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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Raine, dear, please try to have a bit more to your posts. We try to at least have some substance, even in the ToGR.

    We went to the Breakfast with Santa at church today. Yum...I love the food there. There were pancakes, waffles, sausage, bacon, and all sorts of toppings, along with hot chocolate and coffee. This one lady who worked back in the nursery with me came up and asked if I was a junior or a sophomore. Usually, people think I'm younger than I am, so I was pretty happy 'bout that. After I said that I was a sophomore, she asked if I was 16 yet, then asked if I babysit. I would've said that I could, except for a lack of transportation. It's hard for me to babysit for people not in my neighborhood because I can't drive. Which is fine by me; I don't exactly need the money just yet. Though Christmas shopping isn't going to be easy...

    I'm pretty sure that my youth minister thinks my soul is condemned or something dramatic like that. I haven't been to any of the youth group stuff in a looong time. While school does keep me fairly busy, that's not the only reason I don't go to things. You see, my youth group already has established friendships. I mean, they aren't clique-ish or mean...I just feel kind of out of the loop, and I simply don't care enough to get in the loop. I do have some friends in the youth group, but we aren't close. More like we say hi, and that's about it. Additionally, I get pretty much everything I would get from them from my friends. The posse from school gets together once a month for Bible studies and worship, and then we have the Sophomore girls Bible study (which is just my friends and me...kind of sad).

    So, long story short: I'd rather be around my school friends than my youth group at church.

    Hm...I wonder if I shall ever achieve Senior Member...I've been here for years, and I still have just over 500 posts. *ponders* Hehe. Two more years. I'll make it a goal to be a senior member by Senior year. That'd be pretty nifty.

    It's rather cold outside. I'm not a big fan of the cold, unless it's snowing. It's not worth being cold if there isn't snow.
    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


    • Heyyy Happy December! Today, I'm gonna help my mom set up the Chrismas tree. Holiday season is my favorite time of the year. I just love the atmosphere and all of the happy holiday-ness.

      Yesterday, we took a walk trhough the creek. Almost everything was coated over with a thin sheet of ice. I can't wait for it to all freeze over; it's not thick enough to walk on yet (we were picking off chunks and breaking it over our heads -- fun stuff).

      Mmmmmm Angel.... that food sounds good...
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • Oh, eff, eff, EFF!
        I am such a freakin' BAKA! Falling asleep half an hour before the DD chat, and PM's not even sure if there'll be a transcript! WHY DO YOU TORTURE ME?? Is it FUN to spite me? Is it AMUSING to get my hopes up, then send them crashing? IT'S NOT FUNNY, DAMNIT!

        ... Yeah.

        So I fell asleep, missed the DD chat, and now I'm really annoyed at the universe in general. Watch where you step if you don't want to be cremated.

        More annoyed than a wet cat,
        "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
        Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


        • MONTY PYTHON!!!
          Darth Vader is my idol


          • Ok, once again for all the newbies, please please pleaasssse try to make your posts worth it. I know, this is the topic of great randomness, but DD pays for every post herself, so..please don't waste her money. Besides, Poot'll drag you to the dungeon, .

            But anyway.

            Ooh, I'm so excited. our play is High School Musical this year and I got the part of Kelsi!! Ahh!! I am actually going to play the piano on stage, the director said I could. I've been learning breakin free, and I gotta say it's a niiice song to play. 'Tis fun, forsooth! It's my first speaking role, I'm so excited!

            Also, we did go to the mall to get some stuff to put in our basket. Geeze, the cashier at AE!! We went in to get a hat at American Eagle, and so I give our letter explaining us, and I ask for a discount on it and the lady goes, " I don't think American Eagle does that, you'll have to talk to the manager," all disdainful like. So I'm like, "Okaay, jeeze won't even discount for CHARITY" of course I don't say that, but I'm thinkin it. Sos I go over to the manager, and he's like, "Ok, 40% discoutn" (which was the best I'd gotten all day). So we grab a hat and I go up to talk to them, all ready, and then---he walks right past me. I go over to him again and he rings it up. Asa he's oding it, the cashier is like, almost whispering, "I thought we didn't do that," and he just ignores her. It's kind of funny 'cause I think she was working there longer than him, she was a good ten years older thatn him. Anyway, as he hands our bag to us, she gives us this death glare, like we were stealing at her. Oh yes, we're stealing a boys hat to split between three girls every week. Yeah.

            But now I'm happy because all the holiday specials are on. And I can't wait until I go over my grandma's to make cookies! I <3 Christmas!!

            Happy Holidays, people. Merry Christmas!
            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • Ok, once again for all the newbies, please please pleaasssse try to make your posts worth it. I know, this is the topic of great randomness, but DD pays for every post herself, so..please don't waste her money.
              Mousey is definitely not a newb, Mel; your more newb than her.

              Mousey your on...havent heard from you forever. I'd be on that chat right now, except my gay school kind of blocked chat m . I guess i should go on at home, but too much homework. I think there's a new source for death; and that too much homework. If i collapse sometime soon I hope that that someone announces..."Ivana <my name> died of homework....thanks to the following teachers....." Hehehehe!


              • I'm pretty sure the comment was directed at luv2read, Balthasar .

                Mousey's always been on, she's just usually reading fanfic or something along the side .


                In other news, there was drama in chat the other day; that is all.

                I have finals coming up; not terribly fun, no, and I might do poorly on some of them. Je suis un slacker, ouais.

                And then skiing from December 26th-30th in New Hampshire, anyone want to come? ...and then back to school :/
                Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
                Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


                • ooops...sorry. consequence of reading, writing, and talking at the same time...don't interpret things correctly.

                  id like to ski in the US! the snow in Canada sucks. well there is hardly any snow. ive just purchased a ski pass for the season starting next week and it looks like artificial snow allt eh way. lol.


                  • heck, i'd love to go skiing, but i don't know how. if your snow sucks, balthasar, at least you have some. i last saw snow 3 years ago, and that was on Christmas eve and it was gone by noon Christmas day.

                    doesn't everyone have finals coming up? i have my first one thursday...someone pray for my soul please!

                    my scripture teacher just blew out the candles on our advent wreath. i love the smell of smoke from blown-out candles...the smoke, that is. i'm a really horrible typist, and this has taken me a while to type. auveiderzane (is that how it's spelled?)!
                    I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                    • it depends where you live really. honestly, fake snow sucks. its icy, hard to control, no grip on skis...i really see no point in being happy there is snow at all. i want some flluffy stuff because you can even do jumps, when its icy, 'cause you dont have any control. i am definitely not going to the trick park...until theres some real snow. lol.


                      • well, i live where it's warm. our winter is in the 50s or 40s, maybe in the 30s at night if we're lucky. i'm sorry about your sucky fake snow, but surely you get real snow rather often? i'd love to get real snow every winter.

                        i hope class ends laptop is on 16%...make that 15%.
                        I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                        • Hello loveys. I miss you all muches.

                          So, im still grounded.

                          I finished my NaNo, well, reaching 50K at least!!!

                          I am so glad i did NaNo. Uhm, Snuff, you sexy beast. eeeee

                          GRYPHHHHH I LOVE YOU, THATS SO ******* AWESOME.
                          (To thwe picture)

                          Okay, i have to go. My friend is having paranoida that my mom is going to wzalk in any momment and yell at us. My mom likes to yell...eeee!
                          Love and be loved


                          • Nhhhnn...I just realized that there's no ice out and no snow today-it would have been a perfect day to go running, since I haven't gone for a few days and I get grumpy when I don't go running. However, now it's too dark and Mom and Dad won't let me go out. Yes, I know it's like 5:00 at night, but they still won't let me go out running when it's dark. Oh well.

                            I just want winter break to get here-I'm so so so sick of school right now. 4 least I don't have finals. We don't normally have semester finals, except in journalism, and anyway, our semester doesn't end until sometime in January. However, I'm behind on chemistry right now-about 2 weeks behind. Luckily, my teacher's out for a knee operation for the rest of the week, so I've got a few extra days left.

                            Mom just pulled in the driveway-good. That means we'll be eating soon. We have stew cooking in 2 crockpots (1 pot for us, 1 for a family that we're friends with who's mom died about a week ago) and it smells really good. Hope our friends like their stew too. I feel really sad thinking about it now though-the mom died of cancer since the chemo wasn't working, and we all knew it'd probably happen soon, but of course, no one thought it'd be at the start of the holiday season. She left 3 kids under 18 and 2 over 18. The older 2 are coping really well, but the other's a year younger than I am and runs cross country with me-I think he's ok. One's my brother's age, and I think he's ok too. The last one is a girl who's a close friend of my sister's. She's in eighth grade, and just turned 13 and started puberty and all that stuff-it's just a bad time of life to lose your mom and be the only girl in the house. I really hope she's ok. Really really do. Even before her mom died, she started retreating a little bit from my sister and her other friends, and now that her mom's gone she's apparently barely talking to them. I just...well, I've said it all already and am starting to repeat myself.

                            I'm getting tired of not being able to go into the basement when I need more clothes-I wish Christmas would hurry up and get here already so I don't have to tiptoe around the house and worry about walking in on someone wrapping something or something that people've left out because they're too lazy to hide it.

                            Oh good. My laptop's at 90%. Yesterday, I had it plugged in all day, and it only got charged to about 71%. I was getting worried that something was wrong.

                            Some freshmen were being...ok, hate to say it, but stupid again today at school. Seriously, no offense, but freshmen at my school always complain that we look down on them and say they're crazy. Well, if they'd behave like normal human beings, maybe we would. For instance, we have this program where juniors in a certain group we have are assigned a freshmen homeroom to "mentor." Well, one of the girls in my AP Euro class has a homeroom, and she went there today because it's Monday, and we have homeroom. She came to class a bit upset because this weird freshmen boy came up to her when her back was turned and cut out a chunk of her hair! Then he rubbed it on his face. Now, I know this kid a bit. He has no mental disabilities or anything-he's just weird. But this is crossing a boundary between being weird and being stupid!

                   doesn't look like it's going to snow again this week, which is good and bad. Bad, because I like snow, and I really want a snow day (we haven't had one since I was in 5th grade. I'm now in 11th. We often get more snow than Alaska, yet we NEVER get snow days because we don't have school buses. Instead, we all walk to school. You'd think we'd get more snow days because of that, but NO). Good, because I hate to drive in the snow, and also because I haven't gotten my parking sticker for the student parking lot yet and have to park a block away from school, and it's a cold wet walk to school from that block in the snow, let me tell you.

                            Ok, you really want to know why I really want it to be break? Because I want to sit around for one day-just one day!-and play The Sims 2 ALL DAY LONG! I'm not normally a lazy person...but please please please I really just want to be lazy for one day this winter. Know I won't get to, but...that's what I want right now.


                            • i'm really sorry about your friends, seabiscuit, and hope that they can cope well.

                              i understand you completely and take no offense: us freshmen do feel a bit like the upperclassmen look down on us. but we don't cut out chunks of their hair! of course, it helps that we are all girls.

                              right now it's the 4th quarter of the freshman basketball game, and we're beating the Falcons 38-13. it's absolutely hilarious! well, not really, but whatever. the coach just whacked my Jamie (the name of my laptop) with his "lucky towel". i think some people only made this team because they're tall. they have no talent whatsoever. once this is over, i get to babysit the most adorable and very pale blonde-haired kids you ever saw. their parents pay really well.

                     two weeks it's Christmas, and i have no gifts whatsoever. of course, it would help if a could drive and had a steady income to be able to afford anything.

                              there's a really adorable baby in the stands, giggling like anything. i'm afraid that i'm getting too random. it's hilarious fun sitting with this team...they tell very dry jokes and have tons of fun. i'm waiting for my friend to email me (i love my maerie kayte!).
                              I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                              • In Sherwood Mall the other day, this guy broke out in a fight with another in some kids store(he was 18, the other 22) and stabbed him!! tehn he walked through the store dripping blood, and stole some sun glasses. He wlked through the food court, grabbed a christmas tree, dragged it back through the food court and the whole time was holding up this cleaver like knife!!!! finally some guy jumped him from behind and the coppers showed up. what took them so long!!
                                of course, i wasn't there. It was all on the news though. insane.
                                Speaking of insane, a 'friend' said "something was sreiously wrong in my head" because i got...infuriated that she ripped te whole corner of my book's cover. And it was MY PERSONAL BOOK!!!! she offered to pay for the book and i accepted. Today, se got all offened because i was goiing to keep her to it and made it out like i asked her to pay! She offered!! Is it so horrible of me to accept because I think it fair? if she wasn't going to keep to it or didn't maen it, why did she say it??! She told me that if I wanted the book back, she only has to pay $5 for it. if I want the money it cost ME and My PARENTS, she gets to keep the book!! I think that is totally rude. i mean, if I was able to find another hard cover addition of it, I was palnning on giving it ot her any ways. I mean, what so I need with two of the same book? And she is totally being horrible and knows it. So later she comes up to me and asks which of "My options" I choose? that really made me mad! i mean, she is deciding my options?! Urgh, I am MAD!!!!!!! headdesk headdesk headdesk. i am going to cry tears of frustration and anger any mintue now. i love books, they're as good as friends to me. As one of my other friends puts it "i'll kill people wh harm my books." We all know i really wouldn't, but this one girl who borrowed it decided to act dumb and take it seriously. I. Am. Soo. MAD!!!!
                                And guess who gets to explain the whole situation to my needs-anger-management-therapy father? ME!! my head is going to explode and I am never going to be allowed to bring a book to school again, especially for a friend.
                                Merry Christmas peoples, and i'm saying it early since I'm not sure if I'm going to be abl to get on anytime soon.

                                YEs, i do have to put my two cents in, thank you very much.
                                You were expceting normal? Since when?
                                "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)

