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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Uck, my dad is putting on a new kitchen door and the dust is aggravating my already icky throat. >.<

    But anyway, I _finally_ got my winter clothes out and am currently wearing my fav. sweater. Yay!

    Also: The 23 is drawing closer! That means Applefest! That means haunted hayride! That means best friend time!! YAY!!

    *rubs fingers*

    And now I'm feeling partiularly halloween-y 'cause last night we DID put up decorations, yay!!

    too bad we just cleaned the whole house, and now it's unltra dusty...ahh, well. I think I need to get out of this dust. But I can't think of anything to do... Oh well, I guess I'll just have to lurk for a while.

    And Hungry: I think this is one of those times when if you don't do you, you would regret it worse than being caught. Just out of curiosity, did you TP the houses of people you hated, or just random people? Just wondering, you don't have to answer.

    Anways, later!
    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


    • My friend Chase classified Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood as "the angry white girl song". That kid makes me laugh. I shouldn't call him kid 'cause he's older than me by a good year or more, but whatever. He's incredibly morbid at times. "What would be in that truck to make it shaped like that?" Chase: "A dead body." He manages to say stuff with a perfectly straight face. I don't understand it. (And I misspelled understand like five times...)

      Oh, how did I get on the topic of that song? I was watching the music video. It makes me laugh.

      My choir teacher took of 25 points. So, now my lowest grade is in choir. Which totally stinks, but whatever. My fault.

      I got a new dress. I'm happy. It actually manages to make me look somewhat...not...fat. to say that. It doesn't make look skinny, 'cause nothing but an act of God could pull that off. But it makes me look skinnier.

      This senior at school has a forum that I'm on. Some kid on there said that they <3 me...but I don't know who they are. So...yeah.

      I need to start back up flute lessons...and maybe actually practice. We're gonna hafta split the band for next year. There's going to be the amazing band that has like one person per part, and then the regular symphonic band which we have now. If I want to even have a chance at getting into the good one, I'll have to really work at it. I know there are at least four other people who want to try, and only two flutes can get in.

      And now that I can't think of anything else to bore you with, I'll wander away. I might go to bed. I'm rather tired... *yawn*
      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


      • Heh. Yesterday was exciting, but I'll spare you the monologue, and just cut to the movie. We saw The Grude 2 yesterday in a group of seven or eight people. Because we got there so late, we had to get the seats in the front -- they're not that comfortable. Me and V both put our legs on top of the seats in front of us and slouched down low so we could see the screen. We ended up spending most of the movie in something like the fetal position, and screaming at almost every other scene. But this one scene was so out of place that we ended up laughing, and every other scary part after that, R did his "muahaha" laugh, which only made us giggle. I bet the other people in the theatre hated us! Ohhh, which reminds me... we went to that pizza place yesterday, and I know they hate us for sure this time. We bought a 2 liter soda for the four of us, and B ended up spilling his cup all over himself. When it toppled, he jsut sat there in shock instead of picking it up. His pants were completely soaked haha. We stopped at BW's house after that so he could get some pants (which was a good thing, 'cuz BW let us play ddr).
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • I can think of a few places where I'm not welcome too. It's rather funny, actually...but not for the owners, I'm sure. XD

          The Grudge, am I a horror-flick wimp. I positively REFUSE to go to any scary movie unless I know one of my friends will offer to have her hand squeezed to death. I'm not a screaming sort of girl--all my yells go into that squeeze. And ask any of my friends, it is not a pleasant experience. Poor things.

          I am also a coaster wimp. I am trying very hard to get over that, because roller coasters really are a lot of fun...once I get over my fright, anyway. :P



          • parents found out I went tp-ing yesterday at my xc of the guy's moms heard some girl say she needed to go to the bathroom after her race and replied "We've got a lot of toilet paper left over from THursday night if you need any." Dad just started laughing hysterically at me-but I'm beginning to think he always knew what I was doing. Mom on the other hand just looked at me like I was crazy. But we already knew I was crazy, so it's ok.

            Mel: we tp-d certain members of the boys cross country team-we got the second best runner, who is just the funniest guy you'd ever meet, and we got the hottest senior on the team, and the most annoying sophomore, and we got the house of this family who has 2 boys on the team, and a foreign exchange student staying with them who's on the team, and lastly we got the house of a guy who isn't even on the team, but another foreign exchange student who runs cross country is staying with him. Was that a run-on sentence or what?

            Yesterday, my cross country team won our division race, which is AWESOME! But on a personal note, I did really bad at the race, and that's bugging me a lot. Somewhere around the third mile of the race I got a huge stomach cramp, and it just wouldn't go away. Up until then, I'd been doing great, it was even looking like I'd set a new personal best time, and then I got that stupid cramp. It's just annoying! It was the second last race of the season, and the last race is never serious (half the time we run it in Halloween costumes) because it's always so muddy there's no way you'd ever be able to set a personal best. Maybe I'm being a bit hard on myself-you can't help when you get a cramp, after all-but I really wanted to do well this week!


            • I don't generally scream...I squeak. A shrill, loud squeak, but a squeak nonetheless. I don't generally go to scary movies. I'm a total wimp.

              I like roller coasters, though. Those are fun. I'll freak out before I get on them, but I end up having a great time. (Though sometimes I end up having my eyes shut the entire time, lol.)

              It is so COLD. I'm wearing pants, long sleeves, and slippers, and I'm still freezing. I'm tempted to go curl up in my bed underneath five million blankets...but I have homework to do.

              I don't think I'm doing anything for halloween 'cause I'll be gone on a mission trip during the time my church has its halloween party, and there's really nothing for me to do halloween night.
              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


              • Peri(licious):
                man, am I a horror-flick wimp. I positively REFUSE to go to any scary movie unless I know one of my friends will offer to have her hand squeezed to death. I'm not a screaming sort of girl--all my yells go into that squeeze. And ask any of my friends, it is not a pleasant experience. Poor things.
                Just ignore what I wrote. But, uhm, oh yes, it's the same for me. Except my friend's knee gets sacrifaced every time. It was funny, we were seeing When A Stranger Calls, and I was absolutely clutching her knee. Then she shifts towards the end of the movie, and I'm like, "Hey, I was using that!!" And we both die laughing.
                I really don't like gory movies. I like those shocker ones. My friend A is the best at watching those. She freaks out at the most unappropiate moments, like when the dude turns his head. That's it, and she lets out this bloodcurdling scream. Oh boy, did we have fun with her on my birthday...

                I am also a coaster wimp. I am trying very hard to get over that, because roller coasters really are a lot of fun...once I get over my fright, anyway. :P
                Exactly. I have yet to go on an upsidedown coaster, however. Don't killa me!

                I don't think I'm doing anything for halloween 'cause I'll be gone on a mission trip during the time my church has its halloween party, and there's really nothing for me to do halloween night.
                Come to my house! Everyone knows I have the most fun. We get the most candy, trade our loot, watch scary/halloween movies (The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D! YESS!).

                Update on the door: Well, there's a door in the wall now, but there's a buncha stuff wrong around it. At least it isn't as cold. ....but I think I caught something, like maybe strep. funnn

                In other news, I was totally dragging my feet to see this highschool today, but I really liked it. Like, a lot. I was just reading "Muse", their literary magazine. That is so perfectly me, it's crazy. I hope I can get a scholarship.... it's uber expensive... and there's no transportation to around my area anymore. Actually, there's no transportation, period. Wooh, I just got the heebie jeebies thinking that in a few years, I could drive myself there....wooh. That's scarrry...

                It is so COLD. I'm wearing pants, long sleeves, and slippers, and I'm still freezing. I'm tempted to go curl up in my bed underneath five million blankets...but I have homework to do.
                Add dust to that and welcome to the past two days of my life.

                Peri: got a cute new sweater and a lovely skirt. I'm very happy with them, especially the sweater.
                I just got my favvvorite sweaters out. I have this gray one and a red one (seen in the Christmas photo). They are quite lovely, both of them.

                Well, now I must depart to do...something. Maybe just read. I don't know. I'll be back later. Luvvs youse guys!
                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • And down here in Florida it around 80 degrees, and if you're wearing a sweater ppl. look at you like you're crazy. Actually, as it gets later in the season, you can tell the tourists from the residents by whose wearing sweaters, and whose going swimming at the beach. (it's the tourists at the beach But it's beeen getting nice and cool down here. I love this time of year.
                  Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant "idiot".
                  Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
                  Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
                  Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)


                  • Happy Halloween...almost... lol

                    i've changed my avvie in the spirit of the season.

                    i'm so definatly going trick or treating this year, i'm gonnna keep trick or treating till i leave for college i think.

                    ooo, i have the first post on the next page.

                    talk to you guys later.
                    dai stiho,
                    YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                    "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                    • When I lived in Florida, September was one of my favorite months to go swimming at. My neighbors even had a huge swimming poll that they'd let us use.

                      I am also a coaster wimp. I am trying very hard to get over that, because roller coasters really are a lot of fun...once I get over my fright, anyway. :P
                      Ugghh coasters... I loved the last one that I went on, but even after that, I still don't want to go on any. They're terrifying, espescially the ones that soar up into the air. In fact, I usually don't go to amusement parks unless it's with a crowd of friends -- and organizing something like that doesn't happen much.

                      I don't generally scream...I squeak. A shrill, loud squeak, but a squeak nonetheless. I don't generally go to scary movies. I'm a total wimp.
                      Haha. The first time I comboed an entire song on my ddr game, I made this really loud squeak and ran up the street. Mom thought I had been kidnapped XD . But yeah, I usually don't do full-fledged screams. Like if someone jumps out at me. :P

                      Life gives you strange reasons to be happy.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • I HAVE KITTENS! TWO! GIRLS! and if you thought it was interesting hearing me talk about ferrets, wait till you here me talking about kittens AND ferrets...THEY"RE SOOOO CUTE! one is gray, with eyes that are like giant orbs, and the fur is SO soft...the other is also grey, but with smaller eyes, and a bit of at the tips of the feet. on and all, though, cuteness prevails on them...they're only six, maybe eight, weeks old, and really tiny and cute...and kind of scared too...we're introducing them to the ferrets today.

                        YES! I have finished FIVE days worth of posts...or maybe one day! *cheers* and i finished off ALL the posts on my othe forums., least i think i did...pretty good for a guy without a computer....My only regret s that using the library computer i can't get in chatl...but maybe ic an on on school library...well, i know ic an, but will i have time and should i? these are the things we must ask ourselves...not really, but i fealt the need to get rid of the few minutes left on my comp time with a good rant...sorry about thtat
                        FERRETS AND KITTENS RULE!
                        see ya!!

                        Merged two posts - Peter
                        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                        For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                        • Ahaha! I've no idea why, but I find this extremely amusing; when Mel quoted me a few posts back, she called me Peri(licious). XD I love it, you're a genuis, Mel! :P

                          Aaaanywho, guess what guess what guess what? I am reallyreallyreallyreally hyper right now....I and N and A were like OMG, what's wrong with her...?! C was like, whoa, you're high! I couldn't stop laughing, which was bad, because we were supposed to be reading...and then I started laughing so hard it hurt, and then he asked why I was laughing, but I couldn't answer him 'cause I couldn't breathe, and then he started laughing because I was, and then four OTHER people asked why WE were laughing, and we tried to answer but the the both of us couldn't the end of it all, the entire class was hooting like mad. Ooooh, good times, man, good times.

                          Ohohoh, I drew something that really looks awesome. It's this Anime style girl, from the shoulders up. She's got soft wavy hair, I made it all textured and smoky, and to contrast that she's got a catlike face; angled and edgy, with big feline-ish eyes and barely shaded skin. It looks very cool, if I may say so myself. Wow, did that sound coceited. Sorry. >.<

                          Ha! Hahahahaha...this is funny. =) Do you know that trick when somebody says "stupid says what" or "if you're gay, say what" (or something of the sort) very quickly, and then you usually say "what?" because you didn't here them? Well, today I played it on everyone in sight. And almost all of them fell for it...multiple times. *dies laughing* A said to C, very rapidly,from across the room, "C,saywhatif you'regay" and he replied very loudly and confusedly, "WHAT?" And then the class started cracking up. (but no worries,,C took it like a man. :P)

                          Moodswings are a pain...*sigh* Now I feel like RUNNING IN THE RAIN...yes, that's what I wanna do right now, since it's raining and I've nothing better to do...*coughcoughexcepthomeworkcoughcough* Don't look at me like that...

                          -peri!!! *hyperhyperhyperhyper


                          • peri(licious):
                            Now I feel like RUNNING IN THE RAIN...yes, that's what I wanna do right now, since it's raining and I've nothing better to do...
                            Heh, sounds like me. All me and my friend wanted to do today was go outside. It was pourrrrring!!

                            On a slightly related note, the eighth grade trip with first grade buddies is tomorrow! You know, the whole pupmpkin patch, hayrides, scarecrows talking to you about Johnny Apple Seed, all that jazz. Only, it'll be kinda muddy. That should be fuunnnn... I like the rain!

                            *sings "songs about rain"*

                            I wish I ...hmm, I dunno. I wish I could get my story done, maybe. Or, I wish that my life was more exciting. In a good way, obviously. Hmmmm....

                            You know what I like? "j"s. I love this type that comes up. j. jj. jjj.jjjj.jjjjj.jjjjj.jjjjjjj.jjjjjjjj.jjjjjjjjj.jj jjjjjjjj.


                            Oooh, and I think I will finnnally be able to read "The Phantom of the Opera"!!

                            And so now, in this spunky mood, I will leave you all to go to bed (which should be rather hard at this point)!
                            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                            • peri...about songs stuck in the head...i don't usually get it that bad, but i do get something annoying...i only remember part of the song. i have two, maybe three lines, repeating in my head over and over...and then i start changing the words without meaning too, and i can't even remember the song anymore, but i keep on thinking things to the same toon...ANNOYING! now i must go change my sig, so excuse me...
                              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                              • Well, I tried to post earlier, but this computer doesn't like me...>.<

                                But anyway. I was home sick from school today. I guess I didn't really feel terrible, but my mom said I had a temperature, apparently, so...And I have completely lost my voice. It's unrecognizable. I can only speak in a <STRIKE>loud whisper</STRIKE> whisper now, which is terrible because I am very, very loquacious (as many of you have figured out by now).

                                So now I'm just wasting time until (duhn duhn-duhn DUUUHN!!) the OFFICE!! YAAAY!!

                                ok, so I just thought I'd post that. I'm feeling blah now. I think I just might get some more tea....Oh shoot we're out of the good kind...I guess I'll settle for milk.
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

