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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Geez, been a while since I've been here.
    I lurk. It's what I do.
    "Always put off until tomorrow what you can do today."


    • Hungry: *huggles* Losing a person you love is tough. Especially on your birthday (or near it). At lesat she had a full, long life. My great-grandmother lived just long enough to hear of my birth. I believe the next day, she died. Life is precious.

      This week: has been hectic. Like a billion Graduation parties (my brother graduated from HS on Wednesday) were all going on. A fafmily friend of our's, E's graduation party, was the best. I actually opened up with dancing, which was interesting. I never really was a dancer, but now, I'll be singing, dancing (or at least attempting to) all around this house. Its rather funny, cause I can't dance for my life XD

      'Rather' and 'Quite' are like my new words. It used to be 'oy' and 'shnoikas' (say sneakers with an australian accent, and a little shh noise)
      XD, I'm so weird

      Yesterday was crazy. It was field day (every class does a series of games, and faces the other homeroom. For example, 7-1 and 7-2 (my class) actually tied this year. It was weird.)
      Then, I went to the orthopedic lady. I got my brace off! I'm nearly healed!! WOOT!!!
      Then, I went ot the dentist. Oh, joy.
      Stupid fluride...*grumbles*
      Well, besides that, it was interesting. I got this old guy, but he was really cool, and didn't yell at me for not really flossing (did you ever try flossing with braces?! Not only does it take forever, but by the time I get done like 5 teeth, the floss is in strings again. poo.)

      So, today & yesterday were half days. T'morra and Thursday ( my birthday!!!) are off. Annnd Friday's me last day. woop woop!

      Angel: Lucky! My walls are white and planr, too. Also, the fact that my walls are almost impossible to push pins into, doesn't make matters anything easier. I have to use like a roll of tape to put a poster up. XD

      Aww, Gryph, thanks. It's ok. We weren't like that much of a couple. It's weird, though. Like everytime I think of him, though, I get this tingly feeling in my stomach. Hoo, boy.

      *stares at Gigo's post*
      *eyes widen*

      *jaw drops*

      I think I'll read that one later. R's kickin me off. Okie dokies, (o Man, I've been sayin that toooo much lately. Ahh!!) I'ma gonna get off.

      Random Fact (Courtesy of "The Bathroom Trivia Book"): Jum Hogg, the governor of Texas from 1891 to 1895, named his only daughter "Ima".


      l8r, my huggable g8rs.
      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


      • Random Fact (Courtesy of "The Bathroom Trivia Book"): Jum Hogg, the governor of Texas from 1891 to 1895, named his only daughter "Ima".
        Oh, dear. Texans.

        I went to the pool today for the first time this summer...God I am SOOO pale. I just can't stand it. I now (sort of) understand why people use that self-tanning lotion. (I still don't understand why people go to tanning booths. Paying for skin cancer? When you can get it for free?)

        I went to Borders yesterday and blew all my $ on summer reading...and it was fun. I had a gift certificate that I won for $25 and I brought along $20 just in case...and wound up having to borrow $15 MORE dollars from my dad.

        Go check out my idea...I posted about it here.
        "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
        There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
        And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
        What could mean more than this?"
        --Bright Eyes


        • Gigo, if you tell me where you got your sig I will worship your accent forever. And ever. And then some.

          ...yeah, that's a really cool icon. 'Cept that you use IE. 20-year olds shouldn't use IE. Neither should 12 year olds.

          Summer classes are pretty cool. I don't necessarily pay more attention in them than I do in normal classes, but I do better, and I think most people do, because it's more information in a shorter amount of time, which is good. Otherwise, stretching molality or vision over two or three weeks is simply boring - and I can't stand boring.

          I've been at both Borders and Barnes & Noble recently. Do people here have preferences on which one is better? I tend to lean ever so slightly towards B&N, but that's probably because I've gone there longer...And their banana cream frappuccinos, are, um, most excellent. But Borders seems to have more books.

          Mmmm, Mel's post reminds me that I have to go to the dentist soon. *dies of horrible tragic pain* Actually, my teeth are fine, regularly brushed and flossed, and I get them from my mom, who has like, great teeth. But still, going to a dentist evokes bad memories. Or is it psychologically latent racial memories that anything going for your mouth is a bad bad thing?

          We're close to page 500, it seems.

          Gryphy's new icon is...weird. And music. Hmmm, this probably means I should probably _listen_ to some of my music collection, instead of, well, just collecting it? I'm actually about to reformat my computer, and I really don't want to bring along all these gigs of songs. I'm probably going to go back down to a nice little number of 2000 or something and then start working up again.

          Hungry - "Perhaps passing through the gates of death is like passing quietly through the gate in a pasture fence. On the other side, you keep walking, without the need to look back. No shock, no drama, just the lifting of a plank or two in a simple wooden gate in a clearing. Neither pain, nor floods of light, nor great voices, but just the silent crossing of a meadow."

          Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
          Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


          • Man its raining. So depressed so bored

            Sean L.: I've been at both Borders and Barnes & Noble recently. Do people here have preferences on which one is better?
            Barnes and Noble all the way. I live like 5 minutes away from BandN opossed to the 45 minute drive to get to Borders. Which reminds me i still have to get my summer reading.Just curious but has anyone read Slaughterhouse Five. If so it it any good. I want to know if i should read it or put it of to the last minuite.

            Man i realy need to get my dad something for fathers day but i just dont know what. augh its like 4-5 days from now.

            As of this post TOGR is 96 posts away from post 10000
            (\__/) "Be amazing"


            • Thanks guys. *huggles* It's ok now...her funeral was today, and that really, um, sucked. But it's ok now...that's all I have to keep telling myself. It was painless, she had a long life (95 years!), and it was in her sleep. It's ok.

              I hate Barnes & Noble. I've only been to one, and all the clerks there watched me like a hawk because I'm a teenager. It's like they expect me to steal everything or something like that, which is dumb. So I do most of my book shopping at Borders, or online so I don't have to go to Barnes & Noble. The only thing I like about B&N is their food. Good food, they have there. The B&N here is near a Cheesecake Factory, and they get cheesecake from there every day. Yum.

              I need a nap...the last 3 days have been really draining, partly from great grandma's funeral, but mainly because I started work. I work at safety town, and it's crazy. We have a new director, who doesn't really seem to know what she's doing, and it's just all messed up this year. Oh year I'll find a new job, one that pays better than safety town.

              Good night all...yes, I do know that it's only 4 o'clock PM, but I want to take a long nap before work tomorrow. Adios


              • Originally posted by magicalmike:
                Just curious but has anyone read Slaughterhouse Five. If so it it any good. I want to know if i should read it or put it of to the last minuite.
                I can't remember much about it. I probably read it about 1980, maybe a little earlier. All I definitely remember from it is the bombing of Dresden. I'm not sure if the ending I remember comes from that book or another one.
                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                • I like Barnes and Noble more, but I guess that's just because I live closest to one, and I've only been to Borders once or twice. Actually, the library is best. Free! Hehe. I'm so poor. It's rather pathetic.

                  So I went to the dentist yesterday 'cause my front teeth had been hurting and being just obnoxious. Well...turns out, I'm not imagining things. You see, when I was in second grade, I fell off this balance beam thing and hit concrete...face first. Well, mouth first. I ended up having a tooth go through my lip and losing a baby tooth. I eventually had to have reconstructive surgery on my lip, and it'll always be a bit puffy and there's a little scar. But anyways, as one of my front teeth came in, it chipped. Half of it is fake. From that trauma (and I'm sure from braces), I now have only half of the root I'm supposed to in one top front tooth, and less than half in the other. Which makes me very...sensitive and slightly paranoid. So, I got my retainer fixed, and I have to see if I can play my sax with it without having the weird "my teeth are about to fall out" sensation. If I can't, I'll have to give up the saxophone. Which I can't think of a better word, even though I loathe it. I haven't tried yet, to give my teeth a rest, but with my luck, it ain't gonna work. Which means no jazz band and no chamber choir 'cause I didn't make it. Which also means one less thing for me to worry about, but I'd hate to be one of those kids in the yearbook with hardly anything by their Senior pictures. I don't know if all yearbooks are like that, but we have all the clubs and stuff we were in beside the pictures. So, I'd have concert band and Nerd Herd. Oh, and I'm gonna join Spanish Club next year. They get Qdoba lunches. I'm such a dork... *sigh* I want to be an uber-band geek.

                  But besides that, my dentist is pretty cool. Especially since the first time I met him was after my traumatic experience...hehe. He told me that I've always been a problem child, and that I cause nothing but trouble. Me and my freakishly sensitive mouth. I like him soo much more than my orthodontist.

                  Oh, lookie! I got an e-mail. E and I are talking about how amazing I am and how I'm the life of the We're such dorks. I'm saying that a lot.

                  We went bowling today. We being my brother, his friend, my mom, and me. The first game I bowled a 92 or something, with my brother and his friend in the eighties. I was fine with that; they had bumpers and I didn't. The second game though...whoo. They beat me. By a lot. I got a 39!!! A 39!! I did horribly. I was so ticked...and the lanes are rigged, too! In your favor! At least, that's what my dad said, 'cause he bowled there, and he's one of those "Oh, look at me, I'm so good" bowlers. It was funny, 'cause one time we went bowling with my cousins, and A is supposed to be some hot-shot bowler, and my dad beat him so was great.

                  I get to go babysit in less than two hours. My neighbors have three little boys, and they're just going out to dinner. It won't be very long, so it won't be a lot of money, but I don't really care. The kids are adorable, especially the baby. And T called me his friend yesterday... I was touched. I've only talked to him like twice. Adorable little kids... *sigh* I heart 'em.

                  Mosquitos...or is it mosquitoes...can it be spelled either way? Now I'm confused. Anyway, those blood-sucking demons like me wayy too much. I have this bite on my leg that's absolutely huge. It's like an inch in diameter. *shudder* Now I'm itchy all over. I've also got a bite on my arm, but it didn't swell nearly as much. It's rather small. Prolly not a mosquito bite. Meh. Eep! Itchy itchy itchy... *refrains from scratching*

                  We have to read To Kill a Mockingbird for English next year. My problem is that I always read the summer reading book too early, so I forget half of it before school starts and get it all mixed up with the other books I read. Last year, I think that I read it a day or two before school started, so I was okay... Even though I did do horribly on that test... I didn't fail it, though. Many people in my class did...heh.

                  I don't have anything yet for mi padre for Father's Day yet, either. I have no clue what to get him. I get him the same thing every year, and I hate that. I do have a card, though, and I'm gonna pick out a funny e-card, prolly off of Hoops and Yoyo.

                  I'm always listening to music. If iTunes isn't playing, my iPod is. Or the radio. Or one of the various music video stations on television, or one of the just plain music stations. The only time I'm ever not listening to music is when I'm watching some random tv show (which I rarely do), when I'm eating dinner, or (sometimes) when I'm reading. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I like silence, sometimes I loathe it.

                  It seems like this post contains a bunch of ramblings about things that don't really matter. But that's okay! Wheee! *twirls*

                  Oh, oh! I'm gonna take voice lessons. Probably, anyways. We're gonna have to take a look around. The place where I used to take flute lessons way back when has voice lessons, but I didn't exactly like it there...but hey, maybe now it's better. Who knows. But we're gonna look around.

                  And I thought of what I'm doing tomorrow. Remember when I gave my list of things I'm doing this week? And I couldn't remember what Thursday was? Well, I'm going to the park with a bunch of friends for a Bible study/worship thing. We do it every month, and it'll be the first time I've seen a bunch of them since school got out.

                  Edit: Whoa...I think this might be my longest post. It's certainly up there, that's for sure. I guess my brain is just on a tangent. I remember when I had to struggle to make it to four or five lines...hehe.

                  Edit (again): I was randomly looking at old posts, and I gasped in horror at what I read. My posts...they were...horrendous! Hehe. Anybody remember Mr. Buggles? lol...Gryph...
                  the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                  • Edit (again): I was randomly looking at old posts, and I gasped in horror at what I read. My posts...they were...horrendous! Hehe. Anybody remember Mr. Buggles? lol...Gryph...

                    I soo know what you mean. I was remembering the TWoD song the other day, so I went looking for the lyrics that Telaldalin posted ... soo long ago, and my posts were scary. I think I've matured a little since then... well, I hope I have.

                    Its been sooo long since my last post here. Well, where to start?

                    Uni is almost over for me. I have another two exams in a week, and then holidays - well for one week anyway. Then I have a field trip to Rockhampton - town up north, just inside the tropics. That should be fun. A whole bunch (27 ) of geology students spending two weeks looking at rocks in Rockhampton, and <STRIKE>visiting the pub</STRIKE>... hold on, maybe that sort of thought isn't suitable for ages here Aanyway, it should be fun.

                    Lately in my life I have been working, studying for my Structural Geology exam and cramming for my Structural Geology exam. The cram session that we (about half the class showed up - unintentionally) had this morning before the exam was very helpful. Although the exam itself - or its aftermath - was strange. You know how most of the time, there is always one person who thinks that they got the whole thing right? That didn't happen. There wasn't one person I spoke with after the exam who was confident about the entire thing - everyone had one or two questions that they griped about.

                    Mineralogy theory and prac exams next. They're a good reason to get out of the house, as I have to do most of that study at uni - we need to use the microscopes.

                    Has anyone ever been on the bus/train/ in the shops etc and talking really animatedly about a favourite topic? A favourite topic related to science? Its so funny the looks you get. My friends and I often... well, maybe not so often, but if we're in the mood for it, and there are road cuttings or rock buildings - even tables at lunch - that exhibit something that we can now analyse, we do so. I guess we're really becoming geology students. We get some strange looks on the bus when there is a largish group of us, talking about the last prac or lecture. Its amusing.

                    Bookfest is on again I love that thing. It wasn't such a large haul this time - the ones in the middle of the year are never as good as the ones at the start - there is more time between the middle of the year to the one at the beginning of the next year for the books donated to lifeline to accumulate - and videos too, for that matter.

                    I came home, this time, with 8 doctor who novels, one Doctor Who video, the Braveheart soundtrack, A couple of fantasy novels to replace ones that had broken/gone missing out of dad's collection, and 22 Animorphs books . I didn't intend to come home with the animorphs books, but they were $1.50 each, and I felt like reading them again. I can always sell them at the market. The only problem I have now, is that I have no room on my shelves. I need to put some more up - somewhere...

                    Well, its 11:05pm now, and I need to be up early tomorrow. I'm going to bookfest - again I'm only taking a small bag to carry them home in this time - see if I can restrict what I get.



                    • Well, she gave me $20 for babysitting for about two and a half hours. I was pretty much shocked. The baby and T were asleep, so all I had to do was play a bit with B. He said I was his best babysitter. I so loved. We played with legos and Rescue Heroes. It was a pretty easy night. The most trouble I had was trying to figure out their tv after they were all asleep.

                      I have a bite on the bottom of my foot. It looks like a spider bite to me. Not fun. Icky icky insects and arachnids. Lemme 'lone! Hehe.

                      Oh dear. I have to leave in ten minutes 'cause we gotta stop by the store and grab some food to eat at the park. Gotta go finish getting ready...toodles!
                      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                      • Sooo...the main thing that comes out of the freedom of Summer 2006 is me becoming completely addicted to the World Cup. I love soccer anyway, and two or three back-to-back games in the middle of the day (the most boring part) is just a godsend. I think it's funny how the whole world's obsessed with football...Americans just like a different kind of football. I still don't get it is a MUCH better game than American football. It actually requires skill, and thinking on your feet. And it's so much more entertaining to watch. Goals are better than touchdowns.

                        Oh and Angel_Star, I'm pretty much TV-challenged...I have the hardest time figuring out how to work other peoples' TVs. Most of the time the parents of the kids I babysit come home to find them peacefully asleep and me swearing over the wide-screen satellite-powered on-demand gadgets they've got in their living rooms. The worst part is figuring out which remote to use. How could anyone need FIVE remotes??
                        "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                        There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                        And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                        What could mean more than this?"
                        --Bright Eyes


                        • Hey, I've got five remotes lined up near me. The TV, the DVD player, the VHS recorder, the digital receiver box and ... uh, the other DVD player, the region-free one.

                          I find football very boring. My sister likes it, though, and has taken two weeks off work (so has her boyfriend) to sit and watch it.
                          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                          • Heh. Like my ungodly story? XD I promised to tell the MJ one later, but I think I left to play flash light tag or something. I don't remember 'cuz that was a week ago.... I've been at grandma's since then.

                            <span class="ev_code_BLUE">I GOT SAIYUKI RELOAD VOL. 4!!!</span>
                            ahahahahahhahahahhaahahhaa I read it more times than I can count, too... oh god. Can't wait for the next one.

                            gigo's preggerz video roxxorz!!!

                            I go to both or either or whatever's local (talking about Borders vs Barnes and Nobles). To me, they're pretty much the same thing. Last time I bought something (SAIYUKI) was at B & N, I think... and I also got a cute bookmark that had "friend" in several different languages. When a Birthday comes around, I want to see if I can buy another one for my friends. It's really cute. Even has a spot for a photo (which is filled w/ a cute kitten when you buy it). They also had all kinds of neat journals. Again... something for my friends. I have a lot of writers for friends. <3 However, the Borders near me has music.... and that's also where I normally go. B&N isn't as cool. XD

                            Borders is for me.

                            Hmmm, this probably means I should probably _listen_ to some of my music collection, instead of, well, just collecting it?
                            *nod nod* You don't realize the valuable gems that you have...

                            Angel... oh wow. *huggles*. I've never heard of anyone having anything like that happen before with the teeth... I'm kinda surprised, because of how chaotic my crowd is. XD My brother has had teeth go through his lip before, however.

                            Has anyone heard of Natasha Bedingfield? She's not normally my style of music, but my grandma bought her CD and played it in the carride out of state. I got to the song Unwritten, and I was like, "OH! I know this song!" and started to sing along. I like it. What genre would you call her music?

                            I <3 Mr. Buggles... I remember him. This summer, when I was checking out plants with my mom, I saw a moth/butterfly just like the one he turned out to be. They're beautiful... like a fish that tried to become a bee, if you can imagine.

                            Eh heh heh. And my old posts? Please, no one go and look them up... Us Oldbies sometimes make fun of newbies, but we're such hypocrites at heart. XD


                            I SAW THE CREEPIEST SPIDER

                            It had eight legs like normal, but the second pair stretched on and on, maybe three times the normal length, like it was gonna pick up and fly away on those legs. It was a brown spider, but those legs were black at the tips. ugghh I wonder if he truly was a spider? Anyway, I cupped him and threw him outside -- grandma was gonna flatten him.

                            Oh god pm. .... remotes from heck (is he** censored? I've been triggering a lot of posts...)
                            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                            • this little girl at work decided to sit on my lap randomly. She had never talked to me before, and I was sitting on the floor singing safety songs with the kids, and she just walked up and sat on me. It was funny.

                              Hehe...the people I babysit for only have 2 remotes, just like mine. But they also have no cable or anything, so there's no point in watching their tv, unless I watch one of their DVDs, since they have a pretty good collection.

                              What's a region-free DVD player?

                              Gryph:ew. Big spider is gross...I hate spiders/big bugs. Speaking of big bugs, there was one at work yesterday-it was this ugly big red beetle. I've never seen one like that before. Our esteemed leader (a.k.a. my boss) made it crawl onto a clipboard, and she dumped it was so gross.

                              Chipotle is good...I got a giftcard from there for my birthday, since I had a party last night. Fun stuff, maybe I'll go there for dinner with some friends.

                              Hmmm...iTunes says Natasha Bedingfield is pop, so I guess that's what she is Gryph...I don't know. It sounds right.


                              • What's a region-free DVD player?
                                DVDs are region coded - The USA is region 1, the UK and Europe (I think...) is region 2, Australia and New Zealand are region 4 and so on. Its to prevent people from buying dvds from overseas and watching them - its a real pain in the butt too. But yeah, a dvd player that you have will commonly be region coded for the region that you purchased it in. This can be 'hacked' or unlocked so that you can use it for anything, but its often easier (and more legal - hacking it does funny things to your warranty in most cases) to just purchase a dvd-player that is region-free in the first case.

                                Remotes... well we have two TVs - one in the rumpus room, and one in the lounge. THe one in the lounge has 2 dvd remotes (one is a spare as the player carked it and we replaced it with a one from the same brand), a set-top-box remote for the digital reciever, a remote for the stereo and one for the actual TV... oh and one for the VCR. The rumpus room one has four: TV, Set-top, VCR and (shoddy thing that it is) X-box. So thats 10 remotes for two TVs.


