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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Ahh this topic is moving along so quickly! It's exciting Right now my mind is totally unfocused on anything I keep trying to multitask and it really doesn't work because I'll go to a website or search in iTunes to do/find something specific, and then do/listen to something else \entirely...hahaha. Anyway, it's soon to be christmas, yay! I be getting a new guitar amp Finally. I've had a crappy starter kit Ibanez amp for past 7 years now I think which is as long as I've been playing....yeah. Every time I look at it, I hear a scream saying "REPLACE YOUR AMP EL STUPIDO!" lol Ok maybe in my mind it was explicit but I'm minding the rules here! So does anyone else play guitar?


    • Neo: I'm attempting to teach myself to play guitar. So far I know like three chords, and can't change quickly. I'm more partial in playing piano than anything else..

      It's a SNOW DAY today!! I'm soo happy because the night before I ended up staying up til like 4 in the morning reading a book. Yes, I'm pathetic, I read instead of hanging with friends. Because the only friend I have moved. Bummer. Anyway, last night I had practice for basketball in case we were going to have a snow day today. So it was unexpected. I didn't know we had practice til like a half an hour past when it started. I quickly got over to practice and ended up doing an intense hour practice. Lots of mike-ins (lay up drills) and three pointers. Then we would run suicides, and down and backs. Oh my gosh, I couldn't breathe afterwards. but I love basketball so I'd do anything.

      So now, I think I'm going to be experimenting with my video camera. Finally have a day to do that!!

      Au revoir!
      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
      Check out my video: LET GO


      • "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
        -Terry Pratchett
        Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


        • I didn't even get a 90 minute delay!! *Grumbles*

          Interesting morning because of not having one.

          So my dad and I pick up our neighbor at his house as usual (we pick him up only to keep his father off the road... this is the same guy I was talking about this past Summer who had the huge unattended fire behind his house....) and we go down to the bus stop. We drive down to the end of my road, and our other neighbors are already there as usual, waiting for the bus as well as this other boy who lives right near the bus stop and simply walks to the bus stop all the time. So we wait for the bus. And wait. And wait. Normally, it comes at between 6:50 and 6:55 (according to my dad's car's clock, which he never keeps accurate ). But it got to be 7:10, no bus. Finally another parent and her two girls who are also on my bus drive to our stop from their stop, and they say that the bus hadn't even been past the other way (the bus drives up the main road, and then back down it, picking everyone up). So we wait for another five minutes. Finally the other lady calls the school, and they said that there wasn't a driver. No driver. Period. I mean, how stupid and unorganized... the school gave us sixty kids no warning that there wouldn't a bus until an hour later than the normal time, and some kids walk a mile to get to the bus stop? Inexcusable. My dad and I had a feeling that my driver was simply refusing to drive because the roads were very slippery last night and this morning. But we had a sub this afternoon, so I guess the regular driver is either sick or traveling.... But what ended up happening is our other neighbor drove me and the other neighbor we picked up in to school himself.

          This afternoon on the bus, the boy who sits in front of me said that they were waiting out there for an hour, and the bus didn't come until 7:50.

          Half the buses were late for school this morning. That just goes to show whoever makes the snow day decisions: When in doubt, JUST DELAY!!!

          I was at my grandfather's Saturday night as usual, and my dad picked me up there, and my aunt came to my grandfather's house and made a roast for dinner, and we stayed. When my dad and I were driving home the car was sliding all over the place going up hills.... Japanese cars are so weird. My parents both went from Buick (my dad) and Mercury (my mom) to Toyota (my dad) and Honda (my mom), and the Japanese cars are horrible (well, compared to their old American cars) in the snow. And all the cars were front wheel drive sedans, so I don't know why the Japanese ones are so much worse in the snow. This morning n the neighbor's driveway it was a real struggle for my dad's to turn around, and it really wasn't that steep of a hill he was turning around on, plus there's gravel beneath the slush....
          "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


          • Originally posted by EricG1793:When my dad and I were driving home the car was sliding all over the place going up hills.... Japanese cars are so weird. My parents both went from Buick (my dad) and Mercury (my mom) to Toyota (my dad) and Honda (my mom), and the Japanese cars are horrible (well, compared to their old American cars) in the snow. And all the cars were front wheel drive sedans, so I don't know why the Japanese ones are so much worse in the snow. This morning n the neighbor's driveway it was a real struggle for my dad's to turn around, and it really wasn't that steep of a hill he was turning around on, plus there's gravel beneath the slush....
            Do the cars have winter tires? even 4-season tires are bad in winter.
            "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
            -Terry Pratchett
            Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


            • I wish we got snow days more often here. I live in a place that gets a lot of snow, and is often freezing cold during the winter. However, since we don't have a busing system, the crazy superintendent thinks "Oh, we're not responsible for the students' safety on the way to school, therefore they should be able to get themselves to school in 2 feet of snow." We're mainly a walking community; almost all of my friends walk to school, especially those who are too young to drive or don't have a car. Isn't walking in 2 feet of snow almost as dangerous as driving in it is? It's colder, that's for sure. You'd think the superintendent would wise up...our weather's been this bad in the winter for years. The school board should know that kids as young as kindergardeners shouldn't have to walk in 2 feet of snow! Sorry for the rant...this is just something I feel really strongly about, since I used to literally walk 2 miles (we measured it during cross country) to school in the morning before I got my driver's license, and it was cold.

              On the subject of driving in the snow...I think I'm a good driver in the snow. People say they feel safe when I'm behind the wheel of a car, which is comforting. I like knowing that the people I'm driving are ok with my driving; the only person who has a problem with my driving is my cousin/best friend, and that's ok with me, since she is a really horrible driver and is a bad judge of driving in general. My minivan is a good car to drive in the snow as well; it's a Dodge Caravan with 4 wheel drive, if I remember correctly, and without ABS brakes. Either way, it's pretty easy to drive in the snow.

              It was sleeting today during Latin; we looked out the window and there were clouds that were literally black over our school. We then proceeded to joke that a tornado was going to come and tear up our school trailer park (after winter break, half my school is being closed to redo it, and unfortunately, we have to move the freshman and sophomore classes and language classes to trailers across the street in the old parking lot. Now we park in what used to be the practice baseball field.) It's not really funny though...I'm kind of mad the trailers are coming during my senior year. All my classes are moving after winter break, and I might not have a locker, since they don't have enough of them and are distributing them by lottery, and lunch is going to become really crowded, since one of the 3 cafeterias is in the building that's being closed. It's all horribly inconvenient, really. Why couldn't they start this project over the summer, when none of us were in school?

              MEL! *tacklehuggles* Haven't seen you in forever! Hope you're doing well. XD

              I have a new favorite song, haha. Clair de Lune, by Debussy. I love it, for some reason. It just makes me happy. Debussy in general just makes me happy, actually. Usually I'm not a fan of classical music, but his music is just so pretty. to go. It's my mom's birthday today, and I'm going to go make her brownies. yum.


              • Originally posted by Vashmata:
                I usually leave things until litterally the last minute
                Yeah, I tend to do that and stay up really late doing it, though I know it will be really bad. It's snowed here, but of course they wont give us a snow day. Lucky people.*looks over enviously*
                Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                • Emi: Piano! Eep! *hugs* I love the piano. It's sort of half my life right now, which is maybe kind of pathetic, unlike you. You are _not_ a loser, I swear! *hugs*

                  HUNGRYY!!! *tacklehugglompsTENFOLD!*


                  Anyway, I'm doin pretty well, myself. Got a headcold, but I'm in good spirits, and everything is mending very well for me!

                  How go you? And your Senior year? Exciting, weird?

         Ours is getting to be quite old by now. It's really, really comfortable (people have a tendency to fall asleep in it), but it's sort of falling apart. Haha, I remember my aunt once kept this oldsmobile so long that the only thing keeping the the fabric on the interior roof was a series of spoons. It was _pathetic_, so we convinced her to finally buy a new car, XD.

                  But, yeah, that is really, really irresponsible of him. Nobody should have to walk in that much snow for how many miles? That's a bit insane.

                  mmm...Debussy....and Claire de Lune, excellent, excellent. I'm playing a Debussy piece just now. It's so cute, it's called Jimbo's Lullabye, and it's about Debussy's little girl telling a story to her toy elephant, Jimbo, but falling asleep before she gets to the end. I probably already said it, but I can't help it.

                  Have you ever read Twilight? Eeeeeexcelent!
                  Oh, they have Bella cast, btw. Should be interesting...

                  But, what else, what else?

                  Oh yeah, my friend's dog was hit by a car yesterday. Poor dog. Poor girl's a bit distraught today but she'll be okay, she has a strong disposition.

         right back, my mother is getting annoyed... I'll edit this in like fifteen minutes.

                  EDIT: okay, I'm back, with a thoroughly sopping head.

                  So, what else is new? I BROUGHT MY LATIN UP TO A 90!!!! no deficiency for me! yaaaay!

                  Uhm...other than that, not a whole lot has been happening to be other than the daily sort of stuff. I saw Peter Pan the other day. As usual, I had to fight back tears at the end (it's so sad, who can help it?) but I'm getting better at it, which is good. I need to learn how to act.

                  Well, now, Les Mis is on TV, so I think I'll watch it for a bit, then study for Bio (wow, it's a lot harder than I expected, :P)

                  Much love, guys!

                  just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                  • Vashmata: My mom's tires are only a month and a half old... my dad got his towards the end of last school year, this past spring. I don't know what type they are, though.

                    Once again, you should really make your own post longer than a quote.

                    Well, yesterday morning, no bus at all. This morning, it bus was 20 minutes late.

                    This time, our regular bus driver was driving, but the bus broke down.... It's not that it didn't start (half the buses were having issues starting), but about a half mile away from the school it broke down. So she used our sub bus. About a half hour later, when we were driving from the high school after dropping the high schoolers off to my school, we drove past our regular bus. It was just pulled over halfway into the road, sitting there like a wounded animal and with those reflective triangle thingies all around it. That's our faithful, lovely bus for you. And you know what's not surprising, the majority of the buses that were not starting... were Blue Bird buses, just like ours. Hmm, now what's that tell us.... The brand new Thomas buses both started, and the other buses (I don't know what brand they are), all but one, I think, started.

                    We need a different bus. Really. I don't know if I've talked about the fact that ours has a wheelchair lift in the back, so it has five less seats, but space is extremely limited.
                    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                    • MEL *hugs back* yay! I'm not the only one! haha.

                      Eric sounds like your school board needs to think about funding for buses next. Hope you'll get better buses soon!!

                      Tomorrow we're going to read to the first graders again! I'm so excited! I love reading to them. They're super cute. That's probably going to be the best part of the day.. and possibly the worst because we have to walk down there. It's going to be really really cold tomorrow. *shivers* I'm going to dress in a lot of layers. Haha.

                      Not much to report, I had a game yesterday and we lost. So now we're 2-1. We didn't get home until midnight last night so I went to school late today. (I was "sick") I'm starting to work again this weekend. Sort of wish I didn't have to but I have insurance and stuff to pay for!

                      Happy Holidays!!
                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • Hmm...I'm trying to recover from the heart attack my family keeps trying to give me. Every time someone comes in my room, I sort of jump a lot because for some reason, I'm really out of it today. I just don't notice anything, and then they come in and I jump. It's getting kind of annoying, and I need to relax, but it's hard to relax if you don't really know why you're jumpy.

                        We had our first major snowfall of the year! I totally had to clean off my minivan before school this morning, and had to go find the giant snow brush in the basement. It was all pretty ridiculous, actually. No one could concentrate all day because we kept jumping up to look at snow.

                        Twilight is pretty much amazing. I love it, and am pretty excited for the movie whenever it gets here. I'll probably have to corrupt my roommate in college and force her to read the books if she hasn't already, so she'll go see the movie with me. I kind of like the girl they cast as Bella...not how I pictured her, but that's nothing new; I never like who they cast in movies of books when I first see them.

                        I wish...I wish I could go running. Outdoors. Except that there's all this snow and ice, and my Mom doesn't like me to run when it's under 35 degrees. So my legs are all jumpy and stuff; maybe that's why I'm so jumpy today. I've got a lot of nervous energy, and I just want to go run! We talked about this in Sociology the other day, actually; the fact that some runners just don't feel right on days when they don't go running. I'm beginning to think I'm one of those people, but it doesn't look like I'm going to be running for any long distances for awhile. I love living where I live, but this winter is going to be hard if I can't run. I wasn't like this last winter...I wonder what's changed to make me this addicted to running?

                        I'm kind of not paying attention to anything right's hard to concentrate. Good thing I don't have much homework tonight.

                        Wonder if we'll get any snowdays this year? Last year we got 4 (my first snow days since 5th grade!) But I barely got to enjoy them, as I was sick for 2 of them, and on the third one, I had to go to this program that I had been going to skip school for anyway. So, I really only had 1 snow day last year.

                        Has anyone ever had those Hershey's Kisses that are candy-cane flavored? Those things are seriously good. We got some yesterday from Target, and wow...they're pepperminty.

                        Hamlet is now my favorite play by Shakespeare, which is cliche,'s so funny! And it's meant to be a tragedy! He just uses so many words that can be taken in multiple ways, and it is so much fun to read if you know what he's saying. Ok...I don't really want to ramble, and I need to go run up and down the stairs a few times or something or else I'm going to go crazy, so dai all! (Maybe I'm like an animal, that doesn't like the cage that winter is putting on me? Arghh...I want to go running!)


                        • Hungry, I love you, you know that? RUN, GIRL, RUN!!

                          Hey, we just got our first snow too! Methinks you're maybe a state over.....this is interesting. And not just that, a coupla other things too...weird...



                          Did you just call me a loser?

                          *puts up fists* Lemme atter, lemme atter!!

                          Just kidding, jk jk

                          You're pretty awesome so it's cool.

                          Okay, so that headcold I said I had? It sort of turned into a huge chest cold. So, today in school I was exhausted 'cause I stayed up too late studying for a world civilizations test, and then had to wake up early, and then went to school and had horrible cramps, my hands were cracking (ouuuuuch), I used about a whole tissue box (you can imagine how my nose and lips feel right now), and I started developing a horse cough.


                          Basically I looked like I walked out of Night of the Living Dead. Everyone said I looked dead today. Like really, I'm pale and I have dark circles under my eyes and my nose is runny and I'm coughing.... I'm basically evidence of death warmed over.

                          XD Just kidding. Today was actually a really good day. I was just horribly sick (I wasn't joking about that part).

                          So, I think I'm not going to school tomorrow. I'm actually really sad, I love school. It's so much fun, I love learning new things and there are some great friends there who really care about me and I was gonna recite more poems tomorrow....but I just don't think my body could handle it, it was pretty horrible, that. And I had two tests!! Not cool.

                          but anyway. Enough whining of pain and suffering that isn't really that bad.

                          We do a lot of community service stuff at my school. We had a prayer service where we all put these toys we collected on the altar for Operation Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve there'll be groups of people dressed as Santa and his elves going to misfortunate families and giving toys to the children. We sang traditional Christmas songs (O Come, O Come, Emanuel, Silent Night, Joy to the World, etc.) and I got to play the piano. It was all in all pretty fun, and really really nice.

                          And, in music, we're running this fundraiser. There's this family we're helping give Christmas presents. The mom is a single mother of 8. Two are moved out. She has breast, bone, and brain cancer, and probably won't live. The oldest girl is at home taking care of the kids. We're raising money for an exterminator (the mom requested one for the house) and any additional money will go to buying presents or like hats and scarfs and stuff for the kids. It's really sad, but we don't have a lot of time to collect -just until Thursday, so here goes nothin.

                          What else?

                          Mm...We're taking a trip to New York to the Metropolitan Museum of Art -funfun! My mom doesn't want me to go if I'm this sick, but I'm adamant. I paid, I got excited, I really need to buy Christmas presents for my friends.... My dad agrees with me. We'll see how it goes.

                          Speaking of english teacher was out today, so a sub just gave us some work to mdo. My teacher's a little...loose in the head (but she's really really smart and funny and teen-gril like that I love her) and she just randomly gave us this paper with a Shakespearean quote about rhyme or reason, and then randomly had us write a 1-2 page diologue (script form) about an injustice we had without rhyme or reason. Is this randomness (without rhyme or reason) just my english teacher, or is it an epidemic? It's totally out there, we've never touched scripts or diologues!!


                          So, that's pretty much all that's happened in the past few days. I just got really sick. :P

                          Well, love's ya'll!

                          just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                          • Wierd. We recently got our first snow as well. I stayed up all last night until really late, and then got up really early to finish the homework I fell asleep over. Today wasn't exactly fun. Especially as I almost fell asleep in my first class. Your Santa thing sounds really nice, Mel. My schools also doing a fundraiser thing, but it's for money, which is then used to bye things for them or something like that.
                            Originally posted by Mel:
                            She has breast, bone, and brain cancer
                            Wow. THAT much cancer? AND a single parent! I really feel for people like that. I guess it helps that I know someone who had cancer. You live in New York? That's pretty awesome. Have you visited Long island, and other places from the YW series, like Tiana Beach?(Is that even a place?) Sorry for asking to many questions. I tend to do that.
                            <span class="ev_code_RED">I'm glad there are other piano players!</span>

                            (Sorry for drifting a little off topic and being rather random. I know my sentences were choppy and without good transitions. my english teacher would not be happy.)
                            Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                            • Originally posted by Emi:

                              Eric sounds like your school board needs to think about funding for buses next. Hope you'll get better buses soon!!
                              I wasn't on yesterday morning, but the sub bus broke down (a hole in the radiator, steam billowing from the engine) so half the kids had to go on another bus that drives near ours, and the other half drove in the overheating sub bus to the garage place, where our regular bus was apparently ready to be taken to use again. Today was the first day this week that we had our regular driver, our regular bus, and everything was on time and not late, etc. etc. etc.
                              "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                              • This year was the weirdest snow year of all. It was unusually warm, and then one day it started snowing. The next day it looked like it was January. The third day there was a huge snowstorm that gave us a snow day. Last year, we had 2 snow days. This year we had one, and we wasted it (well I wouldn't call it waste) before winter even started.

                                And Eric, you still haven't described your "crazy" science teacher.

                                Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata
                                "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
                                -Terry Pratchett
                                Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology

