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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Oh wow, I've been meaning to post in here for what, two, three months now. Some rediculously long amount of time and I just never have time to, or can't for some other reason (read: I've been too busy working with robotics)

    Its actually been so long that I don't know where to start. I guess I'll start with FL even though I may or may not have already talked about that.
    So as many people here have to know what with my obsession, I'm a member of a FIRST robotics team (www.usfirst.org is us winning that award. Oh yeah, and winning this award made us elegable to try to enter into a book which is being published in 2007 sometime. We have since entered our application from which all the applications they're choosing 30 teams. It'd have been cooler if they had applications from other years too, 'cause It'd have been amazing getting our 2k4 design and stuff in there (we'd also won awards which would have been made us eligible for the award) and that design was so amazing we'd have been choosen, but its cool to at least have a chance.

    So we went home, had a four hour layover plus delay which was crazy long and stuff, but it was all good. I mean, all these people who I was with were crazy and awesome so it wasn't too bad.

    And that's part one of three for robotics stuff XD.

    And now for something completely different...more robotics.

    edit: And now we randomly go down to Atlanta with an actual normal flight, now back to your program just so you know I did a word/character count. 5769 words 30594 characters

    edit2: May 5th- So this morning I went to go to a robotics demo, which was all fine and dandy and stuff, but it made me need to add on another story. So there were three of us seniors, a college freshman, and a grad student giving this demo and it was pretty normal, other than Ken (the adult) wasn't there, but then we got to the end of the demo and person brought out a segway. Segways are the scooter like things which move dependent on how you lean and such. They were invented by Dean Kamen, and are all over campus at this school not to mention FIRST events. Anyways, he brought out the segway and said some of the kids could ride it so we were all jokingly running up being "me me me" jumping up and down. The 6th graders all had too much fun though and it was wicked funny to watch their facial expressions on. And then they made the teachers chance around the kids with the teacher on the segway and the kids running. It was funny. Then as they were leaving and we were packing up the robots we just went and started riding them instead. So Paul went first and was all fine, better than the 6th graders at relaxing at first, but thats all you really need to do so its hard not to be able to do anything . Then I went on it and I couldn't get it to stop at first, which was funny, and I crashed into my dad just as I was finally able to get it to stop XD. Josh went after me and that was the funny part. He went to get on, basically was falling off but didn't because its hard to, managed to squeal the tires like a burn-out, fall off, and run over his own foot twice. And he had told the person he was fine on his own before, didn't need to be told how to ride it at all. It was hilarious. The only issue on it is really that you need to relax at first and its just not someting you'd expect, but its really hard to even fall off with that. I mean only very few people can manage that. And well Mr. President, I think you met your competetor at Segway riding abilities.

    edit3: new word count=6128 words
    We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


    • Hey All, Im back, for some time. I dont know how long we will be here in this island. We got WiFi at the bar we're at right now. Its fast too!

      Well, Ive been fine, less bored than i actully expected.. There are stupid bugs all around me right now. OMG, some guy my mom is talking to thinks im in college, they never get it right do they...hehe

      Well, anyways, life has been good. And im being eaten alive right now as we speak, okay. So, we have been around many islands, well okay only a couple, more like only..uhh what 3? yeah, maybe four.

      Okay, St. Thomas, that was nice, very tour-isty though. Not the greatest, or funnest place, but we ended up getting there in time for Carnival. VERY FUN! There was the kids one ad the adult/college one., We skiped the kid one, it was kinda dumb. The Adult one, whoa that was coolio. So many costumes, and judges and floats, and the like. The costumes were really flashy, but very oringal for all the groups. And the funnest part of that was when we walked all the way back to the very end of the floats and SAW EACH AND EVERY ONE. Which was like a 6 mile walk or so we thought..okay maybe more like 2, but for our feet...good lord, crazy.
      AND GUESS WHAT!?!?
      I paid for it, mom wouldnt budge. Anyways, i got the 4GB Nano Black, i love the little thing. I have a pretty blue/white/pink which ever mood im feeling on it..hehe. I havent used yet 2 GB's of it yet..thank god.

      Okay so then we were off to St. John, we were there..yesterday..and this morning..we came over here today..i'll tell later i just remembered something!

      While going over to St. Thomas..guess...OUR MOTORS QUIT ON US! So, the freaking things hate alot and they dont like running with less than..what..20 gallons in the tank, we only had 14, or so the meter said.. Anyways, me and my mom are freaking mad at my dad for not filling up before we left, so, my dad was down in the motors rooms in and out for like an hour, till what do you know..
      I came up with the idea of putting up the main sail, and rolling out the jib, (my ideas are better than either of my parents)..So after 3 minutes of me pounding that idea into my parent's heads, me and my dad raised the sail and got the job out. It took a while for us finally to get back into the wind..starting at only 3 knots, then getting up to 5 or 6 sometimes. So im good. We sailied like 8 miles in what all day, it was horrible. Finally when we are like 10 minutes before getting into the anchorage my dad goes back down and gets the motors to work. We go in on only one motor, that was all we needed. Okay..none of you really care for that snipet, but oh well, hehe

      St. John--
      Fun happenings happened when we were getting into the dinghy, my mom fell in!!! I tryed not to left, but i had to shut, i didnt do anything, i would have been yelled at if i did, hehe

      Okay and yesterday we went to the Sugar Mills in St. John, that was okay. We hick hiked some of the hike. The sugar mills were from when the Danish were like yeah.. they werent the big thing.

      Okay so now we are in Jost Van ****, cool place (mainly cause we have the WiFi, hehe). We havent done much here, we got in, in the afternoon so like we just camne in and looked around the bars and saw the stuff., We went into some other first, and my mom sat in there for 2 hours trying to get her work stuff to attach to a email, they never did and she gave up and i went back up just in time to meet her going out and heading down here to Foxys. Cool place, again cause the WiFi.

      Okay, well. I dont have much else to say , ecept that i'll be on tonight, hey i just realized! Its Friday, thats cool how that worked out!

      Well, Hi to Kitty mostly! Hope you're around tonight. Emb, yeah, Myth, and all those peoples. Oh and hey Manda, and Nate..uhh who else who..Oh and Clone-o. .uhh... . . OOH Kinsey! Deeeeeee! CODY! Hi. Oh and YR, and Ariel -Lol..okay

      I think this is long. I would type more, but im sitting on a stool and its really annoying to type easily. Okay, i guess i will type up more about more stuff i need to type about later.

      Bye Bye all, i hope tro see you all in chat tonight or MSN or YIM, i'll have my lappy later when we are in here for dinner. I need to charge it. Okay, bye all, bbl
      Love and be loved


      • Originally posted by Tuttle:
        Oh wow, I've been meaning to post in here for what, two, three months now. Some rediculously long amount of time and I just never have time to, or can't for some other reason (read: I've been too busy working with robotics)...
        Tuttle, your writing is way too minimalist. You should work on that, you know...
        "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

        "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


        • I haven't posted here in a while. Haven't been reading either, but just now Tori mentioned tuttle's post and... oh wow, that's gotta be a record.

          Gibby's signature's gonna need some editng.


          In other news... I've got some new music and playlists. This one has been redone three or more times because, originally, I made it on my iPod, but my iPod lost it (???), so I thought I accidentally deleted it, and I was really upset about it. However, I remade it as best as I could remember, and the iPod lost it again! pphhfff Mighta made it again since then, but the final time I did it on my comp. Tracks 2-5 are heavier b/c my intentions were to do karate drills to it... and it shouldn't flow.

          Track number | Song | Artist
          1. Invincible - OK Go
          2. Zerstoren - Rammstein
          3. Ostego Undead - Static-X
          4. Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
          5. Don't Think of Me - Dido
          6. A Million Ways - OK Go
          7. The Scientist - Coldplay
          8. Numb - Linkin Park (I would prefer In The End instead, but this comp doesn't have Hybrid Theory)
          9. The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
          10. What You Meant - Franz Ferdinand
          11. Look What You've Done - Jet
          12. This is the New *Hit - Marilyn Manson
          13. Weisses Fleish - Rammstein
          14. I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace
          15. Letting the Cables Sleep - Bush
          16. Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
          17. Some Say - Sum 41
          18. Deer Dance - System of a Down
          19. Union - Black Eyed Peas
          20. Outsiders - Franz Ferdinand

          Runs 1 hr. 18 mins (so it'd fit on a CD)

          So I went to karate a couple of days ago, and now I hurt. Nothing new, right? But now it hurts to hold my hand out in front of me, palm up. What muscle is that? It hurts right before the elbow, but not when I make a fist (which is the muscle in that area).

          Whatever. I'll heal.

          Tut: so cool

          As for illegal immigrants... :/ I have no idea. People talk about how they should all be shipped off to Mexico, that they're destroying our society, using out land without paying taxes like the rest of us, but... when people start talking like that, they forget that immigrants are human, legal or not. How can you hate a fellow human being? I'm not Christian, but one of my highest values is to not hate your neighbor... or anyone. We're all the same. :/

          But then we do have to draw the line somewhere.

          A while ago, my brother broke his thumb, and I had to write his homework for him. The class was Spanish, and they had just finished a video called El Norte about an illegal immigrant. On his homework, one of the questions read, "What do you beleive should be done about illegal immigrants?" Jokingly, my brother said, "They should all be put into a stadium with 100 other immigrants, and they should all fight to the death. The winner gets to stay in America." God, bro... XD

          That's not a solution. :P But what could we really do? I'd say go through the illegal immigrants, grant citizenship to the ones that contribute to society, kick the rest out (because we can't be too accepting or it would be encouragement), and then secure our borders. But how would you measure a person's contribution... who should go/ who should stay? And as for the border? Can it ever truly be sealed off?


          Oh! I've been doodling on everything, and my art's getting better. *pride*

          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • I don't hate them. I just think granting citizenship to them isn't the right idea. In it end, you're rewarding illegal behavior - sort of like saying, oh, you've helped our society a bit so your crimes are now forgiven. They don't pay taxes - but they don't get quite the same privledges the rest of us do. Even if they were, we wouldn't be getting any more in taxes, because they would be minimal wage workers, who generally don't pay most taxes anyway. Granting citizenship, furthermore, actually drives their employers away from them, because now they have to pay them three-fold or six-fold what they have been paying. More incentive for those companies to continue dodging the law and hiring illegal immigrants, and thus the cycle continues.

            So what to do? Just tighten the borders. All of them. We have refugee status, so if they're being persecuted, they still have a place in America. But there's no reason they should be allowed or encouraged.
            Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
            Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


            • *huggles computer* last night was the first time I'd been online in a week. So...yesterday was my AP US History test...I've been working toward that test for two years...and you know what? It was still HARD! Especially the essays. But I'm very glad it's over. Very glad. Now I can stop studying and stressing over it.

              This morning my mom woke me up early to ask me if I wanted concert tickets for a Kenny Chesney concert for my 16th birthday, since no one can figure out what I want, especially not me. I really want to go...but the problem is, I have absolutely no friends who undertand why I like country music, and in that case I have no one who will go with me. So I'd end up going with my mom, who also hates Kenny Chesney. There is no win in this situation, so it looks like I'm not going to the concert I just don't see why none of my friends can be accepting of my taste in music for one night and just come and see a guy I've been dying to see for 4 years...and I refuse to go with my mom. I love her, but that'd just be embarassing.

              My parents are getting another car, and this means that when they do, I get Mom's Passat to drive! It'd still be their car, but I'd get to drive it whenever I want, which would be great, since even though it's a few years old, and there's a few little dings on it from when other people have hit it in parking lots, it's still a way nicer car than most high schoolers here drive, so that'll be fun.

              My sixteenth birthday is exactly one month and 4 days away. I'm not having a sweet sixteen, because seriously? I don't really have enough people I'd want to invite to warrant throwing one, and besides, I don't really like parties. Too much work.

              So...I have lots to say, but really? I'm too lazy to type it all out. I think I'll go take a shower and ask Dad to take me driving, since I don't have any homework because I missed all my classes yesterday because of the AP test and the choir competition! OMG, we're so mad at our pianist for the competition. She's the same one we use every time, and we're at state level now, right? So we start singing our second song, and somehow she switches keys on the piano, and because she switched keys she messed us up and made us get a 2, when we would have gotten a 1 if she hadn't messed us up! Grrr...very frusterating, but we can't be mad at a little old lady who plays the piano for high school choirs forever, right? I mean, she wears a neck brace. It's hard to get mad at someone who wears a neck brace. Don't ask me why, but it is.

              I think I'm going to go eat a bagel. Possibly. Or not, if my family ate them all...which I think they may have. Oh well.


              • I found out that my camera will take good pictures of my artwork if I play around with the settings, so I went through a lot of my recent sketches and uploaded them onto the computer. So cool Alsooo... there're settings on photoshop that you can play around with to make it more definied. The only complaint I have is that the photos will be affected by the lighting, which means it'll have shading that I didn't intent, or, in this set, yellowing because of the light from lightbulbs. I should have used flash, but it's too late now! (If only because I'm too lazy to go back and retake all of the pictures).

                I drew this in my agenda book. By the way, my handwriting isn't really that bad; I was just writing fast & looking at the teacher instead of what I wrote. (and wksht stands for worksheet)


                Oh yeah. & then played around with the colors on photoshop. You can go to image, adjustments, and then color balance to do that.

                And another (I got rid of most of the yellow and added contrast):

                Awww *huggles Hungry* It's something big for you; I'd go even if it meant you had to bring your mom. Sacrifice your image and independence for a little while for the sake of country music. :P I had to take my mom to a play because the friends who were interested in it were perfoming in the play itself. :P

                dalfksjeklfjsd I so wish I could get a car! My parents say, "college or car..." And I have a friend who gets any car he wants when he turns 21 (uhh, good combination lol) because he's got rich relatives.

                Karate was brutal today. I <3
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Hey peoples! I haven't been on in forever, maybe months (not like anyone noticed, but...).

                  My birthday is in 9 days, yay! I'm turning 15~, finally. And the school year is almost over, what a horrible thought! While I can't wait for summer, I'm not exactly looking forward to the already-bgeun cramming of homework and finals. =_=;; Uck. >_<

                  That stupid law supporting the deportation of illegal immigrants I do not support. It's all about scapegoats and prejudice, after all. I know people who have illegal immigrants as parents, and it's not fair. Yes, they broke the law, an dof course that isn't good, but they really do so much for economy, and they pay for everything anyway.

                  Holy crap, that's a huge post you have there, Tuttle! How long did it take to write?!

                  Wow, Gryph! Those are some really talented faces! You're so good at drawing! And that animal-creature is awesome too!

                  I think I'm failing math. And perhaps French too. *sob*


                  • Oh my goodness, King's Island was amazing. We left school on Friday at lunch time and ate lunch on the bus. We got to our hotel a bit after three in the afternoon. Emily and I had a room with a sophomore, but she left after we played 'cause she wasn't feeling well. We ate a "light snack" at Wendy's before we played. Concert band went at around seven, the jazz band, then honors band at around ten or something. We ate our actual dinner at around eleven thirty or so. I fell asleep a bit before two in the morning. Then we got up around seven thirty for breakfast. The hotel provided a big buffet. Mr. W must have felt sorry for Em and me (we were the only ones at our table). He let us go get our food right after the four Seniors. Then we loaded our stuff on the bus and went to King's Island. We had the oddest group. It was our usual group of friends (the girls, anyways) though Lovey (if you remember her) went off with a bunch of sophomore and junior guys after about ten minutes. But anyways, we also had two freshmen guys that we never talk to, including our new President... *snort*... and two other sophomore guys. One knew the park amazingly well. We went on the Vortex, which goes upside down six or seven times or something...twice. We went on a ton of other stuff, too, but I don't wanna bore you with all the little details...hehe. We had to sit through a stupid awards ceremony and get our ears blown off by a bunch of excitable middle schoolers. We got second out of five concert bands in our division. I was just happy that we didn't place fifth. Since our jazz bands were the ONLY jazz bands, we got first and second (honors and regular).

                    After that, we left the park to go eat. We stopped by a mall and ate at the food gallery...a fancy word for three or four tiny little places to grab food. We drug Kyle to one of those stores where they have prom dresses and cute clothes...he stayed for maybe a minute, then walked out and stared at us. I felt bad for him...not really. His own fault for hanging out with us. He thinks he's too cool for a bunch of freshmen, but really, he's not cool enough. lol. Anyways, on the ride back to school we played Big Booty or was pretty amusing. Then Ri tried to teach Kyle how to braid hair...that was even more amusing. The bus ride home had a lot of freaky stuff, but to relive that would scar me even Naw, it was pretty awesome, though having Spencer stretch his legs out across my lap kinda freaked me out. Goodness, I couldn't _move_. Sheesh. He has huge feet, too. Well, we got back without too much drama. I slept until nearly noon today, though. I feel rather icky, so I'm gonna go clean up now. Anyways, that was an amazing trip. I'm already excited for next year's band trip...hehe. I'm such a band geek.

                    I'm gonna have to read up on all I missed... *sigh* I'll try to later, but I've got two tests to study for and other stuff that I absolutely have to get done. I should have some time, but you never know. Well, toodles!

                    Edit: I also managed to get a random tan...and a random burn. I have two patches of redness on my shoulders, with the one on the right twice as big as the one on the left. My arms are more tan than burned, but it's not like it's a great tan anyways. I generally don't tan at all, so it's something. My face is a bit darker, though I have this line of whiteness where my bangs were on my forehead. It's only on the right side of my forehead, and it's just a little bit. Not too noticable, I guess. But anyways, my shoulders hurt. I'm dreading that backpack in the morning.

                    Kaibish! Hiii!

                    My artistic abilities are limited to little hearts and flowers and stars. That's about it. And even that's not good. People are totally beyond me.

                    Well, since I've only really studied for the test in the class where I couldn't care less about the grade, I should probably go study for the test in the class where if I do badly on this test, my life is over. Not really, but I need an A...toodles, again. lol.
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • Okay... I guess I'll write about yesterday. And I have a note to YR(If you're not YR you can ignore that third item, it's YR-only): If this starts to annoy you, take into account that a) I hate waiting, b) that I have to turn my computer off at around 8, and c) I really want you to get online earlier than 8/almost 8. Oh, and there are only so many minutes in a day, and I usually use less than half. Usually.
                      Okay, now for the rant.
                      Well, YR hadn't been on my site for a shade under a day, and as for being on THIS site... Let's just say I was annoyed. Very annoyed. Why? Because I wanted to play the DG(Dragon Game), and YR wasn't on so I couldn't! And as it got closer and closer to 8pm... I grew more and more annoyed. Soon enough, I was making little dolls of YR and either using them to make a fire, or neatly chopping them to ribbons. Plus I was almost ready to send a bazillon hate PMs to YR. Only almost, thankfully. And then, at exactly 8... My computer crashed. Yay. So I used my sister's computer for about half an hour until I had to get off the computer. Not fun, getting off the computer when you'd rather stay on until a certain someone came on so you could yell at them. Well, I fumed for a while, and then fumed some more, and then I decided to go to sleep. And now here I am.
                      Fweeeeee! I'm glad to have gotten THAT out. Oke, T00dleses!
                      "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                      Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                      • Oh, I have a very sexy farmer's tan. Very sexy.

                        *le sigh* I did poorly on both of those stupid tests. Sheesh. I can afford it, though. I'm pretty sure I got at least a B on both, so I guess I'm okay. It just bugs me when I don't do as well as I know I could if I had studied harder. But hey, I actually studied quite a bit for these, and there was no way I was gonna study any more.

                        I'm in love with those sophomore guys... *floats around* Heh. Not really. We went back to being invisible. Well, at least I did. I wish the band did more things together, even if it was just bowling or something. The band geeks are all so amazing. Even if some of the guys are uber-shallow...*twitch* Anyways, the majority of the band geeks are awesome.

                        I've got a Spanish test tomorrow over stuff I don't understand one bit. I feel like I've missed weeks of class, instead of just one day. I think that I've been trying to just float by in that class, and I really can't afford to do that. My grade can't get any lower. I've already missed a ton of points on stupid things that I should have known.

                        What else is even remotely interesting...oh! I think that my hair does photosynthesis. It's longer than it was before we went to King's Island! Seriously! Of course, I could just be <STRIKE>going</STRIKE> crazy.

                        I derno if my parents are gonna get me a car. I mean, I'm still 14, and I won't be 16 until Junior year. Mummy said I'd get a laptop when I graduate.

                        *turns up the music louder* Little bro and his little friend are down here trying to annoy me enough to drag me off the computer. I refuse to let it work. I will stay here FOREVER! MUAHAHA! *cough* Um...yeah.

                        Ah! Nobody's on AIM! I wanna tell Micah about my sexy farmer's tan! Our conversation last night consisted of me saying that I had two weird burns on my shoulders, and him saying "how'd you get burns?" Yeah...way to go, Micah. However would you get a burn from being out in the sun for seven hours? *ponders* Apparently, the guy doesn't get burned. Lucky duck.

                        I really don't want to do my homework. I've got an impossible geometry assignment, the assessment for the chapter in Spanish, four stupid journals to write for Bible (he never actually reads them), and...something else. Oh. We have to write little stories for small children in English. We have to have all this random junk in them, and the rough draft is due Friday.

                        I don't think I can ever live up to Tuttle's mega-post. *stares in awe* I don't have that many things to say. I'm more like, whatever randomly comes into my mind to say at that very moment. I guess if I stayed at the computer for a couple of hours, I could come up with that much. Or, if you took two of my posts and smooshed them together, you might get that much. You might. Maybe.

                        Apparently, the only reason the guys hung out with us at King's Island is because they all had a crush on one of my friends. A seems to attract guys... Wherever she goes, she meets a new admirer. It's rather amusing. I think that the guys really just though we were so awesomely cool that they just had to hang out with us. *snort* I guess it's just one of those deep mysteries nobody will ever understand. *play spooky music*

                        I'm in such a weird mood today. It's a mix of spazzy-ness, happiness, and out-of-it...ness. Whatever. *twirls*

                        If those kids break anything... Drat. The little brat just took my purse. One day they are gonna bring their doom down upon themselves. Goodness gracious.

                        Oh, I spent a good fifteen minutes ushering two wayward labs back home. These two rather large dogs were wandering around outside, so I, feeling sorry for the poor beasts and the people they encountered, took it upon myself to take them back home. Of course, I didn't stop and think enough to grab some shoes, so I walked through icky slightly wet grass in my socks. I'm hoping that the dogs made it back home completely. I saw them in their garage, but I derno if the owner was home. They're really good dogs, they just don't have a responsible owner. *sigh* Poor dears.

                        Well, I should probably start working on my homework, but I might be around in chat later or something. Toodles!
                        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                        • Lol, ya like my animal-creature? :P I doodle all this random stuff... so I couldn't put in just one picture, but all the rest were shirtless guys. :P I wouldn't exactly call them adult-rated, but I have no idea how strict forum rules get. I don't want to be pushing it.

                          Last year, I tanned one side of my face more than the other (...), and it stayed like that for a week.

                          Angel, you did great. You're the straight-A queen of nonsensical-ness. Of course you can afford a B on a test or two.
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • lol, thanks, Gryph. I actually ended up getting a 103% on the biology test. *sheepish grin* I have no idea how that happened. She must have liked the stuff I made up. I dunno what I got on the other test 'cause Cookie's slow at grading.

                            We were watching this video about first aid in health class. We were in the middle of watching the horrible acting ("Oh dear! My arm has nearly been cut off! I think I just might need some help.") when one girl faints. Like, blacks out. Falls out of her chair, hits her face on the floor. It wasn't from the blood or anything. The teacher was over there in a heartbeat. She seemed okay, but she couldn't remember what happened or even if she ate breakfast that morning. The nurse came with a wheelchair, and I'm assuming that she went home.

                            I think I've got a teensy-weensy little crush on this sophomore guy... *blush*

                            We got to go a scavenger hunt outside for Biology, which is a very good thing considering how I didn't want to be productive. I should probably go do my geometry. I actually get it tonight.
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • Biology! We dissected a crayfish today, and it was funny, and...yeah. I didn't help with the dissections last week...we did worms and grasshoppers, both of which were just sort of gross. I'm ok with crayfish though, and we're doing frogs on Thursday, so that'll be fun.

                     allergies are killing me. I think I used a whole box of tissues over the course of today, and I even had taken my allergy medications. Blech. I can't wait for June, because by then all the tree pollen that I'm allergic to should be gone.

                              I did have a real reason for posting this...what it was, I don't remember. I guess I'm just extremely relieved that the A.P. test is over. We're just watching videos now, which is the best thing ever, since we worked so hard all year and now we can just relax...after the A.P. test, the final is going to be easy.

                              At least I've got no homework I can't feel guilty for being here. I do admit, I want to go and sit around for another month until school's over. I've got senioritis again, and I'm only a sophomore...this happened as a freshman too. Guess I spend too much time with seniors...I've acquired their disease. Lovely.

                              I think...shoot, I was going to say that this weekend I'm going to sit around playing Sims 2 all weekend, but I just realized that I have to do family stuff, and find some time to go shopping for something to wear to a friend of mine's sweet sixteen...I hate shopping. And really, I don't want to go to the party, but I've known her a long time (like since I was 5) so I'm kind of obligated to go. Oh well. At least there's a Border's near the stores I go shopping at; I can make a stop in there once I'm done and get a new book or five.

                              I broke my lucky bracelet. I need to fix it soon, but I'll do it later. And maybe I'll just go get some ice cream now. Sounds good to me! Lol


                              • ok, first I'd better warn you: i can't really concentrate on punctuatin...please forgive me!

                                now, to catch up, like last week (or the week before, whatver), was like the busiest of my life. last week, yeah.
                                monday: school trip to a fort around me. then, a 4 hour play practice.
                                tuesday:i shadowed at a local highschool, thrn went back to my school for the last 20 min. then, my reading olympics competition. then i hadda do my homework so i didn't get to sleep until like 1130.
                                wedn: another 4 hour play practice. my throat still sore from tuesday.
                                thurs.: play
                                friday: play.

                                that was...two weeks ago.

                                now the major news: topday i had gym. we were playing kickball, and i was playing 3rd base. my friend, the runner, was comin towards me. I foolishly stepped in her way to catch the ball. she rammed into my shoulder. I went to the hospital for 3 hrs. turns out my right clavicle is fractured. so i'm writing with my left hand, hence no capitols as this is something i normally don't do. forgive me!

                                now i'm off to get a second opinion on my shoulder, as it looks pretty much like a break ( its pointed up like the roof of a house, i.e. not good, but it isn't going to break through the skin ui.e. good.) so wish me luck, all!
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

