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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • *laughs at Gigo's randomness* but then again, that is what this fivehundredandtwo page topic is all about right? Yeah, we had to read Farenheight 451 last year for school... needless to say, giving that book as a summer assignment to 8th grade boys (one of which I am not!) isn't the smartest thing to do. We were all like 'whatdayawhat?' *laughs*

    Anyone seen Donnie Darko? Anyone? Anyone? *hears cricket's chirping* *pulls out huge bag labeled 'advertising'* Well, I have a movie for you! Ok, it's really sort of creepy if you're under 13 I think, but I'm 14 so you judge for yourself. Nothing jumps out at you, it's just a slightly morbid and heart racing movie that makes you think. (by the way, does anyone know another word for 'it makes you think'? I've been trying to find it!)

    Also, for all you Harry Potter fans out there, J K Rowling's official website ( is very VERY interresting, and she just gave out W.O.M.B.A.T.'s. A test if you must know. I really really also reccomend and (Fandom is better) for those of you who like fanfiction.

    Ok, it's officially eight minutes to midnight, so I'm going to sleep now!

    ~What are we, but alive Just To BE~


    • Eeee, Redwall. I used to love those so much that I wanted to be an otter. I lent my copy of Salamandastron to a friend in fifth grade and never got it back... *sigh* My book obsession now is Jasper Fforde.

      On the first day of school a few years ago, our teacher had us write an essay about a favorite book. Then she collected them and told us to meet her outside after lunch - where we found her burning them. Turned out we were starting Fahrenheit 451. And we got plastic fire hats to make up for the essays we had to write.
      Metaphors be with you.


      • Peri: what is your favorite manga, gryphon? mine is Fruits Basket
        SAIYUKI!!! I like Fruits Basket, but Saiyuki pwns all. Petshop of Horror is another favorite.

        Kyo is my fav charrie <3 Shigure and the german kid.

        The people you mentioned are really amazing. When you look at it like that, I guess you could say Americans are pretty pathetic.

        I was looking for a job at the beginning of the summer, but by July, I didn't want one 'cuz now I'm spending too much time with friends. This one girl, V, who is the older sister of a girl who is my brother's friend, has been coming over a lot this summer. She's been bringing me and G together -- I've known G since I moved to this state, and we've been friends, but never close friends. It also helps because I can confide in the two of them about everything, espescially when the infamous boyfriend happened. He asked out G, and when she finally turned him down (she kept saying, "just give me a little more time to think about it" -- which made it worse), he asked me out. I took a little time too, but I turned him down. I've known him as long as G, and he's immature, etc etc, and there's nothing more to learn about him. Then he asked me out a second time, saying, "just give me a chance." Later that night, he IMed me, and I went ahead and said yeah, thinking, "what's the worst that could happen?" Needless to say, it didn't work out, and I was the one to break up with him. I just got so pissed off at him. He has this thing where... he has to have a fight about everything, correct every detail. And it's all this stupid stuff that we never said was true anyway. I don't know. So one night during flash light tag, I dragged him off in the bushes and was like, "look, I want to break up. Let's just be friends, 'k?" I'm a little proud of myself that I took it calm; I really wanted to blow up in his face and chew him out for all the times he was an ass. He didn't know what hit him. He didn't even realize I was mad. I stormed off and sat behind a tree out of bounds because I was too angry to play. Within minutes, G and V showed up, and we all talked about it. Meanwhile, ex BF was blowing off steam, saying all this crap, but we just ignored him and laughed it off.

        Shandurai: I loved Donnie Darko <3 It was pretty wild. And for "it makes you think" emm... the closest I can come up with offhand is stimulating. Not sure if that's the right word. Intriguing.

        I leant my friend the book Valiant at the beginning of school last year. Just a few days ago, she IMed me and told me that she'd finished it, loved it, and could give it back to me now. XD Friends are great. XD XD

        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • *huggles everybody* I <3 you allllll!!

          I've picked up some of my old lurking habits. *sigh* I need to start posting again, so I can fill the world with my insanity! Muahaha-hahaha-haha-ha... Oh lookie, a butterfly! *follows the butterfly*

          My friend's little sister calls caterpillars "callepitters". It's adorable.

          Okay, let's see. What to say... I went to King's Island with some friends on Thursday. Two other girls and two guys. It rained. Okay, it more than rained. It poured. There was lightning, too, but that's not what soaked me. Of course, C and I were dancing in the rain. That was fun. Wheeeeee! One of the ladies working at the game stuff saw me, and said, "Oh're soaked. I'm so sorry that you all had to come today and get rained on. It's a little drier over there..." It was quite amusing. I didn't mind the rain. My clothes weren't terribly comfortable for a while, but that was okay. We went on the swings in the rain, lol.

          The sad thing was that C and her boyfriend broke up the next day. Well, I guess it's not sad, 'cause they're still good friends, but still. I worry about her, 'cause I don't like it when she's sad. She's one of my closest friends, and when she called me...gracious, it just about ripped my heart out to hear her. Goodness, the boys I know cause nothing but trouble. Hehe...okay, maybe not, but still. Anyway, those of you who pray, please keep her in your prayers.

          We went bowling today. I got a 167, then a 131. The lanes are rigged. I've never done that well in my life.

          My friend had her sweet 16 birthday party yesterday. It was a lot of fun...hangin' out with everybody, chatting, eating, all that jazz.

          Well, E's in four of my classes. That's wonderful, thank goodness. My ex happens to be in two of my classes, but I think I can deal with that. I hope so, anyway. A lot of my friends don't have any classes with me, which stinks. School starts back on Wednesday. I haven't read Mockingbird yet... I'll have to start it tomorrow. Well, I better get offline before mi madre kicks me off. Toodles!
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          • <span class="ev_code_BLUE">Rawry: Oh, hush you.

            Dudes, you must hear this one, it's awesome:

            Well, one day, I came to this topic called "The Topic of Great Randomness", and I saw my friend's comment, who I call Rawry, and he said this to me:

            "Tia...go to the nurse, yes the one at the end of the hallway and ask her for your medicine - it seems someone forgot again ."

            Like, :O!!! So, anyway, I posted this:

            Rawry: Oh, hush you.

            Dudes, you must hear this one, it's awesome:

            Well, one day, I came to this topic called "The Topic of Great Randomness", and I saw my friend's comment, who I call Rawry, and he said this to me:

            "Tia...go to the nurse, yes the one at the end of the hallway and ask her for your medicine - it seems someone forgot again ."

            Like, :O!!! So, anyway, I posted this:

            (Pretty much goes on like that. :P)


            • WOW, did you know that if you spell racecar backwards it comes ou as racecar! R
              C A
              A C
              R E


              • Hectic hectic hectic...

                But for the sad news:

                My friend is going through a really hard time...which I'm sure a lot of you can relate to. Her parents are going through...a messy divorce. It's really, really sad. I have never seen her cry. But last night (ok, this morning), We were talking on the couch (we had laid out our beds there; I was sleeping over), when she began to talk about it and cry, and so I went over to her and just let her lean on me and whatnot. I know that many of you don't pray, are athesists, or are some other religion. But for those of you you do pray, please, just say a little one, just so she gets through. I normally don't ask for Religious acts, because I know that this isn't a religious board, or forum. this is very important. Please.

                Thank you to those who do.

                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • *huggles Mel and Mel's friend* I hope everything turns out ok for her.

                  I am very mad at my school, since for some reason this year they've decided to give us our schedules on the first day of school in homeroom, instead of mailing them to us a few weeks before school starts like they normally do. I want to know what my classes are, and who my teachers are, and especially if I have lunch with my friends! I didn't have lunch with anyone I knew freshmen year-it stunk. Of course, now that I'm a junior, I know so many more people, so I should be ok no matter what.

         I spent 6 hours reading Frankenstein and working on the project for it. I hate summer reading-actually, I don't mind the whole reading part, but the projects really are annoying.

                  I love cross country...the only problem is that there are 18 seniors this year! So, us 7 juniors are going to have some big shoes to fill next year when we're leading the team. Also, senior gifts are going to be very hard to do this year, since there's only 5 sophomores and 2 freshmen on the team. Our budget is going to be very limited...oh well. Don't need to worry about this until the end of October...

                  So, while I was doing my summer reading today, I ate all the good food in the house...I ate the rest of the Ben & Jerry's, and the rice cakes, and the licorice, and I drank the last cold Starbuck's coffee thing, and then I got Chipotle tacos. I have no life. I love's a good thing I'm a runner, or else I'd weigh about 200 lbs with the amount of food I've been eating lately...naw, that'd be hard to do.

                  I'm watching Spiderman on tv right stufff. I love that movie-Spiderman is awesome. But my question is, how did he get the cool suit that he wears after Uncle Ben dies? You know, not the sweatsuit one he wears in the cage map, but the one he wears in the first and second movie? Hehe, I'm confusing myself. Oh well...

                  I finished a chapstick the other day-my Burt's Bees one. Good was weird, I've never finished a chapstick before. But since I'm broke, I can't get another one now. Oh well. I don't care.



                  • Frankenstein, hungry? From what I remember, it wasn't that bad of a book, was it?

                    According to the story (and Kathy and possibly PM know much more about this than I do, I would think) I think he knits it himself sometime afterwards. And speaking of which, I'm waiting for the third movie, as the other two have been quite up to standards.


                    I'm in Florida. Epcot today, with the the other Disney parks sometime, and a couple of days of Sea World. Pity I can't go to Discovery Cove, I think, where you swim with dolphins and sharks and manta rays..but as a day costs $267, it's a tentative maybe at this point.

                    But the weather is beautiful, and the resort we're at is spiffy, and I totally destroyed my parents and brother in mini-golf last night - all the more impressive because my brother and father both golf.

                    And Ariel gets out of camp today
                    Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
                    Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


                    • If I chew gum, I don't feel like munching on food. It's good, 'cuz sometimes when I'm really bored, I go and check out the fridge. Espescially when I'm slaving over homework.

                      I love the Spidermans... I can't wait for number three to come out; I saw the preview for it when I was watching the Pirates of the Carribean.

                      Burts Bees is good stuff. Mom has some of that chapstick, and somewhere I have strawberry lip balm by them. It's nice, but I rarely have a need for more chapstick; mom makes that, soaps, lotions, and things like that. She sells some of it on the side. If she weren't a chemist, this is probably what she'd do for a living.

                      Last year, I had to read a coupple of pages of Frankenstein. I'm so glad I never had to do the entire book; I could hardly focus on even a sentence at a time. Such wordy material. I used to be into all of the classics, but there's not a chance I could pull off Frankenstein now.

                      Sean: sounds like so much fun. I only remember bits and peices of Disney World... mostly walking. I've been there twice. Lately, my parents have been considering going down there again sometime, but I'd rather relax and hang out w/ friends than go on rides. At the last park that I went to, I only did a couple of rides and one roller coaster. Not exactly my idea of fun. :P I went to Sea World on a girl scout outing.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • My relatives are here and annoying me to death as usuall. They are hipocritical in that they nag you but then they do the things they say dont do. So its kinda stressful. Im going back to school soon, already done my band camp and orientation for highschool. I like my schedule ok, though im gonna be busy! Didn't go anywhere this summer really, well, I did go to Nebraska for like, 4 hours to look at a house that my sis is getting mabye. She is getting married soon and is engaged. I dont know what else exciting happened my summer, its been pretty dull. I just saw little miss sunshine, its really funny. I saw The Night Listiner and Tallegada Nights or whatever thats called. Well, gotta go.
                        Azen or Fred22
                        In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

                        Douglas Adams


                        • C's doing good...which is good. It's not all weird between her and A like it is between Zach and me. But anyways.

                 classes aren't horrible. They aren't amazingly stupendous, but I think I won't die. Think. Not know. *sigh* My English teacher amuses me to no end, though she's rather strict. "I just won't be able to remember these names. I am so sorry, I am just horrible with names. In fact, I think we need to pray about it..." Then she proceeds into the prayer. I doubt any of the teachers I haven't had before remember my name. I start off the day with Band, which makes me extremely happy. It's the highlight of my day. After that is chemistry. Well, honors chem, which makes it basically the hardest class in highschool. Not because of the class's the teacher. However, I'm used to Mrs. G, because I had her last year for honors bio for half the year. So, I'm not really worried about that class, surprisingly enough. Then I have honors Algebra 2 with a pretty nice Mrs. D. She's a bit crazy, but I suppose anybody who likes/teaches math is. The only people I talk to in that class sit away from me, which really stinks. After that is honors world civ. This is the class that somewhat worries me. The material doesn't seem too hard; it's just that she asks for a lot. A lot of busy work is what it seems like. Many of my friends are in that class, though, which is good. After that is honors english 2. Most of my guy friends are in that class, so I get to tell them to shut up every five seconds and correct their grammar.

                          M:"Me and J got the suck up seats at the front."
                          Me:"If you wanna suck up, use the right grammar. J and I, oh bright one."

                          So, yeah. Then it's lunch, which is always fun. I don't even have lunch with C, which isn't fun. I only see her in the mornings now, and sometimes not even then. After lunch I've got Spanish 2. It should be called "how to evangelize in spanish". Gracious, we do NOTHING but talk about evangelizing and such. *mutters* She should be a Bible teacher, not a spanish teacher. I end off the day with my second Bible class (*snort*), which means I can be totally brain-dead. That's a good thing, 'cause after spanish I think I'm gonna fall over. *glances down at hand* I drew hearts and bubbles all over it. I get bored wayy too easily.

                          Wellllll...let's see. We had pep band Friday night...I mean, we had a home football game, and the pep band played. We only practiced the music Thursday during class (class is only 45 minutes, and we didn't play the whole time) and right before the game for maybe half an hour. Even with all the freshmen being new to the music, we sounded pretty good. Well, amazing for that little practice. We have band groupies!!! Some of my friends made a sign saying "We heart *insert name of school* Pep Band!" It was great. The whole band was ecstatic. One of our percussionists decided that we needed to speed up one of the songs...beyond what ANY of us had ever played before, even the oldbies. So we were taking it like twice as fast as it was supposed to go, and I thought we were all gonna die the first two measures 'cause it sounded HORRID. Then we finally clicked in, and it sounded amazing. The song was Devil With a Blue Dress, if any of you know what that is.

                          I had just stayed after school on Friday. So, basically, I had been there from 7:30 in the morning until around 10:30 at night. For dinner, we started walking down to a place a little more than half a mile down the road. It was sooo hot. Thankfully, one of the seniors offered us a ride. Four of the girls piled in the back and K sat in the front, since he would squuuaaash us. We didn't luck out on the way back, though. I thought I was going to collapse when we got back to the school. Jeans and a black shirt aren't fun when it's hot.

                          Oh! Waiting in the band room...interesting conversation. One of the freshmen guys is absoulutely adorable. And hilarious. He was sitting under the table while we were all talking. All of a sudden we heard, "I can make that popping sound with all ten of my fingers!" You know, when you stick a finger in your mouth and pull it out and make that noise...hehe. Man, that's hard to explain. Which is why he declared that he won't write a book on his sound effects.

                          W said that he wished I was on saxophone for pep band... *sigh* And I was like, yeah, so do I. And that led to everybody asking why I wasn't, so I had to explain. Then C, the lovely senior who gave us a ride, said, "That means we have to keep her on flute, right? Darn."

                          Explanation: We have 14 flutes. There's only 70 people in the entire band. *kicks all freshman flutes* Gracious. What stinks is that practically all of them are better players than me. (And some have better flutes...*mutters* "I don't wanna take my flute outside, it's silver!" *glowers* They're ALL silver, freshman!! Anyway, some have those with gold mouthpieces and open holes on the keys...of course, with the plastic over the holes which makes it totally pointless, but whatever. My flute is practically the most basic you can find. Whatever.) Okay, done complaining. Some of those girls are CHATTERBOXES though, that NEVER stop talking!

                          That was a long rant to explain that we need some flutes to switch to other instruments.

                          We had to read Frankenstein in 8th grade, which meant I had to do a lot of explaining in English class. I liked it. Kind of. I wouldn't have read it in my own time, but it wasn't bad for being forced to read it.

                          To Kill a Mockingbird actually was a pretty good book. I was a bit surprised.

                          Gum is my friend. If I don't have gum, I just eat and eat.

                          *huggles Mel* I'll pray for her.

                          Oh! One of my friends had this huge crush on this guy that so wasn't worth her time. I don't mean that he was "uncool" or anything; he's just not a nice person. I personally can't stand the kid...and I usually like people in general. Well, she found out last night at the game that he has a girlfriend. She was totally crushed and had an emotional breakdown. _That_ wasn't fun. The thing is, she's mad at him. She really has no reason to, because he never even said that he liked her. That I know of, anyway. He's figured out what's wrong with her. Silly girl. She stresses me sometimes. She sets herself up for heartache, sometimes. Makes me feel bad for her, but there's really nothing I can do about it. She acts as though the world revolves around her, and every time we try to remind her that it revolves around the sun, she gets upset with us and denies. Denial... Reminds me of DABDA. What's the next one? Anger? That might be it. Then it's bargaining, then...argh. Can't remember. Depression? Drat, I can't remember a thing. Acceptance is last. Hehe...from when I worked at Confident Kids back in what, 8th grade? Hmph.

                          I should probably working on the two papers that are due, but I really don't feel like it. Or, I should be practicing band music, but I can't do that. You see, we have about one copy per three flute players. D was supposed to e-mail me the music, but that hasn't happened yet. We're playing The Incredibles music and the Star Wars music. Ain't that great? lol. It's not terribly hard, but it'll take some work. There's a gorgeous solo in it, but of course the senior flute player will get it 'cause she's amazing. It's open to all, but she's so much better than anyone else.

                          At lunch on Friday, these two new guys sat with us. One's the new kid in my homeroom that I didn't know the name of. Anyway, I think I freaked them out. I told them that I'd try to remember their names by Christmas, and then I went on singing the song stuck in my head and acting like a total idiot. One of them later told E that her friends were weird, or odd, or something like that. I assume that he meant me. Hehe...
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • i'll ramble for awhile, and then comment on what you've said. jordan is so...strange. so many different sides, like a prism, but mottled to varying degrees of decay on many sides, but glittering on others. putting on facades like we change clothes, holding tight to ages-old beliefs. good and bad, so many things melded together into one concentrated area. i guess all countries are like that really, but it's just so odd to see...some place other than where i grew up, to experience what these people do, to notice what they do not, to learn so many new things. has that made sense? a friend once told me this exactly, quite awhile ago, "how is it you can be so vague and so descriptive at the same time?" because that's how i am...i could probably tell you my life story without giving you a single example to go on.

                            "a born storyteller", as a favorite teacher once said. i still think i have a loong way to go, buti'm getting there. no one is "born" anything, but how you are turns into what you become. he(the techer) helped me through a very hard time, and i loved him like a father away from home, because then i didn't see much of my father. but meeting him made me better, i think. i was such a hurt little kid, and i never knew where to go or who to turn to. sometimes you wonder how those things affect you, right? has anyone had that particular thought before? wondering exactly how your past has molded you is enlightening, sometimes a little to much, baecause so much light at one time blinds you. but humans, i've seen, are lovely creations. they get hurt, they sob and cry and wail, and then they get up and move on. not always of course, but sometimes i am amazed at our will to simply live. bu then you meet people so obsessed with their own selfish needs and wonder how the hell they do it, how they leave kin and love and stranger alike, stranded, helpless, with nothing to go on amd nothing to live for. how? how could anyone be so cruel? i don't understand it, i will never understand it. what is the mentality of that kind of mindset? to give only to yourself, to never yeild to another's needs; it confuses me! it makes me so sad, so genuinely angry at the morons who delude themselves to the point of not caring about the horrors that are just around every corner.

                            i wonder how many people will read this and think about things they've never bothered about before. to make people think like that! that makes me simply happy. to know that i've made someone undersand, to know that i've helped someone see, it is heartening. does that sound conceited? i'm sorry if it does, truly. the thing being, these days it's so hard to see someone really sincere about something, when someone really is, they take it as..bragging? showingoff? i don't know.

                            here's a thought: i wonder how many times i've said "wonder" in this post. :P because that's how i am, a curious creature to the core. i think we all are, though we're all lead down diffrent paths, all following something different, some following nothing. have i made you think? i hope so, because if you've never taken the time sit back, stare at nothing and THINK, then you've missed so much! was this a content-less post? because now that i think back, there was nothing that people could really post back on..but oh well. i've made myself think a little more, a ,ittle deeper, and that in itself is good enough. and for one of my FAVORITE sayings in the whole world.."curiosity killed the cat, but (never forget this part!!!!! EVER!) SATISFACTION BROUGHT IT BACK!" it's lovely just typing it. XD



                            • Right now, I'm at my brother's elemetary school's open house. There's a computer, but pretty much everyting is forbidden! Like chat, for example. So I'm bored to death, stuck with a computer as old as I am. Now a little kid's telling me than my mom said to get off. I don't know if he's lying, so I'll stay on. I'm bored to death, did I mention that? I really need something to do...
                              Dai all
                              Today I saw cancer, cigarettes and shortness of breath. This is why I walk to the ocean. Swim with sharks and jellyfish. I may never get this chance again. This is why if you want to


                              • Hello all. Wow...haven't been in here for a while. *giggles*
                                Guess what I'm doing? IPODINESS!!!!!!!!! *huggles iPod* Yes, I have found the love of my life, my true soul mate, and it is a hunk of metal and plastic. My iPod. Sam...she's also a girl iPod, so it could get awkward when I tell my parents I want to marry her. Hehe. I'm putting all my dad's music on her, cause I miss listening to the stuff I heard when I was a kid. I LOOOOOOVE music with a fiery passion.

                                Ok, this has probably been asked already, but just wondering if anyone here's got a myspace? I know, it's selling out in a terrible way, but there are PICTURES! And of course bloginess, which is what I live for. Oh, or ljs? Anyone?
                                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                                I promise not to funfun anymore
                                Be happy cause life is good

