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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • busy...I don't even know where to start, so I guess I'll start with cross country. I've ran varsity for the last 3 meets! And I'm running it this weekend too, so this is just AMAZING! As a sophomore/newbie runner, I'd have never thought I'd make varsity, so this is pretty much just making cross country go beyond my wildest dreams (overly dramatic, but oh well-it's an extremely happy time right now for me as a cross country runner.) I might even run cross country in college, for a D3 school; my friend who graduated 2 years ago is running D3, and she was slower than I am now when she graduated high that'd be kind of cool.

    Homecoming was...amazing. XD So much fun, except I don't like how now most songs have specific dances that go with them. I can't memorize dances; that's why I quit ballet. I prefer just sort of bouncing in time with the beat? I'm a really bad dancer. But it was fun anyway. Fun, and so so sweaty it was disgusting. I sweat as much at homecoming as I did at the cross country race earlier in the day.

    I miss chat a lot. My computer doesn't always like the IRC channel, which is annoying. Actually, I don't even miss chat; I just miss talking with you guys, and hearing about your lives on a more regular basis. (Now I sound all stalker-ish, but I'm not. )

    Gryph, that's a really cool picture...much better than anything I've ever drawn on facebook graffiti thingajig. *wishes she had a little bit of artistic skill* We had to draw a comic for Latin, a class whose textbook is notorious for its bad illustrations. My comic was judged to have worse drawings than the textbook had, so that's pretty bad. Oh well...

    College is freaking me out. I don't have the time to apply, and go get transcripts and letters of recomendations and finish my essay and do cross country and do all my homework! ( on sentence.) I've got a 3 day weekend this weekend, so that might help some, but still...I guess I'm just worried about the recomendations mainly. teachers that I gave the forms to last year lost them. So I have no recomendations done, which is REALLY BAD. It's just...bad.

    Grrr...boys stink. Seriously. I'm still talking with that guy friend of mine from camp two summers ago on facebook, and it's just ridiculous. I wish he didn't have a girlfriend, but I'm learning to deal with the fact that he does, and am getting happier with just being his friend. On the other hand, I've recently found out that pretty much any guy my Dad has taught at his high school wants to go out with me, (despite apparently finding me extremely intimidating) which is...extremely flattering and a little creepy, to say the least. Boys are so weird.

    Did I mention that at homecoming, this weird underclassmen I've never seen before asked me to dance? First time I've ever been asked to dance by a guy. Guess what-I said no. XD I felt mean, but I was feeling lightheaded at that point, and just wanted to go out and get a drink of water. It was ridiculous how hot it was there. Anyway, my friends are still teasing me about how I always complain that no guys ask me to dance, and I said no to the one who did. I don't know...along with me being tired, I've never seen the guy before, which kind of weirded me out a little bit. So yeah, I'm apparently a mean senior who crushes the hopes and dreams of underclassmen.

    I'm taking this extra English class (along with AP English and World Literature) called Science Fiction and Supernatural. It's pretty cool; the teacher talks a lot about things that you guys talk about that I don't know about, like Dr. Who and authors that I can't remember right now. Anyway, I had to read Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein for a project, and I don't know...I really like it. And the teacher seems to like me, which is good, because I have him for two periods in a row, the Sci-Fi class, and then for World Literature. They're fun classes. Ok, I'm going to go do homework now or something...really. I mean it this time. XD


    • Ugh, I hate dealing with school crap...I'm just now procrastinating typing up my english paper I was talking about before and then I have to go do my calc homework. I'm in AP Calc AB this year after struggling through the last trimester of Precalc BC, and so far it's been ok, but like Gryph said, I've been staring at the homework, unable to make sense of it. The worst part was that I understood what was going on during class, but apparently I can't apply it...

      The thing is that it's hard for me to make myself work hard on math because I have two other really demanding APs, English and US History, that I would much rather spend time doing work for; they're good classes and they reflect my interests. So pretty much I resent the time I have to spend on math...

      Oh well. Let's hope I get into some sort of college where stupid math doesn't matter.
      "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
      There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
      And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
      What could mean more than this?"
      --Bright Eyes


      • It's Spirit Week this week!!! Yay!

        Tues: Class Color Day (Red)
        Wed: Class Theme (Rockstar)
        Thurs: Dress like your favorite sports team
        Fri: Blue and White Day (school colors)

        Our skit is also going to be on Friday, and since our theme is Rockstar we're going to have a bunch of songs from 1950's to now that has the words Rock 'n Roll or Rockstar in it and we'll to a spin off of "American Idol". It'll be called "So You Think You Can Rock?". It's going to be sweet. I'm excited.. hopefully we'll win this year.

        We had Monday off this week, and Friday off last week so I had a four day weekend!!

        The Pumpkin Festival was this past weekend and that was really fun. On Friday I hung out with some peeps from my school. I saw a bunch of people I haven't seen in a while, so that was cool. Then Saturday and Sunday I helped my dad out by working at the booth he has.. made 100 bucks!!

        This coming up weekend is Another Anime Convention I'm going to be working at with my dad... and so isn't Homecoming (gotta figure out what to do about that)... I'm excited though 'cause I'm making more money! Plus it's an anime convention, what's better than that?

        I'm totally happy the Red Sox are going to the AL Championships!!!! *Is a die-hard Sox fan*

        I'm almost halfway done with my driver ed!! At the end of this month I'm going to be able to get my license!!

        Alrighty that's all I guess...

        Dai cousins
        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
        Check out my video: LET GO


        • Man i realy do need to come here more often. I only breeze through like once a month. So, time for random rantings.
          I'm totally happy the Red Sox are going to the AL Championships!!!! *Is a die-hard Sox fan*
          red sox red sox!!!!!

          Okay, school is EVIL. Capital E capital V capital I capital L. I spent all of my three day weekend working on a history paper, and a graded math assignment. Ugh chem test tommorow. Our plays opening night is friday, and we are so not ready.

          On the bright side of life it is now october and you know what that means.
          First: Nano is just around the corner(insert squeal of joy here)
          second: Here comes my favorate holiday of teh year. Halloween!! I can not wait, I have three whole routines planned. Also I have been looking for an excuse to break out the black bycicle cards i bought. (for those who don't know i do magic as a hobby, and hopefully it could turn into a job.)

          I'm going to bed now. School tomorow. Dai everybody.
          (\__/) "Be amazing"


          • Great picture gryphon. Libraries open on saturdays! *Cheers* boy do i need to start asking friends over...I actually SLEPT till almost four last saturday! *gags* i don't know how it happened! i started thinking, and day dreaming, and half slipping into sleep, and next thing you know, dad's asking me if i plan to sleep the whole day away, and it's 3:58 or something like that when i get a chance to look at the clock. *shakes head*
            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


            • Hungry:
              I miss chat a lot. Frown My computer doesn't always like the IRC channel, which is annoying. Actually, I don't even miss chat; I just miss talking with you guys, and hearing about your lives on a more regular basis. (Now I sound all stalker-ish, but I'm not. Animated Wink)
              I know what you mean. It's ehh... there's a gap in my life where the chat should be. Now I play solitaire. XDDD I could be a pro solitaire champion just because I play so much. XDDD hahahahaha I such a freak.

              My bio teacher.... "Gryph, you could go for model. You walk like model. I just notice." hahahah okkkkk... XD I was carrying lab books from place to place that I was grading, and on my way back to my seat with a new stack, everyone was staring at me to see how I walked because of that. It was really weird, but I was grinning. XD I think my teacher is crazy. I'm gonna ask her to write my letter of recommendation.

              I'm reading... A Tale of Two Cities. I read until page 12 or something and then fell asleep on my couch yesterday. Yuuuup. XD But I *will* finish it. It's pretty good, my friend recommended it, and I signed up for it for lit because my friend said it was good... :P

              House is on tonight! I need to finish my calc hw and stuff, and I'll be all set. Maybe check on colleges. ><

              Mehhh. Ella, I'll help you with calc, if you catch me. Send me a PM, and I can give you my aim screenname. I took calc AB last year and got a five on the AP exam. I usually help people with algebra, but I need to review anyway, so I could help you out.

              Emi, I want to show you something. Some of my friends went to an anime convention last year.
              Potter Puppet Pals!
              They took a lot of pictures during otakon, but these were my favorite, and they weren't even anime. XD ( :O They also happen to be friends of Sean :O :O What a small world XD )

              Now to slave for homework...
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • Gryph: OMG I LOVE THAT PIC!! Ha ha it's soo cute!

                SO Today was Red day for Juniors and we totally rocked... BUT the dumb thing is we're probably going to get points taking off for: silly stringing freshmen and other classes, chanting FRESHMEN, and possibly pouring the senior's class colors (in paint) down the halls. Which is kinda dumb because the paint and the silly string are from people who hate spirit week and would like to see us lose . Oh and popping the sophomores' balloons. DUMB. Our school is being all strict about spirit week this year.... so we basically can't do anything! Anyway tomorrow's class theme, which is Rockstar for the Juniors. I basically raided my sister's closet and grabbed a bunch of clothes and threw them together for an outfit...

                here's the pics of class color day:
                the first pic is my front

                the second is the lower part of my back, my sister got a hold of my shirt and wrote her business site on there... if you can't read what it says it's:
                Yes I am a walking billboard

                Well that's all for the day... I'll make updates about my spirit week...

                Now homework I guess....

                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                Check out my video: LET GO


                • <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">
                  I miss chat a lot. Frown My computer doesn't always like the IRC channel, which is annoying. Actually, I don't even miss chat; I just miss talking with you guys, and hearing about your lives on a more regular basis. (Now I sound all stalker-ish, but I'm not. Animated Wink)
                  I know what you mean. It's ehh... there's a gap in my life where the chat should be. Now I play solitaire. XDDD I could be a pro solitaire champion just because I play so much. XDDD hahahahaha I such a freak. </div>[quote]
                  Ehh...I've started playing Hearts a lot. That, and Spider Solitaire. KInd of fun, know it doesn't compare to chat.

                  My teacher for World Lit and Sci-Fi/Fantasy wants me to write a college level paper for World Lit tonight. I basically told him that he's crazy; he knows that along with his two English classes, I've also got AP English. It's ok though, since I totally am his favorite student. I don't really know why; but I've got to admit, it's kind of cool to know that a teacher actually likes what I write for class, and pays attention when I have something to say. Not many teachers here will do that, since they're all so sick of teaching, and think kids are just...I guess the best word would be ignorant...about life outside of high school. I mean, I eat lunch with this one girl, M. M has this "great" plan for her life: she's going to drop out, get her GED, and marry a rich man. (I was being sarcastic about this being a good plan!) She's a smart girl...she just has no motivation at all to do work anymore, and she's only a junior! I just think it is so sad that there are teenagers out there who literally have no motivation at all to do anything with their lives. It's a ridiculous way to behave.

                  I'm reading...well, actually nothing for school right now. But we're starting Hamlet next week, apparently. I'm a big fan of Shakespeare, so I'm kind of excited to be studying it, as opposed to just reading it on my own.

                  I'm kind of disappointed in my best I heard some stuff about her that could be rumors, could be facts. And since she's basically not talking to me because we never see each other at school, and because her cell phone battery is permanently dead, I can't get ahold of her to see if the rumors are true or not. Even if I did get ahold of her, I know that she'd just dodge the question...I really hope that the rumors are just rumors, because if they're true, then that would mean both my best friends have done stuff in the past year that I strongly disagree with; and I lost my other best friend because of this kind of thing. I'm worried. To make things worse, this best friend? Yeah, she happens to be my cousin. So even if she does stuff I don't like, I still have to associate with her. I'm just so worried, and I wish she would talk to me. Then again, I can understand why she doesn't want to talk to me; I'm hanging out with a bunch of people she doesn't like, because she's judging them before she knows them. It's a horrible way to go through life, because I know my friends, and up until today, I thought I knew her. I don't make friends with people who do stupid things; they're not the kind of people I want to hang out with. sum this all up...I'm worried again. And I can't handle losing another best friend this year; it's my senior year. Aren't we all supposed to be growing closer and stuff, instead of all this growing apart?

                  So, that was a depressing paragraph.'s just hard because no one will listen, since everyone's too involved because it's happening within my group of friends, but also within my family.

                  Oh...Red Sox fans... Sorry, I'd rather the Indians win than the Red Sox. XD Besides, the Red Sox won a few years ago...the Indians haven't won the World Series since...1958? Maybe? And I just don't like the Red Sox. Let's go Tribe!


                  • Aww, I miss chat too. I was never in much, but I always had fun when I was... I miss actually _talking_ to you guys...

                    But, Spirit Week, fun!

                    And Gryph, I gotta say, I'm insanely jealous of your artistry, even if it is from Facebook. XD

                    So what's been up with me? Well I had a really emotionally exhausting weekend.

                    I had explained to my friend how I was feeling like going to different schools was a good thing 'cause I had never had any other real friends, and stuff, and she took it the wrong way, that I didn't want to hang out with her anymore, and she was just broken (we've been best friends since second grade...that's, oh, eight years now, no biggie...^^) So on Friday I went to her house and I ended up crying really hard (the only thing keeping me from bawling was the fact that I had to keep talking to make her understand) and then everything was okay. And I met her best friend Marta (you'd've thought I'd have met her by now, but no, I've only heard about her for...well, yeah, eight years, XD) and we went to her hs's dance. And it sucked. But it was okay, 'cause things were cool again and I was really happy.

                    So then Saturday.. my first music theory class. I'm really sad 'cause all of my old buddies graduated, so I don't see them anymore. I'm the last of an old era, the era of before the new teacher, and it's weird. But it's okay, I can be the Sonja or Deborah of a new group, I can be the cool teenager who knows everything already, and sits texting in the back of the class except to occasionally answer a question and fish another out of hot water. Cool one. XD Like that's ever gonna happen, haha

                    And, well, I work at my parish's rectory (it's easy...answer phones, do homework, answer the door, eat as much of their food as you want, do your homework, play solitaire, answer phones, and watch TV. Verrry easy $20.) So, usually, it's a pretty good time to kick back and relax in the quiet. But not this week. A lady called, saying it was urgent and that her mother was in the hospital and wanted to talk to a specific priest. Okay, he's halfway across the country. Can't do that. So she calls back, asking if I can find a way to contact him. After ten minutes and several conversations, I finally dig up his number and call her back. Can I call him and tell him what's up? Sure. So I call and leave a message. I hope he gets it soon, the lady is really urgent. The lady calls back ten minutes later, and she's crying like nothing. So I call the father again, and get his machine again. I leave another message, and call the lady back. Her mother died withing the hour I had tried to get the father to talk to her, apparently they were good friends....The lady says thanks a lot and even tells me to have a good day, through her tears, and I just pray that she'll heal soon. That was not a good day.
                    And then I went to Mass.

                    But Sunday....Sunday was funnnnnnn!!! My Latin and English classes (as well as a couple of upperclassmen english classes) went on this trip to a local college to see their production of Antigone. AMAAZING!! First of all, it was really cool because we had some major bondage time as a class, and it was cool because I feel like I actually have some solid friends now, you know? That was the biggest thing, I was so scared I would never have good friends. Hehe, it was great, we stopped for lunch on the way, and some girls got (almost) kicked out of the McDonald's for climbing on the jungle gym...("This is not made for big kids!!") heheh...we totally overran that place, it was hilarious, most of the people left after we came in...XD we also raided several stores. All in good fun, it was really great. And my english teacher is so awesome that when we told her about the jungle gym, she laughed and said she was gonna call us the "big kids" from now on, haha

                    So then, the play itself. It was...intense. Very intense. There are parts where the actors are just screaming in agony on stage, it was very good. The Antigone was very good herself, she put a lot of fine details into everything, and she was actually crying onstage. I mean, that's pretty awesome. And the Creon was superb! Really! But the Haimon sucked, quite honestly. And we all fell in love with messenger, hehe.. we all had crushes on him (hey, it's an all girl school, and he was pretty cute)
                    And then we were assaulted by three separate foul stenches on the way home. That almost made you throw up. We were playing, "What dead animal is that?"


                    So, all in all, a very good day, it was really amazing. Plus my friends got me addicted to the Jonas Brothers, hehe.... Nicccckk......:: )))

                    And then school happened, but I'm bearing with it tolerably well, despite the mile run in 80 degree weather 90% humidity first period so that I smelled all day.... But, eh. What're you gonna do?

                    So, now I'm off to...take a shower, get ready for bed, study Latin extra hard (it's _insane_ how often we get tests)

                    ... So that was my day. How was yours?
                    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                    • I think I've already mentioned this, but school nowadays really is a belief in miracles. (And some Communist ideals. Standardization's the magic word!) Thank goodness for Thanksgiving yesterday, which makes a short packed week shorter (but no less packed, alas). Quite a few of my chem class are probably more wary than ever of one of our chem teachers after the incident on Friday- after that and our rather dismal performance in math, we are reminded that we are in IB and many of our survival skills in regular classes will simply not work. It's still scary a) to realise the little things that we were doing to get 80s and 90s in regular classes and b) how long it's taking to adjust to the new expectations.
                      But miracles. Right. Today I was supposed to have three quizzes: math, chem and SS. (I have four classes in a day- which really only means more homework and a non-existent lunch hour.) The math quiz took 90 minutes, as math quizzes are wont to do, but although I didn't finish it I found it a lot easier than our other teacher's math quizzes. Thank goodness; seeing I didn't do much studying- and I really must break myself out of that before calc starts up. Chem: moved to tomorrow. Lab due next week, not tomorrow. *sighs with relief* SS: Seemed like a regular SS20 quiz (what the other grade 11s might get) instead of the brain twisting questions of IB tests and essays (Oh no. The essay. "The study of history is like a hurricane headed for a Caribbean island." I do -not- want to see that again).

                      What I'm really worried about now is the science IB Group IV project (my group has 3 people, for one thing). Proposals for our projects (the whole thing is done outside class time) have to be in by the 17th, and we have til January to present our projects/findings. This is like a full out science fair project...but for marks; worth three chem labs, a few physics labs/unit exam, and/or a few labs in bio. And there goes my winter break; at least 15 hours of investigation required...

                      In club matters: got unanimously elected as party president of the largest political party in politsci club (Benevolent Egalitarian Social Transformation- a Communist party- yes, yes I know). My fellow party members are just a little lazy. Elections for Prime Minister are on Thursday; how exactly we are going to accomplish that in twenty minutes (lunch *rolleyes) is a bit up in the air.
                      STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) club: I may be subtly ousting power from my friends the president and vice president via actually being active and posting important things on the Google group page. Eh. (But I'm happy if a field trip en masse to the observatory open house in a couple weeks works out.)
                      Physics club: ...*cough*
                      Jazz Army: more like Jazz Squadron (or was it the Jazz Special Ops?). It's nice to have a small, semi-experienced group; but that also means each of us two saxophones and three clarinets gets significant solo time. Meep. (Our two music teachers provide the brass section. xD)

                      ...once again, no dramas outside schoolwork and related. Except for comparing teachers. Comparing our two math teachers seems to be a hot topic (one is a teacher recently transfered from our rival school- he's good in terms of knowing the material well- both are- but I think most of our class prefers our other teacher, who presents the material in a way a lot of us find easier to grasp. Or something).

                      GraffitiArt! ...After seeing your (Gryph) and my friend's artistic talents (I still can't get over her drawing of the Horsehead Nebula + strings on my Wall) I have just about given up drawing on the computer.

                      I think I just missed House. Eh. I'll catch it on the weekend (online); now is time for review.

                      #end rant
                      -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


                      • *Squints around* Yep, my visibility is fine! ...Those were the longest few messages in a row I've ever seen here!

                        OK, well now to add some more rantings about school....

                        Originally posted by Seabiscuit1009:
                        I'm reading...well, actually nothing for school right now. But we're starting Hamlet next week, apparently.
                        Last year, in seventh grade, we did a whole project on Hamlet. How much I loathed the whole thing.... Nothing against Hamlet or Shakespeare, but it's what she made us do.... We had to make drawings for what a theater was like back in those days, rewrite acts four and five so they're a comedy or romance rather than a tragedy. I hated that. We had to make it "Shakespearean humor" and make the people speak "Shakespeare style". I normally would jump at the chance to be in whichever group my best friend is in, but I saw where he had signed up and realized that the group was horrible. They can't stay focused, or do work efficiently. I feared it much. I started to write my name in another group I thought I'd do well in and we'd do a good job with doing the project, and my friend saw me signing up for the group, and kept telling me to go in a group with him, but I kept saying I didn't want to, that the group just wouldn't work, and it was much more sensible to go in the group I was about to sign up for. While this was happening, another girl signed up the group I wanted to go in. I was enraged. But rather than blow up in front of everybody, I decided to attempt to keep the group on task, etc. Throughout the whole project, there was never a chance when all... five, I think, of us were all working at once. And the ones who weren't working were thinking up with appalling ideas that the teacher would most certainly give us all F's for. Largely me and one other person in my group did the script realistically. My best friend was contributing to the fooling around and nonsense ideas. Toward the end, though, it was him and I who were focused on the project. All the groups actually acted out the plays they made. The teacher was dissatisfied with the first few groups who presented; therefore she gave us an extra few days to do the scripts correctly (thank goodness she did!). By the time we finished ours it was actually quite good. I especially enjoyed my parts of Gertrude (no girls in my group) when I said in one scene, "Just sit down, you imbecile! Here, take thy coins and purchase something shiny!" and after that, as my part of narrator, I explained that that soldier purchased a can of root beer, and drank it, and was so disappointed that it was gone that he ended up working at a root beer factory, but later he came to loathe root beer.

                        The good thing about this project was that the teacher let us use laptops to type the scripts in class, rather than me taking it home and typing it by myself (and wasting paper writing the Alpha and Beta versions on). First my best friend brought his; that didn't work out. He kept forgetting it at his dad's, or he was unable to get it from his mom's because he had to take the bus from his dad's... whatever. And I was the one typing, so the teacher let me bring in mine. So we typed the script in class, and that night I came home and printed it exactly as it was, and highlighted scripts for each person specific to their roles, and stapled them. Everyone knows that I am THE person to be narrator, and the script-typer. Nobody's ever gave me trouble about that. I am really good about speaking in a loud, clear voice, and putting correct stress on certain words, and using correct emotions in sentences, etc. I was reading at a seventh grade reading level in first grade.... Hey, I should have been in public speaking this year... too bad the chance slipped past me without me realizing it....

                        Wow, I really rant a lot these days.... I was starting to talk about Hamlet because if you're starting it in high school... isn't it kind of early, then, for seventh graders to be doing it?

                        I'm getting sick of eighth grade already. It's all about preparing for high school. Seventh grade is all about preparing for eighth grade. Fifth grade is all about preparing for sixth grade. You can't ever just live in your own time, just be a fifth grader, or just be an eighth grader, no, it's all about worrying about next year. Especially with the Science teacher this year (I know I've ranted about her before, so I won't get in to it). I'm sick of that. I understand that I'll do better off since they're treating us like high schoolers, but... It's just annoying. Do you know what I mean by all that?

                        Rex (my puppy) is a lot better lately. As I type he is chewing his bone, rather than the phone cord, like he used to. Or my computer cord. Or my mom's shoe. Or ripping apart his bed. Or chasing the cats around the house. Speaking of the cats, neither of them had been around for a couple days, until a half hour ago when Reese was meowing at the door, and I let him in. Still no sign of Timmy.

                        Well, that's it for my once-in-a-while rant in here. Bye, 'till next time!
                        "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                        • First off, I _know_ I just posted, but ehhh...

                          Eric, I hate to tell you this, but next year you'll be worrying about the next four years. And the next three quarters. And the next semester. And this quarter. And the major test in a week. And the homework assigned tonight.

                          I suppose it looks a little stressful. And, I suppose it is. But it's a lot better than grade school, lemme tell you that. You can just be a teen, you can spread out more and, well, become more of yourself. Gain some new friends. Hang out doing whatever guys do (I know girls go to the mall a lot, or to the movies) or just the dances 'cause they're always fun, even if you don't like the music (<-- me, haha)

                          So, keep on your toes this year, it's important, but don't stress out. Just do your work and you'll be okay. Okay?

                          Jeez, I feel old now, XD Look what you did, Eric!! Haha
                          just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                          • SOMETHING big happened to me today... I was driving my mom's car (with her in it of course, because I don't have my license) and it was night time, actually about a half an hour ago. Apparantly, my mom's rear lights weren't on so I ended up getting pulled over!! The cop was really nice, and he helped me turn on the lights because I didn't know how... But I was so incredibly scared when he pulled me over. I was like, "I wasn't speeding! I swear!". Almost in tears too, my heart was pounding so fast... AH, hope I don't experience anything like that EVER again. NEVER EVER AGAIN!

                            Anywho, Rockstar day was fun, but I am too lazy to load up pics, plus they weren't good anyway so I'll spare you the time... not that anyone would want to look at them anyway?

                            And I agree with Mel, you'll always be preparing for the next big thing in school, whether it's the next grade, state testings, psats, sats, or even college!! It's never-ending.. BUT I know how you feel Eric, I used to think it was dumb that we always were "preparing" for the next year, when half the time we didn't do anything that we were "preparing" for. I feel old.. really old...

                            Now I'm going to try to bring my heart rate back to normal...
                            Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                            Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                            It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                            Check out my video: LET GO


                            • Emi I am glad you are Ok. On side note i realy real wnat my permit but i cant get it till December.

                              Wow, PSAT's are on wednesday, seems like just yesterday they were eons away. I miss the days of milk and cookies and nap time.

                              First preformance of the play was today. The preview was horible (everyone missed so many cues and a couple of lines) But the actual preformance went very good. Yay tomorow is the offical opening night. Then we have a week to refine the show and were off to the VTA(virginia theater association) confrence. we had to pull our name out o the competion but we still get to do our show and see all the others preform.

                              I realy do not want to write this history paper. But if i dont i will fail. I have to tell who at my school is a renissance man and who is a zealot. Why?

                              Well happy times everybody to word(and the IRC channel to see if anyone is there) i go. Oh and Sean I JUST LOST THE GAME AND SO DID YOU(for teh 5th time today slightly better than the seven of yesterday) Dai
                              (\__/) "Be amazing"


                              • Guys, don't flip out on the PSATs. If you can, try to study vocab words for them, but sometimes that's the most you can do in a short time to prepare for them. They're not as important as SATs, but they're pretty nice if you do well because colleges will find people with good scores and send them a lot of mail. It's a way of catching attention. Annd, inevitably, the higher your scores, the more mail you get, and the better colleges it comes from.

                                Today, I visited colleges. Tomorrow, I go to mall. <3
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

