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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Mak, if you dont mind a 13 year old girl helping, then sure i'll look at it. My mom is a huuuge freak about editing and proofing, so i pick up from her. Im not sure how quick i could look at it. Seeing im doing NaNo, but i'll see to it? But whatever you want to do. You could email it to me if you want, just ask for my email, i'd be delighted to give it to you and see someone elses work. :]]

    Peri! Yay! For two thing. One, yay for the baby. Even if im against making tons more little people. XDD And two. Hurray for NaNo! Im making myself hit atleast 15K today. Thats only 2k more, but progress. I was up till 12:00 last night writing. Seeing that my wifi wouldnt reconnect, and my mom was sleeping, so i could be on, and my dad was in the cockpit and had turned off the power source for my laptop, i only had less than an hour and a half because Compaq battery life suck. My mom wont buy an external one. Sighs.

    Oh, speaking of my mom. She was in chat last night. Most of you regulars saw her. She kinda freaked out when she read about me and Sean getting marryied. XD, Blame it all on Tiiiia!
    Also, she freaked when she saw me say "Im hih off Nightwish." She doesnt understand that you can be high, and not be drugs. Ugh. So she brought those two things up during dinner, and my dad laughed at both. And told my mom to get over the high thing and that it was just a word, and that shes not doing it with drugs. My dads awesome. He jokes about getting high off making sail covers and stackpacks. Which he just made one yesterday. For those who dont know, a stackpack is a pack that is on the boom and the sail falls down into it. Now i dont have to manually put the sail cover on. Yay!

    NaNo, lets see. More fun, eh? Good thing about it, its bringing people into chat, which is awesome. Second,..uh, is there really anything else all that great about it? :XX

    Okay, well im going to go drink some pear juice and 7up. Yum. My dad lets me drink anything i want. My mom is gone shopping. If she were here, this post would not here. XD

    Ta's to all.
    Love and be loved


    • I'm on me brithers lappy, so I have to make it quick and completely ignore the posts atop (but not for long!)

      Wait'll you guys hear this: Yesterday, mind you, _yesterday_, my teachers asked me if I had the sheet music to "God Bles America", but I didn't. So I went to my music teacher, but she didn't have it either. So I ended up going home and using Finale Notepad to rewrite it (completely making up the left hand) and learned it in one night. And did two major projects. I performed it today for our seniors, 'cause the eighth graders meet some war vets and the like. Mine wasn't even _there_, but... well there you go. That my freak out of the day.

      EDIT: Just fixing some really annoying typos.
      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


      • I don't want to do nano, i've decided...not just because of all the things i'm doing at the moment, but because i don't feel like doing anything that's going to make writing a chore...IT"S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! *grumbles* oh well...must write later, anyways...
        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
        For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


        • *yawnS* so many people obsessing about nano...kinda ruins the pleasure of writing in my oppinion...OH well. *goes off to find someone who isn't too obssessed to do a joint story with me...for fun.* i got hooked on the idea of doing one with olivia, and i still will, but the one i have in mind, she doesn't like the ending too much...I might just do it myself, but it feels like a joint story thing...and i need someone to hep me get through a few sticky parts....
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • tired!!!!!! and annoyed. I keep being beat up on by people mentally. i can fight back tooth and nail, and i win, but it's exhausting. *throws powder blue mercedes at gigo, wherever he is* raaahhh! I need sleep.
              "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

              ...and eyes, sweet as honey, soft as moss, that hold in their black vessels the bitterness of old wounds and the tired peace of growing wisdom.


              • kittens are growing up...they don't cuddle with people as much. And the ferrets have still claimed me their leader, even if they don't actually listen to me...
                the other day, pop grabbed my hand in her claws and started licking me...and ziggy was under the sheets, chasing me around the bed yesterday. it was cute...pops taken to going under my night stand, which makes it a pain to put her in her cage at night...And that's all on the ferret kitten update! see ya!
                I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                • So, i opened this up earlier, at around 11:00 this morning and i thought "Why the heck did i open this? I dont have anything interesting to say. I'll do it later." Dont yuo just love opening a reply up for no reason. XD

                  Anyways, its Friday, which i so need it to be. Even if i dont do anything special..
                  Anywho, I went out for lunch today. It was nice, surprisingly. I got calamri, my mom got whole shrimps, my dad got fish, and my sister, god forbid she eats seafood, got french fies. FRENCH FIES for crying out loud, she could have gotten yummy squid! She is so.... .... picky!
                  So, i ate my calamri with any sauce, which was good, but i like a nice red sauce one it. Oh well.
                  After we finished, we sat there talking for a while and watched the "buy something from me's" go by. My mom offered to get me one of those long pretty necklaces with huge colorful fat beads. It was nice and all, but wtf would i wear it with? i dont have colorful clothing! Well, i could, but i dont were them. I need a big black and lacey one.
                  So, i went to the mall too. Yesterday, at least. It was okay. My mom..well, most of you know the rant. XD Oh, and as i was walking around with my mom, rushing trying to find a store, i saw a really cool looking Gothic store. Which i was amazed at, because no one here, or in the Caribbean is goth. So i really need to go back. And i need a new black eyeliner stick. And i was thrilled when i saw the M.A.C sign, i havent seen a M.A.C in ages. its like the best.
                  I have had this up for like 30 minutes now, and

                  Okay, so now it has been at least 1 hour this has been up, i went off to take pictures of myself. A fun past time.
                  Anyways, i really dont have much else to say except we are going to a fancy resteraunte tomorrow night. My mom is making reservations for 9:00. There is Latin dancing, so i might go. I like to get dressed up sometimes. I have some new stuff to wear. Hm. I need to make my hair redder again. im going to freshen it tomorrow.

                  Okay, ta all.

                  See you in chat later.
                  Love and be loved


                  • OMG!!!! My little sister tore her hair out (a fair chunk of it) the other day because she was mad! And my friend thinks she's fat, and she only weighs, like, 115 pounds. It is insane! ANd then my Dad got a ticket for running a red light only I can't remember that happening. ANyways, it is 365 dollars!365!! as my mom said when she found out, there goes Christmas. Oh well, I can live. Maybe I'll go to see a movie...
                    Anyhow... I am hating school at the moment. I go to a Middle College High School and have a REsaerch paper on what the Deaf Community thinks of Hearing Ear Dogs/Signal Dogs/ Dogs for the Deaf.MLA format. Due Friday. ANd I can't find anything!!!!! I am dead. Dead Dead Dead! If you never here from me after Friday, you'll all know why.
                    Wish me luck! Buh bye!
                    "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


                    • I'm sorry Jwiz! That sounds horrible! I hope things get better for you and your family and friends!!

                      ... Swim team practice is... murder... I'm so tired like... wow. And I still have to stand for 10 minutes to take a shower... I should do that now.

                      Ah I'm watching Eurika(sp?) and its... interesting. It's pretty cool. Pretty far out but cool. And also, the Northwest sucks. Its raining. A lot. Well, not so much lately, but it was raining constantly last week and the week before...

                      Well, I'm off to the shower... Icky... Till next time!
                      From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


                      • Okie smokes...*pats JWiz on the back* don't worry, things'll get better soon. Maybe you can do an old fashioned Christmas where you make each other presents. That would be fun!

                        ... Swim team practice is... murder... I'm so tired like... wow. And I still have to stand for 10 minutes to take a shower... I should do that now.
                        Heh, my friend swims...three times a week and then has land training and stuff. I think she would understand your pain.

                        65tfkafjfljaligfhakvna;dgaiogagskasjkfl;sjgadjglkg lakajggaaegoeigioe


                        Yeah, that's my head against the keyboard (which was not such a great idea, not that I htink about it...hhhn, I'm gonna have to wash my head extra well tonight....)

                        But anyway, yeah. I <STRIKE>was</STRIKE> am under suuuuch strees this week. Okay, it's been crazy, I know, but I do have two shafts of light illuminating my caverned path. They are these: I got accepted to a HS, and I got the Presidential scholarship which means $4,00 a year, which cuts the tuition in half!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!
                        And two: I dunno if you guys remember, but a little whi*** back, I made a piano tape for and audition and I got a call back to go perform ann audition in person. I am freaked but really happy 'cause it also means I got it. And if I go to that second school, we're gonna need all hte help we can get....

                        Well, I just thought I'd put up that happy news of the week.

                        I'll be in chat.
                        Luffs y'all! :*
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • Yeah, I found some stuff but I still feel stressed. Life = Insanity. But when doesn't it?
                          Anyhow, our English class was asked to say what we thought of our school and everyone said the homework was boring(we didn't have fun doing it) and that there was lots of it. Turns out we hurt our teacher's feelings! i felt soooo bad! she misunderstood what we were saying so she changed how we do homework. So everyone signed a letter in geometrey (Teacher/ class/ lecture = snore) and two girls took it to her. i don't know what happened and hope seh knows we didn't mean to insult her.
                          Hey, did anyone know that Inkheart is going to be a movie? if you did, or do, can you remind me when? please? thank you.
                          Okay, off to reasearching. or maybe a few more posts...

                          Yeah!!!!! i finally found some USEFUL info for my report in Signal dogs!!!! I feel like a huge wieght has been lifted off my shoulders. *Sighs with miracolous(sp?) relief* Whew...
                          Still, i have to type it() but at least I got the Info!!!!!!!

                          Edited to consolidate a double-post - Peter
                          "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


                          • oooh....found another author....its an ancient author and yet his fanatasy applies to todays societ. peirs anthony's on a pale horse. give it a try. its the incarnation series....oooh. but no match to duane's...but it will due for now.


                            • Yeah!! four out of five pages sre done. well, more than five because of the cites page but that won't take too long.
                              I repeat: yeah!!!!
                              "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


                              • Ah, bliss. First of all, I'm sooooooo sorry...I've been gone for way too long. And second of all...rain. Matar. Bishti. In whatever language, it is beautiful.

                                Seriously! I love rain. I got home from school about twenty minutes ago, but I've only been in the house for five. We were getting on the bus, and while everyone else was running for cover, I gave a girl (who seems like a cool person, even if she might have rainphobia) my coat and then kind of stood there until I had to get on the bus. (I was the last one on.) Then I stared out the window the whole ride (except when I had to tell off an eighth grader for bullying a sevvie) wishing I was out there. And the roof of the bus was leaking all over everybody, which was weird. When I got off the bus, I put my backpack and jacket on the porch where they wouldn't get wet, stuck my glasses in my pocket and walked around in the rain idly for fifteen minutes or so. And I would've stayed out longer, except that my mom caught me and yelled at me to get inside. (But she wasn't really mad after I said, "hey, didn't you ever run around in the rain in Bangladesh when you were a kid?" *mom splutters, then leaves me be* XD)

                                Oh, and why it's raining so hard? Tornado warning. :P I'm not worried that much, but of course the adults are freaking out, especially at school.

                                Did you know it's almost impossible to put on mascara without opening your mouth? Yeah, well it's the same for feeding a baby. When they open their mouths, it's like you have to too. Strange, isn't it?

                                NaNo! It's great for me to finally have a reason to write a novel, even if it's a mini novel. I've started about a dozen novels and then never picked them up after I've finished five or ten pages, so this is good for me. I'm still a very slow writer, though--revising is pretty much necessary for me, so I'm only up to...about 5,200 words. *shrug* But I'm very happy with what I've come up with, which is what counts.
                                Love you all,


