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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • So, since it seems that everyone should be being doing work, I might as well say I am supposed to be studying as well. I am so drained. I had a shot today for painkilling and I have my ring finger in a splint, and my head is dead. I went on another canal transit on Tuesday and my finger got into a line I was working with and crushed it. But it wasn't my fault, it was the advisors! He isn't even allowed to touch the lines, so you know he messes with them anyways and crushed and nearly had my three last fingers of my left hand broken off if it hadn't been for my dad who came over and pulled the line over and off my fingers.

    It's hard to explain how the whole thing happened, it was split second and I only remember the idiot of an advisor trying get my fingers sucked/pulled/broken/crushed off. And that was in the first lock. So for the rest of the time I didn't get to do ANYTHING. And I was sad, cause, you know, I had started to like handling the lines and actually be productive, hah.

    Anyways, on the topic of asking a guy out... well, if you were in England, the girls have to ask the guy out. WHICH IS TOTALLY FREAKING BACKWARDS! I mean really, how many girls have the guts to ask a guy. I would, but you know... I wouldn't.. That makes no sense but whatever.

    Mel: Grey's Anatomy is like this show where you have to see the first episode to understand it. I got one from iTunes and I was totally lost. It made no sense, and my mum was like "You know I'm not buying the first, second, and third, and how many other seasons there are of Grey's Anatomy" and I was like "I don't even understand it!", and she's like "Well then you don't need to buy it." Oh well. It is just TV.

    Live Journal... hmmmmm. I took the website apart and found a FAQ thingy and had my question answered as to whether or not I can post via email. And guess what... I can! Yay. So now, I am going to get one most likely. I hate that two g's or one?, on my mum's dumb blog. She thinks it is better than everyone else's. She is so bias. ><

    Okay. I'd best get back to working. bye
    Love and be loved


    • Anyways, on the topic of asking a guy out... well, if you were in England, the girls have to ask the guy out. WHICH IS TOTALLY FREAKING BACKWARDS! I mean really, how many girls have the guts to ask a guy. I would, but you know... I wouldn't.. That makes no sense but whatever.
      I've never heard of that. It certainly wasn't happening when I was at school! I wouldn't have minded - depending on which girls asked...
      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


      • Hey, just so that all y'alls know, I made this sign and it took me like, a week just to colour the little spartan dude... Comment on it! WOO HOO!!! *shows picture*

        <hr color="brown" width="50%" align="center" size=2>
        (+'.'+) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
        (")_(") signature to help him conquer the world.

        "Saying you're lurking defeats the point. It's also a waste of a line." Wildflo


        • Mhm, totally Monkey. We know it didn't take that long. It took no time at all. Seeing you just gotit off MSN. Yes, I spoil the fun. Oh well.

          Gryph. A minute ago I was laughing because of you. I was looking at some of the peoples' here old posts, right? And I was like, Oh! I should look at Gryph's just to see what she was like ages ago. So I go and look at like one the first posts, and what do I see?
          Okay-- You know how people say "--Such name" or whatever? Well yours said "MaThFrEak". . .
          I was giggling like mad over that. I know it's not all that funny, but you know. You'll never be Gryph or Gryphon to me again. From now on. . . it's going to be "MathFreak!" XDD
          Ahh, I'm giggling again. XDD I love old posts.

          Wf, you have funny ones too. Not as funny as MathFreak though. XDD

          Okay, just thought I'd share that. It might make TOGR start talking again. Or, well, having people posting it. :]


          (Sidenote: I got a LJ. Happy Happy Joy Joy).
          Love and be loved


          • *Stares at sign* COOL! and...INSANITY RULES! *is frustrated with french teacher for getting rid of the best grade i've ever gotten in french, in this school anyways, because she thinks half the class is cheating for the grades they got...though she doesn't think i am, which is good, since i don't cheat...but my grade still gets destroyed along with everyone elses! *is frustrated*
            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


            • Mel:
              Hm. I'm gettin an increasing interest in MCR. It's weird, I didn't really like them before, but my friends are crazy about them, and you know, it's funny how much your friends can influence you without your noticing...
              It's funny how things are like that. I feel like I'm a poser just because it's my friends' interest that gets me intrigued by a band, but it's not. MCR is one of those bands that a lot of people hate dismiss as emo, but I love them, and their choas helps.

              *Cannot focus on homework*

              Gryph. A minute ago I was laughing because of you. I was looking at some of the peoples' here old posts, right? And I was like, Oh! I should look at Gryph's just to see what she was like ages ago. So I go and look at like one the first posts, and what do I see?

              You looked at my old posts! *tries to cover them up* They're embarrassing...! nuuuuuu

              <3 love art
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • Can't. Concentrate. On. Life. I missed school today because of that program that I'm in-it was pretty cool today. I met the mayor, and the head of city council (who, coincidentally, was my dad's chemistry lab partner in high school. Both of them were apparently horrible at chemistry.) The program is also where I mainly run into one of the guys that I asked to the dance who turned me down because he had to go to his own dance, so that was interesting. It's not like he avoided me...he just kind of was never around me, except for in the elevator. He kept getting in my elevators. It was weird. And then, he left early; also, the entire day he was giving me looks. I HATE boys! Seriously! If you're annoyed by me, tell me or stay away from me completely! And stop looking at me like that! If you like me, even just as a friend, act like it! Talk to me about weird things, like spaghetti. And meatballs. Don't be cryptic; I don't do cryptic. It's my job to be the cryptic one, and yours to be the normal one.

                ^^^^See how I get insane when I start to think too hard about this? I'd wanted to try and talk to him-not as a girl who likes him (because I do) but as a friend, since he's fun to talk to. But he was just...looking at me. All day. No talking. I don't like it.

                Today I went for a run, and froze. I'm still really cold. It stinks! (well, I do literally stink...but that's not the point.) I can't wait until it gets warmer than 47 degrees-after that, you can start running in shorts and a t-shirt, no tights or hoodies needed. And no gloves. I hate gloves and hats when I'm running. They annoy me. Also, I want the ice from the week of Valentine's Day to melt. People didn't shovel their sidewalks, and it's still there, making it hard for people to walk and very hard to run!

                I'm beginning to think I'm growing away from my friends a little bit. That's bad, by the way. My best friends are just getting more involved in things like swimming, tennis, and orchestra, and those are things that I just don't understand. I'm a runner, which they don't understand. Sadly, we just haven't been doing as much, and that makes me sad because I'm making an effort to hang out with them, but they're always busy when I'm not, and free when I'm busy. Also, I don't really have people to replace them with (not that I want to) because it's really hard for me to talk to people, and initiate contact and stuff. You know what, that's probably why I can't get a date. I'm just too quiet and introverted. Really wish people could just read what I write-it'd make me make a lot more sense to them. However, since I don't really make a habit of sharing my journal, that'll never happen.

                I guess I'm going to go shower, since I stink.


                • I haven't been on in days. It gets me so behind, and I hate not being on the same page as everyone else. But I had a nice Monday. We got to first period, and had a fire drill (first of the year). I love fire drills--highly amusing wastes of time full of teachers snapping at students to shut up. Then Mrs. S came on the PA system and told everyone to get to the auditorium ASAP, where she punctually told the whole school that we were to have Vacation Day. Then the other students had a laugh at us freshmen who had no idea what that was (though I knew, because I'd read about it). For the rest of the day, there was popcorn and movies and snocones and moonwalks and NO CLASSES (which, of course, is the best part)!!! Me and my friends watched The Princess Bride, which was likely the most popular along with 50 First Dates. Everyone applauded when Mandy Patinkin's character killed the six-fingered bad guy, and those of us who had seen the movie before would recite, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.", and people clapped each time. Lots of fun. Oh, and we got out at two instead of three.

                  That Saturday, I had gone to see the school's spring musical, which featured one of my good friends. It was fantastic, and the senior who portrayed the emcee did a very good job.

                  Yay for a B test grade in Geometry. I could have gotten an A, if I had read directions more carefully and not forgotten that the ratio of the areas of triangles needs to be squared. So that was somewhat depressing, and today has been the most boring waste of time ever conceived by humankind or my Head of School (who, we notice, is not put under "humankind").

                  Spring Break is coming, which is gonna rock my world, along with giving me plenty of time to catch up on my DVRd shows. Speaking of, I watched Heroes last night. I will only say: kudos to Nikki.
                  I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                  • i read though a few pages and i have just made a breack though(yes i know im slow lol) this forum has no purpoes. does this like have any topic it goes around or does it matter what i talk about. could i like say i want a hot dog and that would be that??? i mean thats cook and stuff but wow would you even listen or tun me out just like your doing now. yes i have haked into your comp. and i am secreatly watching you. scary huh so if you make one false move ill.... oh sorry i gave out waayyyy too much info. i must run away now theirs an angry mobe of hakies (people i haked) aftter me. until next time this is me sighning out.

                    / / / click///screen goes black its magical
                    its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


                    • Hi Wizy.

                      I don't think people here would like you just saying:

                      "I want a hot dog! Goodbye."

                      Maybe if you were to make the post about something with yourself, or random rants about nothing, or really anything. This is called The Topic Of Great Randomness, by the way. :]

                      Also, please don't hack into my computer/laptop. It's not open to hacking. :] It doesn't like hacking.

                      I. Suck. At. Skateboarding. Outside. Of. My. Room.
                      Yes, I skateboard in my room. Actually I just do mini tricks and it's fun. How dorky, I know. Oh well :]. But, yah, I seriously cannot skateboard. Maybe it's because I'm too tall. Or that the surface outside if like gravel. Maybe that has something to do with it?

                      Hungry, you should just call you friends, and make a day where you all are free and uhm, do something that you used to do with them all the time. My opinion anyways. :]

                      Sounds fun, marina, Vacation Day. I could do Vacation Day whenever I want though. But I'd have to make up the work that night, or the next day. >.<

                      Back to YouTube for me. I've become addicted to the site. There's all these people with hilarious -- Ugh, Alison is yelling at me for being mean to her, although all I did was tell that "No, I'm not doing your dirty work." And she calls me mean. I had a dream she had brain problems last night. I'm starting to wonderrr....

                      Love and be loved


                      • I'm getting a copy of SYWTBAW!! *bounces excitedly*

                        The one downside to living in the UK is the lack of a publisher for the YW books... my copies of Dilemma onwards are imported copies, and I picked up Deep through Abroad last time I was in Canada - the bookshop was "sold out" of SYWTBAW. Anyway, my wonderful (Canadian) gf has bought SYWTBAW, and is bringing it over with her when she visits in May.

                        Tori - I agree, YouTube is horribly addicitve. I blame the person who came up the with the genius idea of showing related videos after you've watched one... funny how "just one more" turns into a dozen more.
                        "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                        • Wilf: im so happy for you ^_^ i have to read them at the library or 'steal them from a friend'. im too cheap t buy them that sucks.
                          Tori: and i agree too You tube is too addincting. its like 'americas most funniest videos' now that show is addiction too. but i just realized i can watch some program that was on a long time ago on it. *clapping* its amazing what you can do on the internet. and no i will not hack you comp. its acually no fun when people just stare into the computer screen and type away like a loony. *sigh* oh well.

                          lets see i like to oh did i meantion read? lol ummm i am a game fanatic im soo bad that i borrowed the Eragon Ds game from a friend and beat it in 3 and ahalf hours straite. boy was that game difficult!!*wipes sweat off forehead.umm i cannt scate board, so sad, i tried but landed on my butt after like 2 feet. but hey i can snow board.when you said vacation (tori) the pokemon vacation theame song whent into my head "vacations where i wanna be, party oon the beach..." it goes on and on for like ever the sad thing is, all my friend work (eather work, work or homework.) for ever ad dont have any free time. *sigh and shrug* well thats my life story. please dont write a book on it. i can gerenttee you it wont sell good.
                          its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


                          • Originally posted by Wilf:
                            The one downside to living in the UK is the lack of a publisher for the YW books... my copies of Dilemma onwards are imported copies
                            Amazon UK sell the books though, and apparently Harcourt will distribute them to UK bookshops. Getting the ISBN from their website should be enough. (No, I haven't actually tried that.) Specialist shops like Forbidden Planet also import the books, without getting asked first.
                            Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                            • peter murray: i use amazon and they shiped it to me in like 2 days. i orderd somthing i have been looking for for a while and they got it to me fast
                              its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


                              • Wheeeeeeee! I just got my book in hardcover! Wheeeeeeeeeee!

                                You can't believe how cool that is. It's not that my book (story, really) is published or anything. It's just... I won a story writing competition for my grade at our local library, and they bind your book and it's amazing. ...Or at least until you find a bajillion typos, and you're like, uuuugn....>.<

                                But it's still amazing anyway. I feel like a proper author, I do!

                                hmmmmm....*goes to look up ancient posts* ....*sneezes from the dust on them*

                                It's weird, but it seems that hte early posts had so much more meaning than ours do, Or at least, to other people. In a weird way. I don't know what I'm saying. *gropes for sanity*

                                ,....Ok, I feel better. Onmce the 19 page mark, it's allllll over.

                                ....Wow, this is sad. I really need something to do, preferably ditching homework in the process....

                                And, gah, I've got a song from "Beauty and the Beast" stuck in my head. I'm just waiting for it to get worse. Just wait.

                                Oh, here it is: In other news, I got made fun of, majorly, today for being nerdy, my part in the play, and my mannerisms which include, when hearing a song, being unable to control my hand or foot or whatever from tapping. I wasn't feeling so hot at play practice....

                                But the good news is, it just snowed! Even better news is, it will all melt this weekend 'cause it's going up into the 50's!! WOO!

                                Annnd, we get to watch "The Outsiders" in ILA 'cause we just finished reading it. (amazing book, by the way!)

                                Speaking of, it was very funny. We had just finished up talking about Sandy, Soda's girlfriend and her circumstances as to why she left for Florida, when I turned and talked to my friend. I was like, "So, you're going to Florida, right?" And she's like, "Uh-huh." And then it hit us. We looked up at the same time, and he just started to crack up, badly surpressing it. "Not for that reason, I swear!" says she.

                                ...Hey, well, I thought it was funny, anyway.

                                You know what that reminds me of? Avatar. That show is truly amazing. I don't even like most TV anymore. But this is cool. ...Ok, maybe cool isn't the right word, but it's a great carton. ex.
                                "I've kissed a girl! ... You just don't know her." <---Sakka, who's like 15. "Gran Gran? I've met Gran Gran." <--Katara, Sakka's siter, probably like 13-ish.

                                I really love Katara, though. She has such a wicked sense of humor, and isn't exactly against bending the rules....heh heh

                                hmmm... I wonder how different I am from last year. It's an interesting thought....*goes to dig up old posts*

                                *stops short at '06* Oh, God.

                                *looks at current post* Oh, it's even worse! *cringe*

                                Hmm. I wonder why anyone would really name a horse after a terrible bisquit with weevils in offense ment, of course, but just a curious thought...~^

                                Wow, I can't spell today. I just said "curios" as in, kitchenm curios. I don't know. I think I seriously lost the "little gray cells" as Poirot would have it, today.

                                Ach, weeel...Ii've got to go take a shower now, before Lost is on. That show is amazing. Or would have been if they didn't make us wait half a year for a new episode....That was cruel >.<

                                Cruella Devile...Cruella Devile...If she doesn't getcha....then nobody will...*nostalgic*

                                All Right, really going now. Later, my friends!
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

