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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • So, as a recap of what I have been doing in the past ten days or however long it has been since I have last been here:

    I took Terra Novas, this gihugic standardized test that takes three days to complete (you know, all those little bubbles, I've fretted over parent/teacher conferences, I've painted a pumpkin like the Phantom of the Opera, finished, the book "The Phantom of the Opera", carved two pumpkins, went to a haunted hayride, learned some interesting things about my friends (i.e. my best friend's mother was affected by that nuclear thing in Russia, and has been battling skin cancer. MY friend is fine, however), took the first of many high school entrance tests, practiced crazily for scholarships for the piano, went to a halloween thingy at a zoo, and have seen a highschool play four times.

    Wow, that's a lot of stuff!

    On the topic of Elphabas: My brother's girlf friend is going as Elphaba, her friend as G(a)linda, and her other friend R as Boq. That should be kewl.

    and kk, don't feel so young, I've only just turned thirteen myself. I can when I was just twelve, so we're good.

    Oof, I've got to go. My friends are coming over to trick or treat, and I've got to help clean up the house.

    Dai, all!!
    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


    • *Glares at sean the smug for two seconds then falls over laughing* Ok, my mistake. Geans...i think that's right...And sorry for the overexcitment of the introduction, but i've barely seen the ferrets over the last few days cause they can't be out at the same time as the kittens, and the kittens actually need the attention at this time of their life...
      I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
      For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


      • Uhh, YR, **genes**


        But letsee...Yesterday was crazy, but not really. We stopped trick or treating at around 7:30 (which is reallllly early for us), but we were avoiding some jerks in our class (my friend T was a box 'cause her other costume, Axel, fell through) were kicking her costume and stuff, but she got a good swing at one with her candybag and I came this close to punching one, I swear. My fist was ready!

        But anyway, we then came back to my house and laid around, tried to scare some kids but failed, sorted and divvied up out candy (some for the school thingy which gives the candy to orophans and stuff, milky ways and twix to my friend who was stuck in RI with her mom, and the rest we just traded what we didn't like). Then T's dad came and picked us up in their uber cool van-thingy, and we went to her house and bobbwed for apples and found the gummi bearsi in ht e whipped cream and warmed our heart with hot cider and her little brother being cute, and then we messed around on the computer and stuff, but it was funnn. And now I'm sort of sick of candy (even though I ate like 3 pieces), and I have to practice piano like now 'cause I have to make an audition tape for a chance to audition for a scholarship. Isn't that messed up? But whatever. I gotta go, wish me luck!!

        Dai, guys!!
        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


        • kittens aren't reaedy to meet ferrets yet it seems...pop wants to prove to gizmo she's the head girl around there, and keeps on beating her for a month or so, the ferrets are moving to my room...which is kind of cool actually. they seem to like me best anyways...
          oh, and we got a new comp. it's AWSOME! flat screen, high resolution, plays dvds, cds, radio, burns dvds and cds, wireless keyboard with easy press buttons for burning and ejection...did i mention it plays tv? and the tv will look better then the tv in my parents bedroom? of course, the comps ALSO in their bedroom, but it's still cool...both the laser mouse, and the keyboard are runs great...newest stuff and all...and it's so cool! i know almost nothing about computers, other then the necessities to do what i do on it every day, and even i think it's cool! i know how to use the comp, but not much about the inner workings...i'm weird that way...considering my dad knows all about them.
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


          • Computers. Ah yes. The joy of them. But do you know whats inside of them. Learn how at-- Okay, its not a comerial. I just know a ton about computers. Seeing that my mother was a computer person too. She lived on one for more than 15 years. Ever since they really came out...i think. Thats one thing i dont know about them. The first computers where just able to hold a couple of adresses. And back then that was "oh so awesome!" Wait, they probably didnt have "awesome" back then. "That is so nifty! or Neat!" Yah, okay.

            Poor kitties. No one likes them. And cool with the computer.

            My life has gone soooooooo freaky. Just from on IM. From Natalie asking me why i still liked Nick. Although, it did clear up some stuff. Nick is talking behind my back to Nat and Alice.. saying stuff that is total b.s. And now im on the phone with Nick and he is saying..he isnt really talking. He is like talking to his dad...

            Anyways. Just poped in to say Hi. And good luck to everyone on their NaNoWriMo's!!!!!

            Love and be loved


            • Everyone loves the kittens. but the ferret feels a wish to say she's dominant, over rthe kitten at least. I suppose if the ferrets understood me, i could get them to's recently become aparent that they view me as their leader...weird...And cool...and thanks for the good luck. :P
              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


              • Heylo everyone! I've been gone for a long time, now... I probably won't be around frequently at all. Sad. Well, I'm going to try to be on here more. Yea. And I still have to read the latest book. Ack first few months of Freshman year are so hectic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horrible... Almost started it before the year started too...

                Well, anyway, hi again!
                From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


                • Hi all.

                  I have been writing away all morning. Gryph convinced me to do NaNo, im dying now. I have gotten 3,000 + into my story just this morning. The plot just came into my head, with some help from Gryph. But yah. My mom thinks NaNo is cool. And she was chat last night. At like 11:30. So y'know. I am taking a break, and i came on here to say hi. And to see if anyone was in chat, which no one is.
                  And im watching music videos from SOAD and Slipknot that i downloaded. Its helping. Ha.
                  Question, with the NaNo chat, how do i get into it. It just comes up as a blank box. :[

                  -glances back to her laptop. - SOAD is playing BYOB right now. Awesome song. Yah, im on my moms laptop. I cant get connected to wifi on my laptop. -roll of the eyes!-

                  I woke up at 7:30, after going to bed at 1:00. I had a dream it was the 29of Nov, and i had to get the last 23,000 words into the story. I woke up and i realized i was dreaming. Dont you hate that? Bllllahh.

                  Ta. Back to writing. My said i look pale. I told her its because NaNo is sucking the life outta me.;];]hehe

                  add in. Sunday morning. IM AT 7,127!! AND UP! YIPPEE! And NaNo ate my neck. blllllah. Oh well. You dont need a neck to live, only your fingers to type! Hehe.

                  Love and be loved


                  • Wow, tori, you go. O__O I'm only around six thousand with my NaNovel, heh. So easily distracted... Happy November, everyone! Today's my adopted birthday. I put November 5 into most online services I register with (because it's easy to remember, remember) and I always get a ton of automated emails. xD It's pretty funny, actually. November is my favorite month of my favorite season.

                    Question, with the NaNo chat, how do i get into it. It just comes up as a blank box. :[ (tori)
                    No idea, sorry. It always logs me in as minotaur-somenumber, even though my username's calliopemused...

                    I went trick-or-treating! It was my first time in ages, since we've been way out in the country the past two years. I wasn't expecting to, so I had to throw something together last minute with an eye mask, a hat, a frilly shirt, and a swishy cloak. It was on impulse. Why don't we wear cloaks anymore? I felt dashing. xD I was going for a masquerade-type theme, but most people guessed Zorro.

                    i m almost thirteen. i don know how old i should be when i stop trick or treating??? (kk)
                    I am definitely not sixteen. Not in any way, and especially not on Halloween. *cough*

                    Good luck with the new job/new computer/NaNovels/kitties and ferrets, everyone! I want a ferret...
                    Metaphors be with you.


                    • YAY INSOMNIA AT 1 IN THE MORNING!! ^^;;

                      I love interesting weekends!

                      Saturday was a band competition in this really scary circuit that we technically aren't in, with all these on-fields judges and stuff. We actually managed to take 3rd place in our division which was about 3 places higher than I thought we'd take considering we'd only learned the last half of the last song 4 HOURS BEFORE..

                      Today was kinda dull.. Church and AP Euro junk.. Picked up some manga for a friend..

                      Tonight I couldn't sleep, so I just cranked out about 400 words of randomness, and actually created a NaNo account. Odds of getting 50,000 is kinda slim considering how much I like writing, but it should still be interesting ^^


                      • I'm writing a book with a friend of mine and I was wondering if anyone knows someone who could be an editor for us. We can't really do it ourselves because either we're a) too critical, or b) not critical enough. So we kinda need help. We need an editor! We're up to the 5th chapter and we need someone to help, please? Thank you.
                        Oh yeah, and good luck with kittens and ferrets. I want a ferret... unfortunately my mother is allergic.
                        Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant "idiot".
                        Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
                        Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
                        Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)


                        • Sqeeee! And more e's. Im at 11,000! I want to get to at least 13,500 today. Even though im starting in the afternoon, not the morning. Oh well. Im still enojying it. CM, NaNo isnt that hard. We just all complain about it, so it sounds hard. I didnt think i would be able to get past 10k till at least Tuesday or so. XD, i was wrong. And glad that i was.

                          Calli, halloween. Nnnn, i didnt do ANYTHING. I hate this about boating. No one trick or treats, and of course, the Frenchies do trick or treating on the 2 of November which is weird. XDD. Well, just for us Americans at least, and Canadians. And also, to the log in thing. Weird, very odd. Maybe its just..glitch? Im not sure.. .. ..

                          CM, yay for the Band 3rd place! Wait, i dont want to backspace, lemme rephrase that. "CM! Yay for the 3rd place in Band!" Blllah. There it is. I have done so much rephrasing to make the sentence in my Novel more interesting.

                          Oh, and back to Calli on Halloween. In our neighborhood, back in Florida, the adults, who didnt even have kids, would go trick or treating. It would be interesting. Some of them would be totally innaportiate things and people wouldnt give them candy because the kids wouldnt come to the peoples houses if there were the adults there. And there was the mofia house. Okay, not mofia. But everything in that house was black and there were always at least 7 cars there. All big black Escalades, or Z3, Z4, all those nice sports cars. XD.

                          Mak, edioter? I dont even want to think about it. What do you want it edited for? Like, proofing, and publishing? Or just wanting it to be fixed up and some added *emph*? I like the word Emph. Its cool and! It really is a word. I think... I add emph to everything. Okay, off topic. :XX

                          So, now, after just one night. Im addicted to Nightwish. They are great. Her voices are amazing. And its awesome lyrics. Note: I got new music last night. :]]

                          Okay, get this. I feel pretty stupid. So i have all my windows closed right now so i dont get distracted from my NaNo (okay, internet is probably the worst distraction!) but, so its a bit dark in here, and i look down at the clock on the laptop. I saw 2:07, i thought automaticly that it was 2:07 in the morning. Seeing that i am crap, and feeling the bad sleep i have had the past 3 nights. :XX Sqee.

                          Oh, on my door, i have a little dry erase board right? With velcro and yah. So, on it, i took the board off this moring and work "NaNo ate my _____" and added a different word for each line. I have about 7 of them. And then on the bottom, i have in big yellow marker "NANO ATE MY SOUL" And, so like, when my mom came into see if i was doing school this morning, she was like, "Tori, take that off. It makes you sound dark and Gothish." and im like "Uhm, mom." And i point at all the black stuff in my room and then say "But its in yellow..." and stare at her. She is..odd. So yah. I felt like saying that. XD

                          Oh! new band i found last night!! or maybe a couple nights ago. :X, "Jack's Mannequin" He is really good. Its kinda pop, but his lyrics are awesome. Most of them, at least. "Dark Blue" is probably one of his best, and "Bruised" and "Mixed Tape" really good. I think at least.

                          And now i must leave to NaNo myself dead. :X <my new "eeek" smiley. :X

                          Ta all. And high numbers.
                          Love and be loved


                          • HELLO! hope to see you around the forum...I don't think i know you, i'm afraid, so you've either been gone a REALLY long time, or was here when i had no comp or something...
                            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                            • Okay. I'm doing NaNo AND my aunt is about to go to the hospital to have a baby. IMAGINE MY ANXIETY?!?!

                              *kills poot and runs*



                              • Editor as in proofing I guess, mainly what we need is someone who is not as close to it as we are. A third party so to speak. In other words, HELP! Actually, I would be willing to put it up if people want and they can give me thier opinions, it depends on whether people want it or not.
                                Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant "idiot".
                                Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic
                                Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
                                Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

