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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Seabiscuit, I know how you feel with your school being remodeled and what not. My school is going through the same process and it's horrible! -__- Well, it's kinda my school...I'm home schooled but I do extracurricular activities at a school not far from where I live. It's really nice. ^_^

    Wolf, when you mentioned LOTR first edition my mouth started to drool. I wish I could afford something cool like that...oh well...might as well move on...

    Anyway, I was boiling some noodles so that I can have pasta for lunch. I was draining the water and some of it spilled on my arm! Ouch! It's not serious but it hurt! I'm so clumsy...Silly me!
    "Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground."


    • Well, I've not posted in TTOGR for a while. I guess I'll just drop a little message, then continue with what I was doing before. Well, maybe NOT so little.

      School remodeling: Our Elementary School was completely renovated between when I was in first grade and second grade. The lobby was completely redone (it now has a ramp), new lights everywhere, new desks/chairs, tile (it used to have HIDEOUS orange carpeting in the hallway, and it was also apparently a health hazard), new playground equipment, everything having to do with bathrooms replaced, new water fountains.... All that was done over the summer, so I wonder why it'll take so long for your school, Hungry....

      Once my friend and I visited the elementary school, and I had forgotten how much nicer the elementary school is.... Every thing's just so much more modern, and the lobby is really cool now, and at the back of the lobby, there's like a fawyer, and it's really tall windows, and the doors are a lot cooler and easier to push.... Wow, quite a rant I had there, but... I miss the elementary school so much!

      OK. Now that that's over with.

      Let's see.... Oh, yeah, bus issues. That used to be a big thing I talked about.

      Well, we got two more brand new buses within the past two weeks. But, again, ours didn't get replaced. Two of my friends had theirs replaced. They were the oldest buses. One of my friends rode on the oldest bus we had - a 1991. That one got replaced. And the driver is wicked nice - he always drives for my bus when my driver is out, so we don't have to wait for the sub, who's always late. And if all the other buses are broken down and there aren't any spares... he sacrifices his for someone else to use. He's a very, very selfless man, and he definitely deserved a new one. But we didn't get one again. However, now, the oldest buses driving full-time are 2000s, and mine's a 2001, so mine getting replaced isn't far away.... And, when mine IS replaced, our new one will be even newer than the current new ones.

      I've complained about the science teacher a lot, too. Well, yesterday, she was on a rampage again. She gave BEHAVIOR detentions (2 hours long, rather than HOMEWORK detentions, which are 1 hour long) to people who didn't do their homework. This morning on the bus, another eighth grade girl told me that the science teacher was yelling at a boy who had done all his other work, but only forgot to have his test signed (no, that doesn't mean he did badly on it, she has EVERYONE get their tests signed... dumb, I know). He said that, and then she started yelling at him. Meanwhile, Mr. President (that's what I privately refer to the principal as ) happened to walk by, and said that she shouldn't be yelling at a student like that. She started contradicting him, and said he wasn't around for the whole situation, blah blah blah. So now, apparently she has to leave her door open. Now, again, someone told me this, and I don't know if it's true or not, but it makes sense, because: During homework/study, the science teacher came around and revoked all the detentions she had given that morning. The principal probably said, no, that's not happening, you can't give half the grade detentions, and, for that matter, a behavior detention, when homework was the issue.

      So, assuming this is true, I'm glad justice was served on that foul woman.

      And in Reading, she's still hardly teaching us anything.... all we do is read a story out of the textbook, and do the assessment questions on it. We've only done one thing different: Watched "Jack London's Klondike Madness" movie. A couple nights ago, she told us to do a question that said, "Write two paragraphs explaining your best and worst advice". That's very easy: one paragraph for good advise, one for bad advise. However, she told us to do 5, at the LEAST 7-sentence long paragraphs. Rather than two, five sentence paragraphs. I didn't do it at all; I honestly couldn't think of a) how to structure all that, and b) WHAT to even talk about! My friend said that he simply rambled on in multiple paragraphs.

      A few weeks ago, I noticed a large red spot on my shoulder blade, and it felt very dry. It wasn't bothering me at all, though (except the sight and thought of it). I didn't tell anyone, thinking it would go away eventually. I eventually showed my mom, and she told me to ask the school nurse, who said it looked like ringworm. It's the same type of thing as athlete's foot... except on my shoulder blade. And it doesn't bother me. So she recommended two types of cremes for me to rub on it every day until it goes away. She asked whether I sleep with pets; I said yes, when I read, I put the cat under my arm, but then I put him out of my room when I go to sleep. The fat cat is probably where I got this from. And for half a week, my dad's been forgetting to get me some of that medicine.... Eventually, I'll get rid of that thing.

      OK, I've complained about buses, teachers, and school building differences, and ringworm. Let's talk about something HAPPY now!

      (As soon as I finished typing that last sentence, Rex "Precious" (my dog) looked up at me, with The Face (Who could resist The Face?!). So, I'll talk about him.

      He's been very good about not peeing on the floor. And he's calmed down quite a bit. My dad got him a huge bone that's twice as big as his head, and he STILL hasn't destroyed it. That's been keeping him busy.

      I'm going to take Precious for a walk now. I've been posting way too much these past few days... I'm going to lay off again. So long!
      "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


      • Emi - You don't want to live where I live. Kentucky education is awful. It's probably one of the least educated states. The KEES money was probably started to help fix that problem and encourage people to go to college. It's based off GPA, and it's pretty darn nifty.

        But besides that, I totally think you should ask the guy to prom. I think what you wrote sounds fine. Of course, I'm not exactly the know-all when it comes to guys, lol.

        I'm going to end up going to Winter Ball by myself again this year. For once, I'm okay with that. There's still prom to look forward to in May, and I'm sure I can force some guy to go with me.

        This is really short; I just felt like responding before I forgot what I wanted to say. Off to do precal...and chem...and read the Crucible...oh, the torture...
        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


        • wasn't as bad today. Stupid freshmen still gave me an attitude when I politely asked him to move so I could get in my locker. *shrugs* And I was late getting to my class across the street in the trailers because the cross walk thing turned red, and we get Wednesday Schools (3 hours after school on Wednesday) if we get caught crossing against the light. Lovely. At least my Latin teacher is understanding about it. I love my Latin class, by the way. I've never talked about it, but it is one of my favorite classes. The teacher is really cool, and really knows her Latin/Greek/Italian/French/mythology. Her husband is also a high school Latin teacher at another nearby school, and basically, the whole family is so nice. She's making me consider a Classics major in college, which would be...interesting. I like Latin, but I'm not that great at remembering other languages, so learning Greek may be a bit of a stretch for me.

          Gryph: your picture from before finally loaded for me. I like it a lot, it's pretty. I could never draw something like that.

          Eric: They're entirely gutting the inside of the building they're redoing. In other words, they're tearing out walls, pulling up floors, redoing staircases, putting in new lights, electric plugs, plumbing, bathrooms...the entire works. Oh, and they're apparently adding some new lobby thing in the front of the school. The building has 3 floors, plus a humongous library area in it. There are...I want to say at least 50 classrooms in the building, since there are 37 classrooms across the street in the trailers, and we're using 13 classrooms that used to be designated for the problem kids of the school district. So...I kind of understand why it will take a lot longer than just over the summer, don't you? Sorry, ranting again. Hehe, and that's not even half the school there...we've also got the old building, the art building, the science building, the auto tech building, the music wing...I have an extremely large school in general, actually.

          Hmmm...I was going to say something, but my sister has been coughing for the last 10 minutes (she has this cough that won't go away) so I guess I should go check on her. I REALLY hope she gets better soon; while she may be able to sleep through her own coughing, I'm tired of being woken up at 3 AM every night by her coughs. Latin homework too, so dai all


          • JAM: I was kinda drooling over it to... I really wish I could bye it... but you know, it's a little bit to expensive for me...

            Angel_star: You live in Kentucky? The education there dosn't sound that great... but at least they're promoting going to college, right?

            Hungry: I know about people being in the way of lockers. *growls* people just won't listen- whether you ask kindly or not. Also an annoying thing in my school is that people think it's funny to shut peoples lockers on them. I mean not as in with the person in them, but as in, you arelooking the other way, and people shut them.

            anyway, back to English!
            Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


            • Hungry: My prom isn't til May either, but I just have this slight feeling that I'm not going to get asked to prom. I'm not the type of girl that gets asked out. Believe me. Oh and I'm not sure if I could ask if he has any friends cuz the guy doesn't go to my school. Haha. On to your locker topic, I hate that too, but I have people in my grade standing in front of my locker. At least they're "nice" and move when I tell them too. I usually have to push them aside or something. (Remember I'm short, they're usually tall...)

              Angel: Kentucky? Huh, that's sad though, they're like bribing people to go to college. It's a good idea... AH the Crucible!!!! Oh my gosh I had to read that for English too, but we read it in class. The worst part is we had to watch this movie called Three Sovereigns for Sarah. It's like a true story, that matches the Crucible. Sooo boring.

              Our school is renovating too. I don't know what they are renovating but they are. It smelt like cement in our lunch room, I was about to puke. I was so hungry and that smell didn't mix well with me.

              Eric: Your Science teacher reminds me of my 6th Grade SS teacher. She used to yell at everyone, but the weird thing is she would smile while she yelled. Then afterwards she'd wink at you. She failed one of the best students in class. I think it was because the girl talked ONCE in her class, or it may have been because she was Jewish. Horrible right? I hope that teacher gets fired one day...

              The funny thing is that one year some kid threw a cupcake at her and she broke down in tears asking why everybody hated her. I felt sort of bad, but she deserved that.

              Ahhh the primaries are done in my state. Finally, I can watch TV in peace (with out the disturbance of Political ads). Not happy about who won on one of the parties. Let's hope the other states have some sense. *Wishes she was eighteen*

              Well that's pretty much it.

              Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
              Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
              It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
              Check out my video: LET GO


              • hmmm, my school renovated in the summer, and when i got back this year, they were done renovating. So, my teachers got new classrooms, and it smelled (and still kinda does) wierd. oh well, at least some of the teachers who had WAY to small rooms before now have bigger ones. And it's nice... kind of. At least we're not still in the portables.

                I think that your teachers sound like my SS teacher. I mean, he never teaches us ANYTHING, all we have to do is write down notes, and do what he tells us. if we don't then he yells at you and starts giving out detentions. I mean, hour long detentions. he enjoys it, I think, because if you're tardy to class one day, you get an hour of detention. not fun. and he's so strict that if you aren't IN YOUR SEAT when the bell rings (and we get three minutes in- between bells) he counts you late.

                Also it's kinda apparent that he isn't really that intelligent. I mean, he could at least ACT like he's trying to teach us something. but he doesn't. and then he calls us stupid. Not exactly a good teacher.

                Any way, sorry for my rant about my SS teacher, but I like SS, and am rather disappointed I am unable to leearn a lot of SS this year because of an incompetent teacher.
                Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                • Hello everyone. I just stopped by to see how everyone is doing. I haven't been on in forever! o.O;; Hello to all of you new people whom I haven't met.

                  I started school on Monday, and I've been working since June, for all those of you who didn't know. hehe. But yeah, just thought I'd stop by, make a post, let everyone know I still live. lol.
                  "People...stop being mean to each other. Especially for the sake of laughs. IT SPEEDS UP ENTROPY." -Diane Duane


                  • I thought my education system was awful. XD I think we all have problems. I mostly complain about bureaucracy because it's en evil monster here. All of the public high schools suck, and the private schools really aren't much better. As a result, a lot of charter schools have been popping up, and mine always takes the spot light because we're the best school in the state. It's because our math/science emphasis and already existing reputation inevitably brings in the best of the state. The other schools see this as we're stealing the cream of the crop from them. This may be true, but my capitalist roots bristle, and I say that they are not entitled to what they do not earn. If they want the best students, then they have to ensure a quality education... which they fail spectacularly at. Part of it is the "no child left behind" mentality. Yeah, it's nice that we can get everyone to succeed academically, but if you're going to hold back a class to focus on one individual, then it... it's not a progressive, competitive, or fair (to the other students + teacher) policy, but that's how the state has been for the most part. If a student acts up, then the teacher is obligated to accommodate the student's needs... but if the student doesn't fit in the traditional public school setting, then they shouldn't be there; they should be at an alternative school that *can* assist their needs. Or, ultimately, they must adapt/conform/etc. People are incredibly capable at complaining, but they're also able to make sacrifices too... even though they are reluctant. And it's not like we're demanding a cult of personality either.

                    heh, freshmen.

                    Thanks, everyone

                    Heyyyy, Rhya, welcome *hugs* missed youuu
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • I think I have strep throat, which is absolutely lovely...not. (haha. I just got one of those stupid emails asking me if I missed the '90s, and listing a bunch of stuff that reminds people of the ' saying the word "not" after every sentence. Really funny...not!) I woke up on Thursday with a really sore throat, went to school, came home, and got sick. I then proceeded to stay up until 2 AM finishing my paper on Hamlet. On Friday, I went to school exhausted, came home after school and fell asleep until 10 at night when I woke up, ate some soup, and slept again from 11:00 to 8:30 this morning. It was crazy, but I was so sleep deprived and it was making me feel even sicker. Lovely.

                      *huggles Rhya* Glad to see you're still alive.

                      I quite like weekends. Tonight I intend to do something Sims 2 while taking advantage of the whole movies on demand part of the new TV thing that's not cable but has 400 million channels. Something that doesn't require me going anywhere or seeing anyone. I'm just tired (despite sleeping 15 hours out of the last 24.)

                      I really need to clean my room; then again, I also really need to go running, which isn't happening since I'm sick. Part of the reason I feel really bad is because on Wednesday (the last day I was able to go running) I ran 4 miles, then lifted worked out in the school weight room(s). We just got a new weight room put in, and indoor track is the only time of year when I have an opportunity to use weight rooms (cross country and outdoor distance track teams don't lift weights here.) I've never actually worked out in the weight room before; freshman and sophomore years, the coaches wouldn't let me because I was too small, and junior year, I didn't run indoor track because of my job at Panera Bread. So...I'm kind of sore from that too. It was a good sore, until I got sick.

                      This whole typing thing is nice, since it hurts to talk. It also hurts to yawn and swallow things, so I'm just kind of miserable right now. My ears are bugging me too...I hate being sick.

                      Hmmm...well, I guess I'll go do some homework now...maybe. Or maybe I'll leave it for tomorrow afternoon, since I'm not allowed to play in my basketball game and I'll need something to do to keep myself distracted.


                      • AAAAAGGHH!! YOU RUINED IT!! Oooh, she ruined it, she ruined it, (Starts moaning and clutching face) she ruiiiiiiiiinneeeeddddd ittt!!

                        (Takes deep breath) I'm OK now.

                        For those of you who don't know.... Before SOMEONE *pokes Hungry* posted above, TTOGR wasn't in the recent threads list! That was certainly a historic time. And I was fortunate enough to be able to see it!
                        "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


                        • Wow. That was wierd. The TTOGR just dropped out of the Recently posted list until you posted Hungry. And, I'm sorry about your throat. Hope you get well soon!
                          I am really sleep deprived. I never get 8 hours of sleep except for on weekends- and I sleep longer than 8 hours then. School isn't going to be fun when i have a job. oh well. last night I got 9 hours, and then did chores. and i'm blowing off my homework until tomorrow. I know, I shouldn't do it. but I need to relax and get some sleep. on Thursday, I stayed up until 4:45, finishing a book for a book report (she hadtold us Wednesday that they were due Friday) and got up at 6:00 to write it. and then i found out that it was due this next Friday.
                          So I got hardly an hour and 25 minutes of sleep, was almost late for school, and was exhausted and unable to concentrate for the duration of that day. At least it's done now, and I don't have to worry about it.

                          So i don't think I'll put my homework off to much tomorrow...

                          Edit: AHHH. you got to posting after before me Eric. oh well.

                          I saw It go To. and you are ruining it by posting in it some more. as am i. Ohh well. I suppose people (and wolves) can't help but be random for TO long.
                          Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                          • all honesty, up until a little while before you guys joined, it was not all that uncommon for TOGR to not be posted in for days at a time. A few years ago, I remember it wasn't posted in for a week, and in that time it definitely fell out of the recently posted list. Therefore, I didn't ruin anything, since technically, it wasn't a historic time, since it's happened in the past, and it will hopefully happen in the future.


                            I'm very irritable right now, as around 3:00, my left ear started hurting. And it won't stop. And my doctor isn't in his office until Monday. And I think I have a major ear infection, but have no clue what the heck could have caused it. All I know is that I am now in intense pain.


                            • I had strep throat a few weeks ago, and it is no fun! I felt like I had an ear infection, but it was just the strep. I couldn't talk for about a week when I had it. I hope you feel better soon!
                              Dif-tor heh smusma.


                              • You know... in the past couple years I've really come to appreciate my body's being immune to disease. Two or three times a winter, I get a bit of a sore throat, and maybe a minor headache. But that's only a few times a year.

                                But, when I DO get sicker than that, I literally feel like I'm going to die. My joints hurt, my ears hurt, I can't swallow anything because my throat hurts too much, my head feels like it's going to explode, and my stomach feels messed up.... That happened once in third grade, and once in sixth grade. The time in third grade, I literally couldn't go up the stairs....

                                Another weird thing happened right after I got my dog, Rex, I was weird for a few days... probably anxious, I don't remember exactly what was wrong, but something....

                                I feel pity for those who get sick.... No, seriously, I do. Whenever I watch other people getting sick, I think of how I feel as I described above.... My mom had bronchitis, and the medication she was on originally wasn't strong enough, so she REALLY had it... yet I didn't catch it. She still kind of has it, but I don't think it's contagious....

                                And it's not that I obsessively wash my hands. Sometimes I don't wash my hands except when I shower. I have no idea what I'm doing, but whatever it is, I'm doing it right, because I rarely get sick.

                                My friend is another story.... Last school year he must have spend fifteen or twenty absent days due to sickness. Wednesday through Friday of last week, he was out, because apparently he had a temperature. He gets sick a lot.... And he eats better than I do, so that can't be it either.... Or does he? Hmm....

                                Well, on a happier note....

                                I have decided to make my full return! I think the sense of humor I used to have is coming back. I'm at peace with everyone right now. In the new members help suggestion, I said let's stop posting in it and leave it to the admins... and since, nobody's posted in it. I'm not letting this place half dominate my life anymore.... I've come to realize that this website is slow enough that I can keep up fine without Email notifications. Therefore, I don't have the notifications constantly nagging me to come on.... Plus, I'm not using bandwidth to have them sent to me.

                                And I'll restore my newbie letters. I'm very glad that I stopped doing that, because since I stopped, we've had at least two newbies breaking rules.... I'm not saying that my not doing that is definitely the cause for this, but don't ruin it for me, because it gives me a motivation to keep doing it. (I had started to question whether it was worth doing it, but now I know it is!)

                                EDIT: Just making sure that my making the signature the way it used to be (with a couple minor improvements) looks right.

                                ...And again after amendments.

                                ...And a third time, because the last one was four lines. This SHOULD be the last time!
                                "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran

