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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Have you ever been happy and sad at the same time? I was with friends and looked at box with chicken nuggets in it from McDonalds... y'know, with I'm Lovin It in all of those different languages. I almost started to cry. If I were the kind of girl who cried...

    50 emails is a lot. O.o But then, I rarely actually use my e-mail. The most I've had recently was 17 -- when I was in Mexico and told people to email me cuz I couldn't get ahold of them any other way.

    I'm freezing to the bone. Missing a lot of people. Missing a lot of things.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • *Is wet... and covered in confetti, but grinning nevertheless.* Thanks everyone. I've been trying to get on, but it seems like it's not meant to be. Maybe tomorrow, huh?

      In any case, other than the usual news, the TMI bit stopped again. I'm thinking that since I'm not dead yet, I'll set it down as unusual stress and the fact that the kitchen here at home isn't stocked properly. (We don't get fruits or much of anything since my parents are dieting.) I ought to get better once school starts.

      On the hypochondria note - I think I might need to get checked out for skin cancer. I'm freaking out about it (I've always been terrified of getting cancer) since I went outside yesterday and got sunburned and now I have some odd bumps and a TON of new freckles. O_o;; Tell me I'm just paranoid. Please.

      (How much does it cost to go to a dermatologist anyhow?)

      Last thing I've got to say is that I'm trying to work out and I've been reading like crazy! Though I've only read fifteen new books this summer, I read basically every chance I get.

      Oh yeah - Gar? *Hugs him, therefore getting him wet as well.* Thanks. xD


      • Originally posted by Kessa Cirtos:
        On the hypochondria note - I think I might need to get checked out for skin cancer. I'm freaking out about it (I've always been terrified of getting cancer) since I went outside yesterday and got sunburned and now I have some odd bumps and a TON of new freckles. O_o;; Tell me I'm just paranoid. Please.

        Oh yeah - Gar? *Hugs him, therefore getting him wet as well.* Thanks. xD
        Ah, you got sunburned, so what? Your skin is just having a reaction to the sun that may be a bit unusual. You'll be fine, I'm sure. Maybe you've gotten to be allergic to the sun? My godmother is, but she is just really careful at the beach, loads up with SPF 50 suntan lotion, and when she's out of the water she goes in to a little beach tent that she bought. It's really just the beach that she has to be careful about; being allergic to the direct sun's rays doesn't ruin her life, so relax; again, I'm sure you'll be fine.

        Well while we're on that topic... I went to the beach today. My mom brought a friend, and so did I. It was great; we went to a town beach in Rhode Island. There was hardly any seaweed, the water was nice and warm, and there was a snack bar there that had a lot a good selection and REALLY cheap food, for the beach, anyway. ($4.25 for six, nice, hot, wonderful, think mozzarella sticks, umum... something like %2.25 for a large [and really, a good size large], soft serve ice cream cone...). It's a town beach, but my mom's friend's stepson is a lifeguard there, so we are able to go there. And we told the guy at the parking area that we were here to see the stepson, and they actually let us park for free! Imagine that! So it's REALLY a great beach to go to.

        Oh, and... um... "Gar"? Who's Gar? And you thank him for what? I'm REALLY confused here....
        "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


        • What's a town beach? I don't believe we have those in California. But then again I'm not much of a beach person.
          Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
          Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


          • Originally posted by spyells:
            What's a town beach? I don't believe we have those in California. But then again I'm not much of a beach person.
            One-liner! One-liner! Get rid of the annoying, hideous, evil thing!

            I'm guessing that it's a beach owned by and funded by the town that the beach is in; Westerly, Rhode Island.

            I mentioned that I brought a friend when we went to the beach yesterday. Well I got sunburned pretty bad. On my right arm especially; it still hurts today. My friend's mom gave us a bottle of Aloe Vera, pure gel, and said to put it in the refrigerator and rub it on the burns two or three times a day. I did it twice, in the evening and before I went to bed last night, and most of the burns are gone! Just my upper arms bother me right now. The burns on the lower arms are gone, and the burns on my legs aren't bothering me anymore. Yaaay Aloe Vera!!
            "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


            • Sunburn is fun. XD On Monday I got horribly sunburned on my shoulders while walking around downtown. It still hurts. On the plus side, I also got these great tan lines on my feet. See, I practically live in Birkenstock sandals (the Arizona style, if anyone was wondering) and I now have striped feet. It's pretty amazing, and whenever I look at my feet I'm like "Hey, my feet are striped!" I think my friends are sick of hearing about it. XD

              I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow-1 week without the internet. I'm kind of excited-I think I spend too much time on the computer anyway, and seriously? I don't need to be online to function. Therefore, going cold turkey for a week is going to be friends are taking bets that I'll call them and be like "hey, here's my facebook password. Go look at my comments and tell me what they say." Hahaha. My friends have no faith in my ability to avoid the internet.

              We have a new Target in our area. It has a Starbucks in it. If I wasn't addicted to this other coffee chain in the area, I'd LIVE in that Target. Seriously, Target and Starbucks? Under the same roof? Who needs to go home anyway?

              I'm excited for cross country to begin...but not excited for senior year. I think I've pretty much picked out the places I'm going to apply for college, which is a load off my mind. Now I've just got to actually work on applications. I still can't believe I'm a senior. My younger sister just said "I can't believe you're a senior-all the seniors I ever met have been...well, more poised, polished, mature, and better dressed." Ouch. That hurts, coming from a girl who's going to be a freshman in high school this fall. I don't know...she's probably right. I definitely don't feel like a senior. I mean, people are already asking me about prom (which isn't until next May...) and who I'm going with. What the heck?! How am I supposed to know who I'm going to prom with now? I don't even have any guys right now that I'd put on the "I'd like to go to prom with you" list-the list is non-existant. Therefore, my family should stop asking me about prom!

              Ranting a bit now-oh well. Got to go anyway-I'm going to meet some friends from math down at the park to hang out for awhile-we haven't seen eachother all summer. Kind of sad-I got my driver's license, and I still never get to hang out with people. Still can't believe it's August already. Adios!


              • We just got a new target in my area too like that. I can't wait to see it. Not because I specifically like target but I just want to see how it turned out. I still can't believe I'm a junior my mom especially doesn't want to believe it. Time goes by so fast. It seems just like yesterday that I was graduating from preschool people. I can't even believe I'm sixteen now. Oh well.

                Eric I'll work on the one liner thing. You just work on your tan.
                Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                • I'm back, yaaaaay!!

                  Jesus, everyone here seems to need a big hug!!! *huggles everyone as hard as she can without cracking ribs*
                  *not that she'd be able to anyway*

                  So, first it was the mountains (cheer) and then home, and then the beach (cheer)

                  Speaking of's great, my whole face is that weird color between burn and tan, while the rest of my body is a complete farmer's tan. I guess I'm a little paranoid and self conscious... So, it's a one piece for me, that's ironically too big, so I have to wear water shorts and a surf top. So I have a farmer's tan.

                  I still feel like people need hugs, so it'sa comin again! *huggles*

                  Man, I haven't been here in forever!!

                  So, is anyone else stressing about summer work but me? Letsee, all together I have 6 books to read and an essay. Oh, and I'll have all my book tests like the first week. And it'll be freshan week. And my homeroom is on the first floor where all the seniors are (crappp) and my locker is on the third floor....Hungry, promise you'll be nice to some freshman for me? Please?

                  *rubs nose*

                  Oh yes, speaking of noses....It was great, I was having this totally horrible week. It all started with Tizzy's.....*cue the chimes and the swirly screen as Mel reminisces into the past*

                  Narrator: It was a dark and clear night, and it was going well at the sleepover. But they didn't know....the HORROR!! (duhn duhn duhnnnn)

                  SET: 5 girls giggling on a couch.
                  GIRL 1: Hey, it's dark out. Wanna play freedom? It stopped raining.
                  Girl 2: I dunno. *looks apprehensively*
                  Girl 3: Cummon!!
                  Girl 4: *silent*
                  Girl 5 (me):, not really. I don't trust it. I've got this bad feeling...*looks apprehensively as well*
                  Girl 1: Aw, don't be such a sissy. Just do it!

                  Narrator: the girl argued and argued, but it was no use.

                  SET: Out in huuge back yard, very dark. Girl 1 rounded up sister, Girl 6. Girls 4,5&6 are grouped together, getting ready. Eventually, girl 5 goes to rope swing and swings. girl 6 underdogs her. Girl 5 goes very high, and then decides that the swing is going crooked and is going to hit the tree. She slides off at it's peak, backward. Ropeburns follow.

                  Girl 5: OW!

                  SET: a few minutes go on. Girl 5 goes back to rope swing. Girl 4 pushes her gently and they begin to talk quietly and ernestly. Girl 4 decides rope swing is going crook and pulls it aside to straighten it. Swing hits tree, goes sideways. Girl 5 hits the ground on her leg, hard.
                  Girl 4: MEL, MOVE!! AAAAHHH!!!

                  Girl 5 moves swiftly. Swing just misses her head. She is shaken, but gets up.

                  All three girls join together, and after some minutes, the Freedom game is about to begin.
                  Just as it starts, Girl 5's nose feels funny. She wipes at it. It's bleeding.

                  Girl 5: Crap. Call of the game.

                  SET: inside. Girl 5 has tissue to stopped nose.

                  Girl 1: It's stopped bleeding. Common, don't be a baby.
                  Girl 5: *reluctant grunt*
                  Girl 1: Now, cummon.
                  Girl 5: I don't like it, I've got a bad feeling about this!
                  Girl 1: Don't be stupid.
                  Girl 5 stubbornly takes off her shoes. Girl 2 follows suit. Soon everyone's shoes are off, and sitting on the bed/sofa/thing. Girl 1 storms off.

                  Girl 5 is sitting comfortably, when GLOMPHF! A large splat of blood falls onto the comforter.

                  Girl 5: Poop. My nose is bleeding again.

                  SET: early the next morning, people gathered round table to eat breakfast. Girl 5 sits by the wall, bangs it into a cabinet by accident, hard.

                  Girl 5: OW!!

                  SET: cut to a half an hour later. girl goes to pet dog, which is tied up with a leash due to hyperactivity.

                  Girl 5 pets dog.

                  DOG: *yelp* !

                  Girl 5: OHMYGOD!

                  Girl 1: *untangles dog* I've never heard her yelp before.

                  Girl 5: Your house just hates me.


                  And so, every two days later, there was a party. And every time, my nose bled or I got hurt. Oh, and I should mention I got bruised around my eyes, 'cause I hit my head or something. Like two days later, I fell down the steps, and then two days after that...well, I don't remember, actually, it was a while ago.

                  But yeah, I think that pretty much brings me up to date with everything.

                  Buuttt.... I need to end off the post with something happy... I can play the pennywhistle! Good, now! YAAAY!! (actually, I think I already mentioned that...)

                  Ehm...I miss the ocean. Actually, I can still feel it's pull, isn't that weird? It's so amazing how you can spend a couple hours in it and then when you go to bed, you can still feel it...

                  I love the ocean. We're kindred spirits.

                  Goodnight, all!

                  EDIT: First page! WOOO!!
                  just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                  • So, is anyone else stressing about summer work but me?
                    Yes, stress galore, I have all this stuff I have to memorize (polyatomic ions, vocabulary words, literary terms) and all this chemistry work (bleck, who in the worlds gets summer chemistry work?!?!) and I need to read my summer books again...wahh, schoolwork is degrading my summer!!! Okay, just wanted to rant a bit...
                    "...For my own part, I known my job; my commission comes from Those Who Are. My paw raised is Their paw on the neck of the Serpent, now and always..." - The (Kitty) Catechism
                    Define the universe and give 3 examples.


                    • So...ummm...let's see...i'm on swim team and that just ended. I did pretty well and it was a lot of fun. For 10 days in july i went to DC w/ NYLC. best vaca ever!!! a couple weekends ago, i went to long beach island. friend's parents had beach house so we stayed there. saw my bff who i don't see much. last weekend, was the big family bash. saw tons of family that i've either never seen or haven't seen for a long time, but my cousins weren't there. tons of catching up to do. next week starts band camp.

                      Shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be among the stars. ~ Les Brown
                      Shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be among the stars. ~ Les Brown


                      • Quelt I wish my summer was that exciting.

                        In June I went to Knott's Berry Farm. Then I went to a rock concert. I also saw Transformers and Surf's Up. I started community service at the hospital. I saw Harry Potter and went to the party for the next book. I hung out with my cousin who I don't see very often because she moved. I also have hung out with my friends. I might be going to Disneyland soon. And besides that I've no idea what I'm doing next.

                        Oh, I forgot to mention I saw the Simpson's movie. I thought it was awesome!
                        Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                        Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                        • So, I actually forgot how to post here. I had to remember where to click. Haven't been around for about 6 months. Well, since last post probably.

                          Let's see... Going to be in New Zealand in 3 months. And all the three other boats with guys 15-18 year olds are going there as well.

                          Is there anything wrong with public school? Cause Evan thinks it's the place where there is only emo and goth and retardos there. So, yah, I have been bashed so much for going to public school.

                          But you know? Even though I hate Evan, I still love being in his presence. And it's really annoying because, I want to be a friend of his, and he's all, well, you're just dispensable. And he is it normal for guys to keep calling you ugly and then have them say oh, I'm just joking, and have the other guys all, what the heck, she's not ugly. So god, can't you boy/guys whatever, just knock a bit of sense out when your with a girl, you can be demented when you're with the others. Ughhh.

                          But anyways, I've some really cool guys. Ben, who is from Aus, 14, really tall, really nice. And Max, who isn't cool, cause he was mad that I could play soccer better than he could.
                          Darnit, gotta go. I'm off again.
                          See you laters?
                          Love and be loved


                          • *is having a good time* my dads getting me a new back pack (which will actually be fairly cool for a backpack, considering it'll have my name sown on...but my dad's a really cool dad. *grins*) ziggy seems to be getting over the death of my other ferret, pop (dad named them, i swear! AND they're girls!) and the kittens...well, my cats STILL want to take over the universe AND kill everyone in the house but their one particular human (which leads to arguments, since they have different one particular humans) but other then taht...everything is going good.
                            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                            • So, I typed up a post in here the other day, but my connection failed and didn't get posted and I didn't want to type it all again.

                              Hi. Everyone seems to be having a good summer. Yay. I only had just finished all of my year about 4 days ago, so I offically started now, and I'll stay off a couple months or so.

                              We're in Tahiti. Finally. And there are a couple other boats with people my age. So thats been really great.

                              I got sugar high last night, I had gone over to Evan and Ryan's boat, 16 and 18, and made cookies, and then played cards, Go Kill in particular, which is my version of Go Fish, but my name sounds killer better. And I stayed over there til about 2 and then my mom called and was all, you have to be back right now, it's 2 in the morning. Of course, just as soon as we were going to watch Earagon to make fun of it whilst we were sugar high. Because, like, you can't get sugared when it's day. Everyone knows that. So then we just decided to do it tonight, and use the rest of the batter. My cookies win.

                              So, anyways, I think we're leaving tomorrow, which sucks. Evan is staying, which sucks, cause they've just found friends they were wanting to meet up with, and blah blah blah.

                              Whats the donation thing for? For the forums, like to, improve them, or to keep paying for them?

                              Well, just thought I'd stop by and say hi. Have a good rest of your summer break, only a little bit left for most of you I think.
                              Love and be loved


                              • My summer's been pretty well, all that I've basically been doing is pretty much basket ball three days of the week (but now that's over), then the rest is either reading or checking up on posts... kinda sad/happy to know that school's coming because
                                1) school is coming
                                2) i'm going to be a junior
                                3) i get to finally do something other than lounge around home!!
                                (i gotta get a job soon though, my mom's been bugging me about that)
                                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                                Check out my video: LET GO

