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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hehe...I'm happy. I'm taking my driver's test December 2! Bit afraid I'll do something dumb like run over one of the cones during themaneouverability (sp) test or forget to turn on the turn signal or something. Or it'll be snowing like crazy that day. Stupid stuff like that. Despite all this, my driver's ed teacher said I could have passed the test back in July, so really, I shouldn't be worrying.

    Hmmm...I could swear that guy out the window was walking his dog about 6 hours ago, in a different pair of clothes. Crazy? I don't think so...hmm. Randomness.

    I really want some pumpkin pie. Usually, one of my uncles who's a chef makes about 5 of them for Thanksgiving, and then we eat them for days afterward, but this year he didn't make any, and he didn't make any chocolate chip cookies either. As a result, Thanksgiving leftovers are starting to run a bit low, sadly. I love leftovers, because they mean I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat for meals.

    I think we still have a few sticky buns left over from Thanksgiving...maybe I'll go eat them before Dad gets done putting up the Christmas lights. Yep, that sounds good. Maybe I'll add more to this post later, if I feel inspired to do so.


    • everyone's thanksgiving sounds interesting, unlike mine. we went to my grandmother's house like always. i can't wait to take my driver's test in a couple summers. spanish right now is sooo boring. mb and kc are doing a dialouge for a participation grade. now katie c and ah. hopefully me and ck can hold off till maƱana.

      everyone is putting up christmas lights down here, when they probably haven't finished the leftover turkey. it saddens me. some stores played christmas music BEFORE thanksgiving. almost time for geometry. bye.
      I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


      • that's a small thanksgiving, liz? usually, it's me, and dad...and kimi recently. and occasionly we see others. alternately, mine was the largest i've ever had, that i remmber...we had about seven people altogether in the house, including the usual people.
        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
        For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


        • I hate school... It's one of those weeks where the tests all came at once.. except this time it's one a day for the next week as opposed to the three or so a day over the course of two days...

          On the plus side, the DD chat was moved of Band Championships day so I might actually be able to come to this one!


          • Hope you can make it...probably won't be seeing me there, but still. the gas sation a few blocks from my house has started chrismas music's not christmas! it's fine by me if you want to start the whole family togetherneess thing early, but this is kinda redicluous...
            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


            • Did I ever mention that my cousin's rabbit (who we thoguht was a boy) had 8 babies with their other rabbit (who they thought was a girl). It's some crazy stuff, so in total they have 11 rabbits at their house, where last week they only had 2. (They adopted an abused one before the babies were born.) Anyway, I held one of the babies today, and it was crazy cute little thing, all furry and it'd finally opened it's eyes. I could never live with one in my house, but I'd go visit the rabbits more often if they all stayed that little. Baby bunnies! AHHH! Must forget the cuteness!

              My dad and my brother are currently making weird faces at me from outside my second floor window-they're up on the roof putting up Christmas lights. Yes, it is dark out and they are on the roof. They are indeed crazy as anything. But I love them.

              Got my letter jacket yesterday. Pretty cool...never thought I'd be good enough at a sport to get one. Still don't really know how I lettered in cross country, since I sort of am not that good.

              My dad just hooted like an owl at me through the window and made the weirdest face. This is so weird. They do this every year, and every year I'm doing homework while they put up lights. I just hooted back at him, and he stuck his tongue out at me while miming pushing my brother off the roof. Now they have their faces up against the glass. I think I'm going to go close the shade now.

              I'm not in the mood for Christmas at all. Seriously, last night at work they played Christmas music and I was just like "turn that ...stuff... off!" Haven't gotten out the Christmas cds yet, haven't really thought about shopping for Christmas, have avoided stores with large holiday displays, etc. I think I need to just go out and sit in a store blaring Christmas carols for an hour. I might die then, but at least I'd be in the spirit instead of being a Scrooge.

              Bunnies! AH! The lovable fluffiness fluffery fluffy things!! Think that's all...fluffy! And yet, I despise the little things, and think of rabbit stew for Christmas dinner once they're bigger (Dad's idea, not mine!)

              One more time going to work and having to call for a ride after! I CANNOT WAIT until I get to take my driver's test! Think I'm happy/crazy right now? Wait until Saturday morning, around 12 noon will see crazy if I passed my test...and if I didn't...well, ou'll still see crazy. Joking!


              • NEVER FORGET THE CUTENESS! i'd love a rabit...but ferrets are bread to hunt rabits, so it wouldn't work out. ferrets can be made to get along with any animal other then a rabit...when rabits and ferrets meet, the rabits will actually scream.
                I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                • I've just started to read Eldest last night and am already halfway done with it! I'm about to run out of books to read. Any sugestions?
                  "We are all just Slowlife." - Me
                  "Oh, to soar high in the sky on the back of a dragon."- Me
                  "Songs are the soul of life"-?


                  • Horsefreek: try Jodi Picoult...I enjoy her books alot. My Sister's Keeper is awesome.
                    I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                    • i don't know how old you are, so ill suggest something that seems just plain safe and thrilling. im currently on "Lucky in the shadows" bylynn flewelling. not bad. advanture, magic. slightly dwarfish and wizards. kind of like the theme of eragon actually. i like it, im on the first book. but hey, if i knew how old you are i could suggest age appropriate stuff. no pressure!


                      • ...other then my usual rant that you should join which was originally dedicated all to eragon and called eragon forums, lets see...sword of truth series by terry goodkind.
                        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                        For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                        • *blinkblink* All the things that should be capitalized and aren't...*cough* Please, people. Ah well, that's all I'm going to say.

                          I seem to be accumulating random instruments. In band, we're playing this song for the Christmas concert called Stars and Stripes Christmas or something like that. In any case, there's this one part where he wants as many people on piccolo as possible. So, after asking all the flutes who had piccolos to bring them in, he went around saying, "You have a picc...and you...and you..." then looked around. Finally, he shoved two of the marching piccolos at my friend D and me. We've both never played piccolo before...wait. I played a few notes once at a pep band game. In any case, I only got a few notes out when it came to the picc part. It was pretty amusing, though. As soon as I got home from school, I started playing on it. Lots of fun. I'm suuuch a band geek.

                          As for the plural in the first sentence of the above paragraph, my dad brought a trumpet home today. Apparently it was on display at the store he works at, and they were simply going to throw it away. So, he brought it home. He was like, "Well, I'm not sure if it is real or if it plays, but here." Really, I have no clue, but I got a few notes out of it. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it made a sound. Two sounds, in fact. Using my tuner, I determined what notes I was playing, but I don't remember. Tee hee. *is an even bigger dork*

                          I was at another party just a while ago. Gracious, I'd almost say that I have too many friends. They all seem to have birthdays at the same time, though. It was a ton of fun...even though most people started acting like five year olds, throwing french fries, tomatoes, and whatever else they could get a hold on at each other.

                          I'm sooo happy. My spanish teacher decided to drop the test grade that pretty much everybody failed. She says that her average grade was a C, but I know that a 78% (D+) was the highest grade I've heard of from my class. But whatever. So long as I end up with an A in the class, I'll be happy.

                          I've been in the Christmas mood for a while now. Eager anticipation...I really can't wait for the break. School is stressing me out, and I really think that I need to chill for a bit before I explode or something. Not to mention that mum's gonna get me a keyboard for Christmas, along with a bunch of music that I've been wanting for ages.

                          The only final (I think) I have to take is the Spanish final. That's 'cause it's required first semester...which really stinks, 'cause I'd so totally be exempt. *mutters darkly* Ah well. I'm pretty much resigned to failure when it comes to tests in that class. I might end up taking the chemistry final because she doesn't have our test grade in yet...and I think I completely bombed it.

                          Horsefreek: There's a whole topic about book, so we don't have to be redundant.

                          I've had choir songs stuck in my head all day. It's really odd to have four parts playing in your head all at once.
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • Sean!! *huggles* I notice the huggle was a little late...okay, a lot late. But I miss you like heck. Stupid compy. And whatever it is you and brad are arguing over...give 'im a chance, Sean. He seems sincerely sorry, so he can't be that bad, can he? Sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to be controlling; I just believe in second chances. Anyway, I'm glad you've been doing okay; it sounds like you're having a good time. But of course, school is inescapable. :P

                            Oh my gosh...I'm in shock right now. Before I explain why, you'll need a bit of backround information: when I used to live in my very ghetto neighborhood (excuse the language, but it really was...) I knew a guy named Kelly. Funny name, maybe, but not a funny guy. Normally, all I'd see of him was he and his brother wrestling in the playground, shirts off, really going at it...serious expressions. They looked dangerous and cold. It was no joke; Kelly especially worked out, and you could tell because he always thrashed his brother. I was just kind of freaked; I knew him, and when he wasn't around anybody but me (hey, I was a kid) he was gentle and kind, though a bit crude. But one summer, a stray cat had kittens...and the change in hime was amazing.

                            Suddenly, the tough-guy demeanor was gone. He was just a nice person, coddling the kittens, feeding them, giving them baths. I was there every day with him; I have an insatiable love for cats, and the kittens were the cutest things you've ever seen.

                            Two years after I left that neighborhood and I'm living in my new one, today, in fact, I hear from my dad (who heard it on the news)that Kelley's shot someone. My initial reaction was sadness and shock; some strange mingling of the two that's very confusing. Shot someone? Kelly? I think, in the back of my mind, I've always known he would get into trouble. That's how I knew it would be. But I always hoped that maybe I could influence him somehow, even though I had been a kid.

                            I had talked with him, played with him, disapproved at his smoking and laughed at his cheerful antics. He was older than me, but that didn't matter. He seemed to be amused my strange way of thinking, and grateful for my innocent company. He was himself, and he was a good guy. I understand what gangs and drugs can do to a person, but I feel like, in some way, I've failed. I feel like I've condemmned him to a life of gangbagning, drug abuse and drinking; like I couldn've tried harder. I saw the good in him? Should I have nurtured that? Helped him understand more? Guilt can really tear a person up, can't it? I don't want to feel like this. What could a young girl could have done? It's already happened; now all I can do is hope, and tuck the guilt away. Man.



                            • Originally posted by Angel_Star:
                              I seem to be accumulating random instruments. In band, we're playing this song for the Christmas concert called Stars and Stripes Christmas or something like that. In any case, there's this one part where he wants as many people on piccolo as possible. So, after asking all the flutes who had piccolos to bring them in, he went around saying, "You have a picc...and you...and you..." then looked around. Finally, he shoved two of the marching piccolos at my friend D and me. We've both never played piccolo before...wait. I played a few notes once at a pep band game. In any case, I only got a few notes out when it came to the picc part. It was pretty amusing, though. As soon as I got home from school, I started playing on it. Lots of fun. I'm suuuch a band geek.
                              BANDO!!! No offense meant as I'm one too ^^

                              I've got a bunch of random instruments at my house too. Couple Clarinets, a Sopprano Sax, Trumpet, Guitar, OLD Violin, Flute, Piano.. yeah.. I wanna learn to play them all, but I don't really have the time.. T-T

                              *Runs around in circles screaming* BAND CHAMPS ARE TOMMOROW!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

                              EDIT: ONG!!!!! 2ND PLACE!!! YAAAAY!!!!!


                              • Music! I'm not in band anymore but for the three years I was, I loved it. Even now, whenever I hear a song, the first things I notice are the beat and the rhythm. I play(ed, sadly...) percussion. Basically, the drums. Wjich might be why I like rock so much; that type of music tends to have a strong pulse, rather than amazing vocals.

                                Oh! But speaking of amazing vocals--Celtic music! It's beautiful. I've always liked it, but last night, there was a program on mpt (hey, I was bored!) that broadcasted a show by a Celtic singing group. I think it was called Celtic Woman; A New Journey. Anyway, it was so...awesome. Really, they can sing. And they sang one of my favorite songs; Orinoco Flow, along with some others that we hear every day. They also sang some in the Celtic language (is it called Gaeylic or something? I don't remember...). A few of the dresses were lovely--just something I'd notice. I just really loved the performance in general. Yay!


