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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • It's been cold around here in texas.I've had 2 days off alreadyand expect that tommarrow will be off too. There is about 2 inches of ice here.Yesterday my dad open the car window and had to punch the ice window that was still there.


    • California weather is just plain weird...

      Like 90 degree days in the "dead" of winter...

      Or it being dark and gloomy all day and never raining.

      Or starting out nice and sunny, then suddenly dumping some rain on us out of the blue, like today...

      Yeah.. just my $0.02

      EDIT: To prove my point, there is snow in LA and... Malibu..? Somewhere... Some nice shots of Palm Trees surrounded by snow in the news today ^^


      • Panera is...the most godly fast food there is. I use the term fast food lightly, since we aren't really fast food. We make all the sandwiches and salads as you wait, and all bread and pastries and stuff like that is baked fresh each night. And the soup, well, the soup is good. Can't divulge all company secrets, after all No, it's not bad. It just comes frozen in these plastic bags, which are like big plastic blocks of soup! It's really weird! Speaking of the soup, last night I worked with the soup, dishing it out and stuff, and it was so much fun. Only problem is that I'm not allowed to work it again, on my dermatologist's orders. See, afer work yesterday, I took off the rubber gloves, and my skin was like...I guess it was like I had blisters, and they popped, and then the skin started peeling off...anyway, it was really gross. Today, my chemistry teacher saw them, and made me go to the health center, where the school nurse informs me that she's never seen anything like it. Later in the day, I get called out of practice for the National Honor Society induction ceremony thing for an appointment that I didn't know about, which was with the dermatologist, who told me that she's never seen hands (or feet, because this has been happening since I was little) that just have the skin peel off like that. So she tells me to not work with soups anymore (or any job that works with heat or water). Also, she said that it's a good thing I'm planning on being an English major, and that I can't become a park ranger for a career. At this point I was all like "What the heck?! YOu're crushing my dreams here!" Of course, she couldn't tell I was being sarcastic. Oh yeah, and she wants me to stop running, but I told her she was crazy. I CANNOT live without running. I LOVE running more than many other things in life. She must have been crazy or something to suggest that.

        So. Short version, I can't work on soups or sandwiches or salads anymore. And I really liked working soups too! The manager said I can try register...but he doesn't think I can talk enough to be on register. So here's what I'm thinking: if the register thing doesn't work out, I need to quit. I'd be kind of sad to quit though, because I like working there most days and the pay's pretty good too. But if I can't do's just stupid, I know.

        Oh, and pictures of my hands are making rounds through email to doctors all over the country. That just makes my day, doesn't it? (being sarcastic here) so I'm even more of a freak than I thought? Lovely!

        I'm talking with this guy that my 8th grade sister likes on AIM right now. He keeps IMing me, and I really don't know why...kind of weird, you know? Ooooh, just had a thought-what if he likes me? That'd be slightly awkward...especially since I'm 16 and definitly don't feel the same way about him. And the fact that my sister might just try to kill me if she found that out. I hope they get together when they're a few years older-it'd be cute. They already act like they're married anyway.

        Mel: Panera sells...soup, sandwiches, salads, baked goods (like scones, bagels, breads, muffins, cookies, etc.) and a few specialty coffee drinks, these things called Crispanis which Gryph mentioned (they're like a thin crust pizza-very good) and these drinks called I.C.'s, which are really good...I especially like the I.C. Mangos. My favorite sandwich is the Bacon Turkey Bravo, but the Chicken Caesar is good too, and so's the Chicken Sierra. I love the Baked Potato soup too. Don't have a favorite salad though. French toast bagels are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

        This entire post is like about Panera. I can almost taste the soup...which I can taste right now. Need to go get rid of!

        I saw it, then said, "We all good. Fo sho, dawg!" Mum told me to never do that again...
        Angel, I love you in a friend way for including that in your post. It made me laugh so hard! We are indeed too white to say Fo sho...oh well. There goes my career as a rapper. Dang it, that's two dreams crushed in one day! My park ranger dream, and my rapper dream! ARGH! Oh, and my career as a pro-marathoner as well. Going to go do Chem homework.


        • *upon hearing of california weather, is forced to realize once more how much he misses california*
          just had to do that...NO idea why.
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


          • seabiscuit: Oh, dear. Well, I hope your hands get better.

            As for the freakish factor, I know the feeling. One of my root canals was the subject of an article by my endodontist, it was so not-normal. And my current bout of MdDS is apparently rare enough that my neurologists took eight weeks to figure out what it was. Don't worry about it. At least your doctor knows what it is and how to avoid it in future.

            Hope the register thing works out for you, and you don't have to quit.

            yr: guess now is not the time to revel in the sunny weather we're having in San Diego, is it? [duck]
            New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


            • my probem is my head. I was at basketball practice tonight and we played the boys. Well, Jordan chucked the ball at the basket and missed but it hit my face...
              "There's only one thing you should know, I've put my trust in you! Pushed as far as i can go"


              • Teehee...I so white. Though, according to many of my friends, I have black hips.

                Yesterday, I was a rebel. Actually, I do believe I did one of the most rebel-ish things I've ever done. (And you'll tell me it's sad once I actually inform you of what I did.) I have choir in the morning at 7:30, and band first period. So, I decided that I'd just drop off my flute in the band room before going to my locker and homeroom. Well, I get in there and put my stuff down. I throw myself into a chair and slouch, just kinda staring around. Then I said, "I reaaaaallly don't want to go to homeroom." Somebody asked me who I had, and I explained that the teacher wasn't so bad; the people just got on my nerves with their "Oh. My. Gosh. Guess what I did this weekend? Look at my hundred dollar purse I bought! I have four just like it!" *cough* Okay, yeah...I'm getting a bit off on what I was, yeah. Mr. W was in there at the time, so he laughed a bit and said, "Stay in here." I wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but I did. So, we talked about band stuff and how one piece we're playing is incredibly easy and doesn't deserve to be rated a 4. (If you skip homeroom, you like, get a detention or something stupid like that.) Anyway, after band, I went up to W and said, "So...will they count me tardy for not going to homeroom?" He said, "Probably, but if you get a detention for it just bring it to me and I'll sign it off." I just looked at him, then he said, "Alright! Fine, [insert last name here], I'll go fix it now." And he went to the office to say where I was. I was amused.

                So, yesh. That was my rebellious action of the year. *snort*

                Mrs. G says that we'll have to do a snow dance Sunday so that we won't be in school Monday. She said that if she sees us Monday, she'll know that somebody didn't do the snow dance.

                We got our PSAT and PLAN scores back today. I got a 30 on the...the...oh dear. One was out of 32, and that's the one I got a 30 on. I think that was the PLAN. The other one, I got a 198 on, but I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. I guess I did okay...meh. I hate stupid tests, especially since we'll just have to take the PSAT again next year. Oh, and if this makes no sense to you, don't worry; it makes no sense to me, either.

                Hungry: My dermatologist recommended that I go to some convention thing where all these people could look at my skin. I have this stuff that won't go away...but anyway, mum didn't feel like making me into a guinea pig.
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • Sounds like fun, Angel_Star...wish I could skip homeroom, but I'd get chewed out by my parents and lose my internet or volleyball or something just as bad. Forgive my ignorance, but what's a snow dance?

                  Anyway, as I was sitting in the upper hallway this morning, trying to finish the Spanish homework that I should have done last night and staring at the rows of lockers with the names of their users on them, it hit me again how many ways there are to spell some really common names.

                  --Katherine, Katharine, Catherine, Catharine, Katheryne (I have seen it spelled that way)
                  --Rachel, Rachelle, Rachael
                  --Megan, Meagan, Meghan, Meaghan, Megyn
                  --Keri, Carrie, Kari
                  --Allie, Ali, Ale, Ally, Alie
                  --Caitlin, Kaitlyn, Katelyn

                  Now that I have that randomness out of my system...I'm hungry! Good thing it's almost lunch time here. It's pep rally schedule today--a pep rally for winter sports. Yippee (total sarcasm there).
                  I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                  • Angel:
                    Though, according to many of my friends, I have black hips.
                    Haha no way. XD My friends said the same too XD Doncha love friends? I've got a black "butt"

                    ... God, I did so awful on my calc midterm. I've been a brooding teen all day since, and I even added extra eyeliner. I feel so pathetic. I studied that baisch so much, and I knew *everything* but that didn't matter. I was freaking out so bad. And when I turned in my test after we had been dismissed and returned to my desk to get my things, P and I just stared at each other. She looked grim; I wasn't any cheerier. :/

                    I don't even know what the PLAN is, but the 198 is the PSAT score; that's really nice. You did better than I did when I took the PSAT my first time.

                    Oh yeah, and she wants me to stop running, but I told her she was crazy. I CANNOT live without running. I LOVE running more than many other things in life. She must have been crazy or something to suggest that.
                    ...! Running! I would cry if someone told me to stop running. I don't do it as a sport like you do, but I love to run a little bit. I don't even know why quitting running would solve the weird skin problem...

                    CM, I strongly encourage venting, ranting, effusiveness, whatever.

                    It started snowing yesterday! Just a little bit, but I was at my friend's house, and we started freaking out. "There is mysterious white substance precipitating from the sky!" It was only just a little bit of sleet (I think that's what it's called --- the super miniature hail) at first, but later, it started floating down like snow, and I ran out in the street and danced. While we were out there, we decided to walk to the middle school and say hi to some of the teachers. I remember them being much smaller. XD It's kinda weird how that is. We talked for a while.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • *groans* of dragon game that i can...mousey's destroying the entire site, since she got bored with it, but it's MY game, so i have to set up a whole new site for it....i doubt mousey will just give me this one...*grumbles* oh well, i finished the if i only i knew how to do the creating a bit better...
                      I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                      For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                      • Eeef! It was snowing! It was snowing! I was sick at home and then I was cheered by the snowing!!!

                        Hungry: Oh wow. That sort of sucks, but I'm sure you can do cashier. Just gab a little more, XD

                        Hmm..I don't think I have black anything. But it's funny, my friend says when she gets a goldfish, she's going to name it Fo Shizzle, haha.

                        Char:I like mainly the jazzy stuff. Ella Fitzgerald is my favorite. She has an amazingggg voice. Then I like some random stuff, but I'm not too big into it yet. I need to delve a little deeper. I like some other old stuff, too, like Django Reinhart and Stephan Grappelli, and some random things like the theater organ, which basically sounds like a carnival. It's wonderful!

                        Mmmmm....must go to Panera.....*drools*

                        Hump. I'm rather shocked. My brother turned 17 today, the other 19 next Monday. It's really, really weird. I was also shocked to find out that my friend will be _15_ in July. It's amazing, they make me feel so little...

                        Ooh, did anyone ever read "Flowers for Algernon"? We were reading a shortened version in class, and let me just say: If I hadn't read ahead, I surely would have cried. It was really good, but I got sooo angry at the jerks in the class who laughed when they read his journal before the operation, and he didn't understant things and....Oh, they just boil my blood. Like one kid says, "No one makes fun of retarted people now!" Yeah, well, you just did! Grr....must lower blood pressure...

                        The play's coming along nicely. I'm excited, I think it's going to turn out good this year. Of course, we always have the best gradeschool plays, it's proven, haha. Just kidding, I'll stop bragging. But we are really good.

                        Gnah. I have "Rhapsody In Blue" stuck in my head...

                        Well, I'm gonna go lurk. Later all!
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • YR: I can host your dragon game. My site is paid, so, if you know your stuff, you can add any features, pages, whatever you want. I added a quick introduction page for an example:

                          You can redesign the entire front page, add in new pictures, and redirect all of the links. Which also means I can give you an entire set of boards and pages just for the dragon game. I like doing this stuff. :P I can even do some of the art.
                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • Cyber, ranting is good for you. I know from experience that locking it up somewhere doesn't really help-it just delays what's inevitable. Not that it's easy. I still have a lot of trouble talking to anyody about anything personal about myself. If you want to pm me, go ahead.

                            Man, that sucks Hungry. And you're right; the lady must be nuts. We all know how much you love running. :P Taking your running away from you would be like taking my music, or my art supplies, or my books...what a horrible thought. *shudder*

                            Weather sucks, doesn't it, yr? It STILL hasn't snowed in bummed-out Virginia...*sigh*

                            Woot for the rebels, Angel! Rock on! XD I've been told on several occasions that I'm black...but really, I talk to all sorts of people and adopt some of their mannerisms, which is probably why I get that so often. And I grew up in a VERY ghetto neighborhood.

                            Mel...brothers....ugh. I have two little ten-year-old monkey boys for kin. I swear they're not human...I mean, the way they scream!

                            Ugh. Drama queens make my blood boil. We were playing basketball in gym today, and so of course the girls went against the girls and the guys against the guys. J is used to playing rough with her six older brothers (I know, SIX), so when she invaded C's "personal bubble," C just started cussing her and the rest of us out. And then of course Z had to join in, little sheep that she is. And then M joined in, and that was disappointing, because M is a friend of mine. eventually I got so fed up that I joined the boys team. Yeah, a whole lot rougher (how many times did I get ploughed over again....?) but definitely more worthwhile. While girls tend to gab on and on about who's a-well, can't say that, but you get it-the boys yell briefly and then shrug it off. Thank god for testosterone; that's really what saved me right then...or rather, saved C and Z and M. So I had fun with them, though I still feel kind of sore. :P

                            And then, to ruin my brief good mood (those boys are funny, man XD) F starts acting weird and won't tell me why. Argh. I'm talking to him, and I say something like, "yeah, I was talking to S, blah blah blah." And he goes, "yeah, because that's all you ever do nowadays." Say WHAT? S is F's best friend, and I speak to her often, but I also talk to F a lot. They're both really cool. But I distinctly heard something like jealousy in his voice when he said that. And then when I called after him, "is that a problem?", he didn't say anything, but I knew he heard me. What?! So much for being thankful for testosterone. *sigh*

                            I have some Celtic-ish song stuck in my head, because my math teacher enjoys playing it while we're in class. It goes like, "here it comes again...listen to the rain" and on and on. It's actually pretty cool, but I've had it in my head for hours. I'm one of those strange people who can get a song stuck in her head for days at a time. It drives me absolutely insane.

                            Mom yelling at me now. I think I'll go punch a wall or something, but my knuckles still hurt from last time so...maybe I'll just write. Much more peaceful.



                            • Urg....URGHHHHSDHFADKLJL!!! I want to give up! This is RIDICULOUS!!! How much more weird events can I take in one week!? Here's the deal: at work tonight, I was learning register, which is AWESOME. People said I was doing pretty well, talking more than I used to. I was in a good mood and everything. However, I was running a customer's credit card through the scanner, and it started to go black. I told the other cashier I was going to go get a drink of water...and that was the last thing I remember for about 10 minutes. I apparently blacked out on the way to the pop machine, lost my balance, and almost fell into the soups, which would have been very bad, considering the soups are 140+ degrees. Instead, I just fell to the ground, and the other cashier and one of the guys helped me into the back. It was really scary, since nothing like that has ever happened before, and I'm not sick, and I've been eating all day since I didn't have school today, and...just gr! I do have an aunt who has seizures, so mom and dad sort of think that might have been what happened...but I don't know. It's a good thing the week is almost over-I can't take much more bad/weird events. Along with the hands thing, last night the eye doctor told me my contacts were rubbing the inside of my eyelids for apparently no reason and causing a reaction like the one that appears in eyes during allergic reactions.

                              I'm just...GRRR!!! It's frusterating! It's kind of like I'm cursed or something!

                              Hope your play turns out well Mel (hey, that rhymed! lol) I love going to see plays-usually I see all of my school's plays, and tehy're just fun to watch, you know? Hard to explain, but oh well. I almost wish I could act, or had time to join crew or something. It just seems like a fun thing to do.

                              On my day off today, I got literally snowed into my house. It was kind of funny, but I couldn't do anything all day, which was boring. So I played Sims 2. What the heck is that clicking noise?! It sounds like it's coming from the surround sound. Knowing the way things go, it's part of the tv show and I just don't know it.

                              I have no black parts whatsoever...but during cross country we listen to "ghetto" music since it gets us pumped up. We tend to get some strange looks then ,since we are just about the whitest team there is...we're all so pale, and just your typical white girls. It's really bad. XD

                              Hmmm...I can't find my PSAT scores. It's a bit upsetting, since I also can't remember them. I did good though, I remember that much. Mom took them and put them somewhere.

                              Angel: Yeah...I didn't really want pictures of my hands circulating the internet among doctors...but mom was all like "Yeah, take pictures of her freakishly blistered hands!" Oh well, I'll live-it's not like I have to see the pictures ever again anyway. If I do, I'll be very surprised.

                              I've decided that once again, the male species is freakishly weird. Before I blacked out at work, this guy who I work with was...I guess you'd call it flirting with me, which was weird. At one point, we were talking about the coffee I make, and he was like "Well, I think you're perfect." Guys are so weird...I think he was also the guy who helped me get to the back room when I blacked out. Boys are so weird.

                              There's nothing good on tv on Friday nights after about 8:30...and we're out of food, since I think I ate it all earlier today. I think I have on too many clothes, since I'm now sweating, and earlier I was freezing.

                              I don't recomend blacking out-it's not exactly the funnest thing I've ever done.


                              • Man, that sucks, Hungry. That's the second time I've said that. But you're not cursed, it's just life. At leat you're not a klutz...I can't count how many times I trip, get knocked over, knock someone over, stumble, fall, or bump into something in one day. I'm amusingly accident-prone. On several occasions, usually after falling over or something, I've gotten a very confused "and you've never passed out?" Haha.

                                Boys are indeed weird. But when you need a break from girls, they're the way to go. Unless they start talking sports...then I just leave. XD


