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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Yeessss Happy Halloween peoples! I love halloween, my best costume ever was hwne I was Pooh, but I was like six.... I like Pooh.....
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

    Call me nasa, it's a tradition.... don't ask...


    • Hi everyone,

      For those of you that know me (and for those of you that don't if you're interested) I've been quite busy lately so haven't had much of a chance to visit these forums. Grad school can do that to you. It's been awhile, so it will take a bit of catching up, and I see I have a few posts that I haven't replied to; sorry, but it will be awhile until I get the time to go through them. Stopping by to say hi, and I hope all of you that know me here are doing well.

      I also came by just to make an announcement. For anyone here (such as myself) who is a big fan of the TV series Gargoyles that aired in the 90s (and for which Diane Duane herself was in fact a writer for), Greg Weisman (the originator of the series) has made the following announcement (just yesterday in fact):

      Sales for the Season One Disk were not what you'd call a "Slam Dunk", but they were (as you probably know by now) brisk enough to convince Disney to take another chance on another release, and thus Season Two, Volume One is also available on and elsewhere. Unfortunately, sales on that release were weak, and now we have to sell a LOT MORE UNITS than we'd have originally needed in order to get Disney's attention again and convince them to release the DVD.

      That's why I'm asking each and every fan to tell 1000 people about the DVDs, comics and Gathering. SPREAD THE WORD!!!
      (You can find his post here.)

      So, if you are a fan of this series and want to see the rest of Season 2 released on DVD, BUY IT! And for those of you that haven't heard about it, it's one of the greatest cartoon shows ever made and is a real masterpiece (even DD was a part of it ), you won't regret getting it.

      Sorry if that sounded like an ad, but I had to get the word out. In the meantime, take care everyone!
      "The law of entropy is just a complicated way of explaining why some things don't happen very often."
      -Norman Christ, Professor of Physics, Columbia University (Does the Lone One know this? :P)


      • I'm so sick of being sick, so today I went to the doctor, and he said I have a sinus infection, which slightly stinks a bit. And I'm not allowed to go running for at least a week, which stinks, since I feel so lazy for not running this week because I've got some bad blisters. Really, I shouldn't be complaining, but I am. Sorry.

        This week has been pretty nice- juniors and senior didn't have to go in until 11, since freshmen and sophomores had testing. Actually, I didn't have to go in until 11:45 because I have 4th period lunch, which is the first period after testing is over.

        I'm beginning to think my life is pretty lame. This is the second Friday night in a row I've sat at home alone, and today I went out to dinner with my parents, while my younger siblings went to their middle school dance. My 6th grade brother had a DATE. I'm a junior, and I've never even had a DATE like that. Grrr...It's just sort of depressing. Also, I'm watching "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" on tv. I wish "Dancing With the Stars" was on. I don't even watch that show, but the dancing is just so pretty.

        Halloween really isn't one of my favorite holidays. I always felt like Charlie Brown when he said "I got a rock" since I always got the bad things while trick-or-treating, and I always had the weird costumes. I never even really liked candy that much. So...this is a semi depressing post-sorry about that. I'm sick, therefore I'm depressed. Can't wait to get better and go running!


        • God you people are so much older them me I'm a freshman in high school but I love the books.


          • Well. Where have i been. No where really. Ha. We have left Grenada. Which was quite sad for me.
            The night we left i cried. And the night before, on Sunday at the beach i cried. I was very emotional. Which now i look back to and im like, How could i have cried so much. A lot of it was that Nick, my old boyfriend, didnt say bye to me which totally irked me. All because of my freaky mother. Who insists on video taping EVERYTHING. So, she screwed my life up. Im over it. Oh and i dyed my hair red again on Thursday. Of last week.
            On the weekend, last weekend, i stayed over at Alices house. Then went to the boatyard (our hang out) and stayed there for like 5 hours. Just being stupid. Nick and Kenzo rolled down a road in a blue bucket and got stopped by the police. I flung my shoe off running down the hill by accident and it went behind a wall, so Nick went back in and while he was going back he busted a pipe. And water went everywhere. And he couldnt figure out how to turn it off.
            Then the whole parking lot was flooded with about 4 inches of water everywhere. My fault. But it was so funny i couldnt help but laugh to death. Natalie was like, doubled over on the floor. And Alice, well she just leaned against the wall laughing too. Kenzo..where was he? Oh right trying to put the pipe back together. And Nick was rescuing my shoe!
            Then. Nicks MP3 went up a flagpole. Due to Natalie, who was mad that Nick had his arm around my waist. Pfft. So up the MP3 went and it didnt come back down till i swung the pole hard enough and it dropped 35 ft onto the hard cement parkinglot that was flooded ground. It still worked. Surprisingly. Ha.
            More bad luck. Uh, so much. What next?? Okay more MP3. So then we are down on the fuel dock, and like we are sitting and talking, im on Nicks lap and Natalie is mad again. And she refuses to hold the MP3 so she gives it back to Nick. Fine, Nick has it. But he doesnt put it in his pocket. He sets it on the dock. So we get up and there is a splash. OH. MY. GOD. We all stopped. And Nick was like "OMFG! SH**!!?@>#lrelfdlgfdkjg%oriw493~!!!!" Yah. And we realize the MP3 is in the water. Its not coming back to him. And it was also a flashdrive, so like. All his work he did back in England is gone. And he has to re-do it. He didnt keep a copy which was dumb.
            So then like yah, i wont go on with Friday night but onto Saturday when the real fun starts.
            So Alice lives on a point right. And its super windy. So we go out in a almost-hail storm. Really, smallllllll hail. It hurt too. So we got drenched at 10:00 in the morning. Then we went in her pool, with all our clothes on. It was interesting. So then we went in and had a totall English breakfast.
            We had 4 pots of black tea. With sugar and milk. And Eggs and Soilders. Its soft boiled eggs with strips of toast. It was fun. We sat there drinking tea till 12:30. Then Natalie wanted to listen to music before we got any fatter. So we are in Alice's room. And im like "Lets go to town". So they are like, sure.
            So we go to town, and of course there is a cruise ship in, so everyone wants to sell us spices. No thank you. times a million. So then we are sitting at a Marios Pizza place in the tourist mall and im like "Lets go to the Yacht Club and see Nick racing" and Natalie is like, "Why, you are like in love with Nick" and im like "Naw, i just like him. And he looks like a turtle with a lifejacket on". So we go and Alice, while we are walking. I convinced them to walk the short 2 miles to the Yacht club, says she is gonna die. She didnt. But she thought she would. So we are walking down and since Nick didnt really see my red hair on friday night, he didnt realize it was me. So we walk down the enterance and he sees Alice and Nat right away and doesnt know who i am. When i got down to the dock, he said "Oh, i thought you were a mom or something. You look like you are babysitting them. You're so tall". Im taller than him. Being 5'9 isnt fun. Everyone thinks it is. So yeah.
            Then since i told him he looked like a turtle with his life jacket for sailing on, and pushed him in the water, (he was wet already) he started chasing me up the steps. And im like Omg dont get me wet pleassssssssse!. And im at the top stair and people are watching of course and he comes up and hugs me and gets me sooooo wet. Ha. i was like "Oh you are getting it." and he gives me another hug on my back. So now im a wet person.
            The dock becomes boring and his sailing is over so we go up to he bar and get a couple cokes. And we find a pinic table and we are all sitting there. With some guy Eric too, who they all knew except me. And Eric spills his glass of coke. And is like "Oh No! Im coked!" And it since we werent really paying attention to him, i thought he said cooked, so i was like, why, whats wrong? And hes like, Look! Im like, "Oh you are...wet." and hes like "Yah, i was coked." So yeah. And later Natalie spilt her coke, which was even funnier.
            Nat didnt really do anything except rush to the bathroom. She was wearing jean shorts so she ran into the shower there and was like taking a shower. Nick and Eric are in there too making "ohhs and ahhhs" at the sight of Nat taking a *shower*. Pfft.
            I hit Nick for doing that and he laughed so hard. Then we started a water fight from the sinks in the girls bathroom. This lasted 5 minutes. And we must have been making a lot of noise cause the bartender came in and she was like "You kids! Get out of here, and its 1 EC for the shower, miss. And why are two guys in this ladies room?!" So we like ran out and Natalie gave her 1 EC coin and we were like all laughing so hard. And we are all wet. So yeah. And find a another table far away from the bar and sit there.
            We kept laughing for like an hour. We couldnt stop. And people would stare at us for like ever when they passed. Eric left like 30 mins later and since we were all going back to my boat to sleep there, we needed to get a bus back to a walking distance of Alice's house, which is hard at 4:30 in the afternoon. Nick left..uh im not sure when, but yeah.
            So we get back to my boat. And my mom is like ..."Why is your hair kinda wet?" and we start laughing again and im like "Lets just say.. it rained?" and we couldnt shut up. My mom said that if we didnt shut up she would send Nat and Alice home. So then im like. Well, lets have tea. Its like 6:00 and we arent hungry. So we are drinking our *afternoon* tea. And my mom has people over for dinner. And we are downstairs in our bathroom hanging out in there. Dont ask why. Im not sure. And Alice sees my mouthwash and she reads the back and says "You can get drunk from this if you drink more than 5 sloshs." So Natalie, ebing crazy, drink 2 sloshs and is like "Im not drunk. Alice its not working!!!!!!!" and she kinda gets wilded up. But it didnt last. My mom got mad again. So yah.
            Then on Sunday. I think this was the longest weekend and the shortest at the same time, i have ever had. We are all at the beach so is Eric his twin, Sean, and Nick. The guys had been out fishing since 4:00, and they had slept on a island somewhere not far from his house. But like, during his ..uh, stay on the island with no tent just a blanket, some old white rich guy had a bbgun and was shooting at them.
            Nick got shot on the arm, which wasnt bad and then on the upper leg. And it was like bleeding to death, sohe had to go home. But he didnt tell his parents cause his mom would freak. And his dad was out doing a boat survey in some other island. So im like "Yah right, you didnt get hit" and he pulls up his pant leg a bit and there is a huge mark. The bbgun pelit was still in his leg. And it was getting infected. Badly. From just 10 hours ago. It was ... bad. So im like "Oh , shiz, you need that out. And now in like 3 days, but when you go home tonight.! That can get infected much worse and you could get a Staff infection." And i kinda told him off about him bein stupid and not telling or showing his mom. then we hung out the rest of the day. and he didnt even say bye to me! and he had all the time in the world when we were back on our boat. We had gone back there because the locals were annoying us, so like yah. And we were sitting on my bed forever. Its like he knew, but he didnt care. Although he had told Alice and Nat, early, thinking i couldnt hear, that he wanted to kiss me. Which is sad, cause he was asking Nat if she thought i would let him. Omg, guys. Pft. Can live with them, cant live with out 'em!
            So we parted and he didnt even wave either. Just later, like on , uh yesterday. Thursday, i was talking to Nat and Alice on MSN and i was like, "Did Nick tell you anything about me, or say anything?" and they are like "Yah, he said he has turned to a gay *** and only liked you as a friend." and i reply "Omfg i should have known that. He is a gay ***. And can you tell him i would have not let him kiss me" they laughed so hard at that. They have webcam so i saw them call Nick up right then and they said what i told them to say. and they hung the phone up and gave me thumbs up and laughed soooooo hard. It was quiet funny. So lets see, 3 crappy boyfriends in the last 2 months. And all they basically knew about me was my name. Great. I really wanna go out with guys more. NOT. Im ranting on about nothing now arent i. Dadny i am. And i just told my whole life basically. That, my friends was an average weekend with me Natalie and Alice. And Nick. And maybe Kenzo. Haha.

            Gryph :
            We bought a 2 liter soda for the four of us, and B ended up spilling his cup all over himself. When it toppled, he jsut sat there in shock instead of picking it up. His pants were completely soaked haha.
            Haha, sounds like our coke fun. Pfft.

            So anyways. We left. And went to Los Testigos. A group of Venezuela islands 40 miles from the mainland. And stayed there for like, 2 days? Yah. My mom had her bday on the 25th. She yelled at me because i wasnt bubbly. I didnt sing happy birthday day to her in the righ tune or voice. I mean, cause god forbid i like, am gushy and bubbly and prissy. Because im always like that. NOT. So then she starts crying because she says im being a "Rotten Bitch". Which i dont care if she thinks that cause she has been being a "Rotten Bitch" to me for the past week. So she can deal with it.
            So then we came here to Margarita, yesterday. On Thursday. And there are people here we know. Universe for one, ugh. Crazy overly religous (No offense to anyone. I mean anyone) who really get on my nerves. And Kalani who, has a 13 year old girl on it. Ahlani is so awesome. She isnt a bit girly, which is the good thing. Two twins from Miami who have been here for two years. Their parents work like 24/7 and our friends have known for more than a month and have never met the parents. The twins are idenitcal. They are only 12, but act like they are 15 or 16. Which is cool, cause guys usually act like such dorks and idiots when they are 12.
            Uhm, and for Halloween, our friends are doing the Wizard Of Oz theme. And my wifi is disconnected and i didnt realize it. Now i have to make it work. Ugh. I hope it didnt get turned off. Im hi******* it from a house on land. About a mile or two away. They probably turned it off like last night, but last night they turned it off at 10:00ish. But i had to go to bed anyways. But tonight, ya know. God forbid they leave it on a bit later. And my mom wont buy the good wifi. For only like 30$ a month. aArg.
            Ya no more wifi i guess. I have turned the lappy in any possible direction to pick it up and i cant. I will ty up stairs!

            Lmao Lmao!! I just picked up the laptop and was going to go into the cockpit with it. The door has just been waxed today, so it was really clear and i walked right into it with the laptop banging into it. Oops! I just started laughing. Im am idiot. I think i need to go to bed. OR NOT! Im not tired. And im not blonde. Im red head! Soon to be blue/purple/red! I have to dye it that for my darkside fairy costume. I have to make wings as well. Home made base of the wings. Made of wire. Ugh. This will be an interesting halloween. It should be fun. The party is tomorrow nigh too. which is even better.

            and it continues! "Tori's battle with the evil escaping wifi snuffers!" Sounds good, eh? Bah.
            Im upstairs. Nothing. Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
            YOU FREAKING DAMNED UP THING YOU! Why cant i have a external antena wifi thingy. That makes it so i can pick up a wifi 30 kilometers from where i am. 30 kilos is like, how many miles. A lot? Close enough. Ha.

            Im back down in my room again. My mom was threatning me. She is like "Oh my gosh! Tori its late! go to bed" Im like, uh no. "Its only 9:48..." shes like "ITS LATE GO TO BED!!!" And im like "fine what ever night." She is a freak. My dad says so too. Ha. My parents are the exact opposite of each other. My dad could care less what i did or how long i stayed up. And my mom freaks out even if i go to another boat without telling her. She trys to act like a perfect cool, laid back mom to my friends but in real life, she is a rotten person. She is quite mean too. She said she would kill one day. I told her, that she would be dead before she could kill me. That turned her off the idea.
            Anyways. Looks as though im going to have to just save this to Word and then post it tomorrow. Arck. I have been trying to reconnect for 45 mins now. How sad is that. And my head hurts from banging into the door. Im tired now too.. Hm. I want a shirly temple. I am going to make one. At 10:00 at night. Or i could. No bad idea. Never mind. Slip Of The Tongue. OR I COULD EAT MY MOTHER! No not really. I want a chocolate cersant now. How odd. Oh and black tea. And a Caravel ice cream cake with those blac little oreo crunchy things. Do you guys know what im talking about. If you dont i will inform you. Im not what they are called, but they are absolutly delicious. I mean wonderful. Its vanilla and chocolate ice cream cake, with black little crunchy things that sound so invitingly good right now and i really want a slice of some. One of you reading this, do you have a left over cake in your freezer from Caravel cause i really need a cake. A good cake. the past cakes i've had, have been nasty or too dense or the frosting was to thick and gross like my moms cake. Roll of the eyes.
            Okay weird. My sister is reading a magazine, and she just said that the magazine says that freckles cause snik cancer. Okay, i dont think that is true because it is a pigment thing. Not a cancer thing. Some of the healthist people have loads of freckles. Wth is wrong with Vogue. Argh. These magazines are getting stupider and stupider everytime i look at them!

            Okay im tired. Tired looks like tried. Weird. Im tired for sure now. I dont want to get like Natalie where she goes dillusional and makes us make pasta for her at 1:25 in the morning, ust because she is hungry and didnt eat her toast! That actually happened. Weiiiiird. I WANT TO PUT MY CORSET ON RIGHT NOW. Okay bye. Im going to put my corset on just to annoy my sister. She says it makes my chest look too big. Hahah. And she says with all the black i look evil. Omg, Alison! Evil, naw not me! Im just a darkside fairy!
            Who was i was talking to who was reading "Faerie Wars"? Mel was it you? Or was it Olivia? Im not sure. Maybe it was someone else. Im too tired to remember right now. It will come to mind as soon as i shut this off, but ya know.
            OMG! I FORGOT TO SAY! I GOT PHOTOSHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x a million. Im so happy. I havent learned the system fully, but it doesnt seem to ..hard? I dont feel like spelling anything long right now. Trying to be sane is driving me insane. Ha. Ha. Ha! I sound like a hyper twit now. Yay. Dont mind this last paragraph. It is unmeaningful. Huh! Long word.unnnnmmmeaaannnniinnggggful. Im just blabbing. Now Alison is going on abot a chocolate covered dounut. You know, for anyone. Starbucks and (oh crap i said starbucks. Im going to go crazy i need a mocha latte or a carmel fraqqi or a STRAWBERRIES AND CREME FRAQQICHINO however you spell it) and Dunkin Donuts just around the corner. Oohhhh ENVY! and jealousy. And good nights. oooo alison made a cute face!! she put her hang over her mouth and went "OH MY GOD" it was so cute. i want ... to stop blabbing on here..

            SO GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE. I will probably totally modify this post tomorrow before i post it so i dont sound like a totall ________(place ugly word there!)

            (Ohhhh, that was a long rant, wasnt it? You dont have to read it. Ha. And i did get my connection back at like 10:34 and i posted it really quick then i lost it again. Now im on. Yays. Poeple want me to wake board bye bye.)
            Love and be loved


            • Kira-Kira, don't worry, you're not the youngest. In fact, a few of the regulars and myself are your age or younger. And just a reminder; watch for Poot.

              Whew, long rant, tori. I read most of it. :P

              Why do we have that smiley? I guess it shows how dependent we are on coffee these days. Starucks is just getting richer, which is a shame...I used to be a Starbucks addict
              before I found out they gave money to Israel. Then I was like, what? no more mint mocha chips for me...but now I go to Caribou Coffee, which is really good too. But sometimes I miss the variety of Starbucks.

              I showed a picture of Bill Gates to my little brothers; they were surprised by mild and normal he looked. Being the richest guy in the world, I think they expected him to like some greedy tyrant. It's funny how you can be so mislead by how much money someone has.

              I'm a teeny bit worried about a friend of mine. Okay, not just a teeny bit. C isn't acting normal. Normally, C is always laughing and making dumb jokes and being smart with teachers. But lately, C has been spacing out more than me...which is worriesome, to say the least. Poor C. But since C refuses to tell me what's wrong, I just have to deal with it, and that's hard since C is a good friend of mine. I wish C'd just tell me what's wrong so I can help. I hate seeing my friends depressed.



              • Wow. Wow... Wow. I have a job. This is so weird. I'm in shock right now. I really can't believe they hired me! AHHH! I work at Panera Bread as of 3:00 today. Very cool...I still can't believe I have a job though. I've applied to 8 different places in the last 2 months, and yesterday I just randomly went into Panera Bread and filled out an application and they asked me to come back today for orientation. I hope it goes ok...I'm really nervous about the whole thing. Ok, sorry about the semi rant thing, but a happy rant. A very happy, shocked rant.

                Peri:But now I go to Caribou Coffee, which is really good too.
                I love Caribou. We don't have a Starbucks in our town for some reason (OMG, yes, it's weird. Get over it. XD), but we've got Caribou and some local places that are really good. Now I want Caribou. Oh well...

                Still in shock. Now I'll have money for...I don't even know what it'll be for. Probably college in 2 years. Or Christmas presents for people. Or books. Yep, probably books.

                Yesterday, I was out driving in gale force winds with my mom, and a firetruck starts down the street with the siren blaring, so I pulled over. Then, I see the fireman is gesturing furiously for me to get out of the way, and I realize that I'm apparently stopped in front of the driveway he wants to get in. Oops. Pretty big oops, actually. Hope whoever they were going to help was ok.

                I think I need some food-maybe then I'll come out of shock about the job thing.


                • THe ferrets and kittens are almost ready to be together! we haven't haed them in the same room for a while, because the kittens are so defenseless the ferrets just see them and think food...ferrets and kittens usually DO get along, but the kittens needed to first learn play fighting and such so that the ferrets go from thinking "FOOD!" to thining "PlAYMATE!" the only thing ferrrets can't be made to get along with is rabits, and that's in their jeans...
                  I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                  For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                  • Most interesting, that 'ferrrets' can't get along with 'rabits' because of them wearing 'jeans'.

                    Or that's what I gathered from the post above me.

                    I wasn't aware these creatures wore pants at all, mind you. Quite a shock.
                    Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
                    Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


                    • Pants...hehe. My train of thought is really crazy today. I just got back from a mission trip. After some part of the twelve hour drive down there, we took a stop somewhere. (So specific, I know) One of the guys on the trip yells, "T, give me my pants!" The whole bus looks at him like he's crazy, then he explained that he had taken off his jeans and had shorts on. Our chaperones almost had heart attacks. Incredibly amusing.

                      I had sooo much fun. I'm still sore and tired, but that was probably the most fun I've ever had. And we were helping people at the same time. We were working with this place that provides food to the locals (and volunteers there), and they had just moved to a new location. We got to help move all their food and supplies and clean up the site. We also got to serve and cook the food.

                      Annnd, now I'm hungry. I'm gonna go eat lunch.
                      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                      • WICKED!!!!!!! (i mean WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST!!!!! ) I love halloween! this year i m goin as (SEE ABOVe in between )

                        i m almost thirteen. i don know how old i should be when i stop trick or treating???

                        oh well. i think its fun!!
                        Dif-tor heh smusma.


                        • Sorry about my way too long rant. I didnt mean for it to be that long. Never.

                          Anyways, Sean, snicker. Jeans. Tisk. Speaking of jeans i got a cute new mini skirt today! Yay.

                          And to Star, cool on the help the local thing. Was it like a religious missionary trip thing?

                          Kevin, i hope your .... Introduction of ferrets and kitties goes well. I think it will work out fine.

                          Sea, thats great! I never have had a REAL job. But i have worked at the local bars, bartending. Okay, I know im underage, but it was in Grenada. And it was just beer. I didnt paid or anything.

                          Starbucks. Caribou. I think i have been there. I have been to Bernies. Thats good too, and less expensive.

                          Oh! I went wake boarding on Saturday. It was so fun. No one had a baord with bindings, so i couldnt do flips or anything. But we do 360's on the water and two people at a time. When someone else jumps on and ones in from ones in back balancing the weight. Thats fun. Oh, and my friend did find bindings for his board. And they are big enough for my feet. So now next time, i can do flips and tricks. Yay! I love that dude. He has everything on his boat. As far as water sports.
                          Ta for now.
                          Love and be loved


                          • Yah. It was a mission trip with school.

                            We went on a prayer walk around the area, and we stopped to pray with the people who were outside. There was one man who only spoke Spanish and didn't understand a word we said. We had to try and translate it all and explain to him what we were doing. He was so nice. After we finished praying, he said something about thanking us for himself and his family, and that we were good people. Made me smile.

                            I should probably go do my chemistry homework, as it's due tomorrow. Heh...I might do a little bit, then do the rest in the morning.
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • Man, I've got a LOT of Homework.. even taking the day off and I've still got a ton..

                              I swear I'm a some sort of breaking point.. School seems to be just pileing work on, and there's not enough time to do all of it and stay sane. Probably doesn't help that I'm starting to hate just being at my high school. Being there makes me feel like I'm losing who and what I am and becoming something I don't want to be..

                              *laughs* I think this is actually my first time posting in ToGR


                              • Star, cool. I dont do those. But some of my friends, are missionaries. And they have like 7 people come down and stay and there boat for 3 month blocks. Its kinda cool i guess.

                                KK, did you notice that we both posted at the same time? Weird. My friends mom is the wicked witch of the west. But now they have gone a trip to a waterfall today and wont be coming to the party. Which is dumb. Bu oh well.

                                CM, poor thing. I know what that feels like. Actually i dont. But when my mom makes me do three days worth of school i fall apart. Because three days worth of school is like 10 hours. And i usually dont finish it all. :[

                                And now i must go eat a pancake. Because god forbid i eat it in my room. And also my dad doesnt know im online. Haha.

                                Okay, have fun all of you tonight. I will be here or at a bar. Not what i wanna do, but y'know.

                                Love and be loved

