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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Oh wow! I haven't been on for sometime and look at all these posts!! This is so exciting!! I love reading about your lives.. (don't get sketched out now) It gives me inspiration on some of my stories or scripts I write.

    Anyway, I'm in the running for NHS, doubt I'd make it though because I only have one or two things filled out in the "non-application". Stinks, really bad.. like my bball shoes... *changing subject quickly*

    OH We finished "The Great Gatsby" and we are almost done watching the video. Very interesting.. they pretty much have almost the same stuff from the book in the movie. I like that.. I hate it when somethings change drastically from the book to the movies. It just bugs me.

    Smile: Swimming is good though (not in compitition) - anyone like that?
    I do!! Especially in the summer and it's really hot out! I love the pool!!

    Well that's all for now, I'm going to go post around...

    Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
    Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
    It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
    Check out my video: LET GO


    • You know, I go to this site almost every single day, but I rarely post. So, I'm going to post.

      I'm just now learing about Socrates and Plato and Aristotle, and now I realize just what I mean when I say "Geez, I'd like to kill whoever invented school." I could be wrong, but I think Plato basically invented the idea that everyone should be educated, thus inventing the idea of school being manditory in a population. -_-' That means Plato is the reason for our suffering at school. My new saying is "It's all Plato's fault!"

      I love swimming!! I'm on my school's swim team, but I'm only doing it for fun, not for competition. The season just started, and I've found that swimming on a team is much different than swimming individually... Swim practice is hardcore, man. It really is all work, no play. Sad.

      This crazy lady just came into my class and talked about college credits. She was really loud and so now my ears hurt. Owie. But at least now I can get college credits while in high school. Unfortunately, these credits are only for community colleges in Seattle. And I'm not going to go to school anywhere near Seattle... Smart.

      Well, it's nice to be active in the TW community again, even if it's only reading and not posting. Perhaps I'll post more often now.


      From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


      • Interesting afternoon at school today. The power went out for about an hour, nearly right until dismissals.

        It happened when my homeroom and I were in art. When everything turned off, we heard a weird noise that I can't even describe, but the best I can say is that it sounded alien-like. We were kind of scared.... We heard it a few times when the lights had been off for a few minutes, but eventually it stopped. Weird, because we were drawing space-malls using 2-point perspective.... It made me think we were destined to go to these places we were drawing. The noise made me a bit uneasy since I had no clue what was making it, but it didn't completely freak me out.... Mr. President (That's what my friends, family, and I refer to the principal as) came in during art and just told us to be careful in the dark hallways, etc. Although there were lights on here and there at key points... probably powered by some kind of battery backup system (I know the school has no generator because I have been on a guided tour of it consisting of myself, my fifth grade teacher, and a janitor), so it wasn't too bad. That was second to last period. Last, I had Science. In Science we read a book about a kid who was a counselor at a special-needs camp.... Anyway.... Mr. President came to all the classrooms again and said that the whole school would be going to the gym, and they'd be dismissing from there. He also said that we'd be going to our lockers between now and 2:05, when we'd be going to the gym, and that we'd be going by B class (the class we were in at the time), NOT by homeroom, down to the gym. OK. So the Science teacher started sending us out in groups to the lockers, and meanwhile my homeroom teacher, and Math teacher, was COMPLETELY misdirected.... Apparently Mr. President told her that we'd be going to our lockers between 1:55 and 2:05, and that it was only 1:49 when we were out at our lockers. A minute later, I went in to the closet RIGHT by her door, and grabbed my laptop from it, since I wouldn't be returning to her room for homeroom like usual, and she said "Why are you in here? You have nowhere to go in here, you have to wait until I dismiss my class, then you can come in." So clearly she thought we were returning to homeroom - and again, we were going to gym with our B groups. I had to get my laptop THEN, since I wouldn't be able to get a chance to return to her room as I was leaving with my Science class. So she was REALLY misdirected.... The other teachers told her what was going on after we told her she was saying the complete opposite of what the other teachers (and Mr. President) were saying, and then she was fine, just slightly irritated that she had been so misdirected and the other classes at their lockers were disrupting hers....

        After that, when all of my science class had gone to our lockers, we heard the 7th and 8th grade Special Education teacher screaming in a rage in the hallway (as usual... she's always screaming about something that doesn't make sense). We were like "Gee, I'm glad I'm in Science B or else I'd be out there...." And plus the teacher (who I complain about all the time here) was being very nice and cheerful, and she was doing very well in making sure all of us kids had the right idea as to what was going on and was handling everything very well. She was offering her cell phone to anyone who needed to call home, as the dance tonight, Youth Night for the 5th and 6th graders, and all other activities were cancelled, since there was a possibility that the power would go out again. Oh, yeah, the power came back on again about eight minutes before we went down to the gym; we still went down to the gym, anyway, just in case the power went out again (which it didn't).

        OK. Imagine 500 kids in a gym with all their stuff, and it's a Friday afternoon, and it's minutes away from dismissal. Not an easy situation to control that many kids in.... I was extremely irritated (and all the teachers were, I'm sure) because every time Mr. President stopped talking through the battery-powered megaphone (another precaution for the power going out again) everyone started talking, and they had to be quieted down again every time another announcement had to be made.... But eventually everyone got out.... And then my duty as The Enforcer on the bus came in to affect on 5th graders who were just in the situation in the gym.... *Headdesk* Let's just put it this way: I was appointed The Enforcer (sitting up front and making sure the 5th and 6th graders behave) to, as the bus driver says, "Humanize the little kids." There are 2 fifth graders in particular that are wicked rule-breakers, loud, and annoying. I sit in the second to the front, on the right side of the bus, with one of them. And there are 2 Enforcers: me and a fellow eighth grader. It started out as the other eighth grade girl sitting up front, and then I started to since there was a period of time when she wasn't on the bus in the afternoon, the trouble time of day in terms of behavior.... So I was appointed second Enforcer and I've been sitting up front in the afternoons since my appointment... the Wednesday of last week. Today the other Enforcer wasn't keeping the rear half of the sixth graders and seventh graders in line, and since I sit so far up front I have no idea what's going on, so I can't do anything about it. But if I moved back, I wouldn't be able to see where the fifth graders' feet are. (They have issues with keeping them ON THE FLOOR; they seem to like sitting on them on the seat, getting the seats dirty, one of the things the bus driver hates most).

        OK, so, enough of the affects of a power outage at school and the other Enforcer slacking off....

        I mowed the lawn today. It was kind of wet, but I find that better, because the leaves don't blow around and get dusty and in my eyes. Tomorrow at one, right after lunch, my mom and I are meeting my grandfather. My grandfather and I still have a few preperations to make for my aunt and uncle who're coming down for Thankgiving. Have I talked about our big Thanksgiving plans? To save redundance I'll post this and then check to see if I did. If so, less to drag on about in this post. If not.... Well, pay attention it all! Anyway, that day, I'll mow the lawn, weather permitting, and then we'll finish in the room they'll be sleeping in, finish up with the main upstairs bathroom, do a few things in my grandfather's bedroom and bathroom, and maybe after dinner finish up with the basement. Then Sunday, go to church, and devote the rest of the day to the kitchen. That meaning getting papers, cans, and even JUNK off the counters, wash the floor, organize cabinets, throw out expired food.... And mow the lawn that day, if I can't Saturday. If I can't mow it either day... I'll never be able to live with myself thinking that my aunt and uncle came here for the first time in a year (the time before that, five years) to a leaf-full and hideous lawn at my grandfather's. If I haven't made the point that I'm extremely maticulate about the lawns I mow... now I have.

        Now, to look for if I've talked about Thanksgiving plans.... *Long, dramatic drumroll....*

        I HAVEN'T! I must now!

        OK, so there are going to be a ton of us.... The bigger the better, for me. The four of my family. And my dad's side of the family. WAIT! Hold on. We alternate years between my dad's side and my mom's side. With my mom's side, it used to be huge, just how I like it. But the aunt and uncle that all of my cousins and second cousins come from now insist on doing it with their own family at their own house, excluding everyone else. I can see their point, but I liked having them here.... So now with my mom's side it's pretty much just a half dozen people... my parents and I, my grandmother, and one or two pairs of aunts and uncles.

        So anyway, this year, with my dad's side, it's going to be HUGE. 12 people. I don't remember us ever having that many. And as I said above, my aunt and uncle who haven't been down here much lately are coming down from Maine. Even my sister'll be here. My mom's mom is coming, too, since she has nowhere else to go. So a complete member list:

        Mom, Dad, me, my sister, Mom's mom, Dad's dad, Dad's two single (not married) brothers, Dad's sister and her son (my cousin),and then the ones coming from Maine are my dad's brother and his wife. Twelve. Wow. That's a lot. I don't even know if turkeys end up big enough for twelve, or if it'd fit in the oven. I'm sure a fairly big turkey is more than enough for 12, but, bear with me, we haven't had this many people at our house for Thanksgiving in years....

        Now, for dining seating.... Our dining room is right by the kitchen. There's a big open space, and a slight wall, separating the kitchen and the dining room. The far side of the dining room, farthest from the kitchen, has the one remaining of our old couches against the wall, a side for the people sitting at the other end of the dining room table. Actually, against the wall is the old dining room table.... The new table extends. So we'll have to extend that, like we always do. We'll probably have to take out the old table, move the couch back, extend the new table, and put the old table out on the end of the old table, and it may protrude in to the kitchen, and the island might be in the way. But that'd be OK, though; we got the island long after we got the house. It was at my aunt's house wasting space in her kitchen, so we got it. It hasn't been bolted down (and probably never will) so it's a simple matter of pushing it if we need more space.

        OK, end of (almost) all ranting. I didn't do all that in one big typing session... I did it in three. Because I started doing something else and forgot about it. This is the end of one of the longest posts I've made in a long time. Hey, Smile - remember a little while ago I was saying it was about time for a massive post by me, and that I'd hold off for a while? Well, here it is.
        "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


        • Well Eric, that must have been one exciting day! Mine wasn't half as eventful as yours... Lucky.

          Today was like any normal Friday, test day! Yay! I had a test in American Studies for current events, English on "The Great Gatsby" movie, and lastly Chemistry on chapter 7. Ha ha, don't really know what the subject was! Then it was off to Marketing where we played a game, and my team won.. again... yippee!

          BUT I had a scrimmage today against O.R. and we didn't do as well as our coach had thought we'd do. He was still proud of us. I didn't play much because well to be honest I'm not the GREATEST player on that team. I got to play for like four minutes total in the second half. That's good for a varsity game. OH and I got my new bball shoes today as well! I'm so happy because my old ones were really starting to *whispers* smell. Ewww right? I've had those shoes for like two years, and they've been through like five seasons. Not good for an active baller like me.

          Ugh, and my mom is making me go back to my old work and get my job back! Not COOL. I have to pay for my car insurance, so that's probably why.

          Alright I don't think I can make this post longer than Eric's... Darn!

          Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
          Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
          It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
          Check out my video: LET GO


          • *Epic music* dun-duh-duh-dun!!
            It's me! It's Neo! I'm back!
            *sudden halt of epic music*
            Ok it's really not that great...and I probably won't post again for like another six months...But I am posting! And it's been a very very very very very very long time since I posted anywhere on this forum... My apologies, to everyone who knows me. If they read this. And, to everyone who knows me, Hii!!! *waves* I'm really bored right now and it's 12:15 AM so I just read the last three pages of TOGR to see what's going on with everyone, but I don't know any of the people who are currently conversing in it. So to all you whom I don't know, hii! lol. So I was kinda sad that the chat is shut down...actually that's pretty much why I'm posting haha, because I read that the chat was down today when I tried to go into it and then decided to check out TOGR. So...I suppose I'll start going on about random stuff. Which I've kind of already done. :P

            So I'm going to start with talk of music. Because I am pretty much completely obsessed with music. In all shapes and forms. Not all forms Of music, mind you, but all forms of obsession. I love listening and rocking out, I love interpreting lyrics, I love connecting the meaning to my life, I love writing lyrics, I love writing music, I love learning how to sing or play lyrics and music that I love, umm...I love playing guitar (7-string Schecter) drums (uhh...unknown used set ) vocals (my vocal box!) saxophone (black nickel w/gold-plated keys baritone, though I don't usually write concert music...) and a bit of bass guitar (don't own one). Yeah. I'd say my favorite genres of music are most forms of rock from the 60s through present day, somewhat excluding the 90s. Not completely though. I really love heavy rock and "light metal," if you will, of present day, for example Chevelle, Godsmack, Disturbed, Red, uhm...Three Days Grace...I like some of Mudvayne's stuff too, but not most of the screamo-metal songs. :P And surely my current favorite band (OMg I forgot to list Fair to Midland, they are amazingly amazing, you must go listen to the song Dance of the Manatee or April Fools and Eggmen by them...they are imo progressive/alternative/rock/metal. you might not find the metal element easily but it is's because all five of them listen to completely different stuff, and they blend it together in their music, and actually manage to do that successfully. Yet, they still are not my current favorite band ) is Dream Theater. They are just so amazing. The five musical geniuses of the whole world. Perhaps excluding the singer...seeing as he doesn't write any of the music, and only about 1/3 of the lyrics...This is an exception to most of the bands I constantly listen to right now, seeing as they came from the late eighties as a progressive metal band, and they still fulfill that title. They just...ah! it's so good. For any musicians reading this, trying to count a song that cycles between three different time signatures every 2 or 3 or something measures is like impossible. Although, it actually is easier to play than to just try to count, in contrast to what you might think, because looking at the notes and playing them out with proper length lets you more easily understand how the time signatures work. And, you should try to listen to the song The Glass Prison if you have a chance. It is totally epic. I can play the first half of the rhythms guitar ok, and I can play some of the drumbeats...have never tried the basslines because I am not very good at bass and besides that John Myung plays a frickin' six-string...I love them! But the guitarist makes me feel bad inside...he's so d**ned good. And then there's a lot of random songs I hear on XM 48 Squizz that I love and download by random artists I don't now my mind just drew a blank on talking about music...oh! so what I write. I tend to write (so far, at least) music that is very seventies-ish rock, surprisingly, seeing as my main influences are much different...but my lyrics don't always match songs I write, which is sometimes extremely annoying. And of course the most genius thoughts I've come up with occur during AP History or something as such, thus disappear from my mind by the time I get home and would be able to try them out. I've kind of had a music and lyric writer's block for about six months, but just a few weeks ago I wrote some totally epic lyrics that were mainly inspired while I was listening to Dream Theater...They aren't finished yet, because within the song (named Primus, which is Latin) there are two parts, or I like to call them movements, and i plan to eventually write more parts totaling in at seven hopefully (I do not wish to disclose my ultimate secret for picking this number :P) and spread them all out between 3-4 songs. But I haven't written music that fits the lyrics yet (Or any music at all, frankly), so I'm unable currently to really continue this small project. If anyone reading would love to read these lyrics I've written you may view them in the latest blog entry at my myspace url: whisperinthestorm
            The Glass Prison is also the song that plays on my

            Speaking of writing stuff, I've also been (for the past 2 years) working on a story which I aspire to become a full novel, but it's still got only 34 pages, and I'm kind of in a writer's block for that too. If you want to read this, it is also in my blog on myspace.

            Wow, now it's 1:30AM...I might consider going to sleep. I kind of have an urge to rant about how my life has sucked, but my soul is kind of tired and non-expressive right now, so maybe I'll fish for sympathy some other day. So once again, shout-out to anyone here who reads this who knows me, and also to those who don't know me, I'm Neo! Hi! *Waves* ok, bye!

            P.S. I wonder what my signature is...I don't remember lol.


            • Hi again everybody!

              I don't know who you are, but please don't hole up for six months Neo. Yes Eric - that is a massive post - maybe one day I'll manage like it

              Thanks for the recommendations everyone! That'll keep me going for a bit, they look great. *thought I already posted - apparently not...*

              I'm glad other people like swimming - it is one of my favorite things to do! We don't have a humongous pool, but it's inground and pretty big.

              My ela teacher wanted us to make up a groteque character - isn't that a bit weird? It was only because she was sick and didn't want to talk.

              Anyway, though I didn't ramble for too long - I have to go, I might add more on later - bye : )

              "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


              • Neo, the Youngwizards chat has been closed because it was being abused.... Now it's only open when there's a) a DD chat or b) Garrett Fitzgerald (he's a moderator mow!) opens it. Lee and Kathy haven't opened it at all (at least not yet. ).

                Even though I don't know you either (I just registered this past May), hi, welcome back!! Even though I don't know oldbies that suddenly return, it's always a somewhat happy experience for me.
                "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                • Ah well I'm happy to receive a warm welcome. And thank you eric, though I did already read the posts by DD and Lee that explains that. Smile, seeing as I'm already posting once again, I probably won't disappear for six months, but you never know, so if I do, it's nothing personal to anyone. I'm just a lazy guy who likes to sleep after 3 hours of homework, wake up, eat, and go back to sleep lol.
                  Heh, I'm not quite sure I can be considered an oldbie....Seeing as I registered in 2003 and only have 93 posts to date...I actually didn't know I even had that many. heh. I was always more of a chat person. I went in the chat all the time...mind you, I wasn't someone who abused it. At least, not that i know of...:P too bad you never knew 'bout the old chat had awesome sounds you could play in a message, and I used to play every single one of them at once and it sounded AWESOME. In my opinion...hehe. I made plenty of people annoyed at me. Ok so maybe I did abuse it a little bit...but not in the way people apparently have. but I'm glad that my appearance is a happy occurance! It isn't often that that happens...

                  Meh. I need to change my signature. And my location, probably...hahaha. I can't tell you how long that has been my location...


                  • Finally! i can post! stupid school library computer seems to think something on the last page should not be accesed by minors-it closed off the sectionw ith replying. *grumbles* Also only shows type all over tthe forum, and smiles...
                    I have got confessor though! actually, i've had ti for a while, and library books have been preventing me from actually doing too much reaading, but STILL! *cheers* *hurrah* and an english teacher lied-said that he read it in the sixth grade, though it only came out on the thirteenth. Um...other news...other feret's doing well, my alphasmart dana is doing..well, it's on the road to horrid, possibly, but it's still functioning and i haven't lost ten thousand words of nanowrimos torry since last time, and that was only partially dan's fault for nhot coppying eveyrthing the ifrst time, and even that might have been my fault. I still say, though, that nanowrowimo was ccreate to totrure me... *Has to go rush off there* evil or not, i love every minute of it. :P i know i ramble-ui can't help it. better here then places with an actual topic to stay on!
                    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                    For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                    • Glad to see you here YR! It's been awhile since I've seen you around.. or has it? I'm not sure. Well anyway good to see your post! Ha ha.

                      Well, this is probably going to be short because I have a scrimmage in an hour, and I have to be there like a half an hour early... So, key points here. Um, lets see... Well in English we started reading "A Streetcar Named Desire". Which I'm particularly happy about because it's a play, and we don't read plays outside of school! Yes, no homework in English for awhile. Um, I sumbitted an excerpt of a script I started to the Literary Journal at my school. The teacher who runs it is uberly excited to have a screenplay (it's the first one they've had). Ah my eye is twitching!

                      Anyway, Thanksgiving is coming up pretty soon! Anyone doing anything exciting??? My family has a tradition where we eat dinner then go out to Wal-Mart (yes Wal-Mart) to pick out things we should get for the early bird sales, then we go see a movie. I hope we're going to see August Rush I want to see that really bad (badly?). Um, I guess that's all for now, cuz I have to go. It's snowing I'm not a snow person you can say. I used to like it when I was younger, now it just represents cold and basketball. I like the basketball part, but not the cold.

                      Dai Everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving if I don't come on before then!!!
                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • Meh. SO glad that it's Thanksgiving break. I don't know if I could have handled the rest of the week of school; I'm just so sick of it all. Of course, it's not really that big of a break, since I've got AP Government homework to do, and I need to finish my college essay still...well, not finish it; revise it for the 7th time. My dad had the college counselor person at his school look it over, and she found even more things to change about it. However, she really likes what it's about, so that's good; I'm glad I picked the topic I did.

                        Speaking of college, I finally got all my transcript requests turned into guidance today! Now I just have to finish that essay, hit "submit" on the online applications, and check up with the teacher I gave the recomendation stuff to. Piece of cake, except for the essay. That essay...sheesh. I've been working on the whole "writing my college essay" thing since about July. I've gone through 5 different essays before ending up with this one. I just want it to be done. I keep telling myself that it'll get done, it really will end someday...

                        So. I'm considering running cross country in college, depending on whether I like the team of my favorite school that I'm applying to. The coach was supposed to call today...but my annoying younger sister decided not to pick up the phone because "she didn't know the number!" The caller ID clearly said the name of the college, and she knows it's my favorite college! Why couldn't she pick up the phone! Then, the coach called back again twice while I was out driving my brother to his violin lesson. It's like they're trying to prevent me from going to college or something, I swear. I mean yeah, I know they don't want me to leave, but still!

                        I'm happy, since I got an alternate ride downtown to the 5 mile race I'm running on Thanksgiving morning. My older cousin was supposed to run it with me, but she's not sure if her doctor is going to let her, so I found another ride, just in case, as a backup. I'm excited about the race; a bunch of people (ok, a bunch of boys ) from cross country are running it, and my AP Government teacher is as well, so during AP Gov we had a discussion about the race. It's supposed to be pretty cold on Thanksgiving morning, and wet, possibly sleeting. Fun stuff, but I've got warm funny looking running clothes, so I'll survive. I can't wait for Thanksgiving; I love the whole idea of food. And it's not like you have to shop for presents or anything, since it's an entire holiday about eating! My kind of holiday, since I'm not that fond of shopping.

                        So...Thanksgiving. We were watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding in Latin, since my teacher basically married into a Greek family just like the one in that movie, and apparently had very similar experiences. Anyway, it made me think about my own family. We're not Greek, we're Slovakian, but we still are a lot like the family in the movie. There are about a million of us; I have 27 first cousins on my Mom's side alone (since another one was just born on November 8! Yay for new babies! ) We all get together and cook a lot of food, since my uncle is a pro chef, and all the women in my family also love to cook. We talk for hours on end during the holidays, just sitting around eating. Also, whenever someone tries to bring in a boyfriend or girlfriend (this is my observation of what happened to my older cousin, since I've never had any experience in this matter) we tend to overwhelm them and ask them questions that tend to make them a bit uncomfortable. It's pretty crazy, in my opinion. Oh well...

                        We had to vote for the "Best of the Senior Class" for the yearbook last week. It's annoying to me, since the same people seemed to win everything. It's also annoying because one of my friends and I were going through the list, thinking of people to put down, and I mentioned that I'd like to win something. Of course, C. brings up the fact that I don't really fit any of the categories. I'm not trendy, my car isn't horribly bad or beautifully good, my eyes are an average color, I'm not that athletic compared to other people, people don't think that being best friends with your cousin since birth counts as a best friend (have you ever tried to be best friends with someone in your family? It's hard, but I've been doing it for 17 years) and there are loads of people out there more likely to suceed than I will, according to some people. I know it's just a high school yearbook, but it still kind of hurts to know that people don't think you're able to win anything. Anyway, I just don't like how the same people won multiple times; personally, I think you should only be able to win once. Then again, I hang out with people who have won pretty much everything; I'm just more in the background, I guess.

                        Sorry, I'm rambling a bit. Well, that's what I tend to be good at. XD Fun stuff, rambling.

                        I wish it would snow. We keep having weird weather; yesterday it was 30 degrees, today it was 60. I went to sleep freezing last night, and woke up this morning covered in all my blankets and sweating like I'd just run a race. Personally, I find this weather ridiculous, and wish the weather would go back to normal already! However, thanks to this thing called global warming, I doubt it will anytime soon.

                        I have some weird dreams, I think. The last one I remember is one where I was a sim, from The Sims 2. The world looked funny (not that it doesn't always; I mean, people do some strange things to their appearance and wear strange clothing) and had a strange sort of curved appearance, sort of like I imagined the world would look through Pont's eyes in TWD. Yep, I know I'm crazy, but it's ok, since I know that I'm crazy. Therefore, in the eyes of the people who work in the psych ward of a hospital, I'm not crazy since I'm able to admit I'm crazy. (I love it when my sociology teacher tries to confuse me. )

                        We're reading Hamlet in AP English, and I think it's really fascinating. Of course, I'm a Shakespeare dork, but's so cool. Did you know that the Lion King is partly based on Hamlet? The whole "uncle killing father, to become king, but having the son challenge the uncle in various ways" plot is the same. And it took a class full of AP students to figure this out in the 5 minutes while the teacher left. She came back to a Disney sing-a-long that had progressed from Lion King music to Beauty and the Beast, the Little Mermaid, and Aladdin. Can you tell we're 12th grade AP students? Sad thing is, we all knew the words to all the songs, even the guys.

                        I got a new phone, but I don't know how to work it. It's a Motorola Razr. Today, I was trying to put my friend L's cell phone number in it during AP Gov, and was all like "How the bleep do you work this thing?!" I think I'm technologically challenged; luckily, M knew how to put it in the address book, so he did it for me. He owes L and I anyway, since we're basically his personal organizers in human form. He has no memory for anything, I swear. But he's we forgive him. Basically, M is a guy that any girl who knows him would date; he's funny, thoughtful, smart, and a runner. I'd definitely date him. XD This also tends to make him a very fun person to hang out with; for example, on '80's day during Spirit Week, he and C. dressed up as 80-year-old grandma and grandpa, which was hilarious...get it? Of course you do. Anyway, they were totally in character and everything; C.'s an actress, and M. just has a fun personality. When they walked down the hall together, people actually thought they were elderly people in our high school for some reason, and got out of the way and held open doors for them and everything. I didn't stop laughing for the entire 3 class periods I had with them.

                        I'm getting sick of hearing about prom again. Is that all anyone can think of to talk about? It's 6 months away! No, I don't have a date yet; also no, it's none of anyone's business if I do! Why do people care so much? It's my prom, and I don't want to talk about it. End of discussion. I'm just pretending it doesn't exist; if I don't acknowledge it, maybe it'll go away for a few months.

                        I don't want to clean my room for Thanksgiving. Once again, I'm getting pushed up to the attic so my aunt and uncle can share my room. The reason why I don't want to clean it is strewn all over the floor. My floor is absolutely covered in college materials; college junk mail, old drafts of my essay, paper copies of my applications, and books about college that I haven't looked at in months. That being said, I don't want to clean it up since I don't really know where to put it.

                        *shivers* Where'd the 60 degree weather go? It just got really cold. And it's almost 7 o'clock...hopefully the college coach will end up calling back like he said he would. I'm kind of nervous about that; I'm still not sure if I really want to or not, or if I'm even good enough to. This whole not knowing if I'm accepted to college and not knowing if I'm fast enough is getting really annoying. I'm not a fan of not knowing what's going on in my life, and college is kind of an important art of my life, from what I can tell.

                        Oy. I just looked at the list of who's coming for Thanksgiving. We're having 35 people over, give or take a few. That means tomorrow Dad and I will have to go down to his school, get into the cafeteria, and sneak out a dozen or so chairs and a folding table to borrow for Thursday. On Friday morning, we'll have to go sneak them back in. It's fun, if you're into sneaking around and stuff. I should be used to 35 people, since we've had Thanksgiving at my house since before I was born, but still...every year it seems the house gets smaller, since all of us kids get bigger and take up more and more room. Kind of crazy, but I guess that's how life works. We all grow up and get older and bigger. Probably why hand-me-downs are common in my family; we don't stay the same size long enough to get much wear out of our clothes for the first 15 years of life or so.

                        Well, I'm going to go guard the phone now, since it's nearly 7 o'clock and I don't want anyone to miss the coach's call yet again...he must think my family's crazy by now. I mean, we are...but we don't normally show that to people on first meeting.

                        Edit: whoops...I beat Eric's post earlier on the page by about 5 lines. Haha. XD Sorry about that...I just felt like talking.


                        • Wow. Breath out.

                          It just seems that without the chat some of us have really ventured away from this secondary home that some of us call(ed) it.

                          I've been busy. For those who don't know, I have moved into a house, off of the boat. I'm in a private school (>&lt and finally have real social contacts and actual plan making things to do. I have my phone to talk to people with instead of a radio. And we finally, after waiting a month, have gotten our internet hooked up in the house. Me happy.

                          School is always boring yet an anxious maker. I have my classes where I am the only one who does the work. I have the short ten minute break where I rush to be with Minchul, Tasha and sometimes Caralina. I was placed a grade higher, and I'm in 10th grade now. Of course, lucky me, I got the class where I have no other friends in. Min and Tash are in 11th and Tayler is 9th and Caralina is 12th. Always with the older than me kids. Usually.

                          This week was spirit week. They picked the shortest week to do it, you know? Yesterday was career and culture day, today was punk day and tomorrow is field and autograph day. I was the most punked out girl there. Of course, me, always over dressing for the ocassion. Same thing happened for the halloween carnival. Argh.

                          After three years, I think I'm allowed to say that I'm finally done with living on the boat. Yah, I may not be in New Zealand where I wanted so badly to be, but I'm not in the worst place ever. (I'm trying to be a bit positive about this place... this place ... worst American territory ever.)

                          Folks got their jobs. Their cars. Their cell phones. Blah blah blah. They seem to be enjoying it. My mom really likes working again. My dad is just like, whatever, yah, we're doing something different! It's an adventure! Woo! Yah, basically.

                          I have a room. An actual room. But, sadly, it is almost maybe only 75% larger than my room on the boat. A twin bed is the width of the room and the lenght is probably 12 feet. It's like a rectangle. A very small rectangle. My sister made a big fuss about having the smaller room than me. Her being a princess and all, you know. So I said she could have it, I couldn't stand the girl crying about it.

                          I have to say, after three years, I think I am actually having a record of good days in a row. Yah, when I'm home with family and they are giving me grief I might not have a smile on my face, but when I'm with friends I'm laughing and having a good time. It's nice. I feel better.

                          I have sailing on Saturdays as well. But the season is ending the first week of Decemeber. That's okay though, cause I'm not that crazy about sailing. I've been doing it long enough.

                          I really want one of those new iPod Touch things for chirstmas. I bought my first iPod for $250 for a little nano 4 gig. Back in May '06. And now I can get an 8 gig touch with wifi, and all that jazz for only $300? Mannn. I think I deserve it anyways. Maybe for a good job on my report card.

                          Math. Man, I'm failing math and I cannot even begin to tell my parents. I'm a bit ashamed. But! It shouldn't be muy fault. I really don't understand it, and Sam won't teach it well, he just thinks everyone is as smart and pompous as he is. Little _____. :] I've a test next week and I'm going to fail. Dang! Everything else should be a B or higher, I would think. Hope. Oh lord, I'm going to fail. Plock. ><<

                          How is everyone else doing these days? I see only a couple of you are actually posting. I think my last post was in May or something. XD
                          Love and be loved


                          • Hey everyone!! It feels soo good to be back! I havent had the time so i havent been on for like 6 months or something crazy like that. So much has changed andi'm super excited that #9 is on it's way and that it is online, excipt that i know my mom wont let me subscibe which makes me sad=[ wel i have to go eat. bye!
                            Dai stiho cousins


                            • Originally posted by seabiscuit1009:
                              whoops...I beat Eric's post earlier on the page by about 5 lines. Haha. XD Sorry about that...I just felt like talking.
                              HOW... DARE... YOU!! Just kidding. It's OK, I can't take full responsibility for the overall content here.... I'm glad there are other people posting more than me, and posting longer. It means the forums are getting a chance again.

                              The big Thanksgiving is tomorrow!!! (See the last part of my massive post at the beginning of this page)

                              I just thought of this.... I'd like to give my thanks to the Youngwizards websites. Without them, the YW series would just be mere other books. I wouldn't know when they were coming out and I'd just read them when I could.... Any questions that I may have had with the books, or ideas, I'd have had to keep up bottled inside of me.

                              Now putting the spot on DD....

                              She, however, spends the money to put up discussion forums for the books she writes. She is most certainly the most fan-friendly author I know of. I doubt you'll end up reading this, DD, but in the unlikely case that you run across this... I give you my thanks and gratitude for being so fan-friendly, and giving more than just money: your time, effort, and... well... time... are really appreciated by all of us. Thank you, thank you!
                              "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                              • 11:30 and im zoonked out on turkey leftover and fudge. MMmmm. So, i just saw enchanted and it was meh. I bugged by the fact that as the main charters are sitting in a restuarant the guy takes a salt shaker lid and does a french drop vanish. WHY??? so random. The movie itself was cute but not quite my taste. Turkey however is definatly my taste. *goes to get late night turkey sandwich*
                                (\__/) "Be amazing"

