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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Eh, so I went to our school's first dance tonight... crummy, but fun. I actually went with my old best friend, we came to the dance together and stuff, but I really didn't see her much cuz she was off with her boyfriend. So I hung out with one of my other friends that showed up and had some fun. I wish I just had some person (perferably a guy) to go to the dances and stuff with, so I won't always be alone. If you know what I mean. Anyway, I'm mad tired, my feet hurt, and I don't think I've danced like that in months.

    Oh have you guys heard of the Numa Numa song? umm can't think of the actual name, but it's a personal fav at my school. I'm not even kidding, in the actual language and all. It's pretty funny seeing us dance and sing to a song we don't even know what the words mean.

    Anyway, nothing else changed.. OH WAIT.. they lowered the vending machine price back down to $1.00!! yay!

    Now, I'm just waiting for basketball season to start... that'll be a long time from now....

    So.. à toute à l'heure.

    Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
    Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
    It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
    Check out my video: LET GO


    • Ahh, Hungry, thanks for the defense. I haven't been able to get onto the internet for a while.... --> one computer died (and is still dead) + insane amounts of homework in between. Like three hours worth a day, haha.

      But Eric, I'm sorry that you got annoyed. Like Garrett said, you could just turn off the notifications. And, besides, this is about the same pace I've always typed on ToGR. It's just slowed down lately, mostly because a lot of the devoted people to it got older, plus the school year starting and all. It needs a little revival, I think. But in the end, I'm just trying to tell you guys something exciting about my life, mostly because you guys can listen to me without being *too* judgmental. And that's why I love this forum, a listening ear and good advice. And a good place to rant, or gloat, or whathaveyou. It's very nice, sometimes, after a particularly bad or good day. That's all, I hope you understand,

      EDIT: oh yeah, we had a dance in there somewhere last Friday, I think. Crazeee.... My school is really really tiny, but there were 600 people there that night....neesh. And it was _so_ hot, there was no circulation. You pretty much sweated through your clothes, dried out, sweated, dried, sweated, dried...etc. But it was actually pretty fun. Just a little gross, though. And then I lost my voice and didn't regain it until the end of this week, when I lost it again due to a cold...more later.

      So Freshman week is over. It was really, really fun (I mean, where else can you wear your hair in a Sanjaya pony-hawk? It was hilarious!!). Even barnacle-ing was fun. And I got public recognition for my hair and got to parade and rollercoaster through the gym during orchestra. decidedly a fun time all together. Most of us even got t-shirts commemorating it, nice green tees (green is the freshman color) that said "i survived freshman week 2007/ *insert school name*" :P very, very niice.

      So on Freshman Day, we were allowed to ditch the paper bags and make-up silliness. Then we went into the gym where our seniors sang to us parodies of "What Time is it?" and "Stacy's Mom" ("What day is it? freshmen day! Today is your day. What day is it? Freshmen day! That's right, say it loud!" and "I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with the freshman class" lol)
      Then they did this tradition where they pin this carnation onto our blazers. It was really nice.

      Oh yeah, and they gave us this basket of green stuff. Mine was really really cool. It included this panda (our school mascot) that had apparently been passes down 11 times from senior to freshman. It's been going since '64, I believe, and it's so cool 'cause I get to give it to my freshman in four years. Now tell me that's not awesome!

      So then we had chapel (which was really, really, really nice. My brother's *now* apparently ex-girlfriend () said once that it was so nice. She wasn't even Catholic. She said that you didn't feel so bad that you didn't listen to the homily, you just look up and look at the peaceful painting on the ceiling and feel so much better. ) and then fifteen minute periods. I had 2 quizzes (which was sort of mean, it was the freshmen's day for relaxation, honestly!).

      After that was the freshmen's picnic, and then we went to nifty fifties's and mini golfing ( senior's best friend wacked the ball, it bounced off the counter, hit her other best friend square in the forehead! So unbelievably funny!!) and then to that same best friend who got hit with the golf ball's house. So, even though we got out at one, I didn't get home till about I dunno, 7 o'clock at night. All in all, a very cool day.

      We;ll, mostly. I mean, I had cramps, a sore throat, sinus pressure, a stuffed nose, and a fever starting by the time I got home, but the coolest thing was that I was having such a blast that it didn't really matter all that much until I got home and collapsed, lol.

      So that brings me to the present, in my pj's at 12:20 in the afternoon, sipping my lemon tea and wearing all my highschool gear (the _best_ pj pants there are, and my survived freshman week shirt... )

      I hope everyone had a great week, even though you had lots of homework, most of you *pats Gryph on the back*

      I wish I knew exactly what to say to you, and to help you get through this, but I'm not exactly sure what to say. It looks like you're going through a really harsh time, right about now, seeing more of the bad in the world than the good, and I'm really really sorry about that, quite sincerely. I suggest that you go for a walk in the nearest woods, if you have some, and just look at everything. Don't try to suppress your feelings, they'll just get worse. That much I do know. I'm not sure of what more you can do, or I can say after that. Just hang in there as best you can, and know that we're rooting for you, even halfway across the country and world. *huggles*

      I think that's it for now. Now to end my uber-long post...

      Luv's ya'll!
      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


      • Life has been totally insane lately. To be honest, I've been so stressed that my usually I'm-gonna-die attitude towards grades and other stuff has doubled (or even tripled) in its negativity, getting me into a bit of trouble.

        We now have color guard practice four days a week. Monday practices are from 3:30 to 6:00, Tuesday and Thursday practices are from 6:00 to 8:30, and Wednesday practices are from 3:30 to 5:00. And while the guard captian is my friend, her uber hardcore practices are killing me. Nine hours a week is plenty, and the other day she was talking about adding on practices, or starting an hour earlier some days. I'm having trouble keeping up in school as it is. So, all I said in response to this was, "But-" and I got cut off with "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! EVERYBODY IS IN THE SAME SITUATION!" (However, she's definitely NOT in my AP Chemistry class...)

        She wants to do guard in college and do DCI, but I just want to play in symphonic band in college. I honestly could care less if we make it to state our first year out. Yeah, I want us to do well, but I don't want to kill myself or my grades in the process. Blech. I'm not smart enough to keep good grades without a ton of work.

        It's a conundrum of epic proportions, if I may quote my friend.

        The captain/my friend has also been injuring my pride a bit...she talks to us like we're five. The annoying thing is that we all learned how to do this together, two months ago. Before that, NONE of us had picked up a flag. Beyond that, she keeps ordering our stuff, and getting me larges in pants, but she orders my other friend (who wears a larger size in jeans than I do, btw) mediums. Maybe 'cause I'm short, I look bigger than I am, but these pants are huge on my thighs, and they make me look massive. So, I'm kind of ticked at her at the moment, 'cause she's all, "Oh, the larges look much better on you than the mediums," and should I complain, I'll just get a lecture.

        Okay, enough complaining.

        I had my sweet sixteen last weekend!

        It was super fun and exciting. It was a dance/social/pig out event. My ex-boyfriend even came. Like, the one I dated back in freshman year, but we really haven't been able to talk in forever 'cause of hard feelings and quick tempers. Anyway, he was actually being nice to me, and I was very happy.

        Oh, so on my actual birthday, I left school early to get my permit, then came back for guard practice. Not exactly how I hoped to spend my birthday, but s'okay.

        I haven't driven yet. I really want to, lol. I also really want to go to Qdoba, 'cause I was supposed to go for my birthday.

        I think I'm going to take a quick nap before my flute lesson. I got about eight hours of sleep, but I'm still feeling tired. My friend and I had a chick flick night with Catch and Release and The Notebook. We finished off two bags of popcorn and ate chocolate chip and pecan cookies. Yesterday was also class retreat day, so there wasn't any school. I'm not a big fan of high ropes courses and creepy tall stuff like that, but it was fun to get out of school and hang out with different people. I got our Bible teacher as my group leader, who also happens to be my friend Shoe's dad. Anyway, Doc is awesomely funny, and has every accent ever perfect. He's completely insane and incredibly amusing. I managed to have two yearbook staff in my group of ten people, which is somewhat scary...I really don't want to be in the yearbook looking like I did on retreat, lol.

        Okay, yeah, I'm going now. Adios.
        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


        • All right, forget it, I'm not annoyed anymore, I give up, it's my fault, you've done nothing wrong, it's great to have half of Youngwizards emails coming in be TTOGR Emails.... No harm done.

          Today was my grandmother's 80th birthday party. I won't go in to detail (right now, maybe the next time I post I will) but the highlights: We rented a tent, had a campfire and marsh mellows and glow sticks, and of course, the traditional lawnmower trailer rides, which I did, as usual. We did those for longer than we ever have. And also it was held at my aunt and uncle's, as usual, and as usual I stayed there the night before the party (last night). It was a wonderful and eventful party; heck, she'll only turn 80 once.
          "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


          • I have another mean English teacher this school year. In class everyone was talking but she singled me out and told me to move my seat. I didn't get a warning and she never said that we couldn't talk. Then when I moved she fussed at me for chewing gum, but I had already discussed with her outside of class that I had a retainer so she wouldn't think that I was chewing gum. I got smart mouth and told her it was my retainer. I never disrespect teachers. I always have excellent and satisfactory for conduct on my report card. I stopped talking once I changed my seat. Everyone else kept talking so after a while I started to talk to my own friends again. She snapped at me again and asked me did I even turn in my workbook. Of course I turned in my workbook. I always do my homework. Even if I don't know how to do it I will do something and turn it in. I told her I turned it in. Then she snapped at me to read the book "The Scarlet Letter" which had been passed out to the class earlier that same period. I asked her why was she only picking on me. She said only to worry about myself and don't deflect onto others. I was mad.

            I didn't read "The Scarlet Letter". Why should I when no one else in the class was? When she told me to read again I just looked right around at all the people who were talking and not reading. I opened the book and didn't read a word. I was too steamed at that point. I was trying not to think negative of her because I hate thinking negative about my teachers. She also gave me a D- on the homework. And when she graded mine all she did was sigh the whole time like my work was that terrible. I was upset. This is an honors class. Every bad grade counts against me. My grandma said my mom should talk to her. And what's worse is that English use to be my favorite subject until last year when I had a difficult teacher that just wanted to fail me in everything. Not to mention she also failed a lot of the class.
            Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
            Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


            • Gee, spyells, that's a sinister English teacher. Almost as sinister as my kindergarten teacher, who used to literally drag me to the principal's office for (I swear!) no reason, and all the other teachers hate her. However she's on 10-year, so they can't get rid of her. Last school year they put her in the library as the library teacher. And our neighbor, who we're close to, is the library clerk in the library, and she was unfortunate enough to have to work with that nasty woman. Apparently, one night, a new janitor was cleaning a classroom. A teacher who left the school left a carpet in her old classroom for the next teacher. Well, when the janitor was cleaning that classroom my kindergarten teacher was trying to get in to the room to take the carpet, which she was saying was hers, and it was absolutely NOT. Luckily the janitor was smart enough to lock her out and not let her in to steal the carpet. And she apparently steals other teacher's food, and stole a fan from the former principal. She's absolutely nuts; so many students have stayed back with her (including me) when it wasn't the student's issue, but the teacher's. When she was in the library she didn't do anything; she read stories to the kids, made kids correct papers for other classes.... She's totally nuts.

              I'll rant about my Reading teacher last year tomorrow and also my Science teacher this year, although I think I have already, but I guess I will again.
              "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


              • In the spirit of today (which is tomorrow for all of you:

                (To the tune of 'Teddybear's Picnic')

                If you go out of your house today,
                You'd better not go alone,
                If you can don't go out of your house today,
                Its safer to stay at home

                For every pirate that ever there was
                Will gather today, for certain because
                Todays the day that everyone talks like a pi-irate...

                If you go out of your house today,
                You'd better go in disguise.
                If you go out of your house today,
                AVAST! You're warned and be wise

                For every adult who hasn't grown up,
                and all of the kids and the cats and dogs,
                Will all be dressed up and talking li-ike pirates.

                If you go out of your house today,
                pre-prepare your arrs and avasts!
                If you go out of your house today,
                don't be scared to run up yer mast.

                For everyone will yell and shout,
                AVAST! ME HEARTY! you'd better watch out
                cos today's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!


                • Originally posted by EricG1793:
                  Gee, spyells, that's a sinister English teacher. Almost as sinister as my kindergarten teacher, who used to literally drag me to the principal's office for (I swear!) no reason, and all the other teachers hate her. However she's on 10-year, so they can't get rid of her. Last school year they put her in the library as the library teacher. And our neighbor, who we're close to, is the library clerk in the library, and she was unfortunate enough to have to work with that nasty woman. Apparently, one night, a new janitor was cleaning a classroom. A teacher who left the school left a carpet in her old classroom for the next teacher. Well, when the janitor was cleaning that classroom my kindergarten teacher was trying to get in to the room to take the carpet, which she was saying was hers, and it was absolutely NOT. Luckily the janitor was smart enough to lock her out and not let her in to steal the carpet. And she apparently steals other teacher's food, and stole a fan from the former principal. She's absolutely nuts; so many students have stayed back with her (including me) when it wasn't the student's issue, but the teacher's. When she was in the library she didn't do anything; she read stories to the kids, made kids correct papers for other classes.... She's totally nuts.

                  I'll rant about my Reading teacher last year tomorrow and also my Science teacher this year, although I think I have already, but I guess I will again.
                  Yeah she is mean. I have her again tomorrow. I have always been a perfectly behaved student. If you guys don't believe me ask Wizy. (Though I don't believe he's been on lately. ) I'm not looking forward to my English class tomorrow. Boy, don't I miss the days when English was my favorite subject. Not because it was easy it is always easy. But the days when I actually had nice teachers. I miss those days.
                  Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                  Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


                  • Well, it's finally happened. We have adopted a puppy! He's four months old, black lab, and he's surprisingly calm and sweet for his age. We saw an ad for him and called up and went to see him, and liked him so we took him home.

                    I'm very, VERY nervous about a dog... my mom, dad, and sister were saying about how much responsibility they are, and the house'll stink and have hair all over everything (as if it doesn't already from the cats ), and I was worried that it would all fall on me and I would get behind on schoolwork and need to take him walking when it's 90 degrees and humid outside in the summers.... I was just walking around the house, giving the tour, and he was following me. Reese, the fat Orange Tabby, went absolutely livid. He hunched up at first sight of Rex (that's what his old owners called him, but we're going to change it) and fluffed his tail so it was as fluffy as Chinchilla fur.... And he was hissing, growling.... Although Timmy, the timid, stupid grey tiger, was almost perfectly content; he was a bit wide-eyed, but didn't show any other signs of anger or fear. In a few minutes after my dad had left (he and I got the dog, and he had to leave, so it was just the dog, Reese, Timmy and I) I sat down and started to do my Social Studies homework and just burst out crying... I was scared we'd do something wrong, and he'll die eventually, or one or both of the cats would run away.... Then my mom came home, and she thinks she's really cute and beautiful and sweet. She said I have nothing to worry about, and it won't be all me, and the rest of the family would pitch in some.... And, LOL, later my sister came home. She came in and said, "Oh, he's so cute! Hi, puppy!" and he barked, ran over to her, and peed on the kitchen floor. I cleaned it up, and took him outside. True to the old owner's word, he let the rest of it out outside, so I gave him a ton of praise and took him inside and gave him a treat. And just a few minute ago, Timmy apparently snuck up behind him and batted his leg, and he yelped, ran around the living room, slipping on the laminate, and yelped again, and came running here in to the den to my mom. Poor doggie; the cats sure aren't letting him be the boss!

                    That's all that's happened with him so far... we don't know what to name him yet, I'll update you all tomorrow afternoon after school.
                    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                    • Spyells, hang in there.. I feel for you... I've always had one teacher every year that I didn't like. Except kindergarten and 1st grade and possibly 3rd.. but that's beside the point. I know how you feel. ^-^

                      ANYWHO. My days have become repetitive, I'm not even kidding. I go through the same thing over and over again, and it's starting to get really boring. I guess I'm kind of not really caring about school right now, I have too much stuff on my mind. For example, my best friend decided to go to school in a different town, 45 minutes away because she didn't want to live with her dad. And she said she's made some new friends and stuff. But back where I am, she was basically my only best friend, so I kind of don't have peeps to hang out with.

                      My marketing teacher really wants my class to go on this leadership conference, (because we're so-called "varsity") which is the first day of spirit week, and I don't want to miss any days of spirit week. I had to do that last year and I was pretty mad. Plus he's getting really snappy lately, so I'm kind of afraid to tell him I'm not going... I don't want to pay $30.00 to go to some conference where you get to hear lectures. So dumb. I get enough of that at the DECA conferences. Which I'm required to go to.

                      I had to do a presentation in my American Studies 2/English class the other day, and we were timed.. I was so nervous that I ended up talking really fast, causing my time to be short. My partner was a little mad at me, but HEY, I'm horrible at speaking in public. That's why I like to write and stuff. It's easier that way....

                      After everything that happens during the day, I can't even sleep at night. I'm so exhausted from the day, but I still can't sleep. It's so bad. I end up reading Young Wizards, just so I can get to bed. I seriously feel like I've just done three days worth of serious wizardry or something. That's how exhausted I am. Anybody feel like that sometime??? Please say yes, I don't want to be the only one.. hee hee...

                      Well I guess that's all folks!!


                      ERIC: Congrats on your new puppy!! You're going to have lot's of fun teaching him tricks and stuff...
                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • I suppose I've calmed down enough to post about this now...after all, if I'd posted about this on Friday, I'd probably have gone here goes: (by the way, this will seem extremely insignificant to most people, but to a runner, or really anyone involved in varsity sports, or anyone who just has empathy, but to me, it is/was a big deal!)

                        Last Thursday, we learned that one of the varsity girls on cross country couldn't run, because she had a soccer game (stupid freshmen who think they can play 2 sports in one season...seriously stupid of her to do that, but whatever) so Coach had to pick someone else to run in the varsity race for her. On Friday, we learn that my younger sister gets to run varsity on Saturday, at my favorite meet, since she beat me the Saturday before (but I was sick that Saturday.) Anyway...I got extremely upset about this, and basically cried all night about it. I mean, I've been working to get on varsity for 3 years, and this is my last year-my sister's been on cross country for 1 month, and she manages to do it. It's just frustrating because I know for a fact that I work harder than she does, and am naturally a faster person. So I go to the race, don't run varsity, and have to watch my sister run in the race I wanted to run in. (I was a good big sister, don't worry-I cheered for her and everything, putting on a smile, but inside I was pretty much falling apart, I was so upset.)

                        Either doesn't really matter now, since I beat her by 30 seconds, and also beat the girl she replaced's best time, and another girl's time as well; therefore, I'm on varsity this coming Saturday, and am also on it for the Saturday after that, since we're going on the big trip of the season to a meet in another state, which not everyone gets to go to, but I get to wear the varsity uniform at because I'll still have it. It was just a really bad weekend, as a result (but good because I beat my best time, and got on varsity for next week) and I have to write an apology note to Coach for how I cried on Friday. It's just...grrr...there's way too much drama on cross country this year, with the new freshmen, and with the fact that there are 3 pairs of sisters on the team, (including me and my sister) who are all competing with each other, and basically, drama stinks. Cross country is not a drama sport, but all these newbies are turning it into one. I'm kind of glad I'm graduating, and won't have to deal with the drama next year.

                        Homecoming's this Saturday night. I'm so excited it's ridiculous; I don't have a date, have no plans before hand, don't even really have a group I'm going with, but I'm still so excited. I've got this great dress that's red and is made of a very nice material, with a spaghetti strap halter sort of thing that goes around my neck (you can take the strap off, but I'm not.) It's a really nice dress...and I can wear it again sometime, since it's not actually a homecoming dress. So that's all good.

                        Eeee...puppy...XD I wanted a puppy at one point. Now I don't, because, like your family says Eric, there is going to be hair everywhere, and I hate dog hair. Puppies are fun though...

                        I hate my Math class for many reasons: A. It's first period. B. My teacher is evil. C. It's math. D. There's no tissues in the room, and when you ask to go to the bathroom to use toilet paper, the teacher looks at you like you're crazy. E. Even though it's first period, we're not allowed to have coffee in the room. F. The class itself is way too easy...but the only other class left that I could take was AP Calculus, and I'm not prepared for that...meaning that I didn't do the 2 years of pre-calc because they switched it to a 1 year program, which is what I'm taking now. G. Did I mention that I hate math? So basically, it's a really bad class, with a bad teacher, and annoying students in it. I wish I could drop it; you only need 3 years of math to graduate here, and I've already got 4 years (since I took some high school math in middle school.) Then I could have late arrival...however, it's too late to drop classes now, so there's no way to get rid of it. Plus, my mom wouldn't let me.

                        Alla: Oooh...Talk like a Pirate Day...XD Tomorrow is 1980's day at my school (it's spirit was hippie day), so a bunch of my friends are dressing up in 80s gear (old people gear, not 1980's gear-they're trying to be ironic) and then talking like pirates. It should be an interesting day, to say the least.

                        Let's see...I got the new James Blunt CD today. Yep, I know a lot of people I know don't like him, and truthfully, I don't care. Becoming a senior has made me realize something: I don't have to care quite as much what people think of what I like to do, or what music I like, or really even what I dress like, because I'm a senior, and in my school, that pretty much makes anything you do ok. (except for drugs and illegal stuff like that...that's never ok.) So basically...I guess I can say that I'm a bit more confident now, which is a really good thing for me. Just wish I'd figured this out before senior year! Urgh...long post. I'm extremely long-winded when it comes to this sort of thing-sorry.


                        • I'm getting a bit nervous about having the puppy.... I'm scared he'll end up dominating my life, taking up all my extra time to take care of him, and if we do anything wrong... and he'll die eventually....

                          Last evening I cried, as I said before, because of worry. I woke up three times in the night and started thinking about the dog, if he was OK, if he was peeing/pooping in the house, chewing things.... And all today I've felt physically sick, weak, pale, and as though I'm about to puke.... I didn't eat much at all so I'm starving right now but don't want to eat.... I'm going insane, I should be happy, ecstatic that I finally got the dog I've been wanting.... But instead I'm laying on the couch, as near to the bathroom as possible.... It could just be a coincidence; maybe I am not sick out of worry but I'm simply routinely sick, and after I feel better I'll feel more calm and happier. I don't know, time will tell....
                          "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                          • Eric, stop stressing over it.. It won't do you any good even if you are sick too. I have a dog too, and had him ever since he was eight weeks old. He's seven years old now... and still kicking!! Puppies will get in to things and chew on them, they're puppies, it's what they do. It'll be fine, I used to be scared for my puppy when I had to go back to school (we got him in the summer time). But luckily we had other pets to keep him occupied.

                            Hungry, I know what you mean about the whole varisty thing. I want to make varsity real bad on my basketball team... But I'm a little nervous because there are some sophomores, and juniors (that's my grade) that seem to catch my coach's eye. Good job on beating the times though... Hope your last year is the best!! Oh and don't worry too much about your sister, she may be young and fresh, but your still experienced.

                            I had a delayed opening today, and was super happy because I could sleep in a little. This is really weird I always have a lot to talk about on here, but when my mom asks me about my day, I always just say "it's fine." I feel bad because my mom and I are really close and I don't know, I feel like we don't talk about stuff as much anymore.. I don't know maybe I'm just going through the whole teenage angst thing... Whatever..

                            Dai all!
                            Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                            Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                            It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                            Check out my video: LET GO


                            • Eric--welcome to pet ownership (the training steps towards parenthood, btw). It gets better. You'll see. Now, go play with your puppy.
                              New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                              • Eric, the important thing is to relax and enjoy playing (and training) this wonderful new puppy of yours. All right, let's play a game to see if we can get that mind of yours on a more positive track about this new dog: Get out a sheet of paper (or a Word document...) and list at least 5 adjectives that are annoying you about the puppy. Now write at least 10 positive things about the dog. Can you get the positives to 15? 20? Okay, it may or not work, but if it can't hurt to try...

                                Emi, I know how you feel with your mom, it seems like as we get older we start getting so busy there's nothing to say. I guess all we can do is make an attempt at conversation, but words aren't exactly the only thing that make a relationship...
                                "...For my own part, I known my job; my commission comes from Those Who Are. My paw raised is Their paw on the neck of the Serpent, now and always..." - The (Kitty) Catechism
                                Define the universe and give 3 examples.

