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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Blue, I know why you call architecture "math and science" but I think of it as art because you try to construct things for esthetic value too. You design. I'd make it my goal to put at least a little beauty into the most economic of structures.

    I'm excited about my art class that I'm taking. It's taught at an arts school, which happens to share a building with my school. The only problem is it's a rush to get to class on time because the two schools' schedules don't line up perfectly, and my locker is almost on the opposite end of the school. For homework, we have to do an hour and a half of observation sketching and an hour of whatever you want. In class, I've been drawing something that's like a tea kettle from three different angles. It's harder than I thought it would be, espescially 'cuz it's shiny, because I'm trying to get the proportions right. >< And I spent an hour just drawing a window in the house last night.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • BIW LIVES!!! For how long though, is a mystery! Ahh there's so many people here I haven't met... It's saddening. You people must tell me who you are so I may BEFRIEND YOU! *evil laughter* And all you people I know must say hi!

      I'm going to try and actually STAY this time... Cuz I missed everyone here! *runs around hugging everyone*
      Reality is for those who lack imagination.


      • Okay, so I guess this'll be my Mac post... My very FIRST Mac post to be exact. I am on my Mac and sooooo happy that it works but soooo sad that I can't get into chat while on it. So yeah.... But I am just happy to have it working again...

        Oooooo, I could use my dad's extra USB cable thingy to let me use the webcam on this computer too!! SQUEE!!!
        <hr color="brown" width="50%" align="center" size=2>
        (+'.'+) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
        (")_(") signature to help him conquer the world.

        "Saying you're lurking defeats the point. It's also a waste of a line." Wildflo


        • So I was looking through some of my old old old posts. Okay, basically everyone of them started off with "OMG" im a freaking little shout out into your face annoying kid. Great way to make a good impression, Tor.
          Lol. That was sad.
          Anyways. I spent my weekend up with my aunt uncle and cuz. It was fun. Chris, my cusin, has the "Guitar Hero" game with the guitar, so i was basically living on that for a whole day. My fingers have calases.Spelling on that? So, then we would to the mall with my Aunt, and she felt bad since we hadnt been there for two chrismas' and two brithdays, and she wanted to buy us stuff. I was trying not to let her but oh well. Thats another story. Ha.
          So i got four cute tops and a pair of Vans. im happy. She wanted to buy me mroe and im no no no no, my mom will freak at all the stuff i've already bought and bringing back tot he boat. She understood that at least. Ha.
          My uncle is very stern. And serious. And likes to brag about his son. Lol. My dad and my uncle are complete oposites. My dad laughs at my rude vulgar jokes, my uncle looks at me as if im just stupid. Go figure. Even my Grandma (who now back and doing well. He blood pressure is staying lower than 104, so that good), who is his mom, says he is always so serious.
          Oh, and my uncle has a plane, so we went up in it. It was like a 30 minute joy ride around WPB. I drove the plane, for like 5 mintues then i went back to taking pictures. You know me.

          I put purple and pink streaks in my hair this morning. -Smile innocently- My mom came back and was like "Whats in your hair?!" I was like, the color stuff you bought me, duh. Well, yeah, she knew thaaaaaaat.

          And now im getting a cold again. A come here and i get cold and now im leaving, and i get a cold. We leave Wednesday morning. And arrive back in Grenada at like 8:00ish. I will have to stock up on my altoids! I love the sour raspberry ones. HeHe.
          Im happy and sad to be returning back to the boat. Pro's and Con's i always say. But i would like to have been able to stay here longer, so we could have gone ice skating, gone to POTC 2 movie, and not have been working and running around the whole time. I mean, only this weekend i just had and a couple of nights the first week. Oh well. I still got to see people.

          -Yawn- im tired for some reason. And there is a streak line on my glasses tat is annoying me like crazy. Staring at the PS2 screen all day yesterday and the night before killed my eyes. They were so blood shot. And no, i hadnt been drinking. Pfft. Lol.

          Oh, and thats good, to Monkey, that your Mac is working again. Sucks chat wont work though.
          And i want a webcam soooo bad. I will ask for christmas. Hm. -thinks out evil plan-.

          Oh and i want to tell everyone about how good a writer and RPer Gryph is. Yups. Shes good, very good.
          You know, i havent been into the playroom in like EVER. At least 7 months. Anyone got a linkie? Does anyone even go in there any more? Lol.
          Love and be loved


          • BiW!!!!!!!!!! HEYYYYYYYY I came into chat yesterday, and everyone was telling me that I missed you. And that newbies kept on asking if you were a newbie :P Heh. How's life?

            Tori, you know how we called you a newbie or n00b when you first joined? Yeah :P But y'know what... if you think your old posts were a nightmare, you should see mine. Actually, I'd appreciate it if you didn't go and see my old pots.... but anyway :P Haha, feel loved. I think you're cool.

            Wow a plane right... I wish I could go on a plane ride whenever I wanted to. :P

            I think I suck at writing >< I think you just saw a couple of good posts :P Most of the time, I write like I'm brain dead (probably cuz I am when people get me to post)

            Which reminds me. BIW! We're working on a new plot and stuff at VGDawn. Check it out 'cuz we're putting life back into the RP.

            *huggles all*
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • Originally posted by Dairine:
              Okay, so I guess this'll be my Mac post... My very FIRST Mac post to be exact. I am on my Mac and sooooo happy that it works but soooo sad that I can't get into chat while on it.
              That's odd. Maybe you need to download a newer version of Flash? Chime has worked for me in Safari, Firefox, Camino and now Shiira, though sooner or later it ends up crashing the browser I'm using.

              Tori asked:
              My fingers have calases.Spelling on that?
              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


              • Firstly, RIP all victims of the September 11th tragedy.

                Ok, now I have four excitements.

                First, the bad kind of excitements.

                One, I have waaay too much homework for the first full day of school.
                Two, I think I'm coming down with a cold.

                Ok, for the good ones:
                Katherine Paterson is coming to my school!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

                *ahem* sorry, I had to get that out of my system, I'm so psyched. Hmm, I had another good excitement, but I can't remember what it is...
                Well, one is that my new ILA (Integrated Language Arts) teacher isn't nearly as boring as I thought (she's actually a good teacher, it looks like), and my new Science teacher, while being boring, has taught me more in one day than my old one in two years (she was fresh out of college, and befriended students far too easily, breaking a border not meant to be broken).

                EDIT: I just thought of one. I didn't realise it, but I just passed my year-a-versary!! I joined Sept. 6, '05. Woot! Goodbye newbie-ness! *hands out cyber brownies for everyone*

                Ok, I think that's all I have to say for now.

                RIP, still, so sad. And I don't want to hear any political back talk, please, I just... these people died, and they deserve no arguing over them today. Please.
                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                  • Gryph, yeah I know about the VGDawn plot thing. I go on VGDawn at least once a day actually. I just have no idea where to post anything right now.

                    WELL THEN. What to talk about... *has no idea* So It's boring! Yeah I started school again. At least all my teachers are nice. Except for my gym teacher. But I have gym next semester... Why is it that a short fat man who can't walk a quarter of a mile without becoming out of breath gets to be a gym teacher? Can anyone answer that? I sure can't.

                    I've discovered my insanity level had dropped severely... I blame lack of being here. Oh, except for last night. I was so hyper and high on water and carrots I swear it was borderline delirium. Can you get high on water and carrots? Yes. Yes, you can.

                    I have always wanted a dog. A cute fluffy doggin to huggle and pet and huggle and feed and take for walks and huggle and huggle. Yeah. But my mother won't let me get one because our house is too small. Sooo...I made up one! Yep. I have an imaginary dog. Her name is Lilith and she's a small husky-type dog. ...I think I lied about my insanity level dropping..

                    I do believe that's about it!

                    But wait! *huggles the smilie* I missed it.
                    Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                    • Tori, you know how we called you a newbie or n00b when you first joined? Yeah :P But y'know what... if you think your old posts were a nightmare, you should see mine. Actually, I'd appreciate it if you didn't go and see my old pots.... but anyway :P Haha, feel loved. I think you're cool.
                      Haha. I would like to see your old POTS. Yeah, i know she meant posts, but-- Sorry my atempt at humor did not go through.
                      Oh well. Bright side.
                      And you do write well. Much better than me. My mom, you dont want her to touch your papers. Heck, she will kill it with so much red ink it look a mass murder. Rwar.

                      Anywayyyyyyyys. Im leaving to tomorrow. Did i state that already in my other post? Oh well if i did. Im so bored.
                      OHH I forgot to say!


                      Burst of excitment there. Sorrys. Lol. So yeah, i get to go April, today. In 30 mins. Oh yeah Dance. Actully no dance. I dont dance public for money. Only on RuneScape.
                      So, BIW. I kinda remember you. I think it was back in January when i saw you in chat. Youre like...15? And your mom was your teacher last year? Was that you? If not, then i dont know who im talking about.
                      PM, Thank you for correcting that. ;]
                      Mel, Homework sucks, that why i dont have it. Haha. Homeschool. smilesmile. And yummy brownies! Also, my "year-a-versary" is coming up too. November. More like a 2 and half months. Oh well. And yeah, it seems that each year i keep learning about the "immagenary line, called the equator." Bullcrap. Stupid books. I know what the equator is. And i know what latitude and longitude it. I know HOW TO READ A FREAKING MAP. I live on a boat, i use maps, what do you think, im an idiot or something. Wait, the people who wrote the books probebly didnt know how to read a freaking map that they think i wouldnt either!

                      Sorry about my rant. I get mad at text books. A lot. -whisper-> PERSONAL ISSURE<-whsiper-

                      My mom is talking to the mom who has the kids with our soggy. Im not gonna correct that, cause the soggy thing sounds so funny. "Our soggy". Okay i mean doggy.
                      The mom said that Miss April put on weight, which is good cause she was always tiny and thin, although she ate like a hog.

                      My sister is makes weird little sounds in my face and saying "Voom Voom"..i hate stupid insidejokes. We have a thing with cars from our cusin.

                      Gotta run., bye bye!
                      Love and be loved


                      • My head hurts. >< Is anyone up to tutoring me or at least lending me some notes on math? I think I need the algebra II sort, cuz now I'm taking calc, and apparently there's some algebra I was supposed to pick up on that I never did, such as synthetic division.

                        Mel: EDIT: I just thought of one. I didn't realise it, but I just passed my year-a-versary!! I joined Sept. 6, '05. Woot! Goodbye newbie-ness! *hands out cyber brownies for everyone*
                        Congrats. Feels like I only just met you yesterday.

                        It's Gibby! Feel loved, as always

                        You don't want a dog. Dogs are too bony. :P

                        I'm sorry about my typos XD
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • o_0 I haven't been here for like...a week. I missed you guys! So now I'll reply to all those posts, or at least some of them. :P Gryph, yeah, interior design has been a passion of mine for awhile. I looked at my sisters house (not messy, but so...boring.) and went iiiiiick! And I made up this entire plan for her house, including this cute little thing where all the bathroom towles are hanging from ribbons. ( I got the idea from my neice, who did it just for fun.)It's sometimes just those little touches, ya know? But really, I like designing clothes too...and I love zoology. So nothing's set in stone concerning my career, especially considering I'm 14. Wish me luck on my career-pursuit-to-be. XD

                          *scroan* Oh, don't talk to me about old posts, BIW, Gryph. It'll just make me depressed. Please don't go looking at my old posts! *shudders* Oh, my gosh, I sounded like a complete and utter IDIOT! I still don't use caps much (though at the moment I am) but my past posts were the worst kinds of online-slang that's ever existed. Oh, man...*is mortified* Hey, speaking of words that sound like mortified, ( I know we weren't, who gives) what does mollified mean?

                          Oh, poor Gryph, my sister told me calc is killer. * huggles* Okay...I am now watching Harry Potter and The Chamber of i must fly...but really, he's a much better actor in this movie...and they got his eyes right for the most part in this one...ilal liqa...*is transfixed*



                          • I think designing is cool! I love clothes!!
                            I personaly want to be a pediatrician.(hope I spelled that right!) I love kids & helping people!
                            <span class="ev_code_BLUE">Tink! I'm hyperactive! </span> Tink rox! it says it all! [img]tinkerbell[/img]


                            • Said by Gryphon:
                              It's Gibby! Feel loved, as always
                              Also said by Gryphon:
                              You don't want a dog. Dogs are too bony. :P
                              the_peridexis said to Gryphon and BelieveInWizardy:
                              Oh, don't talk to me about old posts
                              Tinkerbell Rox!! Stated:
                              I think designing is cool! I love clothes!!
                              I personaly want to be a pediatrician.(hope I spelled that right!) I love kids & helping people!
                              "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                              • Thanks Gibby! I've never learly met a person that is actually going for their dreams before! Not that I actually met you, but i talk to you!
                                My name is Melissa. I'm new here.

                                <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Tink! I'm hyperactive!! </span>

