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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • You might be Harry Potter, but I think I'm happy being Kosh.
    <span class="ev_code_blue">A reclusive seer shrouded in riddles, you reveal very little and only what is deemed congruent with your plans.

    Understanding is a three edged sword. Your side, their side, and the truth.

    Kosh is a character in the Babylon 5 universe. You can read a few tidbits about his race at The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5.
    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


    • Reposted from its own topic: originally posted by Slash, May 20
      Wow, My glasses broke ... agan! so now I have to go to wall mart to fix them arg!

      This is more appropriate to TOGR than its own topic - there's not much to discuss about broken glasses -- Peter
      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


      • I"m gandalf. Yeah! i'm a wizard! *cheers* I can't believe it wanted to know if i'd kill my best friend. what's the point of imortality if you've got no one to share it with? plus there's the whole "murder" thing. ALl that paperwork? it's just not WORTH it!
        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
        For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


        • I got Princess Leia. He he. *shrug* Fine by me.

          I've got a Chamber Choir audition tomorrow morning. Wish me good luck! lol. I doubt I'll make it, but whatever. There's a plus side to either way. If I don't make it, I don't have to worry about it conflicting with jazz band. If I do, then, well, that's obvious. I'll get to sing!

          I slept for three hours when I got home, so I feel kind of out of it right now. I need to read A Doll's House and fill out the reading log thing on it for English before Thursday, but I really don't feel like doing that. I'll have a study hall in most of my classes tomorrow, so I'll have time then...oh dear. I'm procrastinating again. I might start reading tonight and finish it tomorrow.

          All the Seniors are leaving! What are they gonna do without us? We had a Quick Recall party yesterday, and two of our seniors were running around the room talking in squeaky voices and attacking everyone with dry erase markers. It's hard to imagine them at college, and one's gonna be a doctor. Not my doctor...heh. They're all so odd. *sigh* I'm gonna miss the seniors! Well, the three I know and love from Nerd Herd.
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          •, I'm Luke Skywalker. XD Fine by me, he's one of my favorite characters in the original Star Wars...mainly because he's just so...I don't, commited to what he believes I guess? Not really sure how to word it.

            So. Went out driving today, and had my first experience with road rage. I'd been down in this wooded area near my house, driving on the road. I was going the speed limit, driving smoothly, and not braking suddenly or doing anything stupid. I was actually a pretty good driver right then. So, I pull up to this stoplight, and this red minivan pulls up next to me right as a motorcycle comes roaring past. The driver of the minivan yells something that I can't type here out the window, and Dad and I asume she's yelling at the motorcyclist. Well, 2 seconds later she starts yelling at me...the only thing I can post here that she said was "Get off the road!" That bugs me. She was a student driver once too. And for once, I had been driving and not doing anything dumb. Grr...I hate people like that.

            Last night I stayed up until 3 finishing a project (and no, I hadn't been procrastinating. I'd been working on the project for a week before yesterday.) Then, when I went to present the dumb thing (it was part of a debate) I freeze. I just can't remember anything on my notecards, and I can feel my face getting red. All of a sudden, I feel tears running down my face (the whole crying thing? Yeah, one of my issues that I need to fix. I cry when embarassed or stuff...I really can't help it, my doctor says. It stinks.) So...yeah, today hasn't really been the best day. At least we get our yearbooks tomorrow. And a 3 day weekend in 3 days. And...yeah, no more English projects since I'm done with that debate.

            I'm trying to look on the bright side right now, but it's not really working as I remember what my cousin said (she's in my english class) about this girl who I hate who was sitting right behind me. Apparently, she was making fun of me while I was doing my extremely bad debate. So. I hate high schoolers, and people with road rage for no reason, and other random stuff like that.

            I'm very bitter right now. I'm sorry, this is a depressing post. Oh well. It's making me feel better. And really, feeling better is the only thing that matters to me right now.


            • My Latin book (the one that I use the most at least) is "Ecce Romani I," though my dad has another book floating around here someplace.

              I am Harry Potter.

              I have a chorus concert tomorrow night. *is dead*

              I can't believe it. The pan survived. It's a little scorched, and the bottom doesn't look the same anymore, but it's usable.

              Parental units are yelling right now.


              • Hungry: *tons and tons of huggles* I'm sorry. That stinks.

                This week seems to just keep dragging on. Three more days of school, and only two are full days! Whee! I only have to be there from a little after ten to one thirty or so on Friday. My final is from ten thirty to twelve, but I'm gonna eat lunch there and have a saxophone lesson.

                I'm really nervous about my voice is horrid in the mornings, too. Oh well, it won't count for anything.

                I'm making a CD for one of my friends right now...heh. It's taking forever. I've lost all will to be productive. I've got so much caffeine in my system that I don't know how I'm gonna get to sleep, especially considering that I took a three hour nap. I really hope that none of the teachers decide to randomly give homework assignments, 'cause I've got a book to read and a reading log to fill out. Heh...I'm a horrid procrastinator.
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • I took that Sci-Fi charrie quiz, and I'm James T. Kirk. Umm... Who's he? Besides a Star Trek character -- it says that on the quiz already. Also says: An impassioned commander with more respect for individuals than for authority, you have a no-holds-barred approach to life and its obstacles.

                  I would never kill my best friend! Friends are the most important thing in life, even if life is short. I said I'd rig an election, would take the bribe if I was leaning that way anyway, and that I care more about pushing myself forward in life than the entire community -- but I wish there was a third option. I'd sacrifice again and again for my friends and family, but not for the community as a whole. Why? It's a lot like when your neighbor's house burns down... you'd help them out, let them stay at your place, and take care of them, but if you heard about someone on the other side of the city who lost their house... If you've never met them, you'd probably be like, "that's terrible," but you wouldn't do much, if anything.

                  *Huggles Hungry*

                  I can't rant enough about Study Skills. Ugghhhh...

                  OH! I've been working on a scrap book project for brit lit, and I just got it done yesterday morning. It's awesome; I'm so proud of it. It looks beau, and I used up every single page, including the extra packet of scrap book refills. I also learned how to get the printer to spew photos instead of boring text pages. The pictures are really high quality; didn't know you could do something like that. Yeah, well, yesterday at school, I found it wasn't due until today. I woke up early so I could finish it -- early being 6:00 when I could've gotten up at 7:00; School was delayed for yesterday and today. *so happy*

                  Annnnnddd.... *drumroll* 5 days of school left, and then exams. <3 *huggles everyone!

                  I hope school ends soon for everyone else too Summer'll be great.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • Yay I get to be online for a little bit b/c mom and sis went out for a bit. I was cooking today and dinner is going to be awesome. Shepherd's pie. (And deviled eggs!)

                    There's not much going on right now. I've been sleeping a lot and...oh shoot, I have to call back someone b/c it might be an employer...but anyway...gah, I forgot what I was going to say. I usually try to get online at night, around midnight eastern time, give or take. So ttyl guys.

                    (Hehehe, whoever called was the wrong number)


                    • Hello, its good to be back.

                      For those of you who don't know me, I am Sunstar. Nice to meet you.

                      The members who were here over a year ago may remember me. It was after all, April 2005 when I made my last post. I appologize for never saying anything about going away, but I never really intended to. At the time I was swamped with work and had very little free time so I stopped coming, and never ended up coming back. Until now, that is.

                      So, this is my return to the Forum of the Book Series which has meant so much to me. I will try to stick around this time.

                      And James T. Kirk is awesome. There exists no scale of awesomeness on which James T. Kirk can be rated, he will always be beyond it.
                      "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


                      • ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!1 heres something random: Who here is a penguin, cause i am and i want to know if i am the only one
                        *~*~*I just love rubber duckies, don't you?*~*~*


                        • *huggles everyone* I've had a better week so far since Tuesday, so it's better now. I haven't had homework since Monday, so that's ok. 7 more days of school! 3 of those days are finals though, which really don't count because they're finals and I have a lot of free time during finals anyway.

                          Hmmm...I don't know. I'm almost a junior, and it doesn't feel like I've gotten any older than I was at the beginning of freshmen year, you know? Everyone at school still thinks of me as the jocky-geek who also happens to be really quiet. I just sort of wish I could go away over the summer and come back to school and be just...I don't know, different. And it bugs me that I want to be different, because then I wouldn't be me.

                          It's thunderstorming right now, and it's awesome.

                          I need to stop the philosophical posts or whatever you want to call them. They just confuse me.

                          I might get another job, at the library. $6 an hour, which is better than my current summer job, which is only $5.75 an hour. I guess I'll do it, since it's a year round job, and I really need the money. I think I should return my overdue books first though, and pay off the fines.


                          • SOPHOMORES, YOU KNO! Hehe...I'm done! I took my English final at 10:30 this morning, and now I'm done! No longer a stupid freshman am I. Anyways, our little chant thing is "you kno", spelled like that, or perhaps "u kno". Anyways, it makes no sense, and nobody "kno"s where it came from. Well, at least nobody I've talked to or heard from.

                            I think you should all check out my teacher's blog...hehe. It's great. One of the made it for him. This whole summer thing is throwing me off. So, yeah.

                            No sax lesson, I have to wait until Wednesday...lovely. Well, whatever. I really want something to do...but I have nothing. It's really weird.
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • Even though I've changed over years, I think I'm still the same person. Or at least a better one. I'm more gossipy than I used to be (sorry :P ), but I'm also more confident, I take pride in my friends, music, and what I make of myself at school.

                              Wow, your teacher has a neat blog. Our students would make something like that. A group of guys made shirts with two of the history teachers -- one of which is my homeroom teacher, the other my fav teacher ever :P -- and their names w/ the American flag, not unlike the Bush/Cheney and Kerry/Edwards campaign banners. :P Only, the two teachers are heads of the two different political clubs (so it would be like a Bush/Kerry campaign banner :P ).

                              Ahahahaa I have so much homework I'm screwed. This weekend, I can't wait until Sunday (or, in this case, Monday 'cuz it's a three day weekend) to start. Even though we have only two days until the exams, teachers are still trying desperately to squeeze in that last test or project. But! I have officially been exempt from the british literature and economics exam. I have a 93 grade in brit lit, which is only fractions of a point away from the exemption line -- You need a 92.5 to get out of a final.

                              dljfaskljfdlksd *stress*
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • Spongebob is so cool,
                                He is a sponge!
                                and he is yellow!
                                and he lives in a pine apple!

