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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Kathy that must have really stunk, having to sit there all day, for nothing... I know my mom doesn't like Jury Duty either. Ugh, joys of being a citizen of these great United States.

    Marina: I work at my local supermarket... currently we have three supermarkets in my town.. don't ask. but I'm working at a place that's more flexible with my "busy" life. Haha. And practically everyone at my school works at the same place as me. It's pretty hilarious. Anyway, like Alla said, retail is good.

    And I had bought three books for like thirty bucks. but some of them were new so I understand. But seriously? I can't believe how expensive books have gotten lately!!

    Ugh, and speaking of work. I have to start getting ready for it! boo, three hours of nonstop groceries. (Yes I said three!) My boss is whacko.
    Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
    Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
    It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
    Check out my video: LET GO


    • Hmmm...I'm also job searching, again. I don't want to go back to Panera, but see...I know that's the one place that would for sure hire me. Except they'd hire me for the bad job, which is cleaning the restaurant and bathrooms and stuff. Don't want to do that again, so I applied to a couple of places last night.

      Still no prom date...getting a little worried. Everyone else I'm going with has a date, and I really don't want to be the odd one out, the only one without a date. I asked one guy; his school's prom is the same night as mine, or else he'd go with me. Another guy also has prom the same night as me. The other 2 guys I was going to ask...well, they're going with 2 of my friends. Which is just great. I'm running out of options, and it's really annoying. Again, I wish I didn't have to be the one doing the asking; I'd rather be asked.

      Track's not going that well, I pulled a muscle in my hip and haven't run in any meets since the first one. Tomorrow, however, I'm running the mile which is great. I'm just happy to be running again, since it is my senior year, and I'd kind of like to run in the weekday meets, since I'm not fast enough to go to the Saturday meets.

      Senioritis is definitely setting in, which is bad. I just want to sit around outside all day...the weather's been so nice lately. I'm surprised I'm not sunburned yet. At the same time, I don't want to graduate, because I'm scared to go to college, even though I love my school. Argh...I don't know what I want. Do I want to graduate so I can just be done with high school, or do I want it to go on forever, so I never have to grow up? Tough question.

      Jury duty is dad seems to get called in every year too. He's a high school teacher, so it's quite inconvenient when he gets called in. He has a hard time finding subs. And then, he never is allowed to actually be useful and be on the jury, since he knows so many people in the city (he's taught a lot of people, and is friends with a lot of people; he's too involved in many cases to be allowed on the jury.) So really, there's no point in calling him to do jury duty, since he's never allowed to do anything.

      I'm saving my money...have to do stuff like pay for prom. I'm not entirely sure about my prom dress's really nice, but I'm not sure the color looks that good on me. And if I end up not finding a date, at least I want to feel pretty while I'm sitting out the slow songs.

      Wait, it's Tuesday. Twilight Tuesday! XD One of my friends discovered Twilight. Now I have someone to obsess with, which is fun. It's not qutie as much fun to obsess over a series of books when you don't have anyone to obsess with.

      Alright, I guess I should do homework, so I don't have to think about prom. Honestly, I have no clue what to do about a date. All my guy friends have dates, or have to go to their own proms that night. I just kind of feel like an idiot for not being able to figure out what to do about this.


      • Ahh Hungry I was just reading the Twilight Tuesday article like two seconds ago!! Haha...

        Yeah, I found a video about the cast.. And I didn't want to double post on the Twilight thread so... can I just put it here???

        Delete it if you want:

        mmm, I'm having trouble finding a prom date as well. Like you, I'm the one who ends up asking people, and I'm wicked wicked shy when it comes to that! Ugh, talk about total blushness in the face. AND All my friends have dates. So that makes it 10 times better. I think I'm almost in the same predicament as you Hungry.

        Alright, I'm off... Maybe I'll post in the School thread.
        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
        Check out my video: LET GO


        • Mel: I'm so sorry! I'll be praying for your piano teacher!

          Can people pray for my friend's friend? I don't know him, but my friend told me (inbetween sobs) on Saturday that he was in a car crash, and now has amnesia, and can't remember anything. She's scared to go visit him, because he won't know her...
          Dif-tor heh smusma.


          • Hey, everybody, thanks so much for your prayer and concern. Today I had my piano lesson and he was back at work, enjoying every second of it. He's doing so much better, I'm just so so happy, thank you all just, so much!

            kk: yeah, yes, of course. I'll put it on the prayer intentions list that goes on the intercom in the morning too. It's so scary, I can't blame your friend, it's simply awful. I hope for the best.

            Senioritis is definitely setting in, which is bad. I just want to sit around outside all day...the weather's been so nice lately.
            Ahh goodness, yes! I know, I'm not a senior, but it's been setting in me too; yesterday it was so bad I didn't start my homework until 10:30. Today me and some friends walked to a convenience store, I guess you would call it, after school--it felt so good to be out in the sun and warmth and not need to care about anything for a while. It's a feeling I haven't had in a while, and it's nice to get some of it back. And all I think is....15 days of school left...15 days of actual school left....

            *headdesk* my mind is trying to kill me.

            Hungry: good luck with prom!!

            Kli: ouuchhhh

            *hugs Mel* Hang in there, mate.
            I can't tell you how much this brightened up my day. Thanks so much!

            Ugh. Jobs. My brother is having such a hard time, too. He must have put out, what, twenty applications already? And nothing. I don't need to worry this year, but next...gah. Not fun. Good luck to everyone, at this point.


            Oh man, I'm sick _again_! When am I never sick? I swear I only get like a few days of healthiness before I get sick again. And it's just colds too, nothing serious. It's not fun. Especially when it's allergy season as well. So I have a cold/allergies. BLAH.
            I understand this. Very well. Too well...
            I know I get bloody noses and such really easily too. So, keep yourself hydrated, :P And try Puff's with Vick's-- they clear up your nose like nothing. <STRIKE>It's amazing</STRIKE> They're amazing!

            So, last weekend was a friend's 17th party. I have to say, I've never had so much fun doing nothing! Anyone ever play mafia? Amazingly fun; so is the party game (taken from Who's line is it anyway?) and the dating game, which is also pretty dang fun. And truth or dare, my goodness! I don't think I've ever played it where you actually did everything -- no roll the barrel, etc. I got to go-- or rather, I was the recipient a dare *Eyeroll* but it was much fun. And gave me some new experiences that I enjoyed very much. I love birthdays!

            So, I think that's pretty much an end to a pretty pointless rant. It's okay, though. It's the ToGR, anyway!

            Now, I think I should just give one more:

            <span class="ev_code_BLUE">THANK YOU ALL, GUYS!! </span>

            ...annnd I'm outta here to finish my latin paper *headdesk*

            Oh, and I'm sad no one has checked out the youtube vid yet. Would it help if I said I was involved with it? :P

            Dai, all!

            edited for a little more clarity with the whole dare situation *more eyerolling*
            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • Hey people, anyone remember the ancient PCs I mentioned on another topic? The ones I supposedly 'rescued' or whatever, that never really worked?

              I got a new one! *celebrates!*

              It's good to be on a laptop that works!! (I got it yesterday, but I was up late using it.)
              Dif-tor heh smusma.


              • Mel: Oh, and I'm sad no one has checked out the youtube vid yet. Would it help if I said I was involved with it? :P
                Um Mel, I saw it! Sorry, forgot to post about my comment... haha. I posted a comment on there (MidnightStarPro). Oh and FIFTEEN DAYS? WHAT THE HECK!!! I have two more months!

                Lucky. Lucky. Duck!

                Okay, so we did this Day of Silence thing in my school today.. it's supposed to be tomorrow, but a lot of people are going on the Italy trip so they won't be there tomorrow. Anyway, I did participate and by GOD was that hard to NOT TALK all school. And there were a few times I almost broke the silence but I didn't. Uh, then after school we had a breaking of the silence where we all got together and made a bunch of noise after counting down from ten. It was awesome. We had so much more people there than we did last year!!

                The Day of Silence is very controversial, so if anyone wants to know more just PM me and I'll give you the details about what it's about. Or you can just look it up yourself if you want. But I prefer you get the facts from me.

                LAST DAY TOMORROW BEFORE VACATION! Okay, I'm done.

                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                Check out my video: LET GO


                • What's controversial about it? Nobody should ever be afraid again that they'll get shot because they told someone they liked them.

                  As far as I'm concerned, this is non-negotiable on this board. If you have a problem with what the Day of Silence stands for, you leave it on the other side of your keyboard. Is that clear?
                  "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                  "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                  • Thank you, thank you very much!

                    Haha Emi: It all started with my best friends coming over--and one brought these massive chocolate chip muffins the size of my head. So, we got bored, saved one, hoarded all the random stuff we could find, and went to a random parking lot. The movie itself will be out sometime soon (hopefully).

                    (btw, which one do you think is me? Out of curiosity :P)

                    And, I think I know what the Day of Silence is. I don't think it's right, either, for people to be so ...nyeh. It's not what life is about.

                    mM. Yes. Duckie be me.

                    And now I'm off to...either do homework, or read/get a tan on the front steps... hmmm...

                    *sigh* homework it is.
                    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                    • I loved that muffin heist video! I commented too! (YoungWizardOnDuty)

                      Which one is you? I don't know what my guess would be...maybe the red-headed one?
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • Mel: I believe you aree... Posh Pirate!!! Haha, just a very good guess... you know... "Smellanie Weeney" Haha. Am I right?

                        Garrett you're right, but in my town we've had people write to the town's paper about how our school is "brainwashing" the students about going against the anti-GLTS I don't know it was weird.... Anyway, that's why I said it was controversial...

                        Alright I gotta go.
                        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                        Check out my video: LET GO


                        • Eek. I've been gone for a while with school and whatnot, but I'm back! Yay. On to news:

                          T. G. I. F.
                          Basically, all that in the parenthesis pretty much described this past week. Had fun though, getting to see my friends and all. Seriously, though, TGIF.

                          Spring is here! I love winter, but we missed a ton of school this year due to crazy weather, and I was so ready for the greenness. Trees=happiness.


                          • Yeah, the weather really was crazy. Last Tuesday it was cold, two days later it was scorching hot. Mataku ne (sheesh).
                            So, there isn't really anything new happening, except that passover is coming to an end. My guitar playing is the same I guess, so all in all it's been pretty boring lately.
                            "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
                            -Terry Pratchett
                            Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


                            • Um two things happened to me tonight....

                              I have a prom date and now I think I have a boyfriend??? Um, not really sure how that happened! Haha. I'm a little nervous though, I've never really had a boyfriend before so... this is all new stuff. And I'm scared because I don't really... _know_ him well enough. But like we're dating... I think. I don't know! I'm so confused! Haha. Thanks to my wonderful friend....

                              But ya, so... I don't know. Haha...

                              Vashmata: it really has been crazy weather-like. One day wicked hot, the next really cold... weird.

                              eowyngirl: yeah, I like spring better.
                              Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                              Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                              It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                              Check out my video: LET GO


                              • Has anyone noticed that the site seems to have wound down some? i mean, there's maybe three posts a day now, on average...There used to be ten. More, maybe...*thinks it's because the wave of active newbies is declining* Eventually, everyone on the site says just about everything they want to say to eachother, and everything goes kind of stagnant until another wave of newbies come, or a new book gets created.
                                I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                                For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.

