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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • hnn.. I can't believe I started doing this again...

    Well, I'm saving all of ToGR to word documents for whatever weird reason known only to... no one...

    If anyone wants me to save anything else just send me a message and I'll save and send it to you. Figured this would be useful for those of you who really want particular threads to be saved, especially with the thread pruning going on


    • Its nuts in my house. I got woken up by a little girl (who doesnt live here but is like my little sister) bouncing my bed so I will wake up. I jolt out of sleep and almost hit her out of reflex. My dad is standing at the door laughing his arse off at what was happening in my room. My brother always shows off around her(they used to like eachother and I think they still do). XD
      The Answer to life the universe and everything: CREW 42!!!!!!!!
      DON'T PANIC!!!!! *two seconds later once the plan does not work* OK PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I have a spelling problem. SYWTBAW


      • I'm so dead I can't stop grinning. Midterms. hehehehheehehehe.

        Alright, maybe I should add some content to this post. When I left school on Friday, I didn't play to do anything this weekend. No hanging out. No movies. No friends. Just studying.

        But yesterday, around 11 in the morning, I got a call from one of my friends saying, "we haven't hung out in a while... come over to my house and I'll invite some more friends too!" So I got in the shower (I was even planning on putting off showers XD --- but not for the entire day~!) and caught a ride over to her house. Okay, I promised myself I'd leave when they had dinner, and I could study in the evening. But then we walked to the pizza place and messed around until 9. I got 15 minutes of studying done. Sweet bliss lol. Studying sucks anyway. ><

        But today, I _will_ study! You should too. I've already done an hour today.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Gryphon:
          But today, I_will_study! You should too. I've already done an hour today.
          Hehe, no studying for me-I don't have semester finals, since I have no semester classes this year. Yep, I rock, I know it. lol, I'm joking. All my friends from other schools are mad that I don't have finals.

          So, last night I was working, and my third grade Science/Math teacher came in with her granddaughters. It was really nice, since my grade school was disbanded and combined with 2 other Catholic grade schools in the area, so I really can't go back and see her or anything. So that was nice. Also, the guy on dishes did about half of my work when we were closing up. Apparently, from what he said, I'm the pretty girl at work, which is news to me. Then I threw ice at him. Panera workers are way weirder than any customers will ever know.

          Are any other juniors out there being freaked out by college? I mean, I know I should be looking and stuff (and I am) but people are trying to make me make decisions about what I want to do 10, 20 years down the road! And the only thing I know for certain about life right now is that I want to keep reading like a maniac! (You thought I was going to say "But the only thing I know is that I want to be a wizard! And that's the thing you don't want me to do" or something like that...I forget which book it's in, but it's before TWD, since Mrs. Callahan's in it...ringing any bells? Oh well...I be geeky. )

          Still no snow here. I'm a bit depressed...the radio just said rain Monday, changing to snow, but no accumulation. Lately, my greatest joy has been watching the radio and listening to the tv...wait, scratch that and reverse it. Losing my mind because there's no snow here! (By the way, I'm joking about the being depressed part and about losing my mind)

          Last night I went over my friend's house after work and watched Saturday Night Live until 1. I've never actually watched SNL before, since it's on so late and I'm not really a night owl. It was pretty cool, but sort of weird as well. I'm wondering if I'll get a curfew now that I can drive myself around. Sure hope not-no one give my parents the idea, ok? Ok. XD

          So, there's this really cool museum downtown (can't say the name or really what's in it, because then you could figure out where I me, it's pretty obvious.) and for MLK day it's going to have free admission, so my dad, siblings, and I are going to go, since we want to go look at the stuff in it. Anyway, I'm excited, since I've never been, and it has Really Cool Stuff in it.

          Has anyone ever watched the people at Home Depot (or Lowe's, or where ever you go for building supplies) mix paint? It's pretty cool. They have this machine that puts in precise amounts of coloring, then they slam on the cap and put it in the paint shaker which mixes it up. Well, I think it's extremely amusing to sit there and watch the paint get made. Yes, I know I'm crazy. But it's funny to watch! Ok, going to go do homework now, then work later, then maybe I'll get to sleep at a normal time tonight.

          On Friday night, I stayed up until 2 AM cleaning my dresser drawers. I believe that this proves that I have no life whatsoever. But it's really satisfying to see how clean my dresser is! Now I'm beginning to think I'm really weird. Adios, mis favoritos amigos del internet.


          • Firstly: Gryph, that pic ture is amazing. I have absolutely no artistic ability. Or very little. Actually, art is pretty fun recently. The 8th grade is doing pop art, more specifically Andy Warhol, even more specifically: giant objects. My friends and I paper mached a giant chocolate cookie. It looks yummyful. Some other stuff were an PS2, iPod, Skittles box, giant crayon, starbucks cup, and...a die. Yup. So we gots some cool stuff goin on.

            Secondly: Angel, that dress is goegious. Fantastic, dahling!

            Thirdly: Hungry, ya know I've never been to Panera? I've only really seen one around here, and it's like a half an hour away. Weird. Hm. There's no snow hee, either. Actually, it was flurrying a couple days ago, which is crazy. It was 60 degrees, then snowing. It was even weirder 'cause the sky was pretty much clear, and the snowflakes seemed to come out of nowhere. It was really cool. Literally.


            I am happy. I do not have midterms. I am happy. I am done with hs entrance tests. I am not happy. I have to take the SAT soon. Poop.

            Ach, weel, in other news, I heard some really bad news about my uncle. Like, really bad. He's in jail. Deary. Well, I won't seem him for a loong time. I always knew he was creepy.

            Hmmph...does anyone watch 24? It was sort of amazing and scary and gory. And I think I'm in love with that teenage kid. Just kidding. But he is pretty cute, haha.

            Well, there's not much more I can write about, or do really right now. I'm just waiting for my brother to come home to see what part he got in Grease. It's crazy. His girlfriend got Rizzo, but wanted Sandy. Her friend got Sandy, but wanted Rizzo. They are having a feud. Rumour was that my brother got Danny. That made things worse for his girlfriend to think that his friend would be kissing my brother. Then she realised we don't know what he got. SHe calmed down. Is still had at her friend for apparent multiple reasons. No one knows who's got Danny. This is all so confusing and dramatic...I love it!

            Well, goodnight all. Sweet dreams, hah.
            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • I've been wondering... how many people would be interested if I opened up a website for writing? Not necessarily a roleplay, but I'd want to have roleplays and joint-effort stories as a big part of it too. Instead of having a roleplay as the main focus, I'd want it to be a community for writing in general. Such as for poems, short stories, lyrics, and whatever you feel like writing, along with the roleplay-style. It would be an outlet for any expression of creativity or self. And, in my old roleplay, a lot of members expressed the desire to have some sort of writing workshop. Or some way to improve your style or how you write. I'd want to have that be another priority.

              So... what do you guys think? If anyone is interested, I'd really like to know.

              *hugs seabiscuit* I'm reading posts from the previous page (I'm a little behind >< ). Uggh... I know what that's like... :/ I don't have a lot of luck with guys. It doesn't help that I'm not well endowed like that, but I've gotten used to it. I mean, I'm gonna be stuck with myself for the rest of my life, right? My boyfriend of the summer was.... heh. It was pathetic. XD But hey. Now I'm content to be single.

              THen, he says THat I will have to wait while he dates someone else! And if that isn't bad enough, he is telling all these girls I dumped him and was needy and...stuff that is making me furious! URGH!!!! ANd she tells me he said he's doing it to make me jealous!? How is telling liles supposed to make me jealous???!
              Ugghh... if only guys had any brains. J asked out my friend G, and when they broke up, he went out with a 6th grader to make her jealous. XD Real slick. Or guys who threaten girls to get them to go out with them. Yeah, a homicidal maniac is really appealing. ><

              But back to the writing community! So many people who are at this website are interested in some form of writing, maybe because they were inspired by all of the great authors they have read. If you're interested, maybe you could leave a post or private message me or something so that I can at least know whether this idea will fall through or not. Thanks for listening.

              Hunrgy. I hope. Ugghh... I hope your shoes catch on fire or something. How can you sit there and gloat while I have to endure this ungodly midterms!?? You terrible person XD I bet you have a black heart. But I'm in the same situation as you. No snow, and no clue about college. O.o I have a few friends who know what they're doing with their future, but the fact that the ones with a clue are in the minority doesn't reassure me at all. Just because everyone else is clueless just like me... uhnn... what am I going to do?

              Mel: Oh. O.o Do you know why he's in jail?
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • Gryphon: Hunrgy. I hope. Ugghh... I hope your shoes catch on fire or something.
                That's a new one. New threat, I mean. I do indeed have a black heart-it's black and dead from being too cold. How it can be this cold and not snow, I don't know.

                I'm listening to the Clash right now-haven't listened to them in a few months, which is like a sin or something, I swear. So so sad that I forgot about them. Really.

                Angel, that dress is beautiful. It reminds me of my homecoming dress a bit, only not because my dress was red and the top didn't go down in the v-necked shape thing, it just went straight across. But I really do love your dress-what's it for again? (No long term memory right now) Never mind, I read the post more carefully.

                Mel: go to Panera! If you're near one sometime, anyway. On vacation or something. We have good food...maybe I should just brainwash the entire YW community. Then you could all go to Panera and buy our food, and maybe I'd get a raise then! Lol, that's not how it works, but it'd be funny if it did. *huggles Mel* I'm sorry about your uncle-hope it all works out ok with him.

                Should go study for the SAT...Kind of getting worried about that. Actually, I should just go do my homework, since I've kind of got a lot of chemistry, and the quarter ends on Thursday. Ooops.

                By the way, Gryphon, you're right-boys definitely don't have brains. For example, yesterday at work, the guy washing dishes was someone I'd never worked with before-we'd just never been scheduled together. The girl on Crispanis (Panera's extremely thin crust version of a pizza that is only served after 4) was talking with him, and I came in and she said something along the lines of "Oh, I bet [Hungry's] all obsessed with you too D. All the girls are, except for me." D. was all "Yes, she'd have to be blind not to be." I mean, D.'s a nice guy...but he's not really my type to even think about. Firstly, his hair's been a little too greasy both times I've worked with him, which grosses me out. Secondly, he's a little bit conceited, to think that all the girls at Panera talk about him behind his back. No, we all talk about P. behind his back. XD Boys are so oblivious to life with girls around, you know?

                Okay, now I'm really going to go do homework, since I don't want to be up at 12 doing chemistry-been there, done that, not exactly the best thing for my chemistry grade.

                Edit: ok, so I've looked at college stuff for most of the afternoon, and now I'm really freaking out. How the heck am I supposed to choose a college when there are literally 70 alone in the big city I live near!? And I don't even know what I want from a college! And how are you supposed to pay for it! I mean, I've been saving for years now, and Mom's been setting stuff aside too, and I've been putting all my money from Panera in the college account...but still! I am going to be short, and I don't want to be in too much debt at the end of 4 years...of course, I know I'll have some loans, but I don't want to be paying them off when I'm 45 or something! Here's a question for anyone who's done the college thing before: how did you do it? Are there any tips you can offer in how to figure out what you're looking for in a school, or what you want to study or stuff like that? It'd be really helpful if someone could offer advice on this sometime-I know I'm not the only junior on the boards. Thanks!


                • Well, firstly, my, well, it's an embarrasing charge that I'm really not allowed to tell anyone, so...I'm just gonna drop it.

                  On the subject of guys...Yeah, well, most of the one's I've come across aren't very...well, they're clueless, most of them conceited, some just absolutely mindless. There has been one guy, though...XD Actually, he's a nice guy and the only other person I know who likes Big Band music...of course, he's a bit nerdy, which is sort of to be expected...But it's funny, he's like really, really skinny, but he swims (my friend's on the swim team as well) and she says that he is like super buff. Kinda scary. Kinda shocking. Kinda like I need to go to a different school soon.

                  High School....hmm. I'm getting mixed messages. Some say it's really bad. Others say, not so much. And then of course, you go from the two extremes in the plays I'm absorbed in right now, the play my brother is in and the other I am in: Grease and High School Musical. It's all so confusing. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

                  Hungry: What sorta food is sold at Panera? I'm totally clueless!

                  Gryph: Sounds like a good idea. I would join it, if I didn't have some weird commitment thing (which is really just me being too lazy to follow up on things I started)...

                  MMph. I need more cookies. We just made like two cans full of chocolate chip ones like....Friday, and they are caput. Of course, I still need to make my brother's favorites for his birthday. I'm such a good sister!

                  ...that is, at least <STRIKE>most</STRIKE> some of the time....

                  Did anyone ever realise how innapropirate Grease is for kids under 13? Sorry, it's sort of stuck in my head about now, and proabably will be through July. Hmm. should be interesting mixing Tray and DAnny up.....*shudders* I'm gonna have some funky dreams tonight..

                  Well, 24 is on in like 5 minutes, so I'm gonna skedaddle. Night all. Thanks for your concern, guys. *huggles concerned ywers*
                  just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                  • *dances around* So, yeah, I've pretty much had a super fantabulous weekend. First off, I shall describe my loverly Saturday. I got my hair done at 3. It ended up being half up in these little twisty things, and really curly. Of course, it started coming out halfway through the dance, but it looked pretty part of the time. Mum drove me to dinner. We had never been to the restaurant before (we don't eat Italian very much, and it was rather far from our house...out in the busy section of town, between our two malls), so mum was pretty much guessing where to go. We saw this sign with everything on it, and she asked if I saw the place we were going to on it. I saw it, then said, "We all good. Fo sho, dawg!" Mum told me to never do that again...

                    We actually got there early. I had been so afraid that we'd be late 'cause of my hair. Most of my friends got theirs done in the morning, if they got theirs done at all. Endless bread supply = good. I probably ate around two whole loaves of bread while we waited for our dinners. E and I split something; can't remember exactly what. I derno, something with chicken and shrimp. The chicken was good...but I didn't eat much of anything else. Like the dorky people we are, we took tons of pictures (okay, I only ended up with like ten, but all from dinner), including a group picture. It was pretty amusing. We finally left the restaurant a little after seven (the dance started at seven, and it's horrid to arrive on time ). We still ended up being incredibly early, as only about ten people were there once we got to the dance. My friends and I were the first people on the dance floor, 'cause we're complete dorks. We stopped dancing for a while to go talk, so when a bunch of freshmen came in, they thought they were the first people to dance. But ha! They were NOT. So, we all made total idiots out of ourselves (me especially, 'cause I like to pretend that I can actually dance).

                    I ended up slow dancing (which is hardly dancing at all) with three guys. Ohhhh! Okay, so this silly freshman who (I suppose he does...he sure acts like it) likes me for some incredibly weird reason, thought that I got mad at him. You see, he hugged somebody (can't remember who), and I said, "Oh, so you hug them, but not me?" He told me that I didn't deserve a hug. So, I walked off, pretending to be mad. The music was playing and people were dancing, so I just joined some of my friends and completely forgot about J. Unfortunately, he didn't forget. He thought that I was mad at him...really mad. *cough* Poor dear. He kept apologizing. It was rather amusing...though I really shouldn't have found it so amusing, lol.

                    I got some pretty weird looks. I was setting my stuff down on a table, and I looked around. C (a kinda-sorta friend who I had a major crush on in 3rd grade, lol) was staring at me with this really weird look on his face. I just kinda made a face at him and turned around. Then he walked over to me with his arms out. Again, I just looked at him funny. Then he said, "Hug. I want a hug, now." I laughed, and hugged him. Then he walked back over to his girlfriend. It was sooo funny.

                    Back to the slow dancing...see how easily I get sidetracked? I danced with J (the freshman) four times. *wince* I had my two junior friends making fun of me. Well, maybe not making fun, exactly, but certainly laughing their heads off. I also danced with two guys my own age, lol. R looked at me when some slow song started
                    and shrugged. I said, "I'm sorry; I don't read minds. Use words." Poor dear...I'm horrible. But anyway, I danced with him. Then J asked me to dance, and I glared at him 'cause he was acting stupid. He hid behind N and shoved him at me, so N asked me to dance. N is too tall. I almost broke my neck trying to talk to him.

                    So, yeah. I ended up having a pretty awesome time. The music wasn't the best, but it wasn't awful. The only thing that could've have really made it better is if my ex had decided that we really were fine and asked me to dance. But hey, whatever. S'all good.

                    I ended up not going to H's party. I decided that I'd probably end up seeing things there that I didn't want to see.

                    I did volunteer at that thing today...we cleaned and painted a community center downtown. I have paint all over me (still). It wasn't that hard of work; we did a lot more on the Gulf Coast mission trip. I'm still really tired, though. I got up before 7 (okay, only three minutes before, lol. I was going to get up at 6:30am, but my dog woke me up at 6:15 to go outside. So, after I let her out, I fell asleep on the couch in my basement until 6:57), and I went to bed fairly late last night.

                    I'm gonna go finish practicing my flute. I haven't all weekend, and W is gonna kill me. So will my flute teacher...tee hee. Ah well, yay for having a social life that takes up my time. I have pep band after school tomorrow. Mehhh. I don't like pep band when it's for basketball. Football pep band is soo much more fun.
                    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                    • Mmm... Panera is bliss... you guys have no idea unless you go there. They've got soups and sandwhices and even beautiful pizzas. Their pizzas are *beautiful!* It's one of my favorite places to go to; it makes me feel like I'm eating something healthy while I'm eating something that tastes amazing. I'm entirely with Hungry; this is good, shameless advertising.

                      Phphph... When the SAT comes around, I'm gonna wing it. I don't even know how you could study. And the essay portion... what am I going to do? Wing that too?

                      I skateboarded today. *so proud* I rode it from the top of the neighbor's driveway all the way down without freaking out and jumping off. You laugh. But it's actually difficult to keep your balance, and I feel unstable because I don't really feel like I'm controlling it. I can't do any tricks, but I know how to push.

                      Uhnn... The conceited types get under my skin. Cockiness is my number one least favorite quality in guys. But hey... I've still got some cocky guy friends; it's inevitable. However, all of my favorite guys are the selfless, maybe even somewhat insecure guys, because they can be nice, funny, caring, whatever, without being full of themself. But they're rare.

                      Highschool... unfortunately, next year, you'll be a freshman. Fortunately, next year, you'll be a freshman. >< If life made any sense, I could tell you what high school is like.

                      I saw it, then said, "We all good. Fo sho, dawg!" Mum told me to never do that again...
                      ....Angel! XD You are too white to say that hahahaha.... you came from the wonderbread factory XD Sounds like you had fun
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • Originally posted by Gryphon:
                        Panera is bliss... you guys have no idea unless you go there. They've got soups and sandwhices and even beautiful pizzas. Their pizzas are *beautiful!* ...
                        Crispani. Not pizzas. I love Panera, too. It's one of the few places where I can buy bread that I can eat (I've got a soy allergy, and almost everything at the grocery store has "vegetable oil" or "soy oil" [which is the same thing] or "vegetable shortening" in it). Unfortunately, I can only do one type of bread at Panera (the low-carb thing has made them use soy flour): the Country loaf. I mean, I can do the Asiago and the Three-Cheese breads, too, but my doctor said I've got high cholesterol. Getting old sucks when it comes to the food choices.

                        Second fave thing after the food: the free wi-fi.
                        New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                        • I am totally with all y'all that love Panera. Their bread rocks.

                          It's pretty cold here too, Char. The lying weathermen said, "You'll be getting freezing rain Monday during the day or Monday night," which of course didn't happen. When Tuesday morning rolled around this mornin' and it was only cold and windy they're saying, "You'll be getting freezing rain tonight." I still don't believe them...Still, it'd be nice to get another day off school after MLK day. The local news stations were reporting about the mad rush of idiots into the grocery stores to "stock up", saying it hadn't been this mad since the last major hurricane was supposed to hit hard. At least then they had a reason to panic. Honestly, people, it's just a little freezing rain and icy streets. True, I don't think it's happened in my lifetime, but you don't see me running at 60 mph to the nearest grocery store to get all sorts of nonparishable food (since I have no way to drive there). The radio stations were gonna have "professionals" come in and give updates on the "severe weather situation". Please.

                          I'm in the cafeteria, with a stupid TV show on. Nobody ever puts anything interesting on the TV, and I don't think it has cable. I get to die of boredom here until 5:00, when I'll go into the gym and watch the freshman basketball game. My life is so boring right now. At least, if we do get ice tomorrow, I can sneak outside and mess around in it and get sick. Yippee!! (sarcasm drips slowly)

                          I really should get back to my homework. Sorry...I needed a rant.
                          I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                          • And the snow comes back!!!! *cries* i hate snow. Anyway the only good thing about this snow was that we got out of schoool MOnday. Now all i need is a snow day tomorrow so we don't take the histury test tommorow

                            So i talked on msn all day Monday and sat around- it was a very good day!!!

                            My teacher and the secertary at my school were very excited when i told them i was writing my own book. They have very big expectations from me!

                            So i was happy until my teacher dumped a boat load of hw and studing on us so know i must go so id fail my history test bye
                            "There's only one thing you should know, I've put my trust in you! Pushed as far as i can go"


                            • Y'know, recently my brain seriously feels like it's not connected to anything... None of my homework has been making sense in even the remotest sense...

                              Meh... Part of me wants to rant here just to let something out, and then the shy, quiet, don't-dump-your-issues-on-other-people Asian part of me kicks it in the rear and tells it to go jump into an icy river full of piranas and very sharp rocks...

                              Maybe it's not so shy and quiet after all...


                              • *laughs* Maybe you're right, doesn't sound so shy to me...

                                Turns out we do get today off of school. I was ready to jump into the shower this morning when my dad knocked on the door and said to wait for hot water, and by the way school's closed for today. Apparently the ice did come, but not at our house...on the overpasses and such. It's pretty cold...about 35 degrees, and it'll likely not be much warmer tomorrow when we go back to class.

                                I'm kinda bored with today, after addressing pleas to alums to buy raffle tickets so I get the two raffle holidays (fine, and my sister, too). My dad needs to hurry up and finish working, so we can watch the second half of 24 that we DVRed.
                                I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde

