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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Well, tues was my birthday. I'm eighteen. I have mixed feelings about that. Now, I'm considered an adult, and it comes with a few legal privileges, but I'm not thrilled with the responsibility and now obligation to grow up a little. Always did want the independence, though, and it'll finally be real come August/September.

    *hugs tut majorly*

    Ya, I don't visit the IRC chat anymore, but if there's an effort to make it the main chat around forums, I'm up to it. Well, sorta... I *do* need to allot more time to other things -- I spend too much online anyway, even with the whole not visiting forums or chat and all. ehn. :/ But I just miss the chat in general. I liked the discussions, even if they weren't all relevant to the books.

    Aww *hugs Emi* glad it's a sweet guy.

    Yay Hungry, on the date!

    Aww on the bfs in general (you too, Angel!)

    Emi: The solution to colds? Eat dirt as a child. No kidding. Germs are overrated; it's your immune system that needs the boost. Uhm... EricG, you're definitely hardcore. XD haha

    Okay, I just realized that this may be the best place to ask for help. I have a project due before I leave school in Calc. Here're the requirements/topics.

    ==Must chose one of the following==
    1. Neat Math. Develop a poster, video, overhead transparencies, or a slide show about "neat math." Present your findings in a 5-15 minute oral presentation.
    2. Write a summary on an interesting math site (include the site address) or math article. Present your findings in a 5-10 minute oral presentation.
    3. Chose one of your BC Calculus topics and develop a way for students to explore and learn that topic.

    Anyone who has/is taking calculus or knows anything about the above, I have no idea what she's looking for or what to do. O.o

    I also must do:
    "Find what relationships are between cylindrical and Cartesian coordinates. Then find a three-dimensional figure that you can express in both systems."
    and also something similar, but this time with spherical and Cartesian coordinates.
    and "Find the names of two other coordinate systems that are used in mathematics."

    Thanks for any help!

    Heh, I guess we're pretty polarized when it comes to math. We either love it or it totally blows. If you guys ever have any trouble in math, e-mail me. I'm Generally, my friends come to me for calculus help, but I can tutor what algebra and etc. that I remember.

    Eric: just wait until you need to figure out the slope of something with curves :P That's when it gets fun :P

    Now... I must slave. I know it's a Friday, but my two most agonizing classes have decided to flood my final three days next week with the most monstrous tests imaginable. >< International Relations and Anatomy & Physiology. I wouldn't be freaking out so much (it's the end of my senior year, after all), but the things next week could determine whether I take the final or not. Bleh ><

    *hugs!* Much love
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • Emi: Feel better soon! I have absolutely no tips on not getting sick. Sorry.

      I found out my grade on the Missouri Constitution test! 106/110!!! I think I got the highest score out of everyone, but I'm not sure. Anyway, now I have to A) Study for my American Government final Monday which covers practically everything on the planet and is worth 200 points, B) Do the rest of my makeup geometry homework before Wednesday, C) Skip choir practice because I feel AWFUL and also have to do A and B, and D) Sleep...


      • There we go! y=mx+b (actually, my teacher says it's ax+b, but what the heck...). Curves? Well, I knew it would come eventually. After all, straight lines get boring after a while, but I'll probably learn about that next year. What are polynomials again?
        Well, geometry used to be fun (the drawing shapes with the compass, I mean).

        Well, now I'm practising Helicopter by Bloc Party, and it's going pretty well.

        I don't think there's much else... Bye for now.
        "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
        -Terry Pratchett
        Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


        • vashmata: Is Bloc Party as good as they're supposed to be??? I thought about buying their album a while back, but never did. I've heard good things, though.


          • Math, hah, math is intersting. Im probably in the bottem part of the higher math in our school. Mainly because i do things like 8+3=5 all the time. I cant do math under pressure.

            Vash - polynomails mean poly as in many and nomial in numbers. stuff like quadratic equasions (y= 3x^2 - 16x + 14).

            Nothing to report now. My arm hurts and typeing is hard. I appoligize for any mistakes. Dai
            (\__/) "Be amazing"


            • Yeah; the meaning of the word is the easy part - it's the example I needed. Urgh. Quadratic. Hmm... 8+3=5... you forgot the "x", right? Right?
              Anyways, I'm pretty neutral about math. I don't hate it or love it; it's mainly just annoying, but I need it for my future professions (s because there are many I want to do and they all need math)

              I wouldn't know if Bloc Party is good as a whole, because I like to go around listening to any random song, and then getting it. I end u having like 4 songs at most from all the bands I listen to. Plus, I don't even have that many songs.

              So I started reading Hogfather. Did I mention that yet?
              Finals are coming up soon. What fun!

              My guitar skills need to get better, but no one has suggested any songs for me to learn. Does anyone here have any rock or blues songs they want me to learn?

              Well (yay, I used it again), I'm off for now!
              "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
              -Terry Pratchett
              Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


              • vashmata- Nirvana's "heart-shaped box". Great song, it's also on Guitar Hero 2!! Haha. That's a good group to learn from cuz they're basically three cord songs.

                Um... I'm feeling a little better now. Yeah, it definitely was a cold. Been taking a lot of vitamin c and what not. Drinking water. Gosh I had to pee so many times all week!! Haha, my teachers started to get annoyed by my constant need to go to the bathroom. I felt like I was Juno in the movie "Juno". Haha.

                Gryph, yeah my immune system stinks I get sick like all the time. It sucks. In regards to your project I'm sorry to say that I am not in Calc but if I had to choose I'd do the the second choice because that seems like something I'd do. I hope all goes well!! OH AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! I'm so mad that you're going to be able to vote in this year's election!!!

                Alright gonna go. Get some sleeps.
                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                Check out my video: LET GO


                • Emi: Thanks for the request - I'll check it out. I might have caught your cold, though, but don't worry about it. {:^P

                  Well, I better finish my English homework. Good night!
                  "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
                  -Terry Pratchett
                  Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


                  • vashmata:
                    Yeah; the meaning of the word is the easy part - it's the example I needed. Urgh. Quadratic. Hmm... 8+3=5... you forgot the "x", right? Right?
                    :P She subtracted when she should have added. Also, I'm a huge fan of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and the Arctic Monkeys. I don't know anything about playing a guitar, but maybe you could check out their songs. "Down Boy" and also "Maps" (and I also like "Kiss Kiss") are good songs by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Arctic Monkeys = absolute love :O

                    Need to drive off to school in a little. The juniors have their standardized testing today and tomorrow, so I get to sleep in and show up late. Spent a lot of my free time studying... major test + practical today. >< One more test tomorrow, and then my gym final on thurs. If all goes well, then I'm done for the year.

                    hahaha, if you are going to turn 18 for the Presidential, you can vote in the primaries, so I took advantage of that (you just need to go and register to vote). I got to vote as a 17 year old heee + Thanks

                    *hug hug* I'm taking my camera to school today, so hopefully I can get good pictures of the mural. Then you'll get to see it It was the work of many people over a monstrous number of hours.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • Emi: I think I might have caught your cold also...weird.

                      I'm working now! Yay! PowerPoint is fun! And EasyWorship!

                      Ok, random.

                      Gotta go find the music director...

                      Dai, all.
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • So, life's been pretty busy for me as well. Took the first trip to the beach for the summer season (it rained haha but I got an application to work at a bookstore! Yess!), had a performance where for the first time I couldn't finish the song (not so great), have been wacked over the head with the insane amount of homework, hung out with my friends and tried to stay out of boyfriend drama (you don't want to know), realized that my own gentleman (I swear, he is the best boy ever) really likes me in one way, and yet... I like him in a completely different way, have also realized that this year I have (STRANGELY) had 3 guys who liked me. Also, I have just realized I shouldn't be on the computer because I have my latin exam tomorrow that I am in no way ready for. Algebra II is two days.

                        Speaking of maths: The only reason I dislike math right now is because I'm having such a hard time with stupid things in it. I hate conics, haha. But, I'm a conceptual person, and a lot of it has been harder for me to grasp lately in the time that we have to (honors=very fast paced. Like a chapter in a week). SO basically, right now I don't like it because I'm not doing so well in it and it takes more effort that I've had to give it in the past.

                        OH and I'm the only on in my class (there's 8 of us, mind you) who has to take the exam. *cringe* (I didn't get at least a 93 across the board. *sigh*)

                        What else, what else?

                        Angel: It is really quite strange how much you are like my best friend. It's really quite alarming! :P

                        Oh, Emi: make sure you get lots of sleep. Sleep is totally important for everything. I know, I get sick ALL the time (such as now) and getting a proper amount of rest really really helps stave it off. Also, it has a direct correlation to your grades.

                        Tuttle: your Saturday mass sounds a little like our LifeTeen mass. Minus the african drum. Basically a lot of teen girls singing, flutes, trumpets, guitars, bass, piano, drums, etc. Good fun.

                        Cats: "Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging" That's all you need to read about the worst of all cats. Angus. But seriously, good, good book series for teen girls (I guess gravitating toward younger teen girls, really, though perhaps an interesting read for guys...^^) Probably some of the funniest books I've read. My family was seriously annoyed at me last night for laughing so much at them. They thought I was trying to be funny or something so, yeah, a nice read.

                        So.... I think that's pretty much it. I'd really really better get to studying. *headdesk*

                        I'm having such a hard time concentrating with summer just around the bend. I don't know how kids in year-round schools do it. It's impossible!

                        <3 loves
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • 6 days of school left, and I'm officially terrified of graduating. It's like...I want out of high school so bad it hurts, but I'm scared to go to college next year, even though I like my college a lot. Argh...I bet most people feel like this, but none of my friends will admit to feeling like this and just kind of laugh at me, feels abnormal.

                          On a Jane Austen kick again, and am reading Mansfield Park. Not much else going on since I read 3 books for school in 2 days; that was just ridiculous, even though I love to read.

                          Hehe...I voted as a 17 year old in the primaries as well. Of course, I had to vote absentee because I was working the polls, but still...

                          I'm worried about prom, since there's a drama about (of all things) pictures. Yes, prom pictures are causing drama. I mean...seriously? Just take a formal picture with your date and your don't really need to have a nice picture with friends, since everyone will have cameras at the dance and will take fun random pictures all night long.

                          So, it's been a few hours since I started writing this, and I biked to my friend's house to work on a skit for AP English, and on the way back I saw my crazy teacher for one of my history electives out for a walk with his wife. He introduced me as "Hey, this is the *insert name of college Sea's going to* Park girl, I mean, Mansfield Park (the Jane Austen novel I'm reading right now) who's going to *college name*. Oh, and Sea, this is my wife who loves Jane Austen too!" The dude is crazy...but he lets me sleep in his class when I'm exhausted, and is a good teacher.

                          The fact that high school's almost over hasn't really sunk in yet. Once it does, I don't think I'll be able to stop crying. I'm an emotional person; although the last 4 years haven't been the best all the time, so far they've been the best of my life (it's better be better in college though.) So, of course I'll be a little sentimental once it's all over.

                          Argh...I should probably go do my Latin homework. Or, I could just go to ABC and watch last night's episode of Greek. I've got a feeling that that's what's going to happen, if it's online.


                          • Wow, I haven't been on in FOREVER!!! umm...
                            Sea: Wow! 6 days! Lucky! Have fun at Prom!
                            Mel: I've got the same problem with maths as you, except for the exam things. I'm (not bragging) used to getting easy (sorta) A's and now I'm struggling to get a B. Ugh! I'm sure you'll make it through though.
                            KK: Feel better! Have fun with PowerPoint.
                            Gryph: Cool for being able to vote at 17!
                            Vashmata: You're sick too!?!?! Feel better!
                            Emi: Glad to know you're feeling better!

                            Anyway, I just wanted to say HI!!! I'm so nervous, because our school has four weeks left , and we (8th graders) really only have like half of those in which we have to work. Sounds good, right? That's what we thought. Now, our semi-evil-completely-whacked-why-do-they-hate-us-so-much? english and science teachers have loaded us up on homework. I have four english projects due in my next four classes. It's insane!!
                            But my science teacher is giving us a break and letting us do a dissection! WE GET TO CUT OPEN A FROG!!! YAY!!! I know, that's got to sound cruel, but I'm really excited. Next year, I'm going to be attending the Academy for Veterinary Science so I getto do this more often. I think in Junior year we dissect cats. CATS!!
                            Anyway, I have a school concert tomorrow! If everyone could cross your fingers or say a prayer or whisper it to the wind or something that my friend and clarinet partner gets better, that would be really awesome of you. She has strep throat , and her Mom is a neat/clean/protect my kids at all costs kind of mom, and she will not let Enu come to school tomorrow if she is not 100% better. I will have to do her solo if she does not come, and, yeah, I can play it, but it is her first ever solo and she would be so disappointed if she missed it. THANKS! Plus, it is our final concert in middle school, so anything you can do is greatly appreciated.
                            Anyway, remember the crazy load of homework I said I had? yeah, well, I have to go do it. Good Luck To Anyone Who Wants It Or Needs It! Great Seeing You Guys Again! Dai!
                            ~We're the kinda friends that kill each other for a handful of Doritos and in the end we don't say sorry we say Haha! Too bad!!~. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.


                            • Thanks all! I'm so much better. I'm sorry for all who "caught" my cold. I hope you guys get better!!!

                              Mel, sounds like a crazy time. I wish I can go to the beach... but the parentals won't let me drive that far.

                              Hungry: I can't believe you're like almost done with school. I still have like a couple more weeks of school left. And I'm glad that my prom isn't like the only late one. Ours is next Saturday. I'm so excited. I want to be a part of the Prom Court. We're deciding nomanies (sp?) on friday. Oh I'm trying to read Pride and Prejudice but it's taking me longer than expected.

                              Ash: You have guts. I couldn't disect an animal. That's really cool. Good luck at your concert!!!

                              Well, "American Idol" is almost going to announce the winner soon. So I'm going to go.
                              Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                              Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                              It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                              Check out my video: LET GO


                              • Emi: The rocker takes it...interesting, given the judges disposition to the other person.


                                Peter Murray passed away one year and 10 days ago; I forgot to post about it two Fridays ago. Just wanted to throw in a reminder, I guess. It's already/just only been a year?
                                Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
                                Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.

