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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I wasn't around when Peter passed away.... I didn't even know him, and I always say that I regret it; I wish I had known him. Well thanks for bringing it up.

    ....Which brings me to remember a very special day... two days ago.... It's not much, nor is it exciting for anyone else in the world, but it is for me. Any guesses?

    Today, I went golfing with someone from my school. We had done a few projects together, in school and for the school's engineering club, and I came to think he'd make a good friend, so he gave me his phone number several days ago and yesterday I called and asked if he wanted to go golfing, because he told me golfs. So we went to our usual course, and we played two rounds (it's a nine-hole course). We all (him, my dad, and I) did pretty well.... My dad and I having new clubs really helps, especially me, since the old set was WAY too short.
    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


    • Wow. I'm really unsure whether to consider it only one year, or an entire year. In some ways it seems like its been a long time and in others like it just happened.

      Its a good thing to be reminded about. Peter did a lot for everyone here. He influenced people to the point where people who he was not here for were influenced by him through others. He was special for this community.


      In other news, I'm free! Well the professors still need to get forms in and it'll be late, but the professors are being amazing about that and doing the appeal for us (the forms will get in past the deadline, but the appeal should go through)

      My lease starts June 1st. I can start moving in on Thursday. I'll have an apartment then. My parents and I are having issues getting along, so it'd be nice to have somewhere to escape to if I need it, though I'm planning on spending most of the summer with my family.

      Well mostly I wanted to comment on PM. I'll be back once I'm not going crazy moving me and boyfriend and two friends.
      We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


      • *monster hug Mel* Life sounds eventful :P Good luck on exams and future performances...!

        I'm having such a hard time concentrating with summer just around the bend. I don't know how kids in year-round schools do it. It's impossible!
        No kidding... one of my old elementary schools had that option... so glad I never did it in retrospect. The entire concept of "summer" is mind blowing, and I love it. XD Even if I get a job, I still feel weird about the absence of... homework... and studying. What is this? XD

        Hungry: Abnormal is fine. Everyone's an individual, so disconnects with the norm is normal. It's like the emo kid phenomenon; nonconformity is conformity :P But back to the real subject. Yaa, I feel really mixed. Every once in a while, I get this twinge of anxiety. You *are* leaving your current life behind for college... stasis is a net of security. Not all or maybe even any of your friends will follow with, and there's no guarantee that it will be a smooth transition. But... there's nothing you can do about that in advance, so worrying doesn't accomplish anything (wish that acknowledgment would make all of the fears go away, but oh well) This is one of this ordeals you have to deal with when you get to it. *hugs*

        phhh dissection ><

        Jane Austen... >< okay, okay, I concede. I did kinda like Pride & Prejudice. :P

        PM :/ I can vividly remember the day I found out.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • Meh. 3 days. Probably not going to post again for awhile after this, because it'll just be all OMIGAWDHOWISITOVER and you guys really don't want to read that, trust me. My aunt and uncle came down for Memorial Day weekend, and were all "I can't believe you're graduating already!" Well duh...I can't believe it either.

          *huggles Gryph* thanks much. I'd say something more poignant or meaningful, but I just dosed off over my keyboard and don't think it'd come out as poignant or meaningful.

          Heh. Dissections. XD We found a partially dissected crawfish under one of the lunch tables last week. Most disgusting thing ever, but it reminded me of sophomore year (that's the year I took Biology, and when I dissected things.) We kind of just mutilated our crawfish, because we didn't have to dissect it to complete the lab. Good times...that was back when we spent the entire class period talking about Dan Brown and the Da Vinci Code.

          So, because my aunt and uncle were here, I had to sleep in the attic. My uncle snores really loudly, and it echoed up this heating/cooling vent we just had installed in the attic floor. I got no sleep as a result; instead, I watched half of the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice. At 3 in the morning. I love my life.

          PM...I was one of the first people on the boards after it was announced. We all kind of got in chat...and just sat there silent for awhile. Not thinking about it; I've already got enough things to cry about this week.

          Meep. Had coffee with my prom date today (I was desperate for caffeine.) That was fun...although I'm definitely taller than he is in my bare feet. I'm still wearing heels anyway; like he said, it's my prom, I can do what I want (the discussion was originally about his bowtie.) Anyway, we talked about books for an hour, and talked about our college, since he's going to the same one. I hope he doesn't have the wrong idea about this though...because I'm kind of taking him as a friend, since right now what I need is a friend, not a boyfriend (strange, but true; I need a boyfriend like a fish needs a cell phone.)

          Hmm...math final in the morning. Only final I'm worried about, only final I haven't studied for. Got to go


          • I sure haven't been here in a while. Not certain how many people remember me at all. I think my last post was almost exactly a year ago, when Peter died. It's odd thinking about that, because it was so long and such a short time ago.
            I'm not positive why I'm posting here. I've been missing this site more and more lately. I think mostly because I'm having issues with my best friend and am feeling lonely, but also just... I don't know. I miss this place, the environment, the camaraderie. I find myself thinking about it at the strangest times. I still talk to a few people from here, one on one, but I do miss the feeling of belonging to a group.

            Oh, well. Just some silly musings. Hey, school is out soon! I can't wait.

            I'm taking a college Latin class. it's very interesting, and my textbook sports some hilarious anachronisms. One story I had to translate from Latin to English was about Polyphemus the cyclops meeting Aeneas and the Trojans. When Polyphemus smells them, he shouts, "phi, phae, pho, phum! sanguinum olfacio Troianorum virum!" Which translates to, "Fee, fi, fo, fum! I smell the blood of Trojan men!"

            My textbook authors have a very weird sense of humor.


            • My daughters and I just got cast in the Bucksport Community Theatre summer production of The Sound of Music. I'm Max (which means I get two songs, unlike Richard Haydn), Erin is Marta ("I hate to go and leave this pretty sight"), and Ael is one of the children at the party. I'm thrilled: it's my first time out of the orchestra pit.

              The first read-through is tonight: we'll find out what Erin's name being listed second means (understudy, or alternate nights?).
              "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

              "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


              • Garrett!! Congrats! I hope all goes well, and your show is great! I love the Sound of Music.

                Sean, I know! I was shocked that the rocker got it, but it's still wicked cool.

                Everyone's lucky they get out like wicked soon. I still have like 3 or 4 more weeks? I'm leaning towards the 3. It's absolutely craziness. Today was Senior Skip day, so there was barely anyone there. It was kind of nice cuz the teachers didn't do anything. I had five people in my A block, all Juniors.

                I've been elected Secretary for NHS. So happy. This is going to be so much fun.

                I have my Voice Recital tomorrow. I'm singing "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. I'm really nervous/excited!! Hopefully we all do well tomorrow.

                Oh and Today is my 1 month with my bf. Didn't do anything spectacular, but yesterday we hung out all day. Went mini golfing and just hung out together... I got a hole in one on the last hole! I was wicked surprised cause it didn't look like it was going to go in.

                Alrighty thats all for now.
                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                Check out my video: LET GO


                • So I didn't want to take the time to figure out what anyone was talking about so I thought I would post something utterly random (as the name suggests)

                  Emi:congrats on the one month!
                  Dai stiho cousins


                  • Thanks, Emi. Turns out that they'll be alternating casts, so Erin gets two shows and the other girl gets two. I get four, because there weren't enough guys auditioning to need to double up.

                    Anybody feel the urge to vacation in coastal Maine the first weekend in August? *innocent look*

                    ETA: Last night, Ael had her Elementary Choir/Fourth Grade Recorder concert. She was going to wear a nice yellow dress that we had gotten from the Rainbow closet, but it turned out that it was too small. Instead, she ended up wearing a green off-the-shoulder gown that fit much better, and Donna put her hair up in a bun.

                    She was freakin' stunning. :-)

                    Originally posted by Ash78:

                    Anyway, I have a school concert tomorrow! If everyone could cross your fingers or say a prayer or whisper it to the wind or something that my friend and clarinet partner gets better, that would be really awesome of you. She has strep throat , and her Mom is a neat/clean/protect my kids at all costs kind of mom, and she will not let Enu come to school tomorrow if she is not 100% better. I will have to do her solo if she does not come, and, yeah, I can play it, but it is her first ever solo and she would be so disappointed if she missed it.
                    Hey, Ash, how'd this work out? Anybody upload it to Youtube yet?

                    Earlier this year, I uploaded the Brewer Hometown Band's Spring Concert to what used to be Twango. The only place you can really hear me clearly is in the "Lake Wobegone March" - Bowie's a sadist, and he had the highest clarinet part doing a piccolo imitation. :-)
                    "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                    "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                    • Ok, wow.
                      I promise to come back and update you guys on whats been going on in my life. It's just I'm kind of in a rush getting ready to go out to a dinner thingy for my man's dad. xD
                      I've never met his dad before. Kinduh, just kinduh, freaked. xD
                      They're late by the way. . . Could be here any minute but who knows.
                      I haven't been around in what? 3 months or so? Wow. I just sortuh remembered about this home away from home that used to be a home away from home for me tonight. I've been busy with all sorts of <s>fun</s> stuff.
                      Bbbbut. I shall come back and say Dai Stiho to my favourite site. I just have to get off dang IM and do something productive. Like talking to you guys. Heheee.
                      Luv you all much and miss yous,
                      Love and be loved


                      • I was just playing with a new feature on FriendFeed that allows you to create rooms to share links and discussion with a limited circle of friends. I just created a room for us: if you're interested in checking it out, go request an invite at
                        "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                        "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                        • Dai all!

                          More news, hehe

                          but first:

                          Mmmm. Austen. Actually, I'm sort of on the rocks with her. If I don't think too hard about how life really was for everyone else in the time period in England and just live in a little warm fantasy world-- I'm okay. If I think about the harshness, I get angry. But I'm a sucker for romance. Luckily sometimes school book lists come through, and I get to read Pride and Prejudice for Adv. Eglish II next year

                          Good luck Hungry.

                          SPEAKING OF: weirdly enough, I went to Panera Bread for the first time today. My friend's mom took us out to eat for lunch and she was like, "how bout we try something new?" and I'm all like, "There's a Panera Bread across the street! I heard it was really good, a friend of mine worked--" and then I had to stop, haha. So, we tried it, and it was delicious, thanks for the shameless plug!

                          Ash: haha we just did dissections the past two weeks. We did an earthworm (classic), frog (even more classic), and a sheep's heart. The heart was kinda cool, really simple but so important. But I gotta tell you, nothin like formaldahide and guts right after lunch haha yup that was my lucky class :P

                          PM: dang I miss that Pun Master. I didn't know him all that well, but he was just always there.

                          Thanks Gryph!! *tacklehuggsback* Good luck and everything! And an oxymoron. Everyone is different, and there is no mistaking that. Trying to be the same is also normal, but actally being the same is highly abnormal. Weiirdd.

                          Hungry (again): hhahaha, that it just a bizarre situation worthy of a book. Stuck in a (frigid?) (exaggerated) uncle snores huddled against your blanket for warmth as you stare at the telly....

                          hahaha sorry. Weird rant.

                          p.s. love that cast (especially Lizzy and Jane) if it's the 80's versio!

                          Dee: heeheeheehee

                          Garrett: Congrats and good luck! The Sound of Music is a really really fun play (even if I had to play the bass section on a broken keyboard, XD) Sounds like it'll be a load of fun.

                          Emi: Woot! Secretary!! That's awesome! And good luck with your recital, Unwritten is an amazing song!

                          Wow. I think I'm lovin on the exclamation points today.

                          So... speaking of school... Yesterday was my lastday. Yup. Technically it's supposed to be Wednesday but it's my brother's graduation (meep) so I need to run in in my dress (meep) and grab my report card... ^^... Tomorrow is graduation (and I will miss some of those senios so bad) and then Monday is a trip to a local amusement park. Good fun, that! And then... I'm done. Duhn duhn duhnnn!!

                          Also, I got my exams results back. I didn't do very well on the math...<span class="ev_code_WHITE">(62)</span> and therefore am no longer in honors But I did surprisingly well on the latin <span class="ev_code_WHITE">(95!)</span>. How does that happen? Good question. I dunno.

                          In other news... Melanie has a boyfriend. ~^ Yes, I know. Unnnnnexpected.

                          Hnn. But I dunno what to do. He was a friend of mine from this music trip, and I knew he liked me, but I was like, FRIEND! :\ I guess sometimes I really like him, and others I just don't. I hope I'm doing the right thing, but I guess I'll see Sunday. It's our first date, and I hope it clears up how feel. I would hate to hurt a friend. Any advice?

                          ....wooow.... somehow that sounded like it belonged in like... I dunno, seventeen or something. :\

                          Oh well.

                          I have "Check Yes Juliet" stuck in my head.

                          Anyone see lost last night? Crazee go nuts! I had read this just before watching it, and I gotta tell you-- I think this guy has got the plot all figured out. Crahy-zee!

                          I think that's all for now. I think I might go lounge outside reading (yaay). It's such a beautiful day out...

                          Dai all!

                          *huggles to all who want them*

                          EDIT: first first on a new page? AND 11400th post? YEE HAW!

                          just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                          • Mel: Thanks! I was really happy about getting it. Oh and YAY for you getting a bf!!! I know what you mean by "unexpected" that's what happened with me as well.

                            Okay, so my Recital... was good. I sang the song... messed up a couple of times. BUT my PERFORMANCE overall was a knock-out. I think I made up for my mistakes with my performance. That was good. My teacher was wicked happy.

                            SAT scores are making me so angry at the moment. It's not posting up. My school messed up with something so we have to wait extra long to get our scores and I really want to know! It's so frustrating because everyone else knows what they have, except for the people that went to my school to take it. Ugh now I have to wait til June 6th!!!!

                            Prom is tomorrow!!!! I'm so excited!! I can't wait. I have to wake up early and my nail appt is 9:30 am. And then my hair appt is at 1pm. I go to my friends house afterwards to get ready and then we go to my other friends house for the limo!!! Very busy schedule but it'll be worth it when we get to prom. I can't wait.

                            Alright, now I'm going to go and focus my attention on the Celtics vs. Pistons game. GO CELTICS!
                            Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                            Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                            It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                            Check out my video: LET GO


                            • Well, it's 5:00 in the morning, and technically I should be asleep, because I am so sore from prom and after prom it's ridiculous. But...I had a cup of coffee. At 1:00 AM. Not one of my smarter moments, but I was dying and we'd just gotten to afterprom so I was all "Dude, I can't die at the beginning of afterprom! That's just sad."

                              Prom was good...I love my hair, it looks amazing. The night...ehn, it was alright. My date wasn't big on dancing, but I forced him to, so it was all good. Didn't get to dance with the guy I like because his date was hogging him, but oh well...I'm kind of getting the feeling that nothing is ever going to happen between us, and anyway, prom isn't really the place to go after guys, especially if their date is one of your friends. I got my right foot smashed by 3 people, which was fun. Ate strawberries dipped in the chocolate fountain, drank a Shirley Temple (I know. It reminded me of the 5th grade and made me laugh.), and heard some great covers by the band of classic rock songs. Prom felt like it was about 10 minutes long...but I suppose since school's over, everything's going to go uber fast, unfortunately. I still keep feeling like I've got math homework or something to do, but it's all done forever! Yay!

                              After prom was was kind of cowboy themed, (we're the "Rangers.") and there was this ice sculpture of our school mascot, Rangerman, which made me laugh so hard. But it was fun...we ate some good food, got henna tattoos, and I won $50 to Target (yes! It's like I got repaid for prom tickets!) However, although I got home at 3:40, I can't sleep yet, so I'm online...being a freak and putting prom pictures on facebook, and now typing this up.

                              The last day of school was so hard. I definitely cried when I left Latin, which made my teacher cry, and then give me a hug. I'm really going to miss teacher is just amazing. If I can be half the person she is in my life, I'll be happy. We signed yearbooks, took a few finals, cried a few more times...pretty ridiculous. My yearbook's completely full, which has never happened before. It made me laugh.

                              Mel: Yay Panera! I just ate there a few nights ago as well. It was crazy weird, not going to lie. I was watching the 1995 BBC version of P&P...haven't seen the 80's version, sadly. Need to go get that.

                              Emi: I'm sure your recital was fabulous! Congrats on doing a good job.

                              Alright...I think I'm going to put a movie in this laptop and watch it, hopefully falling asleep in the process. Adios dudes!


                              • Ok, so as I promised. Here is the big update and hi to everyone.

                                First off, most importantly. It's summer! W00.! And that means I don't have to be bothered with all the stress and work from school. These last two weeks were shizzle, man. Shizzle in the bad way. All the finals and that due. Cleaning the locker out. You know the dealio.

                                The boyfriend. Gosh, did I ever mention him. Haha, he's been keeping me in line. Doing my work, not bailing out on school. He's my extra Sun when it is raining. And his family is just amazing. They treat me like I'm part of the family. It's really good because my family hasn't been so bawmb as of late. Like, a couple months. My mom had left for the States in April and came back mid May. That was a break we all needed. She puts alot of her stress and problems on us, which only makes us all more uptight which makes us all gfhjkds.

                                But she's back. And it's just kinduh like we lay off her case she lays off ours. Oh, and I recenly obtained an AC thingy in my room, which mean, woo, air con!! It's very nice. And speak of the devil, my mom just came in and told me to turn the air off because it isn't hot... Grrrrr. <i>Onnnne dayyyy</i> [she'll be gone].

                                Today was my sister's 8th grade graduation. Some you remember her. Annoying. Nosy. Haha, nah, my lil sis is doing better these days. She hates her class and usually hangs with the 7th graders, but you know. It's life. We learn to deal.

                                Tomorrow's my birthday, the first day of summer break, and a freshman party that I'll be going too even though I'm a sophomore . . . Eh, I'm more like a freshmore. Suppooosed to be a freshman, but, I was just toooo smart for them. Nah, I'm totally joking, haha! I've been in a good mood the past couple months, exceptions for my mother's crap. I think it's because I've found a guy who loves me for who I am and won't ever change his opinion of me. It's comforting and very nice to have that. Over-powers all the other junk that's thrown at ya.

                                So, in other news, I shall have to come back and start posting more and being more YW active. I've got a breakfast thing with my man's family for my birthday tomorrow morning as well. Gotta get up around 7 for that. ISN'T THIS SUMMER?! Oh well. I get to see him, muawhaha!
                                Man, I miss reading all of you guys' stories. And I see a couple new names. I wish chat would open back up. It would bounce the site back to life, most of our daily people were the chatters.

                                PM.. Wow. He always had a pun and something smart to say. Even if he was an old man who liked his action figures. He always would lend a hand and try to help. No matter the sitation. Chat wouldn't have been let loose if he hadn't past away. I mean, he even talked to my mom once. Yeah, a couple of you did. Strangeeee.

                                Well, I shall be back to talk once again. I have missed you all. Oh, and the dinner went fine last night except that his dad was a bit buzzed and called me Cori instead of Tori... The joys of names, right? Yeah, I laughed, too.

                                Catch you guys lattaaah.
                                Love and be loved

