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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I am sicik *sneezzzzzz* I got a stupid cold!!!!! DARN IT!


    • DAI All!!!, ah, but I've missed this place, can't believe I haven't been on in months. So, fisrt off, for the many people who've joined since I last logged in, Dai again, and most welcome to see you, to everyone who already knows me,... ummmm..... oh, I know! *huge group huggle*. For the (2 years does make me not a newbie, I think) newbies yes, I am a guy, despite the Poet tacked on to the end of what is apparently an otherwise masculine name.

      poor slash, I'm just getting over a cold myself, infact I missed school yesterday cause of it, which was evil, cause I finally joined my school's chorus class and it is a Blast.

      HW isn't so bad... yet... but I have little doubt it'll get worse.

      I have a girlfriend now and it was... odd how it happened.
      I'll explain the story some other time, but long story short, we're dating without actually dating, we call it "friends with benefits" though we treat it as if we were actually dating, cause her dad is... extremely... narrow minded. Annoyingly so, and... no, I'll not bore you with details, basically she doesn't want to be lying to her parents if they somehow have a reason to ask if she's dating, she is technicaly not if she has a "friends with benefits". That and she went through her first breakup where the guy dumped her in stead of the other way around (she'd had a few boyfriends before that, but she dumped them first, of course.) last year. So, some how I, and my(oddly enough) unconcious (key word here, I've never actually thought "okay, I'm gonna flirt with that girl over there" but I've been told several times that I was being extremely flirty) attempts at flirting. But.... now I have a strange feeling that I was talking about this before summer started and I stopped logging in for a long time....... anyways, moving on....
      oh, wait, that was it...
      well, bye for now

      Oh Yeah, I forgot, today is Talk Like a Pirate Day
      "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, being serious
      Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him alight and he's warm for the rest of his life ~ Jingo, by Terry Pratchett


      • Yar! Are all you land-lubbers ready for an account of a swab-the-poopdeck-before-you-get-lashed-by-a-cat-o'-nine-tails kinda day?

        Yupp. It was only cool today 'cause I got to laze around. A lot. For a half an hour later than usual, at least.

        You see, first me little pooch had to go to the vet's (to get his teeth cleaned. Poor thing, he's still woozy from being under. He's sleeping!). Then I had to go to the dentist's (I have a tiny cavity). My appointment was for 9:30, but of course I didnt' get in until 10:15, got out 10:30, got to school by 11. Which, while it sounds cool, just added a buncha trouble with all my late classes.

        Then my english was the most soul crushing experience that I've ever had. I won't go into details, but I'll just say that for my ballad (we're writing one with a parter), I think that, for the first time ever, I will have to ask to switch. I've never asked for a moved desk. I've never asked to switch a partner, however bad. But this kid...breaks new records. He's dumb, he's violent, he's rude, and really, really lazy. He is the only person in the whole 8th grade whom I cannot work with. At all. Except maybe one or two choice others. *shudders*

        I could just feel this little piece of my writer's sould whithering then and there.

        And everyone was making fun of the poem "The Centaur". Jeez, don't you imbeciles understand that there is such a thing as an imagination??!!! <span class="ev_code_RED">AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</span>

        *ahem* sorry.

        On the bright side, I thought I missed art, but it turns out I didn't. We're doing doodle art. Funfun! I'll explain that a bit later. But now I need some refreshment and the Simpsons. So, I'll be back later. *closes eyes*

        g'night! :P

        EDIT: C-C-C-Cinnamon lips and candy kisses on my tongue I love that song. It seems to get stuck in my head for days at a time. I really need to get that CD. I just found it on my iPod, and was like, WOAH!! Also, Convoj is good, for those of you who don't know. go to or to myspace music. They're awesome.

        You know what I found out? Shampooing you hair twice makes it ultra shiny and clean. It's cool. Unlike conditioner, it does not make your hair greasy. On another note, my mom once worked with the guy who created conditioner.

        Doodle art: My art teacher's daughter was bored in class, so she sort of bubble lettered her name all over the page, then filled in dime sized doodles of who she was, so to speak. All her interests, or just doodles, really. It's fun, and it is sort of relaxing. I have a mask (Phantom), a snow cone, a pearl necklace (for lisa simpson, lol), staccatos connect my letters, lightning bolts create my name. Also, a very, very bad drawing of a rabbit's head eating a carrot, signifying Bugs Bunny and my odd fondess for old cartoons. A sheep=Ship, for those who read Count Your Sheep, a wand spewing sparks to signify my love for fantasy/ wizards, but I suppose I should put in a charm bracelet for Nita&Kit, or a pin prick of light for Fred. Aww, Fred. I lurf him. He seemed almost English to me. Did anyone else get that sense?

        *huggles newfound iPod* yay! I loose everything. I lost my glasses for the upteenth time. Then found them again. Then lost my iPod. Then found it again. And will probably loose my book before the night is through.

        I can't wait 'till Halloween. This is really my last year, so I'm going out with a BANG so to speak. I love making costumes. I just got sick of getting the same flimsy costumes everyone else had. So I made my own. Last year: Le Phantome de la Opera! the year before: a custom pirate outfit. The year before that: A reporter from, say, the 1920s. This year: well, let's just say, The Great Train Robbery.

        Even when I can't trick or treat anymore, I'm still going to have fun. Make costumes to hand out candy on Halloween, maybe dress up as the Phantom and play spooky songs on the organall night. That should be fun, I gotta learn some. Ooh, "Night of Bear Mountain"! Look it up, I dare you. You'll recognize it.

        So now that it is 10:04 PM, I am going to brush my teeth and retire.

        good night Mrs. Calabash, where ever you are!!

        (And No One, too! XD)
        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


        • Ahahaha...the new Barenaked Ladies CD has been out for a week, and I ordered mine offline and I still don't have it. I am highly annoyed. Grr. Arg.
          That's about it. People were annoying today becuase they all seem to hate each other.
          The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
          I promise not to funfun anymore
          Be happy cause life is good


          • *tacklehugs Gibby* You're alllive!

            Oh, look, I'm alive, too! I haven't been here in forever. Terribly takes over my life. Oh dear, I really wish that I could fill you in on the wonders of my life, but I just simply don't have the time. I must run off to practice my flute so Mr. W doesn't kill me with his baton. That wouldn't be cool. I should also be memorizing my choir music, but I just don't care enough to do that.
            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


            • Gigo, Gibby: Hehe, the last time we tried to go hiking we hiked twice the distance before we even found the right trail. That does sound fun, even though I'm more of an indoorsman.

              Ahahaha...the new Barenaked Ladies CD has been out for a week, and I ordered mine offline and I still don't have it. I am highly annoyed.
              Awww... I added some of that to my playlist earlier. I just made a pretty good one and saved it as Chemistry, since that's what I'm working on now. Then I changed it to Fish, because that's what I'm actually drawing. A punk fish, looks like. Isn't procrastination great?
              Metaphors be with you.


              • Holy Crap! the TOGR has advanced a bunch of pages it's over 500 now!


                anyways,i'll be able to check the TOGR occasionally now because i have internet and free time in my oracle data modeling class.

                so i suppose i can say i'm back for a while.
                YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                • Stupid comuter I got comcast high speed internet and its for the FIRST TIME Slow I gess comcast just wanted to copy AOL today! XD


                  • getting kittens! two! but we have to wait four weeks cause they won't be big enough to leave their mom till then...but yeah...KITTENS!

                    MBF IS BACK! *Grabs mbf, and tosses him back into his forum* BACK! BACK I SAY!
                    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                    For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                    • Yr, that's so great! I like almost all animals, and almost all animals like me (even though cats seem sort of weird to me). I love kittens, tho, they're so cute.

                      In other news, one of my brackets seems to be loosening so I guess I'll be going to the orthidontist...and I have a head ache. But I'm going to a college's fashion show, which should be interesting, and, ohh! I forgot!

                      Kather Patterson came to our school and was absolutely <span class="ev_code_BLUE">AMAZING!!!</span>

                      *ahem* It was really funny, though, because the picture they showed wasn't recent like 20 years, so... She looks sort of old, and has a granny-ish voise, but when she reads....*swoons*

                      Haha, yeah. So I suggest everyone go read her books. She deals very well with emotions, particularly sadness. So anyway, yeah.

                      Oh, and I put a Stradivarious violin on my binder. I'm so weird, XD

                      I should really upload a pic of that up here. It looks kinda cool, but I'll have to blur out some pics....I'll think about it.

                      Later, all!

                      EDIT: Oh, and welcome back, MBF and Gibby and Ella and Bookwyrm Poet and Angel!!
                      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                      • Haha Mel, nice with the Stradivarius. I'm a bad influence. Or a classical influence, at least. XD

                        Oooh YR, kittens! You're so lucky. I want a pet (other than this lazy tarantula that just sits around all day) but mom is allergic to fleas and dad just doesn't want to take care of a pet.

                        I went to the ren fair on Saturday. They had a special invitation-only mini-fair for sponsors and such. So they gave people free food and music and shows, and begged them for money. I donned my uncomfortable fairy costume yet again. That costume was nice in June and July, when it was so incredibly hot. All the other actresses were in medieval garb, ie showing no skin and suffering from heatstroke from heavy costumes. So the skimpy fairy outfit was nice. But when it's 55 degrees, cloudy, and drizzly, it's not so comfy. I kind of hung out in the pub and chatted with the barmaids. Yeah, I know, I was neglecting my duty. But there weren't many kids to entertain with fairy antics anyways, and the bar ladies gave me hot chocolate.

                        Anyways, the point I was going to get to about Saturday's fair: There were puppies! There's a farming family that brings their flock of sheep to the fair as the sheepherders, they also have goats and such. And of course, having sheep, they have sheepdogs. And their pretty border collie, Grace, had puppies! They were about 6 or 7 weeks old, and the cutest things in the world. I played with them and the little kids clustered around them for a while. One lady was taking a huge amount of pictures, and when I looked at her funny after like the tenth picture, she laughed and said she thought it was not possible for there to be something cuter in the world than a fairy holding a puppy and getting her nose licked.

                        Anyways, after the fair was over, I hurried home to shower and get ready for homecoming.

                        Kinsey clung to her boyfriend like a barnacle (a pretty barnacle, of course) for the whole dance, so I had to find other people to hang out with, as watching two people make out gets kind of gross after a while. Like after three seconds.

                        So I found Laura. Since Laura's single (aside from her imaginary boyfriend Tucker) and I may as well be when it comes to dances, we were *ahem* "dates". XD So she came up to me on the dance floor and gave me a corsage, on bended knee. It was really very hilarious. I felt bad I didn't get her one, but then, until 11 the morning of the dance, I didn't think I was going.

                        At about three hours in to the dance, I was getting really tired and weak on my feet, since I spent the whole day running around doing a painful fairy walk where you stand on your toes for hours. So I left the dance floor and hung out in the other gym, where they were checking coats and purses and stuff. I just kind of went to the top bleacher on the opposite side of the coat-check, and sat for an hour and a half. It was way more fun than you'd think. First K came and we had this heart to heart chat about how she was a lesbian and there was this girl that she liked, but this other girl who things were uncomfortable with and she was confused, and so on and so forth. Then a philosophical conversation about how people change dramatically over short periods of time. Then she left to go dance more, and H and M came and talked about a variety of things, the "fakeness" of people in show choir, people who don't like dances, the deteriorating morality of the sophomore class (apparently our year is the most sexually active in the whole history of the school. That's rather depressing.) and some other random things.

                        Then our whole "group" came and hung out and shared food and cash and just had a nice time. Then everybody left except T and S, because S had to get her insulin pump and T was having fun balancing a plastic cutlass on her finger. Oh, did I mention? This year's theme for homecoming was pirates. So much better than last year. Last year was "going to the beach- in SPACE!!!" and it was the silliest idea I've ever heard of. Total flop. But everybody loved the pirates theme. Lots of people with eye patches and cutlasses and silly hats.

                        But anyways. I sat on those bleachers from 10 until the dance was over, and had a very interesting time, eavesdropping on conversations. Being a wallflower is really more fun than you'd think.

                        Finally, the dance ended, and we eventually got out of the crowded parking lot. I got home and my parents were asleep (thank heaven, I was an hour past my usual curfew) and I sat around and read and talked on the phone. Crawled into bed eventually.

                        And that, I think, is Everything Interesting In My Life Right Now.


                        • So...have been very busy lately, what with cross country, and then last week being homecoming week. And right now, I'm exhausted. dfjls I haven't even had time to write, which is making me cranky. And my room's a mess. Sorry, a bit of ranting here. Oh well.

                          So, homecoming week...On Wednesday we had a spirit parade thing, and I marched with cross country, which was funny. We were throwing candy at kids watching, and then some of the boys decided it would be fun to whip the candy at some of their friends. Oh well-boys are stupid. Then, we had this big bonfire, which was awesome. Hope they do it again next year-they did it until the '80's, when someone did something to get it cancelled, but they're thinking about bringing it back. The homecoming game was awesome, since we won! My school has a horrible football team, but apparently the other school had a worse one. And one of my senior friends won homecoming queen, which was great. I really can't think of anyone who deserves it more, since she's just the sweetest girl I know, and is so nice to everyone.

                          Yesterday was fun. We had a cross country meet that was 3 hours away by bus. At least we got 2 buses-a boys bus and a girls bus-so we each got our own seat and could sleep on the way there. The meet was so muddy, it was funny. We just rolled in the mud afterward, because we were already covered in it, so why not? Afterward, I rode home with my parents, who drive much faster than the bus does (we got home in 2 and 1/2 hours) so I could get ready for the homecoming dance. I had to get a humongous cup of coffee to stay awake, but it was worth it, because the dance was so much fun. I don't normally like dances (it depresses me to see everyone with their dates, and all the...ahem...inappropriate dancing bugs me) but it was still a fun dance. We did the dance as a big group of girls who don't have dates thing, which was fun. The only problem was that it was extremely warm in our gym for some reason. I came home sweating, and glad that I hadn't gotten my hair done (not that I'd have had time to) because it would have looked just as bad in the end as it did when I didn't get it done. So during slow songs (which I hate, because I never have anyone to dance with) we went to the junior senior lounge and drank Gatorade to cool off with. It all worked out well. A bit too many drunk kids there though. I don't understand why people feel they have to get drunk to enjoy homecoming. It's dumb! If I'm exhausted and I still had a great time, they don't have to be drunk to have a good time. Oh well.

                          My family and I went apple picking today. Yes, apple picking. I love apples-they're my favorite fruit, so I'm pretty happy right now since we have an extremely large amount of them sitting around the house. Yummy apples...

                          I think I'm going to go takea nap now, since I'm tired physically and mentally. Then maybe I'll go wash my dress, since it was so hot that while I was dancing it soaked the was crazy. Oh well. Adios all!


                          • Dances are always fun. Okay, not always, but the ones that I've attended were absolutely amazing. Our homecoming was last weekend, and I had an absolute blast. I danced with a little freshman from choir who I am absolutely in love with. (How many times can I use a version of "absolute"?) I really shouldn't call him little 'cause he's taller than me by a good bit. Anyway, the first time was because he was "boycotting" James Blunt by sitting on the floor while that song came on. Oh dear, now it's stuck in my're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, it's true...anyway, I told him to dance with me instead of boycott, and we danced for the last like ten seconds of the song. The second time was because he was hiding from another choir guy who had randomly tickled him and freaked him out, so he used me. I told him that it was okay, 'cause nobody asked me to dance anyway. So, he was like, "We're rejects together! We are the weakest links! We've been voted off the island..." and he continued on in such a fashion. He's now officially my lover on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and my friend gets him on Tuesdays, Thursday, weekends, and nights. I'm not sure about the night We were "fighting" over him. Of course, he loves me the most.

                            Okay, moving on from little freshies. Near the end of the dance, Scrawny Puppy Dog asked me to dance. Well, it wasn't exactly asking... Scrawny Puppy Dog is this Senior who followed my friend D around last year a ton and took her to homecoming last year. Anyway, apparently she's been avoiding him, so...yeah. Let me paint the scene for you... I'm sitting at a table at the end of the gym. (Our homecoming dances are in the red gym at school...AKA the smaller of our two gyms, where the elementary kids have P.E., etc.) Some random slow song is on, and I really wish that somebody would ask me to dance 'cause slow songs make me think of things that I'd rather not dwell on. SPD (that's gonna make me think of potatoes, but I'm not going to write out the whole thing constantly) walks over, though not exactly by me. I say, "Why aren't you dancing?" He replies, "Why aren't you?" He always does that...turns my questions around. It gets frustrating. I say, "Because I'm unloved." He laughs, then says, "Really? Well, here," and motions me to come and dance with him. So, that's pretty much how that went. Then another slow song came on and he asked me if he could "torture" me again. It got really awkward 'cause he looks right at you when you're dancing, and I'm like a don't-make-eye-contact kind of person, besides when I was still dating my ex.

                            So, yeah. I danced with a Senior and a Freshman. None of my guy friends asked me to dance. I mean, the ones in my grade. They asked pretty much all of my friends, but not me. *shrug* I don't really mind; I just thought it was kind of odd. Don't know why I would...meh. Whatevah.

                            After the dance a bunch of the girls went over to a friend's house and acted like total idiots, then we had a Bible study the next mornign with the guys. Well, the three guys that showed up. Oh, and you all can be proud of me: I actually talked to my ex, which is a huge step for me. Usually, I try to pretend like he isn't there, which is the same thing he does. Show the immaturity...goodness.

                            We lost our homecoming game, as usual. At least this time we scored. I think it was like 49-7 or something.

                            Well, I'll stop bothering you with the boringness of my life, lol.
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • Welcome back, Bo, and all the others who come in every once in a while.

                              Stupid skirts. *will not explain that comment*

                              And *crosses fingers* for a very short time, dai stihó to one of our older members - but never goodbye, for hopefully we'll see you again soon.

                              What's going on with life right now?
                              <STRIKE>I'm dead</STRIKE>
                              <STRIKE>I'm tired.</STRIKE>
                              I want a puppy. Or a kitten.
                              I'm going for that 4.0 GPA
                              <STRIKE>Sleep is necessary.</STRIKE>
                              <STRIKE>Food is good.</STRIKE>

                              Evidently, being Opinions Editor at our college newspaper takes up about 25 hours a week, Sunday to Thursday. ResNet (Residential Networking - our college networking tech-support) was up to thirty hours a week, though it's died down now to about 10-15. 4 classes - Memory, Motivation and Emotion, Psychology of Language, and Organic Chemistry - takes up about 10 hours in classtime and about 5+ a week in work. And I'm still in debate somehow, which is about 28ish hours every Friday/Saturday.

                              So...80 hours a week for work and school - not that bad, honestly, because I'm making money and having fun.

                              I swear, my roomate thinks I'm crackers. But to me, it's just one big challenge, to see if I can do it. It's preparation for medical school as much as proving something to myself.

                              I'm kidding about not eating or sleeping, despite the fact today's meal was sunflower seeds and it's currently 3:49AM.

                              ...Ariel's gonna kill me...

                              and I'm writing memoirs of a newbie.
                              Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
                              Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


                              • Sean: I am gonna kill you. I'm gonna kill you very dead. Very very dead. So dead you won't know what hit you. You IDIOT! Sleep and food are KINDA IMPORTANT to your health! And here I am calling you all sobby at two in the morning just because my parents were yelling, and you hadn't even EATEN?! And then you didn't go to bed afterwards like you said you would? *incomprehensible miserable wail*

                                I agree wholeheartedly with your roommate. And speaking of crackers, go eat something. You're gonna starve to death. And I don't care how much you like sunflower seeds or how many you can consume in an hour.


                                So, yeah. I danced with a Senior and a Freshman. None of my guy friends asked me to dance. I mean, the ones in my grade. They asked pretty much all of my friends, but not me. *shrug* I don't really mind; I just thought it was kind of odd.
                                That's better than I did. I was asked to dance by... one guy. And he was my friend Sam, who is gay. Very gay. Loudly gay. And really crazy and funny. It was very fun to dance with him, something like a cross between non-obscene grinding and the tango. Oh, wait, I forgot, I did dance with another guy, this kid I was friends with when I was little, then at second grade we went to separate schools and didn't see each other until that dance. It was pretty cool to see how he'd grown up. But yeah we just danced for a minute. Other than that it was just girls. They're more fun. XD

                                Oooh, Hungry, apple picking! I love apple picking. We don't go to an orchard much anymore, though. We have an apple tree in our backyard that gives so many apples we go insane. I remember one year, before we converted the sun porch into my dad's office, we had buckets upon buckets of apples all dumped onto the floor of the sun room, where we would take apples to make apple pie. Then of course some of them started rotting. It was our official apple-rottery. But as I said, that room was converted into dad's office, so of course we don't use it for that anymore. I just kind of go outside when I get hungry and climb the tree and munch.

