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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • <span class="ev_code_BLUE">Ya...

    I think I can whip something up...

    Today, I manage to hack, yet again, into the CIA files. Did you know I have an active file? ME?
    Ya. It's true.

    Anyway, I found out that they're studying this new potion and I hack up their files so that they got a surprise letter from our President saying that they must release them!!!!
    Totally worked.

    THEN I decided to have some fun and hawed into the Interpol...did you know I'm on the Top 10 list? Huh.

    Also, I walked right into the FBI like I owned the place and no one even dared to lay a finger on me...though a bird decided I was a good lamp post...</span>


    • To kill a Mockingbird - its been a while but that was a GOOD book!

      Pride and Prejudice was, pretty good but the Movie was soooo much better!

      Tia...go to the nurse, yes the one at the end of the hallway and ask her for your medicine - it seems someone forgot again .

      More people join us in CHAT always!
      Gigo wrote:
      That was the most useless thing I have ever said.


      • Hehe...I love To Kill a Mockingbird! Only book I ever read for English class that I liked.

        I started reading Pride and Prejudice last week, but I had to stop to do my summer reading...hopefully I'll be able to pick it up again when I'm done with summer reading. My friends love the movie...maybe I should see that too sometime.

        Olivia: Redwall is pretty good. XD I read them a few years ago, but at the time I loved them.

        I have this itchy welt on my left foot now...don't know where it came from, but it's in the same spot as the jellyfish sting I got on vacation was...but that was over a week ago, how could I still be getting reactions from the jellyfish? I looked it up online, and...oy. Anyway, it's really itchy, and is driving me up the wall.

        I went to Border's today, but I didn't buy anything. It was just in and out to get one of my summer reading books, and...yeah. See, I'm broke-I literally have no paper money on me, just a jar of change. It's quite depressing, actually. I've never been actually broke before. I almost wish I could take money out of my college fund, just so I wouldn't feel so broke. And I've lost my allowance to help pay for car insurance, so no help from there.

        Ok, so maybe Mom's right-maybe I do need a real job. I'll have to work on that...

        Cross country practice starts tomorrow! I can't wait for it! I love running with the team-they're some of my best friends.


        • *emerges from a long bout of TOGR lurking*

          i've never read the red wall series, i just havn't felt a need to. lol.

          and to kill a mockingbird is a great book, i read it for english this last year. it was one of the few books i liked from that class apart from farenheight 451 by ray bradbury.

          and i cannot wait till the next star wars book comes out, it's titled bloodlines, and it's by karen traviss i believe.


          i ought to go now.

          The Force be with you lot,
          YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
          "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


          • yeah more TOGR people! ^^

            *eats a mini orange thingy...clementine or something*

            "o, clementine my clementine" XD hahaha
            Gigo wrote:
            That was the most useless thing I have ever said.


            • I think I started reading the Redwall books in fourth or fifth grade. I was getting bored with the books I got from the school library, so the librarian pointed out the series to me. I was completely hooked. I devoured the small selection of them that we had at school and started getting them from the public library, along with buying a few. By the time The Taggerung came out, I was still hooked. Although I read Triss and Loamhedge when they came out, I didn't enjoy the books as much as I used to. I haven't read any since then.

              That was a rather long explanation for how I used to love the series, and now I just don't read it.

              I got attacked by three year olds today. If you want to know the full story, go here. *is too lazy to type it up again*

              Well, Wheel of Time is drawing me back... I must finish the first book by tomorrow! Ick... I checked out the entire series from the library. Okay, not the whole series: I own the first two, and I'm still trying to get the sixth one, and the last one I had to return 'cause somebody else wanted it and I couldn't renew it. Well, I'm gonna go read. Toodles!
              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


              • Wow, I feel BAD for high schoolers - at least in this area (arizona).

                My baby sister starts aug 9th ick!

                I mean I WANT classes to start and I start on the 21st but that's only cause I'm in college. I would be extremely less eager if I were heading back to high school again.

                I mean I loved the socializing and would love to have it all again but those classes, the way the teachers were and the general strict rules compared to being treated like an adult just sucked.
                Gigo wrote:
                That was the most useless thing I have ever said.


                • I don't ever want to go back to school. I'm loving this summer way too much. I made a new friend in the area and got closer to one I've known for years. On top of that, there's been a lot of excitemen, such as a *bf* which umm... never worked out from the start, but anyway. That's a story for another time. :P Partly 'cuz I've got to put together a few loose ends and then leave around noon, and the boyfriend is too good of a story (ie: he was so desperate that when I turned him down, he asked me out again). I'll be out of state, so you're gonna have to wait a while before you see me in chat. <3 miss you guys

                  Annnnndddddd wildflower bought vol. 2 of my all time fav manga.

                  Tia, you're such a sly and notorious criminal.

                  I used to love Redwall.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • what is your favorite manga, gryphon? mine is Fruits Basket...the name is cheesy, i know, but it is HILARIOUS! and it's basically a romance--i'm a hopeless romantic. and the fan stuff in the back is cool to check out--some of the people who send in stuff are really talented. and the guys in the book are the hottest manga characters that ever existed. I LOOOVE KYO!!! woot for the cat!! it really is an awesome series. read it, and then tell me how you liked it.

                    now what should i ramble about? oh, here's something: THE PERSON (OR PERSONS) WHO MADE UP ARABIC GRAMMAR SHOULD BE BURNED, HANGED AND DROWNED. gaahhhh! i'm dying here--not only is the conflict TWO HOURS away, which is freakin creepy, and makes me really sad...but arabic is hard. and kharabsheh, jordan is not the hottest place around either, except for tempurture-wise of course.

                    oh, and my sister went to jerusalem! omg, it sounds amazing..she tells me the people there are so vibrant, and alive, even when their so opressed. here's an example: (another friend of mine went there too, and this her story btw.)she met two guys there, and they knew some english. they were really friendly and seemed so happy and so hopeful, as if they somehow knew they would get through their difficult times. and just as they were in the middle of their convorsation, two burly gaurds who looked like experianced and cold stepped behind them and just stood there, listening to them talking. the two guys continued talking as if nothing were happening, but the whole time they were talking t my friend, they were facing the gaurds, the expressions on their faces saying quite clearly "BRING IT ON." now most of you wouldn't get the significance of that, but to me, those people are awesome, and deserve ore praise then they get...god bless them.



                    • [11:22:20] TuttleTurtle: I just lost the game
                      Gigo wrote:
                      That was the most useless thing I have ever said.


                      • <span class="ev_code_BROWN">Top Ten reasons why PM is Cool!</span>
                        <span class="ev_code_BLUE">
                        1. He is Funny... well sort of ...

                        2. He is old and he admits it ... (cool people
                        do that)

                        3. He is not bossy! *sneez*

                        4. He is Cool and that is one thing!!!!!!!

                        5. His feet ... I ... err... Nevermined ...

                        6. He Still has hair ... you know ... old people loose hair but ... ummm ...

                        7. His name can be like PM as in Private Messge!

                        8. ... He does not have a job (cool people don't need a job ... they just get money from trees!

                        9. He is NOT a computer geek ... just good at computers!

                        10. HE IS COOOOL!

                        Go PM!!!!!! </span>

                        <span class="ev_code_PURPLE">PM FAN CLUB!</span>


                        • a bit sad today, to put it mildly. Basically, at the beginning of the summer I applied for a job at my local library because, well, they were looking for people and it would be a cool place to work. So, I thought they just decided not to hire anyone for the position when they didn't call after 2 months, and I sort of forgot about it. Well, yesterday they called and asked if I could come to an interview today, so I went. First of all, the interview was a fiasco-I'm not good at job interviews (I don't see how I got the job at safety town-that interview was even worse than this one.) Second, this morning I found out about my cross country schedule, and it conflicts seriously with the library work schedule. So basically, I lost the job because although I'm dedicated to something (they want dedication) I'm dedicated to something that takes up too much time. I told them that xc is only until the end of October, but that didn't change their minds...oh well. I'm just a little sad about that.

                          Also, can't call my friends and look for their sympathy because they made fun of me when they found out I was just applying to the library. It's like they think all work is beneath them. They don't understand that you need to start at the bottom, and that most jobs for 16 year olds are not dream jobs.

                          Oh least cross country was fun this morning. We went swimming, which is always fun-can't wait until the coaches get bored and just let us play water polo against the boys. But that won't happen for a few weeks, so we've got a little bit of time to wait.

                          Well, this post made me feel better. But so did the chocolate cake I just ate. Maybe it's a combination? Probably. XD I give up-the whole job thing will have to wait until after xc season. Adios!


                          • Redwall? I read a few of those, which I liked, but I just don't have the time to read them all. Too many other good books to be had!

                            To Kill A Mockingbird? did I mention that that is my summer reading book? And that I've barely started?? XD, this is one book that makes me really procrastinate, and I don't know why. Sometimes I'm just like that with books. I want to read it, but I lose interest. This time, I don't think I have a chance, tho. Haha, I was donwn the shore, and the movie was on. It was the scene where Atticus is defending a black guy in a bad situation with an over lust-full teenage girl. Not exactly the best scene to begin watching. I turned it off eventually, though after being convinced by my brother to do so.

                            The shore: Was hell and fun at the same time. Both my brothers' girfriends came down, so they were affectionate at times but other times just wanted to be with my brothers, which I could understand, of course. So I went from having lots of fun to being unbelievably lonely and bored and turns. I listenend to lots and lots of Patsy Cline songs. They make you feel better, she had such a great voice, and plenty of songs about being lonely. I didn't mind that as much as when they completely ditched me. Completely. We were all in bathing suits ready to go down to the beach, and then I begin readng my book to wait for them to finish their lunch. I'm explaining to my aunt all about Howl's Moving Castle (I bought that and the sequel. I was reading the sequel just then), and by the time I finish and go inside (like 5 minutes later), they're gone. Without a word. So I went to the beach and was miserable for an hour all by my lonesome until my parents showed up and came into the water with me. God, I was realllly angry!

                            But then I went to the boardwalk with one brotehr and girlfriend, and he was really nice and bought a buncha stuff, and we weren't biting each others heads off for a change. Love is fickle!!

                            Poor Hungry *huggles* Soon it'll be you laughing because they have no money and your a millionaire. I swear. No, really, too bad about the library. But at least you have cross country. Fun!

                            Tia: Quite an accomplishment. But I've done worse. *rubs fingernails against shirt* Oh, I don't even have the time to tell you now. I must go meet my friend whose name I cannot disclose (for I do not have knowledge of it).

                            Good day to you all. *nods curtly*

                            I'm such a dork
                            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                            • I GOT A NEW I-CON!!!!!
                              Do ya like it?
                              Its cute....
                              and creepy!
                              *runs under bed shivering*
                              Mandy =

                              Billy =


                              • Howl's Moving Castle? That's a great book. I didn't really like the sequel, but it's okay, I guess. The movie was cute, way off from the book, but I liked it all the same.

                                To Kill a Mockingbird is a great book, I read it because I studied parts of it in this english tutoring program (That was when I still lived in Hong Kong). I read Farenheight 451 around the same time, and I actually tried to do a book report on it in 5th Grade. I don't think anybody understood it. Oh well.

                                I'm so excited about High school! Well, not really. I got invited to this new leadership/challenge program at this school, so I'm going there, and I don't know _anybody_ there. Which is bad, but I'm confident my charm and wit will cause friends to come in mobs.

                                Other things of late:
                                Cousin (11, girl) and friend (10, boy) came from Hong Kong for the summer. Friend spent most of his time whining about how boring Canada is, eh? My cousin is better, but she doesn't want to improve her english, which isn't half bad, but she keeps talking in Cantonese. Ah well. Chinese practice for me!

                                Lots more, but I'm just rambling. TOGR!

