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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Originally posted by Tinkerbell rox!!:
    Thanks Gibby! I've never learly met a person that is actually going for their dreams before! Not that I actually met you, but i talk to you!
    My name is Melissa. I'm new here.

    <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Tink! I'm hyperactive!! </span>
    "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


    • Could someone please give me a crash course on what you are all taking about? I'm too impatient, and don't want to waste seven years of my life reading through 505 pages of complete, total, and utter randomness... it's too much for me, although I am a random talker... spammer... whatever you want to talk? Now, on the subject of Pokemon...

      Who likes 'em? GO, BULBASAUR!
      <select name=stats size=1>
      <Option value=1>BenKyuutai

      <Option value=1>He just blew his quanta

      <Option value=1>Likes brownies

      <Option value=1>HUGGLES POKEMON!


      • We were just talking about our intrests in life.
        jk!! We were talking about jobs we would like to do.
        Thanks for that little lecture about your dreams (to some day hopefully come true!)Gibby.
        I've noticed that every one here is so awesome!!
        like you Gibby, Speech Orb, the_peridexis, so on and so on. I'm nothing.

        Yes, I know pokemon!! I like squirtle!! Yah, but i'm not that much into them anymore. i remember when i was in 5th grade, every little kid had to have something of pokemon. I had a backpack of pokemon! Righteous, no? Hope I spelled that right too!

        <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Tink!! I'm hyperactive!! Tink rox! it says it all.</span> that is sooooooo cool how you like the phantom of the opera, SpeechOrb!!


        • I think I'm gonna ask my grandma if I can stay at her place over the weekend. My grandpa is a math genius; I bet he could help me. Most of my trouble, at the moment, is with trig. I knew this stuff last year, but it gives me headaches trying to work it out now. I just forgot it all.

          THE DAILY SHOW WAS AWESOME TODAY! Just had to get that out. Jon Stewart on Comedy Central. Really funny. I love that guy. Colbert Report isn't as good... and I want to catch another episode of Dave Chepelle sometime, but I think that might be on at the same time as Grey's Anatomy, which my friend R is trying to get me into. All of these shows that I wish I watched, but I always miss them when they're on... *sigh* :P

          Her ability to change subjects from one to another is quite interesting for I never see the connection between them.
          Hahahahahha I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but it made me laugh. Glad I do something right.

          Speech, heh, good luck if you want to take the 505 page approach. But no, just start with the page we're on; we're always changing topics anyway. Or just say whatever you've got on your mind now, and read what people have to say about it. Or... you could always read all of the Topif of Great Randomness. That'd be pretty remarkable; your name would go up in the newbie hall of fame, along with WF, who was the original "Newbie Who Conquered the Togr". But enough of that.

          We were talking about Pokemon earlier today. I used to love that stuff. I bet I could still play the gameboy game.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • I'm so glad that people USED to like Pokemon... now that I think, I think almost EVERYONE liked Pokemon when they were younger... even these guys at me school said they liked it! (when they were six...)

            I'm so glad that I found some nicey people to talk to! I used to LOVE Squirtle, but now I'm infatuated with Grass/Bug Pokemon, Bulbasaur and Chikorita being my favorite. Treecko isn't that great...

            If you gave me a blank poster with the 150 Pokemon from the Kanto region, I could name all of them. If you gave me a blank poster of Pokemon from the Johto Region, I think I could name all of them. If you gave me a blank poster of the Hoenn Region Pokemon... I wouldn't be able to name them all, but I would able to name a lot!

            Oh, and Tink! LE FANTOME DE L'OPERA IS THE GREATEST MUSICAL OF ALL TIME! That and Grease...
            <select name=stats size=1>
            <Option value=1>BenKyuutai

            <Option value=1>He just blew his quanta

            <Option value=1>Likes brownies

            <Option value=1>HUGGLES POKEMON!


            • Teddiursa
              Gryphon has said the following to Gibby:
              Hahahahahha I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but it made me laugh. Glad I do something right.
              Gryphon also said:
              I bet I could still play the gameboy game.
              "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


              • And i agree SpeechOrb. the phantom of the opera is the best musicalof all time. (well, in my opinion it is) lol i cannot believe that when i was 6 yrs. old, i cried in one of the pokemon episodes!! hahaha!!!!

                Gibby, i added you as one of my buddies 2. is that all right with you? Gryphon, would you like to be one of my buddies? i think i've talked to you once or twice.
                sorry, I'm new here & don't want to be complete loser!!

                <span class="ev_code_GREEN">Tink!! I'm hyperactive! Tink rox! it says it all. </span>


                • I feel so sorry for my cousin! When she was 13, she got a tumor in her kidney, and had to get a transplant. Now it's her first year at Duke, and she's in the hospital. (This whole thing has developed recently, as in within the last few days) She's gotten these cuts on her arms (I forgot to ask how) and they've gotten infected. So she's in the hospital, mad, and she's taking it out on her mom. I don't really blame her though, but I feel bad for my aunt. She's in the midst of moving, and she's probably under a lot of stress right now. Anyways, my cousin has to get antibiotics injected into her bloodstream for the next two weeks, but she'll be able to do it on her own in her dorm after a couple of days or so. I feel really bad because that's how it's going to be for the rest of her life. Always being extremely careful, always wondering why it happened to her instead of some other girl...
                  Today I saw cancer, cigarettes and shortness of breath. This is why I walk to the ocean. Swim with sharks and jellyfish. I may never get this chance again. This is why if you want to


                  • Olivia, I'm sorry. That's really sad... best wishes to your Aunt and cousin...
                    <select name=stats size=1>
                    <Option value=1>BenKyuutai

                    <Option value=1>He just blew his quanta

                    <Option value=1>Likes brownies

                    <Option value=1>HUGGLES POKEMON!


                    • If you think your old posts were a nightmare, you should see mine. (Gryphon)
                      I was poking around the FAQ to see if anything changed, and followed a link to the chat party thread. So, I was scrolling through and giggling when I read something vaguely familiar. I glanced over at the avatar and it was me
                      Metaphors be with you.



                        I got cast in my school's fall play!

                        We're doing Neil Simon's Rumors, a crazy farce about four couples at a dinner party gone horribly wrong. I'm playing Claire. It's the first time I've gotten a role this big, and I've got a lot of lines to learn, so I'm a little worried.

                        But mostly I'm just excited.

                        Okay, I'm done. You may return to your regularly scheduled activities.
                        "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                        There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                        And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                        What could mean more than this?"
                        --Bright Eyes


                        • hey peeps


                          • Okay, two words, Hi!.

                            SPAM BAD.

                            Thank you.

                            One liners = also bad.
                            Pointless posts = bad too
                            Read the FAQ = good.

                            *topic change*
                            I'm going to an outdoor school camp for three days tomorrow! Whee! It's going to be utterly painful! Imagine, three days of hiking, and maybe even *gasps* some POLAR DIPPING.

                            Seriously, I don't know why the school signed up for this. :/ I shouldn't have taken that mini-school entrance exam. Oh well. I guess it won't be too bad. By the way, if this letter looks messy it's because I'm writing it while being chased by a bear. Bye!


                            • I can't quite tell if you're serious (sarcasm is harder to detect online) but I'd love to bein your place! I haven't been on a decent hiking trip since...about a month ago. BUt I've never been polar dipping, so keep me informed on that.

                              Hey hey, guess what? I'm actually pretty good at gym now. *triumphant grin* Yayyay!I've never been good at it, but I've been getting better, and now i can BEAT half the boys! Woot! I gota starting 37 on the pacer, which means by the end of the year, if I try hard i could get...wait for it...77!!!! If you know what the pacer is, you'll get how I feel. If you don't...well, you'll live. :P



                              • Tinkerbell rox!! said the following:
                                Gibby, i added you as one of my buddies 2. is that all right with you?
                                "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton

