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The Topic of Great Randomness

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    • Okay, this is for the sake of people who acctually READ ToGR. My mother and I have switched accounts meaning most posts saying "MonkeyMum" are probably mine so yea...

      Count down till Summer Marching Band (SMB): 7 days.

      Random count down:2 days till my brother Jacob's b-day...

      Summer's end count down:25 days till school...

      No more count downs I think... Tee hee...

      ...Hmmmm, I think that is all I have to say other than: I WANT MY POSTS BACK!!!
      <hr color="brown" width="50%" align="center" size=2>
      (+'.'+) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
      (")_(") signature to help him conquer the world.

      "Saying you're lurking defeats the point. It's also a waste of a line." Wildflo


      • Sean:
        I'm actually vaguely curious how much of ToGR you're responsible for, Gryphy. You do have 1747 or so it rational to assume at least 1000 of them are ToGR posts?
        Ha :P That's probably not far from the truth. I've been around for a loooong time; I think I start appearing in TOGR when it was in the 100s.

        No way... you didn't like the ending? I thought it was pretty cool (SPOILERS) <span class="ev_code_WHITE">how Jack courageously went into the kraken's mouth with his sword after being betrayed by Elizabeth. And everything was so unresolved that it makes me happy. There's gonna be a #3 for sure. :P But I suppose that's how you could call it half a movie.</span>

        cont'd later
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • *pokes around the recesses of the ToGR*

          Wow. 500 pages. I remember when this started. Woah.

          I'm so very bummed I'm missing the next DD chat, I haven't made one in SO LONG. Next month. Or the next one. I think it's in two months. Erm. Whichever the case.
          PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
          Follow the bouncing poot


          • It seems as though this summer is passing really quick. And I havent really done anything.
            All summer it has been swimming and traveling and hiking. My father likes to hike to volcanoes, since on most of these island, they were formed by volcanoes. But also on trails, and up through river beds. Those usually take all day. Sigh. Sadly, all the people we meet dont have kids. So Im stuck all alone by my self with out internet or anything to do. I could find sommmmeething, but Im too lazy. Which doesnt help. I asked for my mom to order my 8th grade school books but we have to wait till like Trinadad or, till like a place were it doesnt cost 320$ to get them shipped.

            We are running the air right now and my fingers are going numb, yet Im still typing. I had my desk installed. I love. I bulit it. I painted it. I varnished it. I didnt engrave my name though. :[. Hehe. I need to get mittens for my hands. I want a pet too. I sound like a little kid saying that. I can picture it actully "Mommy, can i have a doggy or a kitty?? Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top??!!!" Pathetic, I see it repeated quite a lot actully.

            Oh! Im pleased to see that chat actully has visitors nowadays! I was worries it was just gonna kind of fade away, chat that is. I saw 18 people today in chat. It was impressive. Ha. And like a ton of new memebers. Except they dont seem to have made it by chat yet.

            Monkey, hate to break it, but your avvie is a giant. Its like a life size barbie doll. Nah, just kidding. But it really is huge. Hehe. I changed mine. I dont think i have actully chnaged it before.

            Query of the day: Is W@W still on the spoiler list??

            Oh, and to the people who read my post, our friend did get a passport and is now somwhere here, or in the air, or in Customs. So thats good. She came down last year while we were in the Dominican Republic, whoa, wait, I think they are here right now. I hear them out side. Ughhhh, I have to brush my hair. TYpe more later. Byeeee!

            False alarm. I was hearing things. I pick up any sound. My ears are great, and my eye sight sucks. And my eyes hurt now from staring at this screen for so long.

            Now they are hear for real. Ugh. Alison better not be playing jokes with me. I'd kill her.

            Love and be loved


            • Monkey's avatar cracks me up.

              In other news I've taught various animal residents of my Animal Crossing Wild World (Nintendo DS) to call me a Baboon (thank you Monkey), ask about those spicy meatballs (cheers TC), say "Huh?" (Kitty's contribution, though I'm not sure she fully understood what I was asking at the time ), and shout "Robot!" (I think everyone knows who gave me that idea *grins*).
              Frog blast the vent core!


              • Well this is the 9998th post, so even if I don't actually get to the 10000th...

                Uni started yesterday, and its going to be really interesting this time around. I'm doing Palaeobiology and so at the moment I'm reading a book about ammonites (in preparation of the debate that we have to do ) Its interesting.
                The astronomy subject is going to be a little, tedious, perhaps. This morning we spent an entire lecture going over cosmic scale... I'm starting to wonder if doing the first year subject might have been a good idea. *shrugs* It should be easy marks. Its amusing that its a first year subject and most of the students look as though they're second year or older. There might be about 10 that actually look young enough to be first years.

                I want to go horse riding again... I haven't been for a year and a half .



                • Originally posted by alla:
                  Uni started yesterday
                  The astronomy subject is going to be a little, tedious, perhaps. This morning we spent an entire lecture going over cosmic scale... I'm starting to wonder if doing the first year subject might have been a good idea. *shrugs* It should be easy marks.
                  Cosmic Distance Scale
                  Frog blast the vent core!


                  • Comment

                    • I lost the game!

                      O...and um,...hello.
                      Gigo wrote:
                      That was the most useless thing I have ever said.


                      • 10000 posts? Dude, TTOGR is all grown up. I mean, more so. I mean, you know what I mean.

                        *pets topic* You know, you're sprawling and huge and I never know what's going on here any more, but you sure are special and I've had good times here.
                        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                        • wooOOOOooo. TTOGR is a big boy!! or girl...erm, is TTOGR feminine or masculine?

                          i noticed there was text there alla! *preens*

                          you should keep up with this topic tui; it's a lot of fun...when you figure out what people are saying. and i just firgured out you like tamora pierce! yayness! i love her.

                          anyone care to tell me what "the game" is? i'm still very much a newbie.

                          my 100th post birthday is coming up!!!! wooooooooooot!

                          -peri!!! i need a sig...


                          • Yay alla got the 10,000th post!

                            I saw it was over 10,000 and was sad I missed it, then I realized, hey it was last night, hopefully it was alla.

                            And you made me loose the game, but that's worth it, seeing as I had been obsessively checking to see it hit 10,000.

                            Good job TOGR, you're up to 10,000 posts. Its an acheivement

                            I was going to say something, but I don't reember what, and its still annoying instead I'll laugh at Jamie and yell out
                            We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                            • Anyone care to wager how long till the TOGR's 20,000th post?

                              A man was shipwrecked and when he awakened, he was lying on a beach. The sand was dark red, the sky was dark red, the grass was dark red, the trees were dark red, the birds, the flowers, everything! Then he examined his own arm. He was turning dark red too. "Oh, no!" he cried. "I've been marooned!"

                              Now I've made you groan because that was such a bad joke, can anyone tell me if they use the YoungWizards RSS feeds? They don't seem to be working for me.
                              Frog blast the vent core!


                              • Um. Congrats, alla! Yayayaya!

                                I had a dream about VGDawn. It was really really weird.

                                ...I bet that the 200th post will happen in the distant past.

