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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  •'s started. We're only 2 days into the year, and I can already tell that junior year has to be better than sophomore year, just because I FINALLY have classes with my friends!!!!! I've NEVER had classes with them! Also, I already have a locker in a good place! My classes are pretty sweet, and my teachers? Well, my AP Euro teacher seems crazy, but other than her, they're all semi normal. And the journalism teacher? I didn't know that all the rumors that he was incredibly hot were true, having never seen him before yesterday...yes, that will be a fun class.

    Funny story about my schedule though-I get it during Homeroom yesterday, and I'm going over it with some people when someone points out that I'm scheduled for AP US History. Now, I already passed that class with straight A's and a 4 on the AP test, so I don't know how I got put in there. Luckily, there's an AP Euro class at the same time, so I should get switched legally soon. Right now I'm just attending AP Euro with my AP US "teacher's" approval, since he told me to just go and make sure I didn't miss any of the class. So, that's funny.

    Cross country today was hard-we had to do a golf course loop, which here equals about 2.7 miles. We did the loop twice, and then with warm-up and cool down it was close to an 8 mile day. My calves are so tight, I just need to go and stretch...oh well. I'll do it later.

    My friends bought a lock for the locker they share together, and they screamed when they look at the combination. It's really weird, it's 09-11-01. Little bit creepy, eh? So now they think they're cursed or something. Also, neither of them can seem to get the lock open, so I keep having to open their locker for them. I should just buy them a new lock so they'll stop talking about it.

    I haven't done my math homework yet...I guess I'll do it tomorrow during lunch, or during one of my free periods, since there's nothing else to do. I have lunch 4th period, which means that I eat at 10:30. It's ridiculous, some days I eat breakfast later than that! So I was hungry all day because I didn't eat during lunch because I wasn't hungry then and I couldn't eat later on. Oh well...I'll figure it out some time.

    Cross country is frusterating me right now. I'm at the very back of the pack of people vying for Varsity spots, and just can't keep up with them! But I'm too fast to run with anyone slower than me-I don't get a good enough work-out running with them. It's just annoying, to be almost in the pack of "Good Runners" but still be too slow for them and too fast for the "Bad Runners." Guess I'd better get faster so I can be head of the "Good Runners" next year as a senior. I think I'll make Varsity next year by default. I've mapped it out, and unless we get any good freshmen, I'll be able to take the 7th and last Varsity spot. It'll be cool...

    I guess I'm still not in the mood for school. I don't want to work, and I wish we could be trapped in an eternal summer, but with the seasons of a full year. Oh well-I'll get over it.


    • Hi , I was wondering ... XD like I always do if yo u YWs like to be a member of the boards me and Olivia made. ummmm you can look them up at this link-


      • School starts tomorrow for me...*has spaz attack* I'm kinda looking forward to it. I can't wait to see my peeps!!!!!! Swimming is being kind to me this year. I'm solidly on varsity (course i was last year too) and I'm only slower than about 5 other people out of 40 something in the whole team. In breaststroke I'm second fastest in the whole team. Mwaha. Hear me roar.
        I don't know my class schedule yet, they give it to us when we get there. I'm really hoping for classes with my friends. I know I'll have good people in choir, cause there's only one, but other than's all a mystery.
        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
        I promise not to funfun anymore
        Be happy cause life is good


        • school? you just started? ha ha ha
          i started a month ago because of the regulation change. i hate politicans that want us to start august 1

          Any questions?
          " duct tape, the substance that binds the universe together" Tom Swale

          "Magic, like life, is what you make it, so make it good" A Wise Man


          • Wow. I havent posted in ever. Nor have i been coming into chat. I probably shouldnt seeing how i lose my temper much to quick. ANYWAYS!

            Im back in Florida right now. Im only here till the 13, so yeah. But i have been gaping at the Mall and like how all my friends look now. And how everything has recovered from Wilma. OMG! Just a street over from where I am, there are TONS of blue tarps still on the roofs. And its been almost a year. Half of the tiles on roofs are discolored cause they cant find the right color or because they are way too much for their budget. Its just crazy. And now this Ernesto. Ugggh. Its gonna pass right over us it seems. Joy. But now its only a Tropical Depression. So yeah. But its got so much water between the Keys and Cuba to pass through and really warm waters of like 86-88f degrees to build. Lovely, just lovely.

            So anyways, along and past the bad stuff.

            (Okay, one more thing, because i feel bad about it.)

            Okay, I want to apologize for my outrageous behavior the other night. It was immature and rude. I know i basically made a fool of myself and showed that i lose my temper, and can act like a total little kid having a temper tantrum, except with bad comebacks and now kicking. Sorry to all who got annoyed with me.

            So. Im watching Family Guy right now. I love this show. I didnt really watch when i was here two years ago. I wouldnt have really gotten the whole point. Wait there isnt a point. Duuhhhh.

            And now Im watching the news. Fun. I dont how much i have been watching the news. Most of the day, int he morning in the afternoon in the night. Yay.

            Oh! And the schools are closing for Tuesday in this county and one just lower than us. So if Mr. Ernesto doesnt build and want to kill us, itd be so cool to drive around during it. And just skate around the appartments. I know there isnt any chance that i will be doing thaaaaat. My mom wouldnt let me. But it sounds fun! :]

            Ohhhhh!, Itw as soooo cool. In the evening today, like at 6:17-ish. Just like about a mile or two away there where these "spot light" things. It was natural though. it was from the sun, Buuuuut, it was in correct formation, it was like - \\|// You know what i mean? Well probably not. But thats what it kinda looked like. It was awesome. My sister was like, "Whoa, whats thats?!!?" Im like "Its an effect from the hurricane" And shes just looks at me like im weird. And im like "No, i dont know what it is, but it sounds smart and i wanted to say it. Its actully probably just from the sun and clouds, etc." Yeah. im sad.

            Has anyone been flowing the Karr case? Omg, it getting annoying. Karr didnt kill the girl. Fine, hes just faking it and trying to bail it out for his friend. Its been going on forever. Every other couple reports is "Oh and Karr this, Karr that!!" Pfft.

            Okay I got a new haircut. And like, i dont partically like it. But i cant get extensions, so yeah. Its but like half an inch past my shoulders. But since my hair isnt long enought o fall past the shoulders, it just sits there and curls up on the ends and looks like how preps where it..curled up at the ends. And since my hair is curly and poofy, and so it poofs, and goes everywhere. But if i straighten it my mom gets mad and says "Omg, Tori, you hair looks better poofy and big!" Sigh!

            Anyways blah to my hair.

            Im tired and i believe i will go to sleep now. But im not tired. And my iPod isnt charged. Pout.

            Xoxo, Tor.
            Love and be loved


            • Owwwwww... Last night, I was running downstairs, and I lost my balance, as usual. Except this time, I fell on my foot really weirdly. I mean my ankle bent so that my toes almost touched my shin. Now, I can't bend my ankle up or down AT ALL. I can't walk either. I have to hop. It was funny after a minute or so, but now it's just annoying. I swear, I can't even stand properly without pain.

              I just went to the doctor's office. My ankle has started to swell up, so the doctor prescribed RICE. Yup RICE. It stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. I'm skipping school! My little brother is too, cause he's got a viral infection. Whoo.
              I don't know what I'm going to do at school... I can't use my ankle for a week! My grade-the whole 7th grade- is on the second floor. Lunch is on the first. So is PE. I have to skip PE. I like PE... *Glares at ankle*
              Today I saw cancer, cigarettes and shortness of breath. This is why I walk to the ocean. Swim with sharks and jellyfish. I may never get this chance again. This is why if you want to


              • Linkin park fans, there's a new song out. Search youtube for a video called "qwerty." It sounds a little... heavy. With screamo. O.o Reminds me of Atreyu, actually.

                I hope their new album is gonna be great.

                I just found out what happened to my brother's Hybrid Theory CD last week. A guy who we were never really friends with and who happened to move out of state has it. Good luck getting that back.

                + I'm buying the new Three Days Grace this weekend. I'll tell you how it is!

                Urgghhh school. My bro and BW went back to school yesterday, and I have to go back this Thursday.
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Anybody else have trouble opening up garbage bags? My mom finds it frustratingly amusing that I have such troubles.

                  My classes are crazy. World Civ...that's just insane. I mean, it's not hard; the teacher just likes homework a little too much. Speaking of which, I need to work on that. Oh well, I'll do it in five minutes.

                  Band...embarrassing. The freshmen flutes are better than me. It's obnoxioius. Completely and totally obnoxious. But beyond that... I'm in Chamber Choir now! I didn't exactly re-tryout, it was more of a I-showed-up-and-sang-with-the-class-and-could-keep-up kind of thing. I joined last Friday and sang with some other people the National Anthem that night. Hehe... It was really amusing that over half of the group that sang was from the band. The only thing bad about singing was that I missed part of pep band. lol, but I think I'll survive.

                  I slept for around two hours when I got home. I really need to start getting to bed earlier. I'll have to get up at 5:50am tomorrow for, yeah. It's only like fifteen minutes earlier than usual, but for some reason it feels like hours.

                  There's so much more I could bother you all with, but I really should finish/, my homework.
                  the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                  • oooh, i HATE jetlag!!! i went to sleep at 4:00 pm, it was bright daylight and hot, and woke at 6:00 pm and couldn't go back to sleep....ugh! and school is coming up...oh school at least without a real friend there. BUT my best friend might be going with me! *cheers* but she's not sure. *is subdued* what shall i ramble about now? oh, y siggy! i love it. rgh, why am i so weird? suddenly i feel like running, and i know underneath it i am exhausted. oh well. if gotta run, i gotta run. dai all!



                    • who thinks that the planes deal is the short end of the stick? i mean, you can hardly bring on anything at all! no liquids,like shampoo and gell and stuff like that,they wont even let you bring on a baby bottle when you have a little kid! now thats got to be horrible.
                      "sweet, a plastic cow"
                      " in other news, i got hit with a flying giraffe today...what?....STOP LAUGHING!"
                      YAY!a muffin!*grabs a snickers*
                      rule #1532 of life: dont sell your soul on ebay!- YW chat
                      goooo thereeeeeeee D:<


                      • who thinks that the planes deal is the short end of the stick? i mean, you can hardly bring on anything at all! no liquids,like shampoo and gell and stuff like that,they wont even let you bring on a baby bottle when you have a little kid! now thats got to be horrible.
                        I know, they won't even let you bring on chapstick. What if someone dehidrates in the airport or on the plane, will they change the laws then?


                        • Well, Actulllly. With little kids, as long as they inspect the milk in the bottle, you can bring it. But yeah, i had my contacts and my Renu, and the lady in Grenada looked right at them and didnt do a thing? It was in my bag, i was like. Ooookay. Im not saying anything cause i dont have my contacts in yet and im not going to wear glasses all day. Anyways.

                          Ernesto was very very very SCARRRY. I was so freaked out by how windy and rainy and horrible it became. NOT. Ernesto was nothing. Just windy and some rain. The wind shouldnt have even been called wind.

                          ack, ill add more later im going to best buy. bbl
                          Love and be loved


                          • HI People u dont know me. my name is not hi it is bob


                            • *explodes* <span class="ev_code_WHITE">*hands dose of STFU pills*</span>

                              Hi. Don't post like that again. Please. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Really. Or else.</span>

                              One liners are bad, m'kay? Really really bad, because they don't really express anything and...they just plain suck.

                              Your name is Bob? I didn't know that girls could be called Bob. Rules were meant to be broken, I guess. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">LIAR</span>

                              Read the FAQ, please. It'll tell you everything you need to know to stay unbanned. Who knows, you might even be _accepted_ by the community. We'll try getting LIKED next week. And who knows, you could even be a regular.<span class="ev_code_WHITE">Yeah right</span>

                              School on the fifth. Pretty nervous about high school. But not too nervous. As in, I'm not going to be dehydrated from sweating any time soon.


                              • So..
                                This could be my completely wild overactive imagination...
                                But darling, "Hi!", you said your name was hannah =D

                                Remember kids: Spam, is bad.
                                I'd rather be able to face myself in the mirror in the gas station bathroom than be rich and famous...
                                - Ani Difranco

