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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I got final fantasy III for nintendo ds, and it sucks. I hate the game. I can't walk two spaces with out running into an ambush. You can't see the enemies, you just run into them. I have to attack and then they attack. I like to just bash things in games. My favorite game is kingdom hearts chain of memories, just because I can bash stuff.
    Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
    Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


    • I'm fried, but that's nothing new; it's my life story. hnnn

      And I'm undergoing a little metal therapy at the moment. But my iPod is still at my friend's house, so I can't listen to anything too heavy. I've got parents in the house...

      Yr... XD I don't know what I can do about you. You RP pusher fluff. Maybe I'll try to post at your place this week. I *have* been writing, just not online. + I'm sorry about your toilet overflowing. That realllyyyy reallyyyy sucks... we've had that happen before, and it was NOT cool. We also had the sink vomit up some black stuff once.

      Gryph-- your drawing is so good...I wish I could draw half so well.
      *hugs* Thanks

      Pork rinds??? XD Okay.

      Was wondering if the 30 seconds to mars CD is worth buying. Does anyone have it?
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • MUAHAHAHAHA! (sorry, just wanted to say that) My friends are soo random!!!

        1. YAY!!! PIZZA! OH NO!!! SHE'S SITTING ON MY PANTS!!!!-my confused friend
        2. what about the magically cute tree?-friend from camp.

        she called this kid named michael rowan, "the magically cute tree."
        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • So tired...just like dead. Spent all day at this conference that I'm in that relates to how my city works, and my brain is fried. I'm trying to work on homework...but it's not really working out too well. Too much info got crammed into my brain today, and it really can not process what the Napoleonic Code is right now. Or anything about Napoleon, for that matter.

          Life, I guess. Work's being annoying, and I can't decide if I should quit or not...see, I really like having the money, and it is good to have a job...when they don't do things like schedule me to work when I've said on my availability that I can't work, or when I've requested off. For example, on Thursdays I have basketball practice, so I've requested not to work on Thursdays. Of course, they schedule me for Thursdays. And this weekend, I was supposed to go out to this guy from youth group's cottage with youth group...but I've been scheduled to work. So now I'm not really sure if I can go. It's just like my job is taking over my life! And it shouldn't be doing that yet! I'm only a junior in high school-my job can't take over until I'm at least out of college!

          Also, boys suck. Seriously. Is there just something wrong with me, that I'm not attractive to boys? One of my best friends in the conference I mentioned earlier and I happen to like the same guy. We both admitted it, and just let it go. Well, it was all going well-you know, I was talking to him and stuff. Then, my contact falls out, so I go to the bathroom to fix it. When I get back, she's <STRIKE>talking</STRIKE>flirting with him, and he doesn't leave her side for the rest of the day. Before the bathroom, he'd been acting like that with me. She's this tiny, Indian (like country India, not Native American Indian) gymnast, who is just beautiful. Lots of other guys have asked me if she's single and stuff like that-yet she has to go and choose the one guy that I happened to like and possibly had a chance with. It's just depressing. My other friend there said "Well, you're really tall, the tallest girl here, and you're not well endowed in some areas that guys like. Maybe that's why he went for [her] instead of you." Grrr...sorry to talk about all my problems, but no one else will listen at this point. I really am beginning to think that I'm going to make it out of high school without ever being kissed or going on a date.

          Don't really feel well either. Am just frustrated with life in general now. Sorry to complain. It's even snowing now, and not like pretty snow either, just little stupid flakes that stick here and there but don't really coat the ground, just get on your car and make it so you have to brush the thing off. It's ridiculous.

          I'm going to bed, since truthfully? All this complaining hasn't made me feel better like it usually does. I just wish one of my friends cared that I'm really upset about this!


          • EHy, I hear you. BOys are not on my list of things I like right now. Or for the past few weeks.
            See, this guy I used to go to school with and liked met my littel sister who was able to weasle out of him that he liked me too. SHe said that after that all he did was talk about how pretty I was, blah, blah, blah. THen, he says THat I will have to wait while he dates someone else! And if that isn't bad enough, he is telling all these girls I dumped him and was needy and...stuff that is making me furious! URGH!!!! ANd she tells me he said he's doing it to make me jealous!? How is telling liles supposed to make me jealous???!
            But I'll get over it...hopefully. The big problem is, there is nobody really that cute at my tiny, brainiac school and all the slightly good looking ones are taken.
            In conclusion? I have issues and boys are not the worst of them. SOrry for adding my complaints to this place, but all my friends have ditched me over vacation and I only just was able to get here.
            HAppy late new year!
            Oh and Gryph, that is an amazing drawing! Wish I could draw like that.
            "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


            • Yep still random, just checking.
              But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil
              thou shall not eat of it:
              for in the day that thou eatest there of
              thou shalt surely die.


              • *thinks she needs to lay off the caffine and sugar* here's a tip everyone caffine and sugar do have limits. Apperantly headaches are possible and there is such a thing as too much. *was shocked to find this out*
                "There's only one thing you should know, I've put my trust in you! Pushed as far as i can go"


                • Cody, dear, please try to have a bit more content to your posts. DD pays money for all this; we don't want to waste it!

                  Gryphy: You have mad artistic skills. I stick to stars and hearts and swirly things, lol.

                  Although this is incredibly short (and I still haven't posted that picture of my dress yet), I have to go work on one of the "little" papers for my world civ class.
                  the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                  • um... ok. Don't call me dear.

                    edited to remove unneeded quote. --kli]
                    But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil
                    thou shall not eat of it:
                    for in the day that thou eatest there of
                    thou shalt surely die.


                    • *wishes she had caffine now..*
                      "There's only one thing you should know, I've put my trust in you! Pushed as far as i can go"


                      • It's an oldie but a goodie. [puts on mod hat]

                        Please refrain from posting one-liners. Read the Board FAQ if you wanna know why we get picky about this. Please try and make sure your posts are longer than your sigs. No double-posting. No yelling in all caps. No avatar graphics bigger than 100x100 pixels. No graphics in sigs. No sigs longer than 6 lines (the best sig is no sig). Trim your quotes. Look for existing threads before starting new ones.

                        And oh. Talk to strangers. But y'know with all that internet safety stuff in mind.

                        Back to your usually scheduled randomness. I need some caffeine, too.
                        New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                        • LOL sorry new here

                          *loves uptown local*
                          "There's only one thing you should know, I've put my trust in you! Pushed as far as i can go"


                          • if you take a line, and follow it by a line, is it still a one liner? i mean using enter...*wonders* ah well, it seems to be a trick used all to often anyways...the ferrets are upsessed with my dresser! which is where i keep my really delicate dragon egg, with dragons on it, candle holder that was a present...and i don't want it broken! they've already knocked it off the dresser ENTIRELY once, and's constantly knocked down! *Doesn't know what to do*
                            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                            • It's cheating your way out of a one-liner, but it's still essetially the same. Lack of content = lack of a reason to post.

                              And Cody, "dear" is just a word I use a lot. It's just something I've been picking up, like "sweetie" and "girlie." Some of my friends are infiltrating my brain.

                              This week has been the absolutely longest week ever. Finally, though, it's Friday! Yayness! Yesterday, I decided that I didn't feel like studying for anything, so I didn't. Therefore, I did rather poorly on the two quizzes and one test that I had today. *wince* I barely have an A in Algebra 2 right now. We have these mental math quizzes over basic stuff...which is the stuff I have problems with. I got a 70% on the first one we did, which was over changing decimals to percents, or something like that. And I got an 80% on the world civ quiz I had today. Apparently, I have a 137% in chemistry right now. Yay for teacher typos! She put in a grade as 20, instead of 20/20. I also have 100.3% in Bible, though we only have one grade in there, and I just got 100% on it. So yeah, my grades are pretty messed up right now. Ah well, at least I'm not failing anything, like Spanish last quarter. By the way, I ended up with a 99.7% average last semester in Spanish. My friend Z ended up with a 95% after failing half the stuff...not really sure how all that works.

                              I'm going to get a picture of my dress RIGHT NOW. *runs upstairs to grab camera*

                              [In between typing here and the above, I had to wash my popcorn bowl. I had forgotten about it, and mum wasn't too pleased with me. Tee hee...]

                              Aaaand, ta da! *points* That's mah dress!
                              And I know you're all so terribly happy to see it. I really don't have much else to talk about. The Winter Ball is tomorrow, so I'll have lots to talk about Sunday...and Monday as well, because I (think) I'm going to H's birthday party Sunday night. She invited the entire class (as in, all 180ish sophomores) along with anybody in band...and anybody else who feels like coming. Anyway, should be fun. Also, Monday morning I'm doing this service project thing with mi padre. We'll be painting some building. The details are rather sketchy 'cause mi padre isn't very good at informing me, but hey, it's more hours to turn in. I got 32 from my Gulf Coast trip and more than that from working in the nursery at church, so really, I don't need any more for highschool. However, Beta Club wants us to have two projects a quarter.

                              All the Beta Club meetings are before school on Wednesdays. I have a problem with that. You see, I have choir. I think it's really stupid to have to miss a class for a club meeting. I would rather just not come and find out what we talked about from other people. However, they won't let me do that. Instead, I have to go find the President or Vice President (I don't even know their names) of the stupid club and find out what we talked about so they can mark me as there so I don't have to worry about it. The only problem is that I can't ever find them. So...yeah. I'm hoping they don't kick me out, 'cause I payed 13$ to be in it.
                              the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                              • okay i had this huge sleepover i went to last night. One of my friends are moving today and that was her last sleepover with us anyway i brought my camera and we have some of the randomist videos and pics. we have pics of me and my friend Kristin jump roping and my friend madeline being crazy. We have my friend tessa and i dancing too Dirty Little Secret from All American Rejects we had soooo much caffine and i am allllllllllllll hyper so u know i am hyper so yeah and we watched the devil wears prada which was awesome. thats one of my favorite movies...and we watche some of material girls....this morning we had MORE caffine so ok

                                oh and I love the dress, Angel_Star
                                "There's only one thing you should know, I've put my trust in you! Pushed as far as i can go"

