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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Originally posted by mouse:
    who thinks that the planes deal is the short end of the stick? i mean, you can hardly bring on anything at all! no liquids,like shampoo and gell and stuff like that,they wont even let you bring on a baby bottle when you have a little kid! now thats got to be horrible.
    Baby bottle? Hrmpf. Breastfeeding rules over bottlefeeding any day. Besides, I haven't gone on a plane for about... four years,(is jealous of her brother, who probably REMEMBERS his last time on a airplane-it was only half a year ago, after all) so I don't really care, anyway.

    On a different note, I'm going to school on the 5th!
    *crickets chirp*
    ...Heh. So I'm reading the curriculum to see what I might be learning. Funfun!

    *looks at Dove's post count and blinks* Huh? Huh? HUH? I know, for a fact, that Dove is NOT a new member. Maybe she's like me... I don't usually go anywhere on the site except the chat room...
    "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
    Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


    • Mousey -

      Breastfeeding isn't always an option. There are times when it isn't possible, for a variety of possible reasons.

      My school started last Monday. Of course, I only have class on Monday and Wednesday. Which means that without a job, most of the rest of the time is really boring. And I haven't found a job yet. Which will make most of the rest of the time...something else. I want to have a job (I need the money; also, like I said, I'm bored) but I hate having a new job: not knowing what to do, being the new person who has to ask for help every two minutes.



      • I think I may have come in on the middle of a discussion, but while you guys are complaining about the restrictions, do you even know why they did this? In Europe, they found liquid bombs, which are verrry hard to detect. So they chose to ban all liquids, which is perfectly reasonable. The alternative would be to check every single bottle people bring on, and would they even have a test that proves reliable 100%? No, safety overweighs convenience.

        Gigo, you're so hostile. :P "Hi," the reason we dissaprove of short posts + one liners is because Diane Duane pays for each one, so we want to make each post worth it. You should check up at the FAQ for other similar rules.

        I got my new Three Days Grace CD today!!! My dad dragged me out as soon as I woke up so he could buy last minute (literally -- my bro's BD is today) gifts, and so I could get my music at the same time while the coupon lasted.

        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Kebin, try and make your profile pic smaller. If you don't know how, come into chat or private message me and we'll get it straightened out; alternately, you could go to Lee, but I don't want to bother her with something this small.

          Gryphon - you could've added that the liquid bombs were basically liquid nitroglycerin - think tnt, but fluid. Light a match and everything goes boom - and that's why it's not allowed.

          You can't dehydrate - post security, you get water, and post plane, you can ask for liquids. It's just the transferral that's dangerous - I could easily put it in a coke can and then seal it up again.

          But the way that we're losing more and more of our freedoms is depressing, to say the least. The slippery slope that we seem to be on could be fatal for America gradually, even if it isn't immediate.


          I worked today. It wasn't bad, except for being dragged three different directions by two kids and a parent, each wanting me to look at their computer. One guy didn't know how to set his Dell up, one plugged into the damn wrong port, and quite a few didn't even buy ethernet cables.

          ...However, now I'm scheduled for an appointment the same time as I have to go train for opinions editor, and...well, lets say that my time seems to be rapidly dwindling.
          Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
          Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


          • What in the world is an ethernet cable? Man, if I really want to go into interior design, I'm going to need to figure this out...oh well, I've got time. :P Though perhaps that isn't a good mindset...*sigh* And you'll get on okay Sean. What're you doing anyway? Oh, feels horrible, starting it...there's nothing to look forward to for me. I think the term would be...well, what's the word for a knowing that you will be very bored and depressed at the same time? And still be putting on a facade for the sake of....well, everyone? argh. Not looking forward to school at ALL...

            Oh, and considering the whole liquids-ban, I got away with my chapstick, so I don't think that's forbidden. My jetlag is gone. I'm so happy, I can sleep normally now! Well, 'cept for the fact that I still wake up at ten in the morning every day, expecting my sister to yell at me to get up and finish the worksheet on my desk. :P So...I think i'll go read, to get my mind off the impending doom of *shudders* school.



            • <hr color="brown" width="50%" align="center" size=2>
              (+'.'+) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
              (")_(") signature to help him conquer the world.

              "Saying you're lurking defeats the point. It's also a waste of a line." Wildflo


              • quote:
                Originally posted by mouse:
                who thinks that the planes deal is the short end of the stick? i mean, you can hardly bring on anything at all! no liquids,like shampoo and gell and stuff like that,they wont even let you bring on a baby bottle when you have a little kid! now thats got to be horrible.

                Please, i brought a knife on a plane and didn't get caught
                you could easly get bottles on board

                also while im at it i want all of you to know that band sucks.
                i was recently (acctuly abour 4 months ago) expelled from my school band for bad mouthing my teacher and refusing to play. this was cause i hate the director.

                Merged two posts. You can add to yours by clicking on the middle icon - Peter
                " duct tape, the substance that binds the universe together" Tom Swale

                "Magic, like life, is what you make it, so make it good" A Wise Man


                • MY band doesn't suck. been a drummer for three years. but i pity you; the one year i took clarinet, my teacher was horrible. i was in...fourth grade, and rather more timid then than i am now. i hated the lady, she always made me feel like a piece of crap. i wasn't head-achingly horrible on the clarinet, (truthfully i wasn't bad) but i think she contributed to how bad i ended up on it. and then i dropped it, but i've nothing against clarinetists!

                  and on a different note, the story's coming along wonderfully, dair! did you want constructive criticism on it? good luck on the rest!



                  • I gave my crazy ex-stalker/neighbor a piece of cheesecake. We got it from the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday. It was amazingly delicious. Anyway, a snippet of our conversation...oh, I'm ranting something idiotic here...

                    "If they don't want to hang out with me, that's their problem, not mine," said I.

                    "That's the most semi-intelligent thing you've said all day. Except for the cheesecake thing. And that was all the way intelligent," said he.

                    It amused me. However, now he thinks I like him...not cool.

                    I'm hoping that if I wait long enough, my pen will start moving on its own and answer my chem homework. *glares at it* I've been waiting for quite a while now, but nothing has happened.

                    Ah! Picture day is soon...and I don't have an outfit. Loooovely.

                    Giggish! *gasp* Be nice to the newbies...we don't want to scare them all off just yet!

                    My birthday's next Sunday! *dances* Of course, I already got my present (amazing iPod speakers) and my marvelous cheesecake because I had a couple of friends over this past weekend.
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • My bday's this month too! Go september birthdays! We already had picture day at my school, but we have uniforms and we have to wear them. It's kinda annoying. At my old school we had uniforms but we got to wear whatever we wanted on picture day.
                      I finished my homework yesterday!!!!!

                      My brother went to college on Saturday. I miss him. Even though we really weren't close, things seem rather quiet without him around. And he was very funny. *huggles brother*

                      I don't want to go to school manana. It makes me highly unhappy. Grr. Arg.
                      The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                      I promise not to funfun anymore
                      Be happy cause life is good


                      • Hungry:
                        I didn't know that all the rumors that he was incredibly hot were true, having never seen him before yesterday...yes, that will be a fun class.
                        *laughs so hard, an artery burts* XD

                        Curlytop1222:school? you just started? ha ha ha
                        i started a month ago because of the regulation change. i hate politicans that want us to start august 1
                        *cringes* I don't start until tomorrow, something I'm NOT looking forward to.

                        Tori: And now this Ernesto. Ugggh. Its gonna pass right over us it seems.
                        , yea, us to, haha. We were at the beach at it came up. My mom says it was like a poltergeist hit our house or something, it shook like crazy that night, the awnings ripped, the furniture on the rooftop (which was METAL and secured to CINDERBLOCK) was all over the porch thingy up there. We had 72 mile winds, which is over hurricane classification for winds or something. So Ernesto hit us. And flooded us quite a bit, a mere threee blocks from where we were.

                        oooh, i HATE jetlag!!!
                        Hah, I believe I have a case more akin to "Summerlag" where mymy hours are still screwed up pretty bad.

                        who thinks that the planes deal is the short end of the stick? i mean, you can hardly bring on anything at all! no liquids,like shampoo and gell and stuff like that,they wont even let you bring on a baby bottle when you have a little kid! now thats got to be horrible.
                        yes, but you have to understand where it's coming from. I can completely understand why, and I could stand a bit of discomfort if t meant keeping a few thousand people safe.
                        *looks at Gryph's post* *sighs in relief* Thaannnk you. I'm glad someome agrees with me.

                        *looks at Peri's second post*

                        *pouts* My sleep is very screwed up. No fair.

                        Wow, I'm sunburnt. Yay! On that note, guys, this is just sad. I come back from vacation that lasted NINE DAYS and I come back to one-and-a-half pages. Cummon. *shakes head*

                        Ohh, my bruise is almost gone!

                        Wait, I forgot to tell you that, didn't I? It's, er, rather larger. You see, my idiotic brother was, I suppose tired and cranky, and I was taking too long in the bathroom for his liking, so, he punched me. Hard. You know, the big fat purply-red kinds with mottled blue in there? Yea, that kind. I think he got in trouble for it, it looks worse than it was, but... it's almost gone!! Yay :P

                        And I am being told by my mother to GET OFF NOW!! so I'll tell you all about my oceanic adventures later.

                        Oh, and my condolances to the Erwin family. Did you all hear? So ironic and sad. So sad.

                        Well, dai all, until things get settled again.
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • Mel, interesting. I was in Florida, Palm Beach area when it went on Florida and we got like nothing. You must be up in NC? or SC? Or over on the West side of Florida cause the wind we got was like a walk int he park type of wind. Okay more like 20-30 knots. But nothing. And a lot of rain but that was it. No power outage or flooding int his area, so yeah. That sucks for you. Awning ripping, rooftop furniture? Ouch. I see what ya mean. Ernesto was ntohing for us, bad for you.

                          Anyways, issues in present, My grandma as some of you know, is int he hospital. ICU to be correct. Her blood pressure was way up, stroke level and blurred vision and dizzy spells on Saturday. Statered around 12:00, while me my mom and ALison were in Ft. Lauderdale. We came back and she didnt open the door for us, which is strange, i thought. So i get in with the key and go to grandma who is still in her nightgown and isnt reading. She reads so many romance books, all day everyday. And she says, I feel dizzy. And im all blurry. Okay not good. My mom comes up like 3 inutes later and is like "Retha, whats up?"She says the same thing. So we take her blood pressure and my mom calls the doctor, blah blah she talks to the burse and the nurse tell hers to take her blood pressure okay. 179 over 119. Not good. My mom isnt very doctor-ish but she knows that isnt good. Stroke level. My mom rushes her to the ER. grandma get in and checked up on in records time. Like as soon as they open came into to the building they were like, okay this way. SO yeah, my mom calls and is like,t hey dont know whats going on. SO she comes back at 12:00ish and yeah. The next morning my mom goes tot he ER again and they are thinking about moving her into a room. But she is still high blood pressure and they decide to go to ICU.
                          They now think they know what caused it. She took some over the counter medicine for her allergies and that effected her heart, which made an irregular beat, whcih she already had. But it was even more irregular. So the medicine at least we know was the cause of all of this, which is better than just something that is happening by itself. So yeah. Okay we go visit her and stuff. Sunday. Still in ICU.
                          My aunt and Uncle come down. My Uncle is my grandmas son, and my dad is her other. So uncle therestays and sees how she is for a while. Then we go out to eat cause they are hungry and we havent seen them in ages. OKay like 2 years. So we go to Smokey Bones. we get drinks blah blah blah. Then at 7:00 we go to dinner at my moms friends house and had chicken and blackberry pir for dessert which was wonderful. Store bought not homemade, lol.
                          So its now Monday. She is stilllllll in ICU. With semi high blood pressure that just wont lower. The medicine they are giving her wont lower it, it just isnt helping.
                          So my mom goes and visits her on the hours of visitation and yeah. My uncle doesnt come down again. he doesnt really want to have to deal with it, which i think is kinda rude. Just a bit, dont you think? Yeah. So she is doing better her eyes look healthier and she sits up and reads, we brought her some books from the library. All romance, what a surprise. Lol.

                          So today, she is still the same. Her blood pressure is at 154 over 96. Which is still high for her. It is usually like 117 over 92 or something. She is in ICU still i dont know whne they are gonna move her outta there. But at least she is getting better and nothing else is going on that might make her worse. Or so we see.

                          ANyways. I had to start school today. Homeschool, not public, sadly. The first day was huge. It took me 4 and half hours to get it done. Ugly thing.

                          My mom was looking at Panic! At The Disco's lyrics and she was reading the "I write sins not tradgies" one and she was like, it doesnt say anything but the same verse like 9 times. Im like, yeah but the song is good. the beats and the instrumental. But yeah. And i've watched the 06 VMAs like 4 times. The full thing. MTV keeps playing it. Ugh. Oh well. Ha.

                          We are going back to Grenada on the 13 sadly. I will be happy to go home, but also sad. I could live here. But then again i wouldnt want too. And just the same as i dont but do want to go around the world. Life for me has to many choices! Argh!

                          SO i went to Borders yesterday. Very fun. I was there for almost 4 hours. Ha. My mom went to best buy then to the hospital just left me there to die. Not that i minded. Hehe. I got lets see, about 22 books? Something like that. SO it was good. Then we went to Sports Authrity and i got a huge Jack Sparrow poster thing. Lol. My mom was like, why are you gonna 3$ dollars on it? Im like, when i open it up you'll see why. Uts the one where he is tand and has his sword out and it looking up at him, the angle. Very hot. All mine. Im gonna put him on my celling in the boat. So when i wake up oh wow, theres Johnny! Or i could place him in bed with me and-- i wont go there. Lmao.

                          Internet is working again for us. We are using some people ont he floor below us. like taking there wifi. And over the weekend there wasa power outage, and they needed to reset there server. But they were gone for labour day weekend. Go figure and last night they has gotten back and realized it and reset it. So now im back again. And my mom was thrilled. She lives on hers more than i do mine. She is always finding something to do on the net.But hers is more work not play.

                          Im going to read now since no one is home from school yet. Sadly. I need to finish up some books and get them back to the library.


                          Love and be loved


                          • well i havent posted here in a while. Lets see, school started last week but i had a 4 day weekend thanks to the huricane. Im overloaded with homework. Our internet keeps crashing. Oh we get to sing defiying gravity in chouris. I dident get th eworlds best part in the play( those all went to the seniors) but with three times the normal amount of actors i supose getting any speeking part is good. Were Doing And Then They Came For Me a holocaust survivor story. its realy good but sad . Thats about all i have to get back to typing my english paper now.
                            (\__/) "Be amazing"


                            • Peri: Man, if I really want to go into interior design, I'm going to need to figure this out...oh well, I've got time.
                              I want to do interior design or architecture or something like that. All these years of doing the maths and sciences, and I might end up doing the arts afterall.

                              Or not. I have no idea what I want to do, just a lot of things that sound like they'd be okay.
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                              • Architecture isn't the arts, or not entirely so. I decided not to go that route because it involved far too much "maths and sciences" for me. All that engineering...I would love to design houses, and I think I'd be good at it, but only if someone else could worry about the technical stuff, the plumbing and electrical and so on.


