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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Tuttle: Wow. about your bf's dog dieing. I feel really sorry for him and the dog. while I was reading it, I was imagining that happening to my dog. well, he isn't really mine, he's my family's, but I think that we are a little closer than other people and him, and he likes to follow me around everywhere... That must be really hard. I'm sorry.

    kk: ummm, I think that if i were in your cousin's position, I would feel the same to. No offense or anything... just imagine that happening to you, and I think that you'll get my point. If not, no offense or anything.

    So yeah... Happy Saturday everyone, and Dai.
    Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


    • *huggles Tuttle's bf's dog and Tuttle* She sounds like a real sweetheart, and it's sad to hear about her. Try and stay happy, ok? I don't want to say it'll all pass, but...if she's in this much pain, at least she'll be out of her suffering.

      Wait...Tuttle again. I keep meaning to tell you, your username is my current (and 8th grade) basketball coach's nickname-we call him Tuttle, or King Tut. Long story. Anyway, I've found that funny ever since I first met you, but just remembered that today since I just got home from a game.

      Speaking of the basketball game...We won by over 20 points! It was amazing, and I scored 6 points, which is really good for me. I got punched in the face, but oh well; 6 points is 6 points. My nose kind of hurts. I don't care; it's not broken, just sore. I love basketball, and am really kind of hyper now. XD It's great to be so tall, because then I can just shoot over people. I'm glad I've got another game tomorrow night; I'm in the mood to go kick some butt on the basketball court.

      Meh. Tomorrow's the last day of break, and I'm not finished with my Hamlet paper yet. It's due on Tuesday, but still...I kind of wanted it done by now. I love Hamlet and everything...but I didn't want to spend my last day of break finishing a paper.

      Eeek...Garrettt....lolcat. I've got to show my younger brother that. He's obsessed with lolcatz. Whoa...haha. I just looked at the website it's from ( and laughed, because I'm about to go eat a cheeseburger in a few minutes.XD

      On the way home from my basketball game, my father and brother determined that I am a big geek, since I can't wait to go back to school (but I also just want to stay at home and sleep through the next 6 months. Meh) on Monday. I can't help it...I haven't really seen anyone all break, since I've been so busy with my family, and my friends are always busy when I'm free and vice versa. It's a vicious cycle; one of my best friend's birthdays was on Friday, and I haven't done anything for her except send her a facebook message wishing her happy birthday. I would have called her, but her mom is...scary. *shivers* I mean, she's nice, but she's...scary.

      Hm. I can see the floor in front of my dresser again, since I picked up all the clothes finally. Kind of nice; my dresser and my bed only have a narrow alleyway between them, so when there are clothes in front of my dresser, I can't really get to the chair on the other side of my bed. Bad planning when I arranged the room last winter, but oh well. It's nice to see the floor there again. XD

      My new jacket came in the mail today. XD It's a Northface one, which is really popular around here because it's really warm. I love when trends are practical for the weather here; for example, the whole trend we've got going where you don't wear boots to school unless they're Uggs? Bad trend for this area! Wearing winter hats to school-good trend! Not that I really follow those kind of things, but still...I like it when my friends who do aren't freezing everytime I see them. I carrreeee about them. XD

      Oh. Speaking of winter hats, I'm happy; I've gotten 2 this break. I like hats; they're warm, and practical, and did I mention that they're warm? They have nice patterns too; one of them is all striped and patterned, and the other one is just white with a blue stripe on it. I like the white one, because it doesn't clash too badly with my hulking purple letter jacket. I mean, seriously; I love purple and all...but purple letter jackets don't match with anything. And I'm not known for my matching skills. cheeseburger's not done yet. I'm starving!


      • guys, I think I might just burst. Blow up, just to be rid of everything. I can't think straight. I can't sleep. And worst of all, I can't read. I know!! It's killing me!! I have four projects due this coming week, and they were all given to me this week; so they are all only half done. I can't figure out the due dates for any of them, because of the vacation and the snow day (plus all the assemblies about picking a hich school)but I know they are all due next week. I don't know which to do first, because I don't know their due dates. AND NOW I'M RAMBLING!!! My family does not know of my despair, so I have to act all happy for them. Plus, my sister invited her friends over tomorrow, so the house has to be cleaned, so my Mom is yelling. I hae a major migraine (no meds work)and I am shaking uncontrollably. All of my friends are sick, and my computer does not have the programs it needs for me to be able to finish any of my projects (neither does the library), and I have to keep helping my sister with her homework because my parents think that I have no important work and that just because I'm an A student, I'll be able to do my homework and my sister's (and she's three flippin' years older than me) And my entire family keeps complaining to me about eachother, and I can't complain to anybody, because they'd tell eachother, or just wouldn't listen. And, I have to take down the Christmas Tree because everyone else is unable to figure out how to, so I have scratches all up my arms (and two on my face)and they sting alot.(I know. My Mom already told me to put on long sleeves and gloves, but the sleeves get caught on the part where the branches connect to the base pole(we have an ancient plastic tree)and I don't have any gloves that I can actually use my fingers in) On a semi-ligter-not-really-so-much note, I've yet to cry because I haven't had a moment to myself
        *takes deep breath...apologizes for rambling, but needs to vent*
        *pulls hair,starts to actually cry*
        Now I have to go do something else for my ungrateful-let's-go-complain-to-Ashley-and-give-her-some-more-of-Cait's-homework parents. once again, sorry for dumping all my problems on you guys(because I'm doing exactly what I've sworn not to do-everything my parents are) but you guys(ready for corny?)are the only real friends I have right now (even though wev'e never really met) so thanks for listening

        see this smiley I wouldn't even be able to catch that fly, I'm so depressed (cause all my actions are slow because I don't want to do them)
        sry for ruining your day honestly

        oh yeah. sry to hear about your bf's dog tuttles.Try to stay happy....seabiscuit, congratson six points. Hope your nose feels better. Everyone else dai'
        ~We're the kinda friends that kill each other for a handful of Doritos and in the end we don't say sorry we say Haha! Too bad!!~. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.


        • Ash I know how you feel. I felt the same way you feel right now a while back.

          When I started the school year this year I was so gosh darn depressed. (Like my censoring?) My best friend had lied to me about going back to my school. SHE was my ONLY friend at school too so I had to start over basically. My first few weeks were the most awkward weeks I've ever had because I had to find someone to sit with at lunch. I was like depressed for about two months, but I couldn't show it to my family. I tried to be happy all the time, and my grades were up to par. I always hid on the computer or behind a book. I don't think I did a great job in disguising because my older sister could tell that I wasn't "myself". I'm still sort of like that right now but it's not that much, because I have my basketball girls at the moment. But once the season's over it's just going to be back to the beginning of the school year. Just hang in there. I know that probably wouldn't help. Oh and you're not being corny because I feel that you guys are like my friends as well.

          Tuttle, I feel for you and your bf's doggy. I hope all will be well for the both. My dog's getting a little old now too. But like I said before, if we all just hang in there... things will work out.

          Hungry congrats on the six points!!! I hope your nose gets better. I got elbowed in the nose at an AAU tournement one time. And that same day someone threw the ball at the same spot (Different game). Not cool. But I'm happy for you. I love basketball as well, it's like my LIFE.

          KK bad luck for your cousin, I can see why she doesn't like her. That would be kind of awkward.

          I wish I was eighteen!!!! Primary is on Tuesday, and I want to vote wicked bad!!! *whispers in sister's ear* You shall vote for this person.... Two more years!!

          Dai all. Everyone Just hang in there, good things come to people who wait.
          Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
          Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
          It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
          Check out my video: LET GO


          • Wolf wizard: yeah, I realize why she feels like that. She does have a right to, I think she actually might be going to the wedding, though, which is nice. She's twenty four, I think. She's pretty friendly, last I saw her...a few years ago, or something like that.
            Dif-tor heh smusma.


            • Dang....sounds like people are having some tough times around here. I apologize to everyone for my disappearance once again...this time it was completely unintentional I really did not even think about it...I've been busy...doing...uhh.........nothing? all break, and...yeah. I don't really have a reason it just slipped my mind to come back here and read up and post. Soo...

              Tuttle I'm really sorry to hear about your boyfriend's dog....that's always really hard. My family's had many many pets since I was born so it's happened to me several times....dogs and cats. But next time you see the dog I bet it'll help if you tell her our 25 assorted pets and I say hi But I hope that he'll get through it ok...On a little lighter note, that's really good that you feel like yourself, it must be great coming out of something and just feeling so good and liking who you are.

              Ash, sounds like you're in quite a conundrum...situations like that are always miserable....I've not experienced it to the full extent at which you have, but I definitely am familiar with acting happy for parents, and it can just eat you up sometimes....So don't be ashamed or afraid to talk/dump stuff like that out on here because we're all here for ya and there's plenty of us so there's sure to be at least one person who reads about your dilemma and genuinely wants to talk about it. Hmm...they don't have a smiley here that's patting a shoulder. But I would use it. So...I hope that turns out a little brighter for you. And personally I would recommend taking a break from everything in the world just for a few minutes whenever you next get a chance. Just zone out. I know that sounds terribly cliche and corny but it does work if you really just zone off into a little oblivious world...It's saved me many, ok not many but a few, times.

              Well...I might as well get some sleep, seeing as in...28 hours and 36 minutes school will be starting back up...Meh. Grr. Essay. Blah. Ok so I Will be back on...hopefully not after like 2 or 3 weeks...has it been longer than that? I hope not...sorry again, I know everyone just missed me Sooo terribly... Alright Goodnight everyone! Er. Good morning. Meh.


              • First, so I can start this post on a light note...
                Hungry: Good job on six points! I hope your nose feels better soon.
                Ash: I know how you feel. My parents think that because I am an A student I have the time and capacity to assist my younger siblings in their homework. which means until they're done. And then I can start mine. So then it's probably oh, say 10:00 at night, and I start my homework. and I stay up until the morning. So, when I get to little sleep, they start talking to me about how important sleep is, and aren't happy about how late i am staying up. NOT FAIR! Anyway, I've moved a few times (somewhere around 7) and so I live in a place, eventually make a few close friends, and then we move. and I don't feel that great, as I have to keep starting over (this last time was before I joined the forums). Anyway, sorry for telling you guys my problems. Back to Ash's. I;m really sorry about all of this, even though i am sure it dosn't really help Ash. And don't oppologize for telling us your problems. we want to help you. and look at what I just did. If anyone want me to, I'll erase all of that. but I don't feel like it now. Anyway, Ash, saying that we are your only friends isn't corny at all. at one point (and kinda still) I felt the same way. I know, I sound REALLY corny. don't tell me. I know. Anyway, you didn't ruin my day at all, but you let me have at least the delusion of helping you. I wish I could even more. If that counts as help. I probably just made it worst though, dumping some of my problems atop yours.

                Emi: I know what it's like to have no one to sit with. Not fun. and akward. and kinda depressing.

                Tuttle: I forgot to tell you earlier. But I know it can be really hard. I had a dog who was alive before I was born, and he lived until I was 8 or something like that. and he had arthritis in his paws, and so it hurt him to walk. he was in so much pain, and mom and dad didn't have enough money to get him surgery. So to save him his pain, they put him to sleep. I was kinda traumatized. It was really sad, so i know a bit of what your bf must be going through. IT's also really good that you are feeling yourself!

                So, I'm really sorry that this post is really blah and depressing and sad and whatnot, and I hope that better things happen that we can discuss on much lighter notes, but I have to post something like this sometime.

                Dai all
                Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                • Our dog Mac is coming up fast on 15. He's arthritic, and can't hold his business as long as he used to, but otherwise, he's doing ok. I often wonder if he'll put his head up when I open the door, though. I'm just hoping Donna or I find him before the girls do, when he finally goes.

                  Here's a picture of him two years ago: pretty much the same now, but thinner and not as lively.
                  "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                  "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                  • Alas, it is part of life. If only our pets could stay with us forever. I understand. My dog Mitzi and Lina are getting old, too. -__-,

                    Geez, we need to lighten up the mood here! Who's up for some cheesecake? ^.^
                    Uh, ops! My bad!

                    deleted local img and combined posts--gf
                    "Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground."


                    • Whoa, people I don't recognize! I really need to hang in here more often. Just a reminder: no one-liners, and don't double post.

                      My baby will be eight in a little over a month. She still acts like a puppy, but she's definitely got arthritis in her hips. She's my precious little sweetheart, so I'm kind of worried about when I go to college. Yeah, a long way off yet (nearly two years), but she doesn't sleep very well when I'm not at home. She'll wake up my mom like, four times a night if she's not sleeping in my room.

                      Speaking (well, typing) of college, I'm still trying to figure out where I want to go. I think I'm staying in state 'cause I get money towards tuition from the state because of my grades. If I keep my A's, I think I'll end up with $2500 towards college for every year. While not a ton of money, it's certainly substantial. I'm also thinking that I have more chance at scholarships if I go to a state school, especially the smaller ones.

                      So, we got our midterm grades back. For AP English, we took a condensed version of the actual AP Exam. I got a 5, which translated somewhere between 98 and 100 on a graded scale. Pretty exciting. My teacher liked my essay, lol, which was a first for her. AP Chem was based off our old tests and review work, and I got a 96% on that. We haven't received our Spanish grades 'cause Senor is down in Honduras right now...or something.

                      I'm having guy issues at the moment, but they're not really issues. So, I did go out on a date with the guy from work. We saw I Am Legend, then got some dinner. The movie was pretty good. He didn't like it as much as I did, which is funny because he picked it. However, our whole "relationship" sort of died because he never called me after that, and I don't see him very much at work because hours were cut drastically. I don't honestly feel like calling him, because I called and left a message that he never returned. He fails at making plans, and... I dunno. Just doesn't seem worth pursuing. I've been talking to my ex a lot lately (yes, I know, bad Angel). The conversations have varied between incredibly awkward, incredibly perverted, and incredibly amusing. Apparently, we're going to see One Missed Call sometime, whenever our work schedules don't get in the way. Creepy movies aren't really my thing, but for some reason, I felt the urge to see this one, lol. And the boy, Z, is just weird enough to say, "Oh, I'll go with you!" Moron. I don't even know what kind of relationship we have. So confusing. Oh well, I'm just going along with it for now.

                      I should probably start on that big mountain of homework. I hate first days back.
                      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                      • Here's an article from the New York Times The Falling-Down Professions which Yahoo linked to. It's about how the traditional prestigious careers are losing their status.

                        Kinda down. I've been reviewing my life for the past several years. All my life, I've felt this constant pressure to excel, to be at the top. Part of this motivation was from a combination of friends, peers, myself, and... my parents. Especially my mom. Of my family, my dad is the failure, and her sister is too for dropping out of high school. When I jokingly said that I wasn't going to get a Ph.D, she flipped out. Genuinely. But it's... you know? Like, if I contrast my friends. There's my crowd from Bwine who tell me I'm a great artist and that I should go to art school, and they don't understand why that's not my plan. Some of my friends at school have the same values as I do when it comes to education and careers, and V listed off a few occupations that she didn't even consider jobs. "Working in a factory, tattoo artist, agriculture and farming, business, street vendors..." I don't know what S wants to be, but I know she's applying to Princeton University, and she will probably get in (if she doesn't, then it's the application process that is flawed). My mom is a chemist with her Ph.D. and I guess she always figured I'd do something the same, even though she told me she'd support me no matter what I pick. But I know that's not true. What if I don't even want my Ph.D? The many extra years of education... for the security of a well-paying job later on in life. But if mom's continual frustration with her job is any indicator, successful careers are not the key to happiness. And since dad joked that I was going to be a doctor because I scored a perfect 800 out of 800 on my SAT II subject test for Biology, she's apparently set her mind on a new destination for me. College and then med school and then residency and then and then and then... and then it comes close to my worst fear embodied. My youth is gone, and I've passed by all of my life working, and I have no one and still no time. I don't even care about settling and marriage and raising a family. If I found the right person, that would be nice, but I have a cynical view of true love and related elements of life; I just want the friends and the people. I want fulfillment and happiness. I want to go to theaters and laugh through horror films with friends. I want to stay up all night rocking out on guitar hero and playing balderdash with our own dirty set of rules. I want a space for individuality.

                        I feel like I'm asking for a lot.

                        This morning, one of my friends passed out a small thing to the home room for her research project. She had the subjects memorize a list of words and then write them down. I took a small piece of personal pride in being able to memorize almost all of them in under 3 minutes because I took AP Bio last year. Hard work enables you to do... more hard work. I wonder when the stress is going to kill me.

                        Accomplishment of the weekend:

                        Two looping dragons. I used acrylic paints on canvas.

                        I really hope everyone's dogs are going to feel better. >< Aging is a hard thing to watch in the ones you love. >< ><

                        Now to finish my calculus homework and study for an anatomy test... more words later. Much love.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • Gryph I love love love that picture. Especially the colors you used. So good!!!

                          Garrett your doggy looks so friendly.. I love dogs, they're so cute!!

                          Angel, I'm jealous, you actually get money from the state?!?!? Like besides financial aid??? I want to live where you live...

                          I have an interview tomorrow for NHS. I'm so nervous... I hope I get in. I also have a game that day, so I'd already be dressed up anyway . Good plan. Haha. You know what's really weird? My parents were actually looking up the college I want to go to like on Wiki and stuff. They were never like this excited with my sister... Hmmmm... And what's even funnier I want to go to an art school, and so didn't my sister. But my sister ended up going to the Tech school to commute from my house. Just a little weirded out. Oh well.

                          My foot randomly hurts. Well, I don't think it's that random because I know it's probably because I sat on my feet during practice. Haha, no I'm paying for it. Ugh, karma karma karma. I have a habit of sitting on my feet when I'm bored... Or even when I have to sit for a while, because I don't like sitting in one position for a long time. You know how it is... I hope.

                          I'm nervous because prom is coming up and I don't have a (date) or a (bf) or even a group of friends that I could go with!!! I can't go alone I just can't! I want to ask this one guy... Whom I liked (I think I mentioned this before) but he doesn't like me back that way. We're just friends and it's as good as it will get. Sadly. *Sighs* Anyway I want to ask him if he would go with me, as friends. But I'm so nervous to ask him because I don't want him to feel obligated to go with me... Complicated!! This is what I want to say to him.

                          (this is on IM)
                          Hey! (pause) I have a favor to ask you, but you don't have to agree to it right away... (pause) You know Prom's coming up and it's really special to me. I really want to bring a date with me to Prom... and I was wondering if you would like to go with me. Just as friends! No strings attatched. (pause *waits for reaction*)

                          What do you think?? Is it bad? *winces* I hope not.. I'm bad at these type of things.

                          Dai all.
                          Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                          Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                          It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                          Check out my video: LET GO


                          • Hmmm, ok, sorry for adding to much miserable stuff in my last post.

                            Angel_Star: I saw I am Legend, and liked it a lot. some people seemed to think it was really intense... oh well.

                            Gryph: I really like your art. I think 9just a suggestion) that you should do what you want to do. Life's to short to spend doing something you don't enjoy. I think that if you like art, then you should persue an art career 9and from what I've seen, you'd be really good. but my parents are the same way- you know, pushing for me to get good grades, etc.
                            I don't think that you are asking a lot. not that it matters.

                            Emi: Ummm, I think it sounds good. I wouldn't know, but i think it's worth a shot. I mean, I think he'll understand you're a little nervous asking him or whatever, so I think it's good. Good Luck!
                            Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                            • Urg. I....ugh. Just...ngrh. I did tell you guys that after winter break, my school shut down one of our two main buildings so they could gut the inside and redo it, right? Well, it won't be done until after I graduate, but lucky me...I still get to deal with the fact that ALL my classes got moved (since they were all in that building) and I've got a class across the street in one of the modular classrooms, which means that I have a class in a trailer. It's absolutely...lovely. The hallways are about 10 times more crowded. The stairwells, which are small to begin with, are impossible to get up. Stupid freshmen with a bad attitude kept standing in front of my locker today, and wouldn't move-I even said PLEASE! And it took 10 minutes to get into the parking lot. My school...did not organize this nearly well enough, and they did a lot of organizing. But not enough. It's just...ridiculous! Seriously! I have classes in these rooms that are painted bright blue and neon green, which for some reason gives me a headache (don't ask why they're painted those colors, it's a long story.) I've never actually hated school...but today was horrible. It had better get has to, right?

                              And it's 6 months exactly until I graduate, since I graduate on June 8. Only 6 months...

                              Sorry, that was a really bad rant. But it's so frustrating, since the administration just doesn't get why everyone's annoyed!

                              Gryph...*huggles* I know how you feel. Except I'm horrible at Guitar Hero. XD I guess...I don't think it's asking for a lot, since most of the people I know want lives like that. The way I see it, as we grow older, we have to sort of look for a balance between that kind of life, and the life that has a job that lets us support ourselves. That's my view; hopefully, I'll be able to fulfill that someday in the future.

                              Emi: prom...I'm not going to respond to this at all because A. I'm a senior, and I still haven't been on a date/slow danced with a guy/been kissed. and B. I'm in exactly the same boat, only my prom's not until May. I'd say just ask him as a friend, and if he says no, then (you'll think I'm crazy, but) ask him if he's got any friends who want to go with a girl who's a friend for a good time. That's the advice my mom's giving me about the guy I like right now, and I don't know how sound her romantic advice is, never having used it myself, but it seems to sort of make sense.

                              Boys. Boys are weird. Like Emi, I've got a guy I like, who's one of my only guy friends. He's a great guy...he's a runner (of course he is...), in my AP English and Government classes (my 2 favorite classes) and is just an all around nice guy. I suppose it doesn't hurt that he's cute either, of course. My friends who know him but aren't great friends with him like I am keep telling me to ask him to Snowball (our junior/senior formal in February) but...he's...M. He can get almost any girl he wants, and I know at least 3 other girls (2 of my friends, in fact) who also like him. The best part is, he's not stuck up about it at all. And I', the most awkward person I know, who runs into walls and can't carry on conversations to save her life. So, as usual, I sit here thinking "Why would a guy like that go out with me?" Typical teenage girl response, I know. It's just hard...I've liked him since sophomore year, and I'm afraid of putting myself out there and getting turned down. It's like...why can't I just read people's minds, so I can know how they react to things?

                              If I could have a superpower, it'd totally be to read people's minds. That, or to be able to turn things to pasta with a certain gaze. I love pasta, you know.

                              I went to the local half price bookstore today, which was fun. I love going there, and am glad I discovered it, since it's been saving me a lot of money lately on books for school and fun. Some people don't like used books, but I kind of do; I like to think about who owned them before me, and whether they enjoyed the book or not, whether it meant anything to them or was just another book. I especially like going in there and looking at the really old books, the ones that are like...collectors items that I can't afford. A lot of those ones at my store tend to be signed, or have notes written by the original owner on the inside cover. Just things like their name, when and where they got the book...not important to anyone but the original owner, and I guess to me. *shrugs* It fascinates me; I think it's the result of my favorite English teacher, who always wrote that stuff on the inside of his books. He has some really cool old books that he's let me borrow, since he likes me best. I'm the teacher's pet in his class, I'll admit it. He's very protective of his books, especially the rare ones.

                              ...I just closed my eyes and saw the horrible neon green walls of most of my afternoon classes again...I think this whole thing is going to give me nightmares. *shakes head* Ok, I should go finish my Hamlet paper now. Seriously finish it, I mean.


                              • Uggg. those neon green and blue walls sound disgusting. hmmm, I think I would have a headache as well. I really like old books. and this book store that I've been to has a LOTR FIRST EDITION BOOK!!!!! No kidding. I mean, it's really expensive and everything, but i just like to look at it. Ahhh, if only i had enough money.... But no kidding. It is seriously awesome.

                                Anyway, that store sounds really cool. I like used books. they kind of have a story about them that is beyond the print, you know, the story of the person who read it before you? and the feel of well- traveled pages... Sorry, i just like old books. and HP. if I talk about books, I MUST INCLUDE HP. i've now read it 36 times.

                                ahhh, I need to go to bed...
                                LOTR first edition...
                                Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened

