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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Dai everybody! This is my first post with an avatar. I'm very, very happy...

    I have a social studies test (well, I guess it's actually a quiz) to study for, but I really don't want to. And I've got an AP exam to study for over April vacation (which is in a week ) . Fortuantely I can't study for the AP exam because I don't have the information yet. Phew.

    I just ate a fluffernutter. Is that one word or two? Oh well. It was very good and it didn't make a mess either. Except my dogs tried to get it. That happens a lot.

    Let's see, what else. Hmmm... well, I'm reading TBONWM for the first time in three years. I forgot how good it is. Unfortuantely, I don't think my English teacher will let me do my end-of-semester assignment on it. That's okay, though, because I found another book to read. Still, it would have been nice.

    Can't think of anything else. I'm going to go find some stuff to put in my sig. Bye!
    "I found the pieces in my hand/They were always there/It just took some time for me to understand"

    --Vertical Horizon, "I'm Still Here"


    • Well, just finished my sweet essay that I had to write...I'm applying to this summer thing at a college, and I had to write an essay on the prompt "Why do you want to study this summer intensive?" Mine's actually pretty good, it's about why I want to study it (lol) and I quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson in it, which means that I have been paying attention in English class all year...

      saash3120: Yeah, I have to study for an AP test too...but I just haven't really done much yet. I should start on that, I've got 2 years of stuff to go over. I'm taking AP US History, and it's a 2 year class at my school, so...that's a lot of notes and history to go over. Fun...

      Hmmm...I've been in chat a lot more than usual this weekend...odd. Really, I don't really go in chat that much, but I guess...I've sat around online almost all weekend since I still can't go running. Oh well. Umm...yes. Ok.


      • It's my birthday sunday, I'm an Easter baby, isn't life great
        yay for me
        thats all for now, have a great weekend all *is on spring break too* OOOOOOHHHHHH YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
        weee what fun
        "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, being serious
        Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him alight and he's warm for the rest of his life ~ Jingo, by Terry Pratchett


        • Well, im offically addicted to the llama songg!! Its soooo awesome!! Lol, lol.
          Okay, its spring break for the PR people and Easter break, so like EVERYONE in their big fancy mega power boats are here and like really loud. You can just sit outside and laugh your head off at them. Some will like be singing at the top of their lungs in Spanish, others will be trying to swim around the boats. Okay and the funniest was this little kid who was in a dinghy with some other kids and a dad, well, they have been passing out boat a ton, and one time when they went by, the kid trys to pronounce the name of our boat. Okay and like Spanish people can roll their RRRRRRs really well, so the kids says blahblahblahRRRRRRRRRblahblah, it wassss juuuusstttt sooo funnyyyy!

          Anyways. Last night was a living heck. Yelling and like all that junk that girls and their mothers have to deal with. Ickkkyy. I was depressed last night...-sob-, lol

          LLAMA SONGG!!!!!

          Is the llama song. Its really realy awesome!! You shuld listen to it, really, get addicted.
          God, im listening to it over and over. LOL

          Steak and baked potatos and salad, sounds good. Wonder if i have to cook it now..Hm, i hate cooking when i have to do the dishes after it.

          Well, last night we had some other people selling their watermaker on eBay so they came over and we kept refreshing it when it got down to only 10 mins left. Well, sadly, it didnt move. So i think they were all sad cause my dad had told them that it would get up another 1,000 but it didnt, so they were sad, and you could tell. But, thats how it is on eBay.
          Im convincing my dad to get me my own eBay account. Im getting an iPod, though my dad and mom dont know it yet. Ha.

          Well, we got our mail today and i was all happy and i thought i would get my tests from 100 lesson, but NOOO! Only Ali's came! Its not fair, so now i have to wait another 2 weeks for it, and by then i'll most likely be on the 160 test!! So, im mad about that.

          Supposively, if i get all As on my test 160, i'll get a new real iPod, but im not sure i can do ALL As, in

          Okay, well dinners coming. Ta Ta.

          My birthday is in 47 days!! or is it 48? No 47!! Yippe! Im happy. Okay bye. This was really a pointless post, but what ever. Lol

          Love and be loved


          • Aack. I'm bored. Not good. What to write about?

            Oh, I've got it! What's today, Friday? Ok, on Wedneseday, the gym at school was closed because there was a stage in the middle of it. Some awards ceremony that they showed on our closed circut channel, but I was reading, so I don't know what it was. Anyway, since the gym was closed, we had PE outside. Didn't really do anything... So, I had PE at the very end of the day, so I had my bookbag and stuff. I had been reading a book, so it wasn't in my bag. We dumped our stuff on the bleachers, and at the end of PE, when I wen't to get my stuff, it had been knocked off of the bleachers. I started getting everything, when I noticed that my book was nowhere to be seen! Then... I started freaking out. A complete 'spaz moment'. I was screaming, "Where's my book!" and other stupid things, when my friend smiled and said, "Oh, Olivia, I picked up your book and put it under my jacket,-" pointed to my beloved book, on the other side of the bleachers "-so it wouldn't get messed up. I know how spastic you are about them."

            Well, I can only say that I was mad. I missed a whole chapter's worth of my reading time, looking for my book. Oh yeah, I usually measure time by page(like 2 sec), chapter (about 5-8 min), and book (30 min-hour)(depending on the size of the chapter/book size of the book that I most recently read).

            So... I'm still bored, but I have to get off of the computer. There's company. The first in our new house. Whoo.
            Today I saw cancer, cigarettes and shortness of breath. This is why I walk to the ocean. Swim with sharks and jellyfish. I may never get this chance again. This is why if you want to


            • Yay! Just got on vacation a few hours ago!

              Olivia: Something similar happened to me a few days ago. I had this big French project in my backpack, stuffed in a binder. When I realized I had to make a change on it (the night before it was due, by the way), I went to get it out, and it wasn't there. *scary music* I kind of freaked out, but a couple seconds later I found that it had fallen out of my binder and was in the bottom of my backpack.

              Can I think of anything else to say? *thinks very hard* Well, my band director gave us a bunch of random music today, just to play it once for the fun of it, and I accidentally got a clarinet part for one of the songs. I play the trumpet, and woodwind parts are very scary for brass players. So I sat and did nothing through the whole song.

              Okay,NOW I can't think of anything else to say.
              "I found the pieces in my hand/They were always there/It just took some time for me to understand"

              --Vertical Horizon, "I'm Still Here"


              • Life today was horrible, as most of my days are..--

                Well, i was talking this morning, and it had been raining ALL night and when its raining i dont sleep, so i didnt sleep all night, then at 7:00 my dad comes in and turns on the very very loud water maker, which is in my room..

                so i dont sleep anymore and if im up before 9:00-10:00 im grumpy
                so, i got up and i had my glass of choco milk
                and then , my mom was making bread, so i looked over to see it, and my hand knocked the glass over and half a glass of milk slipt all over me, im grumpier!

                So i clean it up and while im doing that, i start ranting that im so tired and that im gonna be grumpy all day and then me and my mom startted arguing on what time my dad really did turn on the water maker,
                and then when she said "nooo it was really 8:00" i said "shhuuureeee" and she thought i said "shut up!"
                and that did it, she it my face . it hurts still
                and yeah
                Then i was like, well i didnt say shut up, i said sure and shes like dont lie to me and cry to make me think otherwise! And then some time goes by, my sister says quietly to my mom that i said sure not shut up, and my mom snaps back to my sister
                so she shuts up herself
                and then i ask her "what do you really think of me?"
                and she says "i love Victoria" (i hate when she calls me that, and she NEVER uses it, so i think she was lying, thank god she didnt use my FULL name, i'd killed her.)

                And then yeah, but we made up and got off the subject
                so then, later around 2:00 i was swimming and i was getting out, and so was my sister, and she grabs the rope that was by the ladder to get out, and i didnt know my mom and dad were sitting up in the patio type thing, so i said "what the hell alison!?!?"
                and then my dad was like "you dont need to cuss about it Tori"
                and i turned red,and yeah, i was like it slipped, sorry.
                He got over it, he didnt really care, he just has to make it seem to my mother , tha he cares lol
                But yeah, and just a coupkle mins ago, i was liek " mooooommmmm, pleassssee!!!"
                and shes like "you understand what you did wrong dont you? and then you cussed at your sister!"
                and i was like "i understand and it slipped!!"
                i said "faannkkk yooouuu!!"
                i use fank you when i dont mean it
                no one knows that heh,
                So before i asked my mom, i asked my dad, and hes like "i wasnt there, but i dont think you are allowed"
                so i was like whispering to him that i really said sure not shut up, and hes like "your mother is always picking a fight, i know, she does it to me, and i believe that you really did say sure not shut up"

                I love my daddy. But yeah, thats pretty much how most of my days are. I never had enough time to write them out. Today was the one that tipped me over the edge. Sorry about it kinda ranting. Lol

                But today, we had some other friends, two other bpats of two peoples came over at like 2:30-3:00, they are nice. We had like a potluck. My mom made awesome coco chicken thai soup, she actully asked the other peoples how high their spice levels were, and their like oohhh we love spice!! Just add everything you have! We are major spicers. We like spicy food, so it was really good and thai-y. Lol

                Then my mom ATTEMPTED to make Spring Rolls, they fell apart and like, kinda got weird, my mom used the bad oil for them. So, they were really good, and she had duck sauce!! So, that was good.

                Right now they are outside playing dominoes, my mom said that she wanted an adult game. I am to good for them, lol. And its true, because i played last time they were over, and i killed them. HeHe. I dont even play much. But i win at most everything i try at, im very competetive. So yeah, i get it from my mom. Ick.

                Hmm, i wonder how long this post is. Lol Oliva, its Good Friday, and Passover not just Friday Hehe.
                Oh, Saash, where are you vacationing at? If im allowed to ask. I wish i had a vacation from my "vacation". I am so bogged with school, and tests and just so much LIFE. Ick.

                Who likes the kernels of popcorn? I love them. I dont care if they'll *hurt* my teeth, they are to tooo gooood to resist!! The half popped ones are the best. Im eating popcorn right now..And its good. To bad not many kernels didnt pop Lol

                Okay, im out of things to talk or rant about so bye.
                Oh, im re-reading W@W for the 3rd time. I am out fo books!!! -hides- My moms going back to FL in middle of May or firsts, she has business and ha to return leased computers.. But she'll get me goodies for my b-day. AND BOOOOOOOOKKKKKKSSSSS! Yeah yeah yeah.

                Okay bye. Tori.
                Love and be loved


                • umm...randomness...hmm...

                  spring break is almost over...i have to clean up the house tomorow in preparation for an easter dinner for like 10 people. whoo intense cleaning.XP *hates cleaning*

         other news...*static* *shrug* guess there's none. XP

                  *chages station* *static*

                  i'm gonna quit typing nwo before i annoy all of you and get my dumb self banned.

                  dai stiho
                  YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                  "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                  • 'ello, 'ello. I've been lurking lately, but I have felt the impulse to actually communicate with the outside world...

                    We got off for Good Friday, so my friend had a party Thursday night. She invited a bunch of our friends over, but half the guys ended up not coming. Three guys, seven girls...tee hee. Well, there was this concert that Zach and Rachel went to, N's sister was in town from college, and E just didn't bother coming. The party was fun anyways, maybe more fun for me than it would have been if...nevermind. Well, Em and I have this thing where we always sing Breathe (2 am) by Anna Nalick. So we're in the treehouse thing, singing it while everyone's being all social. Then everybody starts slowly getting quiet until all you can hear is the two of us singing. Shoe recorded us on his cell, but we didn't get it in time to delete it. Anyways, we also have motions for You and Me by much fun. The girls stayed the night over there and stayed up until around three in the morning just talking.

                    I spent about three hours of Friday afternoon sleeping. Our air conditioning is pretty much out, so it's extremely warm in everwhere but the basement. I ended up sleeping in the spare bedroom (in the basement) last night.

                    My mom's in a must-clean mood...or more like angel-must-clean mood. *growl* I hate cleaning. I've done my bathroom and the spare bedroom, but I don't even want to think about my own room. I've kind of just let things pile up in there. What makes it worse is that it's so HOT. My room is comparable to a furnace. Okay, I'm exaggerating there, but it's close to unbearable. *sigh* I really want our AC fixed. The people should be here by now, goodness.

                    Tori: *huggles* I'm sorry you had a bad day. I hope you have a better one!

                    Edit: Wow. I've been here for over two years... *blinkblink* kinda just hit me. Fwee!
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • I am so bored, it's not even funny. I am seriously about to pull my hair out, I'm so bored.

                      Let's see... On the desk is a Calvin and Hobbes book. I love those books, maybe I'll read it later.

                      I came on the computer to do something... Of course, as soon as I sat down, I forgot. This is sad. My memory is as bad as my mom's. I'm not even a teenager yet! I think it's because of homework. Seriously, my teachers give too much homework, my poor, 12-year-old brain gets way too stressed, then, I lose my memory. Yup. That makes perfect sense, right? It started in 3rd grade. We had a 'Talent Development' class, and we learned squaring, cubing, and square roots in 3rd grade. Whoo, fun. After that, stuff got boringly easy, so when the teachers (this is a guess) noticed that it was too easy, they decided to make up for it by teaching us two lessons a day, and tripling our homework.
                      They hate us, I'm positive. Well, not my language arts teacher, but that's my favorite subject, and she's everyone's favorite teacher. Everyone's. Even the kids who didn't have her, but, I won't start saying why she's so wonderful, and stuff.

                      So... Tomorrow's Easter! Yay! The best holiday, I think, because of the meaning behind it. *tear* But no, it's supposed to be joyful, even if He did die for us... Evil death... Sorry, I'm Thantophobic. Look it up. "Bla Bla, that's a stupid fear," that's what everyone says. "That's nothing to be worried about." I don't care. Still, tomorrow isn't the 'dead day. The opposite! Yay! Take that, Satan!

                      Kay, this is getting stupid. I'll stop now.
                      Today I saw cancer, cigarettes and shortness of breath. This is why I walk to the ocean. Swim with sharks and jellyfish. I may never get this chance again. This is why if you want to


                      • Well, I've got good news and bad news. Which one first? Okay.

                        Okay, well the first most important bad news is hat we might be leaving to another island where there is no internet connection. There will be wireless, but like, you know. My parents think that the time we are leaving is gonna be the middle of this week, or early next week. So, I'll have to start saying bye-byes -Tear drop-.

                        Okay, moving on. The good news is that my momm and I didn't fight much any today! Well, in the morning, I got up at 9:30 (way to early, I was grumpy), and my mom mentioned the note i put up last night when I went to bed. The note said that "FINE!, We can go to Europe! BUT!!, i want an iPod, more books and I get to go to school there for a year, and if I like it, maybe 2." Well, she read that.And guess what?! IT WAS ALL JUST A CRAZY IDEA!!!! HOW MEAN!!!. (For those that weren't in chat last night, my parents came up with the idea that we'd go to Europe).

                        So that was good. And after that went through, my dad made a huge list that was all hippy-ish. I was paranoid by it. It was all about how to be happy and finding happiness. I swear he's trying to become a shrink!! Lol. But anyways, that took another 15 minutes, but I had my french toast while listening to him blab on.

                        So then, he says that we are going hiking. I dislike hiking, in the morning with no breeze and only sun, deeply. So, I'm trying to budge my way out of going. It was impossible. So at like 10:30, we left. Going on, we got to the dock, locked the dinghy, and started up a huge hill. Of course, the sun gets blazing and the wind stops, so now its horrid out. Altogether I believe that we hiked 4-5 miles. There and back. And it wasn't that great of a hike. We just went up to a hotel thing, then back down. Then we hiked up a dirt road all uphill, for 20minutes. Which was absolutly treacherous.

                        On to more, we got back from the hike, about 1:00ish? I think. And then my sister had a huge meltdown. I wasn't the one fighting today!! Yippe! So, she was complaining about how she didn't want to go to the shallow area to swim, like my parents and I wanted to. In the long run, we did go out to the shallows for about an hour. It then decided to be windy, then. Argh. So theres a ton of current and we leave. While we are on our way back to the boat, my mom suggests that we go over the Resort pool, like my sister wanted to do. Fine, so we by pass the boat and go to the pool. It was fun. We already had our masks so, we could swim underwater with out banging into walls. Lol. See thats the thing with the Sea, no walls, or limits.

                        Now we are back at the boat, and my mom is makiing chocolate cheese cake because we dont have any canned cherries left. Its pretty good, I had some batter. And then to make it even better! She made homemade whipped cream! Yumyum. I had some of that too. Hehe.

                        Anwyas, the day was better than usuall. And I feel bad just ranting here. I hope I don't annoy everyone else with me going on and on.
                        Oh, and I gt burnt on my shoulders on the outline of my tank, lovely. After I have been working hard to get my back all even with each other. Pft. Haha.

                        Okay, my mom is getting suspious at me. I have to be posting only. So, I guess I'll just have to add to this. Though, I don't have much to add. hehe I dont have dishes tonight, so I can coem on earlier. My moms making garlic bread, and chicken so it smells wonderous. Yum, she's a good cook.

                        I will add more later.

                        First edit : OMG Oliva!! You're 12 as well? i didn;t know that! I am 12 as well. Are you in 7th or 6th? I;m being nosy, lol.
                        Love and be loved


                        • Hey! Happy Easter for all of yall that celebrate that. My day was pretty awsome. Like I slept in late (9:30) lol. And then we got our Easter presents. I got a Green Day CD, Cronicles of Narinia DVD, and LOTS of chocolate! yay chocolate!!!

                          But anyways, then we went out and hunted easter eggs, which I havent done in like 3 years. Instead of hard boiled eggs my dad hid plastic eggs that had a dollar each in them. But, since me and my brother are both older, he hid them like really, really good. As it turned out, I found only 6, while my brother found 12! Im like not fair! There are still two eggs out there, but we couldnt find them, and neither could my mom or dad (even though my dad was the one who hid the eggs! lol)

                          Then around noon, I took an hour long shower and me and my mom went to the mall. The only store that was open in the whole mall, was Sears! And like I needed a really formal dress for like this really big award ceremony. (which i doubt ill win anything at)But I ened up finding two really cute skirts, a shirt, and a pair of shoes to match.

                          Then on the way home me and my mom stopped at McDonalds and got drinks and onion rings. And for dinner were going out to Cracker Barrel. And right now im reading YW fanfics lol. But yeah, today's been pretty fun!
                          Don't take life so seriously- you wont get out alive anyway.
                          I just got lost in thought…it was unfamiliar territory.
                          If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?


                          • Tori: Ah, the tank burn... *shakes head sadly* That's usually what happens to me, along with my nose. *twitch*

                            I kind of had a wake-up call today... I'll just summarize because if I get too in-depth, I'll go on for days. But first, background info. My little brother had this friend in Pre-school. It was at my church, so yeah. Well, this little girl was one of the happiest little things I've ever seen. I only saw her a few times, but she was one of those little kids you go " adorable" when you see 'em. Well, she got cancer. I'm not sure what kind, but she had to go through chemo therapy (not sure if that's spelled right, but whatever.) She came to school long enough for the kids to see her without her hair, but then she stopped coming. We didn't really get to keep up with how she was doing, but we assumed that she was doing just fine. Well, this little girl died around a week ago. I guess this is one of those other things that make me "sheltered", but I've never really known somebody who died. Yes, I've known _of_ them, but I've never met them personally, or really knew them. Yeah, this is cliche, but it's so sad that such a young life could be cut so short. I can't imagine what her family is going through. The best thing about what I believe, my faith, is that I have the hope that I'll be able to see her again, that this isn't the end.
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • CALVIN AND HOBBES!!!! I love those comics I SO want that ultimate collection or whatever...

                              Kitty, I didn't know you got easter presents! You're so LUCKY. I didn't get to do anything for easter.

                              Geez AS, that's Poor kid.

                              I have no idea why I'm up this early. I like randomly woke up at 6:15 and decided to stay up. I'll end up taking a nap before my 11 am class though. I wonder if I'll be able to make myself do some of tomorrow's homework, just in case I might get to go to a Martina McBride concert and not have time for homework. LOL my roomie fell asleep sitting at her desk. I just looking over and her head is hanging down. And now her head bobbed and she woke up again XDXD

                              Anyway, wow Easter break is over now. I like didn't do anything at all pretty much since Wednesday. On Saturday I did clean my room a little, but otherwise I pretty much was online the whole time, or watching movies or sleeping.

                              Holy cow, there isn't much school left! Today is the 17th, and the last day of class is on May 2nd, and then my last exam is on the 9th. so only like 2 1/2 weeks of actual class, and most of my classes are winding down so not much left to do besides the bigger projects and presentations. x.x I hate the end of the year because of that. Lessee...I think in Medieval history I have one more paper to write, about the Black Plague. In theories of writing I have another paper or two and a huge presentation that's like on Friday or something. In playwriting I have to produce a scene I wrote. In British literature I have to make some kind of collage thing...which should be fun, but I don't know what theme I want to pick. And then in psychology lab I have to help write a group paper after the experiment we're doing today. So yeah, I hate the end of the school year...

                              And then I think I'm going home for the summer, but I don't know what job to get. Mom has been saying something about the hospital she likes is hiring I might possibly try to look into that. The fall is what really has me worried, though...b/c I prolly won't be coming back to Nashville. I really really really like it here, but I don't have any money left It's going to suck if I go to a state school.


                              • YAY! Today it rained! (I love rain) It was a thunder storm! (I love them too) But only for 5 min. But it poured! I got soaked! YAY! I love standing in the rain! And getting wet! I wasn't wearing my coat, even though it was really cold, so I might get sick! Whoo! I love rain sooooooo much!!!

                                Tori~~ I'm in 6th. I take 7th grade math... We had three lessons today! And got 6 pages with 30 problems on each! I hate math... grr...
                                Today I saw cancer, cigarettes and shortness of breath. This is why I walk to the ocean. Swim with sharks and jellyfish. I may never get this chance again. This is why if you want to

