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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I'm sorry guys but I'm trying to change my signature and the website isn't letting me. So right now I'm just testing it so please bare with me.
    Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
    Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


    • things are going normally at the moment...cats still want to kill me, ziggy's still doing good (gizmo nearly gave me a heart attack when she snuck into my room while i was going to bed, and made the entire bed shake! *thought there was an earthquake or something* oh, and dragons are real. they had a whole show thing on some weird show....they didn't exactly stick around long enough to be certain of anything since it's only a short show (and they found it eats human beings) and they also think it's just a pterydactly...but any flying lizard with a light in its stomach, as would be caused by a fire or phospherous gas that could be combutionable, is a dragon in my book. :P (ok, so maybe it's wishful's STILL cool!) and my old site will be shutting down, since the person who was hosting me can no longer afford the cost...but on the bright side, dad's buying me a domain or something, and making it so i can rebuild the site. (i have a back up and everythingg) so it might even be up before the old site shuts down. *cheers* though, considering we just recently managed to find ourselves on the yahoo search engine, the timing kind of stinks...still, it'll be cool having my own domaine.
      I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
      For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


      • I don't know about dragons but I saw an armadillo on my morning walk today, nearly gave me a heart attack too-I walk in the early morning right as the sun's coming up, so the light wasn't too good and at first I had no idea what it was. I was right up next to it, I've never been so close to one. An armadillo in my very own front yard!
        "...For my own part, I known my job; my commission comes from Those Who Are. My paw raised is Their paw on the neck of the Serpent, now and always..." - The (Kitty) Catechism
        Define the universe and give 3 examples.


        • I have found the coolest photography lighting blog, ever. If you're at all interested in photography with flashes, I'd highly recommend taking a look at The Strobist.

          The Lighting 102 lessons and assignments are a blast, and you actually participate via Flickr. Mucho fun just to read.
          New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


          • Oh my gosh today, I had to help my dad sell stuff at this flea market place and I had to wake up at like 5 o'clock this morning! The plus side is that I made some money doing so, the downside is that I smell like incense! I have like twenty different smells on my hands.

            It's sort of hard to type write now because my kitty decided to sleep on my arms. *sigh* Oh well. I can't even move them because she has her claws ready to dig in to my arm... She can be evil at times... *sits still as the cat closes her eyes* must not wake her...
            Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
            Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
            It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
            Check out my video: LET GO


            • So...another week come and gone...

              And I still have two books to read, one possibly to re-read, a report to write on Osiris, and a packet to do on Algebra 2....*headdesk*

              man, procrastination will be the death of me. If I don't put off my death 'till later, that is, :P

              So here's the short version: I went to the beach, pulled a muscle in my neck and shoulder, saw Hairspray, watched HSM 2, created a lurvely mask, became addicted to Hannah Montana, finished Great Expectations (yaaay), and...

              rah, my friend's here. \I'll continue this in a bit.

              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


              • hmm, i havn't posted here in what? thirty pages? maybe? i dunno. long time.

                whoo, i'm happy, mostly cause mara got back from north dakota yesterday and i'm probably going to go see her today.

                uhm renaissance festival coming up soon, my friend matthew made me a costume, took fifty dollars in fabric and various supplies, but it's done. i have a couple new necklaces that i found while antiquing so that's fun.

                school in about 2 weeks or so, something like that. i'm sad that summer's over. but on the other hand i actually have some classes that i want to take. so that's fun.

                blah, i went bowling last night, at like 9 soemthing and didn't get home till like 11:30 cause our bowling alley has this deal of all you can bowl for ten dollars. so that was fun. i am a terrible bowler i found out. my highest score was 52 or something like that.

                must go now, cause i have to clean stuff before i leave. so talk to you all later

                YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                • School starts one week from today for me *sigh*.

                  Well last night my mom and I went to get the supplies. It doesn't make any sense to me that in seventh grade they make you buy all these binders and three-subject notebooks, and then in eighth grade you just have five single subject notebooks, and five folders (which I ended up not using since fifth grade- that's right, my folders are lasting since fifth grade because I don't even use them! For sixth grade and seventh grade they have been sitting at the bottom of my books section of my locker). And the binders are lasting fine, too, so I don't know what to do with those... I'll ask my teachers if I can just organize myself the same way I did last year, so I can use the supplies I have, and also avoid confusion by me as to organization issues. My binders are those plastic Wilson Jones binders, with the little rubber strap thing that holds them closed.... They're more expensive, but certainly worth the extra few dollars; they pay for themselves, since they lasted in to eighth grade (the only damage is that they're very scratched up, but that's routine; otherwise they're perfect, except for my Reading binder in which I accidentally pulled out the thumb thing that opens the clamps... Had to pull the clamps open with my hands after that...). Also I have this big storage binder (No Boundaries brand, from Walmart, I dunno) that's lasted me since sixth grade. It has an outter storae flap that's excellent for my SSR books and my pencil, etc. supply pouch, and also there are two small zipper flaps that I put my calculator in one and my pens in the other, so they;re all easily accessable. Open it up and the first thing you see is a loop to put a pencil in. There are rings, which at the end of the year I ended up putting my pencil, etc. supply case on, my notebook, and my agenda, which is school-supplied. And on the left part of the binder when it's open is a flap to put paper in; I put miscellaneous papers there. And there's also a little flap for my ruler and protractor. It's excellent for storing my supplies. It's beginning to show signs of age, but it'll certainly last me until the end of this year.... If you take good care of your supplies, they'll take good care of you, not falling apart and papers going everywhere, or making you have to pay for new ones at the beginning of every year.... Oh, my binders, I was talking about before, I put three-holed paper around the rings (that acted as a notebook) and it had flaps which I treated as folders (that's why I never needed folders). So, yeah, my folders have been around since fifth grade.

                  Enough about school, though. Last night I also bought a Targus ChillPad, which is like a base made out of plastic that I lay my laptop on, and it has fans, and the fans suck the heat away from my computer and out vents the opposite way of me. My computer'll definitely last longer with this thing, it won't heat up as much (it used to be very, very hot and uncomfortable for lap use, but I've been using it for the past your with the ChillPad, and I hardly feel any heat and the laptop's fans aren't as active). So, yeah, another purchase that'll end up saving me money eventually.
                  "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                  • I haven't went back to school shopping yet. My registration is tomorrow though. I'm not looking forward to school. But it will be nice to see all of my friends and see how they have changed. I have no idea when school starts for me. September 5th is what my mom just said. I only have two weeks! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooo.

                    Anyway how do you guys like my new avatar.
                    Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                    Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                    • I've had it. I've had it, I've had it, I've HAD IT! I can't take it anymore, my brother is driving me nutttts!

                      Today was a nice day. It was raining and comfortable and nothing was pressing me at all. I had a nice breakfast of english muffins with peanut butter, and a giant bowl of grapes. Okay. I try on my new uniform, and it's really, not cool, but rather makes me look like a high schooler and feel so much older, so it's ok. I play piano in it for like an hour or two to try it out, and it's really nice. I'm coming along over the summer with piano finally (I sort of deserted it for a while...*sniff*). So then I eat lunch (this is a considerable amount of time after breakfast) and ascend the stairs to get on the computer in my brother's room./ I can hear him playing on the piano downstairs, so I figure I can sneak on and he won't mind. I close out of his things (which are inactive, might I say), switch users, and go on my own account. He gets angry. Really angry. But I ignore him as best I can (luckily my other brother was there, or we would have bodily dragged me from the chair; it's happened) and play my music. Un sospiro by Lizst comes on. He yells at me, calls me a fourty year old... and I am beyond angry. Just because someone doesn't like the same music you do DOESN'T MAKE THEM STUPID!!! IT MAKES YOU STUPID FOR BELIEVING THAT!!!!!!!!!


                      Perhaps I enjoy Mozart more than Three Days Grace. I know a lot of you people on here really enjoy Three DAys Grace. I don't really care if you like them or not, or if you like Mozart. It's your music, and it probably speaks to you better than some of my music can, and vice versa. It's all cool, we sort of accept eaach other here, for the most part.

                      But when someone insults you for just being ourself, it's unbearable. It's sheer stupidity, its... GRAH!

                      It's the same thing with TV. I happen to like slightly more thoughtful shows, like on Discovery channel, or the history chann el, or occasionally pbs (masterpiece theater). Not all the time, of course not. But I like to watch them now and again. But he doesn't. Just about never (unless it's dirty jobs.) And so he insults me. And I say, "Sometimes I just like something with a little substance." And he says. "It's entertainment, it's not supposed to be smart. And I say, "So, it's supposed to be stupid." "Yes." I'm silent for a few moments, considering the appaling statement. He takes it as victory, and gets up towards the door. "Haha, I win!" and I say, "What, the stupid award?!" as he walks out.

                      Ooh, sometimes, I can't stand him.

                      And again, I like something with substance. But not all the time, sometimes I like a little...relaxing, like a comedy or something. But all the time....*headdesk*

                      So my day has been pretty much ruined.

                      Oh, and just so you know, my brother just added on another nice like comment. This website is for "Young Nerds." Yup. you heard it.
                      I don't know how I'm going to survive another year with him. I really, really hope he moves out next year, I can't stand it....*headdesk*

                      Oh, and by the way, I think he's completely wrong about all of you. He doesn't even know you. I know you guys to be some of the most fun, crazy, lovable, wonderful, smpathetic, real live, human people. he sees you as carboard. But then again, he has an ego the size of Japan, so...

                      I'm going to go find a way to cool down a bit. I might be back a little later... I don't know...*whump*
                      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                      • yesterday morning, we had cross country practice. It was raining. There was a flash flood warning. We were running near a river that happens to flood almost every time there's a flood warning. And in the middle of the run, there's a bunch of really big really close flashes of lightning. Now, tell me: how do cross country runners consistently have the highest GPAs in the school, but we're not smart enough to cancel practice on a morning like that? I love my team...but it was ridiculous!

                        So...on Friday Mom made me go shopping for clothes for senior pictures. It was ridiculously long, and annoying. Has anyone read Twilight? I know some people on here have. Anyway, the main character has stated a few times that she feels like a life size paper doll when another character makes her dress up in outfits that aren't really...her style, I guess. Well...Hungry feels like a life size paper doll right now (despite the fact that she actually went shopping on Friday.) It's just many clothes. And Mom keeps wanting to see me in them again and again...and while they're nice clothes, a lot of them aren't items of clothing I'll be wearing on a regular basis (Mom bought this gorgeous 100% silk (?!) blouse from Banana Republic. I'm a slob, and it's dry clean only and was expensive. When am I supposed to ever wear it again? Graduation?) I just feel stupid. I'm not a paper doll. (Did I mention that she's making me get my hair done by the person who cuts my hair that day? She doesn't even trust me to do my own hair!)'s just ridiculous. At least I know my senior pictures will be good...but still...urg, it doesn't feel like they'll be pictures of me! (If I was in charge of picking outfits for senior pictures...well, I'd probably end up in something like my cross country uniform-a singlet and a pair of spanks. That'd be a fun picture. )

                        Ooh! I have a closet door now! XD This is a big deal because now I can hide stuff in my closet (like clothes I've already ran in and will use again, even though they stink) and no one will know they're there. Lol, but's a big deal to me! It's all shiny since Dad stained it to match the rest of the doors (and wood floors, I guess) in the house. I'm kind of sitting on the floor across from it, staring at it. Very shiny...XD

                        School starts on the 29th. I'm nowhere near done with my summer reading...but you know what? Because I'm a senior, and have done this whole summer reading thing for 4 years now, I know that the teachers NEVER collect the projects on the first day of school. NEVER. We only see them for 10 minutes each on the first day anyway-that's not even enough time to take attendance. So...I'll be fine, I've decided.

                        Hey Mel-is Hairspray any good? My friend and I were going to go see it, but she randomly decided that it sounded stupid. I still want to see it-is it worth seeing?

                        Right now, I've got Strawberry Fields by the Beatles in my head. It's driving me up the wall...I don't even remember the last time I listened to the song. Probably while I was on vacation. But it won't leave...strawberry fields forever...

                        I need a Homecoming dress, and I'm having no luck at all searching for one. I hate shopping (did I mention that in this post yet? XD) and dress shopping is quite possibly the worst kind of shopping there is. And I'm picky-I refuse to wear pink, dark green, purple, or strapless dresses (well, I don't refuse to wear strapless dresses...I just can't. ) I'm a joy to shop with.

                        I broke my Nalgene water bottle. Poor Jake. I've had him since sophomore year! Aren't those things supposed to be nearly unbreakable? Mine just got a crack in the bottom randomly-I never did anything to try and break it. Oh well...Guess I'll go do something worthwhile my summer reading.


                        • *cheers* the library gave me a gift of a book for participating in the summer reading club. I'm not entirely certain i'll read it, but's a nice thing to have. *grins* *thinks of something else to say* well, my ferret has FINALLY Started to actually hide things...under my bed actually, where it's kind of hard to tell if she was already doing just that. :P and the cats are*has nothing else to say* see you!
                          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                          • Hungry, it was ok. The songs are kind of addicting and have a tendency to get stuck in your head...Zac Efron wasn't too bad in his role... John Travolta was surprisingly convincing...Amanda Bynes was OK, but she just didn't fit the role...The girl who played the main character was very cute and amazing.

                            There was only one major complaint...well, actually, it was from my mom. She said the the early sixties weren't actually so politically pumped, that it was mostly people concerned with rock n' roll coming in and the skirts going from your knees, to barely anything at all. I think that she possibly didn't know to much about the poilitics at the time, however, 'cause she was like ten, though.

                            But all in all, good.

                            oh yeah, yesterday was fun. Two friends randomly stopped by at my house. They were just walking, so I decided to walk with them, too. So then, we decided to pick up my friend. So we went to her house and hung out for like an hour. Then we finally decided to go to Dairy Queen. To do so, we had to walk along, and then cross a four-lane highway. Greaaat. So then we got our ice cream, and my mom calls. Uh oh. I forgot to call her to tell her where I was, so she was a bit worried. I told her that we were at the Dairy Queen (never minding which one...she thought I was at a completely different DQ, which probably would have been the safer, if not longer route). So then we worked our way back to my friend's house. On the way there, we happened to run into some idiotic boys that go to our old school, and either are going into7th or 8th. Anyway, they happened to not like my friend Tizzy because she's not....well, everyone calls her emo or goth. Which she's not. She's more punk than anything, but there you go, we live in a stupid suburbia where no one but rich people and the occasional middle class(like myself) somehow manage to squeeze in, barely. Well. They latched onto her right away. One of htem actually jumped onto her back. She was slightly amused, but not really angry yet. But then, they kept following us. For like three blocks, calling us nasty names. So, she turned and dumped half her ice cream on the one kid. He turned back, and hurled himself against her, almost tackling her (she's almost 6 foot tall, he's like barely 5). We came really, really really close to hitting them. But we didn't, we held self control enough to just keep walking. Or at least, I helped her keep self control by clutching her arm and forcing her to walk. They still followed us. Then, they started spitting on us, the little creeps. So I turned around on the one, and I swear, if he didn't run, he would had a black eye today.

                            The worst part is, one of them lives right around the corner, just down the street. If he comes anywhere near my house, I will punch him. I don't like violence. I really, really don't. But a girl's gotta stick up for herself, right?

                            Better yet, I'll sic my older brother on him, heh heh heh......That actually happened, once, when I was like five. I was playing with my brother's basketball, and some kid, limke a year older than me, wanted to play with it, but I said no 'cause it wasn't mine. Sohe punched me in the face. And then my brothers went out, and his sisters and brothers went out, and they ended up circling the block looking for each other, but missing each other (thankfully) the whole time. Sheesh. Why do people like to beat on me so much?

                            so then I went home. I forgot (again) to say hello to my mom, 'cause she wasn't in the house, but was apparently outside. So I felt really bad 'cause she thought I'd been kidnapped....:/ But then I talked with my friends, and we made a CD to help my other friend for when she's feeling rather blue...she has bouts of depression 'cause her parents just divorced...and it's a sticky time.

                            I have more to say, but I've gotta go...

                            Now, to finish A Mist of Prophecies once and for all, go get a physical *shudddddder*, and try to calm my friend down (she's gotten a meet & greet with Linkin Park, her favvvorite band)

                            Dai, guys!
                            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                            • I watched HSM 2, was slightly disappointed... I thought it was going to be a little better than it was. *is a little embarrassed being almost 16 years old and watching HSM*

                              Nothing much has changed except my birthday is in a like seven days and I'm wicked excited!! I really want this digital camcorder so I can make and edit movies on my computer. I already have a script finished!! I just need some actors and find a subsitute for New York City and it's suburbs. But that will be a long time before I can actually make a movie. Wish it could happen!!

                              School starts on the 30th (day before my birthday) for me, which makes me happy because I get to sleep in for one more day, unlike the freshmen and under people. Joys of being an upperclassman!! I have two more years and I get to go to college... Still feels a little weird being in 11th grade. Then again I'm like one of the youngest people in my grade (and the shortest but I'm growing!!). ^-^. Also, my school likes to try out different programs each year to see if it works, and guess who is a part of one? ME. I have two classes that are intertwined with each other. American Studies 2 and English. I get to read a book in English and learn about what is going on in American Studies! Yay! SO that means I'm going to have THREE finals for TWO classes. One for AS, one for English, and one for the intertwining part.

                              So a new school year means new things to learn... Oh the joy!

                              Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                              Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                              It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                              Check out my video: LET GO


                              • ...Can I tell what happened today at cross country? I was running down the street in my town that has all the shopping, and places to eat, and...the movie theater. The movie theater has these sort of covered bulletin boards outside that they display posters for coming movies in. The bulletin boards stick out some from the wall. I ran into the board, (I know. I'm either legally blind, or the clumsiest person alive. Or have really bad depth perception.) and wiped out, landing on my back, left hip, and left arm. But now there's this weird bump on my arm, right where a bone is. We went to the emergency room, and they don't think I broke it, but I may have a hairline fracture thing...or it could just be a horrible bruise. The thing is, I know what bruises feel like, and this is too hard to be a bruise. It's really frustrating, since it hurts, but there's nothing I can do about it until I get it x-rayed, which won't happen unless it starts hurting even more, or if it doesn't bruise. So arm hurts because I'm the clumsiest person alive? I hope I didn't fracture'd really stink to have to wear a cast for senior pictures and the first day of school and stuff. And during cross country season...grrr...I hate running into things!

