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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • So my weekend was enh. enh what a wonderfull word. A plethora of dissatisfaction conveyed by a simple three letter grunt. Gottta love litterture devolveing in todays modernized society.(sorry for all the big words i was studying for a history test and large words help your grade in that class ) So back to my enh weekend. Weel it was saturday night and me and my mom(sister and dad out of town) were going to see the golden compass because i put in like 8-10 hours of midterm studying that day. So we got the tickets for the 8 oclock so we went to get dinner. Thats where the fun started. Four bites in i started to choke on my meat. Now i have had this prroblem before(thank you GERD) so i wasn't to panicked and since it was loged deep in my esophugs i could still breath but just not swallow. Then the gagging begain and the vomiting onto my plate. But it did not come up. The owner came over and when it wouldent pass they called the EMT's. Ten miniuets later they loaded me onto a streacher and carted me off to the hospital. There after repeated atempts at swallowing water(and reaching it back up) not to mention the fact that i could not even swallow my own saliva, they put me on an IV drip and gave me some muscle relaxants. It still dident pass, so i got transfered to CHKD hospital. There is spent more hours and more doctors in there ER until they gave me a oom for the night(at 2AM). The next day they did an upper GI in the morning. I had to swallow a x ray visable liquid and they would take an Xray of my esophogus. After that came back up they determined i had a complete esophogeal blockage and carted me back to my room. I than waited SIX HOURS for surgery. They stuck a tube down my throat and shoved the food down and took a biopsy. When i woke up after the surgery, and proved i could eat soft bland foods(my diet for the next 2 days) they sent me home at 8 that night with one heck of a sore throat. And thatis how i spent my weekend. I wonder, i should have asked them is i set a record as i was medicaly chokeing for almost a day.

    On a compleatly unrealted note. Im going to start reading Twilight tomorow. Hope it lives up to the hype. Oh and Midterms start friday and i have three tests tomorow. AND This is the longest post i think i have ever made hear. Now im gonna go rest my hands and eat some pudding. *wishes he had a swivil chair so he could swivil around realy fast yelling wheeee right now.*

    Well dai now.
    (\__/) "Be amazing"


    • enh? enh?!?! That's all? That can't even be described by bleh! That's terrible. Still, the record thing is kinda funny, although lessened by the fact of why you're thinking about it. I like people who can still make jokes after something like that, even though the experience was bad.

      So, my brother came into my room, and he commented on how much anime I was watching. He asked me who was going to go to Japan first. I told him that I didn't really want to go, I just wanted to watch anime. Then he said that the internet is really fast in Japan. He knows a lot of words in Japanese, more than me, but I'm trying to teach myself how to read it. I learned how to write "fruits basket" (the anime, so it's just transliterated)in japanese, which is the kanji for: fu-ru-u-tsu ba-su-ke-t-to.

      of course I have more, a whole list for: kimi, to, hen, hen-na, a-no, no, toki, ni, wa, ko, ga, de, ya-t-to, ka-na-t-ta, ba, de, i, nagai, ta, t, u, shi, ku, fu-ru-u-tsu, ba-su-ke-t-to, yu, so, kyo, n, te, mo, re, ima, wa, me, and radiazulon, thanks to Rad.
      "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
      -Terry Pratchett
      Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


      • I agree with Vashmata. Enh doesn't sound like how I would describe it, but oh well. That sounds like a terrible way to spend your weekend, but (assuming you still go to school) you probably have school off, right? which has got to be nice. I really hope we have another ice day tomorrow. seeing as I have procrasinated a little, it would be a nice chance to make my essay better.
        Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


        • Aww MM that sounds like a really horrible night/weekend. Not something I would want to experience. That really stinks, hope the throat gets better.

          Mel, I do get some snow days, like last year we got a lot in Feb. and Mar. the big Nor'easters. haha. Oh but acutally a couple of the snow days were "rain days" do to flooding. haha. Love it.

          I'm getting a cold... I think... I don't really know what it is. It's like a cross between a cold and allergies. I hate it because I can't breathe, think, and talk clearly. *sniffles* I don't like it... this is the closest smiley I could find that made it look sickly.

          Anyway, Eric I'm starting to think your bus driver is cursed.. haha... GOOD LUCK.

          As I've stated in an earlier post, I have a two hour delay tomorrow.. well *looks at clock* today. Holy cow! It's already twelve o'clock! I gotta to go. I knew I shouldn't have logged on here... Darn my addiction to the internet!

          Dai all have a safe winter!
          Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
          Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
          It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
          Check out my video: LET GO


          • *Start psychic abilities* The next morning, when I'm on the bus, the driver will tell me that the bus broke down, for I wasn't on this afternoon, and whenever I'm NOT on, the bus breaks down. *End psychic abilities*

            Ahhh, my sister's home. My mom has a rehearsal to go to and my dad's traveling in New York, so if my sister wasn't home, I'd be alone here when I went to sleep. Well, except for Rex (the dog), and the cats.
            "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


            • I think you're the only person other than my aunt an uncle that has both a cat and a dog- well you said cats plural, so I feel bad for Rex. Anyway, they have 3 dogs and 2 cats.

              Rex, what an unoriginal name. My cat's name is Strype D Katt (ever read "get fuzzy"? maybe it's only in Canada). One of my uncle's cats' names is Ghengis Kahn(my "h"'s might be misplaced, I'm not sure) 'Cause my uncle's last name is Kahn(or the other way, it's not like the famous guy)It's a pun. And 2 of his dogs are Zac and Sam.

              Well my luck has kept me going, but it's finally time to do my english oral tomorrow . I hope I get a good mark.
              "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
              -Terry Pratchett
              Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


              • No, vashmata. You are incorrect. I read "get fuzzy", and I don't live in Canada. My dog's name is Faithful (don't ask) But we usually just call him Satch (as is Satchell for his tendencies). Anyway, I thought I would spend my 100th post in the TOGR, because I feel like getting off topic right now. Anyway, Eric, I think you need to start riding the bus a little more frequently (although I do, and I don't blame you for not doing so.) Any way, I have to finish my essay right now, and so I must leave.

                Dai all.
                Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                • Yikes! That doesn't sound good at all, MagicalMike, I'm sorry.

                  I'm being crazy, the University I work for is in Finals week for Fall Semester, and I work as an Office aide, and help out in the Testing Center (Can we say crazy busy)

                  I've had some interesting hours filled reading the boards tonight. I'll do my best to get on more often in the future.

                  And on the snow closures of schools, in this area the snow would have to be more than 5 feet deep for the Powers that Be to cancel school.

                  Dai everyone, work is done, and I'm heading home.
                  There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                  "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


                  • Yes, the dog's name is Rex, and the cat's names are Reese and Timmy. Reese is named according to his color (Reese's peanut butter cup). And he's very fat, too. He always gets really fat in the winter, and then slims down to a couple pounds overweight in the spring/summer. but this winter, he's PARTICULARLY fat. He's two and a half years old (April 22, 2008, he'll be three ).

                    Timmy is what I call the other cat. But my mom calls him "Fraunk" (pronounced starting with the fro in frost, and then the nk sound. My sister calls him Frank. My dad calls him everything (mostly Fraunkie). But one name is something we all agree on: Stupid. He's quite dumb. Although, seeing that he's six years old and all of our past cats have never seen four years, he must be doing something right. Probably because he stays close to home so he doesn't get attacked by coyotes or fishers or whatever kind of animals are around here. He was actually attacked by something once, but that's a long story... he's even more paranoid now than he had been before that.
                    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                    • Vashmata: I have a dog and a cat! The dog's name is Zackie, and the cat's name is Izabele, I call her kitty or Izzy. Want to know something funny? I'm allergic to both of them! I take meds to keep my pets. I love them to death.

                      We got to leave school early today! That was really cool, I didn't have to go to my last block. I also got to have lunch at home. Better than the schools! I'm getting wicked annoyed by my braces because everytime I'm nearing my appointment something goes wrong with them. I'm fine all the way up to like three days before! Now my wire popped out of my bracket and it's like dipped down. I can't describe it but the way it feels like, it's a 'U' on my gums. Not cool. There's already some snow and the ground.. *looks out the window* WOA! It like covered the road!!

                      I don't have a game today because it was cancelled. And no practice tomorrow, I don't know why but I don't. Nice weekend off from bball!

                      I'm feeling a lot better now. I think it was like a fluke or something. Oh yeah, I have to write an essay (Kaley Essay contest) about a controversial topic. And the topic I chose is racial profiling. My teacher is being weird because she, at first, wanted me to pick like a race or a city where it happens but then changed her mind when I was telling her my "thesis statement". One that I just made up on the spot. I realize I'm starting to become better at doing that. Anyway, my friend LF is doing hers on Smoking and how it should be illeagal.
                      My teacher:"Well, it's already banned in most places. SO why would you want to do that?"
                      LF:"Because of the media and stuff."
                      My teacher:"Then change your topic to smoking in the media. Do the whole research over again."(walks away)
                      LF:"She hates me!"

                      Yeah that's how it goes every day. I seriously think that my teacher has something against LF because everyday she makes LF sound dumb. Horrible. My teacher's crazy and annoying. But whatever the semester's almost over. (Thank God).

                      Alrighty off to browsing through other topics.

                      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                      Check out my video: LET GO


                      • Well... I guess Rex was the only unoriginal name... we were kinda mean and got my cat declawed, and he isn't allowed outside, but it's better that way because he thinks:first run quickly, run slower later, then hiss and run away again.
                        My dad is allergic to him also, but apparently the allergy is disappearing because he is always near Strype.

                        So I did my oral on The Elvenbane,and hopefully I got a good mark. There was criteria for a question for the class to answer, and after 2 people answered, I let him answer, and all he had to say was that I wrote Elvenbane wrong once in my PowerPoint presentation.

                        And Wolfy, I said maybe, not for sure, when I was saying "maybe it's only in Canada". I realize that's untrue, because most of the jokes are USA-related.
                        "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
                        -Terry Pratchett
                        Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


                        • Vashmata:I was clarifying that it was in other countries besides Canada then. I'm sure you were happy wit your friend.

                          Emi: I think all school lunches are bad, so good luck with another snow day!

                          Dai all.
                          Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                          • Emi:

                            My braces have always been fine, except for a couple things. For example, once the wire wasn't in perfectly centered, and therefore one elastic was tighter than the other. But that's nothing. My most common issue is that my headgear won't fit (but he said I don't have to wear it anymore because I've been so good with my elastics and because I have them in so much, there's movement just from the elastics ). Not that I care.

                            But then there was that one time, maybe five months after I got them on.... I had been eating these Scooby-Doo fruitsnacks, and they're really good. And they're wicked soft, so theoretically they'd be fine. However, TOO soft. They would wrap around my teeth and pull at the brackets every time I opened my jaw. One day the bracket around the rear right molar finally slid right off. Next time I went in, when they were removing it to replace it, she said "OK, there may be a bit of pressure when I pull this...." (She pulls it off and it comes off with NO resistance) "...Or maybe not."

                            My school lunches used to be pretty bad.... Especially pizza. *Envisions the pizza with puffy crust, very spicy sauce, and greasy cheese [pepperoni pizza DRIPPING with grease]* But a few months after school started, they got pizza with normal crust, more sauce that's more natural and fresh tasting, and cheese that doesn't burn as easily. It's really good. But all the other lunches are satisfactory... I can't directly complain. But they're not the same as a good home cooked meal.
                            "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                            • Hey, do you guys remember (or maybe you still do this) how when a Friday would come, when the bus dropped you off you'd feel so excited and free that you'd run all the way home, maybe screaming, "Yes! Yes! FREEDOM!!"

                              I know I did, and I remember that feeling was one of the best in the world, even with a heavy backpack.

                              That feeling is lost.

                              I am so stressed, it's no wonder I haven't gotten over my cold yet!

                              >.< Midterms are pretty much right when we get back from Christmas break. We have two days to review with the teachers, then BAM! That's it! Here they come!

                              So, to prepare us and to get us all caught up for the exams, teachers are sort of freaking out and pulling tests out of nowhere (ex. a bio quiz the day after we just got the notes --- and bio's like the hardest class) and all these projects. It's even harder, too, 'cause we have so many concerts (I still have like eight before Christmas, INSANE!) On top of that, we just got our PSATs back, which is stressful for most people. Then, there's the fact that if we don't cover some chapters, too bad! They're still on the midterms! And then you actually have to worry about those and study all during Christmas break. Then I have an extra reason because I agreed (I can't believe I actually agreed) to perform in a concert, and not just any concert, this is my first _real_ concert. This is like ten songs in a row in a large old famous mansion, just me, by myself, nothing else happening at the same time. And it's right after midterms, as if I didn't have enough to worry about. And then there are our concerts (singing) to worry about enough anyway! I just got back from one, and it was kind of horrible 'cause some of the mics weren't working, and then our director decided we were singing the second half of our song, and we've only practiced the one song literally twice in practices, and then just barely, and we've never practiced the second half with the harp at all (which is our only accompaniment) and, and, and --AGH!

                              And all we've read so far in english is depressing stories! I'm so sick of depressing stories! They're all about people being beat, and dieing and drunks, and now about the horrors of some war, and AGH! I'm so sick of depressing stories! I'm usually really optimistic, but seriously! Why can't we just read A Christmas Carol, huh?


                              if you have just followed that whole rant, congratulations. I don't think I could have done it myself in your place. I'm just really stressed out, and I needed to vent it somewhere, I guess. I feel a little better, but I'm still worried about a coupla things.

                              Sorry for being so negative, I'm not usually like that. People often say I'm their sanity/groundedness

                              Emi: ooh, braces problems *eyeroll* I could tell you some stories, haha I still have a couple scars in my cheeks. I think my friend K is the most like you, though. She's had it the hardest. Her dentist was completely incompetent! The day she got her braces, the first thing she did was go home and eat dinner - mashed potatoes. A bracket popped off, just like that. How is that possible, mashed potatoes?! :P

                              I hope things improve for you. And, know it's worth it. You tend to look.... a lot different after braces. It's sort of a nice feeling.

                              Hehe, I have a dog, Eddie. Full name : Edward Wilson (insert last name here). Eddie for the dog from Frasier (he sort of reminds us of him, though he's not the same breed), Wilson for Castaways 'cause he was really quiet, and well, our last name's a given. We also have an iguana, Buddy (two formerly Rex and Iggy, very unoriginal) and a parakeet Lucky (lucky we found him) (two formerly Sunny who was yellow and green, and Tweety, the crankiest bird I have ever seen).

                              MM! Jeez, that's a little...traumatic! I hope your throat heals swiftly and without much trouble. Lots of ice cream!!

                              Emi: Ick. Sick. :P But seriously, being sick isn't much fun. I myself am just getting over a really really bad cold (I blew my nose so much I was upsetting the membranes in my nose and it was bleeding every time I blew--for like three periods straight. It wasn't cool, XD Today it started again a little in english, and my friend's like, "Aww, Melanie!" and I say, "Shut up!" and everyone turns around just about simultaneously, and goes, "Again??!" :P It's been like a week straight. It's amazing I'm not lightheaded, :P)

                              So, now to end this immensely depressing post.....

                              Well, happy belated Hannukah to all Jewish people here, and Merry Christmas to the Christians.

                              Ho Ho Ho!!

                              (I'm in a Santa-like mood today. I was actually half laughing that way by accident, it was really funny)

                              May sunlight forever shine in your days!

                              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                              • I've read every word of your post. *Grumbles* And my mom wonders why I dread high school next year....

                                You know, I think we should start a thread specifically to complain about school; as someone (I don't remember who) said, TTOGR is a HAPPY place (unless you're asking for advise for something that's bad). I think that half of TTOGR's bandwidth goes to you high schoolers complaining about school. Either that or me complaining about the bus. Now that I think about it, I'll search for a thread about school... and if it exists, I'll post in it. If it exists but it's not closed, I'll put in the "Please unlock a thread!" thread. If it doesn't exist at all... I'll start a brand new one.

                                Oh, yeah, the bus.... I don't remember if I already said this, but the bus has had an oil leak for a long time.... Finally it lost all the oil at the end of a run, and we had to use the sub bus again. But THIS time, the FIRST sub bus held up for a couple days.
                                "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran

