. On Friday we started matches, won some lost some. Saturday came around and our robot wasn't working at all how it was meant to, so when we went into eliminations we weren't picked. We spent that whole time working on the robot in the pits, did alot of testing. All that time was spent on programming. It was funny because teams were coming back from losing and watching us and being amazed XD.

              So we got it finished and went to awards ceremonies not expecting anything. It got to the last award and Dean came out and started explaining what the team who won did...and they say "Over 50 demos a year" and it was amazing. We couldn't beleive they actually gave us a chairmans regional was amazing. So awesome, so awesome.

              Chairman's Award
              Embracing the Spirit of FIRST

              Since its inception, the FIRST Robotics Competition has been about partnership among people, the impact it has on their lives and appreciation of science and technology. The Chairman's Award recognizes a team's commitment and efforts toward achieving this goal. It remains FIRST's most prestigious award.

              Whee. .

              Then on Wed we went to Orlando. On Thursday was practice matches and we won all of those. We also has some fixing of robots bbut not to much. On Friday we started qualification matches and we lost the first two, then won the rest. On
              saturday the morning was more qualifications. We only lost one of those. So when it went to alliance selections we were seeded 10th, which basically guaranteed for us to be on some alliance, but we didn't know which. Then teams started coming around talking to us...meaning that teams like 11th and 12th seeds were trying to make us pick them, and then 7th, 6th, 4th , seeds were all coming around asking us literally "would you accept us?" Meaning we had to start telling some of the teams "uh, we would, but we don't think we'll last to you." Then SPAM, seeded 3rd, came over said we were top on their list, and we started figuning out strategies. It was expected for the seeds 1 and 2 to go to gotogether.

              1 chose 2.
              2 denied.
              1 choose us.


              We ended up being eliminated in the SemiFinals after the best matches ever in the quarterfinals because of a scoring mistake.


              No fair.

              I'm gonna post a link to soe of the matches later.

              We ended up winning a design award to .

              and I have class now so I have to stop posting.
              We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


              • I had a really cool dream this morning. Me and my siblings were sitting on the couch when my mom walked in and said we were going to a SCA event tommorrow. Then she went poof!. Next I and my siblings turned into matoran. I was yellow (I didn`t get a chance to see my mask), my brother was red with a red hau, my first sister was blue with a kaukau, and my baby sister wasn`t there. There were three or six more matoran with us, but I can`t remember exactly how many, or what color they were. I think I saw a purple one, though! A bowl with nine balls in it, three red, three blue and three yellow, appeared in the middle of the couch. I took a yellow one, as did my brother, but my little sister took a blue one. My brother dropped his ball, and it rolled to the radiator (I knew that in THAT direction, there was nothing but wall, so this was when I realized it was a dream), and I went to get it. We got to it at about the same time, and I picked it up and gave it to my brother. He put it in his mouth and started to chew it, and I said some thing along the lines of "Take that out of your mouth you silly goof." He took it out and poked me. Then I woke up.

                Like? No like? Oh, if you no like, you CAN say you think it`s a stupid dream. Just be polite about getting your point across, `kay? Now I`m gonna have lunch and then go to chat. T00dles!
                "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                • *woofs*

                  I was contemplating just posting the above and wondering if some mod or poot or something would snag it. I mean, sure, it's a one-liner, but it's a wonderfully expressive interesting one liner that changes the course of the conversation in ways that are almost beyond human comprehension; it is completely different from something like "yea." or other plebian comments.

                  Then I realized it was a moot point.
                  Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
                  Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


                  • Grrrrr! I was trying to post, then like, you know i accidentaly clicked enter, and stupid thing posted it. Andf before, i was letting my parents friends check their e-mail and stuff, and i when they left i clicked on my short cut back into here, and then it killed my post, which was already really long, so now i have to re-type, stupid thing!!!!one!11

                    It seems as though each time i look at this, it grows another page. Like, its now iup to what, 9664?!?! thats crazy, lol. its cool, tho! CHAT HAS BEEN HUGE HUGE HUGE! I mean Sunday had 22 people, last night had like 22 as well at one point, but wow, this place is growing!

                    -So tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet, did you finally get the chance to dance along the lotterday and then back to the milky way, so tell me did you sail across the sun,. did you make it to the milky way to see that living is overated? so tell me did you fall from a shooting star ,one with out a prematent mark, so tell me did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?- -sings song over and over-, sorry, i love that song..triva, who is singing that, anyone got any answers, hehe i know it!

                    MOUSEY!!! WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?!?! THATS MY GOODBYE REMARK!! YOU CANT USE TOODLES!!!!!!!! MINE MINE MINNE!! Nah, thats fine, hehe, i dont care, just dont use it to much..

                    Okay, i just checked my folder and i have over 2000 pic of myself now, hehe, just from January..oops, XD XD XD XD XD XD, i like taking pics by myself, i hate when my mom takes one, she is like SMILE TORI!!!!! I WILL sit here all day till you do. it pathetic. Then when i take one of myself, it turns out nice cause i dont have a smirk or sarcastic remark on my face. God, just leave me alone mother!!!!

                    I am soo sore todAY, AND yesterday..I went knee boarding on Sunday, and like i used muscles that i dont usually use. So, now i have to sit still, and not lift anything that can jepordize my back anymore. I have a heating blanket thing on my back to keep the muscles from getting anymore tighter. I just sit and move my finger, nothing else. But i dont have a problem with that!!! : hehe

                    My sister doesnt understand the menaing of NO!, I tell her no coke till later, what does she do, "ohh come on, its just half a glass, you can have some" its bad, she wont understand iT!!!, tho, everyone in a while it is good to have coke, but not every single day!! I mean, come on, do you really want all that!?!?!? I dont. Im not sugar fanatic. im not crazy about candy either, maybe squeeze pops, buit i dont get those often.

                    My rents bye
                    Love and be loved


                    • Soryy, my rents came back, and i didnt want my mom to see that i was on. Lol. Ah well, i think she already knew...Oh we grrrrr! i keep clicking enter too much, i made an error, i clicked enter instead of backspace and it sent it. ROAR!!

                      Anyways, i think she kinda knew i was on, so i pulled the air card out real quick, and then she went back on, so, then everyone was IMing me, and she was just chatting with them, urfgh, she likes to talk with my friends....not sure why, but she does, and its annoying. Like, she will talk to Street, then Sean will IM me, and she will talk with him. Then Mousey IM's me and i have to tel her that its my mom that is on, not me. Just a continues problem.

                      Arffhy, g2g my mom needs help to with the laundry. grr, and my sister wants the lapppy so she and her friend can play "games" on it..hummm, what would that be,, STUPID YAHOO GAMES THAT ARE POINTLES!!!!! ROARRRR TO HER!

                      okay, buh bye,
                      Love and be loved


                      • Get a mac. Then you can do the "switch user" thing, and she won't have all your AIM windows and stuff open when she sits down to the computer....

                        Macs are just full of crunchy goodness. (Bias warning: I have an iBook).
                        New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                        • Johnny Cash: I keep a close watch on this heart of mine, I keep my eyes wide open all the time, I keep the ends out for the tie that binds, because you're mine, I walk the line...
                          Got to love the man in black. XD I love Johnny Cash; it's one of the little known facts about me that seriously no one knows about.

                          I was just watching Walk the Line with my mom, since the people I was supposed to babysit for decided to cancel and call my house at 2:00 (while I was still at school) to tell me this, and the voice mail didn't pick it could have used that $20! Oh well...

                          Kli/Tori: you can get the switch user thing on Windows too...I set mine up so there's a password you need to put in to get on my account thingie, so people can't get on it, even if I leave windows open...makes no sense the way I describe it, but whatever.

                          Standardized testing s...tinks....haha, I'm listening to Johnny Cash, and in one of his songs, they bleeped out like 15 seconds because he was swearing! Lol, that's great...why do I care about this? I don't know. But it's funny...Walk the Line is a good movie. Much better then 40 Year Old Virgin, which was...funny, but disturbing. XD I think I'm going to bed now...because I walk the line! *starts singing Johnny Cash*


                          • Hey,

                            Very nice Hungry. Sounds like a good movie if the all mighty Hungry likes it!! God, today, at lunch, my friends and I were playing tennis and I went up to the net to pick up the ball from the other side and I kinda started to hump the net. I think I scared my friends... Well, I should be going to bed. If you see me in chat DON'T ask about the net humping thing. I think I was like drunk or high on sugar cookies... XD

                            Lots of love,

                            This has been an origional Monkey posting.


                            • Well life is pretty crappy from my end of things. My ex boyfriend has recently blamed me for everything in his life ranging from attempted suicide to his grades. I even believed him for a while there and felt SO guilty. And rather depressed. However I just realized that he really needs therapy and is unable to take responsibility for anything that happens in his life. If bad things happen to him it's always someone else's fault. So now I'm just very very angry. *hits things*
                              The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                              I promise not to funfun anymore
                              Be happy cause life is good


                              • Hungry:

                                1stly, Congrats on your soon-to-be lack of braces!! *is envoius*

                                2ndly: I never got to see Walk the Line (regretably) (sp?), but I think they're playing it again at my local theater. Weeeeiiiiird.

                                Ok, Cress: I'm glad you realised he was wrong. Let it out!!

                                Now, to me....

                                this is slighly embarrasing for reasons I can't explaing.....I....

                                ...have a boyfriend. *blush*
                                I guess it's because he's my first boyfriend, eh?

                                welll, I've not much to say. I'm going to be singing at Confirmation in a few days (fun!), oo, tomorrow I haff a little concert and I'm playing piano and I am SCARED

                                I have been sick for two weeks, so I barely practiced piano, kind of shows.

                                Then I have piano certification on Wednesday...then Wicked on Thursday!!...along with an orthidontist appointment.

                                Oh, and I got contacts!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!! *pumps arm*

                                Alright, I think I'm done mky mini-rant for today...I haven't been on in ages, I'm sorry, but I've been busy!!


                                Don't look at me like that!!!!!

                                Alright, I'm outa here to make some <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Irish Soda Bread!! Yay!!</span>

                                <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Happy Saint Patty's Day, ya'll!!</span>
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

