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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Hope everyone is having a good winter break! I'm just glad that I've got over a week left of break, so I can continue being weird.

    Mel: Ooooohhh...I think I've seen those teaposy things before! They look so pretty! Maybe someday when I'm rolling in money (or when my parents actually look at my Christmas list ) I'll check them out.

    Wolfy: I know this isn't directed at me, but just because someone's posted more than 10 times doesn't make them not-a-newbie.

    Hmmm...Christmas. It Strange, but fun. I don't think I've ever gotten more clothes; I got a lot of running stuff...shorts, wind pants, UnderArmor, socks, sports bras...oh, and shoes. I got 4 pairs of shoes this Christmas, which was strange. I'm not really into shoes; I wear my Birkenstocks to school, my running shoes to run in (duh!), boots when there's snow, and flip-flops when I have to go into a public shower or to the beach. But I got new running shoes, slippers, a new pair of Birkenstocks, and a pair of blue rainboots which I surprisingly love. I have no clue when I'll actually wear them, but they're amazing. I didn't really get any "toys" for Christmas; nothing fun to play with and no electronics, except for the Sims 2 Bon Voyage, which is good. I love Sims. I stayed up until 3 AM on Christmas day playing Sims, which was kind of bad. Anyway...yeah. I'll admit it; I got good stuff for Christmas, but nothing (besides Sims) that I can really have fun with. Wait, no...I got a new journal too. I like it a lot; it's not the one I asked for, but it's a good size, the lines are the right type, and it's got a pretty colored cover.

    New Years...I don't do anything on New Years. I sit at home and eat crab dip with my family. Yes, I lead an awesomely boring life sometimes.

    We never got that snow we were promised on Christmas. The weatherman lies...liesss! In fact, the weatherperson on the radio just said it was a mix of rain and snow outside right now. Hahahaha. I don't really see anything out my window...

    I've got an immense amount of cookies on my kitchen table right now from my family's cookie party on Sunday. My uncle, who's a chef, made way too many cookies again. I think we're going to freeze some, since there's no way we can eat this many cookies before they go stale or something.

    Well...I've got basketball in 20 minutes, and haven't put in my contacts or anything, so I guess I'd better go do that...argh. I don't really feel like going to basketball, but oh well.


    • I'm going to see a broadway show! *cheers* Spamalot, to be specific. Dad got me two tickets for christmas. (I'm Jewish, actually, but Kimi is Christian so we celebrate both)
      Anyways. *Cheers*
      I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
      For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


      • Hiya!

        Okay, first of all, Wolfy, you do matter! Even if I can't physically see or hear you, what you say means a lot to me, and affects me. Thanks a whole lot! Me and EW are okay now. It turns out that day in school, she actually _didn't_ know I called her mom. So, when I emailed her about it, she got kind of angry. But then we sort of talked things out (actually, on Christmas, which is kinda weird and slightly depressing) and then she sorta got to understanding. She invited me to her youth group the next day, and I think we're cool now, though she's.....ehn -- she kind of has this thing of being a loner now, which is sort of worrying. But whatever. Enough with this, I'm tired of dramaaaa!!! I actually hate drama, a lot, and I promised myself I wouldn't get into any, especially the petty stuff, but I guess sometimes it just can't be ignored.

        What else... oh, yeah, he's not my boyfriend, thank goodness! He's just -- well, actually, I don't even want to call him a friend anymore, I hardly talk to him. We went to school together, though. Hm. I wish I hadn't jumped the gun, but I'm ready to deal with the consequences, eh?

        Haha, and, well, even though your post size says that you're a member, us older ones know-- you're not really a newbie anymore when you've proved it, and have been here a certain amount of time, and usually have shown some growth. It's sort of fun to watch, but anyway, don't worry about it. You'll be a midbie yet! It usually takes at least a year, though there's no real standard. You just...are!

        Emi: good for you! But, just remember, if she doesn't seem to respond, you've got to talk to her. Confrontations are really hard, especially with friends, so make sure that, if the time comes, you're somewhere safe... like, say her house with a box of tissues nearby, just in case. Make sure she can't run away from what your saying, and that she _has_ to hear you. Hence her house, and her room's a good place to "confess" if you want to call it that. I had to do that with the aforesaid old friend in September. I didn't mean to, but I ended up sobbing on her bed (what is it with me and crying this year??! Seriously! grr... Just want y'all to know that I'm not wishy washy or anything, 'cause I'm _not_ a wimp!), but yeah, and she just sort of had to sit there and let me finish. She couldn't just kick me out of her house! (Not that she would at this point, anyway). I wrote a letter too. Except I sort of ended up reading it, adding parts.

        Good luck to you, I hope all ends well with your friend!

        Oh, and I looked at that teavana place. It's weird, apparently there _are_ some kind of near where I live, which I wasn't really expecting. I'll have to have an excuse to go, though, 'cause it's pretty far. However, there's only two in my state, and they happen to be in the same area (??!) and so, I figure, I might as well think of a good excuse, 'cause it sounds really, really good... Thanks for the tip!

        Gryph: Ouch. No Comment, too much friendship stress lately. I can't wait 'till it's the summer again. The sun's out, it's warm and fuzzy, there seem to be less problems around, especially friendship-wise....but, I guess, since Christmas is over, winter is almost over, too. So--spring is coming, then summer!!

        ...where did the year go?


        But I really do hope things get resolved, one way or another, hopefully with...a little less shouting at innocent persons..*hopeful smile*

        Eric: sounds like you had a wonderful, restful holiday. yayy!!


        Hungry: Wow. I don't think I've ever really gotten shoes for Christmas! Four pairs is.. certainly interesting! A lot of clothes, huh? Well, that's okay. Though I think it would have been awkward in a few places, but prolly just cause our house is male-dominated, :P

        so, how was my haul this year? I have to say, it was probably the best Christmas I've had, gift wise. It was - finally - all _me_. You know what I mean? I used to get a lot of doozies, but I think people finally understand who I am. The most interesting things I got, though, were as follows:
        a 10 lb. (!!!) chocolate bar that is to be split between me and my brothers.
        A leather purse that we bought while up in the mountains that is sure to be a family heirloom, and has my initials stamped on it. It's not the kind of leather you're thinking of, it's very rigid and old fashioned looking...
        Oh, and I really did get Awake by Josh, as well as Closer, Taylor Swift (Deluxe), and A Hundred Miles or More -- Alison Krauss
        an iHome. Mega appreciated!
        Several movies including two versions of both Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre (eep!)
        The twilight books so far (hehehehe Team Edward!)

        So, those are the highlights of my Christmas gifts. Okay, most of them.

        dai stiho!
        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


        • *blink*

          It's been _forever_! My gracious, I doubt I'll even attempt to really catch up in here. I lost track of the online world (besides facebook) during the past month or so due to school and work. Midterms (or finals, whichever you wish to call them) were pretty beastly. Well, there was really no way to study for AP English, so I just winged that one. However, I wrote out a 14-page(ish) study guide for Spanish 3, then studied a beastly 9 some-odd hours for AP Chemistry. I'm just glad those were the only ones I had to take. Yay for exemptions.

          Onto happier things...Christmas! My cousin and my aunt came up from Arkansas to visit, which was fun. It was amusing (yet somewhat annoying) to hear my mom argue with her sister. Meggan and I get along just fine, now that I'm not the naive, quiet, easily offended kid I used to be, and Meg's not the somewhat mean, untrustworthy kid she used to be. We talked to her friends back in Arkansas a lot. Her friend Turrell was probably the most amusing. All I heard in the beginning was what Meg was saying. "What? Is she cute? ... You can't date my cousin! She lives in Kentucky!" lol

          As for presents, I got a new digital camera, the Colbie Caillat cd, one of those things that hooks up iPods to your car, makeup, and a whole bunch of fun socks.

          So, sometime last week, I saw this guy K at work. We talk a lot and stuff, and I'm sure some would consider it flirting, but...whatever. It's no big deal. lol. Anyway, while we were on break (he decided to take his break the same time as me), I said that I wanted to go to the mall. He said that he'd take me, as I can't drive myself. I assumed he was joking, though he was like, "It's a date! Just kidding..." But then, he didn't say goodbye before he left, and he doesn't have my number or anything. (He got off work a couple hours before me.) So, when my cousin and I went shopping, I saw him again and said, "You didn't say goodbye! You could have taken me to the mall, but you didn't!" I was just teasing him (which is rather fun). I can't remember exactly what he said to that, but then he said "You're too good for me," and walked off to get back to work. When I asked him what that meant, he just shrugged, grinned, and walked away.

          So, I contemplated this for a while. Then I went into work yesterday. K was there, because he had been called in to work even though he wasn't on the schedule. Annnd we had a conversation somewhat along the lines of this:
          K: When's the next time you work?
          Me: Saturday.
          K: Really? Me too! What are you doing Friday?
          Me: I dunno. *actually does something productive*
          K: Hangin' with your friiiieeends?
          Me: I dunno. *does more productive things* Why?
          K: Well...would you want to go to a movie with me?
          Me: Uhhh... *has trouble thinking* I dunno. *a moment later* What time?
          K: I dunno.

          lol. Such intelligent conversation, I know. But then I made him wait for me to finish ringing people up when it was time to go home (hours after the previous conversation), then he asked for my number and said he was going to call me.

          However, he hasn't called yet. Bah humbug.

          So, I'm sort of skimming the ToGR to see stuff to reply to, as for the PSAT... <span class="ev_code_WHITE">I got a 218. I'm kinda (really) hoping for national merit).</span>

          I'm sure there's a lot more I could say, but I'm going to go practice my flute now. Or maybe my piccolo. Heh, I took a picc out of the band room. I was just chillin' at school to wait for my mom to finish with whatever my little brother was doing so I could go home after my chem final. I was sitting in Mr W's office, so I said, "Can I steal a piccolo over the break?" He said,"Sure." Then we listened to random music for like, half an hour.

          Okay, now I'm really going. I hope Christmas was nice for everybody!
          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


          • Christmas for me was odd... My family went to church with my boyfriend's (Well minus sister who didn't want to go) which was interesting. Was a nice service other than the incense which was horrible. I ended up needing to leave for the sermon 'cause it was so bad. That made it way too high church for me. His sister needed to leave too. Apparantly it was much worse than they'd ever had before or they'd have probably not suggested we come along. But it was good anyways. And my parents said it was good other than incense and they see why they go to church there even though stuff is awkward 'cause the choir is _amazing_. It was amusing to listen to his sister who was in the congregation sing 'cause she's a choir member gone off to college so was singing all the choir soprano parts rather than the normal stuff. Parents were also impressed by boyfriend's singing . His family in general is really good at singing. He keeps talking about making me learn 'cause I can't sing at all...

            Anyways...Then Christmas itself was interesting. Parents were woken up at 8 am (slept late 'cause of church) by the phone ringing. It was my grandfather going to the hospital. Was mostly preventative since he was feeling himself be way off and had been having messed up blood pressure but still.. Sister woke up really late when she's normally up noticably before me on days like Christmas, it was odd. We ended up going to my aunt and uncle's where we always go and getting there are 1:30 when the invitation says dinner at 1. We knew it wouldn't actually be until 3 or so, so wasn't a big deal. We were the first ones there too. Before other people got there my aunt suggested we should have invited my boyfriend to come along. She should have mentioned that before. Jon would have been somewhat interested in coming though how it worked out this year was better he didn't come. He'd only be able to go over for half the day and how it happened would have kept him from his family too much. Other people got there, we didn't eat until 4. Was good food. Opened presents from those people. We gave both sets of my aunts and uncles on my dad's side of the family pink flamingos. They went over well. It was amusing. Also bags of fancy nuts. Oh right, I need to mention that. 'cause my parents slept in in the morning the bird was up before them. So Buddy (the parrot) went to the table and there was a bag of nuts. This was suppose to be going to my boyfriend's mom and was on the table so we'd remember it. The bird chewed the bag up a lot and got into one of the bags of nuts inside. Barely but enough that it'd be awkward to give it to her. So we switched it out so my grandparents who'd be amused by the birds got that one and his mom got one of the not chewed up bags. We went through the normal candycane game which is how my aunt and uncle get the candy canes off the tree. They make a game of finding correct candy canes/getting the most/et, and then give out money to everyone. One of the envelopes has more money than the rest but who gets that is basically random. So we left about 6:30 when we normally leave at 5:30. Went back to see my grandparents. Saw my grandmother, talked to her explained to her everything that was going on. Grandfather was too tired to see us at that point so we didn't go over to the hospital though everyone else in the extended family went to visit him. Went over and talked to my dad's best friend growing up who we only see on christmas each year. Stayed over there way too long for me. We ended up leaving about 8:30 from there. Note that I was going over my boyfriend's family's house for the evening and they expected me about 6:30. They knew the time was undetermined and such, but were expecting it to be before 9 pm... parents almost said it wasn't worth dropping me off, but sister was nice and said if I needed to get picked up she'd drive. So I didn't need to argue it to get over there. Saw them, they were happy to see me. Gave boyfriend's mom her present and boyfriend the small part of his. We'd already brought him out to get him hiking boots that fit him a few days before. Added wool socks too so he'd open something and 'cause wool socks are useful. The bag I wrapped those in was my favourite of the christmas bags here, but it was also the only one of the right size and he'd be an appropriate one to give it to. Especially 'cause they aren't silly people who don't reuse bags from year to year.

            The person who I'm friends with and is really close to their family and such came over soon after I did. He gave them all their presents - all were different DVDs. Was amusing. They ended up putting in one of them (Pirates 3) and watching that. Meant I got to curl up with boyfriend and just lay there even if I was ignoring the movie going on. Was really nice they had it on 'cause it meant I was staying until 1:30 instead of some earlier time since I was getting a ride home when that friend was leaving. His mom gave me a book "The Pillars of the Earth" which is one of her favourites now so I was given a copy. Also was sorta given another present. Was given to Jon 'cause of me. He got a vegetarian cookbook. 'cause I am vegetarian so he's been cooking veg but was getting repetitive in what he was making. So we can both eat better now. Also have decided we need to start making soups back at campus, 'cause there's a really nice soup section. Was looking through it today. Boyfriend refuses to tell me what he got me still, though I've not asked I'm pretty sure he'd not tell. He ordered stuff online and they didn't come in. I think he got something to make my computer a second handle from what he said to me before, but can't be sure. And it sounded like there was possibly something else too. Am not sure and don't really care, am just curious at the same time.

            It was so very awwwww when I had to leave though. Boyfriend always walks me up to the door of my house if I'm being dropped off by someone heading back to where he is, or if I'm being picked up or dropped off by someone heading off after, just walks me to the car. So we go outside and stop 'cause the cars are being moved in the driveway to let the person driving me home leave and look at the moon on the snow which was really pretty. Then he kisses me and pulls me close and takes off the necklace he'd been given for christmas and wearing for a few hours at that point and put it on me and said "Am not giving it to you, but wear it." And was being all, want you to have something of mine. I slept with it in my hand that night and when I told him that the next day he said that was part of his plan, part was to have me have something of his when we were being separate longer than we're used to what with going to the same school and studying together and everything. And part was because he wanted something to symbolize,well, our relationship almost. If that makes sense. Am trying to not include everything that was said 'cause that'd take a lot longer but I think that gets the idea across. It was all romantic and such, and is nice to have something of his. So now I'm trying to find something small of mine for him to keep with him. Haven't managed to think of anything that'll work yet. I need to for tomorrow. Am going to see him at the latest at 5 pm since there's a high school reunion. The high school I went to the reunions are for everyone who has went to the high school the classes are so small and we both went to the same school in different years. There's one necklace I'm tempted to have him wear but it wouldn't fit him so it doesn't work.

            Am half waiting for someone to ask about the necklace I'm always wearing now though. Because I'm not someone who wears jewelery but am wearing it anyways.

            Boyfriend's mom thinks that both me and him have excema. Its kinda annoying. We both broke out in rash at the same time which all the symptoms point to excema. And she thought even more so for me when she learned that my allergic reaction to penecillin is bad hives. Means my skin does react to stuff even if that case its allergic. So its kinda annoying. At least its known its probably that though. She's someone who knows more than just reading online, when she heard the problem that's what she thought it was but had to go research to figure out if that made sense and she's pretty sure now. Isn't like a doctor said so, but its pretty much the next step up. It's rather annoying. It does explain why we both broke out in a rash at the same time when there wasn't anything communicable that really fit though- that stress triggers it and we've been dealing with the same stress. The past year and a half have in general been stressful (Read back to things like Mel asking how I managed to get through the year last year to know more. It was a mess) and recently has been a mess even more because I've not been managing to deal with stress as well. So its looking like I have excema. Annoyance. Its also more common in people with scandanavian ancestors so its actually common in people like both of us even. So yeah...

            She was giving some suggestions. Need to make sure to use sensitive skin stuff for soaps and such. Note what triggers stuff that isn't quite allergy but is itchy. Hortacortizone cream. Stuff like that. His sister has excema so she knew details even without it being that she's the main health care for all her kids.

            Have mentioned the reunion tomorrow. It'll be interesting.

            On new years eve I'm going contra dancing with boyfriend, one of his sisters, and his sister's boyfriend. There's a big dance on new years eve we're going to. Haven't danced much but it should be fun anyways.

            I think that's all

            'cause everyone else is doing it what I got for christmas
            a) LAPTOP! (got it before but it was basically for christmas)
            b) everything else
            small stuff like post-its, altoids, picture frame, bobble head turtles.
            money to
            money in general-though put most in bank even though some was meant to be spent
            spherical jigsaw puzzle (it looks really interesting, is a globe, an old fashioned globe)
            sweatshirt and long sleeve shirt and pjs and a scarf
            new phone by proxy (sister got new phone was buy one get one free )
            Whatever Jon's got me that he won't tell me.

            I think that's everything. I should go back to searching for something of mine for him to have with him.


            P.S. Grandfather's out of the hospital, the issue had been they had gone too far in trying to keep him from having too much fluids and he was low on them making his blood pressure go out of control from stressing his heart.
            We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


            • I don't think I discussed Christmas in my last post, so I guess I'll say a word now. I got an alligator from my aunt. He's fuzzy and has yellow eyes and yellow underneath, and he's currently lurking on top of the overflowing monster which is the mess on top of my desk. He's so soft.

              So, love matters. For friends, for family, like my little alligator. He doesn't have a name. I guess I plan on naming him, but all I can think of is my cheap, plastic alligator I had when I was really little -- named it Allie. How unoriginal. XD But that's irrelevant.

              Essentially, don't take it for granted.

              Maybe I should have been more gentler with Nick. He did like me, after all. I mean, maybe I resent that guys who like me tend to feel entitled to something. Like my time. I shouldn't feel that way; I'd give all of the time I have to friends, but somehow that feeling changes when it's eh... I guess I somehow felt like I was using him or taking advantage of him even though I wasn't, and he'd do all of these things for me, and it made me mad. It shouldn't have, but it did. He knew I didn't like him, knew that nothing was going to happen, but I think I ultimately resented that he was entitled to feel affection for me.

              Now I feel like someone else truly is taking advantage of my love for them. I tell myself to not jump to conclusions, but I don't know what else it could be. I feel sick with disgust and hate and bitter feelings of betrayal. It's... I want to talk about it, but I don't want to discuss the details, if that makes any sense.

              My head hurts.

              Yeah, I suppose I have a lot of pride. An excessive amount. But I want to be a stronger person.

              Wowww, tori, DDR is awesome. XD SuperNova (1) and Extreme 2 are my favorites for the PS2. I love <3

              And yeah, you can use my icon. I drew it for a friend on facebook and then stole it for myself.

              Still only three applications left. Two essays, multiple short answers, and a community service resume, and then I'm done.

              Heyyyyy Angel And oh my goodness, Angel, your PSAT score is amazing. One of my friends scored only two points higher than you, and she got merit scholarship, so you probably will too. But then, I scored 5 points lower than you and made semifinalist, so who knows. Either way, you're guaranteed at least semifinalist... I had the one of the highest scores out of the semifinalists at my school. Wish I was just a little more so I could have gotten to be a finalist, but hey. :P ((Or maybe I am finalist? I'm kinda confused... I thought I wasn't, but my college counselor just gave me an application to fill out for a scholarship related to the Merit Scholarship, so... but I'm not sure if it's the same thing or not.))

              As for your grandfather, I really hope he gets all better *Hugs Tut* That's good that he's out of the hospital now.
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • With my money, I purchased a wireless keyboard and mouse for my laptop. It is of of those curved kinds, and I REALLY notice the difference while I'm typing... I'm not cramming my hands to be straight. They just rest in their natural position as I type. Also it'll reduce the wear on the laptop's keyboard and mouse. Apparently the batteries in the system last an average of six months, but... we'll see. The curve is kind of confusing when I go to make an apostrophe or quotation marks, but I'll (it took me several tries to get that apostrophe in correctly in I'll) get used to it eventually....

                Now, what's this... confusion... about post count? I'm with having the post count represent you as a member, in conjunction with the amount of time a member has been registered here.

                ... Say, what status do all of you who've both made more posts and been registered here longer think I'm at right now? I don't... THINK I'd consider myself an "oldbie" yet. However, I have been here for quite a while... I've seen a lot of change, including many members coming and going, chat going, the forums being archived....

                So what "status" am I at right now?
                "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                • You're a n00b. People who worry about their 'status' or feel like they have the authority to call people newbies/midbies/oldbies when they themselves aren't genuine oldbies (or are self-proclaimed oldbies) are n00bs.

                  So, essentially, don't worry about that sort of status. Try to keep a little modesty, lose the assumption, keep up the post quality, and there you have the makings of a good member. Nothing else needs to matter.

                  Two apps left. The countdown is coming to a blissful close. One of my friends finished hers on Christmas. I just wrote a short answer about The Blue Girl, Ayn Rand, and the Arctic Monkeys. I can make it fun. XD
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • Meh. I'm taking a break from writing a scholarship essay that could get me $23,000 at my favorite school...I know I should be working on it, but it's Friday night, and I'm tired.'s just...ehnn. I don't even know what it just is, it just is! Which makes no sense, but neither does the essay. The topic I chose out of the 4 choices is "Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond?" I picked the small fish in the big pond angle, just because it is something I knew I could argue. I agree with it, yes, but...ehnn. It's a hard topic to write, but the other ones are harder; one of them is "What defines art? Cite specific examples." I'd have to actually think about what I think art is for that one! I'll take the weird slightly philosophical question, thank you very much.

                    Hmmm...there was a point to this post besides complaining about my essay. What was it...oh. Right. Tomorrow's my first basketball game, and I'm excited. We're expected to win for several reasons: A. the entire team has played high school basketball before, on "real" high school teams. B. We're all really in shape, and are able to run the other team to the ground, and most of us are faster than the average person (except me...I'm like the fastest person on the team, which is weird, since when I last played on a basketball team with these girls in 8th grade, I was the slowest on the team.) C. We are the home team, if that's a good reason to win. I hope we do win, at this point.

                    Hmmm...ok, this isn't working, since I can't think about fish in ponds right now at all. Guess I'll go get some ice cream or something and take a 15 minute break.

                    Edit:'s now 11:15 at night, and after 2 drafts of the essay, I'm DONE! Seems kind of amazing that I'm satisfied with it after only 2 drafts; it took me like...7 or so to get my essay for the Common Application ready. Oh well. XD


                    • I don't declare myself an oldbie. Nor a midbie. Nor a newbie.

                      So, Grypon... who're you to be talking to me about not trying to declare myself or other people a specific status? By doing that, you imply that you think you're an oldbie and you can advise me on how to think, how to act, what makes a good member, etc.

                      I understand, though, why you started talking about that general topic. However, I was specific about asking what everyone else thought my status here was. I wasn't asking about how to be a good community member (I've attempted enough good here already, but I've been shot down for most of my suggestions, so that's it for suggestion from me for a long time). And I added it as a casual afterthought, it wasn't as though I was implying that whatever everyone else said would make a world-shaking difference to me.

                      I'm not worried about my "status" here, meaning newbie, midbie, or oldbie. I was just asking someone else their opinion of my status, so I can call myself that. But honestly, I wasn't looking for n00b (at least not in that definition) .

                      The last thing I'd say about myself is that I've been here a long time. Because I haven't been. I call myself experienced, however. I'll repeat: experienced. I've seen the chat room open full-time. I've been in about five DD chats. I've spend hours in regular chats. I've made 335 posts. And a good two dozen of those posts were posts of general suggestions for the forums, and of those two dozen, quite a few that would actually HELP the forums (from an admin maintenance requirement point of view).

                      And another thing!:

                      If I just stopped posting COMPLETELY for three years, would you all consider me more than I am now? From what you all have said about the amount of time someone was registered making a difference, I would be considered much higher in status if I did that.

                      I have more posts than quite a few people who've been here for YEARS, however those people are considered to be more... important... than I am. It wouldn't have changed ME. It wouldn't have changed my contributions to the forums. It wouldn't change my suggestions. It wouldn't change the amount of book discussion that I've put in. So, when you think about it, what difference does the amount of time someone's been a member here make?
                      "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                      • Mel and wolfy: thanks for the encouragement. I still haven't heard from her, I did talk via text, but I don't know. Next time we talk on the phone I'll really say what's on my mind.

                        It's just that it's real hard for me. If anyone actually knows how many friends I've lost in my life... it's to embarrassing. I don't know what's wrong with me!!!

                        We have a winter tournement thurs, fri, and sat, and so far we're 0-2. Not good, our games.. we could have won both of them but the refs were being pains. Haha, and some of the players weren't playing well. Coach P still kept them in though, I only got to go in like that last 49 seconds of the game. *twirls finger in the air* yippee. Didn't play today. no surprise there. Oh well. I got to see my AAU coach there though, and he gave me some words of encouragement. I hope he's right. Oh and I got to see some of my friends from my AAU team as well (they were on the team I played against). That was nice.

                        I started reading Eclipse last night (around midnight) and four hours and thirty minutes later, I stopped at chapter 11. BAD EMI *slaps wrist*. I shouldn't have picked up a book at midnight, that was just pushing my luck. It's bad because I can't put a book down when I get in to it! Ugh, now I'm tired....

                        I'm gonna stop, because I'll start ranting about my life, and I don't think anyone wants to hear that so byes....
                        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                        Check out my video: LET GO


                        • Ha-ha-ha. This place. Ha-ha-ha.

                          Gryph, coolio and thonks a bonches. <3 Your art .. lovely.
                          Yup, my friend brought her PS2 over yesterday so we could play and it was okay. Not at many songs at DDRMAX2(?), but still fun. I really liked this mission song Crash! by I cannot remember, but yah. Fast song, not too many arrows. prefect for a semi beginner.

                          And .. gosh, I luagh. Eric ... -shakes head with laugh-
                          First off ... Look at Gryph, had you been here longer, you would of known that she is an oldbie. She just is ... nothing really said or done that made her one, she just, simply, is.
                          And seriously, when you say that you're not worried about your status but then go on to make a whole darn post about it ... That just says something huge. HUGE.
                          But whatevahs. Remember? You don't care. :\

                          Christmas ... I've said it already. xD
                          College! Can't wait to leave this place in two years!!!!! Seriously. I haven't disliked a place as much as this place ever. Ever. Yah, i have friends and am in school, but this place. It's all green mountains and overweight Samoans, no offence, just, they eat triple-quadruple(?) the amount of a regular portion. (a bit digusting...) Yah, it's pretty for photography, but I don't really like my mom's Sony ... Yes, it's nice. But I like the Nikon D-90 or 40.

                          Gryph, I know how you feel with that. It's like, aww, that's nice and all that you want to be *love* me, but I just don't feel what you do. Sorta thing type? Cos, my thoery and how I live is that I much prefer to have a guyfriend than a boyfriend. Things get retardo and complicated when you have that bf and when you're just friends, things are cool. And anyways, it's funnnnnerrrrr. ZD

                          Oh yah, college. Back on track, hoh.
                          I really like FSU. I'm going to a State school in Florida. I'm for 4 years of tutition and a year of dorm anywhere there. I've looked at the other ones and I really like the Studio Art major they offer there. Tasha laughed at me; being a Sophmore and looking already and she being a Junior and not even caring yet. I guess I just want to have a semi plan. I'm thinking about contacting the college and asking what exactly are the grades and SAT scores and stuff they are looking for in applicants... Even if I won't start for another three years.

                          I'm taking a year off before college to live with my Grandma back in mah' home town in Florida. Get a job, make a fair amount of money I hope, maybe do a road trip around the States .. depends on gas prices. :O I know there's a couple people who I would love to (re)connect with. A few in Florida I miss and cannot wait too see. Well, I can, it has been 4 years since I last saw them ... and I've changed a heckah lot, and it won't be until a couple more years when I do see them. And hopefully I'll be able to go see Evan cos he's in his last year now and taking his chance at his one plane ticket back to TN when he finishes to get his butt into an Art college. I miss Evan. Pooh. I talked to him today on GoogleTalk. Strange program, but nice. I guess. Different from others. I got Pidgin today. Kinda strange/really awesome program. It was on the list of IM services and I had thought I heard it somewhere before, and it had all the IM services that I don't have dl-ed and was iffy to dl. So, here I am, typing about nothing. Just about random stuff that happens with me. Oh, and we might be selling the boat. (Happy in a not-supposed-to-be-happy kind of way.)

                          Evan and I traded art out. I just photo-ed like 20 recent things and tried sending them un-resized and Google couldn't handle it and went berzerko. So hohohoha. I called Tasha today, first time since the night before Christmas. I kept meaning to, but usually had something else to do or someone was over. She would call, but she never has minutes cos she uses Bluesky and it anit cheap. I've got ASTCA, it's 5cents a minutes, but I'm just using the house phone now. Not my bill. XDD And we've got cordless phones now. Yay. Wireless too. Such lame technology I jump with excitment at.

                          Between you and me, I can talk in my room now until ungodly hours of the night and not have to worry about THEM hearing. My door is like, almost sound proof. So, lucky me, I can spend and hour or three talking to her after the rest of them have gone to bed and not spend 10$ on it and then run outta minutes and have to buy more. You know? People are asking me for money now... It used to be reversed. I like telling someone they owe me money and not just allowence. :P Yay me.

                          Anyways, my mom wants me off and I should hit the bed with the phone and call Tash back, we gots matters to discuss. Night all. much love.
                          Love and be loved


                          • Dang it! My last post got triggered. What did I write? Snap. I don't know what I said. Eeck.

                            Anyways, night. Have to read through and find out what could be trigger-able.
                            Interesting. Heh, thing just took me back to page one of TOGR. Haha. Something about Darth Vader. heeheh. I can say I deff don't remember _that_.
                            Right, anyways, night!
                            Love and be loved


                            • *topples over onto pillow pile*
                              Gah... End of year... sapping energy... must... roleplay...
                              Only thing IS...
                              YR AND MM ARE CONSPIRING AGAINST ME!! They don't have the vhai'd new DG site up, and I can't give MM a swift kick in the butt through the internet! GAHK!
                              And I don't have any ramen. I ate it all weeks ago. *cwy*

                              ANYWAY... I'm bored and no one's ever in the IRC chat. Evah. Evah evah evah.

                              *wanders off to read fanfic*
                              "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                              Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                              • Eric: Gryphon is an oldbie. Both by normal member opinion and by yours (look at her post count, and look at her joining date) - Gryph, what is your karma level, surely you'd be near Very Senior Member soon -. You asked a question about the 'status' thing, and then you go and whinge, because you don't like the answer that you were given. There are people here who have done, and seen, more on the forums than you have at this stage, we have more of a feeling of how these forums have been run in the past, and the feeling of community, the feeling of having people that you can count as your friends from all corners of the world, that we like and we don't really want it to change.

                                To reinforce gryphon's point; Post count does not really matter when referring to a person's status. It affects the karma points, yes, but it is your behavior that affects how other people think of you, and what they are more likely to label you if they are asked about your status. I agree with what Gryph said:

                                Try to keep a little modesty, lose the assumption, keep up the post quality, and there you have the makings of a good member. Nothing else needs to matter.
                                And now for something completely different...

                                Wow, I missed the 550th page day of TOGR, I'm sad now. I remember when another ten pages was cause to celebrate. Congrats TOGR, and may there be many many more!

