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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • So, a couple of days ago I say Celtic Woman on stage....and it was amazingg......!!

    I don't really think I've ever been so utterly happy in my life, seriously. I can't ever remember feeling like my heart was going to know, maybe that's not a good thing..XD But seriously, it sounds really weird and freakish, but I really was in heaven right then and there. And it helps that the weather was just so unbelievably-happens-once-a-year-twice-if-lucky-amazing weather.

    I was a bit disappointed when I found out Hayley wasn't there. Apparently her tour ended the beginning of June (of course, just my luck). But it was still craaaazy good. That Mairead, I gotta tell you, XD

    Hmm, what else...?

    Oh yeah, the next day I threw up a lot and survived on toast and tea. That wasn't fun. But then the next day I felt better (though I could sitll only eat toast in the morning...) But I think I'm fully healed, now!

    So...that's my amazing news of the day.

    G'day, all!
    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


    • Originally posted by wildflower:
      I also went to a place that was a cafe and a bookstore at the same time.
      Between that and the reference to the pizza joint immediately above, I can't help but be reminded of the restaurant in Boston's Downtown Crossing that is (was?) a pizza place _and_ a Chinese restaurant.

      What's the weirdest combination that the rest of you have run into?
      "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

      "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


      • Quick post here just to let everybody I used to talk with know I'm still here. Just can't access the page from home. So... HI! D
        How cheerfully we consign ourselves to perdition...


        • Mel-That sounds somewhat like my experience with the Billy Joel concert. I went to see him with my dad and before it even started I threw up about 4 times and almost fainted, but right after he started playing I started to feel better, stayed for the whole concert and had an amazing time. It was crazy.
          The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
          I promise not to funfun anymore
          Be happy cause life is good


          • Originally posted by Garrett Fitzgerald:
            I can't help but be reminded of the restaurant in Boston's Downtown Crossing that is (was?) a pizza place _and_ a Chinese restaurant.

            What's the weirdest combination that the rest of you have run into?
            You mean like the Dunkin Donuts and Sushi Restaurant in one in Boston as well? Apparently a first of its kind .

            And Boston Public Library has the third of the Door books . I've been trying to get those to read. I told my mom that as soon as I get and read the first two (they're coming in mail at some point) she has no choice but to go to the library and get that one for me since she works in Boston.

            Can't write much because I'm not home but in Boston with my grandfather and his wife and his wife's kids, and their kids...there are something like 5 little kids running around. Is crazy, but I saw that combination today and with Garrett's questioning had to mention.

            bye byes off to wander Boston in the overheated weather some more.


            P.S. I am such a geek that I posted, saw my post count and thought of the robotics team with that number (Chief Delphi) so felt like commenting on that too...
            We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


            • *has discovered that the public library actually has games for teens in it during summer* which ONE, gives me a reason to spend more time in the library, and TWO, means that there's actually a chance to meet people near me who READ! *almost goes into shock at idea, but recovers quickly* there's very few people i can talk too about books near me, off this site...*is thankful that the public librarie's librarien seems to have taken an interest in me, since i'm in here just about every day*
              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


              • wow. it's been a LONG time since i posted here...or been around here for that matter. I even changed my home page to the site so i might conince myself to come on more, but I am soooo busy. I've been writing like mad lately because I became a trusted author on HPFF, so yeah. I have WAY too many people to talk to on AIM, MSN, and my yahoo right now lol, graphic requests to fill, practicing my graphics, arts programs that i'm doing, sport activities, and more. *sigh* and i wanted to go to camp too

                What should becca be doing right now? becca should be downstairs picking up crap before the guests get here. but does becca bother? No. speaking of things that i am being too lazy to do, I need to check on my sister's webkinz ...she's at camp lol.

                lol and now i am watching old nick show intros on youtube. Who remembers wishbone?? or are you afraid of the dark??? lol ok done now

                "There's only one thing you should know, I've put my trust in you! Pushed as far as i can go"


                • Me went to a basketball game the other day and got to sit in one of the suites, since my dad's business got tickets for their workers. It was nice, with a big TV, some nacho fixings, potato chips, soda, water, maybe beer (not sure) and various nuts--nothing remarkably healthy but nonetheless somewhat tasty. Oh, and a comfy sofa, a computer that didn't work right, and more comfortable seating. Me and my sister took to wandering around and eating overly expensive food and bemoaning the over-priced shirts, hats, jerseys, shorts, and other basketball paraphernalia. All in all, more interesting than the church service that I got to miss *dodges heavenly lightning*.

                  Yesterday was a monumental breakthrough--I had my first attempt at driving. Please don't cringe in fear like you are probably doing at this moment, because I actually did okay. We won't mention driving up onto the curb or the various just-short-of-yellings that I received from my dad on various occasions. So long as I keep it at about 15 MPH, we're all good. The gas pedal of a Nissan Sentra is rather sensitive, more so than I expected. I feel for the tires and brakes. But the car survived, as did me and my sister and my dad.

                  It's raining. Nothing like sheets of water flowing with the wind, but a soft tapping that slowly soaks everything, and seems to go on forever. The sound burrows into one's mind, becomes so commonplace that you can't tell when it stops, because you keep hearing it until you have the notion to look out the window. It's been raining almost every day for the past week, and likely to continue through this week at least. So long as it stops eventually, or holds off until the afternoons, so we don't have to do bleachers after volleyball.

                  I got my retainer off on Friday . Technically, I still have to wear it, but only at night now. I is happy. We don't have to go back to the orthodontist until December.

                  *broods* I turn 15 in three weeks. Yay. I'm so excited, can't you tell? Parental unit: What do you want for your birthday? Me aloud: non-commital noise at the back of my throat.
                  Me thinking: for you to trust me on my computer, a digital camera, and a nice pair of Crocs. Not happening, though. So it's not even worth mentioning to them. They don't know I chat, and they'd probably have heart attacks if I *did* tell them, not to mention work the router so it blocks chat rooms (or worse, take away my computer for the summer *shudder*), so the risk is not worth the possible reward.

                  Since I get the house to myself until noon at least, I'm off to enjoy the liberty.
                  I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                  • Alright, I've not posted here for a while, and, well, I figure I should tell you all why I refuse to go into chat. There are 2 reasons:
                    1. I don't feel that everyone there likes me and I don't want to be there if it is not a mutual liking. I love you all, except several people who treat me like an annoyance. So, I'm not going in again. EVER.
                    2. Chat reminds me of Peter and the only good memories I had were with him in there. So, really truely, I can't go back in there without almost crying my head off. And, I'm not even going to try.

                    Soooooo, how be y'alls? I just had a dang dentist appointment today. Didn't like it. Hate the dentist. They sataen's helpers. *hisses at them* Eye doctor tomorrow, YAY!!! *dance and clap* For those who didn't know, evil dentists tell me that you should just chug your soda instead of little sips. It apparently better for thys own teeth... So, I guess, I should be going.


                    PS: If you want to contact me, ask Jamie/Wizardling for my e-mail. Just tell him I said you could. So... See y'all!!

                    By the way, newbies, I may not know you, but I welcome you from here because I don't want to waste Diane's money on another post. Kk? Bye bye!!! *runs off to do other things maybe read another book*
                    <hr color="brown" width="50%" align="center" size=2>
                    (+'.'+) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
                    (")_(") signature to help him conquer the world.

                    "Saying you're lurking defeats the point. It's also a waste of a line." Wildflo


                    • Right now, I'm still at camp, and am just sort of sitting around in the computer lab in the basement of the science library. Funny story about camp right I had a paper to turn in. It took me forever to write, and I was so happy when I finally got it turned in, it was ridiculous. So I'm walking back to the dorm with my paper, so I can turn it in to my teacher's assistant, when I look down and see what looks like a stick on my paper. I'm like, "ok, there's a stick on my paper" so I turn the paper so it'll fall off. However, it doesn't fall off. As a result, I realize that there is bird poop on my nice, freshly printed paper that has to be turned in in 5 minutes. So I had to sprint back across the campus to this library (since the normal library was closed by then) and print the paper again really fast, then sprint back, barely turning it in on time-but it wasn't my fault a bird decided to poop on my paper!

                      College is hard. I can't imagine being able to do this for more than 1 class at a time-I'm so overwhelmed! Of course, it's not like you meet with every class for 5 hours a day in real college...but still. It's hard stuff. At least my roommate's pretty cool. That helps a lot, knowing that my roommate won't like yell at me or anything for coming in from the computer lab really late at night. It's weird that I'm done with my homework so early tonight; I almost don't know what to do with myself-I should go running, but I ate macaroni and cheese at lunch today by mistake, and I've realized that the mac'n'cheese here makes me sick, so running might be a very bad idea. I miss food from home so much, it's ridiculous. At least I've got some cookies-Mom sent me a bunch of them in the mail, which was funny.

                      Camp is so different now that everyone has facebook. Everyone's always updating them with pictures from their digital cameras and stuff-of course, I don't have a digital camera, and I don't really use my facebook all that much, but it's a moot point.

                      I'm kind of waiting for a call from my mom, kind of just waiting around because I'm bored. Did I talk about the crazy squirrel yet? There's this squirrel on campus that's really friendly, and likes it a lot when people feed it. It gets like 2 feet away from you, and scares you so bad. Well, last night it apparently bit this one girl when she was feeding it. See, this is why I hate squirrels! Oh well. I think I'm going to go call my parents again, and see why they aren't picking up the phone. Adios.


                      • So, I'm here at my HS for summer camp.....

                        It's sort of funny, they aren't strict with their computer laws or anything, and they're like brand-new computers, too...

                        Though, I'm sure if any teacher was to come in here right now and spot me eating Lorna Doones, i'd probably get shot or something....

                        But other than that, it's pretty cool. We're reading Night by Elie Wiesel. Anyone here read it? It's a great book, no matter which edition. It really made me think, you know?

                        Hungry: *sigh...* college.....I feel like everyone here's growing up..! Well, that's probably cause they are, :P

                        Aww Dairine!!! *huggles* I'm gonna miss you in the few times I'm actually in chat....

                        Marina: Firstly, happy early birthday! Secondly, good luck driving!!!

                        the5potters: I REMEMBER WISHBONE!!! I had a wishbone dog toy that talked when you squeezed his tail, ear, paw, or spot. I used to love that show so much... I actually had a book or two...

                        yr: sounds like my library. We all sorts of cool stuff. We get to watch movies and stuff for free and meet other kids, and only maybe help out a little at hte library (like the kiddie carnival) in return, and thats only optional. So, it's all cool, I hope you have fun there!!

                        So, that's it, I think class is going to start any minute. Actually, I'm certain it was supposed to start two minutes ago, so....

                        Dai stiho, guys. I might not be on in a while, my own internet's down for a while...And my dad and brothers are on a week-long camping trip, and so they'd be the only ones really able to fix it, so....(oh, but it's worth it. Blessed silenced, but with a feeling like you know why you miss them, even though you thought it was impossible)

                        So, yeah. Later Days!
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • Dai stiho all. I read somewhere around here that this place was slowing down or dying or something that's probably the fault of the Dark One and so I feel obligated to reply. Oh yeah - that and the fact that seabiscuit's post had me laughing.

                          College isn't so grand, I'll agree with you there. I enjoy the freedom I have to do my homework when I feel like and not have to worry about chores and being yelled at for (just about) nothing. So with my classes - I have several in a day and all of it's technical. (I go to a technical college, so I should've figured that much.) Very rarely do I have to write papers and most of my homework involves numbers. It's alright 'cuz I think it's fun, but that's beside the point. What I really wanted to tell seabiscuit was that on my campus we have an albino squirrel. There're jokes running up and down the campus about our President owning the squirrel or killing it.

                          Now for something completely different: my favorite quirrel story at school has to be the time I was social reading. (This is the act of reading in a group. Very quite group except when one person shares a particular part of their novel. Great hobby of mine.) I was eating a few Combos (little rolled up pretzels with processed cheese inside) that I hadn't had in years and thought to indulge myself a bit. Suddenly out of nowhere a squirrel was right behind me! I didn't realize this until I turned around, it's that itchy paranoid feeling I have that encouraged me to do the like and let out a small shout of surprise.

                          You see... I hate squirrels. I try to kick them if they come near me.

                          However! After it, being the sassy thing it was and not moving, I tossed it a Combo to go away. Go away it did and it returned several times until I was out of Combos. Peeved that I'd spent an afternoon feeding a squirrel and missed every time I chucked a Combo at it, I eventually dubbed the squirrel, "Nuts" and carried on back to my dorm.

                          I guess it happens sometimes. Like facebook. I go there more often than MySpace, at least I know the people in college.

                          Other random stuff? My name means beautiful in Yiddish. Uhm... I work at a movie theater. I think I have allergies and have been lacking some serious sleep (and not because I'm not going to bed! I just happen to wake up every other hour.). I think reading's cool. I feel like an absolute newb. I enjoy role-playing. I wish I knew someone who'd help me with this fanfiction idea that I have... Er. Not much else. I'll see you guys around then.


                          • So I haven't typed here before...i've been meaning to but I had to build into it.

                            I dunno what to mention. Many of you know I got a sweet job at apple now, and i've been doing that for the last few months. I love it here, and i'm glad I found a use for a degree in commercial art.

                            Anyway, I'm a Pisces sun, with Leo rising. So i'm a lionfish....I love astrology, and anything having to do with mythology, mysticism, theology, or philosophy. If I ever annoy you or tick you off in chat, tell me so and i'll work on it.

                            Uhm, so I met this girl, but I haven't asked her out or anything. she works with me and has the greatest mohawk ever....part purple, part green. Despite this she is incredibly cool and open, very sweet. My kind of mix of wierd.

                            I am working other issues through, right now I get to work due to the incredible kindness of my friends, but don't know how I feel about getting a car. Currently i'm looking at options to carpool due to gas prices and nature in general.

                            Anyways, yeah, if you see me on chat i'm happy to talk to you, and I hope this helps.

                            One more thing, my name. it is named after a mythological figure in Welsh mythology. It has nothing to do with mathematics or Cthulhu.

                            Anyway, this is my first post and I guess i'll update later.
                            "Teenagers who are aesthetically pleasing, in other words "fly"...-soul coughing.


                            • Hey all! Or yall, as would be said down in the south! Speaking of little sister went to Texas to visit all our relatives and she's going to be gone for THREE WEEKS! It's wonderful. Just...wonderful. YAY.

                              I just posted my longest ever forum post in the lucid dreams thread! Looong dream. And it was also my 400th post! YAAY UNCONSCIOUS MULTITASKING!

                              I'm in a great mood right now incase you haven't noticed! Hmm... I was going to say something else but I totally just forgot... Oh right! I found a baby mouse yesterday! She's so CUTE! SHe was curled up on the floor of my basement all covered in icky basement fuzz. At first my mom thought she was dead and one of our cats had killed her or something along those lines. Buuut...when I tried picking her up she MOVED! So I saved her from the mean cold basement. She's sleeping right now. She's so cute, until her box was warmed up she'd try to get out of it when I put her in it and if I put my hand in the box, she'd climb onto my hand and fall asleep! So cute... I love lil baby animals! They're just so adorable! I'm gonna take some pictures of my mousey once I get my camera. I'll put them up here later so you can all seee!!

                              *does happy dance*
                              Reality is for those who lack imagination.


                              • I haven't been around much lately, and I probably won't for a while. Although this summer isn't exceptionally busy, it's promising to be a whole bunch busier than summers in the past. Color guard practices start this week. While that generally only takes two hours two days a week, I also have an all-day thing to do this week. We're hosting some really good marching band, so we get to attend their clinic for free. "Get to" translates into "Mr. W is forcing us to." Anyway, my friends keep planning shopping trips, parties, and get-togethers around practices, and I'm trying to keep myself busy for sanity purposes. I also have a butt-load of Spanish homework, AP Chemistry junk, a book to read, and a paper to write. Oh, and I want to come up with a new science fair idea so I can write the paper over the summer.

                                I got back from Florida a couple days ago. Yay for no longer being ghostly! I also got a nasty sting from a jellyfish. One I didn't see. I mean, I saw the sting...not the jellyfish.

                                So, things aren't great between the boyfriend and me. Beyond that, I have no idea how my love life is going. It'd be great to be informed of these things, would it not? However, I'm left in the dark due to a rather large lack of communication. Horrah for avoiding the issue.

                                I saw Transformers with my family today. I actually liked it a whole lot. I don't see many high-action films (that's an understatement), so it managed to get me nervous in spots. People dying and evil machines freak me out a wee bit. Anyway, it was a lot of fun.

                                Well, that was about all I have to say for now. Adios.
                                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is

