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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Oh, I totally understanf the rain thing, peri. i love the rain, it is soo relaxing and pretty. only, it's not raining here. so I'll have to be jealous of you. If it was raining, then i wouldn't hae PE. i don't like PE cause of my asthma, so I wish even more that it was raining here. but it isn't. *sniffles*
    and i can totally relate to the writing a story thing cause i do it, too. Well, enjoy the rain!!!

    "You're the one who says books have to be heavy because the whole world's inside them."
    Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

    Hey, I just finished my Six page (not including a cites page) report. Only, I think I got a "C" But at least I finished it ! Just in case anyone was wondering on my progress.
    even if I don't like it, I need it.
    "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


    • Uhm, okay, since this laptop wont let me make a regular post im using this little..quick posty thing. Im not sure how it works, but i need to post, badly..

      Okay, bad news only. Im sorry guys.
      So, i wasnt behaving as well as i should of been the past couple..weeks? And ... my mom kinda saw everything i typed and said and did, etc. She has a tracker hacker on our laptop. So, she can see EVERYTHING. Which isnt a bad idea for a mother with a 13year old daughter.
      So she didnt like what she saw and came out with the badness.


      Im so ... Im not sure. I think i kind of deserved it. She totally freaked when she found out i had..done some stuffs. And this and that. I understand why she would, but she what she doesnt understand is that, if i were back in Florida right now, i would be doing a lot worse, and she doesnt think so. And now she is being a total shrink, and is like "Think happy thoughts, no skulls, happy! Rainbows!" Its. GOING. TO. KILL. ME. I sswear. Shes like
      "You can be happy! No need to be dark and gloomy! You can make it past the tough stuff!" And i look at her, and say "Stop being a freaky shrink. I dont need one, im not a happy rainbow little girl, im a dark person, im someone who likes to go into retro and gothic shops."
      Oh! Since we went the big mall again, cause i reallllly want a new pair of jeans my mom promised, i went into this awesome retro/goth shop to look at jeans. She saw the brand name "Sicko" and freaked. Im like mom..its jeans, name brand, you have to spurlge on jeans, its the way to get jeans. Because cheap 15$ jeans suck. And they dont fit really well.
      So i tried on this pair of jeans, it was like they were made for me, and my mom says, they are ugly. Im So yah. and blah.

      Anyways, what i posted to say was that i wont be on till May 31st, where the heck ill be then, no idea. I could be in some weird desserted island and yah. Im nto sure. Im not going to bother begging for internet back till January when we'll be on Panama. I should be doing my school..

      I will ttyl all in months. Alison will come on though. She didnt lose anything...-crysniffle- She never does.

      OOOHH! SO i wanted these reallllllly cute keds, the one that are like just..shoe and covered toe? That everyone has now, and they had little brown and white owls on then, and they were just the cutest things ever, and i only have one pair of sandals left and they are too wide for my feet, and are pretty worn out, and my mom was begging Alison to get crocks, those ugly rubber wide weird thing sandal shoes with the holes? And they are like..more expensive than my owl shoes, and she begs Alison to get the crocks, and im like, "Mom...why cant i get Owl shoes then? They are less." And she says "Oh, because Alison needs a new pair.." A lame excuse but whatever. Oh, and shes begging Alison also to get a new abercombie shirt..and omg. It was so..annoying. I swear, Alison is more favored because she doesnt get in trouble, its...very freaking so fursterating. And she doesnt care a bit.

      I will go now. Since like i should be doing school. I will possibly talk to some of you later in Chat when my sister is on her name. I will miss you all.
      Oh! And my mom is letting me do NaNo still, so i might be able to update my word count a bit. I havent been writing, im only at 20K or something..Ive been..busy. Bad excuse, i know.

      Ttyl in time.
      Toriiiiiiii <3
      Love and be loved


      • Heyy all. Not too much is new in my life. There's homework, people, school, and more homework.

        Also, on a scale of 1-5, how would you rate my behavior yesterday? Cuz today I found out that I was PMSing. This is why I hate being a girl. XD

        Toriii!!!!! That sucks....! And what a way for your mom to become disiullusioned. *Huggles* I'll miss you. Six months is a realllly long time...

        It's a teddy bear I drew -- it was sitting on the teacher's desk. Colored pencil.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Awww...what an adorable little teddy bear.

          PMS...hehe. Not fun.

          Oh, Jwiz: Try not to double post, m'dear. And Tori: *bunches of huggles*

          I'm starting to believe that I actually do have a social life. I haven't had time to breathe lately, which reminds me: breathe in, and out.

          I raised up my chem grade from a B to an A. I'm rather excited. Then again, I forgot to turn in the sheet that has like half of my Spanish grades on it, so I'm hoping that the teacher doesn't completely fail me. Mehhh. School is rotting my brain.

          I got my dress for Winter Ball today. The dance is like, two months away, but I guess mum was feeling bad for not letting me go with my neighbor to dinner and a movie for his sixteenth birthday. I would have been the only girl; he was bringing two friends. So, yeah. Whatever. Anyway, it's black, and goes down to about mid-calf-ish. Beyond that, I'm not really sure how to describe it. Hehe. All I know is that the attempt would include a lot of "things" and "whatcha-ma-call-its".

          I've slept on the couch pretty much all day.

          We're reading The Masque of the Red Death in English. Well, it's a short story, so it's homework over the weekend. Anyway, I <3 it.

          This senior trumpet player person thinks I'm crazy. Hehe... I said that I like chemistry. Like, the class. So, he's all, "you're insane!" So then I said, "When'd you figure _that_ out?" Heh.

          Mum was saying how glad she was that we were finished with dress shopping for the year. Then she added an "unless you get asked to prom." The thought in itself is rather amusing. Hehe. I don't even talk to that many juniors and seniors.

          Dinner soon. I'll quit rambling.
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          • Aw, Gryphon, cute teddy bear. *huggles bear* it just looks cute and sad and you just want to hug it, if that makes sense.

            So yesterday I got my first paycheck at work-it's pretty cool. I spent it all already-I bought another pair of Birkenstocks. I love comfy shoes. Wish I could wear them at work though, since they're much more comfortable than my work shoes. Oh well.

            Oh! I lettered in cross country, which is pretty cool. I didn't think I'd get one until next year, because I didn't think my times were good enough, but 3rd years automatically get a letter, just for being on the team for three years. As a result, my parents decided to get a varsity jacket for me for Christmas, which is pretty cool. However, to me it feels a little presumptuous, since usually only the best athletes at my school get them. Oh well-I guess I'll just go with it, because I'm not that bad a runner...I have too much of a conscience. And I deserve it, don't I? I worked really hard on it...I hate self doubt.

            Can't wait for Thanksgiving break! 2 more days of school! I'm really glad that Panera's not open on Thanksgiving, because knowing the way my life goes, I would have had to work on Thanksgiving if they were open. I just need a break from schol though. Sleep in late...actually, I'm already doing that, since today I slept in until 11:30, but that was only becaue I was up until 1:30 after work last night.

            So, at the insistance of my journalism teacher, I just joined the paper. Mainly, I'm just editting stuff so far (I like editting, is that weird?) but my teacher seems to think I'm a really good writer. Which is weird, since really, I don't think I'm that good at writing news. Either way, the newspaper's really fun. And it doesn't take up too much time, which is good. Fun stuff.

            I need a nap.


            • Hungry:
              Mainly, I'm just editting stuff so far (I like editting, is that weird?)
              Not really. I shadowed at a highschool and they had this counseling thing that day, and it was all like, what do you want to be? One was editing, and I think that I could really enjoy that. Another odd one of my choices would be conducting. Seriously!

              How funny is this: the song "People are Strange" popped up on my iped (as I refer to it) when I read that. And "To the End" by MCR popped up on tori's post. poor tori. I think she'll live, though, and porbably learned a lesson about the internet...^^

              GRYPH!!! TEDDY BEAR IS SO CUTE!! I want to hug it. now. He looks maybe a little sad, like he wants someone to hug too. awwww...

              PMSing...I don't think I get that. Hopefully...XD

              Ooh, my mom got this new shower gel, and it smell like wild flowers and now I smell so nice! Me likey vera vera much.

              Ok, so you guess all have your nano problems, right? I had a few story problems of my own. I had a book contest deadline due Saturday. I had a book that was 19 pages (minus the cover). On Friday, the day before, I only had two pages done. Ya know what that means? That means that I woke up at 7 on Saturday, started writing at 7:30, didn't stop until 4:30, not even while I ate my lunch. Seriously. I made the deadline by like 3 minutes. Now that is what I call time management!!

              Does the song, "I Am the Walrus" scare anyone else? It really, really weirds me out. Seriously.

              Ooh, you know what artist may just be my favourite? Degas. Amazing guy. He spent like 30 years painting at the Paris Opera House. And had blue-tinted spectacles. Weeird. But cool, of course.

              Oh, get this: tonight we're going to see Peter Pan at a local highschool, and they FLY in it. Like they hired those guys who do the wires. They have some really cool effects. I know, you can tell they have wires,but...Highschool play. Wow.

              Speaking of Highschool plays...our school play is Highschool Musical...should be interesting. I don't really like it, but I'm going to try out. How will we do the outdoor scenes, and the basketball one....?

              Oh, up above a few posts, it talks about that torrential rain. We had that, and it was pretty cool. The only scary thing was the tornado watch. I have never really seen a tornado around here, and I don't want to. It only hit a neighboring state, but it killed eight people. I'm thankful it didn't hit my town!

              Well, I'm gonna go find slippers to warm my blue toes (they're freezing!! ...and I painted my nails blue, heh...:P)

              Dai guys!
              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


              • This picture is priceless. It's of a member who comes here. Can you guess who? By the way, he doesn't post around much, so you'd have to know him from chat.

                Here you go.

                + before anyone asks, NO that is not me.
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • He's pretty hawt. He single?


                  • Firstly, Snuff: XD

                    Ok, I thought I'd wish you guys here in the U.S. a Happy Thanksgiving!!

                    Today was pretty fun. I mean, until like 4 o'clock, it suckes, cramps on turkey days sucks. But....after I hate my turkey and mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, and stuff..I felt better. I must say, everything tastes so much better after working on it yourself. Seriously. I got to help out this year, it was molto funnnn!

                    But anyway.

                    I'm feeeling so weird. I'm Christmas shopping in magazines and Graduation shopping for my friends at the same time. This is weird. I'm gonna miss my friends...

                    Buttt...anyways, I hope everyone had an okie smokes turkey day! (And take it easy tomorrow with the crazy shopping!!)

                    EDIT: Woot! I don't think I've ever gotten the first page!!
                    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                    • Originally posted by Mel:
                      But....after I hate my turkey and mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, and stuff..I felt better.
                      Typo I'm sure

                      I dislike family get-togethers for some reason... It's not that I don't like my family... I ope it's just my anti-social part... I hope...

                      My NaNo's screwed... To much work in school means no typing... I don't think I even got around to starting Chapter 1... It's gonna turn into some side project that'll be fun to do during summer or something I quess...

                      Whoopee... I got to go shopping for my friends christmas present Sunday... and I don't mean my present to her... Because I can get close to an anime/manga store every Sunday I wind up buying manga for her... This time it entails buying the manga she wants to give to friends as christmas gifts too... -_-;

                      Snuff: That pic looks like a girl..


                      • ...And I'm trying a Tuttle in NaNo. AKA: Sprinting for teh finish line in a week.

                        And it doesn't help that I'm in school this year, either.

                        Ehhehhehheh... Yeah. I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year. And I joined... Yesterday, 4:30 PM. And I've been feverishly typing away ever since. Now, I need to get back to writing, so....

                        See you in December, when I'll have my mini TGIO party!
                        "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                        Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                        • Well, I suppose it's time I got around to this. It's been long enough. Here goes.

                          I would like to apologise for any injustices I may heve committed. I was out of line, and victimized many members of these forums. To those of you who were hurt, directly or indirectly, I'm sorry.
                          I feel that some of you have a great future on a debate team. (No insult intended). Perhaps, in time, we could set up small debates occasionally.
                          Please accept my humble apology.
                          "Before God we are all equally wise-and equally foolish."
                          "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
                          "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
                          "If you are out to describe


                          • *yawns* sorry, I got to see it before I believe it, brad.


                            Life is spiffy; I haven't posted here in a long time.

                            Thanksgiving was great, with friends and family, I hope it was for you guys as well (to those that celebrate it, anyway).

                            And then at Black Friday, we got a 42" Plasma TV which is just gorgeous and demands watching of things in HD.

                            ...and a few tests coming up, which are meh, but school is school.

                            Nano: 47822 :P
                            Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
                            Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


                            • Sean, I realize there is no love lost between us, but I really am sorry. I apologize to you, in person. Or as 'in person' as possible.
                              If there is anyone else that wants a personal apology, you know where to find me. Private message me or post it here, and I will reply in a (hopefully) timely fashion.
                              I have no intention of hostilities.
                              Again, please accept my deepest apologies.

                              This is Bradwart,
                              Signing off.
                              "Before God we are all equally wise-and equally foolish."
                              "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
                              "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
                              "If you are out to describe


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