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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • according to this topic's stats, there are 9856 replies here. what are we gonna do when it reaches 10,000? we should have like some kinda celebration or something for the 10,000th post.

    XD that'd rock.

    so that's all i can think of for the moment

    Dai Stiho
    The Force be with you
    YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
    "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


    • Personaly I thinhk the honor's of posting the 10000th post should go to DD or maybee a gaint post thanking her for all the work shes done with this site and on her books. Everyone could submit one line

      (\__/) "Be amazing"


      • MBF- yha!
        a celibration that sounds fun i will post that!


        • Slashhhhhh I <3 Kyooooo

          People don't post here like they used to, so I don't know how long it'll take to add on those last few pages to reach 10,000. But whatever. It'll come when it does. :P

          Awesome weekend. We had an insane game of flash light tag last night.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Oh, I remember the time when missing a day meant reading up on a whole page or two. Now, you'd have to miss a week to have to catch up on more than a few posts. *sigh* Hehe...

            Well, today I slept in until after eleven. Mum wasn't too happy about that. I had the weirdest dream, though, involving some of my teachers and losing a tooth... *shrug* It was very odd.

            Humph. I'm waiting for Emily to tell me if she's joining the Y or not, 'cause I want to take some random class there, but I don't want to by myself... I'm dragging B with me when we go to Florida for vacation to save me from the bad kind of insanity.
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • So...I'm not even going to attempt to reply to anything, because I'm just so lazy right now-last weekend, I just sat around for 3 days. It was quite possibly...THE SWEETEST WEEKEND OF MY LIFE! Just because I was...I don't know, so lazy! I'm never lazy. It was just weird...

              So. 3 days of normal school left, then 3 days of finals! And then I'll be free! FREEDOM CALLS! *listens intently* I hear it. I just ate a bag of those malted milkballs, you know, the ones shaped like eggs that they sell around Easter? Yum. But it was a bad idea, seeing as I don't like to eat too many of those things under a normal circumstance anyway.

              We didn't do anything in school today. It was pretty cool...wait, scratch that, we did the oral part of our spanish final exam today. I messed up badly-I was supposed to talk about traveling, and I went mental and talked about a trip to a restaurant instead. Then, I realized what I did wrong and blurted it out to the class (we record oral exams in the hallway, so no one (not even the teacher) would have known if I hadn't told them.) So that was funny. My teacher came up to me in the hallway later after she'd listened to it, and said it was funny. Though I did mess up a bit on verb tenses...oh well. It's no big deal.

              I got my hair cut today. It's so...short. Seriously, she took off too much-it's just above my shoulders (which some people say isn't that short) but to me, it's really short. Also, she put in layers, which I hadn't really wanted. Oh well; at least it looks ok, and it can be pulled back into a ponytail while I'm running. That's all I really care about.

              I went driving with my mom on sunday-I'd only driven with dad before. Ummm...I don't think I'm going driving with her again. It was stressful, she kept freaking out, which made me freak out, which made me almost hit a parked BMW. Don't hit BMWs. It makes your insurance go up. Not that I'd know...I've never hit one. Yet. XD

              My 16th birthday's coming up in...hmmm....I just realized that today is my first anniversary of being on the boards! lol. That's weird...I can't believe I've been here for a year.

              Ok, I guess I should stop this post before I...before I what? I don't I guess I'm going to stop now! And then I'm going to go and do something...maybe. Or I'll just read or something...or take a nap...or do someting...this is pointless! XD


              • We have a topic where you are SUPPOSED to be random???!!!omg!!!!!!! I love being random!!!!!It's like, my calling!!!!!All hail the topic of great randomness yup
                Worlds biggest fangirl...future star of broadway...dictionary for the love with way to may fictional characters...You can call me Nate, everyone else does...I wonder if, when I finish my book, I'll have an awesome website with cool forums


                • christmas:
                  We have a topic where you are SUPPOSED to be random???!!!omg!!!!!!! I love being random!!!!!It's like, my calling!!!!!All hail the topic of great randomness yup
                  lol. Yeah, it's pretty amazing. Just remember, no matter which forum you're in, your posts should still have some content. Randomness isn't pointless, it's just...well, random. Welcome to the forums!

                  Well, Mr. W helped me out with my alto sax. He made fun of me 'cause apparently I'm one of those perfectionists who freak out whenever they aren't perfect at something. He also made fun of me for my brain going on holiday for the summer. *sigh* He's so mean to me. *sniffle* He's pretty amazing, for a teacher. He was playing this game online that involved a yeti using a flamingo to hit a penguin over and on a myriad of animals. It was...rather odd.

                  Well, E and I were going to walk to the local coffee place after her final, but our friends' mom was kind and drove us all there. So, the twins, Shoe, E and I disturbed the peace there with our loud card games and Apples to Apples. Anybody ever played that game? It's pretty amazing. I don't know exactly how to explain it though...let's see. There are two kinds of cards, red and green. The green cards hold describing words, like "magical" or "juicy". Each person has a certain number of red cards, I'm not sure how many, that have random things like "Abraham Lincoln" or "mice". There is a "judge" each turn. They flip over a green card, and everybody else tries to choose the red card that matches the green card. The judge chooses whichever one they like, and whoever had chosen the red card gets to keep the green card. Whoever ends up with so many green cards wins the game. ...That didn't make much sense, but it's really quite simple, and rather amusing.

                  Mum drove through KFC for me...*sigh of bliss* I love that place. I ate a bit too much, lol.

                  Hungry: *tacklehugs* I've been here for over two years. Hehehe. *twirls*

                  I think I'm gonna go mess around with my sax and see if I can do anything on it. I'll try not to let the boredom of summer overwhelm me aready. Toodles!
                  the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                  • OMG! APPLES TO APPLES! Lol, but that is THE BEST game! I tend to pick the random matches when I'm the judge-it's fun.

                    I'm eating blue jello that had hairs on the top. Not human hairs, but those little hairs you find on certain fruits? Not certain how they got there, but we do have some hairy fruit in the fridge, like those kiwis. I'm not a fan of kiwis-they taste funny, and, of course, they're hairy. Just like bananas. I don't like bananas either, since they have a weird texture that I tend to find hairy. I have a problem with fruit, have you noticed? My parents say I need my head examined for some of the reasons I don't like certain fruits (for example: I don't like plums because they taste like vomit. Told you I was weird.) But I do like most red fruits, and pineapple's good, and cantelope, and what's it called...raspberries. I don't think I've ever talked about my fruit preferences in TOGR before, so this is a first. Literally, I could type for hours about my fruit opinions, which is sad.

                    Yes, I'm weird. You haven't noticed that? lol

                    Today it thunderstormed very badly in the middle of English class. We're still doing debates, and in the middle of one, the lights went out. We all screamed, and yes, I do admit to screaming. But the room was so dark, since it had no windows and the door was closed. But then the lights came on. Not as exciting as the last time the lights went out at school during the pep rally for the boys soccer team. We were all in the auditorium, and the lights went out for some random reason and stayed out. We got to leave school 20 minutes early (whoop-de-do...20 minutes...) but it was pretty sweet anyway.

                    And I have decided that my hair is a lot shorter than everyone is used to, based on the reactions I got at school today. At least they were good reactions! I've got that going for me; I can't accept compliments or criticisms on how I look very well. People should just not say anythiing about how I look, since whatever they say tends to make me feel uncomfortable. I need to learn how to take a compliment without sounding like an idiot.

                    There's this big blocked up drain in front of my driveway right now, and water is seriously 2 lanes over in the street (my street has 4 lanes, 5 if you count the center turning lane.) That's crazy; good thing I'm not driving, or I probably would hydroplane.

                    Locker cleanouts today. Very pointless, since we still need all the stuff in our lockers! I just stood around and talked to people I never see in class since I don't have class with them. They should have had cleanouts on Friday, when we sort of give up before finals begin.

                    Long post, eh? My friend would say that, since she's half Canadian, and enjoys saying "eh?" in a Canadian accent whenever she feels the situation needs it. hehe...I need to get a life. XD Not really, since next fall I'm going to get even busier-I'm getting a job at the library. That'll be fun, and I'll get to be around books seriously a lot! I guess I should pay my overdue fines first though...XD I have a couple dollars, since I found a book yesterday in my locker that was due almost 2 months ago. Oh well. It'll be a good job, and since I mysteriously get along with librarians and I actually know where stuff goes in our library, I should have some fun.


                    • i just picked up another 7 books from the library after school today and the librarian looked at me like i was crazy when i told her that yes, i was checkig out all of those books for me, not a parent.then, she said i could only check out 3 books from a section each!when i asked her why, she said so people dont clean out a section.i dont see why, i mean there are plenty of books to go around and i mean, i only took 7!!!so i had to put back 4 of them and thats not fair!i was looking forward to reading those and now i have to wait like a month!so i guess i should change the first sentence to try to pick up 7 books!the nerve of these people!do you feel my pain?
                      *~*~*I just love rubber duckies, don't you?*~*~*


                      • Arg,
                        This will be short, but after my last post anything would be short.

                        So I woke up early so that I'd be able to register for classes as soon as they opened. This was mainly important because there was only one time opening for the math class I wanted to take that fit into my scheduale. And the problem was there was only one seat left in the class...

                        So as soon as the registration page let me I copied and pasted the numbers for classes I wanted and hit submit...and my math class I was waitlisted for. I don't know what the chances are of getting into it, so if its worth going trying to switch around chem times. The problem with the chem is that along with the hour lecture 4 days a week there's a 3 hour lab. Thats long enough that it takes up alot of room for other classes.

                        Ugg, its annoying trying to register for upperclassmen courses as a freshman. I'll see what I can do. I do know that I'm within the first 4 waitlisted people for this class though...

                        off to check chem lab times.


                        edit: That was rather lucky. I was able to switch my chem lab from Tuesday to Monday freeing up the time that blocked me out of one of the other two open Diff Eqs classes. The other one I was not going to have a chance to get into because it was interferring with my CS class (discrete mathematics) and that I wanted to take and it only was open at 9 AM, plus labs on Wed. So I went and fixed up the chem time, got into the other Diff Eqs class. And then found out, wow I just filled up that class. There is now only one Diff Eqs class open which you could get into and not be stuck on a wait list. The one I was trying to get into still has one spot, but is sticking people on the waitlist anyways. I think it was an issue of four people trying to register for the class at the same time and it knew one of them got in, but not which one of us made it. Even funnier there were 4 people online from my class/school, all of us going there next year, and probably those who were trying to get in XD. But anyways, I was lucky to get into that class 'cause its all filled up now. And to show how crazy this is, there are 12 classes in this term of this class. And its beyond where you're required to go for math just for degree requirements, beyond calc 4 is dependent by major, minor, choice.

                        Oh, and apparently I just got some scholarship I didn't know that I applied for. Kinda funny
                        We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                        • Today I feel bubbly happy. Why? BECAUSE YESTERDAY WAS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! So love me! Technically, I've got one more day left, and that's to stay in for a Spanish exam, which happens to be the only one I take; I'm that godly. :P However... yesterday, I got my AP Bio books, and they are fat. They're also plural. *sob* It comes with a fat load of homework, which I have to periodically turn in even before school begins. Oh man.

                          As for the studying for tomorrow's exam... I have never been so disfunctional at memorizing. I can hardly recall what I studied last year! *thrash* I've gotta know so many tenses, and all of the irregulars to go with it. I'm hoping I know all of the nouns and foods and things like that which we learned 'cuz I'm not gonna study them! Verbs are the agony I must endure.

                          Oh yeah. When dad came home with groceries today, he had a 10 pack of gum. 10x14=140. That is hot. I was excited, too; I don't think I've ever been so happy about something so [seemingly] insignificant like gum. Heaven on earth. XD When I say that my class of highschoolers live off gum, it's no joke.

                          One of my brother's famous movie productions was a spanish skit in a restaurant. I was the camera person for the majority of the time; my bro and his friends were doing the acting and... omg mortal combat in a restaurant! His friend even brough over blood capsules for the fight scenes. It was funny stuff.

                          Layers are cool, Hunrgy.

                          Those silly perfectionists. *shakes head*

                          Apples to Apples! Someone has played it! Angel, you are the coolest. I absolutely love that game. Last summer, we started playing with the rule where only four cards could be put down total; however, you could put down two cards; it just meant you'd be bumping someone else for the round. Because no one wanted to be bumped, instead, we rushed it a little. And by rushing, sometimes it meant pulling out the first card you touched, and it didn't matter if you even know what card you had in your hand or what the green apple card was. So it got pretty interesting, such as with touchy feely morgues and uptight cocaine, but y'know... whatever floats your boat. :P

                          Let me also add to Angel's explanation of the rules. When you put down your red apple card, you're playing to the judge. Say the greed apple is "pleasing." You could put down football, a celebrity, my personality, cheesecake, gangsters, etc. The judge would pick whichever they liked the best. However, I'll pick whichever makes me laugh the hardest is none of them match the green apple card.

                          Hunrgy, you play it too? WOOH :P

                          Last time I went on about apples to apples, no one had heard of it.

                          Oh, and Hungry, I'm glad my fruit world is pretty simple. I like fruits. :P Unless they're moldy or mauled or whatever can happen to fruits. As for compliments, use a "thanks, I got my hair done at so and so place."

                          Tough world, Chatrbox. :/

                          Tut, so cool!
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • Wooooh, Apples to Apples! I used to go to this funky "Nature learning" charter school out in the boondocks where we did lots of field bio work. On super stormy days or days when it was dangerously cold, we couldn't go outside. So we stayed inside and played the games our teacher kept under the counter, these being Uno, chess, and Apples to Apples. The middle schoolers soon lost half the Uno cards, and then they left the chess set outside and some squirrel buried half the pieces, so we contented ourselves with Apples to Apples. And we regretted the time we wasted with Uno and chess. And, having Apples to Apples, we were happy people!

                            So, yeah, Dad went out for a walk... and I'm home by myself. Such joy. Whenever he leaves, he tells me "Don't burn the house down!" so, *burns house down* Whoops.

                            I ordered girl scout cookies from this one girl in my orchestra class, (since I *sniffle* gave up selling those in fourth grade, when I stopped being cute and girl-scouty) and we've been playing phone tag for a while. She calls me, I'm not home, I call her back an hour later and leave a message on her answering machine... annnnd she never calls me back. Ever. Then, two weeks later, she calls again, but she isn't "returning my call", no, she's just "calling me to remind me to pay for the cookies". I think her answering machine is broken. I still haven't seen those cookies, does she expect me to pay for them without at least seeing them first? Hmph. I think she ate them herself. See, they were going to be a mother's day gift... but I see I'll have to wait until father's day.

                            Speaking of dads, my Classical Music Nut of a father has just recently been introduced to the wonder that is RENT. I bought the DVD yesterday and was watching it with him today... 10 minutes from the end, he said, "You know, this has some similarities to that Puccini opera, La Boheme. I wonder if that's a coincidence." And I just kind of sit there for a minute before saying, "Yes, dad, that's what the musical was based off of. La Boheme." And he says "Oh" and I feel very weirded out because my father is clueless. In a nice way.

                            I'm drawing on my pants with highlighters and permanent markers. I have this old pair of gardening jeans that fit really well and are super comfy, but they had tons of grass and mud stains, so I couldn't wear them in public anymore. So I drew on them. Right now they have zebra stripes, bird tracks, dots, stars, firewrks, vines, duct tape, Celtic knots, a random bat-boy doodle by my friend Nonie, and a gorgeous flower design courtesy of Kinsey the wondrous artist. And they've got a bunch of other little random doodles. They're mighty cool looking, if I do say so myself. Which I do say.

                            I'm wearing my glasses right now, which is unfortunate. I don't usually have glasses, but I have a funky double vision thingy which surfaces every now and then, so I have to wear glasses. Except the glasses are not normal glasses, they have this "prism" thing in them, which makes red and blue colors POP out really strangely and makes them look like you're wearing those 3-D glasses. So weird...

                            Kinsey (next door neighbor, best friend) left a message on my brother's answering machine a day or two ago. She likes Jake, apparently she thinks he's a cool brother and misses him since he's off at college. So she called him. And, well, Kinsey talks kinda fast and always sounds like she's on some kind of stimulant drug. Very hyper. Now, Jake knows Kinsey, so he is not alarmed when he hears this stuff. But Jake wasn't the first person to hear the message. No, Jake's roomate, Ben, got the message. And Ben was slightly freaked out. He said, "Uh, Jake, you got a message from some girl... I'm pretty sure she was drunk or on drugs." And Jake's like, "Oh, yeah, that'd be my little sister's friend..."

                            And he keeps taunting me about my birthday present. Keeps saying, "Oh, you're going to love it. You'll freak when I give it to you. You will love me for the rest of your days." But he won't tell me what it is! All the hints he's given me is that it's related to computers and he, I, and Dad are all going to enjoy it.

                            ...maybe they came out with Descent 4 or something? When I asked him, he said he could neither confirm nor deny that, which means it's a yes. *runs off to check website* Noooo, they said the Descent 4 project was cancelled. But... but... what did he get?

                            Well, now I'm hungry and I go to get food. This post ended up being a bit longer than the 1 paragraph length I had intended it to be... oh well.


                            • lol, Gryph, I know I'm the coolest. Juuust kidding. Apples to Apples is definitely the most amazing game, but it's ten times better when it's just a group of girls playing it, 'cause Shoe being there made some of the humor...awkward.

                              Bananas are okay. I like them in cereal, or in ice cream sundaes. Otherwise, they're icky. I don't think I've ever tried a plum. Kiwis are...I derno. I'm not a big fruits or veggies person. I like grapes, apples, potatos...and that's about the extent of it. Oh, broccoli is good. I think that's about all, though. I haven't tried a lot 'cause it all looks nasty to me, hehe. I'm more of a "Oh, look, it's chocolate! Let's go eat it!" type of person.

                              You know what's really annoying about being in band? It takes up an elective each year. So, instead of taking that digital photography class, or that computer class, or that art class, or that theater arts class, or that writing class, I'm in band. I'm fine with that, I just wish that there was more time during the day to take the classes that I want to. I'd gladly give up, say, Bible class. Of course, that's not gonna happen. *le sigh*

                              Gum is amazing. Unfortunately, I've been out for a while. My mom got me tons for Christmas, but it got all dried out and nasty after the first month or so. Meh. I keep forgetting to get some more.

                              The dreaded homework over summer gets to wait until next summer for me. AP classes don't start until Junior year, so it's all good. I'm gonna die in Honors Chemistry, 'cause the teacher's just crazy, but I managed to come out with like a 98% average in her Honors Biology class. Maybe I'll survive.

                              I have a trench in my lip from the dreaded saxophone. However, I can play the B flat major major, whatever, the whole thing is throwing me off. Concert B flat, G on sax. I can also play Mary Had a Little Lamb, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and a number of other little things. It just takes a while for me to get the notes out.

                              My library allows up to 99 books to be checked out at a time. Of course, I doubt anybody actually checks out that much. I don't know the limit for the school library, considering that the selection is so small that I rarely use it. We use the school library for our morning Bible studies, not reading, lol.

                              I heart Girl Scout cookies. They're all amazing. I really love thin mints. Yuuum.

                              Ooo. The "eh" thing. We have this Canadian kid at our school, whom we generally refer to as "Canada". I personally can't stand him and think he has an attitude problem, but some people like him. People were talking about him a while ago and making comments on how much he said, "eh?".

                              It's Senior graduation tomorrow. The band has to go play stupid Pomp and Circumstance over and over, and then the Recessional, while they walk up and walk back down. Oh, and we also have to play the Star Spangled Banner. How absolutely lovely. Those band dresses make us look like we're pregnant and going to a funeral. They don't look good on anybody except the twigs, and even then they look somewhat icky.
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • I love playing the group party games, like spit (actually, that's only two players), "bull", "wipe", spoon, and egyptian ratscurry. I'm so glad I learned egyptian rascurry in bio this year! Such a fun game. (We're awful students :P )

                                Rent is awesome. My dad thinks it's a documentary about AIDs or something; he's never seen it before, but was shocked when I told him that's the movie my friends picked for a birthday party. hah. :P Rent makes me want to go out and see every other movie/musical that exists, like Wicked or Phantom of the Opera.

                                Heh. Pants art. I <3

                                From the very start/
                                which I obsessively heart/
                                of the pants with art!


                                It rhymes, it has the correct number of syllables, and it doesn't make any sense -- a three point haiku. :P

                                You have a 98% in a class. There is no way you can be even vaguely worried. XD

                                I know a Canada guy just like that. *ugh* There are a lot of overly patriotic Canadians in America. If I moved to, say, anywhere, and I had the guts and the want to parade around, telling people to call me America, I'd get shot. End of story. XD But then, that's America, not Canada. :P
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

