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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Ah, the health craze I know what you mean, Emi, I haven't gotten anything from the vending machines for a long time, as they've replaced all the sodas with diet junk. I hate aspartame!

    School is getting almost-but-not-quite hectic; I've already missed 2 meetings this week
    "...For my own part, I known my job; my commission comes from Those Who Are. My paw raised is Their paw on the neck of the Serpent, now and always..." - The (Kitty) Catechism
    Define the universe and give 3 examples.


    • Rhi:
      I know what you mean, Emi, I haven't gotten anything from the vending machines for a long time, as they've replaced all the sodas with diet junk.
      Actually, it really is junk. It's a waste of time and money, and I'm surprised your school didn't know about this: Diet soda changes your metabolism. Maybe it's slightly less horrible for you the first coupla days, but then it starts to change your metabolism to fit it, so you're not "losing" (as in gaining less) any pounds at all, you're actually putting on more. And your metabolism will still be screwy. And it tastes bad anyway.

      End Spiel.

      So today marked the beginning of freshman week at my highschool. It was like aniticipating the lion act at the circus. You're nervous, but really really excited too.

      So, today, we had to wear our hair in two ponytails (bad ones, not pretty ones), wear red lipstick, blue eye shadow, have HP scars, and a giant unibrow. We also had to carry our books around in paper bags (though they don't make us "bag it" --i.e. dump our books out-- any more due to health resons--on the stairs is _not_ a good idea_ -- and such.) Some people got signs to wear, like me (FRONT: ___ ___, my senior, is the top banana! *insert cute pictures of bananas with little arms and legs and smiling faces* BACK: Ask me to sing the Banana Song!! --which, might I add, I did several times today in class.) Some poeple had to repeat phrases. We all had to barnacle (run up against a wall with at least three limbs attached) and Sizzle like Bacon and Leapfrog. And bend to the Seniors' wills, especially at lunch time.

      We had to bring in tablecloths, flowers, and baked good for the seniors who were in "a romantic mood." We also had to do a rollercoaster around the cafeteria, act like animals around the cafetiera (I was an ostrich, lol), some people had to find the starburst in the whipped was a lot of good fun. Oh, and we need to learn the soldier's dance by tomorrow, which I'm going to suck at terribly.

      Tomorrow it's unicorn ponytails, pink lipstick, freckles, and a unibrow. All good fun, all fun, all funny.

      Th-thya-the-thyy-that's all folks!
      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


      • Wow Mel, we can't even do stuff like that to our freshies at all! Our school forbids it. No hazing whatsoever.

        Which kind of stinks in a way. The only time we can "intimidate" the freshmen is during spirit week, but we've got rules to abide by, such as: no silly strings, no spray paints, no painting people in general, and last but not least NO SCARING THE FRESHMEN. Which might I add is not fair, because when I was a freshmen, we got silly stringed and painted and stuff like that, but since then, because a few stupid people in my grade complained (and their parents) we can't do that now. But at the end of our sketches/pep rally, all the upperclassmen chant "FRESHMEN" over and over again, and crowd around them. I guess it's a tradition, and no one can break that. It's kind of fun though when you become and upperclassmen and you can do the same thing to the freshmen.

        Oh and we can't even access our sodas until after school... 2:15 is when it unlocks itself.

        ANYWAY, I started drivers ed today, and I get to drive tomorrow after school. I'm almost done reading Adventures of Huckleberry Finn! That's all for now.. I gotta fill the stomach.

        Dai guys!
        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
        Check out my video: LET GO


        • Hmmm...if you get caught hazing at my school, you pretty much get suspended with a pending expulsion, depending on what you get caught doing. That being said, we obviously don't haze freshmen; however, certain sports teams *coughcrosscountryvolleyballfootballbasketballRUGB Y* are known to do it. However, our cross country hazing really isn't bad at all; we just go wake up the new runners at like...4 AM (their parents know we're coming) and take them down in the woods to lead them down this trail when they're blindfolded. XD Then, they get breakfast, and good breakfast too, like pancakes and bacon. It's almost more like team bonding than anything else. Our girls rugby team is notoriously bad about hazing; seriously, I've heard what they do...I don't know why anyone hasn't stopped them yet.

          Senior year I've got to admit, I like making freshmen move out of the way so I can walk down the correct side of the staircase (am I right that in the USA, we drive on the right side of the road, and walk on the right side of the staircase? Someone inform the freshmen at my school of this little rule!) Anyway, I'm not mean...I just like walking on the right side of the stairs. XD

          Cross country is getting awkward, since a lot of the newbies are adding a lot of unneeded drama to the team. It's annoying, since cross really is usually a drama free sport. Secretly, all the seniors have concurred that we can't wait for the season to be over so we don't have to deal with the newbies. We don't want the season to end...we just want the newbies gone!

          Speaking of cross country...urg. The meet on Saturday was potentially the most awkward meet of my life. See...the summer before junior year, I went to nerd camp, and met a guy there. We didn't kiss or anything, but we were known as "more than friends" around camp. He goes home at the end of the session, I go home, we don't communicate until last August, when he friends me on Facebook. I then learn he has a girlfriend. However, last Saturday, his cross country team ends up running at the same meet that I'm at, and he comes up to me to say hey, I guess...I actually don't know why he came up to me. It was just awkward, because I still kind of like him, but he's got a girlfriend that he's like...devoted to. Yet, somehow, he felt that it was ok to give me a hug as a greeting! Grrr...boys need to chill. If they've got a girlfriend, and know that I like them, then they shouldn't be giving me hugs! *sigh* This makes absolutely no sense, but oh well. It's not like I can talk about this with anyone at school or home, so here you go: you guys get to read about my annoyance with E. XD Nuts, I know. Guess I should go do some homework now...dai guys!


          • Emi and Mel.... I really don't want to make myself sound critical in any way, but... err... it seems to me as if you two have more posts here in TTOGR lately than any other member.... Not that that's a problem, but it's a bit redundant in Email, "New reply by Emi in The Topic of Great Randomness," then farther in the list, "New reply by Mel..." then even farther Emi again.... Reading about two people's each and every day gets a tad redundant. I don't want to be picky or nagging, but... well, I don't really know how to put this, but you know what I mean.

            Hmm, randomness.... Not much randomness, except that I nearly LOATHE my eighth grade Science teacher.... She was the only one to give us homework on the first day of school, she wants us to read through our notes, papers, and textbook readings that we've done so far and study from them EVERY NIGHT, and tonight she made us do 40 flash cards, with vocab on one side, the book definition on the other side, along with a definition in our own words and a little drawing to "help you better remember the definitions". Erm, NO, wrong idea, it'll make me hate even seeing those words. Plus, how are we supposed to make a drawing for "Theory", or "Scientific law", or "Hypothesis".... I'm telling you, this woman's nuts.... And my sister had her, and when I told her about all these cards even she agreed that it was way too much, and she's so obsessive about her schoolwork (to get it done as good as it POSSIBLY can, and to labor over it for five times the amount of time her fellow college students do it), so that's a big thing for her to say.

            And I'm flat-out SCARED of the Social Studies teacher.... I don't know if I've talked about all this in here yet, but tomorrow I will.... Those 40 cards have me wicked tired and up late, so I'd better stop here.
            "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


            • Originally posted by EricG1793:
    's a bit redundant in Email, "New reply by Emi in The Topic of Great Randomness," then farther in the list, "New reply by Mel..." then even farther Emi again.... Reading about two people's each and every day gets a tad redundant.
              Well, Eric, you could always turn off email notifications on the thread. It seems like it would be easier to do that if it's so annoying.
              "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

              "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


              • OK, then, let me rephrase that. It gets redundant seeing one or two of these names on the recent post list all the time, and the other reasons I said before.

                Now that that's over with and done.... Hmm.... Well it's raining out. It's great, because we haven't had a decent rainfall in weeks, and our dirt road was WICKED dusty.... And the fact that our neighbor puts pure SAND down on the road doesn't help, either.... Dry sand is a very unsatisfactory bicycle riding condition, because it sucks in the tires... I nearly fell once when the tire dug in to and got locked in a section of particularly dry, gravel-less section of sand.... Paving the road isn't ever going to happen; it's a private road so we'd have to somehow come up with U.S. $ 80,000 to 100,000 to get it done.... Also our neighbor, with his multi ton logging trucks and other equipment, would ruin the pavement on its first day of being down, and the road is too long to walk down twice a day anyway....

                Less homework tonight. The evil Science teacher gave us considerably less homework (tonight it's write 5 scientific questions, and write a hypothesis in "correct" format for each of them). And that's pretty much all I have to talk about.
                "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                • I didn't mention anywhere besides chat that I went down near Atlanta over the weekend, did I?

                  It was my first outing as a conference presenter: I gave two presentations at the FoxForward conference about how to use a particular version control program with Visual FoxPro, my programming tool of choice. It could have gone a bit better than it did, but at least it was fun...

                  And while I was down there, I met the other college net.friend I've never met in person. :-) Kathy, do you know Rob Wynne/Autographed Cat? I've known him about the same amount of time I've known you. He lived just around the corner from the hotel where the conference was held.

                  I also got to see my only ex-girlfriend while I was there: she and her family moved to Atlanta in July. I haven't seen her in over 10 years, so it was good to catch up on things. I got to meet one of her daughters: the other one was in preschool.
                  "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                  "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                  • Originally posted by Garrett Fitzgerald:
                    I didn't mention anywhere besides chat that I went down near Atlanta over the weekend, did I?
                    No, you didn't. That's sure a long distance away! It sounds like a wonderful trip. I'm guessing you flew down, right? I don't like flying.... I don't know if I've ever posted about it (or talked about it in chat when it was around full time) but we went on vacation to South Carolina, and we flew down there and I was EXTREMELY scared.... And I had a right to be. It was my first time ever on an airplane. Apparently there was more turbulence than there usually is... enough so they didn't serve refreshments. And watching the wings shake like that... ugh, every minute I was thinking we were going to crash.... The stay in Carolina was wonderful, though. And the trip back was pretty nice as well. It was in the day time (the trip there was between about nine and midnight, so I didn't see anything interesting to make up for the scariness), so I saw a lot of beautiful scenes.... However I won't be flying for a very long time now.... And if I ever do fly again, it certainly won't be overseas... halfway down South the country was enough.
                    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                    • OOPS! Sorry Eric, didn't mean to drive you insane... I'll try PMing Mel once in awhile from now on.

                      Garret, that must have been fun going to Atlanta! I would like to go there sometime in my life. Don't worry, your confrences will get better. But at least you had fun, that's all that counts. Oh, and we've probably never met before, so... Hi I'm Emi!

                      I like flying in planes, its fun watching the cars become little toy cars. ^-^.
                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • *sighs* Eric, this is going to sound bad, but your name pops up on the recent post list as much or more as Emi's and Mel's do. Three times today (September 11th), in fact. Chill. Unsubscribe from notifications. Personally, I LIKE hearing from Mel and Emi through TOGR; their posts are fun to read, and it's not like they're posting every day, multiple times a day. I'm not trying to sound rude, but just...relax.

                        Rockstar by Nickelback just came on the radio...I must go dance and sing to it-hold on a sec. Ok, back now. Sorry, I used to hate that song, but I'm pretty much addicted to it, probably because I hear it so often.

                        Garrett: sounds I'm sure your presentation went fine. Atlanta's a cool drive through. I've never actually stopped there, but we've driven through it a few times.

                        I got my senior picture proofs (samples to look at so I/my Mom can decide which ones she wants) yesterday. It's kind of some pictures I really don't look like myself at all. Everyone at school today who saw them was like "I didn't know you cleaned up so well!" since I'm by nature a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. It's kind of driving me crazy, the amount of time people want to spend looking at pictures of me. Actually, not crazy; it's just really awkward for me. Don't really know why, but there you have it: hungry feels it is awkward when people look at pictures of her! Senior year in general is just one big awkwardness...especially when your younger sister is a freshman at the same high school. Today, apparently, she got pushed down in the hallway by one of the "ghetto" girls at school, for no reason, and the girl didn't even appear to realize that it'd happend. My sister is a small girl; she's bigger than I was at her age, but she's still not big enough to hold her own in situations like that. I'm worried...I kind of wish she was a year younger, so I wouldn't be at the same school as her, and therefore I wouldn't have to worry about her. Also, maybe then people would stop saying that we look alike. I'll admit it, I'm kind of sick of people thinking I'm her, and vice versa.

                        Edit: My brother finally named his turtle! (after having it for 2 weeks. ) His name is...drumroll...Plato! Of course, I love it, but I don't think he quite understands why I love it. Oh well-at least Turtle's got a name now. XD


                        • My friends sister just started at my high school. My friends and I are Juniors. And boy let me tell you my friend was so happy when her sister found some friends. She doesn't have to eat with us now. The girl was really quiet and shy. I thought she was nice. But I'm lucky because by the time I'm a senior next year my little brothers (twins ) will only be in 4th grade.

                          Garret I have family in Atlanta. So I'm considering going to college out there. I might go Clark-Atlanta University. Was the city nice? Does it look like a nice place to go to school if it is your first time away from home?
                          Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                          Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                          • Originally posted by spyells:
                            Garret I have family in Atlanta. So I'm considering going to college out there. I might go Clark-Atlanta University. Was the city nice? Does it look like a nice place to go to school if it is your first time away from home?
                            I don't know. :-( If I had been driving, I might have been able to form an opinion, but since I was taking public transportation, I was very focused on making my connections on time.

                            Also, the conference was in Alpharetta, a bit north of there, so I didn't get to see much of Atlanta proper. It did seem like a nice place in general, though...
                            "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                            "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                            • Thanks I was just wondering. Time for me to go to class. *groans*
                              Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                              Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                              • Guys, I have not seen you in forever, and I miss you, but I am sooo exhausted. I'm surprised my head doesn't just roll off my shoulders.

                                >< *school*

                                Okay, well, prior to school, my life was full of drama, and, mmm... I don't really mind drama that much. I mean, it's complicated, but it's inevitable, and hopefully you learn to grow from all of the situations you find yourself in life. But the easiest and second best thing to was to wait around for school and hope things died out, which is exactly what I did. I'm still waiting.

                                My frustration about some aspects of life has grown so much that I feel like I'm going to explode. When I finally get opportunities, I don't want them, and then I feel guilty because they're not good enough. What exactly am I waiting for? But realistically, there have been a few too many bad guys in my life. What's worse about life is that there's no fine line; no one is entirely rotten or graced with perfection.

                                I'm not making any sense. I just... eh,

                                I need to do my homework and stop punching floors.
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

