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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • young reader: Congratdulations YR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took the ACT to get into this camp thing over the summer, even though I am not in High school yet.

    Emi and Gryph: I hate it when people are so suprised that people (like us) write and read for pleasure. It's just how suprised they are, you know? FREEDOM!!!!!!!! I am finally on bresk, and it is awesome! i'm going on vacation tomorrow, so i won't post for a while and everyone will probably forget me. but, then I can suprise everyone by just posting again a while later... At least I don't have school and homework, and can get 8 hours of sleep if I refrain from reading to much at night (unlikely).

    Dai all, and don't forget:
    Wolfy is lurking and:
    existing and:
    Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


    • Yay for YR!

      Okay, this is random (obviously, considering where I'm posting it ), but right now on MuggleNetInteractive, I'm talking to a person about her joining the forums. Does anyone have any things I should add to what I'm saying about the forums? (I can send them to her later.)
      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      • ummm, what are you saying about the Forums already?

        I'm sorry for the one- liner, but I can't make it much larger.

        I actually have to go now, so Dai all, and remember:
        Wolfy is lurking around and:
        existing and:
        Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


        • Gryph, I have one thing to say to you.
          And that is that:
          Your artwork makes me mad. Mad because this place I'm residing in does not have any sort of art to it. All these dang traditional basket weaving, and that's nothing to do with what I want!

          But, on the bright side, I'm getting a tablet for Christmas! [hyperventilation goes here]

          Hi, by the way. It has been quite a while. And I see we've got a new regular newbie. xD Remember those days. (And that newbie is telling and oldbie about how TOGR is the topic of great randomness ... ok, that's the part when I scroll down to the next post.)

          So many changes. Is chat ever going to 'reborn', 'revive' itself? It's strange how you don't find a purpose for internet when there is no more chat. For me, at least, that is the case.

          My life is still being complicated, but school life is flowing nice. Yah, my phone got stolen 3 weeks ago, it's gone, so did three other peoples. People started hating me, blaming me, etc. All this crap. In the principals office at least twice a day that week. >><< major.

          But! I'm friends with everyone in 10th grade now, my class, and my first 'friends' in that school. So, I'm pleased with how things are going. I could change some stuff, but I'm content for the most part.

          I've been having a good week though. Which is an improvement. Finally today, we are out of school. We just had a half day and all we did was hang out in different classrooms and switch around our iPods on the speakers. It was a big [party]. I hung around with Tash and Curt and Min. Min, actually, fell asleep and slept for three hours on a table. I put things on his face. A Reese's thing, then a tissue to tickle his nose, then my Santa hat to make his face itch. I like to have fun that way. xD

          What else? A lot more but super uber way to exhausted to tell you all about it. But anywazzz. Xmiss shopping. Ohakkk. [Samoan word] I have bought my sister a ton. xD Like, 6 things already. Two things for my mom. One thing for my dad from both my sister and I ... One thing for another friend, another for another friend, and I still have to get more. I feel like really giving this year. Tonight I went this house up by my friend Kani's house and we sorted and moved donated clothing for the homeless and needy to be given away tomorrow for xmas presents. It made me feel good. I told my mom about it coming home and she said I should log into my comm. service book for College.

          Just the whole thing about helping them, and making all these sandwiches for them and Tang mixing up-ness, made me feel good. I never really actually understood it before. I feel like I'm growing up and learning how to control and deal with stuff that is thrown at me.

          Life in the house has calmed down. My project for this break of school is to create a mural on my only plaster wall. The rest are all concrete. I'm buying red paint to outline it with and then maybe different cheaper paint, maybe even markers to color it. I'm not sure yet. The real problem is that nothing can erase pencil off of plaster wall. Imma have to buy a pint of white paint, too.

          BUT SERIOUSLY. I AM GETTING A TABLET FOR XMAS. My mom didn't want to tell me, but she had to, or something, cause it's most likely not to make it here before Tuesday. You know, I'm not all that excited about xmas this year.

          And now Tash is bombarding me with IMs. I like having IRL friends, not that you guys aren't great, just you know, I can actually make plans now. (eeeeee!)

          I really wanted an iTouch for Christmas but my mom says that she will not a) you have an iPod b) out of budget c) because she's not inclined too. so boo me. I also would life a journal. I have no nice paper to write on, let alone any paper at all. It's all my school notebook paper that has notes all over miscellaneous pages. And one of those super pretty fine tip old style ink pens. And an incense burner. With incense. Only, you cannot really buy any of that here. >><< Annoying le major.

          Aiiiie. I want to draw a master piece. Something I say is a master piece. I wish I had a good camera. Photography, Friends, Art and Internet are now kind of the most important to me now in life. My shoulder muscles hurt.

          Peace Out Girl Scouts (I live in the ghetto over here in AS [sort of hate it, no, I do hate it]).
          Love and be loved


          • Woah, tori, you're back from the dead!

            But anyway.

            I know, I didn't get to post within an hour last time, but yeah, they do let us go into the language lab after school ends until 5. A lot of people can't get rides until late, and there's always stuff happening!

            This past week has felt like a month to me. The weekend was chorale's biggest concert and my mom's 50th birthday. So, pretty much I had to time to even consider breathing. Our teachers decided to load us with homework. A lot of it.

            So, this week, we got our PSATs big. YR, that's amazing, I'm not gonna lie. I go a <span class="ev_code_WHITE">95%</span> and people were going crazy over me (apparently I got the highest grade in the freshman, which really surprised me, 'cause it's not like I'm M, the bio genius, or K who got the full scholarship, or B who is just amazing all around), I'm just...Melanie who sometimes gets Bs on math tests and love dorks and books (WHOO! I really don't understand those people either. I was lucky enough to be blessed with some form of stubborness to convince my friends to read more, yay). So, it was weird.

            Well, actually, I'll start with the bad first. Well, not first technically, but you kind of get what I mean.

            I'll ease into it.

            Keep in mind that I <STRIKE>am</STRIKE> was stressed. We had likt three tests a day. A bio quiz a day after we got the notes. That sort of thing. And bio's the hardest (really, really bad). Well, anyway, that was stressful enough. Then, we had our in-school concert on Monday, and then one after school. Then one on tuesday, then our last on wednesday. So, five in a row altogether. Noooot nice.

            Then there's the whole thing with four polyannas. Not cool.

            Then there's the whole thing with my parents fighting, and my eldest brother being grumpy, but yet Ry was......nice for once. He just came back from Kairos, a kind of religious retreat you can do when you're a junior or senior.... it's sort of amazing. I'm surprised he went, he's not the "type," and he had been really dragging his feet going to Church and stuff. And then he went to Kairos on Thursday and came back Sunday....and now he's like....well, he's Ryan, but he's...a lot of a better person. Strange isn't it?

            But then.... I got all freaked out and overworked this week. Baaaaad. And my dog had a flair up of lymes disease. But he's doing a little better. It was scary, he almost died!!! And there's still something wrong with his eyes.... He's all squinty, and he shuts them a lot...:/

            And then I found out that my date for our winter formal got drunk over the summer, and I'm beginning to regret ever asking him anyway, and I've just realised I still like my ex boyriend who my best friend (who is currently mad at me) is taking after I set them up....:/

            But anyway. More gloom and despair headed your way, XD

            So my friend EW kind of cut herself off from me. I could tell you the long version, but this post is too long already. If you want it, PM me, but whatever.


            So, basically, she met this kid in the summer for a week who likes like two states down, and he's pretty much stalking her online. He's really really scary and creepy and violent. She got an email from him for the first time in a couple months, and she was gonna respond, and -- well, I'm not so sure I should be telling you this,, well.... Would you believe me if I told you we have this thing runnning in my family....where, like, we sometimes know...something's gonna happen? I don't blame you if you don't believe me....but anyway, I she called me on the phone asking for advice, so I told her: delete the message. don't look at it. don't respond. change your email address. don't trust him. tell your parents.
            She was acting like she wasn't gonna tell them, though, and respond, and I knew, just knew that if she didn't tell them, something horrible was gonna happen to her. So, after I had hung up with her, I thought for a bit, told my mom (who had overheard some of the conversation) and decided taht I should call her back and tell her that she should tell her parents or I would, 'cause this kid was downright dangerous. So, I called her house, and her mom picks up, and E's in the shower, and she prolly won't be able to call me back.
            Now, I had had this horrible, absolutely terrible feeling in my stomach for like an hour, but it intensified like tenfold when I hung up, and I was really, really scared. I actually started to cry a bit, I was so confused. So, I said a prayer, asked God what to do, and I knew the answer, so I called back, and told EW's mom that she had got an email from him again and was thinking of responding and that I didn't think E would have told her and that she really ought to know. She thanked me, told me I was a true friend, and I hung up. By this point, I was shaking really, really badly, my whole body. Just then, my other friend EL called my cell phone and I told her what had happened and she said I did the right thing too, and then I just sort of started to sob uncontrollably 'cause I couldn't hold it in anymore, I had been so scared something had to come out. I think it was also a mixture of me being so relieved that I told her mom...if something happened to her, I would have never forgiven myself, I know it. So, EL calmed me down and told me I could call her in the middle of the night if I needed to 'cause I thought I couldn't sleep.

            I ended up sleeping very well, except for that anxious feeling of ---what will happen to our friendship? 'cause I knew she'd be angry at me for telling her parents, but it wasn't like it was some stupid game, this kid put a picture...well, I don't want to frighten you guys, so... I'll just continue.

            The next day, and this is Friday, she's okay, she'll talk to me, but she's really closed off, and I know she doesn't trust me right now. I think she'll come around eventually, but she needs to cool down a bit.


            So, basically, my whole week was stressful and made me cry from frustration, stress, and fear.

            But it was also really, really good!

            For instance: my PSAT scores. That's good.
            The Poetry Out Loud contest: First I tied with a Senior. Then, it turns out I got second place (the first was someone entirely different.)!!! And the judges thought I was a junior at least by my recitation. That made me so happy, you have no idea. I don't think there's anything I love more in the world than recitation. I never thought I could be a world famous pianist, even though I love to play for myself. I don't think I can be an author, though I love to scribble out bad little stories every now and then. There's nothing I can do reading. My only options are teaching and recitation, now that I think of it. I'm very happy and excited, lemme tell you.

            Then there's the fact that my parents are done being grumpy!

            And the Tree is finally decorated!

            And I slept over EL's house yesterday and had a blast! (I feel like I'm _finally_ getting to know her better)

            And Eddie (my dog) is feeling so much better!

            And I worked up my courage and tried for the play in front of all of those synical upperclassmen, on stage, including singing, which was really hard, and volunteered to read out loud. It was pretty fun, actually, after I got past the initial nervousness.

            And, I dunno, I'm just so happy that stress is off for a little while. I'm still gonna have to study/ play piano like mad, but I'm giving myself a few days to recooperate,

            And I found out that a lot of people love me more than I thought they did, which is amazing isn't it? I'm not so much excited for Christmas because of the presents (though, I really, _really_ want Awake by Josh Groban.....*heheheh*) but I just love seeing my friends, and my family too, and knowing that we really do love each other a lot, most of the time, :P Isn't that what Christmas is all about?

            So, I think that concludes my post for today.

            And, I know, it's _uber_ long, but I've had a whole month's worth of activity to report upon!!


            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • OMW! ok, this is random (even for tToGR), but my sister and I co-teach a kindergarten ccd class (because we're both teens so not allowed to handle anyone older than that), but thereis this one girl, who's name is Jade, and bo you know what her dog's name is? (of course not) Well, it's Pancho or Ponch. And she was talking one day about her Christmas plans, and she mentioned her aunt (who she called Aunt D)and (brace yourself) she started talking about things that really sounded like wizardry; she said how her aunt would always come and park really, really far away (worldgating?) and how her parents had all these old friend who were always coming over to talk "adult talk" about the 'surrounding area'(planets) and she even mentioned once or twice that she talked to her dog, and he talked back, but the other kids just laughed, and my sister smiled politely...oh! she also said that her parents mumbled in their sleep, and her older sister had recorded it (we had a day where we weren't supposed to have class, but did anyway, and she had the tape in her pocket, which was weird, but anyway, we played it)and you could hear things like re-rap(rirhait), en likes mame (in lifes name?) and a bunch of other stuff.
              I know you probably all think I'm paraniod, but it just made my day. And couldn't it be possible? I mean, in real life, N/K would be somewhere 30 in age, and I've never actually seen her parents, and she wassad one week because it was the anniversary of her grandma's death, even though she never knew her, and she always has flowers in her hair, and she says they're from her grandpa, 'cause he "workswith flowers"
              Plus, I live only a state away from LI/NYC, so it's pretty close, and they mightv'e have moved away from nassaucounty, but not anted to get to far away...ok, now i'm just rambling...It just made me kinda happy, because I was having a bad day, as usual, and it made me wonder(which is my favorite thing to do

              yay! Christmas is what...2 days away...yay! I have know school for a week and I'm free to do <STRIKE>what I want</STRIKE> homework ok,i just totally killed my mood...*sulks*

              AW man, no more spilling my guts, i have to go bake for my sister's boyfriend, (but that's not soo bad, 'cause I like baking) and clean the house and make it look like I care, all for him...he better be worth it...well, she seems to like him and she's real happy *listens to screaming from another room* and now I have to stop writing because of him too, so they can IM eachother HAVE THEY NOT HEARD OF A PHONE???

              tootles... and never fear the inevitable, unless you can find a way out, but wait, then it wouldn't be inevitable anymore would it?, never fear the inevitable, 'cause it's gonna happen anyway...yeah, that works

              Happy Chrismahanakwanzicagiving!! and happy vacation too
              ~We're the kinda friends that kill each other for a handful of Doritos and in the end we don't say sorry we say Haha! Too bad!!~. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.


              • Wow! Ash that is sooo ironic! I would be like "By the way what's your parent's names?" Haha...

                Alrighty. Well, I'm completely beat! I worked from 12-7 then my sister was holding a "solstice" party. It's like a Christmas party for her company but there was some people that are Jewish. So I played Guitar Hero and then DDR. Now I'm like wicked tired!! Haha! I love Guitar Hero! It's so much fun. Anyway, tomorrow I'm like working 12-5. I'm happy I get time and a half on Sundays.

                Arg! My friend was supposed to come down this morning to pick up her gift I got her but she never came, and I wasn't sure if she was around at all during the day because I was working. And now she won't answer my calls. I knew she wasn't going to come down on time, she's not that reliable, but still! Keep your promises!! I like never get to talk or see her anymore because she's always "busy". I understand she made new friends and she'll hang with them all the time. But seriously, I feel like she's starting to forget me and she was the one who told me that she'd never do that. Whatever. Sorry for ranting about that you guys but I'm just getting really angry about this. Everytime we'd make plans she'd alway end up breaking it!

                Now to something positive... Well this isn't positive, but my mom's cousin's husband is going over to Iraq in January. And I'm going to make a little film of his family for him, so while he's over there he can still see his kids and his family. My mom and my sister think it's a good idea, so I'm going to be taking my camera with me to the Christmas Eve party at my Aunt S. My first film. I'm soo excited. Alright, I'm going to go now. Sorry for the rant earlier!!!

                Dai Stiho
                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                Check out my video: LET GO


                •, Saturday was a bad day. Or at least a lot of it was bad. I woke up, ate breakfast, then started to make chocolate cookies. As I was putting the first tray of cookies in the oven, it became unbalanced and fell over, dumping the cookies on the bottom of the oven, which is really dirty. So I lost an entire pan of cookies. Later on, I burnt my fingers on another tray of cookies because I wasn't paying attention and picked up the cold tray with the oven mitt and tried to pick up the hot tray without one. So...yep. It was bad. And something else stupid happened, but right now I really don't remember what. My family's been making fun of me all day, which is annoying, to say the least. But my family went to see the orchestra, which was pretty sweet. I love the orchestra, especially at Christmas time.

                  I miss my friends. They're literally all out of town for the first part of break, and I've got no one to hang out with except my family. Which isn't a bad thing; I like my family. It's just that it does get annoying being around them all the time, every second of every get the idea.

                  My fingers still hurt.

                  Oh, my family was at a water park on Thursday and Friday, which was a lot of fun. I'm slightly allergic to chlorine, so it was slightly painful, but also fun. There were these really awesome slides...we called one the toilet bowl slide, since the water spins in a circle as you go down it, and it looks like a toilet bowl. My cousins came with us, which is why we came up with the name "toilet bowl." My family wouldn't have thought of the name on our own. Lots of fun...I'm kind of having trouble keeping my thoughts in a straight line right now, so sorry about that.

                  I got into the honors program at the university I was accepted at, which is great...but I still don't really want to go there. I feel bad, but...I really like this other school, and just really want to get into it! I don't think I've ever wanted anything this much before, which is scary...I mean...I'm pretty positive I'll get in. So is the admissions person I'm friends with at the school, and the cross country coach at the school. But still...I can't help but worry; I've got the test scores, and the grades, but what if my essay was no good? Argh...I hate college. I can't wait until I get there.

                  Last night I babysat my 2 year old cousin, W. He was...interesting to watch. It seems like he has so much energy, and that he'll never stop going. He kept me running up and down the stairs all night, which was ridiculous, as I was trying to juggle a cup of hot tea while doing the whole thing. (Yes, I'm a tea addict. I really like peppermint tea, and raspberry tea isn't bad either. Oh, and lemon tea is good too...can you tell I like tea?) W. went to sleep really easily, which amazed me. He looked like a little angel, just lying in his crib with his blond hair and chubby little toddler cheeks. He's just learning to talk too; his favorite words are "appe jui", "kiii kat," and "airpane!" (apple juice, kitty cat, and airplane.) I like kids a lot; they're so much fun to watch as they grow older and learn new things. It's when they get old enough to get an attitude that they start to drive me up the wall. Well, this is random; I'm talking about kids. Oh well.

                  I'm not really excited for Christmas either. I's nice to see all my family from out of town, and sure, it's nice to get presents...but I don't really want it to happen yet, because it means I'm getting a few days closer to graduation. I'm still terrified of things like graduating, prom, college, and being out of my house. What about next year, when I'm not at home for the entire Christmas season...I probably won't be able to be home (no matter what college I end up at) for the family cookie party, or to get a Christmas know, things that are traditions in my family. And I'm not sure I want to miss all that yet! I'm not that old! Ehnn...I love how I can relate absolutely anything back to college/graduation/prom. It's getting depressing, actually, that I'm able to do that.

                  I missed my first basketball game today while I was at the orchestra. I hope we was a home game, and I know that a lot of people from our schools were coming to see it.

                  Well...I'm going to go ice cookies. Yes, it is 12:30 in the morning here, I know that. But there are cookies downstairs that need to be iced/decorated. And possibly eaten. Well, probably eaten. Winter break is getting my sleeping schedule all messed up. Dai all!


                  • Today is the Christmas celebration with my dad's side of the family. Normally we do this on Christmas Eve, but we decided to do it today instead.

                    Then, on the real Christmas Eve, we do nothing.

                    Christmas day, we go back to my mom's mom's for the celebration with my mom's side of the family (just my mom's siblings and their offspring, not everyone from my mom's mom's side like it was yesterday).

                    Then Wednesday, we do nothing.

                    Thursday and Friday night, we may be staying at a hotel that has a pool and we can go to the mall nearby.

                    I'll be at my grandfather's for (U.S. ) New Year's Eve as usual (we stay up until midnight and watch the ball drop).
                    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                    • Merry Christmas, everyone!!! :P
                      I hope you all had a wonderful time with your families on this holy day.

                      So, onto business..

                      Hungry: I happen to be a tea fanatic meself. I actually just got this present from my Grandma called Teaposy. It's like this cute little glass teapot, cups, and saucers, and it has these vacuum sealed little flower things. You put one into the teapot, pour boiling water into it, and watch as the flower/plant thingy unfolds. It's sort of neat. The tea itself is sort of interesting, but it's sort of...well, I don't think you can drink a whole lot of it at one time, hence the tiny cups. It's a pretty cool thing, and you should check it out : the little enter button is at the bottom right.

                      haha, and it's okay, I didn't start icing our ginger bread snowflakes until...11:30, 12ish meself. I would have eaten most of them if I hadn't just come back from stuffing my face at a friend's, :P

                      Emi: that's a tough situation, any way you look at it. Try talking to her about it. Why? 'Cause I was the friend, not so long ago. I was the one who was having fun at a new school, meeting lots of new people and doing all sorts of cool things, while the other was at a new highschool too, not faring nearly as well as I was. She needed a rock to be there for her, and I was off in la la land, changing drastically inside (but for the better, you should know), changing when she needed my to stay put. I talked to a friend who told me how she thought the aforesaid friend might be feeling, and I suddenly realised how I wasn't there for her, how I hadn't seen her in like two months. Yeah. So, try talking to her. You'll find out either way if she just didn't realize it, or...the other way. So, I wish you the best of luck in that.

                      So, now, onto watch Camelot and eat even _more_ cookies and probably fall asleep on the couch only to be waken at midnight to go upstairs and fall asleep to the magical sound of Josh Groban singing Christmas songs....

                      *happy sigh* I love Christmas!
                      just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                      • I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!!

                        Mine was fun. Really it was. My cousins came over on Christmas Eve after our "family" party and we all played Guitar Hero. Haha that was wicked awesome. And then on Christmas Day, we played Guitar Hero again! But this time my Aunt and Uncles joined in with the craze. I think that was probably the most fun we've had on Christmases (sp?).

                        Just a quick list of what I got: The Final Draft , iTunes giftcards, a Dooney & Burke bag, clogs from AE, clothes, gas card, money, and last but certainly not least, I got a ticket to see Avril Lavigne in concert (and it's General Admission like the 2 row!!). She's touring with Boys Like Girls (my 2nd fav band). I don't even know how my mom managed to get that one!

                        Edit: I also got Eclipse!! Now I can finally finish!

                        Wicked happy that I got The Final Draft. Now, I can write my scripts with ease...

                        Mel: I've decided to write my friend a letter. We have this traveling book that I finally gave to her yesterday (she came down for like 10 min.). I stuck the letter inside the book. So I don't know when she'll read it but I hope she understands. Oh and have you been to Teavana? It's a store that sells like tons of different teas. Not really sure if they have one in your area but it's nice. You can even have them put different flavoring thingys together to make your own tea. I think. Not sure about that but it's really nice there. teavana

                        Well I hope you all had a great holiday!! and happy almost new year!
                        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                        Check out my video: LET GO


                        • This morning when I woke up, I actually dragged myself out of bed and into the shower (vs. going back to sleep a couple more times on usual breaks) because I was going shopping. My friend's birthday is today, and, well... no present bought. I'm such a pathetic friend. XD At least I remember my friends' names. Anyway, I got mom to go with me, which meant now I had money and bought some much needed clothes too. I always feel slightly more content/confident after picking up new clothes because each time, it's a little more daring or closer to who I aim to look like. I don't have any illusions that clothes define who I am, but I feel great if I look great, so... and I got shoes that weren't tennis shoes I like being able to say no to my mom and get the things that I like instead of what she likes. It's not rebellion so much as independence.

                          But anyway. An artsy notebook and pens. I was leaning for one which was all black and had japanese kanji for "simplicity" on it, but my mom liked a more opulent looking one. I shrugged and went with that. It was pretty nice, and it was still Japanese art, and, well, not everyone has my tastes, so I hope she likes it. For Christmas, I got her a few used games. I feel like this is a little more personal because she likes to write. So... a good thing.

                          A got into a fight with a friend. I guess the actual fight occurred a month ago, but apparently he hasn't moved on. Last night, I signed onto steam to play a game, and he sent me a message, just a "hey," and then he asked who it was because my bro, my dad, and I all use the same screenname, so I told him it was me. And he completely blew up! He was like, "Jesus Christ! you people need to tell me who you are," and I just stared at the screen for a moment. What an... overreaction. O.o I figured this had something to do with him holding an extended grudge and said as much, but instead of talking it out, he turned it into a muted fight. What a headache... >< Essentially, he's upset because he liked me, and then I let him down by not being who he wanted me to be (...), and I'm arrogant too. Go figure. But the thing is... that was the only fight we've ever had, and he makes it seem like it defines my entire life. Whatever. I can move on, but if he's going to be confrontational every time we talk, then that's not a friendship worth sticking around for.

                          Phh... and eh. At least we were never that close to begin with. ><

                          :/ ><

                          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                          • Mine was very nice.

                            I mostly got electronics stuff... 2 Wii games, one Nintendo DS game, the first and second seasons of Ghost Whisperer on DVD, an extra Wii remote, two books, a few outfits of clothes, and an external hard drive so I can back up stuff from my computer on to. Also I got money from my relatives. I'm very happy with EVERYTHING.

                            Tomorrow night, my mom, dad, one of my friends, and I are going to a hotel about an hour away from my house and it has a pool so we'll be able to swim, and we'll go to the mall. It's my favorite mall around, so I'm really happy.


                            An update to my last post:

                            Christmas Eve, I was at my grandfather's for church, and my dad and I were invited to stay for the dinner that my aunt made. Her ex-husband had a bunch of steaks, and it was a wonderful dinner. I had special meals four days in a row... Saturday at my grandmother's, Sunday at my house with my dad's side of the family, Christmas Eve at my grandfather's with my dad's side of the family again, and Christmas Day at my grandmother's house again.
                            "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                            • I GOT A LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, sorry for yelling, but I am SOOOOO excited!!! That's the reason i'm able to get on today.

                              Tori: Who is the newbie telling oldbies about the TOGR? are you indicating me? because I thought after your first ten posts, you are no longer considered a newbie. I'm not TO regular- only as regular as a lot of the people here- if you are indicating me. if you aren't, then i am glad to know that I am not the person you seem to be indicating posts to much. Wow. my parents wouldn't be at all happy with me if I was sent to the principal's office (probably even one day a week) but twice a day?? when your phone was stolen as well. That isn't really fair. i wish I had a iTouch, but I can't get one for pretty much the same reasons. I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT MY LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Mel: Good Job!!! And I'm really sorry about your dog. that sounds really bad, and I would probably be really freaked out at that time, if I were you.Ok, I'm kind of talking as I read, but that sounds pretty bad... your boyfriend got drunk??! Wow. that must be kind of a shock... I don't know, it just sounds really bad to me. That story about that kid sounds really creepy to me. if it helps at all, I think that you did the right thing in telling your friends mom. it probably dosn't help, but I tryed, and I think that it is probably better than letting her continue communicating with someone like that who is stalking her. I think that if EW dosn't end up realizing what you did for her (which I think she will) then, at least you and her mom, and EL, and other people like me do. (not that I really matter.)

                              On a lighter note, good job with your Poetry contest!!!

                              Ash: That Is really wierd, and interesting. I know that most people would say that it's a coincidence, or accident, but as you know, there are no accidents!(see my sig).

                              Emi: my cousin's husband is currently over in Iraq. Sorry about your friend. I think that you should tell her how you feel about it. If she just ignores you, then she's not a friend worth having.I know that it sounds stupid, and like bad advice, but I seriously think that you should try.

                              Hungry: Ahh, I know the sense of being with your family a lot/constantly/a little to much/with no one else.

                              Good job getting into the honors program! good luck getting accepted into the other one though, and I really hope you get in! I also enjoy tea, though I don't like it so much I constantly drink it. Its a nice afternoony sort of thing.

                              Emi (again): Oh, well, I also like your approach. but if you don't think that she notices, I still think you should talk to her.

                              Gryph: wow. I don't really know that many people who can remember (and care) about a fight for that long. that's really strange.

                              So, yeah, the majority of my christmas presents were this laptop. But I really enjoyed being with my friends and family. OK, I gotta go now, as I'm on errantry, so by!

                              edit: I have now actually made a long post. wow.
                              Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                              • -laughs-
                                Oh, Wolf, I'm talking about you, but don't take anything by it. I'm just remember who I used to be. (Whatta little ... no comment, actually. xD)
                                Remember when we (okay, I) used to be obsessed with our post count and newbie/midbie/oldbie status. ZD

                                Yes, I know, it is most strange that I had to go into the office that many times. But, hey, it's the only ACed building on campus, so it wasn't that bad. And there was a bunch of social problems too, and my friend, Karalinah, had told the principal, cos she didn't like to see me sitting in the corner on the ground with my hood hiding my face with a girl screaming at me that she wanted to beat the shizz outta me. Yah, that's what I got the first couple weeks of school. >< nnngh. But that's all over now, and we're all friends.

                                I like my laptop, I haven't turned it off in about 4 weeks. I've just decided to close the lid when I'm done cos it takes 10 mins to load and stuff, and that takes too long for me. I restart every month or so. :P That sounds horrible, but I don't care. It's a crummy laptop. Only reason i like is cos it's got all my editors and manipulation and writing and whatnot programs on it. And it's also going to run the tablet that I got for Christmas.

                                I also got a PS2 + 2 DDR Dance Mats + DDRSuperNova2 + 9 other games. My mom got me that instead of a iTouch... (sigh- My friend has all that, and she lets me borrow it whenever ... I would of rather had the iTouch but la la lalaaa).

                                Gryph. Aie. I know. I had to wake up at 6:30 this morning to go to the dentist. I woke up, put on jeans and hoodie and went back to bed. xD Mom came in at 7 and said we need to wake up; I mumbled that I was ready. Happens the people here so disorganized that they couldn't even had bothered to tell my mom that we have to see the dental dude first before basic cleaning. :[ Ihatethisplaceeee!

                                Anywazzz. Whatchyall doing for the New Yearssss? I got invited to my friend Tayler's party thing. White kid from Cali. Rich, you know. Snob. But still sorta nice. Really sarcastic, and he's told me he means nothing by his crude remarks, but whatever. They still sorta annoy me ... But I'm good. I've got Tasha. Tasha is this 5'7 big Samoan girl. In Junoir class. Good friend. I've wasted at least $20 on phone cards calling her. XD It's good to have a friend that calls you back at 12:02 after you've gone to bed on a week night and then have your mom scold you in the morning. I called her at 4AM once, that was funny. Her mom answered. :O And was just like, she left her phone in my room, lemme get her for you. She's cool, her mom, gotta tongue ring and attitude. xD

                                Oh, you know what I did for two hours today? I fixed the god dam internet wires. I was out painting on the patio and I happened to look inside and saw Delilah, the puppy, chewing the cords. NOOOOO HECKAH NO! But yes, she had chewed them apart already. Surprised she didn't shock herself. Wish she did. Evil little dog drew blood from biting my nose a little bit ago. Darn thing. >< Yah, so I spent two hours freaking fixing the cables and attacking them, cutting away plastic, and then end up cutting the wire and starting all over again. I cut my finger once and shocked myself over two dozen times and my finger still feels radioactive. FINALLY. After I made a pray (one of the very few I've ever said) and it worked! Huzzzzah! :]

                                Yah... So about my Tablet. !!! 6x8 Genius Tablet. Hooray! Yay me. Finally. Been wanting one since May.

                                Okay, well, I'm outta things to say, not really, but that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

                                Ta. :] Peace. Art!

                                Oh, Gryph, may I steal you icon to use for as an icon? It's uber pretty ...
                                (Now you smile and nod, smile and nod to me)()
                                Love and be loved

