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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • HA!!!!! I knew it!!! I knew it all along!!! ok, well anyway, that was so good. OMG you got like alot of people with that. that was a good one. It seemed very planed and thought out, but it was brilliant! I have to give you that! ROTFL! ahhh! im sorry that was so good!
    Don't take life so seriously- you wont get out alive anyway.
    I just got lost in thought…it was unfamiliar territory.
    If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?


    • Wow... I leave for a week, and this is what I miss. Well... I'm supposed to be doing my homework, but my math book isn't going anywhere. All I have to say is, great job, clone. Very believable... If it wasn't you. My family isn't so into the AFD thing. The best prank this year was my mom waking me up and saying that my softball game was in 10 min... 4 hours early. Not good. She switched my clock, but I had my watch on. I read somewhere that people don't wear watches anymore. Everyone depends on their cell phone/ipod/other disgusting device. I don't like technology much. Computers, I can live with. I only use mine for communication, not much. I'm hopeless with this thing. But as I was saying, on AFD, when my mom woke me up, it was too early for me. I usually read till 2-6 AM (sometimes on school nights) and on weekends, I sleep till noon. Of course, on a school day, I can't do that, so I sleep in one of my boring classes. Like math. Speaking of, I still have that homework... I despise math.
      Today I saw cancer, cigarettes and shortness of breath. This is why I walk to the ocean. Swim with sharks and jellyfish. I may never get this chance again. This is why if you want to


      • Okay, so i knew all along that it was ajoke. but i just wanted to play it out and see the end. Okay, okay, you all dont believe that i knew it but i did.! Clone, thats nice, but you know that what you did was like discrimanation agaisnt us wonderfull women, and pretending to be one then saying of wait im a guy is somewhat rude..just to tell you. But yeah, thats a good joke. Somewhat really stupid though..

        Well anyways, off that topic.

        So today for the third time, i went out sailing in the sailing dinghy. So this time, i wanted to go out by myself with out my friend. And so okay, well my dad says "we have to do a test, the test is to flip the dinghy and get it back over" why would i want and need to do that?! lol, so anyways we did it, i got A couple f sratches but like, im It was kinda fun actully. But then like we had to drain ALL the water that had gotten in when we flipped, out. So while i was getting back into the dinghy after we got it back in order, i like burst open my burn, and it started bleeding bloody was weiird. (and bloody, lol)

        I am still working on that report from weeks and weeks ago! Its horrid! I finally got a very good rough draft done, and my mom prints it then marks the whole freaking thing up! So then i had to go back, take her comments and make it better, you see, shes a perfectionist. Its hard living with one, especailly it being your mother. So anyways i was working till 3:48..oh yeah and now the EST people are now the same time as me! Lol..i just thought of light savings..In the Atlantic, they dont have it. So funfun!

        Im bored...the chat seems to be getting deader and deader by the day..its weiiiird, and

        Like 10 people there and now ones talking, well, mainly all are lurking or like forgot they were there. OR they just dont talk, or they arwe LURKING, YOU LURKERS! lol..

        Okay, im like making no sense, and probably boring everyone.

        Oh yeah, Gryph, i knew all along Clone was/is a I just was convinced that he was a *girl*


        well, today at dinner, i had my mask and snorkel out, and like..Well people in big boats were flying past out small boat making huge wake so i like put my mask on while one was going by (we are eating dinner outside) and i do the peace sign with my two fingers..right?

        Well the next one that comes by, i do the smae but i scream "WORLD PEACE!! GOO WORLD PEACE!!" its was HILAROUS! i was like rally high..and hyper, it was awesome..then there were two others and i did the same, but none of the people in the boat was cracking up the whole..

        I think i scared my mother to death..she was like "Omg Tori, this is a different side to you...I never knew you had it in you to be bold, and stand out" i was cracking up even harder at that. I kept doing to everyone.

        Oh and like after that, there was three water spouts formed outside of the harbour, so i went up deck with my mask and fins on , and i scream "WATER SPOUT AND WORLD PEACE!!!" i was really hyper, i mean it was scary..but totally fun..

        Wow i just realized how weiiird i

        Okay bye
        Love and be loved


        • yOU'RE weird! *dies of shock* personally i thought you were werid... YAy we're all weird! *is really hyper* sorry.
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


          • I'm so insanely happy and I have no idea why. I've found another song I'll listen to over and over until I'm sick of it, though. Listennn. "She's the kinda girl who tells you she's bipolar just so you'll trust her..."

            The Wicked! Play iiit. It's awesome. It's a tear-your-hair-out, so-simple-once-you-get-it-(but it'll take you an hour), hate-it-or-love-it kind of game. There are 40 levels, and no one's gotten past 36 yet. That's the level I'm on now, and it's pure evil. The guy who made the game's only 18, too.

            Phhh.. I don't even know what I meant to talk about in the first place. Logging on and making a beeline to TOGR to post was an impulse.
            Hah, good to know I'm not the only one who does that. Most of the time I'll wind up not posting at all, usually because Firefox crashes, but it's just the kind of thing where you need to write something whether people read it or not.

            Yay! my binders finally finished! and we ened up only gluing on the second half! but it still looks really cool! check it out!
            Cuz no one was expecting you to have dragons on your binder. :P We all thought you hated them.

            I have a confession to make to everyone here. Since the day I came, I've been hiding something from each and every one of you. I am female.
            Lmfao. XDDD This was great... 'course you told me about it on MSN, but I should hope I know you at least well enough to know you're a guy. :P You pull this kind of thing way too often for anyone to believe you anyway (or I would have thought that before I saw everyone's posts thinking this was real. And on April 1!).

            I am not taking a side to which gender Clonie is. Its Clonie desion.
            ...bwa? Decision? Taking a side? Ah, hehehe, I don't think you quite worded that the right way. If I posted telling everyone I was really a guy (and if it was true) I wouldn't have been deciding to stop being a girl, silly. :P

            And as for claiming to know all along... niiice. XD Of course we're not gonna believe you.

            Hey, Mel (or anyone who remembers the link to a song by Convoj that she posted)? D'you have the lyrics to that? I can't find 'em anywhere.


            • Oooo guess what guys? my birthday was on April 1st and I got an Ipod!!! I'm soo happy and I'm calling it mt wizpod! Its name is Fred. And it sooks just like my mental image of Daryls Wizpod. I'ts a white vidio ipod! yay!*dances silently* Oh and today at school, this girl named Katherine doesnt like mt that much but I don't like her that much either, but anyway, in orch, she put her purse on the chair next to me, so I moved it and she got really mad at me. then she told the teacher that i moved her purse and the teacher told us where to sit and it ended up that we were sitting in the right spots and it was then even more funny when she told me off about what i did! She muttered something to me like "and you have no right to touch my purse!" She has hated me ever since i took "her chair" because she thinks that she is first chair cello, and we don't even have chairs yet!!!! then i just laughed inside!
              Dai stiho cousins


              • Congratulations, wizardsrreal. You are now a pod-person. Now you can listen to the Wizcast mobilely! And don't worry about scratching it--it's just gonna happen. That is the way of iPods.
                New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                • Okay, i opened this window up and now i dont have anything to talk about..ugh

                  I bet i can find something..

                  Ooo, i painted my nails, they look pretty, black, and then let it dry, then darker pink, and it makes a beautiful purple-ly color.

                  I think i have finally finished my report! Yippy! I have been working on it for evers and evers! It is soooo slowww, and boring. Then yesterday i remembered that it wasnt even for my tests! Nah, sadly thats not true. I do need them for my tests, that are over due, ick! I remembered that i had to do a personal essay on it as well. So i went off to do more essays! Argh! And now, i have a new essay on me as well! but at least its something fun to write about. Just a simple 3 page presausive(sp?) essay on why parents should by their kids

                  Im turning 13 soon!! Im hoping for an Ipod after my nice essay on why we should have one. My sister is gonna buy one with her money, she saves. I dont.

                  Oo, yeah, and since we have doubled up on school work, we get a dollar for each lesson we do per day. And doing 2 lessons a day for 5 days, we get 10$ at the end of the week, so i'll be getting more money then.

                  Argh, so much school on me, i mean, my mother is now forcing us to do more work, she is making us TRY to get done with all 160 lessons by the end of this month. Im on 129 now, but like, im not worried whether i finish or not. My sister is though. She wants her Ipod, and longer summer. I could care less for a longer summer. I dont have any camps or friends to hang out with. And i wont have internet, or so i think i wouldnt.

                  Yeah yeah, i could hang on the beach but its not all tha great when you live on a boat and beaches are just there..

                  OOOWWWW, i am chewing gum, and like, i have this one spot in my mouth were my moulers are and if i chew it bleeds, so great now my mouths bleeding. Lovely.

                  O, yes, i have taken a liking for my mother slippers, though they are a size to small they are just the most comfy things in the world! Im trying to steal

                  Okay, i think i have full filled my urge to post on

                  Love and be loved


                  • Wow, I had 10 pages to catch up on. *dies around page 483* HOGOSHA! I haven't talked to you in FOREVER! And Sharky's posting again? *snicker*

                    OH, WF I really like Machinae Supremacy And also, the DRESDEN DOLLS ROCK, as you prolly know by now.

                    A lot's been going on around here since I last posted. I don't really know why I keep not checking the ToGR, but then again I don't really know why I haven't been in chat very often either. I've been spending a lot of my time sleeping or doing homework. The rest of the time I just kinda...well, waste it. This weekend is going to be rather hectic. I have a TON of stuff to do for Monday and Tuesday, BESIDES the fact that my school is hosting the CMT's, so pretty much my whole Monday afternoon is taken up. Which means I'll have to study for Tuesday's psych test on addition to working on 2 papers due Monday morning, and fixing my play scene for Tuesday and writing a different scene...*dies just thinking about it*

                    Anywhoo, I don't have a whole lotta time b/c I have to go do a study for psych then go to my two classes then do another psych study, then I'll prolly come back and collapse on my chair and sleep for a few hours, then waste time before work...BUT I will be online tonight. So anyway, TTYL and dai'stiho guys.

                    Oh and as a sidenote, I'm 20 now


                    • *huggles all* I've only skimmed what I've been missing in the last week or two of TOGR posts, but maybe I'll go back and actually read people's posts. Right now, I'm just gonna type. :P

                      So... over the past few days, my computer had at least two freak attacks. The first was a blue screen of death, only it was different. Said something about how the computer was screwed up, but I didn't pick up much from from it than that. Yesterday, it did something weird (???). It kinda froze... and at the top of the screen, there was this red and random other pixelated gook, but mostly red. I didn't know what that meant, but I shut off the computer. So today, I'm hoping to make backup files of all of my pictures and things like that (hopefully on just one disc... but right now, it's looking like three).

                      What else... ohhh, you know my paints that I got for christmas? Well, I still haven't used them yet, but I drew on a canvas! Creating a masterpeice takes time. :P (<-- world class slacker). And for the people who've been following my brit lit (British Literature) assignment, I've gotten all of my analytical essays done. Finally! As for my pictures of Satan (The book is Paradise lost. Actually, it's an epic, and a religious one... so it's not like I'm doing Satan fanart... err...), they're looking great. I had my brother's friend B pose, and I took pictures of him. I showed him how to use photoshop, and he's been having a ball 'cuz he got to pick out a sword, wings, die his hair, etc. :P Satan may not wear a polo shirt and tennis shoes, but the creativity's gotta count for something. The last part is a research report. After that, I'll just need to make a ton of corrections and put the whole mess together.

                      This weekend, I'm hoping to get to go to a play. Two of my friends are in it, and they've both been begging me to come. What I want to do is get some of my other friends together and go to it, but I'll probably get stuck with my mom and family. nnn

                      I went shopping this weekend! I officially have clothes! I <3

                      Ohhhh... and also last weekend, I picked up a game at best buy, along with The Killers CD. It's called Fire Emblem. And it was expensive ($50!). I was hesitant about getting it, but mom was like, "Go ahead." I think she wanted to prove to me that we're really not poor. At first it was boring (and you bet I freaked -- $50 and the game isn't even that great!?), but now I love it. I'm hooked. :P I could play this game five times after I beat it, and my brother's playing it now too. In my family, video games can be a family thing, even if it's one player. Like if I were to play Zelda or something, my brother would sit on the couch behind me and watch. Because of this, sometimes I can get my brother to do my homework for me (what are younger siblings for, if not to be your slaves?), just by, "Ughh... I have to quit to do homework... but... if you type up my vocab for bio while I study history, I could play some more." Bro: "Yes, your Highness. I, your devoted servant, will do anything for you!" (Or maybe not quite like that, but whatever. )

                      *huggles RC!* Wooh And happy birthday!

                      Oh oh oh, final thing I want to say (I promise :P )! My friends also got me into a manga (but I'm almost certain it's out as an anime too) called Full-Metal Alchemist. I'm hooked. It's not as good as Saiyuki, but I still love it. (But Ed is so violent!)
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • Well, after about 4 months (? give or take a few), I figured I should come back and pay homage to the very first site that I ever belonged to and felt at home in. In a little less than a month, it will be 2 years since I first set foot here. How time flies! It kind of surprises me that my account is still here, and I am grateful that it is.

                        I suppose that those who remember me will want an update.

                        I have been ever busy, hence my not being here all that often. Busy with what? you may ask. Well, I have been trying to write. I haven't been so very successful by my own standards, but everything I write gets rave reviews. I honestly think the people who read it only say it is good because they know me or they are a wee bit crazy. But, since it is my passion, I have to keep at it no matter how much my perfectionist nature raises its ugly head.

                        I am still an administrator for an online game called Broken Metal. I have graduated from just being a forum admin to helping to design the actual game. We are going to be resetting all the stats soon and at that time a slew of the new things I have been working on will find their way into the game. It isn't every day that you get to help create something that others spend a fairly great amount of time persuing. I am both excited for the roll out and how much more depth my creations will give the game, and a bit anxious that they will like the additions. I have spent the better part of the past year working on them, so there is that too. Time invested isn't a huge part of my worry. I would just like to know that I didn't waste all of it.

                        I'm still online most days. And music is still a huge part of my life. You can find my musical persuits here. If any of you have Myspace, you can add me. I'm found here. Lastly, LiveJournal or LJ, as everyone calls it, is another place I regularly update. It can be found here if anyone is curious.

                        Well, I don't what else to add and so I will bid you adios for now. *Huggles* to those I know. *Waves* to those I don'g know. Have a happy day.

                        T3h Chani
                        -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                        The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                        I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                        • Well. This week has been...interesting. I don't have a stress fracture in my foot, so hopefully I'll be running again next week. Let's I'm thinking, and I really can't remember what else I did this week! I went to a Beatles tribute concert, which was fun.

                          (edit 4-8-06) I'm bored, so I'm editing instead of posting again, because...well, just because. My dad got an iPod yesterday, which is weird. It is one of the bigger ones, and now he's bragging that he has a REAL iPod (his words, not mine) and I just have a MINI iPod. My dad is nuts. But I got his thing that was supposed to play it in the car, because it doesn't hook up to his iPod XD My family is weird in the fact that they buy stuff that on the package says that it's not compatible with whatever we have, and then expect it to work. So. Yes. I have nothing else to say once again.


                          • Well, the good news is that I don't have Medieval History on Monday, so I get an extension on the paper I have to write. The bad news is that I still have Theories of Writing. If I DIDN'T have writing on Monday, I'd have no class, and I could sleep in until it's time to go to the CMT...but que sera, sera.

                            Anyway, tis my dad's birthday today He's going to come by after work. I made him a card, but I have no idea what to get him as a gift. I don't have a lot of money, which in some ways doesn't really matter, b/c he's more of the sentimental type that likes pretty much anything you get him. So we'll see what happens.

                            Technically I don't have too much to do today, so I'll prolly be bored out of my mind soon enough. WHOA that was SO WEIRD! O.o I turned on a boombox here at work so I could listen to Techno Bass Crew, and it was set to radio, so it said RAD when it first turned on XDXDXDXD That was strange. ANYWAY, Techno Bass Crew is teh awesomeness, especially on this one boombox that has a "power drive woofer" (AKA it really amplifies the bass, so it's all thumpy )

                            I'll be hanging around pretty much all day, so if I'm not in chat I'll be on MSN. (And SKYPE, ahahahhahaha)


                            • I am doing 6 labs at once for the same class and on top of all that I still have to do questions for all the pre-labs and study for all four of my AP classes which have exams in May...I think I might die from the stress. The best news I could get though is Spring Break is in 4 days!!! I finally get a break yet my teacher told our class that we still have to do labs over our break and this huge packet of questions.

                              My goal for senior year of high school is to survive and not end up in the hospital with a panic attack or stress problems or breaking out in my goal for high school is to survive!
                              Just my luck, they ran out of cookies again!

                              I have a demon cat that was spawned from Satan.


                              • And here I am, thinking I have nothing to post about. *headdesk* ...ow...

                                It's been a whirlwind week, it really has. I'll start with Thursday, because M-W were reaallllly boring.
                                Thursday: I went to softball practice (it was kinda boring and kinda fun at the same time. Go figure :P), then my friend A and I went to this last-minute teen thing at the library. It was really funny, I think some younger kids werea sossta come to, so they played Chicken Little. It was surprisingly funny!

                                Then, after much bargaining, she came over and slept over. WE made homemade peanutbutter ice-cream (we only had vanilla), and watched A WAlk to Remember. My God, that is one of the saddest movies I have ever seen. It was...touching to say the least...even if A kept blurting out what was going to happen...

                                The next day I went over her house and babysat, watching Thumbelina for the first time. Interesting. But Cornelious has a bad haircut. Reallllly bad. Then we went out to dinner!! Yum! :P

                                The next morning I got up early to take a practice entrance test for HS. It was unbelievably easy (compared to the SAT...I crashed for a week after that one) and I saw a whole buncha me friends. Yay!

                                After that, we went to this Ukranian Art Festival, and I bought this kit to make Psyankys (sp?), and I made one yesterday. Funfun! Psyankys are Ukranian eggs. You hollow them out, and design them with wax and dye.
                                Here's what a reallly good one will look like:

                                I made my first hollow one, and am sooo proud!

                                Today, Church was took like a half an hour longer than usual...ugh.

                                Now, I'm going to eat, do some homework, go to another softball practice, then my friend's comin ova and we're makind more!

                                Oh, and I finally got my hands on a Terry Pratchett book: The Wee Free Men. Awesome!!

                                Well, l8r my non-exsitant g8rs
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

