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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • So, it's St. Patrick's Day, and I didn't go to school, but not for the reason people normally skip school on St. Patrick's Day. I skipped because I've kind of got a minor concussion from being pushed to the ground really hard during the state basketball tournament and hitting my head hard on Saturday night. I believe that's a perfectly good reason not to go to school, since I've had a headache since then. Actually, my entire body just kind of hurts because I also fell down and then had a 200 lb girl fall on top of me. The parents of the other team were all really concerned for me, which was kind of funny. I guess I kind of do look like a twig, body-wise...oh well. So I'm all bruised, and am skipping track for a few days to try and recover (and get rid of the headache.)

    Senioritis is setting in a bit...which is why I'm typing this up instead of translating "The Going to Bed Book" into Latin. We're translating kids books. Mine's about going to bed. But the animals in it go exercise after they take a bath-what's the sense in that?! They're just going to get all sweaty! XD I know, it's just because the author was looking for a rhyme...but still, it makes me laugh.

    Emi: congrats on your letter! Yay! I remember when I got my first cross country letter...possibly the happiest day of that fall. XD I'm such a running dork, it's ridiculous.

    I can't wait for spring break, even though I know that it's going to be crazy busy. I've got a load of appointments for boring things like the eye doctor, and the dentist. I just want to sleep in on one day, which will be this coming Saturday. I hate having vacations planned out, but that's how it's happened unfortunately.

    My life is pretty boring right prom date, no prom dress, nothing going on but track, no news to report on anything...nothing to talk about really. Oh well, so I guess then I'm going to end this


    • YES!!!!

      we got our CRF (Course Request Form) for 9'th grade today, and i got all honors classes! well, all available honors classes... which is basically Honors Biology 1-2, Honors Geo. 1-2, & Honors English 1-2.
      Quote(s) of the Week:
      Michel Chricton, State of Fear

      "Call me... DA PENGUIN!!!!"
      me, my crazy self, and i. (LOL! penguin is my nickname)


      • eowyngirl and hungry: Thanks I was so happy on getting it!!

        Hungry: I have senioritis and I'm not even a senior. All the seniors in my class are passing it on to me! Haha. One more year, that's what I keep telling myself. Geesh, I hope your head feels better. And your body. Haha! I feel so bad for you. It almost happen to me (quite a few times). But instead of that I just got sandwiched between two of them!

        ijvehm: Okay, that's a really name hard to remember.. anyway good luck on your classes! Hope you do well with everything.

        I'm starting to work on the weekdays plus the weekends? I guess, my boss decided to schedule me more hours or something. I don't know but it's pretty aggrivating. Especially when you get put on express the whole time and people with cigarette fixes are being all impatient like. Patience in virtue!

        Okay, enough with that... Anyway I got the course I wanted for school finalized. I'll mention in the other thread. Gr this is so hard not to talk about school in here! haha.

        Umm... OH, I didn't get in to the Advanced Studies Program I applied to earlier. I got wait-listed. There was like 560 applicants for 260 spots! Why they would ask that many people to apply if they only had a few spots open is beyond my comprehension. But yeah, not going there this summer. Oh well, that means more time for me to go college scouting! Haha. I'm sort of bummed because I really wanted to take that course I selected. My guidance counselor said it was probably because I didn't take any Honors classes. Which is probably true. I can't help it if I succeed in standard A and am too afraid to fail in Honors. I know that's what would happen. Here I go talking about school again!

        My life is pretty boring at the moment, nothing exciting's going on except.. Scriptfrenzy. It's starting next month and that's the only think I'm looking forward too. Oh and that Avril concert on April 13th with Boys Like Girls opening for her. That's about it.

        I'll try posting around. I know I need to post in the School! thread.

        Dai all.
        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
        Check out my video: LET GO


        • Bob died a couple of days ago, while his kids were at a friend's house.

          His funeral's on Saturday, and I wasn't really thinking about going (I didn't know him, or his family, very well), but the church needs me to help the praise team (sort of like a choir, but different in some ways) to rehearse what they'll be singing on Easter Sunday, so I am going.

          I feel really bad for his family, because his oldest child is my 13, his youngest child is 3, and he has three other children between those ages.
          Dif-tor heh smusma.


          • Is it healthy for a rigorous academic program to be so full of disillusioned former perfectionists?

            Other than the soul and ego crushing, I'm quite enjoying IB. Not much new to report, though- or too much detail. It's spring break now, and I'm waiting on the results of my application to International Summer School for Young Physicists in Waterloo (Ontario). I also have a ton of exams to study for: IB exams (math and physics), diplomas (math and physics, a year early), the Sir Issac Newton prize contest and the Avagadro contest. Still no social drama to speak of: typical.

            Wow, Hungry. Hope you get better quickly xD At least you're getting your exercise. All I've had was random bouts of DDR and the weekend at band camp (running up and down stairs in our hotel, because no one wanted to wait for the elevator. Also, almost everything was within walking distance).

            Have fun in Honours, ijvevhm. *wry grin*

            Oh, there's a school thread now? How convenient. It also hereby robs me of anything to say.

            Dai stiheh, guys. I might visit again, if I can get Java to work. *pokes it*
            -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


            • KK: wow... that's a lot to go through in a short amount of time I'm sorry it must be really hard for you and his family

              Tuttle: that sounds really hard too...
              is there any way that he might live still?
              I hope so, and again, I'm sorry for both you and his family.

              and I got good classes for next year!
              actually, I got almost everything I asked for... rather an improvement from this year.

              Dai Stihos
              Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


              • Wolfy!! I haven't seen you around in forever! I'm glad you got your classes you wanted. It's good to be able to actually enjoy your classes instead of dreading them.

                kk: that's really hard to go through, I hope everything goes well with the family!!

                Hmm.. Happy Easter! If you guys celebrate that! My family didn't do much for Easter, being the reason why I'm on here! Haha, any way I hope everyone is enjoying their time spent with the family.

                I can't believe how fast March went by! I mean seriously, I thought the month just started but now it's almost the end of it. WOW. Pretty soon it's going to be prom!! I can't wait, I actually have plans for prom! My friend, E, is renting a limo with her friend L, and a bunch of other people and she wants me to come along. Then we're going to S's lake house afterwards. So, this should be pretty interesting. Oh and remember when I was trying to figure out what to say to that guy I wanted to ask to prom? Well my mom doesn't want me to ask said guy because he wouldn't be comfortable with the group I'm going with! Ugh, so there goes that idea for a date! But she wants me to _find_ a date because Junior prom isn't Junior Prom with out a date! Confused? I am. So now I'm going to ask my friend E if she has any guy friends that will be willing to go with me. How pathetic.

                That's all for now. I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                Check out my video: LET GO


                • Boo, ask him anyway. XD Coerce him into coming with your group. XDD

                  I'm bummed cuz I just had a dream in which I was accepted into the last two colleges that haven't sent me replies yet. I probably won't be accepted... they're really good schools. >< But I'll find out soon. April 1st at the latest.

                  Emi, no kidding. This month just disappeared! Now that it's spring break, I have a little more room for the illusion of free time. But I have so much work -- it's ridiculous. XD So I will finish writing an essay and my practice calc exam and hope my senior research project finishes itself sometime. ><

                  We got rock band! My dad, bro, and I all did the tour, and I played vocals. I sang for over five ******* hours. My throat was sore. XD Today, I'm gonna learn to play drums and get some friends to come over and crash. Oh ya, and that homework. XD

                  I picked up a new sketchbook and want to fill it with good pieces. Some of my sketchbooks from last year were filled mostly with scribbles and trash because I had to draw for certain amounts of time, and I didn't like to have to draw for homework. Bleh. So... any art requests? Drawing fantasy is fun. I can do people too and observation, but I would rather not do a landscape.

                  Anywayy, *hugs!*
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • Gryph, do you draw mythical creatures like mermaids, faeries, etc? I think it would be cool if you could draw something like that!

                    I went to the funeral. It wasn't as depressing as I thought it would be, it was pretty nice.

                    I had a friend with me (not Bob's daughter) and we thought that it would be a bit weird to cry at this funeral, because if Bob was alive, he would tell us not to.

                    We didn't cry until the burial. Just as the band there started playing taps (or it might have been Amazing Grace, it was hard to tell) a cloud covered the sun, and it seemed that someone had turned down the dimmer switch on light, and faded the world to grey. That's when my friend and I started crying. And as soon as the preacher said "Amen" and ended the final prayer, the cloud simply ceased to be. It just wasn't there, and there was no sign that it had been there in the first place.

                    When we got back to our car, we just sort of looked at each other until I said, "Well, there are no accidents," and we left. (She had just started reading the first YW, and I had told her about the phrase "there are no accidents.")
                    Dif-tor heh smusma.


                    • So, I got wait-listed from the last college I hadn't heard from, and you know what? I don't care! I don't want to go there: it's too expensive, and everyone I've met from the school is a snob. Ergo, I filled out the response card and wrote the name of my college really big across the bottom in bold letters. It was kind of childish and stupid, but it made me feel happier.

                      It's a good thing I have no homework over break...because I don't think I'd do it. I'm going prom dress shopping at some point, which should Still no date though...but I'm not worrying right now because it's spring break, and i feel no need to worry. I'll worry in a week, when school starts up again and everyone gets back from Florida/Europe/where ever the lucky people went over spring break. My family never travels over spring break, so I'm always stuck here in the cold alone.

                      Easter was boring this year: my favorite cousins all took off for Europe or Washington D.C. over break, so there was no one fun in town. We had dinner at my house, and it was pretty boring. I escaped and hid in my room while playing Sims 2 for most of the time though (yes, I'm the anti-social niece who everyone thinks is crazy, lol.) I felt a little bad for my only cousin who came over; she is not really anyone's favorite cousin, because she's so annoying, and she was just kind of annoying everyone, including the grown-ups. Oh well. At least the food was amazingly good.

                      Track this morning was really cold, and wet too. I stepped in a deep puddle at the start of the run, and got my feet all wet. So, I'm pretty much freezing even though I already took a shower and put on pairs of socks. It's crazy annoying. Oh well, going to go eat late lunch now. *huggles*


                      • Mermaid for kk:

                        mermaid pic 1
                        pic 2

                        Drawn with mechanical pencil. Both pictures are of the same thing, but my camera was silly and colored it blue and yellow for light and shadow. I don't have a scanner. >< Also, you get a rough draft of an essay in the background :P

                        That was a fun one. XD

                        Hungry, I feel your pain. >< We never travel. Last year, I was lucky, and my mom and I traveled, but that was only to go college touring. XD

                        Lehigh accepted me! So now my dream was half true. XD

                        Haha. My friend told me his secret. He had part of his thyroid removed, so whenever he has to run track on a really cold day, he just doesn't take his hormone supplement medicine. And then he doesn't feel cold. XD That's wild. XD But I still stand by my belief that track people are super human.

                        Now to do homework for real.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • Haha Gryph, I wish I could. But my friend has a guy friend that might be willing.. to take me. Hopefully. I like the picture btw. I'm so jealous of your artistic ability.

                          kk: you know what's really sad? At both my Great Grandmother's and my Great Uncle's wedding, whom I know very well, I didn't cry. Yeah... but I cried at my best friend's sister's funeral, and I hardly knew her. It was just so hard to see my friend so upset. But I do find that cloud thing a bit ironic.

                          Hungry: I ran while it was sprinkling outside in October once, wearing a white shirt. I'm just going to say I learned my lessen. XD!!

                          You know what's so funny but not at the same time? Well, I live in this small town so things like this don't really happen often. Anyway, some kid, who works where I work (a grocery store) got beat up while getting the carts outside. Apparently some kid that goes to school with the guy was mad at him and ran out of his car and started hitting the poor guy! And then the kid who was hitting him's mother dragged her son in to the car and drove off. My manager called the police and the rest I don't know. But I was utterly shocked that it happened. Especially where I work. I mean seriously... A parking lot? I couldn't help but start laughing when someone was telling me that story because I couldn't believe that actually happened! Does that make me so cold? I hope not...

                          Okay well that's all for now... I need to get myself ready for some shut-eye after Dancing with the stars.
                          Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                          Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                          It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                          Check out my video: LET GO


                          • My Easter was interesting. After church in the morning and lunch with my family, I went with my boyfriend to see some of his family on his dad's side. He has the most culturally diverse family I've ever seen. His grandmother is from England, accent and all. His aunt is Peruvian, and his mother is from the Philippines. Apparently, he has Japanese cousins. =)

                            I love his family so so much.

                            His little cousins are adorable. They tackled and tickled me a ton. When his aunt introduced herself, she said, "Oh, you're so pretty!" =) And when his grandmother saw that I was wearing his necklace, she said, "Do you know you're wearing his most valued possession?" His brother's cool, too. He's one of those computer nerds, lol. His uncle is utterly sarcastic and funny.

                            Today has seemed like a drag in comparison. I'm completely sick of school and can't wait for this year to be over. I want to be a senior! Actually, I want to go to college and have more freedom in my life. I've just felt really restricted lately. I guess that's mostly because of J and not being able to see him very much.

                            I should probably work on the massive amount of homework that I have...but I kind of stopped caring. Which I guess isn't good, because there's still nine weeks of school left. *le sigh* I want summertime...
                            the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                            • My week has completely stinked! ("Stinked" courtesy of Chloe's crazy self!) I feel horrible, and I am sick of freaking 14-18 year old guys! They sicken me! Okay, so that was just a little bit of random steam-blowing! Well, bye bye. P.S. Yes, I'm a newbie!
                              Love you!


                              • Hm. Yes. 14-18 year-old boys are pretty aggravating. I would know.

                                Welcome to the Forum, Eve! I hope you like it here

                                School is being school. I officially now have a 15 page paper....*sigh* but it'll get done. At least she gave us a month in warning.

                                What else? Oh, the play! Our play is coming up. This week, actually! And, as usual, it's hardly together-- it should be interesting, I dunno how it's gonna be!

                                Oh, and has anyone in the northern hemisphere checked their trees lately? They're blossoming!! Hoorah!

                                In other news, I've still come to think that 14 year old boys are hardly worth it, as they're either dirty minded or more naive than you. Which is perfectly lovely.

                                But, anyway.

                                Angel: Awww!! Hmm....You're going to be a Senior, along with half the Forum, it seems....*cries* everyone is getting so old!!! Haha, no offense, hahaha

                                Emi: Woah, that's insane. I don't think you're cold, though. It's sort of shocking, and I guess it's totally unexpected--a parking lot I guess would seem pretty random. Where I live? Not so much. But that's a different story!
                                Good luck with your dance! I hope you have a lotta fun with whomever you end up going with! (Do what you think is right, in the end-- don't let anyone influence you otherwise!)

                                Gryph: Yet again, mad jealous!

                                Hungry: Just, *huggles* I dunno what else to say ^^

                                Well, that's pretty much it for now. I gotta eat, in any case.

                                *mannnnny huggles*
                                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

